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Volumn 88, Issue 4, 2002, Pages 444-454

Stranger sociability, public hope, and the limits of political transformation

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EID: 0039484852     PISSN: 00335630     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/00335630209384391     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (31)

References (63)
  • 1
    • 0003470581 scopus 로고
    • Massachusetts: Harvard University Press
    • Michael Warner, The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth Century America (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1995) probably is the most familiar of Warner's works to rhetoricians. See also "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 234-256; The Trouble with Normal (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2000); "Zones of Privacy," in What's Left of Theory?: New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory (Essays from the English Institute), ed. Judith Butler, John Guillory, and Kendall Thomas (New York: Routledge, 2000); Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner, "Sex in Public," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 547-566.
    • (1995) The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth Century America
    • Warner, M.1
  • 2
    • 0002291323 scopus 로고
    • The mass public and the mass subject
    • Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
    • Michael Warner, The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth Century America (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1995) probably is the most familiar of Warner's works to rhetoricians. See also "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 234-256; The Trouble with Normal (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2000); "Zones of Privacy," in What's Left of Theory?: New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory (Essays from the English Institute), ed. Judith Butler, John Guillory, and Kendall Thomas (New York: Routledge, 2000); Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner, "Sex in Public," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 547-566.
    • (1993) The Phantom Public Sphere , pp. 234-256
    • Robbins, B.1
  • 3
    • 0039833445 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Massachusetts: Harvard University Press
    • Michael Warner, The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth Century America (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1995) probably is the most familiar of Warner's works to rhetoricians. See also "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 234-256; The Trouble with Normal (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2000); "Zones of Privacy," in What's Left of Theory?: New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory (Essays from the English Institute), ed. Judith Butler, John Guillory, and Kendall Thomas (New York: Routledge, 2000); Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner, "Sex in Public," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 547-566.
    • (2000) The Trouble with Normal
  • 4
    • 0040426297 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Zones of privacy
    • New York: Routledge
    • Michael Warner, The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth Century America (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1995) probably is the most familiar of Warner's works to rhetoricians. See also "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 234-256; The Trouble with Normal (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2000); "Zones of Privacy," in What's Left of Theory?: New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory (Essays from the English Institute), ed. Judith Butler, John Guillory, and Kendall Thomas (New York: Routledge, 2000); Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner, "Sex in Public," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 547-566.
    • (2000) What's Left of Theory?: New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory (Essays from the English Institute)
    • Butler, J.1    Guillory, J.2    Thomas, K.3
  • 5
    • 0001180094 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Sex in public
    • Michael Warner, The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth Century America (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1995) probably is the most familiar of Warner's works to rhetoricians. See also "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 234-256; The Trouble with Normal (Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2000); "Zones of Privacy," in What's Left of Theory?: New Work on the Politics of Literary Theory (Essays from the English Institute), ed. Judith Butler, John Guillory, and Kendall Thomas (New York: Routledge, 2000); Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner, "Sex in Public," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 547-566.
    • (1998) Critical Inquiry , vol.24 , pp. 547-566
    • Berlant, L.1    Warner, M.2
  • 7
    • 0003976110 scopus 로고
    • trans. Frederick Lawrence Cambridge: MIT Press
    • Jurgen Habermas, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, trans. Frederick Lawrence (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1987); The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into the Category of Bourgeois Society, trans. Thomas Burger (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1989).
    • (1987) The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity
    • Habermas, J.1
  • 9
    • 21144477253 scopus 로고
    • Distrust of representation: Habermas and the public sphere
    • John Peters, "Distrust of Representation: Habermas and the Public Sphere," Media, Culture and Society 15 (1993): 541-571.
    • (1993) Media, Culture and Society , vol.15 , pp. 541-571
    • Peters, J.1
  • 10
    • 0003842277 scopus 로고
    • Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
    • Toby Miller has discussed the dynamics of reserved public space and oppositional performance in The Well-Tempered Self: Citizenship, Culture, and the Postmodern Subject (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993). Being oppositional is not forbidden in reserved public space; seemly opposition can be accommodated. What cannot be accommodated is the conjunction of acting against the interests controlling the space and acting in an uncivil or unseemly manner.
    • (1993) The Well-tempered Self: Citizenship, Culture, and the Postmodern Subject
    • Miller, T.1
  • 12
    • 0002098255 scopus 로고
    • Rethinking the public sphere: A contribution to the critique of actually existing democracy
    • In a sense we are left to choose between Nancy Fraser's subaltern counterpublics with their reliance on the dominant norms of stranger sociability through critical-rational discourse and Warner's poetic world-making of more corporealized discursive modes. See Nancy Fraser, "Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy," Social Text 25/26 (1990): 56-80.
    • (1990) Social Text , vol.25-26 , pp. 56-80
    • Fraser, N.1
  • 13
    • 0003599462 scopus 로고
    • trans. Dana Polan Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
    • Deleuze and Guattari develop the concept of "minor literature" in order to examine political practices by those who have been politically displaced and marginalized within dominant landscapes. Produced in the cramped space of political displacement, minor literature does not come from a minor language; rather, it is what a minority constructs within a major language. Minor and major refer to different ways of doing something, not to essences and states. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature, trans. Dana Polan (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986), 16.
    • (1986) Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature , pp. 16
    • Deleuze, G.1    Guattari, F.2
  • 15
    • 0030306716 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • From Bobbitt to SCUM: Re-memberment, scatological rhetorics, and feminist strategies in the contemporary United States
    • Melissa Deem, "From Bobbitt to SCUM: Re-memberment, Scatological Rhetorics, and Feminist Strategies in the Contemporary United States," Public Culture 8 (1996): 511-37.
    • (1996) Public Culture , vol.8 , pp. 511-537
    • Deem, M.1
  • 17
    • 84928505519 scopus 로고
    • Banality in cultural studies
    • Deleuze and Guattari argue that one property of a minor literature is that it is intensely political and collective. Morris has criticized this concept for its benign elitism. See "Banality in Cultural Studies," Discourse 31 (1988): 3-29.
    • (1988) Discourse , vol.31 , pp. 3-29
  • 19
    • 0003583974 scopus 로고
    • trans. Richard Nice Cambridge: Harvard University Press
    • Pierre Bourdieu, Distinctions: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste, trans. Richard Nice (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984); Robert Hariman, "Decorum, Power, and the Courtly Style," Quarterly Journal of Speech 78 (1992): 149-172.
    • (1984) Distinctions: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste
    • Bourdieu, P.1
  • 20
    • 84900584387 scopus 로고
    • Decorum, power, and the courtly style
    • Pierre Bourdieu, Distinctions: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste, trans. Richard Nice (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984); Robert Hariman, "Decorum, Power, and the Courtly Style," Quarterly Journal of Speech 78 (1992): 149-172.
    • (1992) Quarterly Journal of Speech , vol.78 , pp. 149-172
    • Hariman, R.1
  • 21
    • 0011608488 scopus 로고
    • Subordination, rhetorical survival skills, and Sunday shoes: Notes on the hearing of Mrs. G
    • ed. K. Bartlett and R. Kennedy San Francisco: Westview Press
    • Lucie White, "Subordination, Rhetorical Survival Skills, and Sunday Shoes: Notes on the Hearing of Mrs. G," Feminist Legal Theory: Readings in Law and Gender, ed. K. Bartlett and R. Kennedy (San Francisco: Westview Press, 1991), 404-428.
    • (1991) Feminist Legal Theory: Readings in Law and Gender , pp. 404-428
    • White, L.1
  • 22
    • 85065633545 scopus 로고
    • (Male) desire and (female) disgust: Reading Hustler
    • ed. Larry Grossberg, C. Nelson, and Paula Treichler New York: Routledge
    • Laura Kipnis, "(Male) Desire and (Female) Disgust: Reading Hustler," in Cultural Studies, ed. Larry Grossberg, C. Nelson, and Paula Treichler (New York: Routledge, 1993), 373-391.
    • (1993) Cultural Studies , pp. 373-391
    • Kipnis, L.1
  • 24
    • 0011682474 scopus 로고
    • The politics of civility
    • ed. David Farber Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press
    • Kenneth Cmiel, "The Politics of Civility," in From Memory to History, ed. David Farber (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1994), 263-290.
    • (1994) From Memory to History , pp. 263-290
    • Cmiel, K.1
  • 25
    • 0039241990 scopus 로고
    • The habitation of rhetoric
    • Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association
    • Michael Leff, "The Habitation of Rhetoric," in Argument and Critical Practices: Proceedings of the Fifth SCA/AFA Conference of Argumentation (Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1987); Thomas Rosteck and Michael Leff, "Piety, Propriety, and Perspective: An Interpretation and Application of Key Terms in Kenneth Burke's Permanence and Change," Western Journal of Speech Communication 53 (1989): 327-341; Hariman. For a reading of the importance of decorum for the field of rhetoric as illuminated by two distinct moments, one theoretically driven, the other driven by the material force of events, see Melissa Deem, "Decorum: The Flight from the Rhetorical," Argumentation and Values: Proceedings of the Ninth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation (Virginia: Speech Communication Association, 1995), 226-229.
    • (1987) Argument and Critical Practices: Proceedings of the Fifth SCA/AFA Conference of Argumentation
    • Leff, M.1
  • 26
    • 84960660061 scopus 로고
    • Piety, propriety, and perspective: An interpretation and application of key terms in Kenneth Burke's permanence and change
    • Michael Leff, "The Habitation of Rhetoric," in Argument and Critical Practices: Proceedings of the Fifth SCA/AFA Conference of Argumentation (Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1987); Thomas Rosteck and Michael Leff, "Piety, Propriety, and Perspective: An Interpretation and Application of Key Terms in Kenneth Burke's Permanence and Change," Western Journal of Speech Communication 53 (1989): 327-341; Hariman. For a reading of the importance of decorum for the field of rhetoric as illuminated by two distinct moments, one theoretically driven, the other driven by the material force of events, see Melissa Deem, "Decorum: The Flight from the Rhetorical," Argumentation and Values: Proceedings of the Ninth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation (Virginia: Speech Communication Association, 1995), 226-229.
    • (1989) Western Journal of Speech Communication , vol.53 , pp. 327-341
    • Rosteck, T.1    Leff, M.2
  • 27
    • 0039833689 scopus 로고
    • Decorum: The flight from the rhetorical
    • Virginia: Speech Communication Association
    • Michael Leff, "The Habitation of Rhetoric," in Argument and Critical Practices: Proceedings of the Fifth SCA/AFA Conference of Argumentation (Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1987); Thomas Rosteck and Michael Leff, "Piety, Propriety, and Perspective: An Interpretation and Application of Key Terms in Kenneth Burke's Permanence and Change," Western Journal of Speech Communication 53 (1989): 327-341; Hariman. For a reading of the importance of decorum for the field of rhetoric as illuminated by two distinct moments, one theoretically driven, the other driven by the material force of events, see Melissa Deem, "Decorum: The Flight from the Rhetorical," Argumentation and Values: Proceedings of the Ninth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation (Virginia: Speech Communication Association, 1995), 226-229.
    • (1995) Argumentation and Values: Proceedings of the Ninth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation , pp. 226-229
    • Deem, M.1
  • 29
    • 0003574255 scopus 로고
    • New York: Routledge
    • The logics of abstraction have received much attention from those concerned with the practices of domination within the political. For instance, feminist political theorists have documented the logics of abstraction that allow the political to serve a certain segment of the population. See Kathleen Jones, Compassionate Authority: Democracy and the Representation of Women (New York: Routledge, 1993); Carol Pateman, The Disorder of Women (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998); Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference (Bloomington: University of Indiana, 1990).
    • (1993) Compassionate Authority: Democracy and the Representation of Women
    • Jones, K.1
  • 30
    • 0004209729 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Stanford: Stanford University Press
    • The logics of abstraction have received much attention from those concerned with the practices of domination within the political. For instance, feminist political theorists have documented the logics of abstraction that allow the political to serve a certain segment of the population. See Kathleen Jones, Compassionate Authority: Democracy and the Representation of Women (New York: Routledge, 1993); Carol Pateman, The Disorder of Women (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998); Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference (Bloomington: University of Indiana, 1990).
    • (1998) The Disorder of Women
    • Pateman, C.1
  • 31
    • 0004216719 scopus 로고
    • Bloomington: University of Indiana
    • The logics of abstraction have received much attention from those concerned with the practices of domination within the political. For instance, feminist political theorists have documented the logics of abstraction that allow the political to serve a certain segment of the population. See Kathleen Jones, Compassionate Authority: Democracy and the Representation of Women (New York: Routledge, 1993); Carol Pateman, The Disorder of Women (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998); Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference (Bloomington: University of Indiana, 1990).
    • (1990) Justice and the Politics of Difference
    • Young, I.M.1
  • 32
    • 0003453108 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca: Cornell University Press
    • Landes has discussed the concurrent development of an austere, masculine speech with the masculinist bourgeois public. At the same moment that women and groups associated with the body were excluded from participation, a rhetorical mode that excludes the body, affect, and desire became dominant in the political realm. See Joan Landes, Women and the Public Sphere in the Age of the French Revolution (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988).
    • (1988) Women and the Public Sphere in the Age of the French Revolution
    • Landes, J.1
  • 33
    • 0039246475 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca: Cornell University Press
    • Ellen Rooney, Seductive Reasoning (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989).
    • (1989) Seductive Reasoning
    • Rooney, E.1
  • 35
    • 0003871218 scopus 로고
    • New York: Routledge
    • Seyla Benhabib, Situating the Self (New York: Routledge, 1992); Nancy Fraser, "Rethinking the Public Sphere," in Habermas and the Public Sphere, ed. Craig Calhoun (Cambridge: MIT, 1992), 109-142.
    • (1992) Situating the Self
    • Benhabib, S.1
  • 36
    • 0000863176 scopus 로고
    • Rethinking the public sphere
    • ed. Craig Calhoun Cambridge: MIT
    • Seyla Benhabib, Situating the Self (New York: Routledge, 1992); Nancy Fraser, "Rethinking the Public Sphere," in Habermas and the Public Sphere, ed. Craig Calhoun (Cambridge: MIT, 1992), 109-142.
    • (1992) Habermas and the Public Sphere , pp. 109-142
    • Fraser, N.1
  • 42
    • 0039833687 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The scandalous fall of feminism and the first black president
    • ed. Toby Miller Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers
    • Melissa Deem, "The Scandalous Fall of Feminism and the First Black President," in A Companion to Cultural Studies, ed. Toby Miller (Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 2001), 407-429.
    • (2001) A Companion to Cultural Studies , pp. 407-429
    • Deem, M.1
  • 43
    • 0242681373 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Berlant, The Queen of America; Berlant and Warner, "Sex in Public"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal and "Zones of Privacy."
    • The Queen of America
    • Berlant1
  • 44
    • 0041020315 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Berlant, The Queen of America; Berlant and Warner, "Sex in Public"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal and "Zones of Privacy."
    • Sex in Public
    • Berlant1    Warner2
  • 45
    • 85015109496 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Zones of privacy
    • Berlant, The Queen of America; Berlant and Warner, "Sex in Public"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal and "Zones of Privacy."
    • The Trouble with Normal
    • Warner1
  • 46
    • 85015128495 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In this way, counterpublic theories such as those offered by Nancy Fraser in her now canonical essay do not fit ("Rethinking the Public Sphere"). Fraser's formulation relies on the norms of critical-rational discourse and is based on identity formation
    • In this way, counterpublic theories such as those offered by Nancy Fraser in her now canonical essay do not fit ("Rethinking the Public Sphere"). Fraser's formulation relies on the norms of critical-rational discourse and is based on identity formation.
  • 52
    • 0011883928 scopus 로고
    • National brands/national body: Imitations of life
    • ed. B. Robbins Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
    • See especially Lauren Berlant, "National Brands/National Body: Imitations of Life," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 173-208; Berlant, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City; Berlant, "Intimacy: A Special Issue," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 281-288; Berlant, "The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy, and Politics," in Cultural Studies and Political Theory, ed. Jodi Dean (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000); Warner "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal; Warner, "Zones of Privacy"; Berlant and Warner, Sex in Public. Berlant argues that intimacy has been transformed from a private relation to a structuring aspect and affect of citizenship in the contemporary U.S. public sphere (The Queen of America, 31).
    • (1993) The Phantom Public Sphere , pp. 173-208
    • Berlant, L.1
  • 53
    • 0003583461 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See especially Lauren Berlant, "National Brands/National Body: Imitations of Life," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 173-208; Berlant, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City; Berlant, "Intimacy: A Special Issue," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 281-288; Berlant, "The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy, and Politics," in Cultural Studies and Political Theory, ed. Jodi Dean (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000); Warner "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal; Warner, "Zones of Privacy"; Berlant and Warner, Sex in Public. Berlant argues that intimacy has been transformed from a private relation to a structuring aspect and affect of citizenship in the contemporary U.S. public sphere (The Queen of America, 31).
    • The Queen of America Goes to Washington City
    • Berlant1
  • 54
    • 0001114536 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Intimacy: A special issue
    • See especially Lauren Berlant, "National Brands/National Body: Imitations of Life," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 173-208; Berlant, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City; Berlant, "Intimacy: A Special Issue," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 281-288; Berlant, "The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy, and Politics," in Cultural Studies and Political Theory, ed. Jodi Dean (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000); Warner "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal; Warner, "Zones of Privacy"; Berlant and Warner, Sex in Public. Berlant argues that intimacy has been transformed from a private relation to a structuring aspect and affect of citizenship in the contemporary U.S. public sphere (The Queen of America, 31).
    • (1998) Critical Inquiry , vol.24 , pp. 281-288
    • Berlant1
  • 55
    • 0003423076 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The subject of true feeling: Pain, privacy, and politics
    • ed. Jodi Dean Ithaca: Cornell University Press
    • See especially Lauren Berlant, "National Brands/National Body: Imitations of Life," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 173-208; Berlant, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City; Berlant, "Intimacy: A Special Issue," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 281-288; Berlant, "The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy, and Politics," in Cultural Studies and Political Theory, ed. Jodi Dean (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000); Warner "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal; Warner, "Zones of Privacy"; Berlant and Warner, Sex in Public. Berlant argues that intimacy has been transformed from a private relation to a structuring aspect and affect of citizenship in the contemporary U.S. public sphere (The Queen of America, 31).
    • (2000) Cultural Studies and Political Theory
    • Berlant1
  • 56
    • 0039241991 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See especially Lauren Berlant, "National Brands/National Body: Imitations of Life," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 173-208; Berlant, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City; Berlant, "Intimacy: A Special Issue," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 281-288; Berlant, "The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy, and Politics," in Cultural Studies and Political Theory, ed. Jodi Dean (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000); Warner "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal; Warner, "Zones of Privacy"; Berlant and Warner, Sex in Public. Berlant argues that intimacy has been transformed from a private relation to a structuring aspect and affect of citizenship in the contemporary U.S. public sphere (The Queen of America, 31).
    • The Mass Public and the Mass Subject
    • Warner1
  • 57
    • 0039833445 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See especially Lauren Berlant, "National Brands/National Body: Imitations of Life," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 173-208; Berlant, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City; Berlant, "Intimacy: A Special Issue," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 281-288; Berlant, "The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy, and Politics," in Cultural Studies and Political Theory, ed. Jodi Dean (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000); Warner "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal; Warner, "Zones of Privacy"; Berlant and Warner, Sex in Public. Berlant argues that intimacy has been transformed from a private relation to a structuring aspect and affect of citizenship in the contemporary U.S. public sphere (The Queen of America, 31).
    • The Trouble with Normal
    • Warner1
  • 58
    • 0040426301 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See especially Lauren Berlant, "National Brands/National Body: Imitations of Life," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 173-208; Berlant, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City; Berlant, "Intimacy: A Special Issue," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 281-288; Berlant, "The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy, and Politics," in Cultural Studies and Political Theory, ed. Jodi Dean (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000); Warner "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal; Warner, "Zones of Privacy"; Berlant and Warner, Sex in Public. Berlant argues that intimacy has been transformed from a private relation to a structuring aspect and affect of citizenship in the contemporary U.S. public sphere (The Queen of America, 31).
    • Zones of Privacy
    • Warner1
  • 59
    • 0041020315 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See especially Lauren Berlant, "National Brands/National Body: Imitations of Life," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 173-208; Berlant, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City; Berlant, "Intimacy: A Special Issue," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 281-288; Berlant, "The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy, and Politics," in Cultural Studies and Political Theory, ed. Jodi Dean (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000); Warner "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal; Warner, "Zones of Privacy"; Berlant and Warner, Sex in Public. Berlant argues that intimacy has been transformed from a private relation to a structuring aspect and affect of citizenship in the contemporary U.S. public sphere (The Queen of America, 31).
    • Sex in Public
    • Berlant1    Warner2
  • 60
    • 0242681373 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See especially Lauren Berlant, "National Brands/National Body: Imitations of Life," in The Phantom Public Sphere, ed. B. Robbins (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1993): 173-208; Berlant, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City; Berlant, "Intimacy: A Special Issue," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 281-288; Berlant, "The Subject of True Feeling: Pain, Privacy, and Politics," in Cultural Studies and Political Theory, ed. Jodi Dean (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000); Warner "The Mass Public and the Mass Subject"; Warner, The Trouble with Normal; Warner, "Zones of Privacy"; Berlant and Warner, Sex in Public. Berlant argues that intimacy has been transformed from a private relation to a structuring aspect and affect of citizenship in the contemporary U.S. public sphere (The Queen of America, 31).
    • The Queen of America , pp. 31
    • Berlant1
  • 61
    • 0039833685 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Adultery
    • Berlant has posited the concept of minor intimacies as those intimacies not harnessed to normative affective logics such as heterosexual monogamy and marriage (see "Intimacy"). Minor intimacies, like minor rhetorics, can be generative and productive, although not along established routes of subject formation. In "Adultery," Critical Inquiry 24 (1998): 289-327, Laura Kipnis interrogates the normative logics that constrain intimacy and desire in relation to capital and the state.
    • (1998) Critical Inquiry , vol.24 , pp. 289-327

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