Reference to the documents made available at the TRC hearings will be made in this paper. All the documents used in this research were made available to the public during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Hearing into chemical and biological warfare in 1998 and are part of a collection prepared by the Centre for Conflict Resolution's CBW research project
Reference to the documents made available at the TRC hearings will be made in this paper. All the documents used in this research were made available to the public during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Hearing into chemical and biological warfare in 1998 and are part of a collection prepared by the Centre for Conflict Resolution's CBW research project.
Major General B. Mortimer, 'SA Defence Force Involvement in the Internal Security Situation in the Republic of South Africa', Submission in respect of the former SADF to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 21 October 1996.
Major General B. Mortimer, 'SA Defence Force Involvement in the Internal Security Situation in the Republic of South Africa', Submission in respect of the former SADF to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 21 October 1996.
The Role of Violence in Current State Security Strategies
Mark Swilling ed, Pretoria: HSRC
Jacklyn Cock, 'The Role of Violence in Current State Security Strategies', in Mark Swilling (ed.), Views on South African State (Pretoria: HSRC, 1990), 101-102.
Views on South African State
, pp. 101-102
Cock, J.1
Cawthra, op. cit. note 3, 29
Cawthra, op. cit. note 3, 29.
Mortimer, op. cit. note 2, 4
Mortimer, op. cit. note 2, 4.
Mortimer, op. cit. note 2, 5
Mortimer, op. cit. note 2, 5.
General Constand Viljoen, head of the SADF at the time of the initiation of the CBW programme, was quoted in the Star newspaper in 1997 as saying that he had instructed Basson to develop a teargas that would: 'prevent a tragedy like Sharpeville' from occurring again. 'We were trying to avoid bloodshed. I asked him to develop a teargas which would neutralise the offensive spirit of the people. There was no intention of producing mustard-gas or anything else', he said.
General Constand Viljoen, head of the SADF at the time of the initiation of the CBW programme, was quoted in the Star newspaper in 1997 as saying that he had instructed Basson to develop a teargas that would: 'prevent a tragedy like Sharpeville' from occurring again. 'We were trying to avoid bloodshed. I asked him to develop a teargas which would neutralise the offensive spirit of the people. There was no intention of producing mustard-gas or anything else', he said.
Ruling by Justice Hartzenberg in The State vs Dr Wouter Basson in the Pretoria High Court on 16 February 2000. The ruling was in response to an application from the state for the Judge to recuse himself from the case.
Ruling by Justice Hartzenberg in The State vs Dr Wouter Basson in the Pretoria High Court on 16 February 2000. The ruling was in response to an application from the state for the Judge to recuse himself from the case.
Testimony of Dr Wouter Basson at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 13 July 1998).
Testimony of Dr Wouter Basson at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 13 July 1998).
Personal communication, Dr Willie Basson to author C.G, 2 April 1998. Delta G Scientific, Production: Mosrefcat, 31 August 1988. It was confirmed during testimony at the TRC hearing in 1998 that Mosrefcat was the code-name given to methaqualone
Personal communication, Dr Willie Basson to author (C.G.), 2 April 1998. Delta G Scientific, Production: Mosrefcat, 31 August 1988. It was confirmed during testimony at the TRC hearing in 1998 that Mosrefcat was the code-name given to methaqualone.
General Daniel Knobel, A letter from the Surgeon General to Philip Mijburgh, 7 August 1992, headed: Produksie van d-N,a-dimethylphenethylamine (Baxil) [Production of d-N,a-dimethylphenethylamine (Baxil)].
General Daniel Knobel, A letter from the Surgeon General to Philip Mijburgh, 7 August 1992, headed: Produksie van d-N,a-dimethylphenethylamine (Baxil) [Production of d-N,a-dimethylphenethylamine (Baxil)].
Now known as the Pretoria Academic Hospital
Now known as the Pretoria Academic Hospital.
Testimony of Dr Goosen at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare, (Cape Town, 11 June 1998).
Testimony of Dr Goosen at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare, (Cape Town, 11 June 1998).
Marlene Burger, daily trial report prepared for the Centre for Conflict Resolution's chemical and biological warfare research project (unpublished, 22 May 2000). 00 Ibid.
Marlene Burger, daily trial report prepared for the Centre for Conflict Resolution's chemical and biological warfare research project (unpublished, 22 May 2000). 00 Ibid.
Interview with author C.G, Pretoria, 1 December 1999
Interview with author (C.G.), Pretoria, 1 December 1999.
Testimony of Dr Schalk Van Rensberg at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 9 June 1998). 00 Ibid.
Testimony of Dr Schalk Van Rensberg at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 9 June 1998). 00 Ibid.
Testimony of Mike Odendal at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 9 June 1998).
Testimony of Mike Odendal at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 9 June 1998).
Testimony of Dr Schalk Van Rensberg at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 9 June 1998).
Testimony of Dr Schalk Van Rensberg at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 9 June 1998).
Roodeplaat Research Laboratories document made available to the public during the TRC hearing, Cape Town, June, Author unknown
Author unknown, Bacillus anthrax (Roodeplaat Research Laboratories document made available to the public during the TRC hearing, Cape Town, June 1998).
Bacillus anthrax
This document, made public at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare in June 1998, was authored by Dr André Immelman, head of research at RRL. According to Dr Immelman's testimony in the Pretoria High Court in The State vs Wouter Basson, on
This document, made public at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare in June 1998, was authored by Dr André Immelman, head of research at RRL. According to Dr Immelman's testimony in the Pretoria High Court in The State vs Wouter Basson, on
May 2000, this was a list of substances he made available to people introduced to him by Dr Wouter Basson. Immelman identified some as members of the South African Police.
May 2000, this was a list of substances he made available to people introduced to him by Dr Wouter Basson. Immelman identified some as members of the South African Police.
Roodeplaat Research Laboratories document
Andre Immelman, 'Verkope Lys' (Roodeplaat Research Laboratories document, 1989).
Verkope Lys
Immelman, A.1
Roodeplaat Research Laboratories document made available to the public during the TRC hearing, Cape Town, June, Author unknown
Author unknown, Moniliformin (Roodeplaat Research Laboratories document made available to the public during the TRC hearing, Cape Town, June 1998).
James Davies, 'Roodeplaat Navorsingslaboratorium. Aansoek om 'n projek te regis-treer. Doel: Bepaling van die toksisiteit van PO en nikotien as 'n kombinasie in die hond' [Application to register a project. Aim: Determination of the toxicity of paraoxon and nicotine as a combination in the dog] (Roodeplaat Research Laboratories document made available to the public during the TRC hearing, Cape Town, June 1998, document dated 30 June 1986).
James Davies, 'Roodeplaat Navorsingslaboratorium. Aansoek om 'n projek te regis-treer. Doel: Bepaling van die toksisiteit van PO en nikotien as 'n kombinasie in die hond' [Application to register a project. Aim: Determination of the toxicity of paraoxon and nicotine as a combination in the dog] (Roodeplaat Research Laboratories document made available to the public during the TRC hearing, Cape Town, June 1998, document dated 30 June 1986).
Correspondence from General D.P Knobel (Surgeon General) headed: Bevestiging van Ontvangs van Produkte Gelewer: Projek Coast/Jota (HSF/UG/302/6/C119) [Confirmation of Receipt of Products Delivered: Project Coast/Jota], 9 November 1992. W.B. Basson, CBW 16: Afskryfwaardes [Write-off values], 1 February 1994.
Correspondence from General D.P Knobel (Surgeon General) headed: Bevestiging van Ontvangs van Produkte Gelewer: Projek Coast/Jota (HSF/UG/302/6/C119) [Confirmation of Receipt of Products Delivered: Project Coast/Jota], 9 November 1992. W.B. Basson, CBW 16: Afskryfwaardes [Write-off values], 1 February 1994.
Testimony of Dr W. Basson at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 31 July 1998).
Testimony of Dr W. Basson at the TRC hearing into chemical and biological warfare (Cape Town, 31 July 1998).