Venice: Hammann
See Regiomontanus, Epytoma ... in almagestum ptolomei (Venice: Hammann, 1496), h8 r (about the movements of the eighth sphere): 'Nam si majores nostri suis decepti sunt instrumentis: et nos decipiemur necessario: cum nostre considerationes: nisi antiquorum conferantur observationibus: nihil unquam edocebunt.' On Regiomontanus's views, see N. Swerdlow, 'Science and Humanism in the Renaissance: Regiomontanus's Oration on the Dignity and Utility of the Mathematical Sciences', in P. Horwich (ed.), World Changes: Thomas Kuhn and the Nature of Science (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993), pp. 131-168.
Epytoma ... in Almagestum Ptolomei
Science and humanism in the renaissance: Regiomontanus's oration on the dignity and utility of the mathematical sciences
P. Horwich (ed.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
See Regiomontanus, Epytoma ... in almagestum ptolomei (Venice: Hammann, 1496), h8 r (about the movements of the eighth sphere): 'Nam si majores nostri suis decepti sunt instrumentis: et nos decipiemur necessario: cum nostre considerationes: nisi antiquorum conferantur observationibus: nihil unquam edocebunt.' On Regiomontanus's views, see N. Swerdlow, 'Science and Humanism in the Renaissance: Regiomontanus's Oration on the Dignity and Utility of the Mathematical Sciences', in P. Horwich (ed.), World Changes: Thomas Kuhn and the Nature of Science (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993), pp. 131-168.
World Changes: Thomas Kuhn and the Nature of Science
, pp. 131-168
Swerdlow, N.1
New York: Columbia University Press, ch. 16
L. Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental Science (New York: Columbia University Press, 1941), vol. V, ch. 16, pp. 332-377: 'The aftermath of Regiomontanus'.
A History of Magic and Experimental Science
, vol.5
, pp. 332-377
Thorndike, L.1
The Alphonsine tables had been first printed in 1483 (Venice: Ratdolt). Santritter's edition is introduced by letters exchanged by Augustinus Moravus from Olmutz (University of Padua) and Santritter
The Alphonsine tables had been first printed in 1483 (Venice: Ratdolt). Santritter's edition is introduced by letters exchanged by Augustinus Moravus from Olmutz (University of Padua) and Santritter.
Paris: Wechel
See, for example, the foreword written by Georgius Collimitius Tanstetter for the edition of the tables of Peurbach and Regiomontanus (Vienna, 1514) which was to be referred to by Ramus in his Prooemium mathematicum (Paris: Wechel, 1567), p. 274; see infra; Melanchthon's introductions to Sacrobosco's Sphaera (Wittenberg, 1531) and to the edition by Schöner of the Scripta ... Regiomontani de torqueto etc. (Nuremberg, 1544). Two praises of Regiomontanus (by Schöner and Reinhold) are inserted in Melanchthon's Selectae declamationes (Strasbourg: Enmel, 1558-1559).
Prooemium Mathematicum
, pp. 274
See, for example, the foreword written by Georgius Collimitius Tanstetter for the edition of the tables of Peurbach and Regiomontanus (Vienna, 1514) which was to be referred to by Ramus in his Prooemium mathematicum (Paris: Wechel, 1567), p. 274; see infra; Melanchthon's introductions to Sacrobosco's Sphaera (Wittenberg, 1531) and to the edition by Schöner of the Scripta ... Regiomontani de torqueto etc. (Nuremberg, 1544). Two praises of Regiomontanus (by Schöner and Reinhold) are inserted in Melanchthon's Selectae declamationes (Strasbourg: Enmel, 1558-1559).
See, for example, the foreword written by Georgius Collimitius Tanstetter for the edition of the tables of Peurbach and Regiomontanus (Vienna, 1514) which was to be referred to by Ramus in his Prooemium mathematicum (Paris: Wechel, 1567), p. 274; see infra; Melanchthon's introductions to Sacrobosco's Sphaera (Wittenberg, 1531) and to the edition by Schöner of the Scripta ... Regiomontani de torqueto etc. (Nuremberg, 1544). Two praises of Regiomontanus (by Schöner and Reinhold) are inserted in Melanchthon's Selectae declamationes (Strasbourg: Enmel, 1558-1559).
Scripta ... Regiomontani de Torqueto Etc.
Strasbourg: Enmel
See, for example, the foreword written by Georgius Collimitius Tanstetter for the edition of the tables of Peurbach and Regiomontanus (Vienna, 1514) which was to be referred to by Ramus in his Prooemium mathematicum (Paris: Wechel, 1567), p. 274; see infra; Melanchthon's introductions to Sacrobosco's Sphaera (Wittenberg, 1531) and to the edition by Schöner of the Scripta ... Regiomontani de torqueto etc. (Nuremberg, 1544). Two praises of Regiomontanus (by Schöner and Reinhold) are inserted in Melanchthon's Selectae declamationes (Strasbourg: Enmel, 1558-1559).
Selectae Declamationes
Quicquid Athlas Afris: quicquid Thracensibus Orpheus / Quicquid apud Thebas creditur esse Linus / Aegipto quicquid Vulcanus: quicquid ubique /Aut Chaldeorum sunt monumenta virum / Quicquid apud Gallos Druides quicquid Zoroastes / Quicquid Persarum Gymnosophista fuit / Omnia (Crede) Stofler Germanus origine Suevus / Hic habet: exacto quae premit aere Coebel.
Florence: Carnesecchi
At the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of the sixteenth century, northern Italy and Rome attracted many German mathematicians, thanks to their prestigious universities and rich libraries; Italian and German astronomers collaborated in the reformation of the calendar. See D. Marzi, La questione della riforma del calendario nel quinto Concilio Lateranense (Florence: Carnesecchi, 1896); J.D. North, 'The Western Calendar ... Four centuries of discontent', in G.V. Coyne (ed.), The Gregorian Reform of the Calendar (Vatican City: Specola Vaticana, 1983), pp. 75-113, esp. pp. 94-100. Afterwards this movement slackened, and it never extended to the protestant mathematicians of northern Germany.
La Questione Della Riforma del Calendario nel Quinto Concilio Lateranense
Marzi, D.1
The western calendar ... Four centuries of discontent
G.V. Coyne (ed.), Vatican City: Specola Vaticana
At the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of the sixteenth century, northern Italy and Rome attracted many German mathematicians, thanks to their prestigious universities and rich libraries; Italian and German astronomers collaborated in the reformation of the calendar. See D. Marzi, La questione della riforma del calendario nel quinto Concilio Lateranense (Florence: Carnesecchi, 1896); J.D. North, 'The Western Calendar ... Four centuries of discontent', in G.V. Coyne (ed.), The Gregorian Reform of the Calendar (Vatican City: Specola Vaticana, 1983), pp. 75-113, esp. pp. 94-100. Afterwards this movement slackened, and it never extended to the protestant mathematicians of northern Germany.
The Gregorian Reform of the Calendar
, pp. 75-113
North, J.D.1
ed. A. Favaro Florence: Barbera, reprint henceforth refered to as E.N.
See the registers in the Archivio Universitario di Padova: Matricola della Nazione Alemanna Artista, Atti della Nazione Alemanna Artista, Matricola della Nazione Alemanna Giurista. Among Galileo's private pupils were many 'tedeschi' and 'boemi'. See Galileo, Opere. Edizione nazionale, ed. A. Favaro (Florence: Barbera, reprint 1968), (henceforth refered to as E.N.) vol. XIX, pp. 149-166 Relazioni con gli scolari in Padova. 1° Insegnamento privato. 2° Dozzinanti); A. Favaro, Galileo Galilei e lo Studio di Padova (Padua: Antenore, reprint 1966), I, pp. 143-149.
Opere. Edizione Nazionale
, vol.19
, pp. 149-166
Padua: Antenore, reprint
See the registers in the Archivio Universitario di Padova: Matricola della Nazione Alemanna Artista, Atti della Nazione Alemanna Artista, Matricola della Nazione Alemanna Giurista. Among Galileo's private pupils were many 'tedeschi' and 'boemi'. See Galileo, Opere. Edizione nazionale, ed. A. Favaro (Florence: Barbera, reprint 1968), (henceforth refered to as E.N.) vol. XIX, pp. 149-166 Relazioni con gli scolari in Padova. 1° Insegnamento privato. 2° Dozzinanti); A. Favaro, Galileo Galilei e lo Studio di Padova (Padua: Antenore, reprint 1966), I, pp. 143-149.
Galileo Galilei e lo Studio di Padova
, vol.1
, pp. 143-149
Favaro, A.1
The Melanchthon circle, Rheticus, and the Wittenberg interpretation of the Copernican theory
Melanchthon had been Stöfler's pupil. His academic reform affected the universities of Wittenberg, Tübingen, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Greifswald, Rostock and Heidelberg and the new universities of Marburg (created in 1527), Königsberg (1544), Iena (1548) and Helmstedt (1576). See R. S. Westman, 'The Melanchthon Circle, Rheticus, and the Wittenberg Interpretation of the Copernican Theory', Isis 66 (1975), pp. 165-193.
, vol.66
, pp. 165-193
Westman, R.S.1
M. und die naturwissenschaft seiner zeit
Nuremberg: Petreius, 1536, foreword by Melanchthon. On Melanchthon's attitude towards the sciences of celestial movements, see W. Maurer, 'M. und die Naturwissenschaft seiner Zeit', Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 49, pp. 199-226; S. Caroti, 'Comete, portenti, causalitè naturale et escatologia in P. M.', in Scienze, credenze occulte, livelli di cultura (Florence: Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, 1982), pp. 393-426; idem, 'M.'s Astrology', in P. Zambelli (ed.), Astrologi hallucinati (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1986), pp. 115-121; I. Pantin, 'La lettre de M. à S. Grynaeus: les avatars d'une défense de l'astrologie', in J. Céard (ed.), Divination et controverse religieuse au XVIe siecle (Paris: Presses de l'E.N.S.J.F., 1987), pp. 85-101; D. Bellucci, 'Genèse I, 14 et l'astrologie dans l'exégèse de P. M.', in I. Backus and F. Higman (ed.), Théorie et pratique de l'exégèse (Geneva: Droz, 1990), pp. 177-190; S. Kusukawa, 'Aspectio divinorum operum: M. and astrology for Lutheran medics', in O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds), Medicine and the Reformation (London: Wellcome Institute, 1993), pp. 33-56.
Archiv für Kulturgeschichte
, vol.49
, pp. 199-226
Maurer, W.1
Comete, portenti, causalitè naturale et escatologia in P. M
Florence: Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento
Nuremberg: Petreius, 1536, foreword by Melanchthon. On Melanchthon's attitude towards the sciences of celestial movements, see W. Maurer, 'M. und die Naturwissenschaft seiner Zeit', Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 49, pp. 199-226; S. Caroti, 'Comete, portenti, causalitè naturale et escatologia in P. M.', in Scienze, credenze occulte, livelli di cultura (Florence: Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, 1982), pp. 393-426; idem, 'M.'s Astrology', in P. Zambelli (ed.), Astrologi hallucinati (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1986), pp. 115-121; I. Pantin, 'La lettre de M. à S. Grynaeus: les avatars d'une défense de l'astrologie', in J. Céard (ed.), Divination et controverse religieuse au XVIe siecle (Paris: Presses de l'E.N.S.J.F., 1987), pp. 85-101; D. Bellucci, 'Genèse I, 14 et l'astrologie dans l'exégèse de P. M.', in I. Backus and F. Higman (ed.), Théorie et pratique de l'exégèse (Geneva: Droz, 1990), pp. 177-190; S. Kusukawa, 'Aspectio divinorum operum: M. and astrology for Lutheran medics', in O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds), Medicine and the Reformation (London: Wellcome Institute, 1993), pp. 33-56.
Scienze, Credenze Occulte, Livelli di Cultura
, pp. 393-426
Caroti, S.1
M.'s astrology
P. Zambelli (ed.), Berlin: De Gruyter
Nuremberg: Petreius, 1536, foreword by Melanchthon. On Melanchthon's attitude towards the sciences of celestial movements, see W. Maurer, 'M. und die Naturwissenschaft seiner Zeit', Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 49, pp. 199-226; S. Caroti, 'Comete, portenti, causalitè naturale et escatologia in P. M.', in Scienze, credenze occulte, livelli di cultura (Florence: Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, 1982), pp. 393-426; idem, 'M.'s Astrology', in P. Zambelli (ed.), Astrologi hallucinati (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1986), pp. 115-121; I. Pantin, 'La lettre de M. à S. Grynaeus: les avatars d'une défense de l'astrologie', in J. Céard (ed.), Divination et controverse religieuse au XVIe siecle (Paris: Presses de l'E.N.S.J.F., 1987), pp. 85-101; D. Bellucci, 'Genèse I, 14 et l'astrologie dans l'exégèse de P. M.', in I. Backus and F. Higman (ed.), Théorie et pratique de l'exégèse (Geneva: Droz, 1990), pp. 177-190; S. Kusukawa, 'Aspectio divinorum operum: M. and astrology for Lutheran medics', in O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds), Medicine and the Reformation (London: Wellcome Institute, 1993), pp. 33-56.
Astrologi Hallucinati
, pp. 115-121
Caroti, S.1
La lettre de M. à S. Grynaeus: Les avatars d'une défense de l'astrologie
J. Céard (ed.), Paris: Presses de l'E.N.S.J.F.
Nuremberg: Petreius, 1536, foreword by Melanchthon. On Melanchthon's attitude towards the sciences of celestial movements, see W. Maurer, 'M. und die Naturwissenschaft seiner Zeit', Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 49, pp. 199-226; S. Caroti, 'Comete, portenti, causalitè naturale et escatologia in P. M.', in Scienze, credenze occulte, livelli di cultura (Florence: Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, 1982), pp. 393-426; idem, 'M.'s Astrology', in P. Zambelli (ed.), Astrologi hallucinati (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1986), pp. 115-121; I. Pantin, 'La lettre de M. à S. Grynaeus: les avatars d'une défense de l'astrologie', in J. Céard (ed.), Divination et controverse religieuse au XVIe siecle (Paris: Presses de l'E.N.S.J.F., 1987), pp. 85-101; D. Bellucci, 'Genèse I, 14 et l'astrologie dans l'exégèse de P. M.', in I. Backus and F. Higman (ed.), Théorie et pratique de l'exégèse (Geneva: Droz, 1990), pp. 177-190; S. Kusukawa, 'Aspectio divinorum operum: M. and astrology for Lutheran medics', in O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds), Medicine and the Reformation (London: Wellcome Institute, 1993), pp. 33-56.
Divination et Controverse Religieuse au XVIe Siecle
, pp. 85-101
Pantin, I.1
Genèse I, 14 et l'astrologie dans l'exégèse de P. M
I. Backus and F. Higman (ed.), Geneva: Droz
Nuremberg: Petreius, 1536, foreword by Melanchthon. On Melanchthon's attitude towards the sciences of celestial movements, see W. Maurer, 'M. und die Naturwissenschaft seiner Zeit', Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 49, pp. 199-226; S. Caroti, 'Comete, portenti, causalitè naturale et escatologia in P. M.', in Scienze, credenze occulte, livelli di cultura (Florence: Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, 1982), pp. 393-426; idem, 'M.'s Astrology', in P. Zambelli (ed.), Astrologi hallucinati (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1986), pp. 115-121; I. Pantin, 'La lettre de M. à S. Grynaeus: les avatars d'une défense de l'astrologie', in J. Céard (ed.), Divination et controverse religieuse au XVIe siecle (Paris: Presses de l'E.N.S.J.F., 1987), pp. 85-101; D. Bellucci, 'Genèse I, 14 et l'astrologie dans l'exégèse de P. M.', in I. Backus and F. Higman (ed.), Théorie et pratique de l'exégèse (Geneva: Droz, 1990), pp. 177-190; S. Kusukawa, 'Aspectio divinorum operum: M. and astrology for Lutheran medics', in O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds), Medicine and the Reformation (London: Wellcome Institute, 1993), pp. 33-56.
Théorie et Pratique de L'exégèse
, pp. 177-190
Bellucci, D.1
Aspectio divinorum operum: M. and astrology for Lutheran medics
O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds), London: Wellcome Institute
Nuremberg: Petreius, 1536, foreword by Melanchthon. On Melanchthon's attitude towards the sciences of celestial movements, see W. Maurer, 'M. und die Naturwissenschaft seiner Zeit', Archiv für Kulturgeschichte 49, pp. 199-226; S. Caroti, 'Comete, portenti, causalitè naturale et escatologia in P. M.', in Scienze, credenze occulte, livelli di cultura (Florence: Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento, 1982), pp. 393-426; idem, 'M.'s Astrology', in P. Zambelli (ed.), Astrologi hallucinati (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1986), pp. 115-121; I. Pantin, 'La lettre de M. à S. Grynaeus: les avatars d'une défense de l'astrologie', in J. Céard (ed.), Divination et controverse religieuse au XVIe siecle (Paris: Presses de l'E.N.S.J.F., 1987), pp. 85-101; D. Bellucci, 'Genèse I, 14 et l'astrologie dans l'exégèse de P. M.', in I. Backus and F. Higman (ed.), Théorie et pratique de l'exégèse (Geneva: Droz, 1990), pp. 177-190; S. Kusukawa, 'Aspectio divinorum operum: M. and astrology for Lutheran medics', in O. P. Grell and A. Cunningham (eds), Medicine and the Reformation (London: Wellcome Institute, 1993), pp. 33-56.
Medicine and the Reformation
, pp. 33-56
Kusukawa, S.1
Studies in the medieval conception of precession
See R. Mercier, 'Studies in the Medieval Conception of Precession', Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences 27 (1977), pp. 33-71, and, for a recent survey of the whole question, I. Pantin, La Poésie du ciel en France dans la seconde moitié du seizième siècle (Geneva: Droz, 1995), pp. 436-443.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
, vol.27
, pp. 33-71
Mercier, R.1
Geneva: Droz
See R. Mercier, 'Studies in the Medieval Conception of Precession', Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences 27 (1977), pp. 33-71, and, for a recent survey of the whole question, I. Pantin, La Poésie du ciel en France dans la seconde moitié du seizième siècle (Geneva: Droz, 1995), pp. 436-443.
La Poésie du Ciel en France Dans la Seconde Moitié du Seizième Siècle
, pp. 436-443
Pantin, I.1
Rheticus visited first Schöner in Nuremberg, then Stöfler's pupils in Tübingen, Peter Apianus in Ingolstadt, and finally Copernicus.
Rheticus remained the only realist Copernican among the astronomers of his generation, but he communicated his faith to two friends, the physicians Achilles Pirmin Gasser and Georg Vögelin.
Rheticus left Wittenberg in 1542 and went to Leipzig (he remained there until 1550).
Le commentaire inédit d'E. Reinhold sur le De revolutionibus de Copernic
Paris: Hermann
Reinhold alludes favourably to Copernicus in his commentary to Peurbach (Wittenberg, 1542), when he deals with the theories of the moon and of the eighth sphere. His copy of the De revolutionibus (Edinburgh, Observatory) bears this annotation on the title page: Axioma astronomicum: motus caelestis aequalis est et circularis vel ex aequalibus et circularibus compositus. On Reinhold's unpublished commentary on Copernicus, see A. Birkenmajer, 'Le commentaire inédit d'E. Reinhold sur le De revolutionibus de Copernic', in La Science au XVIème siècle (Paris: Hermann, 1960), pp. 169-178.
La Science au XVIème Siècle
, pp. 169-178
Birkenmajer, A.1
Melanchthon received Rheticus's Narratio prima in February 1540. See his letter to Conrad Mithobius (16 October 1541), in Melanchthon, Opera, ed. C. B. Bretschneider (Halle and Brunswick, 1834-1860), IV, p. 679. In his Initia doctrinae (Wittenberg, 1549), he expressed a strong disapproval of heliocentrism (ed. Bretschneider XIII, p. 216), while paying compliments to Copernicus on some limited points (ibid., pp. 225, 241, 244, 262). In the corrected edition of the Initia (1550) the condemnation is maintained, but its phrasing is softened here and there. On these corrections, see E. Wohlwill, 'Melanchthon und Copernicus', Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft 3 (1904), pp. 260-267; see also J. R. Christianson, 'Copernicus and the Lutherans', Sixteenth Century 16 (continued) Journal 4 (1973), pp. 1-10; B. T. Moran, 'The Universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory', Comitatus 4 (1973), pp. 1-23.
Narratio Prima
ed. C. B. Bretschneider Halle and Brunswick
Melanchthon received Rheticus's Narratio prima in February 1540. See his letter to Conrad Mithobius (16 October 1541), in Melanchthon, Opera, ed. C. B. Bretschneider (Halle and Brunswick, 1834-1860), IV, p. 679. In his Initia doctrinae (Wittenberg, 1549), he expressed a strong disapproval of heliocentrism (ed. Bretschneider XIII, p. 216), while paying compliments to Copernicus on some limited points (ibid., pp. 225, 241, 244, 262). In the corrected edition of the Initia (1550) the condemnation is maintained, but its phrasing is softened here and there. On these corrections, see E. Wohlwill, 'Melanchthon und Copernicus', Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft 3 (1904), pp. 260-267; see also J. R. Christianson, 'Copernicus and the Lutherans', Sixteenth Century 16 (continued) Journal 4 (1973), pp. 1-10; B. T. Moran, 'The Universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory', Comitatus 4 (1973), pp. 1-23.
, vol.4
, pp. 679
Melanchthon received Rheticus's Narratio prima in February 1540. See his letter to Conrad Mithobius (16 October 1541), in Melanchthon, Opera, ed. C. B. Bretschneider (Halle and Brunswick, 1834-1860), IV, p. 679. In his Initia doctrinae (Wittenberg, 1549), he expressed a strong disapproval of heliocentrism (ed. Bretschneider XIII, p. 216), while paying compliments to Copernicus on some limited points (ibid., pp. 225, 241, 244, 262). In the corrected edition of the Initia (1550) the condemnation is maintained, but its phrasing is softened here and there. On these corrections, see E. Wohlwill, 'Melanchthon und Copernicus', Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft 3 (1904), pp. 260-267; see also J. R. Christianson, 'Copernicus and the Lutherans', Sixteenth Century 16 (continued) Journal 4 (1973), pp. 1-10; B. T. Moran, 'The Universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory', Comitatus 4 (1973), pp. 1-23.
Initia Doctrinae
Melanchthon received Rheticus's Narratio prima in February 1540. See his letter to Conrad Mithobius (16 October 1541), in Melanchthon, Opera, ed. C. B. Bretschneider (Halle and Brunswick, 1834-1860), IV, p. 679. In his Initia doctrinae (Wittenberg, 1549), he expressed a strong disapproval of heliocentrism (ed. Bretschneider XIII, p. 216), while paying compliments to Copernicus on some limited points (ibid., pp. 225, 241, 244, 262). In the corrected edition of the Initia (1550) the condemnation is maintained, but its phrasing is softened here and there. On these corrections, see E. Wohlwill, 'Melanchthon und Copernicus', Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft 3 (1904), pp. 260-267; see also J. R. Christianson, 'Copernicus and the Lutherans', Sixteenth Century 16 (continued) Journal 4 (1973), pp. 1-10; B. T. Moran, 'The Universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory', Comitatus 4 (1973), pp. 1-23.
Initia Doctrinae
, vol.13
, pp. 216
Melanchthon received Rheticus's Narratio prima in February 1540. See his letter to Conrad Mithobius (16 October 1541), in Melanchthon, Opera, ed. C. B. Bretschneider (Halle and Brunswick, 1834-1860), IV, p. 679. In his Initia doctrinae (Wittenberg, 1549), he expressed a strong disapproval of heliocentrism (ed. Bretschneider XIII, p. 216), while paying compliments to Copernicus on some limited points (ibid., pp. 225, 241, 244, 262). In the corrected edition of the Initia (1550) the condemnation is maintained, but its phrasing is softened here and there. On these corrections, see E. Wohlwill, 'Melanchthon und Copernicus', Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft 3 (1904), pp. 260-267; see also J. R. Christianson, 'Copernicus and the Lutherans', Sixteenth Century 16 (continued) Journal 4 (1973), pp. 1-10; B. T. Moran, 'The Universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory', Comitatus 4 (1973), pp. 1-23.
Initia Doctrinae
, pp. 225
Melanchthon received Rheticus's Narratio prima in February 1540. See his letter to Conrad Mithobius (16 October 1541), in Melanchthon, Opera, ed. C. B. Bretschneider (Halle and Brunswick, 1834-1860), IV, p. 679. In his Initia doctrinae (Wittenberg, 1549), he expressed a strong disapproval of heliocentrism (ed. Bretschneider XIII, p. 216), while paying compliments to Copernicus on some limited points (ibid., pp. 225, 241, 244, 262). In the corrected edition of the Initia (1550) the condemnation is maintained, but its phrasing is softened here and there. On these corrections, see E. Wohlwill, 'Melanchthon und Copernicus', Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft 3 (1904), pp. 260-267; see also J. R. Christianson, 'Copernicus and the Lutherans', Sixteenth Century 16 (continued) Journal 4 (1973), pp. 1-10; B. T. Moran, 'The Universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory', Comitatus 4 (1973), pp. 1-23.
Melanchthon und Copernicus
Melanchthon received Rheticus's Narratio prima in February 1540. See his letter to Conrad Mithobius (16 October 1541), in Melanchthon, Opera, ed. C. B. Bretschneider (Halle and Brunswick, 1834-1860), IV, p. 679. In his Initia doctrinae (Wittenberg, 1549), he expressed a strong disapproval of heliocentrism (ed. Bretschneider XIII, p. 216), while paying compliments to Copernicus on some limited points (ibid., pp. 225, 241, 244, 262). In the corrected edition of the Initia (1550) the condemnation is maintained, but its phrasing is softened here and there. On these corrections, see E. Wohlwill, 'Melanchthon und Copernicus', Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft 3 (1904), pp. 260-267; see also J. R. Christianson, 'Copernicus and the Lutherans', Sixteenth Century 16 (continued) Journal 4 (1973), pp. 1-10; B. T. Moran, 'The Universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory', Comitatus 4 (1973), pp. 1-23.
Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft
, vol.3
, pp. 260-267
Wohlwill, E.1
Copernicus and the Lutherans
Melanchthon received Rheticus's Narratio prima in February 1540. See his letter to Conrad Mithobius (16 October 1541), in Melanchthon, Opera, ed. C. B. Bretschneider (Halle and Brunswick, 1834-1860), IV, p. 679. In his Initia doctrinae (Wittenberg, 1549), he expressed a strong disapproval of heliocentrism (ed. Bretschneider XIII, p. 216), while paying compliments to Copernicus on some limited points (ibid., pp. 225, 241, 244, 262). In the corrected edition of the Initia (1550) the condemnation is maintained, but its phrasing is softened here and there. On these corrections, see E. Wohlwill, 'Melanchthon und Copernicus', Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft 3 (1904), pp. 260-267; see also J. R. Christianson, 'Copernicus and the Lutherans', Sixteenth Century 16 (continued) Journal 4 (1973), pp. 1-10; B. T. Moran, 'The Universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory', Comitatus 4 (1973), pp. 1-23.
Sixteenth Century Journal
, vol.4
, pp. 1-10
Christianson, J.R.1
The universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and use of the Copernican theory
Melanchthon received Rheticus's Narratio prima in February 1540. See his letter to Conrad Mithobius (16 October 1541), in Melanchthon, Opera, ed. C. B. Bretschneider (Halle and Brunswick, 1834-1860), IV, p. 679. In his Initia doctrinae (Wittenberg, 1549), he expressed a strong disapproval of heliocentrism (ed. Bretschneider XIII, p. 216), while paying compliments to Copernicus on some limited points (ibid., pp. 225, 241, 244, 262). In the corrected edition of the Initia (1550) the condemnation is maintained, but its phrasing is softened here and there. On these corrections, see E. Wohlwill, 'Melanchthon und Copernicus', Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaft 3 (1904), pp. 260-267; see also J. R. Christianson, 'Copernicus and the Lutherans', Sixteenth Century 16 (continued) Journal 4 (1973), pp. 1-10; B. T. Moran, 'The Universe of Ph. Melanchthon: Criticism and Use of the Copernican Theory', Comitatus 4 (1973), pp. 1-23.
, vol.4
, pp. 1-23
Moran, B.T.1
Reinhold, Tabulae prutenicae (Tübingen, 1551), p. 28. On this work, see D. Savoie, La diffusion du copernicianisme au XVIème siècle: les Tables Pruténiques d 'E. Reinhold (thèse de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 1996).
Tabulae Prutenicae
, pp. 28
The role of E. Reinhold and the prutenic tables in the dissemination of the Copernican theory
Warsaw: Ossolineum
See O. Gingerich, 'The role of E. Reinhold and the Prutenic Tables in the dissemination of the Copernican Theory', Studia Copernicana VI (1973) (Warsaw: Ossolineum), pp. 43-62.
Studia Copernicana
, vol.6
, pp. 43-62
Gingerich, O.1
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, revised edition especially ch. 7
This 'Wittenberg compromise' was a variant of the more general 'pragmatic compromise in astronomy' which is studied in N. Jardine, The Birth of History and Philosophy of Science: Kepler's A Defense of Tycho against Ursus with essays on its provenance and significance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, revised edition 1988), especially ch. 7, pp. 225-257. I agree with Jardine's statement that such pragmatism represented 'neither a general epistemological stance nor a general endorsement of sceptical epistemology' (p. 243).
The Birth of History and Philosophy of Science: Kepler's a Defense of Tycho Against Ursus with Essays on Its Provenance and Significance
, pp. 225-257
Jardine, N.1
Three responses to the Copernican theory: Johannes Praetorius, Tycho Brahe and Michael Maestlin
idem (ed.), Berkeley: University of California Press
See R. S. Westman, 'Three Responses to the Copernican Theory: Johannes Praetorius, Tycho Brahe and Michael Maestlin', in idem (ed.), The Copernican Achievement (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975), pp. 285-345.
The Copernican Achievement
, pp. 285-345
Westman, R.S.1
New York: Arno
See C. Jones Schofield, Tychonic and Semi-Tychonic World Systems (New York: Arno, 1980); O. Gingerich and R. S. Westman, 'The Wittich Connection: Conflict and Priority in Late Sixteenth-Century Cosmology', Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 78 (1988), Part 7; M. A. Granada, El Debate cosmologico en 1588 (Naples: Bibliopolis, 1996).
Tychonic and Semi-tychonic World Systems
Schofield, C.J.1
The wittich connection: Conflict and priority in late sixteenth-century cosmology
See C. Jones Schofield, Tychonic and Semi-Tychonic World Systems (New York: Arno, 1980); O. Gingerich and R. S. Westman, 'The Wittich Connection: Conflict and Priority in Late Sixteenth-Century Cosmology', Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 78 (1988), Part 7; M. A. Granada, El Debate cosmologico en 1588 (Naples: Bibliopolis, 1996).
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
, vol.78
, Issue.PART 7
Gingerich, O.1
Westman, R.S.2
Naples: Bibliopolis
See C. Jones Schofield, Tychonic and Semi-Tychonic World Systems (New York: Arno, 1980); O. Gingerich and R. S. Westman, 'The Wittich Connection: Conflict and Priority in Late Sixteenth-Century Cosmology', Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 78 (1988), Part 7; M. A. Granada, El Debate cosmologico en 1588 (Naples: Bibliopolis, 1996).
El Debate Cosmologico en 1588
Granada, M.A.1
Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale
In Paris, for example, teachers of mathematics (especially at the Collège Royal) often used books originally designed for the students of Lutheran German universities; so Guillaume Cavellat, whose book-shop was situated near the Collège de Cambray (where the lecteurs royaux gave their lectures), copied many editions from Wittenberg or Tübingen. See I. Pantin, Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens du XVIe siècle ... Fascicule Cavellat (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1986); eadem, 'Les problèmes spécifiques de l'édition des livres scientifiques à la Renaissance: l'exemple de G. Cavellat', in Le Livre dans l'Europe de la Renaissance (Paris: Promodis, 1988), pp. 240-252.
Imprimeurs et Libraires Parisiens du XVIe Siècle ... Fascicule Cavellat
Pantin, I.1
Les problèmes spécifiques de l'édition des livres scientifiques à la renaissance: L'exemple de G. Cavellat
Paris: Promodis
In Paris, for example, teachers of mathematics (especially at the Collège Royal) often used books originally designed for the students of Lutheran German universities; so Guillaume Cavellat, whose book-shop was situated near the Collège de Cambray (where the lecteurs royaux gave their lectures), copied many editions from Wittenberg or Tübingen. See I. Pantin, Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens du XVIe siècle ... Fascicule Cavellat (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1986); eadem, 'Les problèmes spécifiques de l'édition des livres scientifiques à la Renaissance: l'exemple de G. Cavellat', in Le Livre dans l'Europe de la Renaissance (Paris: Promodis, 1988), pp. 240-252.
Le Livre dans l'Europe de la Renaissance
, pp. 240-252
Paris: Wechel, 1567, pp. 272-296
Paris: Wechel, 1567, pp. 272-296. Ramus toured the Protestant cities of Germany and Switzerland from 1568 to 1570 and published in Basel his Scholae mathematicae (1569) which include a reedition of the Prooemium.
Paris: Wechel, 1567, pp. 272-296. Ramus toured the Protestant cities of Germany and Switzerland from 1568 to 1570 and published in Basel his Scholae mathematicae (1569) which include a reedition of the Prooemium.
Scholae Mathematicae
Lausanne: J. Probus
He inserted an enthusiastic account of his travel in the Defensio pro Aristotele adversus Jac. Schecium (Lausanne: J. Probus, 1571), pp. 109-118: see, for example, the praises of Nuremberg (pp. 113-115) and of Tycho's observations at Augsburg (pp. 116-117).
Defensio pro Aristotele Adversus Jac. Schecium
, pp. 109-118
Prooemium ... (1567), pp. 271-272: 'Ergo in Germaniam unicam mathematum scholam vel potius unicam militum officinam redeamus. Etenim subit hoc loco gentis ut procera robustaque corpora, sic animos fortes mathematicis viribus elatosque suspicere atque admirari ... '
Prooemium ...
, pp. 271-272
Senatus enim populusque Noribergensis operam dedit, ut perpetuos Regiomontanos haberet
'Senatus enim populusque Noribergensis operam dedit, ut perpetuos Regiomontanos haberet', ibid., p. 278.
Prooemium ...
, pp. 278
Sic cassellis artifices organorum observandis sideribus necessariorum instruxit, sic quotidianis per instructa organa observationibus oblectatur, ut ptolomaeus ex aegypto in germaniam cum armillis et regulis venisse videatur
'Sic Cassellis artifices organorum observandis sideribus necessariorum instruxit, sic quotidianis per instructa organa observationibus oblectatur, ut Ptolomaeus ex aegypto in germaniam cum armillis et 28 (continued) regulis venisse videatur', ibid., p. 287. See B. T. Moran, 'Wilhelm IV of Hesse-Kassel: Informal Communication and the Aristocratic Context of Discovery', in T. Nickles (ed.), Scientific Discovery: Case Studies (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1980), pp. 67-96; idem, 'German Prince-Practitioners: Aspects in the Development of Courtly Science, Technology, and Procedures in the Renaissance', Technology and Culture 22 (1981), pp. 253-274.
Prooemium ...
, pp. 287
Wilhelm IV of Hesse-Kassel: Informal communication and the aristocratic context of discovery
T. Nickles (ed.), Dordrecht: Reidel
'Sic Cassellis artifices organorum observandis sideribus necessariorum instruxit, sic quotidianis per instructa organa observationibus oblectatur, ut Ptolomaeus ex aegypto in germaniam cum armillis et 28 (continued) regulis venisse videatur', ibid., p. 287. See B. T. Moran, 'Wilhelm IV of Hesse-Kassel: Informal Communication and the Aristocratic Context of Discovery', in T. Nickles (ed.), Scientific Discovery: Case Studies (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1980), pp. 67-96; idem, 'German Prince-Practitioners: Aspects in the Development of Courtly Science, Technology, and Procedures in the Renaissance', Technology and Culture 22 (1981), pp. 253-274.
Scientific Discovery: Case Studies
, pp. 67-96
Moran, B.T.1
German prince-practitioners: Aspects in the development of courtly science, technology, and procedures in the renaissance
'Sic Cassellis artifices organorum observandis sideribus necessariorum instruxit, sic quotidianis per instructa organa observationibus oblectatur, ut Ptolomaeus ex aegypto in germaniam cum armillis et 28 (continued) regulis venisse videatur', ibid., p. 287. See B. T. Moran, 'Wilhelm IV of Hesse-Kassel: Informal Communication and the Aristocratic Context of Discovery', in T. Nickles (ed.), Scientific Discovery: Case Studies (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1980), pp. 67-96; idem, 'German Prince-Practitioners: Aspects in the Development of Courtly Science, Technology, and Procedures in the Renaissance', Technology and Culture 22 (1981), pp. 253-274.
Technology and Culture
, vol.22
, pp. 253-274
Moran, B.T.1
See M. A. Granada, pp. 15-30
See M. A. Granada, pp. 15-30. Bruno had already published in Paris 'ad Authoris instant.', the program of the disputatio held in the Collège de Cambray in 1586: the Centum et viginti articuli de natura et mundo adversus Peripateticos, reprinted in E. Canone ed., Giordano Bruno. Gli anni napoletani e la 'peregrinatio europea' (Cassino: Università degli studi, 1992), pp. 159-180. But the edition of the Camoeracensis Acrotismus, an expanded version of these theses, aimed at a larger audience.
See M. A. Granada, pp. 15-30. Bruno had already published in Paris 'ad Authoris instant.', the program of the disputatio held in the Collège de Cambray in 1586: the Centum et viginti articuli de natura et mundo adversus Peripateticos, reprinted in E. Canone ed., Giordano Bruno. Gli anni napoletani e la 'peregrinatio europea' (Cassino: Università degli studi, 1992), pp. 159-180. But the edition of the Camoeracensis Acrotismus, an expanded version of these theses, aimed at a larger audience.
Centum et Viginti Articuli de Natura et Mundo Adversus Peripateticos
Cassino: Università degli studi
See M. A. Granada, pp. 15-30. Bruno had already published in Paris 'ad Authoris instant.', the program of the disputatio held in the Collège de Cambray in 1586: the Centum et viginti articuli de natura et mundo adversus Peripateticos, reprinted in E. Canone ed., Giordano Bruno. Gli anni napoletani e la 'peregrinatio europea' (Cassino: Università degli studi, 1992), pp. 159-180. But the edition of the Camoeracensis Acrotismus, an expanded version of these theses, aimed at a larger audience.
Giordano Bruno. Gli Anni Napoletani e la 'peregrinatio Europea
, pp. 159-180
Canone, E.1
ed. F. Fiorentino Naples: Morano
G. Bruno, Opera latine conscripta, ed. F. Fiorentino (Naples: Morano, 1879), I, 1, pp. 16-17.
Opera Latine Conscripta
, vol.1
, Issue.1
, pp. 16-17
Bruno, G.1
Copernicum etiam qualem putatis esse nedum mathematicum, sed - Quod est mirum - Obiter physicum
Bruno insists on the innovative side of German astronomy: he assumes that his auditors (the lecturers and students of Wittenberg) are realist Copernicans ('Copernicum etiam qualem putatis esse nedum mathematicum, sed - quod est mirum - obiter physicum', ibid., p. 17), and credits the Landgraf of Hesse, who no longer believes in the solid celestial orbs, with views similar to his own (ibid., p. 19). Moreover, he says that his system will be confirmed by the observations of this prince (ibid., p. 20). According to Granada, Bruno wished his cosmology to receive recognition from German astronomers. To this purpose, he dedicated a copy of the Camoeracensis Acrotismus to Tycho Brahe. See R. Sturlese, 'Su Bruno e Tycho Brahe', Rinascimento 25 (1985), pp. 303-339.
Opera Latine Conscripta
, pp. 17
Bruno insists on the innovative side of German astronomy: he assumes that his auditors (the lecturers and students of Wittenberg) are realist Copernicans ('Copernicum etiam qualem putatis esse nedum mathematicum, sed - quod est mirum - obiter physicum', ibid., p. 17), and credits the Landgraf of Hesse, who no longer believes in the solid celestial orbs, with views similar to his own (ibid., p. 19). Moreover, he says that his system will be confirmed by the observations of this prince (ibid., p. 20). According to Granada, Bruno wished his cosmology to receive recognition from German astronomers. To this purpose, he dedicated a copy of the Camoeracensis Acrotismus to Tycho Brahe. See R. Sturlese, 'Su Bruno e Tycho Brahe', Rinascimento 25 (1985), pp. 303-339.
Opera Latine Conscripta
, pp. 19
Bruno insists on the innovative side of German astronomy: he assumes that his auditors (the lecturers and students of Wittenberg) are realist Copernicans ('Copernicum etiam qualem putatis esse nedum mathematicum, sed - quod est mirum - obiter physicum', ibid., p. 17), and credits the Landgraf of Hesse, who no longer believes in the solid celestial orbs, with views similar to his own (ibid., p. 19). Moreover, he says that his system will be confirmed by the observations of this prince (ibid., p. 20). According to Granada, Bruno wished his cosmology to receive recognition from German astronomers. To this purpose, he dedicated a copy of the Camoeracensis Acrotismus to Tycho Brahe. See R. Sturlese, 'Su Bruno e Tycho Brahe', Rinascimento 25 (1985), pp. 303-339.
Opera Latine Conscripta
, pp. 20
Su Bruno e Tycho Brahe
Bruno insists on the innovative side of German astronomy: he assumes that his auditors (the lecturers and students of Wittenberg) are realist Copernicans ('Copernicum etiam qualem putatis esse nedum mathematicum, sed - quod est mirum - obiter physicum', ibid., p. 17), and credits the Landgraf of Hesse, who no longer believes in the solid celestial orbs, with views similar to his own (ibid., p. 19). Moreover, he says that his system will be confirmed by the observations of this prince (ibid., p. 20). According to Granada, Bruno wished his cosmology to receive recognition from German astronomers. To this purpose, he dedicated a copy of the Camoeracensis Acrotismus to Tycho Brahe. See R. Sturlese, 'Su Bruno e Tycho Brahe', Rinascimento 25 (1985), pp. 303-339.
, vol.25
, pp. 303-339
Sturlese, R.1
The civil reception of the Gregorian calendar
G. V. Coyne (ed.)
See O. Gingerich, 'The Civil Reception of the Gregorian Calendar', in G. V. Coyne (ed.), The Gregorian Reform ..., pp. 265-279.
The Gregorian Reform ...
, pp. 265-279
Gingerich, O.1
The reaction of astronomers to the Gregorian calendar
Coyne (ed.)
H. M. Nobis, 'The Reaction of Astronomers to the Gregorian Calendar', in Coyne (ed.), The Gregorian Reform ..., p. 243.
The Gregorian Reform ...
, pp. 243
Nobis, H.M.1
Venice: D. Zenaro
Novae coelestium orbium theoricae congruentes cum observationibus N. Copernici (Venice: D. Zenaro, 1589). Magini was the first astronomer to draw benefit concurrently from the 'Wittenberg compromise' and from the Gregorian calendar in his Ephemerides ... ad annum 1620 secundum Copernici hypotheses, Prutenicosque canones atque juxta Gregorianam Anni correctionem (Venice: D. Zenaro, 1582) (his first publication, dedicated to the Pope).
Novae Coelestium Orbium Theoricae Congruentes Cum Observationibus N. Copernici
The Landgraf of Hesse, who shared this concern, corresponded only with 'a circle of German princes and through them with court mathematicians and physicians', Moran (1981), pp. 262-263
The Landgraf of Hesse, who shared this concern, corresponded only with 'a circle of German princes and through them with court mathematicians and physicians', Moran (1981), pp. 262-263.
Gloucester: P. Smith, reprint
Among the other beneficiaries: Bartholomeus Scultetus (in Leipzig), Thaddeus Hagecius (Imperial physician, in Prague), Caspar Peucer (in Wittenberg) and Brucaeus (in Rostock); Rollenhagen (an astrologer of Magdeburg) received a copy through Heinrich Rantzov, and Jacob Kurz, the Emperor's pro-chancellor, another through Hagecius. See J. L. E. Dreyer, Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life and Work in theXVIth Century (Gloucester: P. Smith, reprint 1977), pp. 181-183; V. Thoren, The Lord of Uraniborg (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), p. 273. Thoren remarks that Tycho encouraged the recipients 'to share the contents of the work with friends and return their comments to him'.
Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life and Work in theXVIth Century
, pp. 181-183
Dreyer, J.L.E.1
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Among the other beneficiaries: Bartholomeus Scultetus (in Leipzig), Thaddeus Hagecius (Imperial physician, in Prague), Caspar Peucer (in Wittenberg) and Brucaeus (in Rostock); Rollenhagen (an astrologer of Magdeburg) received a copy through Heinrich Rantzov, and Jacob Kurz, the Emperor's pro-chancellor, another through Hagecius. See J. L. E. Dreyer, Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life and Work in theXVIth Century (Gloucester: P. Smith, reprint 1977), pp. 181-183; V. Thoren, The Lord of Uraniborg (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), p. 273. Thoren remarks that Tycho encouraged the recipients 'to share the contents of the work with friends and return their comments to him'.
The Lord of Uraniborg
, pp. 273
Thoren, V.1
Bologna: Zanichelli
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
Carteggio Inedito di Ticone Brahe ... Con G. A. Magini
, pp. 193-196
Favaro, A.1
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590
, pp. 386-387
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590
, pp. 388-391
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590
, pp. 392-394
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590
, pp. 198-199
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590
, pp. 394-406
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590
, pp. 199-205
contains copy of a letter from Tycho
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591
, pp. 406-408
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591
, pp. 205-206
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
Gellius to M., 14 March 1591
, pp. 207-209
contains copy of a letter from Tycho. On Magini
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
Gellius to M., 14 March 1592
London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation
See A. Favaro, Carteggio inedito di Ticone Brahe ... con G. A. Magini (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1886), pp. 193-196 (Gellius to M., 15 Jan. 1590), pp. 386-387 (M. to Gellius, 15 July 1590), pp. 388-391 (Gellius to M., 6 Aug. 1590), pp. 392-394 (M. to Tycho, 13 Sept. 1590), pp. 198-199 (Gellius to M., 4 Oct. 1590), pp. 394-406 (Tycho to M., 1/10 Dec. 1590), pp. 199-205 (Gellius to M., 1 Feb. 1591; contains copy of a letter from Tycho), pp. 406-408 (M. to Tycho, 1 Aug. 1591), pp. 205-206 Gellius to M., 14 March 1591), pp. 207-209 (Gellius to M., 14 March 1592; contains copy of a letter from Tycho). On Magini, see also A. G. Clarke, G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology (London: Warburg Institute, unpublished dissertation, 1985).
G. A. Magini (1555-1617) and Late Renaissance Astrology
Clarke, A.G.1
See the letter written in Oct. 1590 and copied by Gellius for Magini: Favaro (1886), p. 203
See the letter written in Oct. 1590 and copied by Gellius for Magini: Favaro (1886), p. 203; Tycho Brahe, Opera omnia, ed. J. L. E. Dreyer (Copenhagen: libr. Gyldendaliana, 1913-29), VII, p. 281.
ed. J. L. E. Dreyer Copenhagen: libr. Gyldendaliana
See the letter written in Oct. 1590 and copied by Gellius for Magini: Favaro (1886), p. 203; Tycho Brahe, Opera omnia, ed. J. L. E. Dreyer (Copenhagen: libr. Gyldendaliana, 1913-29), VII, p. 281.
Opera Omnia
, vol.7
, pp. 281
Brahe, T.1
Dreyer (ed.) VII, p. 315
Dreyer (ed.) VII, p. 315.
Dreyer (ed.), V, p. 21
Dreyer (ed.), V, p. 21.
Ibid., p. 22: '... volui aliis insuper Eruditis viris, etiam inter eos qui mihi adhuc forte ignoti sunt, ansam praebere, ut de Rebus Philosophicis, potissimum vero iis, quae Sideralem scientiam concernunt, mecum pariter per literas disserere'.
Opera Omnia
, pp. 22
See Dreyer (1977 repr.), pp. 239-267
See Dreyer (1977 repr.), pp. 239-267; Thoren (1990), pp. 376-415.
Thoren (1990), pp. 376-415
See Dreyer (1977 repr.), pp. 239-267; Thoren (1990), pp. 376-415.
Wandsbeck, fos. G4r-G5v
Mechanica (Wandsbeck, 1598), fos. G4r-G5v.
fo. G6 r
'Ex quo itaque e praemissis Carissimi illius MAGINI literis intelligam, esse in Italia Magnificos quosdam et praecellentes viros, qui Astronomicis rebus addicti, Organa etiam ad nostrorum imitationem parare, atque observationes Corporum Coelestium his subtiliter perficere non intermittendum ducant, est sane id mihi auditu quam jucundissimum. Nec dubito quin eximia utilitas ad Artem Astronomicam ampliandam hinc promanare queat', ibid., fo. G6 r.
Tycho Brahe et ses rapports avec l'Italie
On this mission, see W. Norlind, 'Tycho Brahe et ses rapports avec l'Italie', Scientia 69 (1955), pp. 47-61; Thoren (1990), pp. 405-406.
, vol.69
, pp. 47-61
Norlind, W.1
On this mission, see W. Norlind, 'Tycho Brahe et ses rapports avec l'Italie', Scientia 69 (1955), pp. 47-61; Thoren (1990), pp. 405-406.
, pp. 405-406
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 Old Style
, vol.8
, pp. 120-125
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599
, pp. 224-229
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599
, pp. 235-236
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
Laudatory Poem
, pp. 417-419
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 Old Style
, vol.8
, pp. 229-231
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 Old Style
, vol.8
, pp. 394-398
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601
, vol.8
, pp. 399-401
Urbino: Monticelli
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
Cronica de' Matematici
Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition
See Favaro (1886), pp. 217-223 (Tycho to Magini, Dresden, 28 Nov. 1598 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 120-125), pp. 223-224 (Tengnagel to M., Rome, 15 Oct. 1599), pp. 224-229 (M. to Tycho, 4 Nov. 1599), pp. 235-236 (laudatory poem), pp. 417-419 (Tycho to M., 24 Dec. 1599 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 229-231), pp. 230-234 (Magini to Tycho, 4 March 1600; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 250-254), pp. 236-241 (Tycho to M., 14 Jan. 1601 old style; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 394-398; pp. 420-422 (M. to Tycho, 20 Feb. 1601; cf. Dreyer (ed.), VIII, pp. 399-401). Baldi never mentioned Tycho either in his Cronica de' Matematici (Urbino: Monticelli, 1707) or in his De le vite de' Matematici, unpublished: see E. Narducci, Catalogo di manuscritti ora posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni (Rome: Tipografia delle Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche, 2nd rev. edition, 1892), pp. 31-38.
Catalogo di Manuscritti ora Posseduti da D. Baldassare Boncompagni
, pp. 31-38
Narducci, E.1
ed. U. Baldini and P.-D. Napolitani Università di Pisa: preprint note 10
Tengnagel had given to the Republic and to the Doge Marino Grimani manuscripts containing in particular Tycho's stellar catalogue, see C. Clavius, Corrispondenza, ed. U. Baldini and P.-D. Napolitani (Università di Pisa: preprint 1992), no. 164, note 10.
, vol.164
Clavius, C.1
apparently unanswered
See E.N. X, pp. 78-80 (letters from Tycho to G.V. Pinelli, 3 Jan. 1600, and to Galileo, 4 May 1600, apparently unanswered).
Letters from Tycho to G.V. Pinelli, 3 Jan. 1600, and to Galileo, 4 May 1600
, pp. 78-80
X, E.N.1
L'entrée de Tycho Brahe chez les jésuites, ou le chant du cygne de Clavius
L. Giard (ed.), Paris: P.U.F.
On Clavius's attitude, see M.-P. Lerner, 'L'entrée de Tycho Brahe chez les jésuites, ou le chant du cygne de Clavius', in L. Giard (ed.), Les Jésuites à la Renaissance (Paris: P.U.F., 1995), pp. 145-185, esp. pp. 145-151. Lerner analyses the only letter written by Tycho to Clavius (5 Jan. 1600), which remained unanswered; see W. Norlind, 'A Hitherto Unpublished Letter from Tycho Brahe to Ch. Clavius', The Observatory 74 (1954), pp. 20-23; idem, Tycho Brahe (Lund, 1970), pp. 376-381; Clavius (1992), no. 159. A letter from Tengnagel to Clavius (24 Jan. 1600) alludes to the objection concerning the difference of religion and assures the Jesuit that Tycho had no hostility towards Catholicism: 'Nee est, quod Paternitas T. ob religionis apud me insinuatam diversitatem rescriptione supersedeat. Nam quemadmodum tunc aliquatenus innui, Dominus Tycho nulli particulare sectae ita mancipatus est, ut veterem et Catholicam Religionem contra quam multi alias ex iis oris oriundi facere consueverunt, aversetur .' See Norlind (1970), p. 382; Clavius (1992), no. 163; Lerner (1995), p. 150.
Les Jésuites à la Renaissance
, pp. 145-185
Lerner, M.-P.1
A hitherto unpublished letter from Tycho Brahe to Ch. Clavius
On Clavius's attitude, see M.-P. Lerner, 'L'entrée de Tycho Brahe chez les jésuites, ou le chant du cygne de Clavius', in L. Giard (ed.), Les Jésuites à la Renaissance (Paris: P.U.F., 1995), pp. 145-185, esp. pp. 145-151. Lerner analyses the only letter written by Tycho to Clavius (5 Jan. 1600), which remained unanswered; see W. Norlind, 'A Hitherto Unpublished Letter from Tycho Brahe to Ch. Clavius', The Observatory 74 (1954), pp. 20-23; idem, Tycho Brahe (Lund, 1970), pp. 376-381; Clavius (1992), no. 159. A letter from Tengnagel to Clavius (24 Jan. 1600) alludes to the objection concerning the difference of religion and assures the Jesuit that Tycho had no hostility towards Catholicism: 'Nee est, quod Paternitas T. ob religionis apud me insinuatam diversitatem rescriptione supersedeat. Nam quemadmodum tunc aliquatenus innui, Dominus Tycho nulli particulare sectae ita mancipatus est, ut veterem et Catholicam Religionem contra quam multi alias ex iis oris oriundi facere consueverunt, aversetur .' See Norlind (1970), p. 382; Clavius (1992), no. 163; Lerner (1995), p. 150.
The Observatory
, vol.74
, pp. 20-23
Norlind, W.1
On Clavius's attitude, see M.-P. Lerner, 'L'entrée de Tycho Brahe chez les jésuites, ou le chant du cygne de Clavius', in L. Giard (ed.), Les Jésuites à la Renaissance (Paris: P.U.F., 1995), pp. 145-185, esp. pp. 145-151. Lerner analyses the only letter written by Tycho to Clavius (5 Jan. 1600), which remained unanswered; see W. Norlind, 'A Hitherto Unpublished Letter from Tycho Brahe to Ch. Clavius', The Observatory 74 (1954), pp. 20-23; idem, Tycho Brahe (Lund, 1970), pp. 376-381; Clavius (1992), no. 159. A letter from Tengnagel to Clavius (24 Jan. 1600) alludes to the objection concerning the difference of religion and assures the Jesuit that Tycho had no hostility towards Catholicism: 'Nee est, quod Paternitas T. ob religionis apud me insinuatam diversitatem rescriptione supersedeat. Nam quemadmodum tunc aliquatenus innui, Dominus Tycho nulli particulare sectae ita mancipatus est, ut veterem et Catholicam Religionem contra quam multi alias ex iis oris oriundi facere consueverunt, aversetur .' See Norlind (1970), p. 382; Clavius (1992), no. 163; Lerner (1995), p. 150.
Tycho Brahe
, pp. 376-381
Norlind, W.1
On Clavius's attitude, see M.-P. Lerner, 'L'entrée de Tycho Brahe chez les jésuites, ou le chant du cygne de Clavius', in L. Giard (ed.), Les Jésuites à la Renaissance (Paris: P.U.F., 1995), pp. 145-185, esp. pp. 145-151. Lerner analyses the only letter written by Tycho to Clavius (5 Jan. 1600), which remained unanswered; see W. Norlind, 'A Hitherto Unpublished Letter from Tycho Brahe to Ch. Clavius', The Observatory 74 (1954), pp. 20-23; idem, Tycho Brahe (Lund, 1970), pp. 376-381; Clavius (1992), no. 159. A letter from Tengnagel to Clavius (24 Jan. 1600) alludes to the objection concerning the difference of religion and assures the Jesuit that Tycho had no hostility towards Catholicism: 'Nee est, quod Paternitas T. ob religionis apud me insinuatam diversitatem rescriptione supersedeat. Nam quemadmodum tunc aliquatenus innui, Dominus Tycho nulli particulare sectae ita mancipatus est, ut veterem et Catholicam Religionem contra quam multi alias ex iis oris oriundi facere consueverunt, aversetur .' See Norlind (1970), p. 382; Clavius (1992), no. 163; Lerner (1995), p. 150.
Tycho Brahe
, vol.159
On Clavius's attitude, see M.-P. Lerner, 'L'entrée de Tycho Brahe chez les jésuites, ou le chant du cygne de Clavius', in L. Giard (ed.), Les Jésuites à la Renaissance (Paris: P.U.F., 1995), pp. 145-185, esp. pp. 145-151. Lerner analyses the only letter written by Tycho to Clavius (5 Jan. 1600), which remained unanswered; see W. Norlind, 'A Hitherto Unpublished Letter from Tycho Brahe to Ch. Clavius', The Observatory 74 (1954), pp. 20-23; idem, Tycho Brahe (Lund, 1970), pp. 376-381; Clavius (1992), no. 159. A letter from Tengnagel to Clavius (24 Jan. 1600) alludes to the objection concerning the difference of religion and assures the Jesuit that Tycho had no hostility towards Catholicism: 'Nee est, quod Paternitas T. ob religionis apud me insinuatam diversitatem rescriptione supersedeat. Nam quemadmodum tunc aliquatenus innui, Dominus Tycho nulli particulare sectae ita mancipatus est, ut veterem et Catholicam Religionem contra quam multi alias ex iis oris oriundi facere consueverunt, aversetur .' See Norlind (1970), p. 382; Clavius (1992), no. 163; Lerner (1995), p. 150.
Tycho Brahe
, pp. 382
On Clavius's attitude, see M.-P. Lerner, 'L'entrée de Tycho Brahe chez les jésuites, ou le chant du cygne de Clavius', in L. Giard (ed.), Les Jésuites à la Renaissance (Paris: P.U.F., 1995), pp. 145-185, esp. pp. 145-151. Lerner analyses the only letter written by Tycho to Clavius (5 Jan. 1600), which remained unanswered; see W. Norlind, 'A Hitherto Unpublished Letter from Tycho Brahe to Ch. Clavius', The Observatory 74 (1954), pp. 20-23; idem, Tycho Brahe (Lund, 1970), pp. 376-381; Clavius (1992), no. 159. A letter from Tengnagel to Clavius (24 Jan. 1600) alludes to the objection concerning the difference of religion and assures the Jesuit that Tycho had no hostility towards Catholicism: 'Nee est, quod Paternitas T. ob religionis apud me insinuatam diversitatem rescriptione supersedeat. Nam quemadmodum tunc aliquatenus innui, Dominus Tycho nulli particulare sectae ita mancipatus est, ut veterem et Catholicam Religionem contra quam multi alias ex iis oris oriundi facere consueverunt, aversetur .' See Norlind (1970), p. 382; Clavius (1992), no. 163; Lerner (1995), p. 150.
Tycho Brahe
, vol.163
On Clavius's attitude, see M.-P. Lerner, 'L'entrée de Tycho Brahe chez les jésuites, ou le chant du cygne de Clavius', in L. Giard (ed.), Les Jésuites à la Renaissance (Paris: P.U.F., 1995), pp. 145-185, esp. pp. 145-151. Lerner analyses the only letter written by Tycho to Clavius (5 Jan. 1600), which remained unanswered; see W. Norlind, 'A Hitherto Unpublished Letter from Tycho Brahe to Ch. Clavius', The Observatory 74 (1954), pp. 20-23; idem, Tycho Brahe (Lund, 1970), pp. 376-381; Clavius (1992), no. 159. A letter from Tengnagel to Clavius (24 Jan. 1600) alludes to the objection concerning the difference of religion and assures the Jesuit that Tycho had no hostility towards Catholicism: 'Nee est, quod Paternitas T. ob religionis apud me insinuatam diversitatem rescriptione supersedeat. Nam quemadmodum tunc aliquatenus innui, Dominus Tycho nulli particulare sectae ita mancipatus est, ut veterem et Catholicam Religionem contra quam multi alias ex iis oris oriundi facere consueverunt, aversetur .' See Norlind (1970), p. 382; Clavius (1992), no. 163; Lerner (1995), p. 150.
Tycho Brahe
, pp. 150
See Lerner (1995), pp. 157-183
See Lerner (1995), pp. 157-183.
Rome: Accademia dei Lincei, reprint 2 vols
See G. Gabrieli, Contributi alla storia della Accademia dei Lincei (Rome: Accademia dei Lincei, reprint 1989) 2 vols; J.-M. Gardair, 'I Lincei: i soggetti, i luoghi, le attività', Quaderni storici 48 (1981), pp. 763-787; G. Olmi, 'In essercitio universale di contemplatione, eprattica: Federico Cesi e i Lincei', in L. Boehm and E. Raimondi (eds), Università, Accademie e società scientifiche in Italia e in Germania dal Cinquecento al Settecento (Bologna: I1 Mulino, 1981), pp. 169-235; E. Garin, 'Fra '500 e '600: Scienze nuove, metodi nuovi, nuove accademie', Nuncius 1 (1986), pp. 3-23; S. Ricci, 'Una Filosofica Milizia'. Tre studi sull' Accademia dei Lincei (Udine: Campanotto, 1994).
Contributi alla Storia della Accademia dei Lincei
Gabrieli, G.1
I lincei: I soggetti, i luoghi, le attività
See G. Gabrieli, Contributi alla storia della Accademia dei Lincei (Rome: Accademia dei Lincei, reprint 1989) 2 vols; J.-M. Gardair, 'I Lincei: i soggetti, i luoghi, le attività', Quaderni storici 48 (1981), pp. 763-787; G. Olmi, 'In essercitio universale di contemplatione, eprattica: Federico Cesi e i Lincei', in L. Boehm and E. Raimondi (eds), Università, Accademie e società scientifiche in Italia e in Germania dal Cinquecento al Settecento (Bologna: I1 Mulino, 1981), pp. 169-235; E. Garin, 'Fra '500 e '600: Scienze nuove, metodi nuovi, nuove accademie', Nuncius 1 (1986), pp. 3-23; S. Ricci, 'Una Filosofica Milizia'. Tre studi sull' Accademia dei Lincei (Udine: Campanotto, 1994).
Quaderni Storici
, vol.48
, pp. 763-787
Gardair, J.-M.1
In essercitio universale di contemplatione, eprattica: Federico Cesi e i Lincei
L. Boehm and E. Raimondi (eds), Bologna: I1 Mulino
See G. Gabrieli, Contributi alla storia della Accademia dei Lincei (Rome: Accademia dei Lincei, reprint 1989) 2 vols; J.-M. Gardair, 'I Lincei: i soggetti, i luoghi, le attività', Quaderni storici 48 (1981), pp. 763-787; G. Olmi, 'In essercitio universale di contemplatione, eprattica: Federico Cesi e i Lincei', in L. Boehm and E. Raimondi (eds), Università, Accademie e società scientifiche in Italia e in Germania dal Cinquecento al Settecento (Bologna: I1 Mulino, 1981), pp. 169-235; E. Garin, 'Fra '500 e '600: Scienze nuove, metodi nuovi, nuove accademie', Nuncius 1 (1986), pp. 3-23; S. Ricci, 'Una Filosofica Milizia'. Tre studi sull' Accademia dei Lincei (Udine: Campanotto, 1994).
Università, Accademie e Società Scientifiche in Italia e in Germania dal Cinquecento al Settecento
, pp. 169-235
Olmi, G.1
Fra '500 e '600: Scienze nuove, metodi nuovi, nuove accademie
See G. Gabrieli, Contributi alla storia della Accademia dei Lincei (Rome: Accademia dei Lincei, reprint 1989) 2 vols; J.-M. Gardair, 'I Lincei: i soggetti, i luoghi, le attività', Quaderni storici 48 (1981), pp. 763-787; G. Olmi, 'In essercitio universale di contemplatione, eprattica: Federico Cesi e i Lincei', in L. Boehm and E. Raimondi (eds), Università, Accademie e società scientifiche in Italia e in Germania dal Cinquecento al Settecento (Bologna: I1 Mulino, 1981), pp. 169-235; E. Garin, 'Fra '500 e '600: Scienze nuove, metodi nuovi, nuove accademie', Nuncius 1 (1986), pp. 3-23; S. Ricci, 'Una Filosofica Milizia'. Tre studi sull' Accademia dei Lincei (Udine: Campanotto, 1994).
, vol.1
, pp. 3-23
Garin, E.1
Udine: Campanotto
See G. Gabrieli, Contributi alla storia della Accademia dei Lincei (Rome: Accademia dei Lincei, reprint 1989) 2 vols; J.-M. Gardair, 'I Lincei: i soggetti, i luoghi, le attività', Quaderni storici 48 (1981), pp. 763-787; G. Olmi, 'In essercitio universale di contemplatione, eprattica: Federico Cesi e i Lincei', in L. Boehm and E. Raimondi (eds), Università, Accademie e società scientifiche in Italia e in Germania dal Cinquecento al Settecento (Bologna: I1 Mulino, 1981), pp. 169-235; E. Garin, 'Fra '500 e '600: Scienze nuove, metodi nuovi, nuove accademie', Nuncius 1 (1986), pp. 3-23; S. Ricci, 'Una Filosofica Milizia'. Tre studi sull' Accademia dei Lincei (Udine: Campanotto, 1994).
'Una Filosofica Milizia'. Tre Studi Sull' Accademia dei Lincei
Ricci, S.1
See Gabneli (1989), I, pp. 311-330, 989
See Gabneli (1989), I, pp. 311-330, 989; Olmi (1981), pp. 231-234.
Olmi (1981), pp. 231-234
See Gabneli (1989), I, pp. 311-330, 989; Olmi (1981), pp. 231-234.
fol. 89, quoted in Olmi
In his Lynceographum (the unpublished statute book of the Accademia) Cesi said that the Lincei must be faithful and obedient Catholics but never take part in religious controversies: 'Religiosos enim eos, piosque viros optamus, et censemus, unde aequum est, ut salutaria ab istis dogmata, et admonitiones hauriant, et pie firmiterque credere, ac venerari debeant, quae ab Ecclesia sancta Catholica tenentur, de illis vero nullo pacto controversias, disputationesque sumere cum aliis vel scriptis, vel verbis,' Lynceographum, fol. 89, quoted in Olmi (1981), p. 193. Cf. Praescriptiones Lynceae Academiae, ed. J. Faber (Interamna: Guerrieri, 1624): '... Academicoque huic Confessui, et quod anhelantibus discupiunt votis, bono publico litterariae rei et totius Orthodoxi Christiani orbis optatum incrementum, et supplementum felicissimum largiri, pacisque et tranquillitatis bonum, indefessum imperturbatumque in studiis laborem, cum virtutis fructu ad aeternae vitae gloriam conducentem, donare dignetur ...' (p. 11).
, pp. 193
Interamna: Guerrieri
In his Lynceographum (the unpublished statute book of the Accademia) Cesi said that the Lincei must be faithful and obedient Catholics but never take part in religious controversies: 'Religiosos enim eos, piosque viros optamus, et censemus, unde aequum est, ut salutaria ab istis dogmata, et admonitiones hauriant, et pie firmiterque credere, ac venerari debeant, quae ab Ecclesia sancta Catholica tenentur, de illis vero nullo pacto controversias, disputationesque sumere cum aliis vel scriptis, vel verbis,' Lynceographum, fol. 89, quoted in Olmi (1981), p. 193. Cf. Praescriptiones Lynceae Academiae, ed. J. Faber (Interamna: Guerrieri, 1624): '... Academicoque huic Confessui, et quod anhelantibus discupiunt votis, bono publico litterariae rei et totius Orthodoxi Christiani orbis optatum incrementum, et supplementum felicissimum largiri, pacisque et tranquillitatis bonum, indefessum imperturbatumque in studiis laborem, cum virtutis fructu ad aeternae vitae gloriam conducentem, donare dignetur ...' (p. 11).
Praescriptiones Lynceae Academiae
, pp. 11
Faber, J.1
ed. W. von Dyck and M. Caspar Munich: Beck
From 1611 the Astronomia nova had a few readers in Italy, notably Remus Quietanus and Odo Van Maelcote. See Kepler Gesammelte Werke, ed. W. von Dyck and M. Caspar (Munich: Beck, 1937-), henceforth referred to as G.W., XVI, pp. 396-397, XVII, p. 37; M. Bucciantmi, 'Dopo il Sidereus nuncius: il copernicanesimo in Italia tra Galileo e Keplero', Nuncius 9 (1994), pp. 15-35; idem, Contro Galileo. Alle origini dell'Affaire (Florence: Olschki 1995), chs 5 and 6.
Gesammelte Werke
From 1611 the Astronomia nova had a few readers in Italy, notably Remus Quietanus and Odo Van Maelcote. See Kepler Gesammelte Werke, ed. W. von Dyck and M. Caspar (Munich: Beck, 1937-), henceforth referred to as G.W., XVI, pp. 396-397, XVII, p. 37; M. Bucciantmi, 'Dopo il Sidereus nuncius: il copernicanesimo in Italia tra Galileo e Keplero', Nuncius 9 (1994), pp. 15-35; idem, Contro Galileo. Alle origini dell'Affaire (Florence: Olschki 1995), chs 5 and 6.
, vol.16
, pp. 396-397
From 1611 the Astronomia nova had a few readers in Italy, notably Remus Quietanus and Odo Van Maelcote. See Kepler Gesammelte Werke, ed. W. von Dyck and M. Caspar (Munich: Beck, 1937-), henceforth referred to as G.W., XVI, pp. 396-397, XVII, p. 37; M. Bucciantmi, 'Dopo il Sidereus nuncius: il copernicanesimo in Italia tra Galileo e Keplero', Nuncius 9 (1994), pp. 15-35; idem, Contro Galileo. Alle origini dell'Affaire (Florence: Olschki 1995), chs 5 and 6.
, vol.17
, pp. 37
Dopo il Sidereus nuncius: Il copernicanesimo in Italia tra Galileo e Keplero
From 1611 the Astronomia nova had a few readers in Italy, notably Remus Quietanus and Odo Van Maelcote. See Kepler Gesammelte Werke, ed. W. von Dyck and M. Caspar (Munich: Beck, 1937-), henceforth referred to as G.W., XVI, pp. 396-397, XVII, p. 37; M. Bucciantmi, 'Dopo il Sidereus nuncius: il copernicanesimo in Italia tra Galileo e Keplero', Nuncius 9 (1994), pp. 15-35; idem, Contro Galileo. Alle origini dell'Affaire (Florence: Olschki 1995), chs 5 and 6.
, vol.9
, pp. 15-35
Bucciantmi, M.1
Florence: Olschki chs 5 and 6
From 1611 the Astronomia nova had a few readers in Italy, notably Remus Quietanus and Odo Van Maelcote. See Kepler Gesammelte Werke, ed. W. von Dyck and M. Caspar (Munich: Beck, 1937-), henceforth referred to as G.W., XVI, pp. 396-397, XVII, p. 37; M. Bucciantmi, 'Dopo il Sidereus nuncius: il copernicanesimo in Italia tra Galileo e Keplero', Nuncius 9 (1994), pp. 15-35; idem, Contro Galileo. Alle origini dell'Affaire (Florence: Olschki 1995), chs 5 and 6.
Contro Galileo. Alle Origini dell'Affaire
Bucciantmi, M.1
Cesi to Galileo, 3 Nov. 1612, in G. Gabrieli, Il Carteggio Linceo (Roma: Accademia dei Lincei, 1938, reprinted 1996), pp. 284-285, no. 176; cf. Cesi to Faber, 12 Jan. 1612: 'mi sono si ben doluto di non potermi trovar in Germania, ove fioriscono tutte le professioni et scienze, et sono tanti grand'huomini. Ben pol V.S. credermi, che sa quanto io sia germanofilo', ibid., p. 194, no. 100.
Cesi to Galileo, 3 Nov. 1612
Roma: Accademia dei Lincei, reprinted
Cesi to Galileo, 3 Nov. 1612, in G. Gabrieli, Il Carteggio Linceo (Roma: Accademia dei Lincei, 1938, reprinted 1996), pp. 284-285, no. 176; cf. Cesi to Faber, 12 Jan. 1612: 'mi sono si ben doluto di non potermi trovar in Germania, ove fioriscono tutte le professioni et scienze, et sono tanti grand'huomini. Ben pol V.S. credermi, che sa quanto io sia germanofilo', ibid., p. 194, no. 100.
Il Carteggio Linceo
, vol.176
, pp. 284-285
Gabrieli, G.1
Cesi to Galileo, 3 Nov. 1612, in G. Gabrieli, Il Carteggio Linceo (Roma: Accademia dei Lincei, 1938, reprinted 1996), pp. 284-285, no. 176; cf. Cesi to Faber, 12 Jan. 1612: 'mi sono si ben doluto di non potermi trovar in Germania, ove fioriscono tutte le professioni et scienze, et sono tanti grand'huomini. Ben pol V.S. credermi, che sa quanto io sia germanofilo', ibid., p. 194, no. 100.
Il Carteggio Linceo
, vol.100
, pp. 194
After the death of Tycho, Tengnagel worked on his astronomical papers, intending to prepare planetary tables, and he appealed to Magini for help. See Favaro (1886), pp. 258-260
After the death of Tycho, Tengnagel worked on his astronomical papers, intending to prepare planetary tables, and he appealed to Magini for help. See Favaro (1886), pp. 258-260 (Tengnagel to Magini, 24 Dec. 1603), pp. 264-265 (idem, 19 July 1604), pp. 285-286 (idem, 20 Nov. 1604).
After the death of Tycho, Tengnagel worked on his astronomical papers, intending to prepare planetary tables, and he appealed to Magini for help. See Favaro (1886), pp. 258-260 (Tengnagel to Magini, 24 Dec. 1603), pp. 264-265 (idem, 19 July 1604), pp. 285-286 (idem, 20 Nov. 1604).
Tengnagel to Magini, 24 Dec. 1603
, pp. 264-265
idem, 19 July 1604
After the death of Tycho, Tengnagel worked on his astronomical papers, intending to prepare planetary tables, and he appealed to Magini for help. See Favaro (1886), pp. 258-260 (Tengnagel to Magini, 24 Dec. 1603), pp. 264-265 (idem, 19 July 1604), pp. 285-286 (idem, 20 Nov. 1604).
idem, 20 Nov. 1604
After the death of Tycho, Tengnagel worked on his astronomical papers, intending to prepare planetary tables, and he appealed to Magini for help. See Favaro (1886), pp. 258-260 (Tengnagel to Magini, 24 Dec. 1603), pp. 264-265 (idem, 19 July 1604), pp. 285-286 (idem, 20 Nov. 1604).
The first letter from Kepler to Magini is dated from Graz, 1 June 1601 (G.W. XIV, pp. 172-173).
, vol.14
, pp. 172-173
See Favaro (1886)
See Favaro (1886).
Venice: Zenaro
J. A. Magini Ephemerides ... ad annum 1620 .... Addita est ejusdem in Stadium adnimadversio ..., (Venice: Zenaro, 1582). This attack did not go unnoticed. See for exemple, the letter addressed to Magini by Thomas Finck, a Dane, then in Padua: 'Fuerunt mecum nonnulli, qui aegre ferentes Stadium ita a te accipi, id apud me obtinere conati sunt: ut, si fieri posset, aliquid saltem e tuis Ephemeridibus exquirerem, quod limam ferre non posset', Favaro (1886), p. 188. Finck probably alludes to the reactions of his German fellow students.
J. A. Magini Ephemerides ... Ad Annum 1620 ... Addita Est Ejusdem in Stadium Adnimadversio ...
J. A. Magini Ephemerides ... ad annum 1620 .... Addita est ejusdem in Stadium adnimadversio ..., (Venice: Zenaro, 1582). This attack did not go unnoticed. See for exemple, the letter addressed to Magini by Thomas Finck, a Dane, then in Padua: 'Fuerunt mecum nonnulli, qui aegre ferentes Stadium ita a te accipi, id apud me obtinere conati sunt: ut, si fieri posset, aliquid saltem e tuis Ephemeridibus exquirerem, quod limam ferre non posset', Favaro (1886), p. 188. Finck probably alludes to the reactions of his German fellow students.
J. A. Magini Ephemerides ... Ad Annum 1620 ... Addita Est Ejusdem in Stadium Adnimadversio ...
, pp. 188
In a letter (25 March 1608) the bookseller urges Magini to make a few improvements so that his ephemerides could completely outdo those of Origanus, and promises him widespread fame: 'et clarissimi nominis tui fama omnibus inde per Germaniam et loca alia viris datis innotescat magis, magisque celebretur ... ', Favaro (1886), p. 322. Schönwetter published Magini's ephemerides (from 1608 to 1630) in 1608, 1610 and 1615 (they were also printed in Venice)
In a letter (25 March 1608) the bookseller urges Magini to make a few improvements so that his ephemerides could completely outdo those of Origanus, and promises him widespread fame: 'et clarissimi nominis tui fama omnibus inde per Germaniam et loca alia viris datis innotescat magis, magisque celebretur ... ', Favaro (1886), p. 322. Schönwetter published Magini's ephemerides (from 1608 to 1630) in 1608, 1610 and 1615 (they were also printed in Venice).
Frankfurt on Oder: Eichorn for Reichardt, 1609; with privileges granted by the Emperor and by Henri IV, King of France
Frankfurt on Oder: Eichorn for Reichardt, 1609; with privileges granted by the Emperor and by Henri IV, King of France.
'... tibi imaginaris Magine, te unum inter Mathematicos vigilare, et in hoc studiorum genere, quod ad Ephemerides scribendas et publicandas attinet, solertem esse, quod forte de Italicis, tibi facile concessero; quando praeter Ephemerides Pitati ..., Josephi Scalae ..., et tuas ..., nullas alias Italorum vel aliarum nationum, praeter Germanorum viderim .... Quomodo enim cum primus Ioannes Regiomontanus Germanus 30 annorum ab anno 1475 in 1505 composuerit Ephemerides, quod autor tabularum Prutenicarum Erasmus Reinholdus in vita Regiomontani ostendit, et Petrus Ramus in Scholis mathematicis confirmat, tuque, negare non audebis, nisi impudentissimus haberi velis, Germani hunc nativum sui soli desererent foetum, nec eundem cultura et continuatione alerent .... Et quomodo quaeso tu Magine, qui extraneus es, me hominem Germanum impedire potuisses, quo minus, qui eandem tecum profiteor scientiam, ipsam quoque scriptis meis illustrarem', ed. cit., (c)4r.
On the contrary, Kepler considered working with Magini on new ephemerides (G.W. XVI, p. 295: to Magini, 22 March 1610). However he adamantly refused to be involved in his quarrels: 'Tu ideo mecum vis contrahere, ut Origani Ephemeridibus tenebras occinamus. Ego etsi non teneor indemnem praestare Origanum, nihil tamen hujus faciam vindictae studio, quod meas admonitiones et oblatam societatem contempsit. Itaque haec summe necessaria erit conditio, ut hujus vestri certaminis in Ephemeridibus communi nomine edendis, ne levissima quidem fiat mentio' (G.W. XVI, p. 310: to M., 10 May 1610).
, vol.16
, pp. 295
On the contrary, Kepler considered working with Magini on new ephemerides (G.W. XVI, p. 295: to Magini, 22 March 1610). However he adamantly refused to be involved in his quarrels: 'Tu ideo mecum vis contrahere, ut Origani Ephemeridibus tenebras occinamus. Ego etsi non teneor indemnem praestare Origanum, nihil tamen hujus faciam vindictae studio, quod meas admonitiones et oblatam societatem contempsit. Itaque haec summe necessaria erit conditio, ut hujus vestri certaminis in Ephemeridibus communi nomine edendis, ne levissima quidem fiat mentio' (G.W. XVI, p. 310: to M., 10 May 1610).
, vol.16
, pp. 310
'... rogo, ut cum Maginus Italus iniquus nobis Germanis, litem mihi moverit, ne tu Germanus me et disciplinam nostram Mathematicam deseras, sed, quod facis, strenue partum in hac decus tuearis, nec illud nobis Germanis eripi sinas', 1 Sept. 1609
'... rogo, ut cum Maginus Italus iniquus nobis Germanis, litem mihi moverit, ne tu Germanus me et disciplinam nostram Mathematicam deseras, sed, quod facis, strenue partum in hac decus tuearis, nec illud nobis Germanis eripi sinas', 1 Sept. 1609; G.W. XVI, p. 253.
'... rogo, ut cum Maginus Italus iniquus nobis Germanis, litem mihi moverit, ne tu Germanus me et disciplinam nostram Mathematicam deseras, sed, quod facis, strenue partum in hac decus tuearis, nec illud nobis Germanis eripi sinas', 1 Sept. 1609; G.W. XVI, p. 253.
, vol.16
, pp. 253
The first edition had a print-run of 550 copies; see Galileo, E.N. X, p. 300; Galileo, Le Messager céleste, ed. and trans. I. Pantin (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1992), pp. XC-CII; Kepler, Discussion avec le Messager céleste, ed. and trans. I. Pantin (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1993), pp. XI-XVI.
, vol.10
, pp. 300
ed. and trans. I. Pantin Paris: Les Belles Lettres
The first edition had a print-run of 550 copies; see Galileo, E.N. X, p. 300; Galileo, Le Messager céleste, ed. and trans. I. Pantin (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1992), pp. XC-CII; Kepler, Discussion avec le Messager céleste, ed. and trans. I. Pantin (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1993), pp. XI-XVI.
Le Messager Céleste
ed. and trans. I. Pantin Paris: Les Belles Lettres
The first edition had a print-run of 550 copies; see Galileo, E.N. X, p. 300; Galileo, Le Messager céleste, ed. and trans. I. Pantin (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1992), pp. XC-CII; Kepler, Discussion avec le Messager céleste, ed. and trans. I. Pantin (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1993), pp. XI-XVI.
Discussion Avec le Messager Céleste
See his letter to Kepler, 7/17 Sept. 1610 (G.W. XVI, pp. 333-334), and, for a detailed account of the reception of the Sidereus nuncius, Kepler (1993), pp. IX-LXXVIII.
, vol.16
, pp. 333-334
See his letter to Kepler, 7/17 Sept. 1610 (G.W. XVI, pp. 333-334), and, for a detailed account of the reception of the Sidereus nuncius, Kepler (1993), pp. IX-LXXVIII.
Sidereus Nuncius
Wedderburn's Confutatio (Padua, 1610), probably inspired by Sarpi, might perhaps also be put down to philosophical solidarity. But the case is somewhat ambiguous. See I. Pantin, La Querelle du Cannocchiale (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming), with ed. and trans. of M. Horky, Brevissima peregrinatio (1610); J. Wedderburn, Quatuor problematum ... confutatio (1610); A. Roffeni, Epistola apologetica (1611); F. Sizzi, Dianoia (1611); Sidereus nuncius Collegii Romani (1611).
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming
Wedderburn's Confutatio (Padua, 1610), probably inspired by Sarpi, might perhaps also be put down to philosophical solidarity. But the case is somewhat ambiguous. See I. Pantin, La Querelle du Cannocchiale (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming), with ed. and trans. of M. Horky, Brevissima peregrinatio (1610); J. Wedderburn, Quatuor problematum ... confutatio (1610); A. Roffeni, Epistola apologetica (1611); F. Sizzi, Dianoia (1611); Sidereus nuncius Collegii Romani (1611).
La Querelle du Cannocchiale
Pantin, I.1
Wedderburn's Confutatio (Padua, 1610), probably inspired by Sarpi, might perhaps also be put down to philosophical solidarity. But the case is somewhat ambiguous. See I. Pantin, La Querelle du Cannocchiale (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming), with ed. and trans. of M. Horky, Brevissima peregrinatio (1610); J. Wedderburn, Quatuor problematum ... confutatio (1610); A. Roffeni, Epistola apologetica (1611); F. Sizzi, Dianoia (1611); Sidereus nuncius Collegii Romani (1611).
Brevissima Peregrinatio
Horky, M.1
Wedderburn's Confutatio (Padua, 1610), probably inspired by Sarpi, might perhaps also be put down to philosophical solidarity. But the case is somewhat ambiguous. See I. Pantin, La Querelle du Cannocchiale (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming), with ed. and trans. of M. Horky, Brevissima peregrinatio (1610); J. Wedderburn, Quatuor problematum ... confutatio (1610); A. Roffeni, Epistola apologetica (1611); F. Sizzi, Dianoia (1611); Sidereus nuncius Collegii Romani (1611).
Quatuor Problematum ... Confutatio
Wedderburn, J.1
Wedderburn's Confutatio (Padua, 1610), probably inspired by Sarpi, might perhaps also be put down to philosophical solidarity. But the case is somewhat ambiguous. See I. Pantin, La Querelle du Cannocchiale (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming), with ed. and trans. of M. Horky, Brevissima peregrinatio (1610); J. Wedderburn, Quatuor problematum ... confutatio (1610); A. Roffeni, Epistola apologetica (1611); F. Sizzi, Dianoia (1611); Sidereus nuncius Collegii Romani (1611).
Epistola Apologetica
Roffeni, A.1
Wedderburn's Confutatio (Padua, 1610), probably inspired by Sarpi, might perhaps also be put down to philosophical solidarity. But the case is somewhat ambiguous. See I. Pantin, La Querelle du Cannocchiale (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming), with ed. and trans. of M. Horky, Brevissima peregrinatio (1610); J. Wedderburn, Quatuor problematum ... confutatio (1610); A. Roffeni, Epistola apologetica (1611); F. Sizzi, Dianoia (1611); Sidereus nuncius Collegii Romani (1611).
Sizzi, F.1
Wedderburn's Confutatio (Padua, 1610), probably inspired by Sarpi, might perhaps also be put down to philosophical solidarity. But the case is somewhat ambiguous. See I. Pantin, La Querelle du Cannocchiale (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, forthcoming), with ed. and trans. of M. Horky, Brevissima peregrinatio (1610); J. Wedderburn, Quatuor problematum ... confutatio (1610); A. Roffeni, Epistola apologetica (1611); F. Sizzi, Dianoia (1611); Sidereus nuncius Collegii Romani (1611).
Sidereus Nuncius Collegii Romani
See Horky's letter to Kepler, 24 May 1610: 'Video omnes Italos Galileo favere' (G.W. XVI, p. 311); Kepler (1993), pp. XXXVI-XLIX.
, vol.16
, pp. 311
See Horky's letter to Kepler, 24 May 1610: 'Video omnes Italos Galileo favere' (G.W. XVI, p. 311); Kepler (1993), pp. XXXVI-XLIX.
See Serum's letter to Galileo, 7 Aug. 1610 (Galileo, E. N. X, pp. 411-413); Kepler (1993), pp. L-LII.
E. N.
, vol.10
, pp. 411-413
See Serum's letter to Galileo, 7 Aug. 1610 (Galileo, E. N. X, pp. 411-413); Kepler (1993), pp. L-LII.
E. N.
'Equidem subirascebar Italiae nostrae, quod, cum imperii sit mater et religionis sanctae tribunal, in caeteris scientiis externorum ope indigeret; et licet tanquam domina utatur ancillis vocatis ad arcem, tamen vidi ancillas super dominam superbire. Aristoteles factus erat oraculum philosophorum, Homerus poetarum, Ptolemeus astronomorum, Hippocrates medicorum .... Sed cum et hae primariae artes ad Hispanos et Germanos migrassent, nulla nobis reliqua laus est .... Sed profecto viget adhuc imperium Italicum: nam Pontifex Maximus supereminet cunctis principibus terrae, et theologia Romana cunctis scientiis praescribit leges. Toti est nota mundo Italiae virtus, sibi uni ignota: et quidem in doctrinis inferioribus Italia praepollet jam cunctis. Reliquum est ut infideles expellat ancillas, et ex propriis sibi paret auxiliares. Telesius expulit justissime Aristotelem; sed tamen funera hujus adhuc honorantur: Virgilius et Danthes Homerum obscurarunt .... In judiciis astrorum Cardanus Arabes profligavit. In astronomia nos Ptolemeus et Copernicus pudefaciebant: sed tu, Vir Clarissime, non modo restituis nobis 72 (continued) gloriam Pythagoreorum, a Graecis subdolis subreptam, eoram dogmata resuscitando, sed totius mundi gloriam tuo splendore extinguis ...', E. N. XI, p. 23. Galileo's emphasis. On the religious aspect of the rivalry between Germans and Italians, see I. Pantin, 'Dissiper les ténèbres qui reste encore à percer. Galilée, l'Eglise conquérante et la République des Philosophes', in A. Mothu (ed.), Révolution scientifique et dissidences religieuses (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
Dissiper les Ténèbres Qui Reste Encore À Percer
Pantin, I.1
L'Eglise conquérante et la république des philosophes
A. Mothu (ed.), Leiden: Brill, forthcoming
'Equidem subirascebar Italiae nostrae, quod, cum imperii sit mater et religionis sanctae tribunal, in caeteris scientiis externorum ope indigeret; et licet tanquam domina utatur ancillis vocatis ad arcem, tamen vidi ancillas super dominam superbire. Aristoteles factus erat oraculum philosophorum, Homerus poetarum, Ptolemeus astronomorum, Hippocrates medicorum .... Sed cum et hae primariae artes ad Hispanos et Germanos migrassent, nulla nobis reliqua laus est .... Sed profecto viget adhuc imperium Italicum: nam Pontifex Maximus supereminet cunctis principibus terrae, et theologia Romana cunctis scientiis praescribit leges. Toti est nota mundo Italiae virtus, sibi uni ignota: et quidem in doctrinis inferioribus Italia praepollet jam cunctis. Reliquum est ut infideles expellat ancillas, et ex propriis sibi paret auxiliares. Telesius expulit justissime Aristotelem; sed tamen funera hujus adhuc honorantur: Virgilius et Danthes Homerum obscurarunt .... In judiciis astrorum Cardanus Arabes profligavit. In astronomia nos Ptolemeus et Copernicus pudefaciebant: sed tu, Vir Clarissime, non modo restituis nobis 72 (continued) gloriam Pythagoreorum, a Graecis subdolis subreptam, eoram dogmata resuscitando, sed totius mundi gloriam tuo splendore extinguis ...', E. N. XI, p. 23. Galileo's emphasis. On the religious aspect of the rivalry between Germans and Italians, see I. Pantin, 'Dissiper les ténèbres qui reste encore à percer. Galilée, l'Eglise conquérante et la République des Philosophes', in A. Mothu (ed.), Révolution scientifique et dissidences religieuses (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
Révolution Scientifique et Dissidences Religieuses
E. N. VI, pp. 257-258.
E. N.
, vol.6
, pp. 257-258
See G. Oertel, De vita et fatis Simonis Marii (Erlangen, 1775); J. Bosscha and J. Oudemans, 'Galilée et M.', Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, series II, VIII (1903), pp. 115-189; J. Bosscha, 'S. M. Réhabilitation d'un astronome calomnié', Archives néerlandaises ..., series II, XII (1907), pp. 258-307, 490-528; E. Zinner, 'Zur Ehrenrettung des S. M.', Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft(1942) vol. 77-1; A. Wilder, 'S. M., der Namenspatron unserer Schule', in 450 Jahre Simon Marius Gymnasium Gunzenhausen (Gunzenhausen, 1981). Marius was born in 1573. From 1586 to 1601 he studied at the Lutheran school of Heilsbronn. In 1596, he published a Schrift über den Kometen von 1596. In 1597 and 1598 he applied in vain for a stipendium at the university of Königsberg. His Tabulae directionum novae appearend in 1599. In 1601, he visited Tycho in Prague and met David Fabricius and Kepler. From 1601 to 1605 he studied medicine at Padua and observed the nova of 1604. In 1606, he became the mathematicus of the margraves of Brandenburg, at Ansbach. He heard about the Dutch telescope, through Fuchs von Bimbach, an officer; after obtaining an instrument he made celestial observations starting in the winter 1609. In 1612, the city of Gunzenhauzen offered him a silver tumbler, as a reward for his discovery of the Jovian satellites. He published in 1619 a Judicium über den Kometen von 1618 and died in December 1624.
De Vita et Fatis Simonis Marii
Oertel, G.1
Galilée et M
See G. Oertel, De vita et fatis Simonis Marii (Erlangen, 1775); J. Bosscha and J. Oudemans, 'Galilée et M.', Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, series II, VIII (1903), pp. 115-189; J. Bosscha, 'S. M. Réhabilitation d'un astronome calomnié', Archives néerlandaises ..., series II, XII (1907), pp. 258-307, 490-528; E. Zinner, 'Zur Ehrenrettung des S. M.', Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft(1942) vol. 77-1; A. Wilder, 'S. M., der Namenspatron unserer Schule', in 450 Jahre Simon Marius Gymnasium Gunzenhausen (Gunzenhausen, 1981). Marius was born in 1573. From 1586 to 1601 he studied at the Lutheran school of Heilsbronn. In 1596, he published a Schrift über den Kometen von 1596. In 1597 and 1598 he applied in vain for a stipendium at the university of Königsberg. His Tabulae directionum novae appearend in 1599. In 1601, he visited Tycho in Prague and met David Fabricius and Kepler. From 1601 to 1605 he studied medicine at Padua and observed the nova of 1604. In 1606, he became the mathematicus of the margraves of Brandenburg, at Ansbach. He heard about the Dutch telescope, through Fuchs von Bimbach, an officer; after obtaining an instrument he made celestial observations starting in the winter 1609. In 1612, the city of Gunzenhauzen offered him a silver tumbler, as a reward for his discovery of the Jovian satellites. He published in 1619 a Judicium über den Kometen von 1618 and died in December 1624.
Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Series II
, vol.8
, pp. 115-189
Bosscha, J.1
Oudemans, J.2
S. M. Réhabilitation d'un astronome calomnié
See G. Oertel, De vita et fatis Simonis Marii (Erlangen, 1775); J. Bosscha and J. Oudemans, 'Galilée et M.', Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, series II, VIII (1903), pp. 115-189; J. Bosscha, 'S. M. Réhabilitation d'un astronome calomnié', Archives néerlandaises ..., series II, XII (1907), pp. 258-307, 490-528; E. Zinner, 'Zur Ehrenrettung des S. M.', Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft(1942) vol. 77-1; A. Wilder, 'S. M., der Namenspatron unserer Schule', in 450 Jahre Simon Marius Gymnasium Gunzenhausen (Gunzenhausen, 1981). Marius was born in 1573. From 1586 to 1601 he studied at the Lutheran school of Heilsbronn. In 1596, he published a Schrift über den Kometen von 1596. In 1597 and 1598 he applied in vain for a stipendium at the university of Königsberg. His Tabulae directionum novae appearend in 1599. In 1601, he visited Tycho in Prague and met David Fabricius and Kepler. From 1601 to 1605 he studied medicine at Padua and observed the nova of 1604. In 1606, he became the mathematicus of the margraves of Brandenburg, at Ansbach. He heard about the Dutch telescope, through Fuchs von Bimbach, an officer; after obtaining an instrument he made celestial observations starting in the winter 1609. In 1612, the city of Gunzenhauzen offered him a silver tumbler, as a reward for his discovery of the Jovian satellites. He published in 1619 a Judicium über den Kometen von 1618 and died in December 1624.
Archives Néerlandaises ..., Series II
, vol.12
, pp. 258-307
Bosscha, J.1
Zur Ehrenrettung des S. M
See G. Oertel, De vita et fatis Simonis Marii (Erlangen, 1775); J. Bosscha and J. Oudemans, 'Galilée et M.', Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, series II, VIII (1903), pp. 115-189; J. Bosscha, 'S. M. Réhabilitation d'un astronome calomnié', Archives néerlandaises ..., series II, XII (1907), pp. 258-307, 490-528; E. Zinner, 'Zur Ehrenrettung des S. M.', Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft(1942) vol. 77-1; A. Wilder, 'S. M., der Namenspatron unserer Schule', in 450 Jahre Simon Marius Gymnasium Gunzenhausen (Gunzenhausen, 1981). Marius was born in 1573. From 1586 to 1601 he studied at the Lutheran school of Heilsbronn. In 1596, he published a Schrift über den Kometen von 1596. In 1597 and 1598 he applied in vain for a stipendium at the university of Königsberg. His Tabulae directionum novae appearend in 1599. In 1601, he visited Tycho in Prague and met David Fabricius and Kepler. From 1601 to 1605 he studied medicine at Padua and observed the nova of 1604. In 1606, he became the mathematicus of the margraves of Brandenburg, at Ansbach. He heard about the Dutch telescope, through Fuchs von Bimbach, an officer; after obtaining an instrument he made celestial observations starting in the winter 1609. In 1612, the city of Gunzenhauzen offered him a silver tumbler, as a reward for his discovery of the Jovian satellites. He published in 1619 a Judicium über den Kometen von 1618 and died in December 1624.
Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft
, vol.77
, Issue.1
Zinner, E.1
S. M., der namenspatron unserer schule
See G. Oertel, De vita et fatis Simonis Marii (Erlangen, 1775); J. Bosscha and J. Oudemans, 'Galilée et M.', Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, series II, VIII (1903), pp. 115-189; J. Bosscha, 'S. M. Réhabilitation d'un astronome calomnié', Archives néerlandaises ..., series II, XII (1907), pp. 258-307, 490-528; E. Zinner, 'Zur Ehrenrettung des S. M.', Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft(1942) vol. 77-1; A. Wilder, 'S. M., der Namenspatron unserer Schule', in 450 Jahre Simon Marius Gymnasium Gunzenhausen (Gunzenhausen, 1981). Marius was born in 1573. From 1586 to 1601 he studied at the Lutheran school of Heilsbronn. In 1596, he published a Schrift über den Kometen von 1596. In 1597 and 1598 he applied in vain for a stipendium at the university of Königsberg. His Tabulae directionum novae appearend in 1599. In 1601, he visited Tycho in Prague and met David Fabricius and Kepler. From 1601 to 1605 he studied medicine at Padua and observed the nova of 1604. In 1606, he became the mathematicus of the margraves of Brandenburg, at Ansbach. He heard about the Dutch telescope, through Fuchs von Bimbach, an officer; after obtaining an instrument he made celestial observations starting in the winter 1609. In 1612, the city of Gunzenhauzen offered him a silver tumbler, as a reward for his discovery of the Jovian satellites. He published in 1619 a Judicium über den Kometen von 1618 and died in December 1624.
450 Jahre Simon Marius Gymnasium Gunzenhausen
Wilder, A.1
See G. Oertel, De vita et fatis Simonis Marii (Erlangen, 1775); J. Bosscha and J. Oudemans, 'Galilée et M.', Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, series II, VIII (1903), pp. 115-189; J. Bosscha, 'S. M. Réhabilitation d'un astronome calomnié', Archives néerlandaises ..., series II, XII (1907), pp. 258-307, 490-528; E. Zinner, 'Zur Ehrenrettung des S. M.', Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft(1942) vol. 77-1; A. Wilder, 'S. M., der Namenspatron unserer Schule', in 450 Jahre Simon Marius Gymnasium Gunzenhausen (Gunzenhausen, 1981). Marius was born in 1573. From 1586 to 1601 he studied at the Lutheran school of Heilsbronn. In 1596, he published a Schrift über den Kometen von 1596. In 1597 and 1598 he applied in vain for a stipendium at the university of Königsberg. His Tabulae directionum novae appearend in 1599. In 1601, he visited Tycho in Prague and met David Fabricius and Kepler. From 1601 to 1605 he studied medicine at Padua and observed the nova of 1604. In 1606, he became the mathematicus of the margraves of Brandenburg, at Ansbach. He heard about the Dutch telescope, through Fuchs von Bimbach, an officer; after obtaining an instrument he made celestial observations starting in the winter 1609. In 1612, the city of Gunzenhauzen offered him a silver tumbler, as a reward for his discovery of the Jovian satellites. He published in 1619 a Judicium über den Kometen von 1618 and died in December 1624.
Schrift über den Kometen von 1596
See G. Oertel, De vita et fatis Simonis Marii (Erlangen, 1775); J. Bosscha and J. Oudemans, 'Galilée et M.', Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, series II, VIII (1903), pp. 115-189; J. Bosscha, 'S. M. Réhabilitation d'un astronome calomnié', Archives néerlandaises ..., series II, XII (1907), pp. 258-307, 490-528; E. Zinner, 'Zur Ehrenrettung des S. M.', Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft(1942) vol. 77-1; A. Wilder, 'S. M., der Namenspatron unserer Schule', in 450 Jahre Simon Marius Gymnasium Gunzenhausen (Gunzenhausen, 1981). Marius was born in 1573. From 1586 to 1601 he studied at the Lutheran school of Heilsbronn. In 1596, he published a Schrift über den Kometen von 1596. In 1597 and 1598 he applied in vain for a stipendium at the university of Königsberg. His Tabulae directionum novae appearend in 1599. In 1601, he visited Tycho in Prague and met David Fabricius and Kepler. From 1601 to 1605 he studied medicine at Padua and observed the nova of 1604. In 1606, he became the mathematicus of the margraves of Brandenburg, at Ansbach. He heard about the Dutch telescope, through Fuchs von Bimbach, an officer; after obtaining an instrument he made celestial observations starting in the winter 1609. In 1612, the city of Gunzenhauzen offered him a silver tumbler, as a reward for his discovery of the Jovian satellites. He published in 1619 a Judicium über den Kometen von 1618 and died in December 1624.
Tabulae Directionum Novae
See G. Oertel, De vita et fatis Simonis Marii (Erlangen, 1775); J. Bosscha and J. Oudemans, 'Galilée et M.', Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles, series II, VIII (1903), pp. 115-189; J. Bosscha, 'S. M. Réhabilitation d'un astronome calomnié', Archives néerlandaises ..., series II, XII (1907), pp. 258-307, 490-528; E. Zinner, 'Zur Ehrenrettung des S. M.', Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft(1942) vol. 77-1; A. Wilder, 'S. M., der Namenspatron unserer Schule', in 450 Jahre Simon Marius Gymnasium Gunzenhausen (Gunzenhausen, 1981). Marius was born in 1573. From 1586 to 1601 he studied at the Lutheran school of Heilsbronn. In 1596, he published a Schrift über den Kometen von 1596. In 1597 and 1598 he applied in vain for a stipendium at the university of Königsberg. His Tabulae directionum novae appearend in 1599. In 1601, he visited Tycho in Prague and met David Fabricius and Kepler. From 1601 to 1605 he studied medicine at Padua and observed the nova of 1604. In 1606, he became the mathematicus of the margraves of Brandenburg, at Ansbach. He heard about the Dutch telescope, through Fuchs von Bimbach, an officer; after obtaining an instrument he made celestial observations starting in the winter 1609. In 1612, the city of Gunzenhauzen offered him a silver tumbler, as a reward for his discovery of the Jovian satellites. He published in 1619 a Judicium über den Kometen von 1618 and died in December 1624.
Judicium über den Kometen von 1618
Nuremberg, facsimile and trans. J. Schlör (Gunzenhausen: Schrenk-Verlag, 1988)
'... quarum etiam usus, quia similes, correctiores, et coelo propius correspondentes nulla unquam aetas vidit, per totam Europam hactenus unus et maximus fuit. Ex his enim tot Ephemeridum volumina deducta sunt, ex earum fundamento emendatio Calendarii derivata est ... ', Mundus Jovialis (Nuremberg, 1614), facsimile and trans. J. Schlör (Gunzenhausen: Schrenk-Verlag, 1988), p. 20.
Mundus Jovialis
, pp. 20
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
M. Biagioli, for his part, interprets the controversy as an example of 'the patron's role in scientific exchanges': Biagioli, Galileo Courtier (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993), pp. 68-71. On the curiosity aroused by the debate in Germany, see Bucciantini (1994).
Galileo Courtier
, pp. 68-71
M. Biagioli, for his part, interprets the controversy as an example of 'the patron's role in scientific exchanges': Biagioli, Galileo Courtier (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993), pp. 68-71. On the curiosity aroused by the debate in Germany, see Bucciantini (1994).
Galileo Courtier
G.W. Kepler, XIII, p. 130. See Kepler, Le secret du monde, trans. A. Segonds (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1984), p. XXXVI.
G.W. Kepler
, vol.13
, pp. 130
trans. A. Segonds Paris: Les Belles Lettres
G.W. Kepler, XIII, p. 130. See Kepler, Le secret du monde, trans. A. Segonds (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1984), p. XXXVI.
Le Secret du Monde
G.W. XIII, p. 145 (Graz, 13 Oct. 1597): 'Tum si habet alibi locorum opinionis socium, literas ab ipso impetret; qua ratione, monstratis literis (quorsum etiam mihi tuae prosunt), opinionem hanc in animis doctorum excitare potest, quasi omnes ubique professores mathematum consentirent.' In a letter to the duke Frederick of Württemberg (29 Feb. 1596), Kepler had already stated that 'all the famous astronomers of [the] time follow[ed] Copernicus, instead of Ptolemy and Alfonso' (G.W. XIII, p. 66).
, vol.13
, pp. 145
G.W. XIII, p. 145 (Graz, 13 Oct. 1597): 'Tum si habet alibi locorum opinionis socium, literas ab ipso impetret; qua ratione, monstratis literis (quorsum etiam mihi tuae prosunt), opinionem hanc in animis doctorum excitare potest, quasi omnes ubique professores mathematum consentirent.' In a letter to the duke Frederick of Württemberg (29 Feb. 1596), Kepler had already stated that 'all the famous astronomers of [the] time follow[ed] Copernicus, instead of Ptolemy and Alfonso' (G.W. XIII, p. 66).
, vol.13
, pp. 66
De revolutionibus, 1543, dedication to the Pope: 'Si fortasse erunt mataiologoi, qui cum omnium Mathematum ignari sint, tarnen de illis judicium sibi sumunt, propter aliquem locum scripturae, male ad suum propositum detortum, ausi fuerint meum hoc institutum reprehendere ac insectari: illos nihil moror, adeo ut etiam illorum judicium tanquam temerarium contemnam ... non debet mirum videri studiosis, si qui tales nos etiam ridebunt. Mathemata mathematicis scribuntur ...'.
De Revolutionibus
G.W. XIII, p. 203. See E. Rosen, 'Kepler and the Lutheran Attitude towards Copernicanism', in idem, Copernicus and his Successors (London: Hambledon Press, 1995), pp. 217-238.
, vol.13
, pp. 203
Kepler and the Lutheran attitude towards Copernicanism
idem, London: Hambledon Press
G.W. XIII, p. 203. See E. Rosen, 'Kepler and the Lutheran Attitude towards Copernicanism', in idem, Copernicus and his Successors (London: Hambledon Press, 1995), pp. 217-238.
Copernicus and His Successors
, pp. 217-238
Rosen, E.1
Il problema astronomico-cosmologico e le sacre scritture dopo Copernico: C. Rothmann e la teoria dell' accommodazione
Kepler, like Rheticus and Rothmann, had adopted this line of argument: the Bible is adapted to the understanding of ordinary, unlearned people, so it cannot teach physics or astronomy, which are difficult sciences; see M. A. Granada, 'Il problema astronomico-cosmologico e le sacre scritture dopo Copernico: C. Rothmann e la teoria dell' accommodazione', Rivista di storia della filosofia 51 (1996) pp. 789-828. His position is explained in the introduction to the Astronomia nova, in the Epitome and in many passages of his correspondence. See, for example, his comments on a letter from Marius that had been quoted by Vicke: 'Cum sacris ego uno verbo transigo: de mathematicis loquuntur, non docent mathematica, loquuntur autem ut capi possint, id est sermone usitato' (G.W. XVI, p. 389; cf. pp. 382-383, and IV, p. 354). Galileo went further in his Letter to ... Christina where he assumed the possibility of a heliocentrist interpretation of the Bible.
Rivista di Storia della Filosofia
, vol.51
, pp. 789-828
Granada, M.A.1
Kepler, like Rheticus and Rothmann, had adopted this line of argument: the Bible is adapted to the understanding of ordinary, unlearned people, so it cannot teach physics or astronomy, which are difficult sciences; see M. A. Granada, 'Il problema astronomico-cosmologico e le sacre scritture dopo Copernico: C. Rothmann e la teoria dell' accommodazione', Rivista di storia della filosofia 51 (1996) pp. 789-828. His position is explained in the introduction to the Astronomia nova, in the Epitome and in many passages of his correspondence. See, for example, his comments on a letter from Marius that had been quoted by Vicke: 'Cum sacris ego uno verbo transigo: de mathematicis loquuntur, non docent mathematica, loquuntur autem ut capi possint, id est sermone usitato' (G.W. XVI, p. 389; cf. pp. 382-383, and IV, p. 354). Galileo went further in his Letter to ... Christina where he assumed the possibility of a heliocentrist interpretation of the Bible.
, vol.16
, pp. 389
Kepler, like Rheticus and Rothmann, had adopted this line of argument: the Bible is adapted to the understanding of ordinary, unlearned people, so it cannot teach physics or astronomy, which are difficult sciences; see M. A. Granada, 'Il problema astronomico-cosmologico e le sacre scritture dopo Copernico: C. Rothmann e la teoria dell' accommodazione', Rivista di storia della filosofia 51 (1996) pp. 789-828. His position is explained in the introduction to the Astronomia nova, in the Epitome and in many passages of his correspondence. See, for example, his comments on a letter from Marius that had been quoted by Vicke: 'Cum sacris ego uno verbo transigo: de mathematicis loquuntur, non docent mathematica, loquuntur autem ut capi possint, id est sermone usitato' (G.W. XVI, p. 389; cf. pp. 382-383, and IV, p. 354). Galileo went further in his Letter to ... Christina where he assumed the possibility of a heliocentrist interpretation of the Bible.
, vol.4
, pp. 354
Kepler, like Rheticus and Rothmann, had adopted this line of argument: the Bible is adapted to the understanding of ordinary, unlearned people, so it cannot teach physics or astronomy, which are difficult sciences; see M. A. Granada, 'Il problema astronomico-cosmologico e le sacre scritture dopo Copernico: C. Rothmann e la teoria dell' accommodazione', Rivista di storia della filosofia 51 (1996) pp. 789-828. His position is explained in the introduction to the Astronomia nova, in the Epitome and in many passages of his correspondence. See, for example, his comments on a letter from Marius that had been quoted by Vicke: 'Cum sacris ego uno verbo transigo: de mathematicis loquuntur, non docent mathematica, loquuntur autem ut capi possint, id est sermone usitato' (G.W. XVI, p. 389; cf. pp. 382-383, and IV, p. 354). Galileo went further in his Letter to ... Christina where he assumed the possibility of a heliocentrist interpretation of the Bible.
Letter to ... Christina
'Marius imperitia hominum, sectae hujus amplitudinem intra duos restringit, quae jam pene publica est: nisi flos omnis doctorum hominum intra Academiarum septa sit conclusus', G.W. IV, p. 354.
, vol.4
, pp. 354
See the conclusion of the 'ad lectorem admonitio'.
See Kepler (1993), note 20, p. 48
See Kepler (1993), note 20, p. 48.
Elie Diodati was to make Galileo a similar offer in a letter dated from Paris, 27 Aug. 1620: '... [Camillo Guidi] mi disse che sin qui non aveva sentito nè visto da lei opera alcuna della meccanica, e che per conto dell' altr' opera [circa la costituzione dell'universo] non credeva che V.S. fusse per publicarla ... e se per altro ci sono alcuni rispetti locali per i quali differisca di stamparle in coteste bande, si potrebbero vincere in questa regione' (E. N. XIII, p. 48).
E. N.
, vol.13
, pp. 48
See his profession of faith in his Admonitio ad bibliopolas exteros, praesertim Italos addressed to the Italian booksellers after the condemnation of his Epitome in 1619: 'Ecclesiae filius, et doctrinam catholicam, quantum ejus ad hanc usque meam aetatem capere potui, non voluntate tantum amplector, sed et judicio comprobo', G.W. VI, p. 543, quoted in Bucciantini (1995), p. 123.
See his profession of faith in his Admonitio ad bibliopolas exteros, praesertim Italos addressed to the Italian booksellers after the condemnation of his Epitome in 1619: 'Ecclesiae filius, et doctrinam catholicam, quantum ejus ad hanc usque meam aetatem capere potui, non voluntate tantum amplector, sed et judicio comprobo', G.W. VI, p. 543, quoted in Bucciantini (1995), p. 123.
, vol.6
, pp. 543
See his profession of faith in his Admonitio ad bibliopolas exteros, praesertim Italos addressed to the Italian booksellers after the condemnation of his Epitome in 1619: 'Ecclesiae filius, et doctrinam catholicam, quantum ejus ad hanc usque meam aetatem capere potui, non voluntate tantum amplector, sed et judicio comprobo', G.W. VI, p. 543, quoted in Bucciantini (1995), p. 123.
, pp. 123
'Imprimis gaudeo esse in Germania qui cum Italo Galileo in certamen veniat aperiendi nobis arcana coelestia, et rogo D. tuam, adhorteris Marium, ut obtrectandi affectus inter nationes usitatos, tanta diligentia excludat quantum sibi cavendum statuit prius a personalibus. Veritatis enim res agitur, 'G.W. XVI, p. 389.
, vol.16
, pp. 389
Bucciantini (1995), quoted above
Bucciantini (1995), quoted above.
Kepler, G.W., t. XX, 1, pp. 168-180. See Bucciantini (1995), pp. 106-114.
, vol.20
, Issue.1
, pp. 168-180
Kepler, G.W., t. XX, 1, pp. 168-180. See Bucciantini (1995), pp. 106-114.
, pp. 106-114
Turin: Einaudi
On these political aspects, see P. Redondi, Galileo eretico (Turin: Einaudi, 1983); Biagioli (1993).
Galileo Eretico
Redondi, P.1
On these political aspects, see P. Redondi, Galileo eretico (Turin: Einaudi, 1983); Biagioli (1993).
Galileo Eretico
Notably through the elaboration of a new theory of the tides, first formulated in the Discorso del flusso e reflusso del mare, addressed to Cardinal Alessandro Orsini in 1616.
Discorso del Flusso e Reflusso del Mare
See E. N. XIV, p. 340: 'dubito che i pensieri del Lansbergio e alcuni del Keplero siano più tosto a diminutione della dottrina del Copernico che a stabilimento.'
E. N.
, vol.14
, pp. 340
According to Tarde, Galileo stated that the Dioptrice was a book 'si obscur qu'il semble que l'auteur même ne s'est pas entendu', J. Tarde, A la rencontre de Galilée, ed. F. Moureau (Geneva: Slatkine, 1984), p. 63. He acknowledged that Kepler's mind was free, but very different from his own (19
ed. F. Moureau Geneva: Slatkine
According to Tarde, Galileo stated that the Dioptrice was a book 'si obscur qu'il semble que l'auteur même ne s'est pas entendu', J. Tarde, A la rencontre de Galilée, ed. F. Moureau (Geneva: Slatkine, 1984), p. 63. He acknowledged that Kepler's mind was free, but very different from his own (19 Nov. 1634, letter to Micanzio, E. N. XVI, p. 163).
A la Rencontre de Galilée
, pp. 63
Tarde, J.1
According to Tarde, Galileo stated that the Dioptrice was a book 'si obscur qu'il semble que l'auteur même ne s'est pas entendu', J. Tarde, A la rencontre de Galilée, ed. F. Moureau (Geneva: Slatkine, 1984), p. 63. He acknowledged that Kepler's mind was free, but very different from his own (19 Nov. 1634, letter to Micanzio, E. N. XVI, p. 163).
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 163
Micanzio was to address to him this significant praise of the Dialogo: 'è cosa inesplicabile, come da cose triviali, quotidiane e sotto gl'occhi di tutti, V.S. Ecc.ma osservi gl'effetti di natura, e si alzi a speculazioni profundissime, iniscogitabili e didotte da principii veri, reali, che pagano la mente e pascono soavissimamente', 27 January 1635, E. N. XVI, pp. 200-201.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 200-201
See, for example, G.W. XVII, pp. 293-294.
, vol.17
, pp. 293-294
This passage of Kepler's Admonitio ad bibliopolas exteros (1619) probably aims at Foscarini and Galileo: 'In uno terrae motu circa Solem annuo difficultas oritur; eo quod importunitate quorundam, dogmata astronomica loco non suo, ne qua par erat methodo, proponentium, effectum est, ut lectio Copernici, quae ab annis paulo minus octaginta (ex quo Paulo III Summo Pontifici opus dedicatum) liberrima fuit; suspensa porro sit, donec emendetur.' (G.W. VI, p. 543) Cf. supra, note 83.
Admonitio Ad Bibliopolas Exteros
Cf. supra, note 83
This passage of Kepler's Admonitio ad bibliopolas exteros (1619) probably aims at Foscarini and Galileo: 'In uno terrae motu circa Solem annuo difficultas oritur; eo quod importunitate quorundam, dogmata astronomica loco non suo, ne qua par erat methodo, proponentium, effectum est, ut lectio Copernici, quae ab annis paulo minus octaginta (ex quo Paulo III Summo Pontifici opus dedicatum) liberrima fuit; suspensa porro sit, donec emendetur.' (G.W. VI, p. 543) Cf. supra, note 83.
, vol.6
, pp. 543
Peiresc had read with enthusiasm the Sidereus and Galileo's other books (E.N. XII, pp. 114, 118, 142). See A. Favaro, Amid e corrispondenti di Galileo (Florence: Salimbeni, reprint 1983), III, pp. 1537-1582; C. Rizza, 'Galileo nella corrisondenza di Peiresc', Studi francesi 5 (1961), pp. 433-451; eadem, Peiresc e I'ltalia (Turin: Giappichelli, 1965).
, vol.12
, pp. 114
Florence: Salimbeni, reprint
Peiresc had read with enthusiasm the Sidereus and Galileo's other books (E.N. XII, pp. 114, 118, 142). See A. Favaro, Amid e corrispondenti di Galileo (Florence: Salimbeni, reprint 1983), III, pp. 1537-1582; C. Rizza, 'Galileo nella corrisondenza di Peiresc', Studi francesi 5 (1961), pp. 433-451; eadem, Peiresc e I'ltalia (Turin: Giappichelli, 1965).
Amid e Corrispondenti di Galileo
, vol.3
, pp. 1537-1582
Favaro, A.1
Galileo nella corrisondenza di Peiresc
Peiresc had read with enthusiasm the Sidereus and Galileo's other books (E.N. XII, pp. 114, 118, 142). See A. Favaro, Amid e corrispondenti di Galileo (Florence: Salimbeni, reprint 1983), III, pp. 1537-1582; C. Rizza, 'Galileo nella corrisondenza di Peiresc', Studi francesi 5 (1961), pp. 433-451; eadem, Peiresc e I'ltalia (Turin: Giappichelli, 1965).
Studi Francesi
, vol.5
, pp. 433-451
Rizza, C.1
Turin: Giappichelli
Peiresc had read with enthusiasm the Sidereus and Galileo's other books (E.N. XII, pp. 114, 118, 142). See A. Favaro, Amid e corrispondenti di Galileo (Florence: Salimbeni, reprint 1983), III, pp. 1537-1582; C. Rizza, 'Galileo nella corrisondenza di Peiresc', Studi francesi 5 (1961), pp. 433-451; eadem, Peiresc e I'ltalia (Turin: Giappichelli, 1965).
Peiresc e I'ltalia
E. D. e la diffusione europea del dialogo
P. Galluzzi (ed.), Florence: Barbera
Diodati, born in Geneva, was a lawyer at the Parlement of Paris. A friend of the brothers Du Puy, Naudé, Gassendi and Peiresc, he corresponded with Bernegger, Campanella, etc. His relations with Galileo dated back to his first sojourn in Italy, in 1620. See J. M. Gardair, 'E. D. e la diffusione europea del Dialogo', in P. Galluzzi (ed.), Novità celesti e crisi del sapere (Florence: Barbera, 1984), pp. 391-398.
Novità Celesti e Crisi del Sapere
, pp. 391-398
Gardair, J.M.1
See E.N. XIII, p. 275.
, vol.13
, pp. 275
See Favaro. See also the letters (April and May 1634) where Descartes questions Mersenne about Galileo (E. N. XVI, pp. 88-89, 96)
His first known letter to Galileo is dated 1 Feb. 1629. See Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1477-1534. See also the letters (April and May 1634) where Descartes questions Mersenne about Galileo (E. N. XVI, pp. 88-89, 96).
His First Known Letter to Galileo is Dated 1 Feb. 1629
, vol.3
, pp. 1477-1534
His first known letter to Galileo is dated 1 Feb. 1629. See Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1477-1534. See also the letters (April and May 1634) where Descartes questions Mersenne about Galileo (E. N. XVI, pp. 88-89, 96).
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 88-89
Pieroni (Vienna) to Galileo, 15 Dec. 1635, E. N. XVI, p. 359.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 359
Pieroni (Neustadt) to Galileo, 4 Jan. 1635, E. N. XVI, p. 188.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 188
10 Feb. 1635, E. N. XVI, p. 209.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 209
Galileo to Diodati, 7 March 1634 (E. N. XVI, p. 59): 'e l'infamia ricade sopra i traditori e i ostituiti nel più sublime grado dell'ignoranza, madre della malignità, dell'invidia, della rabbia e di tutti gli altri vizii e peccati scelerati e brutti'.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 59
To Diodati, 18 Dec. 1635, about the difficulties which delay the printing of the Discorsi '... talche sto in gran pensiero che finalmente quella parte de' miei studii, ne' quali avevo qualche ambizione, abbia a restar desolata e svanire in fumo. Infelice questo nostro clima, nel quale regna una fissa resoluzione di voler esterminare tutte le novità, in particulare nelle scienzie, quasi che già si sia saputo ogni scibile.' (E. N. XVI, p. 361) Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 235.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 361
To Diodati, 18 Dec. 1635, about the difficulties which delay the printing of the Discorsi '... talche sto in gran pensiero che finalmente quella parte de' miei studii, ne' quali avevo qualche ambizione, abbia a restar desolata e svanire in fumo. Infelice questo nostro clima, nel quale regna una fissa resoluzione di voler esterminare tutte le novità, in particulare nelle scienzie, quasi che già si sia saputo ogni scibile.' (E. N. XVI, p. 361) Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 235.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 235
In March 1635, Galileo told Peiresc that he had addressed to Cardinal Barberini excessive praise of Galileo himself, for he thought it in his best interest not to appear too brilliant: 'tenga pur per fermo V.S. I11.ma che questa, diro, in certo modo da lei stimata singolarità è stata e tuttavia è la principale, anzi la unica e sola, cagione del mio precipizio' (E. N. XVI, p. 235).
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 235
For example, Galileo accepted that the Dialogo should not be reprinted in the collected editions of his work, so as not to endanger the whole project (to Micanzio, 26 July 1636, E. N. XVI, p. 455).
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 455
Notably François de Noailles, his former pupil in Padua, then ambassador of France to Rome. See E. N. XVI, pp. 164, 166, 171, etc. Galileo gave him a manuscript copy of the Discorsi in 1636, and dedicated to him the printed edition of the book (E. N. XIX, p. 621). See Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1319-1345.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 164
Notably François de Noailles, his former pupil in Padua, then ambassador of France to Rome. See E. N. XVI, pp. 164, 166, 171, etc. Galileo gave him a manuscript copy of the Discorsi in 1636, and dedicated to him the printed edition of the book (E. N. XIX, p. 621). See Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1319-1345.
Notably François de Noailles, his former pupil in Padua, then ambassador of France to Rome. See E. N. XVI, pp. 164, 166, 171, etc. Galileo gave him a manuscript copy of the Discorsi in 1636, and dedicated to him the printed edition of the book (E. N. XIX, p. 621). See Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1319-1345.
E. N.
, vol.19
, pp. 621
Notably François de Noailles, his former pupil in Padua, then ambassador of France to Rome. See E. N. XVI, pp. 164, 166, 171, etc. Galileo gave him a manuscript copy of the Discorsi in 1636, and dedicated to him the printed edition of the book (E. N. XIX, p. 621). See Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1319-1345.
E. N.
, vol.3
, pp. 1319-1345
To Diodati, 28 Jan. 1638: 'Sono ancora sul tirare avanti un mio concetto assai capriccioso; e questo è di portar, pur sempre in dialogo, una moltitudine di postille fatte intorno a' luoghi più importanti di tutti i libri di coloro che mi ànno scritto contro e anco di qualch' altro auto re e in particulare di Aristotele ...' (E. N. XVII, p. 262). Cf. Galileo's letters to Diodati, 25 July 1634, and to Micanzio, 19 Nov. 1634.
E. N.
, vol.17
, pp. 262
12 July
To Micanzio, 12 July 1636, about the edition of the Letter to ... Christina: 'Io gusterei assai che il S. Lodovico [Elzevier] ne facesse venir buon numero a Venezia, e poi di costi qua, a confusione de' miei nimici calunniatori.' (E. N. XVI, p. 349) Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 445.
Letter to ... Christina
To Micanzio, 12 July 1636, about the edition of the Letter to ... Christina: 'Io gusterei assai che il S. Lodovico [Elzevier] ne facesse venir buon numero a Venezia, e poi di costi qua, a confusione de' miei nimici calunniatori.' (E. N. XVI, p. 349) Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 445.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 349
To Micanzio, 12 July 1636, about the edition of the Letter to ... Christina: 'Io gusterei assai che il S. Lodovico [Elzevier] ne facesse venir buon numero a Venezia, e poi di costi qua, a confusione de' miei nimici calunniatori.' (E. N. XVI, p. 349) Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 445.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 445
Bernegger had already published in Strasbourg, in 1613, a Latin translation of the Compasso, without informing Galileo, whom he did not know. See Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1349-1373.
Bernegger had already published in Strasbourg, in 1613, a Latin translation of the Compasso, without informing Galileo, whom he did not know. See Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1349-1373.
, vol.3
, pp. 1349-1373
Mersenne issued Les Mecaniques (a translation of unpublished lectures dating from 1594), in 1634, and Les Nouvelles pensées de Galilée (an adaptation of the Discorsi) in 1639. On Carcavy's projected translation of the Galileo's work, see E. N. XVI, p. 96 (from Diodati, 16 May 1634).
Les Mecaniques
Mersenne issued Les Mecaniques (a translation of unpublished lectures dating from 1594), in 1634, and Les Nouvelles pensées de Galilée (an adaptation of the Discorsi) in 1639. On Carcavy's projected translation of the Galileo's work, see E. N. XVI, p. 96 (from Diodati, 16 May 1634).
Les Nouvelles Pensées de Galilée
Mersenne issued Les Mecaniques (a translation of unpublished lectures dating from 1594), in 1634, and Les Nouvelles pensées de Galilée (an adaptation of the Discorsi) in 1639. On Carcavy's projected translation of the Galileo's work, see E. N. XVI, p. 96 (from Diodati, 16 May 1634).
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 96
11 Aug. 1635 (E. N. XVI, p. 302). Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 359.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 302
11 Aug. 1635 (E. N. XVI, p. 302). Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 359.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 359
Roberto Galilei, alluding to the Discorsi, informed Galileo that the French booksellers 'meglio l'ameriano in latino che nella volgaria nostra italiana, già che dicano non avere correttori buoni, e ancora per l'ispaccio saria maggiore per questo regnio ...' (Lyon, 4 April 1634; E. N. XVI, pp. 72-73). Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 326: 'El libraro dice in oltra che per l'ignoranza de la lingua italiana in queste contrade desiderarebbe ch'el detto trattato fusse latino.' (from Carcavy, Toulouse, 21 Oct. 1635)
Galilei, R.1
Roberto Galilei, alluding to the Discorsi, informed Galileo that the French booksellers 'meglio l'ameriano in latino che nella volgaria nostra italiana, già che dicano non avere correttori buoni, e ancora per l'ispaccio saria maggiore per questo regnio ...' (Lyon, 4 April 1634; E. N. XVI, pp. 72-73). Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 326: 'El libraro dice in oltra che per l'ignoranza de la lingua italiana in queste contrade desiderarebbe ch'el detto trattato fusse latino.' (from Carcavy, Toulouse, 21 Oct. 1635)
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 72-73
Roberto Galilei, alluding to the Discorsi, informed Galileo that the French booksellers 'meglio l'ameriano in latino che nella volgaria nostra italiana, già che dicano non avere correttori buoni, e ancora per l'ispaccio saria maggiore per questo regnio ...' (Lyon, 4 April 1634; E. N. XVI, pp. 72-73). Cf. E. N. XVI, p. 326: 'El libraro dice in oltra che per l'ignoranza de la lingua italiana in queste contrade desiderarebbe ch'el detto trattato fusse latino.' (from Carcavy, Toulouse, 21 Oct. 1635)
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 326
Galileo to Micanzio, 16 August 1636 (E. N. XVI, p. 475): 'per ver dire, dove oltre alle serrate dimostrazioni pure matematiche entrano discorsi, nel trasportar l'opere dalla lingua del loro autore in un'altra, si perde assai di grazia, e forse di energia e anco di chiarezza'.
E. N.
, vol.16
, pp. 475
'Tra l'amico e io riduremmo il tutto in istile chiaro, seben non con tanta energia con quanta posso spiegarmi nella nostra favella toscana': to Diodati, 6 June 1637 (E. N. XVII, p. 96). Cf. E. N. XVII, p. 174.
E. N.
, vol.17
, pp. 96
'Tra l'amico e io riduremmo il tutto in istile chiaro, seben non con tanta energia con quanta posso spiegarmi nella nostra favella toscana': to Diodati, 6 June 1637 (E. N. XVII, p. 96). Cf. E. N. XVII, p. 174.
E. N.
, vol.17
, pp. 174
The first collective edition of the Galilean work was published in Bologna, by Del Dozza, in 1656
The first collective edition of the Galilean work was published in Bologna, by Del Dozza, in 1656.
Brussels: Van Trigt
The Elzeviers were established in Leyden, The Hague and Copenhagen; they had shops in Venice and Frankfurt, and kept close links with booksellers in London, Paris and Florence. See A. Willems, Les Elzevier (Brussels: Van Trigt, 1880); Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1377-1410; R. S. Westman, 'The Reception of Galileo's Dialogue. A Partial World Census of Extant Copies', in P. Galluzzi (ed.), Novità celesti . . ., pp. 329-371. The print-run of the first edition was 600 copies (E.N. XVI, p. 101). In April 1635, 300 copies were sent to Paris (E.N. t. XVI, p. 258) and, in 1636, 438 to the fair at Frankfurt (E.N. XVI, p. 415). Afterwards, the Systema cosmicum was printed in Lyon (1641) and in London (1663).
Les Elzevier
Willems, A.1
The Elzeviers were established in Leyden, The Hague and Copenhagen; they had shops in Venice and Frankfurt, and kept close links with booksellers in London, Paris and Florence. See A. Willems, Les Elzevier (Brussels: Van Trigt, 1880); Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1377-1410; R. S. Westman, 'The Reception of Galileo's Dialogue. A Partial World Census of Extant Copies', in P. Galluzzi (ed.), Novità celesti . . ., pp. 329-371. The print-run of the first edition was 600 copies (E.N. XVI, p. 101). In April 1635, 300 copies were sent to Paris (E.N. t. XVI, p. 258) and, in 1636, 438 to the fair at Frankfurt (E.N. XVI, p. 415). Afterwards, the Systema cosmicum was printed in Lyon (1641) and in London (1663).
Les Elzevier
, vol.3
, pp. 1377-1410
The reception of Galileo's Dialogue. A partial world census of extant copies
P. Galluzzi (ed.)
The Elzeviers were established in Leyden, The Hague and Copenhagen; they had shops in Venice and Frankfurt, and kept close links with booksellers in London, Paris and Florence. See A. Willems, Les Elzevier (Brussels: Van Trigt, 1880); Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1377-1410; R. S. Westman, 'The Reception of Galileo's Dialogue. A Partial World Census of Extant Copies', in P. Galluzzi (ed.), Novità celesti . . ., pp. 329-371. The print-run of the first edition was 600 copies (E.N. XVI, p. 101). In April 1635, 300 copies were sent to Paris (E.N. t. XVI, p. 258) and, in 1636, 438 to the fair at Frankfurt (E.N. XVI, p. 415). Afterwards, the Systema cosmicum was printed in Lyon (1641) and in London (1663).
Novità Celesti . . .
, pp. 329-371
Westman, R.S.1
The Elzeviers were established in Leyden, The Hague and Copenhagen; they had shops in Venice and Frankfurt, and kept close links with booksellers in London, Paris and Florence. See A. Willems, Les Elzevier (Brussels: Van Trigt, 1880); Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1377-1410; R. S. Westman, 'The Reception of Galileo's Dialogue. A Partial World Census of Extant Copies', in P. Galluzzi (ed.), Novità celesti . . ., pp. 329-371. The print-run of the first edition was 600 copies (E.N. XVI, p. 101). In April 1635, 300 copies were sent to Paris (E.N. t. XVI, p. 258) and, in 1636, 438 to the fair at Frankfurt (E.N. XVI, p. 415). Afterwards, the Systema cosmicum was printed in Lyon (1641) and in London (1663).
, vol.16
, pp. 101
The Elzeviers were established in Leyden, The Hague and Copenhagen; they had shops in Venice and Frankfurt, and kept close links with booksellers in London, Paris and Florence. See A. Willems, Les Elzevier (Brussels: Van Trigt, 1880); Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1377-1410; R. S. Westman, 'The Reception of Galileo's Dialogue. A Partial World Census of Extant Copies', in P. Galluzzi (ed.), Novità celesti . . ., pp. 329-371. The print-run of the first edition was 600 copies (E.N. XVI, p. 101). In April 1635, 300 copies were sent to Paris (E.N. t. XVI, p. 258) and, in 1636, 438 to the fair at Frankfurt (E.N. XVI, p. 415). Afterwards, the Systema cosmicum was printed in Lyon (1641) and in London (1663).
, vol.16
, pp. 258
The Elzeviers were established in Leyden, The Hague and Copenhagen; they had shops in Venice and Frankfurt, and kept close links with booksellers in London, Paris and Florence. See A. Willems, Les Elzevier (Brussels: Van Trigt, 1880); Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1377-1410; R. S. Westman, 'The Reception of Galileo's Dialogue. A Partial World Census of Extant Copies', in P. Galluzzi (ed.), Novità celesti . . ., pp. 329-371. The print-run of the first edition was 600 copies (E.N. XVI, p. 101). In April 1635, 300 copies were sent to Paris (E.N. t. XVI, p. 258) and, in 1636, 438 to the fair at Frankfurt (E.N. XVI, p. 415). Afterwards, the Systema cosmicum was printed in Lyon (1641) and in London (1663).
, vol.16
, pp. 415
printed in Lyon and in London
The Elzeviers were established in Leyden, The Hague and Copenhagen; they had shops in Venice and Frankfurt, and kept close links with booksellers in London, Paris and Florence. See A. Willems, Les Elzevier (Brussels: Van Trigt, 1880); Favaro (1983), III, pp. 1377-1410; R. S. Westman, 'The Reception of Galileo's Dialogue. A Partial World Census of Extant Copies', in P. Galluzzi (ed.), Novità celesti . . ., pp. 329-371. The print-run of the first edition was 600 copies (E.N. XVI, p. 101). In April 1635, 300 copies were sent to Paris (E.N. t. XVI, p. 258) and, in 1636, 438 to the fair at Frankfurt (E.N. XVI, p. 415). Afterwards, the Systema cosmicum was printed in Lyon (1641) and in London (1663).
Systema Cosmicum Was
'Polybius in Eclogis lib. 13. cap. 3. Equidem existimo, Naturam mortalibus VERITATEM constituisse Deam maximam, maximamque illi vim attribuisse. Nam haec cum ab omnibus oppugnetur, atque adeo omnes nonnumquam verisimiles conjecturae ab Errore stent; ipsa per se nescio quomodo in animos hominum sese insinuat: et modo repente illam suam vim exerit: modo tenebris obtecta longo tempore, ad extremum suapte vi ipsa vincit obtinetque, and de Errore triumphat. Chôris prokrimatos ta panta krinete.' On this motto, see Kepler (1993), p. 35 and p. 135, note 5;
'Polybius in Eclogis lib. 13. cap. 3. Equidem existimo, Naturam mortalibus VERITATEM constituisse Deam maximam, maximamque illi vim attribuisse. Nam haec cum ab omnibus oppugnetur, atque adeo omnes nonnumquam verisimiles conjecturae ab Errore stent; ipsa per se nescio quomodo in animos hominum sese insinuat: et modo repente illam suam vim exerit: modo tenebris obtecta longo tempore, ad extremum suapte vi ipsa vincit obtinetque, and de Errore triumphat. Chôris prokrimatos ta panta krinete.' On this motto, see Kepler (1993), p. 35 and p. 135, note 5; F. Saxl, 'Veritas filia temporis', in R. Klibansky and H. J. Paton (eds), Philosophy and History (Oxford, 1936), pp. 197-222; F. Simone, 'Veritas filia temporis. A proposito di un testo di Giordano Bruno', Revue de littérature comparée 22 (1948), pp. 508-521; J. A. Van Dorsten, 'Temporis filia veritas: Learning and Religious Peace', in J. van der Berg and A. Hamilton (eds), The Anglo-Dutch Renaissance (Leiden: Brill, 1988), pp. 38-45. 122 Systema, sig. ): (4 r. Cf. Kepler (1993), note 197, pp. 110-111.
Veritas filia temporis
R. Klibansky and H. J. Paton (eds), Oxford
'Polybius in Eclogis lib. 13. cap. 3. Equidem existimo, Naturam mortalibus VERITATEM constituisse Deam maximam, maximamque illi vim attribuisse. Nam haec cum ab omnibus oppugnetur, atque adeo omnes nonnumquam verisimiles conjecturae ab Errore stent; ipsa per se nescio quomodo in animos hominum sese insinuat: et modo repente illam suam vim exerit: modo tenebris obtecta longo tempore, ad extremum suapte vi ipsa vincit obtinetque, and de Errore triumphat. Chôris prokrimatos ta panta krinete.' On this motto, see Kepler (1993), p. 35 and p. 135, note 5; F. Saxl, 'Veritas filia temporis', in R. Klibansky and H. J. Paton (eds), Philosophy and History (Oxford, 1936), pp. 197-222; F. Simone, 'Veritas filia temporis. A proposito di un testo di Giordano Bruno', Revue de littérature comparée 22 (1948), pp. 508-521; J. A. Van Dorsten, 'Temporis filia veritas: Learning and Religious Peace', in J. van der Berg and A. Hamilton (eds), The Anglo-Dutch Renaissance (Leiden: Brill, 1988), pp. 38-45. 122 Systema, sig. ): (4 r. Cf. Kepler (1993), note 197, pp. 110-111.
Philosophy and History
, pp. 197-222
Saxl, F.1
Veritas filia temporis. A proposito di un testo di Giordano Bruno
'Polybius in Eclogis lib. 13. cap. 3. Equidem existimo, Naturam mortalibus VERITATEM constituisse Deam maximam, maximamque illi vim attribuisse. Nam haec cum ab omnibus oppugnetur, atque adeo omnes nonnumquam verisimiles conjecturae ab Errore stent; ipsa per se nescio quomodo in animos hominum sese insinuat: et modo repente illam suam vim exerit: modo tenebris obtecta longo tempore, ad extremum suapte vi ipsa vincit obtinetque, and de Errore triumphat. Chôris prokrimatos ta panta krinete.' On this motto, see Kepler (1993), p. 35 and p. 135, note 5; F. Saxl, 'Veritas filia temporis', in R. Klibansky and H. J. Paton (eds), Philosophy and History (Oxford, 1936), pp. 197-222; F. Simone, 'Veritas filia temporis. A proposito di un testo di Giordano Bruno', Revue de littérature comparée 22 (1948), pp. 508-521; J. A. Van Dorsten, 'Temporis filia veritas: Learning and Religious Peace', in J. van der Berg and A. Hamilton (eds), The Anglo-Dutch Renaissance (Leiden: Brill, 1988), pp. 38-45. 122 Systema, sig. ): (4 r. Cf. Kepler (1993), note 197, pp. 110-111.
Revue de Littérature Comparée
, vol.22
, pp. 508-521
Simone, F.1
emporis filia veritas: Learning and Religious Peace
J. van der Berg and A. Hamilton (eds), Leiden: Brill
'Polybius in Eclogis lib. 13. cap. 3. Equidem existimo, Naturam mortalibus VERITATEM constituisse Deam maximam, maximamque illi vim attribuisse. Nam haec cum ab omnibus oppugnetur, atque adeo omnes nonnumquam verisimiles conjecturae ab Errore stent; ipsa per se nescio quomodo in animos hominum sese insinuat: et modo repente illam suam vim exerit: modo tenebris obtecta longo tempore, ad extremum suapte vi ipsa vincit obtinetque, and de Errore triumphat. Chôris prokrimatos ta panta krinete.' On this motto, see Kepler (1993), p. 35 and p. 135, note 5; F. Saxl, 'Veritas filia temporis', in R. Klibansky and H. J. Paton (eds), Philosophy and History (Oxford, 1936), pp. 197-222; F. Simone, 'Veritas filia temporis. A proposito di un testo di Giordano Bruno', Revue de littérature comparée 22 (1948), pp. 508-521; J. A. Van Dorsten, 'Temporis filia veritas: Learning and Religious Peace', in J. van der Berg and A. Hamilton (eds), The Anglo-Dutch Renaissance (Leiden: Brill, 1988), pp. 38-45. 122 Systema, sig. ): (4 r. Cf. Kepler (1993), note 197, pp. 110-111.
The Anglo-Dutch Renaissance
, pp. 38-45
Van Dorsten, J.A.1
Leiden: Brill, note 197
'Polybius in Eclogis lib. 13. cap. 3. Equidem existimo, Naturam mortalibus VERITATEM constituisse Deam maximam, maximamque illi vim attribuisse. Nam haec cum ab omnibus oppugnetur, atque adeo omnes nonnumquam verisimiles conjecturae ab Errore stent; ipsa per se nescio quomodo in animos hominum sese insinuat: et modo repente illam suam vim exerit: modo tenebris obtecta longo tempore, ad extremum suapte vi ipsa vincit obtinetque, and de Errore triumphat. Chôris prokrimatos ta panta krinete.' On this motto, see Kepler (1993), p. 35 and p. 135, note 5; F. Saxl, 'Veritas filia temporis', in R. Klibansky and H. J. Paton (eds), Philosophy and History (Oxford, 1936), pp. 197-222; F. Simone, 'Veritas filia temporis. A proposito di un testo di Giordano Bruno', Revue de littérature comparée 22 (1948), pp. 508-521; J. A. Van Dorsten, 'Temporis filia veritas: Learning and Religious Peace', in J. van der Berg and A. Hamilton (eds), The Anglo-Dutch Renaissance (Leiden: Brill, 1988), pp. 38-45. 122 Systema, sig. ): (4 r. Cf. Kepler (1993), note 197, pp. 110-111.
The Anglo-Dutch Renaissance
, pp. 110-111
'... hodie per ea, quae seculis omnibus abscondita Magnus Galilaeus, Telescopii, divini Inventi à se perfecti beneficio, in Caelo detexit, argumenta illa Topica, plane facta sunt Apodictica: è Physicis autem objectae nebulae, sudo liquidissimarum rationum jubare dispulsae. Vicit Veritas, et vincet latius, dummodo propitios magis Cleanthes illos habeamus, qui inconsulta pietate decepti, Sacrosanctae Scripturae decreta hoc dogmate convelli falso putant', Systema, sig. ):(4 r. In the Sidereus nuncius, Galileo had already suggested that he might have been divinely inspired, but without developing the theme of the penetralia universi: in the dedication ('ut autem inclito Celsitudinis tuae nomini prae caeteris novos hosce Planetas destinarem, ipsemet Syderum Opifex perspicuis argumentis me admonere visum est'), in the introduction ('... ope Perspicilli a me excogitati divina prius illuminante gratia'), and in the beginning of the account of the observation of the satellites ('cum autem die oclava, nescio quo Fato ductus ...'), E. N. III, pp. 56, 60, 80.
E. N.
, vol.3
, pp. 56
Systema, p. 459.
, pp. 459
Roberthin (1600-1648) had been Bernegger's pupil. He had acquired the Letter to Christina many years before, when he was travelling in Italy as the tutor of a young noble. Protected by Count Adam Schwartzenburg, he was to become, in 1644, First Secretary and Electoral Councillor of Prussia.
Letter to Christina
Nov-antiqua Sanctissimorum Patrum, et Probatorum Theologorum Doctrina, De Sacrae Scripturae Testimoniis, in conclusionibus mere Naturalibus, quae sensata experientia, and necessariis demonstrationibus evinci possunt, ternere non usurpandis.
Ed. cit., A2r. Bernegger, in his letter to Roberthin, calls Galileo 'incomparabilis ill[e] Astronomiae restaurat[or]', A4v.
Ficto et ementito pietatis et religionis zelo amicti
His accusers were hypocrites 'ficto et ementito Pietatis et Religionis Zelo amicti', ibid., A3r.
Letter to Christina
'Nam et Publicum bonum erat in oculis, cujus multum interesse duxi, ut sapientissima monita, eximiaque doctrina scripti illius patefaciat omnibus', ibid., A2r. Roberthin evokes Galileo's 'immensa in rem Astronomicam beneficia' which are beyond the reach of human gratitude ('omnem viventium gratiam ... supergressa'), A2v.
Letter to Christina
'... velut alter Prometheus, bacillo hoc optico, Caelorum abditos recessus lustrans, Caelestes ignes, nova inquam sydera, veteribus Astronomis non visa; Galaxiae expeditam rationem ...; Solaris corporis nubeculas, Lunaris scabitiem, et dispersas opacitates ... primus nobis detexit', ibid., A2v.
Letter to Christina