Toward a unified, secure Europe
November 23
Andrzej Olechowski, "Toward a Unified, Secure Europe," Rzeczpospolita [Warsaw] (November 23, 1994).
Rzeczpospolita [Warsaw]
Olechowski, A.1
Paris: Instytut Literacki
For Mieroszewski's writings, see Materiały do refleksji i zadumy (Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1976). An English translation of one of Mieroszewski's articles can be found in Robert Kostrzewa, ed., Between East and West: Writings from Kultura (New York: Hill and Wang, 1990).
Materiały do Refleksji i Zadumy
New York: Hill and Wang
For Mieroszewski's writings, see Materiały do refleksji i zadumy (Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1976). An English translation of one of Mieroszewski's articles can be found in Robert Kostrzewa, ed., Between East and West: Writings from Kultura (New York: Hill and Wang, 1990).
Between East and West: Writings from Kultura
Kostrzewa, R.1
Warsaw: Editions Spotkanie, n.d.
Piotr Eberhardt, Przemiany narodowościowe na Białorusi (Warsaw: Editions Spotkanie, n.d.), 160; Sokrat Janowicz, "The Belarusian National Minority in Poland," Wiȩź. (February 1991): 22; "The Ethnic Composition of Ukraine's Population," Literaturna Ukraïna (November 14, 1992); Władysław Gill and Norbert Gill, Stosunki Polski z Ukraina̧ w latach 1989-1993 (Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 1995), 71.
Przemiany Narodowościowe na Białorusi
, pp. 160
Eberhardt, P.1
The Belarusian national minority in Poland
Piotr Eberhardt, Przemiany narodowościowe na Białorusi (Warsaw: Editions Spotkanie, n.d.), 160; Sokrat Janowicz, "The Belarusian National Minority in Poland," Wiȩź. (February 1991): 22; "The Ethnic Composition of Ukraine's Population," Literaturna Ukraïna (November 14, 1992); Władysław Gill and Norbert Gill, Stosunki Polski z Ukraina̧ w latach 1989-1993 (Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 1995), 71.
, pp. 22
Janowicz, S.1
The ethnic composition of Ukraine's population
November 14
Piotr Eberhardt, Przemiany narodowościowe na Białorusi (Warsaw: Editions Spotkanie, n.d.), 160; Sokrat Janowicz, "The Belarusian National Minority in Poland," Wiȩź. (February 1991): 22; "The Ethnic Composition of Ukraine's Population," Literaturna Ukraïna (November 14, 1992); Władysław Gill and Norbert Gill, Stosunki Polski z Ukraina̧ w latach 1989-1993 (Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 1995), 71.
Literaturna Ukraïna
Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Piotr Eberhardt, Przemiany narodowościowe na Białorusi (Warsaw: Editions Spotkanie, n.d.), 160; Sokrat Janowicz, "The Belarusian National Minority in Poland," Wiȩź. (February 1991): 22; "The Ethnic Composition of Ukraine's Population," Literaturna Ukraïna (November 14, 1992); Władysław Gill and Norbert Gill, Stosunki Polski z Ukraina̧ w latach 1989-1993 (Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 1995), 71.
Stosunki Polski z Ukraina̧ w Latach 1989-1993
, pp. 71
Gill, W.1
Gill, N.2
The future of the catholic church in Belarus
Adam Hlebowicz, "The Future of the Catholic Church in Belarus," Wiȩź (January 1994), 137.
, pp. 137
Hlebowicz, A.1
Why am I afraid of Russia?
July 2
Notably, Kazimierz Orłoś, "Why Am I Afraid of Russia?" Tygodnik Powszechny[ Warsaw] (July 2, 1995); Wojciech Zaja̧czkowski, "The Dispute over Moscow," Rzeczpospolita (May 16, 1995); Antoni Z. Kamiński,"Why Poland Lacks an Eastern Policy," Rzeczpospolita (March 8, 1995); and "Partnership for Stagnation: An Interview of Aleksander Smolar, Political Scientist and Member of the National Council of the Freedom Union, by Edward Krzemień and Rafał Zakrzewski," Gazeta Wyborcza (January 28-29, 1995).
Tygodnik Powszechny[ Warsaw]
Notably, K.O.1
The dispute over Moscow
May 16
Notably, Kazimierz Orłoś, "Why Am I Afraid of Russia?" Tygodnik Powszechny[ Warsaw] (July 2, 1995); Wojciech Zaja̧czkowski, "The Dispute over Moscow," Rzeczpospolita (May 16, 1995); Antoni Z. Kamiński,"Why Poland Lacks an Eastern Policy," Rzeczpospolita (March 8, 1995); and "Partnership for Stagnation: An Interview of Aleksander Smolar, Political Scientist and Member of the National Council of the Freedom Union, by Edward Krzemień and Rafał Zakrzewski," Gazeta Wyborcza (January 28-29, 1995).
Zaja̧czkowski, W.1
Why Poland lacks an eastern policy
March 8
Notably, Kazimierz Orłoś, "Why Am I Afraid of Russia?" Tygodnik Powszechny[ Warsaw] (July 2, 1995); Wojciech Zaja̧czkowski, "The Dispute over Moscow," Rzeczpospolita (May 16, 1995); Antoni Z. Kamiński,"Why Poland Lacks an Eastern Policy," Rzeczpospolita (March 8, 1995); and "Partnership for Stagnation: An Interview of Aleksander Smolar, Political Scientist and Member of the National Council of the Freedom Union, by Edward Krzemień and Rafał Zakrzewski," Gazeta Wyborcza (January 28-29, 1995).
Kamiński, A.Z.1
Partnership for stagnation: An interview of Aleksander Smolar, political scientist and member of the National Council of the Freedom Union, by Edward Krzemień and Rafał Zakrzewski
January 28-29
Notably, Kazimierz Orłoś, "Why Am I Afraid of Russia?" Tygodnik Powszechny[ Warsaw] (July 2, 1995); Wojciech Zaja̧czkowski, "The Dispute over Moscow," Rzeczpospolita (May 16, 1995); Antoni Z. Kamiński,"Why Poland Lacks an Eastern Policy," Rzeczpospolita (March 8, 1995); and "Partnership for Stagnation: An Interview of Aleksander Smolar, Political Scientist and Member of the National Council of the Freedom Union, by Edward Krzemień and Rafał Zakrzewski," Gazeta Wyborcza (January 28-29, 1995).
Gazeta Wyborcza
Anti-Ukrainian gas pipeline
September 1
Sławomir Popowski and Maja Narbutt, "Anti-Ukrainian Gas Pipeline," Rzeczpospolita (September 1, 1993).
Popowski, S.1
Narbutt, M.2
On my own. An interview of polish foreign minister władysław bartoszewski by Barbara Sułek-Kowałska
June 23
"On My Own. An Interview of Polish Foreign Minister Władysław Bartoszewski by Barbara Sułek-Kowałska," Tygodnik Solidarność (June 23, 1995).
Tygodnik Solidarność
Only hope remains. But there is still hope
July 5
Iurii Lebedyns'kyi, "Only Hope Remains. But There Is Still Hope," Holos Ukraïny (July 5, 1995); Oleg Stepanenko, "A Rope with Three Knots," Pravda (September 2, 1995).
Holos Ukraïny
Lebedyns'kyi, I.1
A rope with three knots
September 2
Iurii Lebedyns'kyi, "Only Hope Remains. But There Is Still Hope," Holos Ukraïny (July 5, 1995); Oleg Stepanenko, "A Rope with Three Knots," Pravda (September 2, 1995).
Stepanenko, O.1
Krynica declarations
September 4
Jacek Pawlicki, "Krynica Declarations," Gazeta Wyborcza (September 4, 1995).
Gazeta Wyborcza
Pawlicki, J.1
The polish march to the east
April 25
Jacek Pawlicki, "The Polish March to the East," Gazeta Wyborcza (April 25, 1995).
Gazeta Wyborcza
Pawlicki, J.1
East-Central Europe: A regional survey -the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia in 1993
Cited in Jan Winiecki, "East-Central Europe: A Regional Survey -The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia in 1993," Europe-Asia Studies 46, 5 (1994): 109-10.
Europe-Asia Studies
, vol.46
, Issue.5
, pp. 109-110
Winiecki, J.1