The Human Centered Trans portation System of the Future
NTSC Human Centered Transportation Safety Team, Washington D.C.
NTSC Human Centered Transportation Safety Team, “The Human Centered Trans portation System of the Future,” Proc. ITS America 7th Ann. Meeting, ITS America, Washington D.C., 1997.
Washington, D.C., (current 16 July 2001).
M.C. Hulse et al., Development of Human Factors Guidelines for Advanced Traveler Information Systems and Commercial Vehi cle Operations: Identification of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Alternative Information Display Formats, tech. report FHWA-RD-96-142, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 1998; (current 16 July 2001).
Washington, D.C., www.fhwa. (current 16 July 2001).
Y. Liu and T.A. Dingus, Development of Human Factors Guidelines for Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO): Human Factors Evaluation of the Effective ness of Multi-Modality Displays in Advanced Traveler Information Systems, tech. report FHWA-RD-96-150, Federal Highway Admin istration, Washington, D.C., 1999; www.fhwa. (current 16 July 2001).
In-Vehicle Display Icons and Other Information Elements: Literature Review
Washington, D.C., (current 26 July 2001).
C. Carney et al., “In-Vehicle Display Icons and Other Information Elements: Literature Review,” tech. report FHWA-RD-98-164, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 1998; (current 26 July 2001).