New Light on the Prehistory of the Austrian School
Edwin G. Dolan, ed., Kansas City: Sheed and Ward
See Murray N. Rothbard, "New Light on the Prehistory of the Austrian School," Edwin G. Dolan, ed., The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics (Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1976), pp. 52-74.
The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics
, pp. 52-74
Rothbard, M.N.1
Cambridge: Cambridge at the University Press
I have a letter from F. A. Hayek dated January 7, 1979, in which he states that, apart from Raymond de Roover, the researchers to whom we owe the establishment of the link between the School of Salamanca and the Austrian School are, chronologically, H.M. Robertson, Aspects of the Rise of Economic Individualism (Cambridge: Cambridge at the University Press, 1933);
Aspects of the Rise of Economic Individualism
Robertson, H.M.1
Oxford: Clarendon Press, and, especially, Murray N. Rothbard in his above mentioned article
Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, The School of Salamanca (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952); and, especially, Murray N. Rothbard in his above mentioned article.
The School of Salamanca
Grice-Hutchinson, M.1
3 vols Barcelona and Madrid: Editorial Crítica
Ramón Carande, Carlos V y sus Banqueros, 3 vols. (Barcelona and Madrid: Editorial Crítica, 1987).
Carlos v y Sus Banqueros
Carande, R.1
Finally, with a great deal of effort, he managed to obtain two hundred thousand ducats but, as he wrote, "I am afraid of causing the bankruptcy of all the banks of Seville
and esp. pp. 315-16, which deals with Gresham's visit to Seville
See Ramón Carande, Carlos V y sus Banqueros, vol.1, pp. 299-23, and esp. pp. 315-16, which deals with Gresham's visit to Seville.
Carlos v y Sus Banqueros, Vol.
, vol.1
, pp. 299-323
Carande, R.1
La moneda en Florencia en el Siglo XVI
Barcelona: Editorial Critica
See Carlo M. Cipolla's important article "La moneda en Florencia en el Siglo XVI," published in El Gobierno y la Moneda: Ensayos de Historia Monetaria (Barcelona: Editorial Critica, 1994), pp. 11-142; esp. pp. 96 onwards.
El Gobierno y la Moneda: Ensayos de Historia Monetaria
, pp. 11-142
Cipolla, C.M.1
Bologna: Societá editrice II Mulino
This book is the Spanish edition of the work originally published in Italian with the title II Governo delta Moneta: La Moneta a Firenze nel Cinquecento (Bologna: Societá editrice II Mulino, 1990).
II Governo Delta Moneta: La Moneta A Firenze Nel Cinquecento
Cipolla tells us how the Ricci Bank, from the seventies onwards, was not able to meet the demand for payments in cash and, de facto, suspended payments, as it paid simply "with ink" or "with bank policies." The authorities of Florence, looking only at the symptoms and trying, with typical good intentions, to resolve this worrying situation merely by decrees, imposed on bankers the obligation to pay their creditors in cash without any delay, but did not attack the fundamental causes of the phenomenon (the undue appropriation of the deposits as loans and failure to hold a 100-percent-cash ratio). This meant that the successive decrees issued met with inevitable failure and the crisis became gradually more serious until it broke out with its full virulence in the mid-1570s. II Governo Delta Moneta: la Moneta A Firenze Nel Cinquecento II Governo Delta Moneta: la Moneta A Firenze Nel Cinquecento Ibid., pp. 102-3.
II Governo Delta Moneta: la Moneta A Firenze Nel Cinquecento
, pp. 102-103
Among others, the following have recently studied the contribution of the Spanish scholastics to economic theory: Lucas Beltrán in "Sobre los orígenes hispanos de la economía de rnercado," Cuadernos del Pensamiento Liberal 10, no.1 (1989): 5-38;
Cuadernos Del Pensamiento Liberal
, vol.10
, Issue.1
, pp. 5-38
"Genesis, esencia y evolución de la Escuela Austriaca de Economía
Madrid: Unión Editorial
Jesús Huerta de Soto, "Genesis, esencia y evolución de la Escuela Austriaca de Economía," Estudios de Economia Política (Madrid: Unión Editorial, 1994), pp. 17-55;
Estudios de Economia Política
, pp. 17-55
De Soto, J.H.1
Barcelona: Editorial Critica, should be consulted, particularly
The intellectual influence of the Spanish theorists of the School of Salamanca on the Austrian School is not, however, a pure coincidence or a mere whim of history. It originates from and exists because of the intimate historical, political and cultural relations which, as from the reigns of Carlos V and his brother Fernando I, arose between Spain and Austria and which were to continue for several centuries. In addition, Italy also played an important role in these relations, acting as an authentic cultural, economic and financial bridge over which the relations between the two furthest points of the Empire (Spain and Vienna) flowed. In this respect, Jean Berenguer's interesting book El Imperio de los Habsburgos (Barcelona: Editorial Critica, 1993), should be consulted, particularly pp. 133-35.
El Imperio de Los Habsburgos
, pp. 133-135
Berenguer, J.1
Paris: Librairie Arthème, Fayard
This book is the Spanish edition of the French original which was entitled Histoire de L'empire des Habsbourg 1273-1918 (Paris: Librairie Arthème, Fayard, 1990).
Histoire de L'empire des Habsbourg 1273-1918
A Critical Analysis of Central Banks and Fractional-Reserve Free Banking from the Austrian School Perspective
esp. pp. 29-30 n. 6.
See Jesús Huerta de Soto, "A Critical Analysis of Central Banks and Fractional-Reserve Free Banking from the Austrian School Perspective," Review of Austrian Economics 8, no. 2 (1995): 25-38, esp. pp. 29-30 n. 6.
Review of Austrian Economics
, vol.8
, Issue.2
, pp. 25-38
De Soto, J.H.1
Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Martin de Azpilcueta, Comentario Resolutorio de Cambias (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1965), pp. 57-58. When studying the position of Doctor Navarro, I have worked with the first Spanish edition published by Andres de Portonarijs in Salamanca in 1556, and also with the first Portuguese edition published by loam de Barreyra in Coimbra in 1560 with the title Comentario Resolutorio de Onzenas. The quotes contained in the main text appear in the Portuguese edition on pp. 77-80, and on pp. 74-75 of the first Spanish edition.
Comentario Resolutorio de Cambias
, pp. 57-58
De Azpilcueta, M.1
I quote the edition by the Institute de Estudios Fiscales published in Madrid in 1977, edited and introduction by Nicolás Sánchez Albornoz, vol. 2, chap. 16, p. 479. There is another edition, by Restituto Sierra Bravo, published by the Editera Nacional in 1975, which includes the quote given in the main text on p. 401. The original edition was published in Seville in 1571 "en casa de Hernando Díez Impresor de Libros, en la calle de la Sierpe
I quote the edition by the Institute de Estudios Fiscales published in Madrid in 1977, edited and introduction by Nicolás Sánchez Albornoz, vol. 2, chap. 16, p. 479. There is another edition, by Restituto Sierra Bravo, published by the Editera Nacional in 1975, which includes the quote given in the main text on p. 401. The original edition was published in Seville in 1571 "en casa de Hernando Díez Impresor de Libros, en la calle de la Sierpe
of the edition of Institute de Estudios Fiscales and p. 401 of the edition of Restitute Sierra Bravo
Tomás de Mercado, Suma de Tratos y Contratos, vol. 2, p. 480 of the edition of Institute de Estudios Fiscales and p. 401 of the edition of Restitute Sierra Bravo.
Suma de Tratos y Contratos
, vol.2
, pp. 480
De Mercado, T.1
This is the quote from Mercado that Ramón Carande includes in Vol. 1 of Carlos V y sus Banqueros in the introduction to his analysis of the bankers of Seville and the crisis which led them all into bankruptcy. See Tomes de Mercado, Suma de Tratos y Contratos, vol. 2, pp. 381-82 of the 1977 edition by Instituto de Estudios Fiscales and p. 321 of the edition by Restituto Sierra Bravo.
Suma de Tratos y Contratos
, vol.2
, pp. 381-382
De Mercado, T.1
Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
According to Restituto Sierra Bravo, El Pensamiento Social y Económico de la Escolástica, vol. 1 (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1975), p. 215, this phrase of Domingo de Soto implies his acceptance of the banking business with a fractional-reserve ratio.
El Pensamiento Social y Económico de la Escolástica
, vol.1
, pp. 215
Bravo, R.S.1
The Concept of the School of Salamanca: Its Origins and Development"
Chapter 2
It is very significant that various authors, among them Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, are in doubt as to whether Luis de Molina should be included among the theorists of the School of Salamanca: "The inclusion of Molina in the School seems to me now to be more dubious." Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, "The Concept of the School of Salamanca: Its Origins and Development", Chapter 2 of Economic Thought in Spain: Selected Essays of Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson, p, 25.
Economic Thought in Spain: Selected Essays of Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson
, pp. 25
Grice-Hutchinson, M.1
edition and introduction by Francisco Gómez Camacho Madrid: Institute de Estudios Fiscales
Luis de Molina, Tratado sobre los Cambios, edition and introduction by Francisco Gómez Camacho (Madrid: Institute de Estudios Fiscales, 1990), pp. 137-40.
Tratado Sobre Los Cambios
, pp. 137-140
De Molina, L.1
emphasis added
Luis de Molina, Tratado sobre los Cambios, Ibid., pp. 138-39; emphasis added.
Tratado Sobre Los Cambios
, pp. 138-139
Lugduni, 1642, Disp. 28, See. 5
R.P. Joannis de Lugo Hispalensis, S.L, Disputationum de Iustitia et lure, Tomus Secundus (Lugduni, 1642), Disp. 28, See. 5, pp. 406-7. I would like to thank the Jesuit Father Prof. Enrique M. Urena and the Dominican Father Rodrigo T. Hidalgo who provided me with different copies of de Lugo's original book.
Disputationum de Iustitia et Lure, Tomus Secundus
, pp. 406-407
De Joannis Lugo, R.P.1
Hispalensis, S.L.2
The edition which I have used is the Omnia Opera, published in Venice in 1604, which includes the treatise on money by Diego de Covarrubias in vol. 1, under the full title of Veterum Collatio Numismatum, cum his, qitae modo expenduntur, publica, et Regia authoritate perpensa, pp. 669-710. This work by Diego de Covarrubias is often quoted by Davanzati and, at least once, in chap. 2 of Galiani's famous Della Moneta, written in 1750.
Veterum Collatio Numismatum, Cum His, Qitae Modo Expenduntur, Publica, et Regia Authoritate Perpensa
, pp. 669-710
Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller
Also, and most significantly, it is quoted by Carl Menger, Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre (Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1871), p. 257;
Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre
, pp. 257
Menger, C.1
New York and London: New York University Press
English edition, Principles of Economics (New York and London: New York University Press, 1981), p. 317.
Principles of Economics
, pp. 317
which the present article should be considered a humble addendum
Not even in the most brilliant and recent work by Murray N. Rothbard, Economic Thought before Adam Smith, vol. 1, to which the present article should be considered a humble addendum.
Economic Thought before Adam Smith
, vol.1
Rothbard, M.N.1
The Dispute between the Currency School and the Banking School, 1821-1848
Chap. 12 of The Trend of Economic Thinking: Essays on Political Economists and Economic History, W.W. Bartley, III, and Stephen Kresge, eds., London: Routledge
and F.A. Hayek, "The Dispute Between the Currency School and the Banking School, 1821-1848," Chap. 12 of The Trend of Economic Thinking: Essays on Political Economists and Economic History, W.W. Bartley, III, and Stephen Kresge, eds., vol. 3 of The Collected Works of F.A. Hayek (London: Routledge, 1991), p. 224.
The Collected Works of F.A. Hayek
, vol.3
, pp. 224
Hayek, F.A.1
R. P. Joannis de Lugo Hispalensis, Societatis lesu
Section 5
De Cambiis," R. P. Joannis de Lugo Hispalensis, Societatis lesu' Disputationum de Iustitia et lure, Tomus Secundus, Lugduni 1642, p. 406, Section 5, No. 60.
Disputationum de Iustitia et Lure, Tomus Secundus, Lugduni 1642
, Issue.60
, pp. 406
De Cambiis1
Economics and Error
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
That is to say, in the terminology of Israel M. Kirzner, "Economics and Error," in Perception, Opportunity and Profit (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979), pp. 120-36, committing sheer or pure entrepreneurial error (which cannot be insured by the law of large numbers) which causes serious entrepreneurial losses, regardless of the degree of prudence with which one has acted.
Perception, Opportunity and Profit
, pp. 120-136
Kirzner, I.M.1
published with an introduction by Joseph A. Schumpeter Washington, D.C.: American Council of Public Affairs
Bernard W. Dempsey, Interest and Usury, published with an introduction by Joseph A. Schumpeter (Washington, D.C.: American Council of Public Affairs, 1943). Attention should be drawn to the fact that Father Belda's article arose as a criticism, from the Keynesian point of view, of the theses upheld by Dempsey in this book. I would like to thank Professor James Sadowsky of Fordham University, who provided me with a copy of Dempsey's book, which was not available in Spain.
Interest and Usury
Dempsey, B.W.1
The credit expansion results in the depreciation of whatever circulating medium the bank deals in. Prices rise; the asset appreciates. The bank absolves its debt by paying out on the deposit a currency of lesser value . . . No single person perhaps would be convinced by a Scholastic author of the sin of usury. But the process has operated usuriously; again we meet systematic or institutional usury . . . The modern situation to which theorists have applied the concepts of divergence of natural and money interest, divergences of saving an investment, divergences of income disposition from tenable patterns by involuntary displacements, all these have a sufficient common ground with late medieval analysis to warrant the expression 'institutional usury' for the movement heretofore described in the above expressions." Father Bernard W. Dempsey, Interest and Usury, pp. 225 and 227-28.
Interest and Usury
, pp. 225
Dempsey, B.W.1
Ibid., p. 210. Incidentally, Father Dempsey points out that the theory of time preference may even date from Saint Thomas Aquinas, as it was expressly stated by one of the letter's most brilliant pupils, Giles Lessines, for whom "future goods are not valued so highly as the same goods available at an immediate moment of time, nor do they allow their owners to achieve the same utility. For this reason, it must be considered that they have a more reduced value in accordance with justice
Interest and Usury
, pp. 210
Dempsey, B.W.1
in which Rothbard considers San Bernardino of Siena and Conrad Summenhart to have been in 1431 and 1499 the first expositors of time preference theory
Dempsey's discovery of Lessines exposition of time preference was not included in Murray N. Rothbard's Economic Thought before Adam Smith, in which Rothbard considers San Bernardino of Siena and Conrad Summenhart to have been in 1431 and 1499 the first expositors of time preference theory (pp. 85 and 92).
Economic Thought before Adam Smith
, pp. 85
Rothbard'S, M.N.1
Mariana condemns as robbery any government debasement of coins whereas Dempsey follows the same reasoning in relation to the even more disturbing credit inflation created by banks. On Juan de Mariana see the most brilliant analysis of Murray N. Rothbard, Economic Thought before Adam Smith, p. 119.
Economic Thought before Adam Smith
, pp. 119
Rothbard, M.N.1