Ethics consultants' recommendations for life prolonging treatment of patients in a persistent vegetative state
Fox E, Stocking C. Ethics consultants' recommendations for life prolonging treatment of patients in a persistent vegetative state. Journal of the American Medical Association 1993;270:2578-82.
Severe pneumonia is life threatening and is ordinarily treated in hospital with intravenous antibiotics and oxygen. Dysphagia is inability to swallow, and inadequate oral intake would result in death through dehydration or starvation. Arteriopathy, or generalised vascular disease, resulted in the loss of this patient's legs. An acute abdomen is usually due to obstruction, perforation, or (most likely in this patient) inadequate blood supply to the bowel. Without surgery, death of the patient is inevitable. A comatose patient, if untreated with nasogastric or intravenous fluids, would invariably die of dehydration. Septicaemia is a life threatening bacterial infection within the blood stream that requires treatment with intravenous antibiotics
Severe pneumonia is life threatening and is ordinarily treated in hospital with intravenous antibiotics and oxygen. Dysphagia is inability to swallow, and inadequate oral intake would result in death through dehydration or starvation. Arteriopathy, or generalised vascular disease, resulted in the loss of this patient's legs. An acute abdomen is usually due to obstruction, perforation, or (most likely in this patient) inadequate blood supply to the bowel. Without surgery, death of the patient is inevitable. A comatose patient, if untreated with nasogastric or intravenous fluids, would invariably die of dehydration. Septicaemia is a life threatening bacterial infection within the blood stream that requires treatment with intravenous antibiotics.
Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee 1 WLR 582
Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee [1957] 1 WLR 582.
Airedale NHS Trust v Bland 2WLR 362D-E
Airedale NHS Trust v Bland [1993] 2WLR 362D-E.
See reference 7: 399H
See reference 7: 399H.
Withdrawal of food supplement judged as misconduct
Dyer C. Withdrawal of food supplement judged as misconduct. British Medical Journal 1999;318:895.
An ethical framework for terminal care decisions: A new classification of patients
Veatch RM. An ethical framework for terminal care decisions: a new classification of patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1984;32:665-9.
Retrospective study of doctors' "end of life decisions" in caring for mentally handicapped people in institutions in the Netherlands
Van Thiel GJMW, van Delden JJM, de Haan K, et al. Retrospective study of doctors' "end of life decisions" in caring for mentally handicapped people in institutions in the Netherlands. British Medical Journal 1997;315:88-91.