On a prolonged first stage of tabes dorsalis: Amaurosis, lightning, pains, recurrent herpes; not ataxia; absence of patellar tendon reflex
Buzzard T. On a prolonged first stage of tabes dorsalis: Amaurosis, lightning, pains, recurrent herpes; not ataxia; absence of patellar tendon reflex. Brain 1878-1879;1:168-181
A case of right hemiplegia, hemianesthesia, and aphasia, having for its prominent anatomical lesion softening of the left lateral lobe of the cerebellum
Atkins R. A case of right hemiplegia, hemianesthesia, and aphasia, having for its prominent anatomical lesion softening of the left lateral lobe of the cerebellum. Brain 1878-1879;1:410-417
Traumatic lesion of the left hemisphere - Right brachio-facial paralysis - Aphasia - Antiseptic treatment-recovery
MacCormac W. Traumatic lesion of the left hemisphere - Right brachio-facial paralysis - Aphasia - Antiseptic treatment -recovery. Brain 1878-1879;1:256-260
The value of absent "tendon-reflex" as a diagnostic sign in locomotor ataxia, with an analysis of eight cases
Hamilton AM. The value of absent "tendon-reflex" as a diagnostic sign in locomotor ataxia, with an analysis of eight cases. Boston Med Surg J 1878;99:781-788