The first set of studies of six companies were conducted in 1993–1994 and funded by EPA. Additional interviews with representatives of 11 additional companies were conducted in, and funded by the North Carolina Office of Waste Reduction. Information on Hornwood, Thomson Crown Wood Products, Maola Milk, NADEPRexham represent information collected in 1993–94, while the other companies' information is more current. Additional information about this project is available from David Kiel, Kiel, Woodward and Associates, P.O. Box 3008, Chapel Hill, NC 27515. The author wishes to acknowledge first and foremost the assistance of Dr. Michael Berry EPA. who sponsored and guided the six original case studies. Gary Hunt and David Williams of the North Carolina Office of Waste Reduction (OWR), Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources, provided introduction to the North Carolina Governor's Award Winning Company and sponsored the inclusion of 11 additional companies. Terry Albrecht and Melissa Whitman, also of OWR, were of great assistance as well. The help of Susan Fowler in organizing the early literature review phase of this project is much appreciated. Lyn Andersson, coauthor of the literature review, brought many useful ideas from her doctoral studies. Finally, the time and cooperation of the 17 companies and their EQM spokespersons have been critical in allowing this study to come to completion. While we have made a major effort to confirm all of the information collected in these interviews, doubtless some errors will remain. For these and all of the conclusions of this study, the author takes full responsibility
The first set of studies of six companies were conducted in 1993–1994 and funded by EPA. Additional interviews with representatives of 11 additional companies were conducted in 1995–96 and funded by the North Carolina Office of Waste Reduction. Information on Hornwood, Thomson Crown Wood Products, Maola Milk, NADEP, and Rexham represent information collected in 1993–94, while the other companies' information is more current. Additional information about this project is available from David Kiel, Kiel, Woodward and Associates, P.O. Box 3008, Chapel Hill, NC 27515. The author wishes to acknowledge first and foremost the assistance of Dr. Michael Berry EPA. who sponsored and guided the six original case studies. Gary Hunt and David Williams of the North Carolina Office of Waste Reduction (OWR), Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources, provided introduction to the North Carolina Governor's Award Winning Company and sponsored the inclusion of 11 additional companies. Terry Albrecht and Melissa Whitman, also of OWR, were of great assistance as well. The help of Susan Fowler in organizing the early literature review phase of this project is much appreciated. Lyn Andersson, coauthor of the literature review, brought many useful ideas from her doctoral studies. Finally, the time and cooperation of the 17 companies and their EQM spokespersons have been critical in allowing this study to come to completion. While we have made a major effort to confirm all of the information collected in these interviews, doubtless some errors will remain. For these and all of the conclusions of this study, the author takes full responsibility.
unpublished manuscript Jan. 23, Available from David Kiel, P.O. Box 3008. Chapel Hill, NC 27515
D. Kiel and L. Andersson, “TQEM Leadership: Lessons from the Case Literature,” unpublished manuscript Jan. 23, 1995. Available from David Kiel, P.O. Box 3008. Chapel Hill, NC 27515.
TQEM Leadership: Lessons from the Case Literature
Kiel, D.1
Andersson, L.2