Supercond. Sci. Technol.
, vol.4
, pp. 453
Gol’tsman, G.N.1
Semenov, A.D.2
Gousev, Y.P.3
Zorin, M.A.4
Gogidze, I.G.5
Gershenzon, E.M.6
Lang, P.T.7
Knott, W.J.8
Renk, K.F.9
Equation (6) in this paper, for the inductive impedance of a microbridge, should have a prefactor [formula omitted] instead of [formula omitted] (M. Nahum, private commun.) For the bridge described in our paper, we find [formula omitted] is only [formula omitted] at 1 THz.
Appl. Phys. Lett.
, vol.59
, pp. 2329
Mees, J.1
Nahum, M.2
Richards, P.L.3
The relation [formula omitted] is appropriate for a discrete thermal element; our device is a distributed thermal element. Simulations of the distributed system by M. Nahum (private commun.) show that the discrete-element analysis presented here matches Eq. (1) to better than 10%.
The rf dissipation occurs in the bridge and is uniform along the length, because the frequency is above the gap frequency of the bridge. This leads to a parabolic profile for the temperature increase, with the peak temperature [formula omitted] the average rise. The profile is sharper than parabolic for the temperature rise due to dc dissipation, but we use the simpler parabolic law here also.
The electrons in the bridge need to come to internal thermal equilibrium on a time scale shorter than [formula omitted] The electron-electron inelastic time for thermal electrons at 4.4 K [formula omitted] is [formula omitted]
see The absorbed rf photon has energy 4 meV for [formula omitted] The initially excited hot electron will share its energy in a time of order 0.01 ns.
Phys. Rev. B
, vol.29
, pp. 3733
Santhanam, P.1
Prober, D.E.2
For small dc power dissipation the thermal conductance is given by [formula omitted] with L the Weidemann Franz constant, [formula omitted] and [formula omitted] the effective electrical resistance along the paths through which the heat flows out of the bridge, out the two ends; [formula omitted] We find [formula omitted] at 4.2 K, for [formula omitted] The actual thermal conductance G with finite dc dissipation is smaller than [formula omitted] due to self-heating effects. (Refs. 5 and 9) Thus, [formula omitted] with the self-heating parameter chosen to be [formula omitted] The electron heat capacity is given approximately by [formula omitted] with [formula omitted] and V the microbridge volume in [formula omitted] We define [formula omitted] for the average temperature increase with small dc dissipation.
Our predictions have been developed for [formula omitted] but should apply semi-quantitatively for [formula omitted]
With [formula omitted] the dominant noise is due to temperature fluctuations. In this case, the signal and noise are both attenuated in the same manner above [formula omitted] as [formula omitted] see Eq. (1). The receiver noise temperature will thus remain constant to above 10 GHz if. (N. R. Erickson, private communication)