London, The Stationery Office
National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, Higher Education in the Learning Society (the Dearing Report), London, The Stationery Office, 1997; H. Kennedy, Learning Works: Widening Participation in Further Education, Coventry, Further Education Funding Council, 1997; National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Life-long Learning, Learning for the Twenty-first Century (the Fryer Report), London, Department for Education and Employment, 1997.
Higher Education in the Learning Society (the Dearing Report)
Coventry, Further Education Funding Council
National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, Higher Education in the Learning Society (the Dearing Report), London, The Stationery Office, 1997; H. Kennedy, Learning Works: Widening Participation in Further Education, Coventry, Further Education Funding Council, 1997; National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Life-long Learning, Learning for the Twenty-first Century (the Fryer Report), London, Department for Education and Employment, 1997.
Learning Works: Widening Participation in Further Education
Kennedy, H.1
London, Department for Education and Employment
National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, Higher Education in the Learning Society (the Dearing Report), London, The Stationery Office, 1997; H. Kennedy, Learning Works: Widening Participation in Further Education, Coventry, Further Education Funding Council, 1997; National Advisory Group for Continuing Education and Life-long Learning, Learning for the Twenty-first Century (the Fryer Report), London, Department for Education and Employment, 1997.
Learning for the Twenty-First Century (the Fryer Report)
London, DfEE
Department for Education and Employment, University for Industry: Engaging People in Learning for Life, London, DfEE, 1998; Department for Education and Employment, The ILA Development Guide, London, DfEE, 1998.
The ILA Development Guide
Paying for lifelong learning
D. Robertson, 'Paying for Lifelong Learning', New Economy, 1996.
New Economy
Robertson, D.1