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Volumn 151, Issue , 1999, Pages 21-46

A "living" religion: Continuity and complementariness in Havanan cultural practices;Une religión vivante: Continuité et complémentarité des pratiques cultuelles havanaises

(1)  Argyriadis, Kali a  


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[No Author keywords available]

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EID: 0039413488     PISSN: 04394216     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.3406/hom.1999.453618     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (6)

References (20)
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    • Kali Argyriadis, A "Living" Religión : Continuity and Complementariness in Havanan Cultural Practices. - Despite more than three decades under Castro's rule, and despite free access to health care and public education for all, most of Havana's inhabitants increasingly observe, simultaneously, several cults, such as santería, palo-monte, spiritism or a quite pragmatic Catholicism. The generic term religión is the usual word for referring to all these cults. Religión is not a disparate set of practices but a dynamic - intentionally plural and changing - system of cognitive representations. It conveys the notion of a multiple personality, the idea of individual development, respect for differences and a belief in the ineffectiveness of any form of coercion within religión. All this turns it into a phenomenon much broader than religion. It would be worthwhile to analyze religión's social and political repercussions by taking into account this intrinsic continuity and complementariness.
    • A "Living" Religión : Continuity and Complementariness in Havanan Cultural Practices
    • Argyriadis, K.1

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