forthcoming from Manchester University Press
The following is an extract from Susan Strange's book Mad Money, forthcoming from Manchester University Press.
Mad Money
Strange, S.1
Finance for developing countries: An essay
S. Strange, ed., Oxford Prout (now Sir Christopher and a former leader of British Conservatives in the European Parliament) commented on the totally different attitude of nations when they cease to become lenders and become creditors. 'As lenders [they] were behaving like highly speculative fringe bankers devoted entirely to profit considerations and mindless of asset security. . .As creditors they establish elaborate procedures to salvage a financial disaster which need never have happened if even a fraction of the cooperation they demonstrated ex post the insolvency had been demonstrated ex ante the insolvency'
On this, see C. Prout, 'Finance for Developing Countries: An Essay' in S. Strange, ed., International Economic Relations of the Western World, 1959-1971, Vol. II, International Monetary Relations, Oxford 1976. Prout (now Sir Christopher and a former leader of British Conservatives in the European Parliament) commented on the totally different attitude of nations when they cease to become lenders and become creditors. 'As lenders [they] were behaving like highly speculative fringe bankers devoted entirely to profit considerations and mindless of asset security. . .As creditors they establish elaborate procedures to salvage a financial disaster which need never have happened if even a fraction of the cooperation they demonstrated ex post the insolvency had been demonstrated ex ante the insolvency' (p. 389).
International Economic Relations of the Western World, 1959-1971, Vol. II, International Monetary Relations
, pp. 389
Prout, C.1
The debate is summarised in S. Strange, Casino Capitalism, Oxford 1986, pp. 92-5.
Casino Capitalism
, pp. 92-95
Strange, S.1
Some important contributions to this literature were S. Maxfield, Governing Capital: International Finance and Mexican Politics, Ithaca 1990; R. Bouzas, 'The Mexican Peso Crisis and Argentina's Convertibility Plan: Monetary Virtue or Monetary Impotence?', in R. Roett, ed., The Mexican Peso Crisis: International Perspectives, Boulder 1996; L. Thurow, The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World, London 1996; W. Greider, One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, New York 1997; and a series of articles on the 1994-95 crisis in The Economist.
Governing Capital: International Finance and Mexican Politics
Maxfield, S.1
The mexican peso crisis and Argentina's convertibility plan: Monetary virtue or monetary impotence?
R. Roett, ed., Boulder
Some important contributions to this literature were S. Maxfield, Governing Capital: International Finance and Mexican Politics, Ithaca 1990; R. Bouzas, 'The Mexican Peso Crisis and Argentina's Convertibility Plan: Monetary Virtue or Monetary Impotence?', in R. Roett, ed., The Mexican Peso Crisis: International Perspectives, Boulder 1996; L. Thurow, The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World, London 1996; W. Greider, One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, New York 1997; and a series of articles on the 1994-95 crisis in The Economist.
The Mexican Peso Crisis: International Perspectives
Bouzas, R.1
Some important contributions to this literature were S. Maxfield, Governing Capital: International Finance and Mexican Politics, Ithaca 1990; R. Bouzas, 'The Mexican Peso Crisis and Argentina's Convertibility Plan: Monetary Virtue or Monetary Impotence?', in R. Roett, ed., The Mexican Peso Crisis: International Perspectives, Boulder 1996; L. Thurow, The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World, London 1996; W. Greider, One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, New York 1997; and a series of articles on the 1994-95 crisis in The Economist.
The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World
Thurow, L.1
New York
Some important contributions to this literature were S. Maxfield, Governing Capital: International Finance and Mexican Politics, Ithaca 1990; R. Bouzas, 'The Mexican Peso Crisis and Argentina's Convertibility Plan: Monetary Virtue or Monetary Impotence?', in R. Roett, ed., The Mexican Peso Crisis: International Perspectives, Boulder 1996; L. Thurow, The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World, London 1996; W. Greider, One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, New York 1997; and a series of articles on the 1994-95 crisis in The Economist.
One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism
Greider, W.1
and a series of articles on the crisis in
Some important contributions to this literature were S. Maxfield, Governing Capital: International Finance and Mexican Politics, Ithaca 1990; R. Bouzas, 'The Mexican Peso Crisis and Argentina's Convertibility Plan: Monetary Virtue or Monetary Impotence?', in R. Roett, ed., The Mexican Peso Crisis: International Perspectives, Boulder 1996; L. Thurow, The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World, London 1996; W. Greider, One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism, New York 1997; and a series of articles on the 1994-95 crisis in The Economist.
The Economist
Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Information Internationales Working Paper 96-101, Paris
M. Aglietta, Financial Market Failures and Systemic Risk, Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Information Internationales Working Paper 96-101, Paris 1996, p. 13.
Financial Market Failures and Systemic Risk
, pp. 13
Aglietta, M.1
There is an interesting comparison to be made here with Taiwan, whose central bank, in 1987, imposed ceilings on banks' foreign liabilities after a surge of hot money flooded into Taiwan from abroad. These were successively eased and finally abolished ten years later, see 30 May
There is an interesting comparison to be made here with Taiwan, whose central bank, in 1987, imposed ceilings on banks' foreign liabilities after a surge of hot money flooded into Taiwan from abroad. These were successively eased and finally abolished ten years later, see Free China Journal, 30 May 1997.
Free China Journal
Princeton Studies in International Finance, no. 33, Princeton
The Exchange Stabilization Fund was the result of a 1936 tripartite agreement between the United States, Britain and France to give mutual support to each other's currencies. Though not wholly successful, it is seen by historians as the forerunner of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system. See S. Clarke, The Reconstruction of the International Monetary System: The Attempts of 1922 and 1933, Princeton Studies in International Finance, no. 33, Princeton 1973.
The Reconstruction of the International Monetary System: The Attempts of 1922 and 1933
Clarke, S.1
International monetary relations
A. Shonfield, ed., Oxford
See S. Strange, 'International Monetary Relations', in A. Shonfield, ed., International Economic Relations in the Western World, 1959-1971, Vol. II, Oxford 1976, pp. 105-16.
International Economic Relations in the Western World, 1959-1971
, vol.2
, pp. 105-116
Strange, S.1
Recent economic policy in Brazil before and after the Mexican peso crisis
Roett, ed.
Martone, 'Recent Economic Policy in Brazil Before and After the Mexican Peso Crisis' in Roett, ed., The Mexican Peso Crisis, p. 61.
The Mexican Peso Crisis
, pp. 61
Invested interests: The politics of national economic policies in a world of global finance
J. Frieden, 'Invested Interests: The Politics of National Economic Policies in a World of Global Finance', International Organization, vol. 45, no. 4, 1991, pp. 425-51.
International Organization
, vol.45
, Issue.4
, pp. 425-451
Frieden, J.1
Lessons from the thais
See also an updated summary in his article, 30 July
See also an updated summary in his article, 'Lessons from the Thais', The Financial Times, 30 July 1997.
The Financial Times
IMF press summary, 6 March
IMF press summary, 6 March 1997.
Korea's trade deficit in 1997 was the highest at $19 billion, Thailand's next at $10 billion, followed by Indonesia at $8 billion.
IMF Survey, 24 March
IMF Survey, 24 March 1997.
Washington, DC
International Monetary Fund, International Capital Markets: Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy Issues, Washington, DC 1996; T. Killick, IMF Programmes in Developing Countries: Design and Impact, London 1995; P. Mistry, Resolving Africa's Multilateral Debt Problem: A Response to the IMF, The Hague 1996.
International Capital Markets: Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy Issues
International Monetary Fund, International Capital Markets: Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy Issues, Washington, DC 1996; T. Killick, IMF Programmes in Developing Countries: Design and Impact, London 1995; P. Mistry, Resolving Africa's Multilateral Debt Problem: A Response to the IMF, The Hague 1996.
IMF Programmes in Developing Countries: Design and Impact
Killick, T.1
The Hague
International Monetary Fund, International Capital Markets: Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy Issues, Washington, DC 1996; T. Killick, IMF Programmes in Developing Countries: Design and Impact, London 1995; P. Mistry, Resolving Africa's Multilateral Debt Problem: A Response to the IMF, The Hague 1996.
Resolving Africa's Multilateral Debt Problem: A Response to the IMF
Mistry, P.1
New York Payer argued fervently that 'The IMF has been the chosen instrument for imposing imperialist financial discipline upon poor countries under a facade of multilateralism and technical competence.' Substitute 'system-preserving' for 'imperialist' and the charge is more sustainable.
The phrase 'debt trap' was first coined by Cheryl Payer, a radical American critic who wrote a rather hysterical book with that name in the mid-1970s (C. Payer, The Debt Trap: The IMF and the Third World, New York 1974). Payer argued fervently that 'The IMF has been the chosen instrument for imposing imperialist financial discipline upon poor countries under a facade of multilateralism and technical competence.' Substitute 'system-preserving' for 'imperialist' and the charge is more sustainable. See also D. Delamaide, Debt Shock, London 1984; and for the argument that the IMF was partly to blame, see S. George, A Fate Worse Than Debt: A Radical New Analysis of the Third World Debt Crisis, London 1988.
The Debt Trap: The IMF and the Third World
Payer, C.1
London and for the argument that the IMF was partly to blame
The phrase 'debt trap' was first coined by Cheryl Payer, a radical American critic who wrote a rather hysterical book with that name in the mid-1970s (C. Payer, The Debt Trap: The IMF and the Third World, New York 1974). Payer argued fervently that 'The IMF has been the chosen instrument for imposing imperialist financial discipline upon poor countries under a facade of multilateralism and technical competence.' Substitute 'system-preserving' for 'imperialist' and the charge is more sustainable. See also D. Delamaide, Debt Shock, London 1984; and for the argument that the IMF was partly to blame, see S. George, A Fate Worse Than Debt: A Radical New Analysis of the Third World Debt Crisis, London 1988.
Debt Shock
Delamaide, D.1
The phrase 'debt trap' was first coined by Cheryl Payer, a radical American critic who wrote a rather hysterical book with that name in the mid-1970s (C. Payer, The Debt Trap: The IMF and the Third World, New York 1974). Payer argued fervently that 'The IMF has been the chosen instrument for imposing imperialist financial discipline upon poor countries under a facade of multilateralism and technical competence.' Substitute 'system-preserving' for 'imperialist' and the charge is more sustainable. See also D. Delamaide, Debt Shock, London 1984; and for the argument that the IMF was partly to blame, see S. George, A Fate Worse Than Debt: A Radical New Analysis of the Third World Debt Crisis, London 1988.
A Fate Worse Than Debt: A Radical New Analysis of the Third World Debt Crisis
George, S.1
Not much sign of relief
16 April
'Not Much Sign of Relief, The Financial Times, 16 April 1997.
The Financial Times
B. Fischer and H. Reisen, eds., Financial Opening: Policy Issues and Experiences in Developing Countries, Paris 1993; J. Williamson, The Failure of World Monetary Reform, 1971-74, Sunbury-on-Thames 1977.
The Failure of World Monetary Reform
, pp. 1971-1974
Williamson, J.1
17-18 January
The title of an upbeat article by Michael Mussa and Graham Hacche, the IMF'S Chief Economist and its Assistant Director of Economic Studies, respectively (International Herald Tribune, 17-18 January 1998).
International Herald Tribune
Mussa, M.1
Hacche, G.2
Thurow likened the situation to the risk of earthquakes on California's San Andreas geological fault line; there was no doubt that catastrophe would strike. The only question was when - and where.
Paul Krugman, Lester Thurow and others profoundly disagreed (ibid.). Thurow likened the situation to the risk of earthquakes on California's San Andreas geological fault line; there was no doubt that catastrophe would strike. The only question was when - and where.
International Herald Tribune
Krugman, P.1
Thurow, L.2