On the founding of the organization, Tucson: University of Arizona Press
On the founding of the organization, see Lo Jung-Pang, ed. and trans., K'ang Yu-Wei: A Biography and a Symposium (Tucson: University of Arizona Press 1967), 181
K'ang Yu-Wei: A Biography and a Symposium
, pp. 181
Jung-Pang, L.1
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press
and L. Eve Armentrout Ma, Revolutionaries, Monarchists, and Chinatowns: Chinese, Politics in the Americas and the 1911 Revolution (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1990), 45-51
Revolutionaries, Monarchists, and Chinatowns: Chinese, Politics in the Americas and the 1911 Revolution
, pp. 45-51
Ma, L.E.A.1
On the importance of Kang Youwei and the Bao Huang Hui in Chinese history, see New York: W.W. Norton
On the importance of Kang Youwei and the Bao Huang Hui in Chinese history, see Jonathan D. Spence, The Search for Modern China (New York: W.W. Norton 1990), 224-68
The Search for Modern China
, pp. 224-268
Spence, J.D.1
China, the Compilation Group for the History of Modern China Series, Beijing: Foreign Language Press
For examples in China, see the Compilation Group for the History of Modern China Series, The Reform Movement of 1898 (Beijing: Foreign Language Press 1976)
The Reform Movement of 1898
Although there is a considerable Chinese literature on Kang, Lo's biography remains one of the few works in English. More attention has been paid in English to his disciple Liang Qichao. See, for example, Hao Chang, Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and Intellectual Transition in China, 1890-1907 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1971)
Liang Ch'i-ch'ao and Intellectual Transition in China, 1890-1907
Chang, H.1
To be consistent with China scholars, I use the Mandarin Pinyin romanization system for Chinese characters and proper names, except when citing from works that use other systems. However, for the names of merchants and their firms, I have followed local usages. See Wickberg, From China to Canada, 272-94
From China to Canada
, pp. 272-294
Readers should note that migrants from China in turn-of-the-century British Columbia spoke various dialects of Cantonese or Hakka, rather than Mandarin. On the difficulties this poses for romanization schemes, see Sucheng Chan, Asian Americans: An Interpretive History (Boston: Twayne Publishers 1991), xvi-xvii. In some instances, to avoid confusion I have supplied other commonly used romanizations in brackets. In British Columbia the term 'Chinese' was originally an ascription, rather than a subjective identification. Technically, it did not even describe the citizenship of migrants from China who were subjects of the 'Qing' Empire until 1911. Since not all migrants from Guangdong spoke dialects of Cantonese, the term 'Cantonese' is also inappropriate. Accordingly, I have used the term 'Chinese' only when speaking of a nationalist identity, 'Cantonese' for the linguistic group, and have otherwise used the term 'Guangdong' to refer to people who originally came from Guangdong province. The latter term is not intended to convey an overarching identity
Asian Americans: An Interpretive History
Chan, S.1
On the timing of popular nationalisms, see the discussion in Spence, The Search for Modern China, 230-8. Anti-foreignism or ethnic chauvinism were not new in China, but feelings of attachment to the state as nation were
The Search for Modern China
, pp. 230-238
Toronto: Oxford University Press
Peter S. Li, The Chinese in Canada (Toronto: Oxford University Press 1988), 6
The Chinese in Canada
, pp. 6
Li, P.S.1
The Chinese in Canada
of interest is (Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association) esp. 6
Also of interest is Jin Tan and Patricia E. Roy, The Chinese in Canada, Canada's Ethnic Groups Series (Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association 1985), esp. 6
Canada's Ethnic Groups Series
Tan, J.1
Roy, P.E.2
The creation and reification of mutually exclusive social categories, or racialization, is integral to racism. See Robert Miles, Racism, Key Ideas Series (London: Routledge 1989)
Key Ideas Series
Miles, R.1
On the ways racism shaped Chinese-Canadian communities, see
On the ways racism shaped Chinese-Canadian communities, see Lee, Jianada Huaqiao shi
Jianada Huaqiao Shi
The Women's Book Committee, Chinese Canadian National Council, Toronto: Women's Press
See also The Women's Book Committee, Chinese Canadian National Council, Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women (Toronto: Women's Press 1992)
Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women
The most detailed study of the merchant economy in British Columbia is Paul Yee, 'Chinese Business in Vancouver, 1886-1914' (MA thesis, University of British Columbia 1983)
Chinese Business in Vancouver, 1886-1914
Yee, P.1
Business Devices from Two Worlds: The Chinese in Early Vancouver
See also his 'Business Devices from Two Worlds: The Chinese in Early Vancouver,' BC Studies 62 (summer 1984): 44-67
BC Studies
, vol.62
, pp. 44-67
Sam Kee: A Chinese Business in Early Vancouver
and 'Sam Kee: A Chinese Business in Early Vancouver,' BC Studies ibid. 69-70 (spring-summer 1986): 70-96
BC Studies
, vol.69-70
, pp. 70-96
The Chinese Bourgeoisie and the Anti-Chinese Movement in the United States, 1850-1905
See 'The Chinese Bourgeoisie and the Anti-Chinese Movement in the United States, 1850-1905,' Amerasia 11, 1 (1984): 1-34. The term 'merchant' often refers to a wide strata of people, most of whom are small shopkeepers or artisans, tailors and the like. The term also includes a higher strata of wealthy entrepreneurs who carried out extensive international trade, were active as wholesalers and labour contractors, and had close business ties with the Anglo-European economy as well. Pomerantz refers to this upper strata as a bourgeoisie or 'merchantry.' The former term seems misleading in the Canadian context, especially during the nineteenth century, although it may be more accurate in the twentieth. The latter term seems little improvement over the term 'merchant.' Accordingly, throughout this paper, unless otherwise specified, I use the term 'merchant' to refer to this wealthy strata alone
, vol.11
, Issue.1
, pp. 1-34
Increasingly, studies of migrant communities in Canada stress continuities with Europe. See, for examples, Bruce Elliott, Irish Migrants in the Canadas: A New Approach (Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press 1988)
Irish Migrants in the Canadas: A New Approach
Elliott, B.1
Such continuities are now being stressed in survey histories. See, for example, Margaret Conrad et al., History of the Canadian Peoples, vols. 1 and 2 (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman 1993)
History of the Canadian Peoples
, vol.1-2
Conrad, M.1
On the totalizing nature of the assumption of European centrality, see New York: Alfred A. Knopff
On the totalizing nature of the assumption of European centrality, see Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism (New York: Alfred A. Knopff, 1993)
Culture and Imperialism
Said, E.W.1
Nationalism, History and Ethnic Absolutism
See also Paul Gilroy, 'Nationalism, History and Ethnic Absolutism,' History Workshop Journal 30 (autumn 1990): 114-20
History Workshop Journal
, vol.30
, pp. 114-120
Gilroy, P.1
Until recently, this assumed centrality was also evident in English-language survey texts on China, which started discussion of the modem era with the arrival of Europeans. See, for example, the classic text, John K. Fairbank et al., East Asia: The Modern Transformation. A History of East Asian Civilization, vol. 2 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1965)
East Asia: The Modern Transformation. A History of East Asian Civilization
, vol.2
Fairbank, J.K.1
On merchants in China and their roles as members of the élite, see William T. Rowe, Hankow: Conflict and Community in a Chinese City, 1796-1895 (Stanford: Stanford University Press 1989). The literary tradition may have made members of the educated élite aware of racialization
Hankow: Conflict and Community in a Chinese City, 1796-1895
Rowe, W.T.1
Home County and Clan Origins of Overseas Chinese in Canada in the Early 1880s
See David Chuen-yan Lai, 'Home County and Clan Origins of Overseas Chinese in Canada in the Early 1880s,' BC Studies 27 (autumn 1975): 3-29
BC Studies
, vol.27
, pp. 3-29
Lai, D.C.-Y.1
Recalibrating Society: The Population Geography of British Columbia
On the racial and economic stratification of British Columbia society as a whole during the same era, see Robert Galois and R. Cole Harris, 'Recalibrating Society: The Population Geography of British Columbia,' Canadian Geographer 38, 1 (1994): 37-53
Canadian Geographer
, vol.38
, Issue.1
, pp. 37-53
Galois, R.1
Harris, R.C.2
The Galois and Harris account needs to be read with Lai's in order to appreciate the diversity homogenized under the 'Chinese' census category. Although this pattern of local, rather than national, identities is similar to that of many European migrants, the linguistic and ethnic differences among Guangdong migrants are probably greater. For example, compare Lai with John Zucchi, Italians in Toronto: Development of a National Identity, 1875-1935 (Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press 1988)
Italians in Toronto: Development of a National Identity, 1875-1935
Zucchi, J.1
A composite photograph of the prominent members of the association in 1900, giving their names and positions, is reproduced in Paul Yee, Saltwater City: An Illustrated History of the Chinese in Vancouver (Vancouver and Seattle: J.J. Douglas and University of Washington 1989), 46
Saltwater City: An Illustrated History of the Chinese in Vancouver
, pp. 46
Yee, P.1
City of Vancouver Archives [CVA], Sam Kee Company Papers, Add. MSS 571, and
See City of Vancouver Archives [CVA], Sam Kee Company Papers, Add. MSS 571, and Paul Yee, 'Sam Kee.'
Sam Kee
Yee, P.1
and its English translation Dr., Vancouver, British Columbia
and its English translation 'Chang Toy or Sam Kee (1857-1921),' Dr. Theodore Y. Chang, Vancouver, British Columbia
Chang Toy or Sam Kee (1857-1921)
Chang, T.Y.1
Yeh Ch'un t'ien xiansheng chuanji [Biography of Yip Sang] (Hong Kong: np, [1973]). Extensive information on Yip's business dealings can be found in CVA, The Yip Family and Yip Sang Ltd. Papers, 1895-1989, Add. MSS 1108
Yeh Ch'un T'ien Xiansheng Chuanji [Biography of Yip Sang]
and 'Chinese Business in Vancouver.' See also University of British Columbia Library, Special Collections Division, Alexander W. Cumyow, Personal Papers, c. 1900-35
Chinese Business in Vancouver
The photograph of Bao Huang Hui officials reproduced in Yee, Saltwater City, 46, shows Yip Sang and Yip On as two different people, although their features suggest a close family connection
Saltwater City
, pp. 46
Noted Chinese Exile
See also 'Noted Chinese Exile,' Vancouver Province, 10 April 1899, 2. That Yip went over to meet Kang, as well as the subsequent location of the association's headquarters in Vancouver, suggests that the association may have been his idea
Vancouver Province
, pp. 2
The Chinese Enter a Protest
On Chu Lai's citizenship, see, 11 June
On Chu Lai's citizenship, see 'The Chinese Enter a Protest,' Victoria Daily Colonist, 11 June 1902, 3
Victoria Daily Colonist
, pp. 3
They Stood in Fear
Cumyow was born at Port Douglas in 1861. Most of the wealthy merchants who publicly supported Kang were British subjects. See 'They Stood in Fear,' Province, 12 April 1899, 5
, pp. 5
Chinatown Organizations and the Anti-Chinese Movement
Sucheng Chan, ed., Philadelphia: Temple University Press
See also L. Eve Armentrout Ma, 'Chinatown Organizations and the Anti-Chinese Movement,' in Sucheng Chan, ed., Entry Denied: Exclusion and the Chinese Community in America, 1882-1943 (Philadelphia: Temple University Press 1991), 147-69
Entry Denied: Exclusion and the Chinese Community in America, 1882-1943
, pp. 147-169
Ma, L.E.A.1
Canada, Ottawa: S.E. Dawson Thus, about 800 people in Victoria initially joined the association
See Canada, Fourth Census of Canada, 1901, vol. 1: Population (Ottawa: S.E. Dawson 1902), 406. Thus, about 800 people in Victoria initially joined the association
Fourth Census of Canada, 1901, Vol. 1: Population
, pp. 406
Gao Ge Bu Bao Huang Hui Shu
Kang's 1899 circular
See, for example, Kang's 1899 circular, 'Gao Ge Bu Bao Huang Hui Shu [Notice to the Empire Reform Association of Every City],' in Kang Youwei yu Bao Huang Hui, 92
Kang Youwei Yu Bao Huang Hui
, pp. 92
This view was also articulated by other members of the Chinese diaspora and captured the imaginations of several generations of Chinese intellectuals. See, for example, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
This view was also articulated by other members of the Chinese diaspora and captured the imaginations of several generations of Chinese intellectuals. See, for example, Benjamin I. Schwartz, In Search of Wealth and Power: Yen Fu and the West (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1964)
In Search of Wealth and Power: Yen Fu and the West
Schwartz, B.I.1
Ying shu deng bu shang min qing Cixi gui zheng zhe
'Ying shu deng bu shang min qing Cixi gui zheng zhe (Petition from the merchants of various English ports asking Cixi to restore power),' Kang You Wei yu Bao Huang Hui, 3
Kang You Wei Yu Bao Huang Hui
, pp. 3
Racism and the Constitution: The Constitutional Fate of British Columbia Anti-Asian Legislation, 1884-1909
and Bruce Ryder, 'Racism and the Constitution: The Constitutional Fate of British Columbia Anti-Asian Legislation, 1884-1909,' Osgoode Hall Law Journal 29, 3 (1991): 619-76
Osgoode Hall Law Journal
, vol.29
, Issue.3
, pp. 619-676
Ryder, B.1
Exclusion or Solidarity? Vancouver Workers Confront the "Oriental Problem"
interest is (winter)
Also of interest is Gillian Creese, 'Exclusion or Solidarity? Vancouver Workers Confront the "Oriental Problem,"' BC Studies 80 (winter 1988): 24-51
BC Studies
, vol.80
, pp. 24-51
Creese, G.1
Laurier, Borden and a White British Columbia
and Donald Avery and Peter Neary, 'Laurier, Borden and a White British Columbia,' Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d'études canadiennes 12,4 (summer 1977): 25-34
Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue D'études Canadiennes
, vol.12
, Issue.4
, pp. 25-34
Avery, D.1
Neary, P.2
Qualification and Registration of Voters Act
See, respectively, 'Qualification and Registration of Voters Act,' Statutes of British Columbia, 1874, no 12, 51
Statutes of British Columbia
, Issue.12
, pp. 51
Land Amendment Act
'Land Amendment Act,' Statutes of British Columbia, 1873, no. 1, 1
Statutes of British Columbia
, Issue.1
, pp. 1
Electoral Franchise Act
chap. 40
and 'Electoral Franchise Act,' Statutes of Canada, 1885, chap. 40, 20
Statutes of Canada
, pp. 20
White Supremacy and the Rhetoric of Educational Indoctrination: A Canadian Case-Study
J.A. Mangan, ed., Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press
See Timothy J. Stanley, 'White Supremacy and the Rhetoric of Educational Indoctrination: A Canadian Case-Study,' in J.A. Mangan, ed., Making Imperial Mentalities: Socialization and British Imperialism (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press 1990), 144-62
Making Imperial Mentalities: Socialization and British Imperialism
, pp. 144-162
Stanley, T.J.1
Canada, House of Commons, 4 May
Canada, House of Commons, Debates, 4 May 1885, 1589
, pp. 1589
British Columbia's formidable geography and coastal rain forest required large amounts of labour and capital to dear land and build roads before capitalist development could occur. In this respect, construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway was simply the largest infrastructural proiect. See Martin Robin, The Rush for Spoils: The Company Province 1871-1933 (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart 1972)
The Rush for Spoils: The Company Province 1871-1933
Robin, M.1
Class, Ethnicity and Conflict: The Case of Chinese and Japanese Immigrants, 1880-1923
In the late nineteenth century especially, these realities created a demand for male labour. For a more recent view, see Gillian Creese, 'Class, Ethnicity and Conflict: The Case of Chinese and Japanese Immigrants, 1880-1923,' in Rennie Warburton and David Cobern, eds., Workers, Capital and the State in British Columbia: Selected Papers (Vancouver: UBC Press 1988), 55-85
Workers, Capital and the State in British Columbia: Selected Papers
, pp. 55-85
Creese, G.1
the discussion of the formation of Chinatowns Vancouver: UBC Press
See also the discussion of the formation of Chinatowns in David Chuen-yan Lai, Chinatowns: Towns within Cities in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press 1988), 34-5
Chinatowns: Towns Within Cities in Canada
, pp. 34-35
Lai, D.C.-Y.1
In many ways the nineteenth-century Zhigongtang lodges functioned similarly to the lodges of the Knights of Labor, as described by Gregory S. Kealey and Bryan Palmer, Dreaming of What Might Be: The Knights of Labor in Ontario, 1880-1900 (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press 1982). Taking the Zhigongtang oath would have been inconsistent with Kang's loyalty to Guangxu
Dreaming of What Might Be: The Knights of Labor in Ontario, 1880-1900
Kealey, G.S.1
Palmer, B.2
Chu Lai provided the test case for the legal challenge to the legislation
Stanley, 'Chu Lai,' 198-9. Chu Lai provided the test case for the legal challenge to the legislation
Chu Lai
, pp. 198-199
A Choice between Evils: The Chinese and the Construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia
The context of the times is well described in Patricia E. Roy, 'A Choice between Evils: The Chinese and the Construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia,' in Hugh A. Dempsey, ed., The CPR West: The Iron Road and the Making of a Nation (Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre 1984), 13-34
The CPR West: The Iron Road and the Making of a Nation
, pp. 13-34
Roy, P.E.1
The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in Victoria: Its Origins and Functions
A facsimile of the originaletter in reproduced in (autumn)
A facsimile of the originaletter in reproduced in David Chuen-yan Lai, 'The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in Victoria: Its Origins and Functions,' BC Studies 15 (autumn 1972): 53-67
BC Studies
, vol.15
, pp. 53-67
Lai, D.C.-Y.1
The Study of Chinese Identities in Southeast Asia
Jennifer Cushman and Wang Gungwu, eds., Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
See Wang Gungwu, 'The Study of Chinese Identities in Southeast Asia,' in Jennifer Cushman and Wang Gungwu, eds., Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press 1988), 23-32
Changing Identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II
, pp. 23-32
Gungwu, W.1
People of diverse origins in China - for example, those from Sichuan as well as Guangdong - could claim this identity. In this respect, classical Chinese transmined much the same sense of identity as Latin did in pre-Modern Europe. To be a 'Huaren' was to be 'civilized' or 'cultured' in its eighteenth-century sense, rather than to have a political identity. Compare Ci Hai Dictionary (Hong Kong: Zhonghua Shuju 1947), 1144
Ci Hai Dictionary
, pp. 1144
China as Race, Culture and Nation: Notes on Fang Hsiao-ju's Discussion of Dynastic Legitimacy
D.C. Buxbaum and F.W. Mote, eds., Hong Kong: Cathay Press
See also John Fincher, 'China as Race, Culture and Nation: Notes on Fang Hsiao-ju's Discussion of Dynastic Legitimacy,' in D.C. Buxbaum and F.W. Mote, eds., Transition and Permanence: Chinese History and Culture. A Festschrift in Honour of Dr. Hsaio Kung-ch'üan (Hong Kong: Cathay Press 1972), 59-69
Transition and Permanence: Chinese History and Culture. A Festschrift in Honour of Dr. Hsaio Kung-ch'üan
, pp. 59-69
Fincher, J.1
Chinese Organizations and the Canadian Political Process: Two Case Studies
organ Dahlie and Tissa Fernando, eds., Scarborough: Butterworth
See also Edgar Wickberg, 'Chinese Organizations and the Canadian Political Process: Two Case Studies,' in ]organ Dahlie and Tissa Fernando, eds., Ethnicity, Power and Politics in Canada (Scarborough: Butterworth 1980), 172
Ethnicity, Power and Politics in Canada
, pp. 172
Wickberg, E.1
Chinese and Canadian Influences on Chinese Politics in Vancouver, 1900-1947
and Edgar Wickberg, 'Chinese and Canadian Influences on Chinese Politics in Vancouver, 1900-1947,' BC Studies 45 (spring 1980), 44
BC Studies
, vol.45
, pp. 44
Wickberg, E.1
A Preliminary Sketch of Chinese Women and Work in British Columbia 1858-1950
Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro, eds., Victoria: Camosun College
See Tamara Adilman, 'A Preliminary Sketch of Chinese Women and Work in British Columbia 1858-1950,' in Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro, eds., Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia (Victoria: Camosun College 1984), 53-78
Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia
, pp. 53-78
Adilman, T.1
Canada, Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration, Ottawa: The Commission
Canada, Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration, Report of the Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration (Ottawa: The Commission 1885), 12-13
Report of the Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration
, pp. 12-13
According to Lai, the CCBA witnessed the selling and redeeming of girls. See
According to Lai, the CCBA witnessed the selling and redeeming of girls. See 'Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association,' 59
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
, pp. 59
On the conditions endured by Chinese Canadian women generally, see The Women's Book Committee
On the conditions endured by Chinese Canadian women generally, see The Women's Book Committee, Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women
Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women
a twentieth-century account of labourer/small-merchant-class women, see
For a twentieth-century account of labourer/small-merchant-class women, see Chong, The Concubine's Children
The Concubine's Children
On the role of patriarchy in modern Chinese history, see Berkeley: University of California Press
On the role of patriarchy in modern Chinese history, see Judith Stacey, Patriarchy and Socialist Revolution (Berkeley: University of California Press 1983)
Patriarchy and Socialist Revolution
Stacey, J.1
"On the Threshold of Woman's Era": Lynching, Empires, and Sexuality in Black Feminist Theory
The role of gender in both the construction of white supremacy in British Columbia and in the responses of racially oppressed groups warrants further exploration. Some suggestive approaches can be found in Hazel Carby, '"On the Threshold of Woman's Era": Lynching, Empires, and Sexuality in Black Feminist Theory,' Critical Inquiry 12, 1 (1985): 262-77
Critical Inquiry
, vol.12
, Issue.1
, pp. 262-277
Carby, H.1
Patterns of Chinese Migration in Historical Perspective
Wang Gungwu, Singapore: Times Academic Press
See Wang Gungwu, 'Patterns of Chinese Migration in Historical Perspective,' in Wang Gungwu, China and the Overseas Chinese (Singapore: Times Academic Press 1991), 3-21
China and the Overseas Chinese
, pp. 3-21
Gungwu, W.1
Political Chinese: Their Contribution to Modern Southeast Asian History
Wang Gungwu, 'Political Chinese: Their Contribution to Modern Southeast Asian History,' Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 12, 1 (March 1981): 1-14
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
, vol.12
, Issue.1
, pp. 1-14
Gungwu, W.1
Historical Development of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association/Huiguan System
Chinese Historical Society of America, San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America
See Him Mark Lai, 'Historical Development of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association/Huiguan System,' in Chinese Historical Society of America, Chinese America: History and Perspectives, 1987 (San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America 1987), 13-51
Chinese America: History and Perspectives, 1987
, pp. 13-51
Lai, H.M.1
the correspondence books in Sam Kee Company Papers, Add
See the correspondence books in Sam Kee Company Papers, Add. MSS 571, vols. 1-4
MSS 571
, vol.1-4
See also the correspondence books in Yip Family and Yip Sang Limited Papers, 1895-1989, Add. MSS 1108, vols. 5-16. Yip's Japanese correspondence was also in Chinese. See ibid., vol. 5, file 1; vols. 16, files 2 and 9. Cooperation between merchants from Guangdong in different parts of the world is evident as early as the 1880s. Labour contractors for the CPR worked closely with Hong Kong-based companies. During the mid-1880s, following legislation barring immigration from China to the United States, Canada became a major point of entry for would-be migrants to the United States. Such migration could only have been organized by British Columbia merchants in active cooperation with their American counterparts and in other parts of the world such as Hawaii. Indeed, organizing such an immigration scheme would have been little more than an extension of existing labour-contracting practices
MSS 1108
, vol.1-4
See Yip Family and Yip Sang Limited Papers, vols. 89-91. These boxes contain a collection of letters written between 1902 and 1919. Some of these letters were written to Yip himself; others were letters that he had been asked to forward, but whose recipients could not be located
Yip Family and Yip Sang Limited Papers
, vol.89-91
Schooling, White Supremacy and the Formation of a Chinese Merchant Public in British Columbia
See Timothy J. Stanley, 'Schooling, White Supremacy and the Formation of a Chinese Merchant Public in British Columbia,' BC Studies 107 (autumn 1995): 3-27. As Chong, Concubine's Children, shows, teahouses and restaurants depended upon 'public' women, waitresses and hostesses, for their success
BC Studies
, vol.107
, pp. 3-27
Stanley, T.J.1
Bao Huang Nu Hui zhi li zhen xiang, 1902
See 'Bao Huang Nu Hui zhi li zhen xiang, 1902,' in Yip Family and Yip Sang Limited Papers, vol. 104, file 1. In addition to showing people's names, someone, presumably one of the Yip children, has annotated the photograph, identifying two of Yip's wives and 'Aunt Nellie.'
Yip Family and Yip Sang Limited Papers
, vol.104
The Issue of Discrimination in Education in Victoria, 1901-1923
See, for example, David Chuenyan Lai, 'The Issue of Discrimination in Education in Victoria, 1901-1923,' Canadian Ethnic Studies/Etudes ethniques au Canada 19, 3 (1987): 47-67
Canadian Ethnic Studies/Etudes Ethniques Au Canada
, vol.19
, Issue.3
, pp. 47-67
Lai, D.C.1
To Exclude the Chinese
In 1901, only sixteen 'Chinese' children attended the provincially controlled Victoria School Board schools. See 'To Exclude the Chinese,' Daily Colonist, 14 Feb. 1901
Daily Colonist
A Chinese School
See 'A Chinese School,' Daily Colonist, 18 Jan. 1899, 6. Lee, who was the Victoria immigration interpreter, was prominent in the establishment of the school and in the leadership of the Victoria community
Daily Colonist
, pp. 6
John Chinaman
On 'Chinaman' as racist epithet and stereotype, see
On 'Chinaman' as racist epithet and stereotype, see Ward, 'John Chinaman' in White Canada Forever, 3-22
White Canada Forever
, pp. 3-22
On the racism of Chinese nationalism, see, esp. 123-5
On the racism of Chinese nationalism, see Dikötter, The Discourse of Race, esp. 123-5
The Discourse of Race
On the meaning of qun, see, 95 ff
On the meaning of qun, see Hao Chang, Liang Ch'i-ch'ao, 95 ff
Liang Ch'i-ch'ao
Chang, H.1
Overseas Chinese Public Elementary School
In 1908 this school was reorganized as the Chinese Public School (Huaqiao Gongli Xuexiao, lit. 'Overseas Chinese Public Elementary School') and placed under the direct control of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
Huaqiao Gongli Xuexiao
Weibu Zhonghua Huiguan zhi yuange ji Qiao Xiao chuanli zhi yuanqi
PART 4 David T.H. Lee, ed., [Special memorial publication marking the seventy-fifth anniversary of Canada's Victoria Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and the sixtieth anniversary of the Overseas Chinese School] Victoria: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association
See Lim Bang, 'Weibu Zhonghua Huiguan zhi yuange ji Qiao Xiao chuanli zhi yuanqi (The origins of the Victoria Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and the reasons for the creation of the Overseas Chinese School),' in David T.H. Lee, ed., Jianada Weiduoli Zhonghua Huiguan/Huaqiao Xuexiao chengli qishiwu/liushi zhounian jinian tekan [Special memorial publication marking the seventy-fifth anniversary of Canada's Victoria Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and the sixtieth anniversary of the Overseas Chinese School] (Victoria: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 1960), part 4, 1-5
Jianada Weiduoli Zhonghua Huiguan/Huaqiao Xuexiao Chengli Qishiwu/liushi Zhounian Jinian Tekan
, pp. 1-5
Bang, L.1
The Public Sphere in Modern China
William T. Rowe, 'The Public Sphere in Modern China,' Modem China 16, 3 (July 1990): 309-29
Modern China
, vol.16
, Issue.3
, pp. 309-329
Rowe, W.T.1
Yet Ch'un T'ien xiansheng chuanji, 3, gives this date. A Bao Huang Hui school was established in Victoria during the same era
Yet Ch'un T'ien Xiansheng Chuanji
, pp. 3
Sam Kee Company Papers, vol. 31, contains two dozen Chinese textbooks dating from between 1907 and 1928. These texts are inscribed with the names of Chang's sons, who attended the school. The Yip Family and Yip Sang Ltd Papers, 1895-1989, boxes 96-104, contain a more extensive collection of textbooks from the same era, including a complete set of Shanghai Commercial Press's Republican Series of School Textbooks
Sam Kee Company Papers
, vol.31
CVA, Add
CVA, Add. MSS 571, vol. 31
MSS 571
, vol.31
In the themes it emphasized - the Opium War, the Self-Strengthening Movement - this history is similar to more recent accounts, suggesting that nationalist narratives are remarkably stable. On science teaching at the school, see, Sing Lim, West Coast Chinese Boy (Montreal: Tundra Press 1979), 26
West Coast Chinese Boy
, pp. 26
Lim, S.1
Notebook from the Aiguo Xuetang, CVA, Add. MSS 571, vol. 30, file 10, 1. This is a series of essays or letters from the school. It appears to be an advanced student's copybook, although it may have been a teacher's lesson book. Some of the characters are crossed out, others circled as if for correction or emphasis. The script, all in the same hand, is at first careful and later becomes more flowing. A letter written to a Black boxer urging him to recognize the power of the whites and surrender his title would appear to be addressed to Jack Johnson, who was Heavyweight Champion of the World from 1908 to 1915. It is also suggestive of the extent to which racial hierarchies were accepted by the Bao Huang Hui leadership. I am indebted to Yang Chang for his assistance in investigating this source
MSS 571
, vol.30
, pp. 1
Opening Doors: Vancouver's East End
See Gordon Won Cumyow in Daphne Marlatt and Carole Itter, eds., Opening Doors: Vancouver's East End, Sound Heritage Series, vol. 8, 1 and 2 (Victoria: Minister of Provincial Secretary and Government Services, Provincial Archives 1979), 17
Sound Heritage Series
, vol.8
, Issue.1-2
, pp. 17
Cumyow, G.W.1
It is possible that at least three more of Yip's sons attended in 1909, but the names entered in the accounts do not correspond completely with the names entered in the family records. Some of his sons would have been too old to have attended the school in 1909, and some had not yet been born or were too young. Eventually Yip's daughter Susan, after graduating from the BC Normal School and Columbia University Teachers College, became principal of a private girls' school in Canton. See Yeh Ch'un t'ien xiansheng chuanji
Yeh Ch'un T'ien Xiansheng Chuanji
According to his will, Yip left $100 to each of his sons, except for one who predeceased him. He left nothing to any of his daughters. Since his estate was worth over $78,000, these bequests were token. This makes the omission of the three daughters all the more suspicious. See British Columbia Archives and Records Service, BC Supreme Court (Vancouver), Probate files, 1893-1941, GR 1415, p. 12451
GR 1415
, pp. 12451
Marlart and Itter
Chang Yun Ho in Marlart and Itter, Opening Doors, 40
Opening Doors
, pp. 40
Ho, C.Y.1
That such responses are not unique to the Chinese reinforces my larger theoretical point. See, for example, Zucchi, Italians in Toronto
Italians in Toronto
The Myth of the Chinese Sojourner in Canada
Contrast this view with, K. Victor Ujimoto and Gordon Hirabayashi, eds., Toronto: Butterworths
Contrast this view with Anthony B. Chan, 'The Myth of the Chinese Sojourner in Canada,' in K. Victor Ujimoto and Gordon Hirabayashi, eds., Visible Minorities and Multiculturalism: Asians in Canada (Toronto: Butterworths 1980), 33-42
Visible Minorities and Multiculturalism: Asians in Canada
, pp. 33-42
Chan, A.B.1
and the theoretically sophisticated one of Anderson, Vancouver's Chinatown, all tend to ignore Chinese motivations and activities
Vancouver's Chinatown
the testimony of Huang Xiquan before the Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration
See the testimony of Huang Xiquan before the Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration, Report of the Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration
Report of the Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration