Understanding the Brazilian market
Canberra: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/Austrade
Gerard Seeber, 'Understanding the Brazilian market', Doing business in Brazil, an introductory guide (Canberra: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/Austrade, 2001), p. 27
Doing Business in Brazil, An Introductory Guide
, pp. 27
Seeber, G.1
US policy towards Mercosur: From Miami to Santiago
Riordan Roett, ed., Boulder/London: Lynne Rienner
Some dispute this; see e.g. Riordan Roett, 'US policy towards Mercosur: from Miami to Santiago', in Riordan Roett, ed., Mercosur: regional integration, world markets (Boulder/London: Lynne Rienner, 1999), pp. 111-13.
Mercosur: Regional Integration, World Markets
, pp. 111-113
Roett, R.1
Brazil in Mercosur: Reciprocal influence
Roett, ed.
Pedro da Motta Veiga, 'Brazil in Mercosur: reciprocal influence', in Roett, ed., Mercosur, p. 30.
, pp. 30
Da Motta Veiga, P.1
Paris: OECD
On Brazil's pivotal role, see OECD, OECD Economic surveys: Brazil (Paris: OECD, 2001); Independent Task Force on Brazil, Memorandum on US policy towards Brazil (New York: Council on Foreign Affairs, 2001).
OECD Economic Surveys: Brazil
New York: Council on Foreign Affairs
On Brazil's pivotal role, see OECD, OECD Economic surveys: Brazil (Paris: OECD, 2001); Independent Task Force on Brazil, Memorandum on US policy towards Brazil (New York: Council on Foreign Affairs, 2001).
Memorandum on US Policy Towards Brazil
The new US-Brazil relationship
Susan Kaufman Purcell and Riordan Roett, eds, Boulder/London: Lynne Rienner
Susan Kaufman Purcell, The new US-Brazil relationship', in Susan Kaufman Purcell and Riordan Roett, eds, Brazil under Cardoso (Boulder/London: Lynne Rienner, 1997), p. 95.
Brazil under Cardoso
, pp. 95
Purcell, S.K.1
La course aux Amériques: Les stratégies des investisseurs européens et le Mercosur
Paolo Giodano and Javier Santiso, 'La course aux Amériques: les stratégies des investisseurs européens et le Mercosur', Problèmes d'Amérique latine 39, Oct.-Dec. 2000, pp. 66-70.
Problèmes d'Amérique Latine
, vol.39
, pp. 66-70
Giodano, P.1
Santiso, J.2
Terminal do Brasil? Le Brésil comme destination privilégiée de l'investissement direct étranger
Octavio de Barros and Javier Santiso, 'Terminal do Brasil? Le Brésil comme destination privilégiée de l'investissement direct étranger', Problèmes d'Amérique latine 45, Summer 2002, pp. 31-52.
Problèmes d'Amérique Latine
, vol.45
, pp. 31-52
De Barros, O.1
Santiso, J.2
Spain: Foreign investment and corporate strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean
Santiago de Chile: ECLAC, ch. 3
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Foreign investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 1999 (Santiago de Chile: ECLAC, 2000), ch. 3, 'Spain: foreign investment and corporate strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean'.
Foreign Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 1999
Roett, 'US policy towards Mercosur', pp. 115-17; and Sidney Weintraub, Development and democracy in the Southern Cone: imperatives for US policy in South America (Washington DC: CSIS Press, 2000) pp. 50-71.
US Policy towards Mercosur
, pp. 115-117
Washington: Institute for International Economics
Richard E. Feinberg, Summitry in the Americas (Washington: Institute for International Economics, 1997), pp. 195-6; 'Another blow to Mercosur', The Economist, 31 March 2001, pp. 55-6.
Summitry in the Americas
, pp. 195-196
Feinberg, R.E.1
Another blow to Mercosur
31 March
Richard E. Feinberg, Summitry in the Americas (Washington: Institute for International Economics, 1997), pp. 195-6; 'Another blow to Mercosur', The Economist, 31 March 2001, pp. 55-6.
The Economist
, pp. 55-56
The boldest statement came from French president Jacques Chirac, visiting Buenos Aires in 1997, speaking to the Argentinian Congress: 'In time, one should arrive at a complete liberalization of our exchanges' (author's translation). See the website of the French Presidency for President Chirac's speech on 18 March 1997 at: www.elysee.fr/rech/rech_.htm.
The term 'negotating directives' in EU terminology stands for what in the US one would call 'fast track authority' or 'trade promotion authority'. The policy and political process of preparing and approving these kinds of negotiating mandates in Brussels can be as delicate as they are in Washington DC. The EU Council of Ministers decides on negotiating directives, based on the proposal of the European Commission. Once adopted the European Commission, as negotiator for the EU, uses these negotiating directives as its mandate for negotiations.
US push for free trade deal faces hurdles
16 Feb.
On Brazilian industry's difficulties, see 'US push for free trade deal faces hurdles', Financial Times, 16 Feb. 2001; Marcos Cintra, 'Brazil's options for commercial integration: FTAA, EU, WTO, 4+1, ...', in Brazil and the FTAA (Brasilia: Chamber of Deputies/IPRI/FUNAG, 2002,), pp. 91-5.
Financial Times
Brazil's options for commercial integration: FTAA, EU, WTO, 4+1, ...
Brasilia: Chamber of Deputies/IPRI/FUNAG
On Brazilian industry's difficulties, see 'US push for free trade deal faces hurdles', Financial Times, 16 Feb. 2001; Marcos Cintra, 'Brazil's options for commercial integration: FTAA, EU, WTO, 4+1, ...', in Brazil and the FTAA (Brasilia: Chamber of Deputies/IPRI/FUNAG, 2002,), pp. 91-5.
Brazil and the FTAA
, pp. 91-95
Cintra, M.1
During the European Parliament hearing in September 1999 Pascal Lamy was asked when EU-Mercosur negotiations would start. He replied: 'I understand that the outgoing Commission has asked Council for a negotiating mandate for a free trade area with Mercosur and in parallel with Chile. It this question were on the agenda of a summit that took place this year, then I understand that today one cannot interpret the conclusions of this summit as being a green light for the negotiation of a free trade area. What I read into it is rather a progressive spread-out liberalization. We are going to follow the rhythm desired by the Council, that is to day a rhythm a little bit slower than needed to create a free trade area' (author's translation).
The psychology of any negotiation is an essential element of the process. As an Itamaraty official responsible for the FTAA negotiations once commented to me during a private interview: 'Negotiations consist of 80 per cent psychology, 15 per cent substance and 5 per cent good luck.'
Aumenta la tensión en el Mercosur. Brasil rechaza el área de libre comercio que propone Cavallo
2 April
'Aumenta la tensión en el Mercosur. Brasil rechaza el área de libre comercio que propone Cavallo', El Cronista, 2 April 2001.
El Cronista
During a speech to the German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo on 8 June 2001, external relations minister Celso Lafer stated: 'The negotiations between the Mercosur and the EU will happen, if not simultaneously, then at least in parallel with the corresponding negotiations in the FTAA ... we have not hidden our wish that our two main trade negotiations go forward with similar rhythms' (author's translation).
Some realism for Mercosur: Better a genuine free-trade area than a phoney customs union
31 March
'Some realism for Mercosur: better a genuine free-trade area than a phoney customs union', The Economist, 31 March 2001, pp. 13-14.
The Economist
, pp. 13-14
Mercosur pedirá prazo para se abrir à Europa
16 Sept.
'Mercosur pedirá prazo para se abrir à Europa', Folha de São Paulo, 16 Sept. 2001.
Folha de São Paulo
Contrapropuesta del Mercosur a la UE. Piden liberalizar un tercio del comercio de aqui a diez años
30 Oct.
'Contrapropuesta del Mercosur a la UE. Piden liberalizar un tercio del comercio de aqui a diez años', La Nación, 30 Oct. 2002; 'Maior aproximação com a UE', Gazeta Mercantil, 30 Oct. 2002.
La Nación
Maior aproximação com a UE
30 Oct.
'Contrapropuesta del Mercosur a la UE. Piden liberalizar un tercio del comercio de aqui a diez años', La Nación, 30 Oct. 2002; 'Maior aproximação com a UE', Gazeta Mercantil, 30 Oct. 2002.
Gazeta Mercantil
El Mercosur muestra sus dos caras. En los ambitos externos, signe negociando en bloque; por dentro, las diferencias lo ponen en peligro
30 Oct.
'El Mercosur muestra sus dos caras. En los ambitos externos, signe negociando en bloque; por dentro, las diferencias lo ponen en peligro', La Nación, 30 Oct. 2002.
La Nación
Brasilia: Editora UnB
Other recent 'nationalist' periods in Brazilian foreign policy are well described in: Amado Luiz Cerro and Clodoaldo Bueno, História da política exterior do Brasil, 2nd edn (Brasilia: Editora UnB, 2002) pp. 309-50 and pp. 397-426.
História da Política Exterior do Brasil, 2nd Edn
, pp. 309-350
Cerro, A.L.1
Bueno, C.2
Amorim served with Itamaraty for over 35 years and held ambassadorial positions in the UN and WTO, also serving as external relations minister during 1993-4.
30 May
Gazeta Mercantil, 30 May 2002; Estado de São Paulo, 10 June, 11 June, 12 June 2002.
Gazeta Mercantil
10 June, 11 June, 12 June
Gazeta Mercantil, 30 May 2002; Estado de São Paulo, 10 June, 11 June, 12 June 2002.
Estado de São Paulo
Buenos Aires: Planeta
Domingo Cavallo, Pasión por crear (Buenos Aires: Planeta, 2001), pp. 262-6.
Pasión por Crear
, pp. 262-266
Cavallo, D.1
Lula quer União Européia como modelo para Mercosur
3 Dec.
'Lula quer União Européia como modelo para Mercosur', Folha de São Paulo, 3 Dec. 2002.
Folha de São Paulo
The Lula government includes Luiz Fernando Furlan as minister for development, industry and foreign trade (he is also president of the agro-industrial company SADIA and vice president of the influential São Paulo Federation of Industry, FIESP), and Roberto Rodriguez as minister of agriculture (he is also president of the Brazilian Association of Agrobusiness).