(Oxford University Press), sec. 36. Francis Fukuyama reexamination of historicism in The End of History and the Last Man (Avon Books)
Philosophy of Right (Oxford University Press), sec. 36. Francis Fukuyama began this reexamination of historicism in The End of History and the Last Man (Avon Books), drawing heavily on the philosopher Alexandre Kojève's Introduction to the Reading of Hegel (Cornell University Press) and standing Kojève's Marxism on its head. Also very useful is Kojève's Outline of a Phenomenology of Right, now available in an English translation by Brian-Paul Frost and Robert Howse (Rowman and Littlefield), whose introductory essay is compelling in its claims for the insight Kojève's thought provides into current affairs. Also invaluable is Robert R. Williams's Hegel's Ethics of Recognition (University of California Press) for establishing the centrality of "recognition," what Williams calls an "ethics of intersubjectivity," in Hegel's thought.
Philosophy of Right
Cornell University Press
Philosophy of Right (Oxford University Press), sec. 36. Francis Fukuyama began this reexamination of historicism in The End of History and the Last Man (Avon Books), drawing heavily on the philosopher Alexandre Kojève's Introduction to the Reading of Hegel (Cornell University Press) and standing Kojève's Marxism on its head. Also very useful is Kojève's Outline of a Phenomenology of Right, now available in an English translation by Brian-Paul Frost and Robert Howse (Rowman and Littlefield), whose introductory essay is compelling in its claims for the insight Kojève's thought provides into current affairs. Also invaluable is Robert R. Williams's Hegel's Ethics of Recognition (University of California Press) for establishing the centrality of "recognition," what Williams calls an "ethics of intersubjectivity," in Hegel's thought.
Introduction to the Reading of Hegel
Kojève, A.1
now available in an English translation by Brian-Paul Frost and Robert Howse (Rowman and Littlefield)
Philosophy of Right (Oxford University Press), sec. 36. Francis Fukuyama began this reexamination of historicism in The End of History and the Last Man (Avon Books), drawing heavily on the philosopher Alexandre Kojève's Introduction to the Reading of Hegel (Cornell University Press) and standing Kojève's Marxism on its head. Also very useful is Kojève's Outline of a Phenomenology of Right, now available in an English translation by Brian-Paul Frost and Robert Howse (Rowman and Littlefield), whose introductory essay is compelling in its claims for the insight Kojève's thought provides into current affairs. Also invaluable is Robert R. Williams's Hegel's Ethics of Recognition (University of California Press) for establishing the centrality of "recognition," what Williams calls an "ethics of intersubjectivity," in Hegel's thought.
Outline of a Phenomenology of Right
University of California Press
Philosophy of Right (Oxford University Press), sec. 36. Francis Fukuyama began this reexamination of historicism in The End of History and the Last Man (Avon Books), drawing heavily on the philosopher Alexandre Kojève's Introduction to the Reading of Hegel (Cornell University Press) and standing Kojève's Marxism on its head. Also very useful is Kojève's Outline of a Phenomenology of Right, now available in an English translation by Brian-Paul Frost and Robert Howse (Rowman and Littlefield), whose introductory essay is compelling in its claims for the insight Kojève's thought provides into current affairs. Also invaluable is Robert R. Williams's Hegel's Ethics of Recognition (University of California Press) for establishing the centrality of "recognition," what Williams calls an "ethics of intersubjectivity," in Hegel's thought.
Hegel's Ethics of Recognition
Williams, R.R.1