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Volumn 35, Issue 1, 1999, Pages 17-44

Coming to terms with failed revolutions: Historiography in Syria, Germany and France

(1)  Schaebler, Birgit a  


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EID: 0040886122     PISSN: 00263206     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/00263209908701254     Document Type: Review
Times cited : (7)

References (123)
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    • 0141490845 scopus 로고
    • From social history to the history of society
    • E.J. Hobsbawm, 'From Social History to the History of Society' in Daedalus, 100 (1971), 'Historical Studies Today'. This article proved to be a watershed in the development of social history.
    • (1971) Daedalus , vol.100
    • Hobsbawm, E.J.1
  • 3
    • 85034149721 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Readers only interested in Syrian historiography are referred to the relevant sections in this essay
    • Readers only interested in Syrian historiography are referred to the relevant sections in this essay.
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    • 0040919282 scopus 로고
    • Hamburg
    • Some new works on the German revolution: Hans-Joachim Bieber, Bürgertum in der Revolution. Bürgerräte und Bürgerstreiks in Deutschland 1918 1920 (Hamburg, 1992) and: Gewerkschaften in Krieg und Revolution. Arbeiterbewegung, Industrie. Staat und Militär in Deutschland 1914-1920, 2 vols. (Hamburg, 1981); Peter Brandt/Reinhard Rürup, Volksbewegungen und demokratische Neuordnung in Baden 1918/19. Zur Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der Revolution (Sigmaringen, 1991); Ulrich Kluge, Die Deutsche Revolution 1918/19 (Frankfurt, 1985).
    • (1992) Bürgertum in der Revolution. Bürgerräte und Bürgerstreiks in Deutschland 1918 1920
    • Bieber, H.-J.1
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    • 0039140930 scopus 로고
    • 2 vols. Hamburg
    • Some new works on the German revolution: Hans-Joachim Bieber, Bürgertum in der Revolution. Bürgerräte und Bürgerstreiks in Deutschland 1918 1920 (Hamburg, 1992) and: Gewerkschaften in Krieg und Revolution. Arbeiterbewegung, Industrie. Staat und Militär in Deutschland 1914-1920, 2 vols. (Hamburg, 1981); Peter Brandt/Reinhard Rürup, Volksbewegungen und demokratische Neuordnung in Baden 1918/19. Zur Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der Revolution (Sigmaringen, 1991); Ulrich Kluge, Die Deutsche Revolution 1918/19 (Frankfurt, 1985).
    • (1981) Gewerkschaften in Krieg und Revolution. Arbeiterbewegung, Industrie. Staat und Militär in Deutschland 1914-1920
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    • 0039140926 scopus 로고
    • Sigmaringen
    • Some new works on the German revolution: Hans-Joachim Bieber, Bürgertum in der Revolution. Bürgerräte und Bürgerstreiks in Deutschland 1918 1920 (Hamburg, 1992) and: Gewerkschaften in Krieg und Revolution. Arbeiterbewegung, Industrie. Staat und Militär in Deutschland 1914-1920, 2 vols. (Hamburg, 1981); Peter Brandt/Reinhard Rürup, Volksbewegungen und demokratische Neuordnung in Baden 1918/19. Zur Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der Revolution (Sigmaringen, 1991); Ulrich Kluge, Die Deutsche Revolution 1918/19 (Frankfurt, 1985).
    • (1991) Volksbewegungen und Demokratische Neuordnung in Baden 1918/19. Zur Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der Revolution
    • Brandt, P.1    Rürup, R.2
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    • 0005891165 scopus 로고
    • Frankfurt
    • Some new works on the German revolution: Hans-Joachim Bieber, Bürgertum in der Revolution. Bürgerräte und Bürgerstreiks in Deutschland 1918 1920 (Hamburg, 1992) and: Gewerkschaften in Krieg und Revolution. Arbeiterbewegung, Industrie. Staat und Militär in Deutschland 1914-1920, 2 vols. (Hamburg, 1981); Peter Brandt/Reinhard Rürup, Volksbewegungen und demokratische Neuordnung in Baden 1918/19. Zur Vorgeschichte und Geschichte der Revolution (Sigmaringen, 1991); Ulrich Kluge, Die Deutsche Revolution 1918/19 (Frankfurt, 1985).
    • (1985) Die Deutsche Revolution 1918/19
    • Kluge, U.1
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    • Berlin
    • The Wehrmacht had its own research institution which published accounts on 'post-war fighting of German troups and free corps'. Darstellungen aus den Nachkriegskämpfen deutscher Truppen und Freicorps. Im Auftrag des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht bearbeitet und herausgegeben von der kriegsgeschichtlichen Forschungsanstalt des Heeres. The fourth volume for example was on the defeat of the counsels in Bavaria: Die Niederwerfung der Räteherrschaft in Bayern 1919 (Berlin, 1939).
    • (1939) Die Niederwerfung der Räteherrschaft in Bayern 1919
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    • Karl-Dietrich Erdmann, 'Die Geschichte der Weimarer Republik als Problem der Wissenschaft' in Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Vol.3 (1955), p.7. It is important to note, of course, that new methods and approaches evolved especially after 1945 and German historiography in general 'diversified'. See lately: Dietmar Rothermund, Geschichte als Prozeß und Aussage. Eine Einführung in Theorien des historischen Wandels und der Geschichtsschreibung (München, 1995).
    • (1955) Die Geschichte der Weimarer Republik als Problem der Wissenschaft' in Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte , vol.3 , pp. 7
    • Erdmann, K.-D.1
  • 14
    • 0039140893 scopus 로고
    • Düsseldorf
    • Some examples: Wolfgang Elben, Das Problem der Kontinuität in der Deutschen Revolution (Düsseldorf, 1965); Gerhard A. Ritter/Susanne Miller (Hg.), Die Deutsche Revolution. 1918/19. Dokumente (Frankfurt, 1968); Reinhard Rürup, Probleme der Revolution in Deutschland, 1918/19 (Wiesbaden, 1968); a good example for a less academic and highly enthusiastic, activist approach: Theorie und Praxis der Arbeiterräte (Berlin Ça ira Presse, 1968).
    • (1965) Das Problem der Kontinuität in der Deutschen Revolution
    • Elben, W.1
  • 15
    • 84867018017 scopus 로고
    • Frankfurt
    • Some examples: Wolfgang Elben, Das Problem der Kontinuität in der Deutschen Revolution (Düsseldorf, 1965); Gerhard A. Ritter/Susanne Miller (Hg.), Die Deutsche Revolution. 1918/19. Dokumente (Frankfurt, 1968); Reinhard Rürup, Probleme der Revolution in Deutschland, 1918/19 (Wiesbaden, 1968); a good example for a less academic and highly enthusiastic, activist approach: Theorie und Praxis der Arbeiterräte (Berlin Ça ira Presse, 1968).
    • (1968) Die Deutsche Revolution. 1918/19. Dokumente
    • Ritter, G.A.1    Miller, S.2
  • 16
    • 4243255371 scopus 로고
    • Wiesbaden
    • Some examples: Wolfgang Elben, Das Problem der Kontinuität in der Deutschen Revolution (Düsseldorf, 1965); Gerhard A. Ritter/Susanne Miller (Hg.), Die Deutsche Revolution. 1918/19. Dokumente (Frankfurt, 1968); Reinhard Rürup, Probleme der Revolution in Deutschland, 1918/19 (Wiesbaden, 1968); a good example for a less academic and highly enthusiastic, activist approach: Theorie und Praxis der Arbeiterräte (Berlin Ça ira Presse, 1968).
    • (1968) Probleme der Revolution in Deutschland, 1918/19
    • Rürup, R.1
  • 17
    • 85034142775 scopus 로고
    • Berlin Ça ira Presse
    • Some examples: Wolfgang Elben, Das Problem der Kontinuität in der Deutschen Revolution (Düsseldorf, 1965); Gerhard A. Ritter/Susanne Miller (Hg.), Die Deutsche Revolution. 1918/19. Dokumente (Frankfurt, 1968); Reinhard Rürup, Probleme der Revolution in Deutschland, 1918/19 (Wiesbaden, 1968); a good example for a less academic and highly enthusiastic, activist approach: Theorie und Praxis der Arbeiterräte (Berlin Ça ira Presse, 1968).
    • (1968) Theorie und Praxis der Arbeiterräte
  • 18
    • 0039140909 scopus 로고
    • Princeton University Press. German edition: München
    • Especially the early study of Allan Mitchell, Revolution in Bavaria, 1918/19. The Eisner Regime and the Soviet Republic (Princeton University Press. 1965; German edition: München, 1967); later also: Carsten, Francis Eudwig Masaryk, Revolution in Central Europe, 1918-1919 (Temple Smith London, 1972); very important also on a more popular level: The book of the German-British journalist Sebastian Haffner, 1918/19. Eine deutsche Revolution, 1st ed. (1968).
    • (1965) Revolution in Bavaria, 1918/19. The Eisner Regime and the Soviet Republic
    • Mitchell, A.1
  • 19
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    • Temple Smith London
    • Especially the early study of Allan Mitchell, Revolution in Bavaria, 1918/19. The Eisner Regime and the Soviet Republic (Princeton University Press. 1965; German edition: München, 1967); later also: Carsten, Francis Eudwig Masaryk, Revolution in Central Europe, 1918-1919 (Temple Smith London, 1972); very important also on a more popular level: The book of the German-British journalist Sebastian Haffner, 1918/19. Eine deutsche Revolution, 1st ed. (1968).
    • (1972) Revolution in Central Europe, 1918-1919
    • Carsten1    Masaryk, F.L.2
  • 20
    • 0039733372 scopus 로고
    • Especially the early study of Allan Mitchell, Revolution in Bavaria, 1918/19. The Eisner Regime and the Soviet Republic (Princeton University Press. 1965; German edition: München, 1967); later also: Carsten, Francis Eudwig Masaryk, Revolution in Central Europe, 1918-1919 (Temple Smith London, 1972); very important also on a more popular level: The book of the German-British journalist Sebastian Haffner, 1918/19. Eine deutsche Revolution, 1st ed. (1968).
    • (1968) 1918/19. Eine Deutsche Revolution, 1st Ed.
    • Haffner, S.1
  • 21
    • 85034138894 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Memoirs are usually written much later than contemporary reports; they do, however, belong to the first stage because of their highly personal character, although their views may be influenced by subsequent events
    • Memoirs are usually written much later than contemporary reports; they do, however, belong to the first stage because of their highly personal character, although their views may be influenced by subsequent events.
  • 22
    • 24444462214 scopus 로고
    • Vortrag vor dem gesprächskreis geschichte der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Bonn
    • 4 November
    • Reinhard Rürup, Die Revolution von, 1918/19 in der Deutschen Geschichte, Vortrag vor dem Gesprächskreis Geschichte der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Bonn, 4 November 1993, p.5.
    • (1993) Die Revolution von, 1918/19 in der Deutschen Geschichte , pp. 5
    • Rürup, R.1
  • 23
    • 0039140904 scopus 로고
    • Syria and the Syrian land
    • Thomas Philipp (ed.), Stuttgart
    • For a discussion of these different concepts see Itamar Rabinovich, 'Syria and the Syrian Land' in Thomas Philipp (ed.), The Syrian Land in the 18th and 19th Century (Stuttgart, 1992).
    • (1992) The Syrian Land in the 18th and 19th Century
    • Rabinovich, I.1
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    • 85034135571 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Nation is in the strict sense of the term not a correct word to be used here, since Islam is by definition universal, supra-national
    • Nation is in the strict sense of the term not a correct word to be used here, since Islam is by definition universal, supra-national.
  • 28
    • 84953732831 scopus 로고
    • Damascus, (2nd ed.)
    • All biographical information is taken from: Jurj Faris, man huwa fi suriya (Damascus, 1951) (2nd ed.) and 'Abd al-Qadir 'Ayyash, mu'jam al-mu'allifin al-suriyin fi al-qarn al-'ishrin (Damascus, 1985).
    • (1951) Man Huwa fi Suriya
    • Faris, J.1
  • 29
    • 0040325161 scopus 로고
    • 'Abd al-Qadir 'Ayyash, Damascus
    • All biographical information is taken from: Jurj Faris, man huwa fi suriya (Damascus, 1951) (2nd ed.) and 'Abd al-Qadir 'Ayyash, mu'jam al-mu'allifin al-suriyin fi al-qarn al-'ishrin (Damascus, 1985).
    • (1985) Mu'jam Al-Mu'allifin Al-Suriyin fi Al-Qarn Al-'Ishrin
  • 32
    • 0040325164 scopus 로고
    • Damascus
    • Muammad Kurd 'Ali, al-mudhakkirat (Damascus, 1949-1951), p.1206; Dimashq, madinat al-sihr wa-l-shi'r (Cairo, 1944).
    • (1949) Al-Mudhakkirat , pp. 1206
    • Ali, M.K.1
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    • al-Qasimi, p.5
    • al-Qasimi, p.5.
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    • Ibid
    • Ibid.
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    • 'Ubayd, p.251
    • 'Ubayd, p.251.
  • 41
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    • 'Bada' at durziatan fa asbahat suriyyatan 'amman'
    • Beirut
    • 'bada' at durziatan fa asbahat suriyyatan 'amman', Yusuf al-Hakim, Suriyya wa-l-intidab al-faransi (Beirut, 1983), p.116.
    • (1983) Suriyya Wa-l-Intidab Al-Faransi , pp. 116
    • Al-Hakim, Y.1
  • 42
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    • Historiography and politics in Syria
    • February
    • Itamar Rabinovich, 'Historiography and politics in Syria', in Asian Affairs (February 1978), p.59.
    • (1978) Asian Affairs , pp. 59
    • Rabinovich, I.1
  • 46
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    • Jamil al-'Alawani, nidal sha'b wa sijill julud (Damascus, 1973), muqqadima by Dr Nabih 'Aqil, pp.11-17.
    • Muqqadima , pp. 11-17
    • Aqil, N.1
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    • decree nr. 48, signed by Hafiz al-Asad, p.11
    • decree nr. 48, signed by Hafiz al-Asad, p.11.
  • 50
    • 85034128555 scopus 로고
    • Gesellschaft, wirtschaft und politische macht in syrien, 1918-1925
    • Linda Schilcher/Klaus Scharf, Stuttgart
    • Abdul-Karim Rafeq, 'Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und politische Macht in Syrien, 1918-1925' in Linda Schilcher/Klaus Scharf, Der Nahe Osten in der Zwischenkriegszeit (Stuttgart, 1989), where he concentrates more on the early revolts (1918-21, led by Ibrahim Hananu and Shaykh Salih al-'Ali) in the north-west of Syria than on the 'later ones in the south, triggered by Sultan Pasha al-Atrash's revolt in the Druze Mountain', ibid., p.464.
    • (1989) Der Nahe Osten in der Zwischenkriegszeit
    • Rafeq, A.-K.1
  • 51
    • 85034144889 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Abdul-Karim Rafeq, 'Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und politische Macht in Syrien, 1918-1925' in Linda Schilcher/Klaus Scharf, Der Nahe Osten in der Zwischenkriegszeit (Stuttgart, 1989), where he concentrates more on the early revolts (1918-21, led by Ibrahim Hananu and Shaykh Salih al-'Ali) in the north-west of Syria than on the 'later ones in the south, triggered by Sultan Pasha al-Atrash's revolt in the Druze Mountain', ibid., p.464.
    • Der Nahe Osten in der Zwischenkriegszeit , pp. 464
  • 52
    • 4243238594 scopus 로고
    • Min tarikh suriyya al-hadith: Al-'alaqat al-suriyya al-turkiyya, 1918-1926
    • As the title already suggests, he is also only writing on the extension of the Great Revolt into the north in his 'min tarikh Suriyya al-hadith: al-'alaqat al-suriyya al-turkiyya, 1918-1926', in Dirasat Tarikhiyya, 19/20 (1985), p.56-105.
    • (1985) Dirasat Tarikhiyya , vol.19-20 , pp. 56-105
  • 56
    • 85034147082 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Personal interviews with 'Abbas Abu Salih and Sami Makarim, Beirut, January/February 1992
    • Personal interviews with 'Abbas Abu Salih and Sami Makarim, Beirut, January/February 1992.
  • 61
    • 85034121472 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • According to participant observation and interviews with Zayd (brother of Sultan) and Mansur (son of Sultan) of the Qurayya branch and 'Abdallah of the Suwayda' branch of the Atrash family, as well as a number of other inhabitants of the Province in, 1990, 1992 and, 1993. Sultan Pasha himself had accordingly planned to hold a great festival at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the Great Revolt, in 1975, in which all 'revolutionaries' from all over Syria were to be invited. But it was signalled that the President wished 'to postpone' the event, which consequently did not take place
    • According to participant observation and interviews with Zayd (brother of Sultan) and Mansur (son of Sultan) of the Qurayya branch and 'Abdallah of the Suwayda' branch of the Atrash family, as well as a number of other inhabitants of the Province in, 1990, 1992 and, 1993. Sultan Pasha himself had accordingly planned to hold a great festival at the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the Great Revolt, in 1975, in which all 'revolutionaries' from all over Syria were to be invited. But it was signalled that the President wished 'to postpone' the event, which consequently did not take place.
  • 62
    • 85034140946 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The disciplinary intention of the stone is also made obvious by the fact that the 25th anniversary of the coming into power of the Ba'th was in fact a year earlier, in 1988; a Ba'th commemoration stone in front of Mansur al-Atrash's house is also delicate, because the latter was pushed out of the party after the military wing took over
    • The disciplinary intention of the stone is also made obvious by the fact that the 25th anniversary of the coming into power of the Ba'th was in fact a year earlier, in 1988; a Ba'th commemoration stone in front of Mansur al-Atrash's house is also delicate, because the latter was pushed out of the party after the military wing took over.
  • 63
    • 0040919248 scopus 로고
    • Identity crisis
    • February
    • Robert D. Kaplan, 27Identity crisis'. The Atlantic (February 1993), p.22.
    • (1993) The Atlantic , pp. 22
    • Kaplan, R.D.1
  • 64
    • 85034142432 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • I here use Freitag's term. Compare her article on 'historical correctness' in this volume
    • I here use Freitag's term. Compare her article on 'historical correctness' in this volume.
  • 65
    • 85034148886 scopus 로고
    • Hamburg
    • See for this issue Gregor Voss, 'Alawiya oder Nusairiya? Schiitische Machtelite und sunnitische Opposition in der Syrischen Arabischen Republik (Hamburg, 1987). Prejudice against the Alawites as a group seems to be so ingrained that even secularist intellectuals who vigorously attack Islamistic argumentation, use themselves the very same arguments when addressing an Alawite. This is the case, for example, with the Syrian author Nabil Fayyad. Eckart Wörtz, Traditionelles Selbstbild und Moderne. Grundzüge einer aktuellen Diskussion in Syrien', unpublished MA thesis, Erlangen, 1995.
    • (1987) Alawiya Oder Nusairiya? Schiitische Machtelite und Sunnitische Opposition in der Syrischen Arabischen Republik
    • Voss, G.1
  • 66
    • 85034139371 scopus 로고
    • unpublished MA thesis, Erlangen
    • See for this issue Gregor Voss, 'Alawiya oder Nusairiya? Schiitische Machtelite und sunnitische Opposition in der Syrischen Arabischen Republik (Hamburg, 1987). Prejudice against the Alawites as a group seems to be so ingrained that even secularist intellectuals who vigorously attack Islamistic argumentation, use themselves the very same arguments when addressing an Alawite. This is the case, for example, with the Syrian author Nabil Fayyad. Eckart Wörtz, Traditionelles Selbstbild und Moderne. Grundzüge einer aktuellen Diskussion in Syrien', unpublished MA thesis, Erlangen, 1995.
    • (1995) Traditionelles Selbstbild und Moderne. Grundzüge Einer Aktuellen Diskussion in Syrien
    • Wörtz, E.1
  • 67
    • 0003721112 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • London
    • See Nikolaos van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria. Sectarianism. Regionalism and Tribalism in Politics (London, 1979); van Dam, 'Middle Eastern Political Clichés: 'Takriti' and 'Sunni' rule in Iraq, 'Alawi rule' in Syria', in Orient, 21 (1980), van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria. Politics and Society under Asad and the Ba 'Ih Party (London, 1996). But it would be too simple to blame the reluctance of dealing with this issue only to the repression of the regime. How dangerous sectarianism can be Syrians have witnessed with the Lebanese civil war. Even opponents to the regime do acknowledge the merits of the secular outlook of Ba'thist Syria. Syrian passports, for example, do not contain the religion of the bearer; the opposite case in Lebanon proved to be fatal for many Lebaneses during the civil war. The simplistic reduction of the regime to 'Alawi rule' and the accompanying anti-Alawite or rather anti-Shiite religious agitation of the Islamist forces are apt to disquiet other religious-ethnic groups, as the Druzes, as well. Although the Druzes, of course, are not a main target of this propaganda.
    • (1979) The Struggle for Power in Syria. Sectarianism. Regionalism and Tribalism in Politics
    • Van Dam, N.1
  • 68
    • 0041733534 scopus 로고
    • Middle eastern political clichés: 'Takriti' and 'Sunni' rule in Iraq, 'Alawi rule' in Syria'
    • See Nikolaos van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria. Sectarianism. Regionalism and Tribalism in Politics (London, 1979); van Dam, 'Middle Eastern Political Clichés: 'Takriti' and 'Sunni' rule in Iraq, 'Alawi rule' in Syria', in Orient, 21 (1980), van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria. Politics and Society under Asad and the Ba 'Ih Party (London, 1996). But it would be too simple to blame the reluctance of dealing with this issue only to the repression of the regime. How dangerous sectarianism can be Syrians have witnessed with the Lebanese civil war. Even opponents to the regime do acknowledge the merits of the secular outlook of Ba'thist Syria. Syrian passports, for example, do not contain the religion of the bearer; the opposite case in Lebanon proved to be fatal for many Lebaneses during the civil war. The simplistic reduction of the regime to 'Alawi rule' and the accompanying anti-Alawite or rather anti-Shiite religious agitation of the Islamist forces are apt to disquiet other religious-ethnic groups, as the Druzes, as well. Although the Druzes, of course, are not a main target of this propaganda.
    • (1980) Orient , vol.21
    • Van Dam1
  • 69
    • 0003721112 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • London
    • See Nikolaos van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria. Sectarianism. Regionalism and Tribalism in Politics (London, 1979); van Dam, 'Middle Eastern Political Clichés: 'Takriti' and 'Sunni' rule in Iraq, 'Alawi rule' in Syria', in Orient, 21 (1980), van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria. Politics and Society under Asad and the Ba 'Ih Party (London, 1996). But it would be too simple to blame the reluctance of dealing with this issue only to the repression of the regime. How dangerous sectarianism can be Syrians have witnessed with the Lebanese civil war. Even opponents to the regime do acknowledge the merits of the secular outlook of Ba'thist Syria. Syrian passports, for example, do not contain the religion of the bearer; the opposite case in Lebanon proved to be fatal for many Lebaneses during the civil war. The simplistic reduction of the regime to 'Alawi rule' and the accompanying anti-Alawite or rather anti-Shiite religious agitation of the Islamist forces are apt to disquiet other religious-ethnic groups, as the Druzes, as well. Although the Druzes, of course, are not a main target of this propaganda.
    • (1996) The Struggle for Power in Syria. Politics and Society under Asad and the Ba 'Ih Party
    • Van Dam1
  • 71
    • 85034140915 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See the contribution of James Reilly in this volume
    • See the contribution of James Reilly in this volume.
  • 72
    • 0039733267 scopus 로고
    • al-Qurayya
    • Sa'id al-Sughayyir, Banu Ma'ruf fi-l-tarikh (al-Qurayya, 1984); Yusuf Salim al-Dubaysi, ahl al-tauhid, 'al-duruz' wa khasa'is madhhabihim al-diniyya wa-l-ijtima'iyya, Lebanon (no exact place), 1992, 5 vols; the book developed out of MA and doctoral studies by the author at Cairo university.
    • (1984) Banu Ma'ruf Fi-l-Tarikh
    • Al-Sughayyir, S.1
  • 73
    • 85034119161 scopus 로고
    • Lebanon (no exact place), 5 vols; the book developed out of MA and doctoral studies by the author at Cairo university
    • Sa'id al-Sughayyir, Banu Ma'ruf fi-l-tarikh (al-Qurayya, 1984); Yusuf Salim al-Dubaysi, ahl al-tauhid, 'al-duruz' wa khasa'is madhhabihim al-diniyya wa-l-ijtima'iyya, Lebanon (no exact place), 1992, 5 vols; the book developed out of MA and doctoral studies by the author at Cairo university.
    • (1992) Ahl Al-Tauhid, 'al-Duruz' Wa Khasa'is Madhhabihim Al-Diniyya Wa-l-Ijtima'iyya
    • Al-Dubaysi, Y.S.1
  • 74
    • 85034140558 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Al-Duruz has in this context traditionally been rejected because it names the sect after al-Darazi, a somewhat contested founder of the madhhab.
  • 75
    • 0040325078 scopus 로고
    • Min ma'arik al-thaura al-suriyya al-kubra, 1925-27: Ma'rakat al-kafr
    • Dhuqan Qarqut, 'min ma'arik al-thaura al-suriyya al-kubra, 1925-27: ma'rakat al-Kafr', in Dirasat Tarikhiyya, 49 (1994).
    • (1994) Dirasat Tarikhiyya , vol.49
    • Qarqut, D.1
  • 76
    • 24444464726 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For example: Général Andréa, La révolte druze et l'insurrection de Damas, 1925-26 (Paris, 1937); Paul Coblentz, Le silence de Sarrail (Paris, 1930); André Laffargue, Le Général Dentz (Paris, 1940-Syrie, 1941) (Paris, 1954); Général Catroux, Deux missions en Moyen Orient, 1919-1922 (Paris, 1958); Dans la bataille de la Méditerranée (Paris, 1949).
    • (1937) La Révolte Druze et l'Insurrection de Damas, 1925-26
    • Andréa, G.1
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    • 0040919173 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For example: Général Andréa, La révolte druze et l'insurrection de Damas, 1925-26 (Paris, 1937); Paul Coblentz, Le silence de Sarrail (Paris, 1930); André Laffargue, Le Général Dentz (Paris, 1940-Syrie, 1941) (Paris, 1954); Général Catroux, Deux missions en Moyen Orient, 1919-1922 (Paris, 1958); Dans la bataille de la Méditerranée (Paris, 1949).
    • (1930) Le Silence de Sarrail
    • Coblentz, P.1
  • 78
    • 0039733249 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For example: Général Andréa, La révolte druze et l'insurrection de Damas, 1925-26 (Paris, 1937); Paul Coblentz, Le silence de Sarrail (Paris, 1930); André Laffargue, Le Général Dentz (Paris, 1940-Syrie, 1941) (Paris, 1954); Général Catroux, Deux missions en Moyen Orient, 1919-1922 (Paris, 1958); Dans la bataille de la Méditerranée (Paris, 1949).
    • (1954) Le Général Dentz (Paris, 1940-Syrie, 1941)
    • Laffargue, A.1
  • 79
    • 0039140797 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For example: Général Andréa, La révolte druze et l'insurrection de Damas, 1925-26 (Paris, 1937); Paul Coblentz, Le silence de Sarrail (Paris, 1930); André Laffargue, Le Général Dentz (Paris, 1940-Syrie, 1941) (Paris, 1954); Général Catroux, Deux missions en Moyen Orient, 1919-1922 (Paris, 1958); Dans la bataille de la Méditerranée (Paris, 1949).
    • (1958) Deux Missions en Moyen Orient, 1919-1922
    • Catroux1
  • 80
    • 0040325064 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For example: Général Andréa, La révolte druze et l'insurrection de Damas, 1925-26 (Paris, 1937); Paul Coblentz, Le silence de Sarrail (Paris, 1930); André Laffargue, Le Général Dentz (Paris, 1940-Syrie, 1941) (Paris, 1954); Général Catroux, Deux missions en Moyen Orient, 1919-1922 (Paris, 1958); Dans la bataille de la Méditerranée (Paris, 1949).
    • (1949) Dans la Bataille de la Méditerranée
  • 81
    • 85034155680 scopus 로고
    • Toulouse
    • For example: O. Djabry, La Syrie sous le régime du mandat (Toulouse, 1934); Nadir Kuzbari, La question de la cessation du Mandat français sur la Syrie (Paris, 1937); R. O'Zoux, Les états du Levant sous Mandat français (Paris, 1931); J. Lapierre, Le Mandat français en Syrie (Paris, 1937).
    • (1934) La Syrie sous le Régime du Mandat
    • Djabry, O.1
  • 82
    • 85034129156 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For example: O. Djabry, La Syrie sous le régime du mandat (Toulouse, 1934); Nadir Kuzbari, La question de la cessation du Mandat français sur la Syrie (Paris, 1937); R. O'Zoux, Les états du Levant sous Mandat français (Paris, 1931); J. Lapierre, Le Mandat français en Syrie (Paris, 1937).
    • (1937) La Question de la Cessation du Mandat Français sur la Syrie
    • Kuzbari, N.1
  • 83
    • 84941657261 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For example: O. Djabry, La Syrie sous le régime du mandat (Toulouse, 1934); Nadir Kuzbari, La question de la cessation du Mandat français sur la Syrie (Paris, 1937); R. O'Zoux, Les états du Levant sous Mandat français (Paris, 1931); J. Lapierre, Le Mandat français en Syrie (Paris, 1937).
    • (1931) Les États du Levant sous Mandat Français
    • O'Zoux, R.1
  • 84
    • 85034150854 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For example: O. Djabry, La Syrie sous le régime du mandat (Toulouse, 1934); Nadir Kuzbari, La question de la cessation du Mandat français sur la Syrie (Paris, 1937); R. O'Zoux, Les états du Levant sous Mandat français (Paris, 1931); J. Lapierre, Le Mandat français en Syrie (Paris, 1937).
    • (1937) Le Mandat Français en Syrie
    • Lapierre, J.1
  • 85
    • 24444441171 scopus 로고
    • L'expérience du mandat Français en Syrie et au Liban, 1918-45
    • Pierre Rondot, 'L'expérience du Mandat français en Syrie et au Liban, 1918-45', in Revue Générale de Droit International Publique, 3-4 (1948).
    • (1948) Revue Générale de Droit International Publique , vol.3-4
    • Rondot, P.1
  • 86
    • 85034155146 scopus 로고
    • Le rôle de Lyon dans l'installation du mandat Français en Syrie: Intérêts économiques et culturels, luttes d'opinion, 1915-1925
    • Michel Seurat, 'Le rôle de Lyon dans l'installation du Mandat français en Syrie: intérêts économiques et culturels, luttes d'opinion, 1915-1925', in Bulletin d'Etudes Orientales 31, 1979; Dominique Chevallier, 'Lyon et la Syrie en 1919: les bases d'une intervention' in Villes et travail en Syrie (Paris, 1983). Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: André Raymond (éd.). La Syrie d'aujourd'hui (Paris, 1980).
    • (1979) Bulletin D'etudes Orientales , vol.31
    • Seurat, M.1
  • 87
    • 85034120420 scopus 로고
    • Lyon et la Syrie en 1919: Les bases d'une intervention
    • Paris
    • Michel Seurat, 'Le rôle de Lyon dans l'installation du Mandat français en Syrie: intérêts économiques et culturels, luttes d'opinion, 1915-1925', in Bulletin d'Etudes Orientales 31, 1979; Dominique Chevallier, 'Lyon et la Syrie en 1919: les bases d'une intervention' in Villes et travail en Syrie (Paris, 1983). Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: André Raymond (éd.). La Syrie d'aujourd'hui (Paris, 1980).
    • (1983) Villes et Travail en Syrie
    • Chevallier, D.1
  • 88
    • 0038654970 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • Michel Seurat, 'Le rôle de Lyon dans l'installation du Mandat français en Syrie: intérêts économiques et culturels, luttes d'opinion, 1915-1925', in Bulletin d'Etudes Orientales 31, 1979; Dominique Chevallier, 'Lyon et la Syrie en 1919: les bases d'une intervention' in Villes et travail en Syrie (Paris, 1983). Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: André Raymond (éd.). La Syrie d'aujourd'hui (Paris, 1980).
    • (1980) La Syrie d'Aujourd'hui
    • Raymond, A.1
  • 89
    • 84894823042 scopus 로고
    • L'insurrection Syrienne de, 1925-27
    • Edmond Rabbath, 'L'insurrection syrienne de, 1925-27', in Revue Historique (1982/2); Edmond Rabbath, a Greek-Orthodox Christian from Aleppo, was a member of the National Bloc and a deputy during the Mandate period. With his book Unité Syrienne et Devenir Arabe (1937) he became one of the founding fathers of a secular pan-Arabist nationalism in Syria.
    • (1982) Revue Historique
    • Rabbath, E.1
  • 90
    • 0038288163 scopus 로고
    • Edmond Rabbath, 'L'insurrection syrienne de, 1925-27', in Revue Historique (1982/2); Edmond Rabbath, a Greek-Orthodox Christian from Aleppo, was a member of the National Bloc and a deputy during the Mandate period. With his book Unité Syrienne et Devenir Arabe (1937) he became one of the founding fathers of a secular pan-Arabist nationalism in Syria.
    • (1937) Syrienne et Devenir Arabe
    • Rabbath, E.1
  • 94
    • 85034146626 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Samia Hannachi, 'Les députés français face aux questions du Levant, 1920-1924'; Jalila Sbai, 'La politique musulmane de la France et les pays sous mandat'; Pierre Fournié, 'L'administration mandataire: les structures, les hommes'; Marianne Durand-Lacaze, 'La question des frontières au lendemain de la première guerre mondiale: l'exemple de la Syrie à l'époque du mandat français'; papers delivered at the workshop 'The French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon', organized by the Centre for Lebanese Studies at St Antony's College, Oxford, 8-10 July 1994.
    • Les Députés Français Face aux Questions du Levant, 1920-1924
    • Hannachi, S.1
  • 95
    • 85034129080 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Samia Hannachi, 'Les députés français face aux questions du Levant, 1920-1924'; Jalila Sbai, 'La politique musulmane de la France et les pays sous mandat'; Pierre Fournié, 'L'administration mandataire: les structures, les hommes'; Marianne Durand-Lacaze, 'La question des frontières au lendemain de la première guerre mondiale: l'exemple de la Syrie à l'époque du mandat français'; papers delivered at the workshop 'The French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon', organized by the Centre for Lebanese Studies at St Antony's College, Oxford, 8-10 July 1994.
    • La Politique Musulmane de la France et les Pays Sous Mandat
    • Sbai, J.1
  • 96
    • 85034127477 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Samia Hannachi, 'Les députés français face aux questions du Levant, 1920-1924'; Jalila Sbai, 'La politique musulmane de la France et les pays sous mandat'; Pierre Fournié, 'L'administration mandataire: les structures, les hommes'; Marianne Durand-Lacaze, 'La question des frontières au lendemain de la première guerre mondiale: l'exemple de la Syrie à l'époque du mandat français'; papers delivered at the workshop 'The French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon', organized by the Centre for Lebanese Studies at St Antony's College, Oxford, 8-10 July 1994.
    • L'Administration Mandataire: Les Structures, les Hommes
    • Fournié, P.1
  • 97
    • 85034136668 scopus 로고
    • La question des frontières au lendemain de la première guerre mondiale: L'exemple de la Syrie à l'époque du mandat Français
    • organized by the Centre for Lebanese Studies at St Antony's College, Oxford, 8-10 July
    • Samia Hannachi, 'Les députés français face aux questions du Levant, 1920-1924'; Jalila Sbai, 'La politique musulmane de la France et les pays sous mandat'; Pierre Fournié, 'L'administration mandataire: les structures, les hommes'; Marianne Durand-Lacaze, 'La question des frontières au lendemain de la première guerre mondiale: l'exemple de la Syrie à l'époque du mandat français'; papers delivered at the workshop 'The French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon', organized by the Centre for Lebanese Studies at St Antony's College, Oxford, 8-10 July 1994.
    • (1994) Workshop 'The French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon'
    • Durand-Lacaze, M.1
  • 102
    • 85034126074 scopus 로고
    • M. Chirac reconnaît la "faute collective" commise envers les juifs
    • 18 July
    • President Chirac's speech was made at the 43rd anniversary of the rafle du Vel 'd'hiv, the Vélodrome d'hiver, where French police had arrested and camped 12.000 Jews before having them transported into the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. While Mitterand had always strictly denied any responsibility of la France and ceremoniously laid down wreaths on the grave of Marshal Pétain, chef d'état of Vichy France, Chirac admitted that 'ces heures noires souillent à jamais notre histoire et sont une injure à notre passé et à nos traditions'. See the article of Jean-Baptiste de Montvalon, 'M. Chirac reconnaît la "faute collective" commise envers les juifs'. Le Monde, 18 July 1995, including extracts of Chirac's speech.
    • (1995) Le Monde
    • De Montvalon, J.-B.1
  • 103
    • 85034122059 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Khoury (1987), p.45f., footnote 4
    • Khoury (1987), p.45f., footnote 4.
  • 105
    • 85034120099 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Raymond, p.85
    • Raymond, p.85.
  • 112
    • 85034140464 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Bonardi, p.63 (translation B.M.S.)
    • Bonardi, p.63 (translation B.M.S.).
  • 113
    • 85034135815 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Longrigg, p.314
    • Longrigg, p.314.
  • 115
    • 85034119566 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • FO E 7099/357/89, Smart to Chamberlain, 2 November 1925
    • FO E 7099/357/89, Smart to Chamberlain, 2 November 1925.
  • 119
    • 22144487067 scopus 로고
    • Idee zu einer allgemeinen geschichte in weltbürgerlicher absicht
    • Immanuel Kant, Leipzig
    • Although Kant, who coined this term, was eurocentric in that he saw it as the duty of the enlightened part of the world to give its laws to the rest. Immanuel Kant, 'Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht', in Immanuel Kant, Ausgewählte kleine Schriften (Leipzig, 1942), pp.23-38; here p.37.
    • (1942) Ausgewählte Kleine Schriften , pp. 23-38
    • Kant, I.1
  • 120
    • 85034150504 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Compare Rothermund, pp.202-13
    • Compare Rothermund, pp.202-13.
  • 122
    • 0003382271 scopus 로고
    • Qu'estce qu'une nation?
    • Paris
    • Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (London, 1983), p.15; Anderson used for this definition Ernest Renan, 'Qu'estce qu'une nation?' in Oeuvres Complètes, Vol.1 (Paris, 1947), p.892
    • (1947) Oeuvres Complètes , vol.1 , pp. 892
    • Renan, E.1
  • 123
    • 85034127841 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hobsbawm and Ranger, p.13
    • Hobsbawm and Ranger, p.13.

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