The impact of cultural values on employee resistance to teams: Toward a model of globalized self-managing work team effectiveness
For a more comprehensive discussion of the theory underlying the use of self-managing work teams in a multinational context, see Bradley Kirkman and Debra Shapiro's article entitled, "The Impact of Cultural Values on Employee Resistance to Teams: Toward a Model of Globalized Self-Managing Work Team Effectiveness," in Academy of Management Review, 1997, July, pp. 730-757. For an empirical test of the propositions found in the above article, see their articles, "The Impact of Cultural Values on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Self-Managing Work Teams: The Mediating Role of Employee Resistance," in Academy of Management Journal, 2001, June, pp. 557-569; and "The Impact of Team Members' Cultural Values on Productivity, Cooperation, and Empowerment in Self-Managing Work Teams," in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2001, September, pp. 597-617
Academy of Management Review
, pp. 730-757
Kirkman, B.1
Shapiro, D.2
The impact of cultural values on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in self-managing work teams: The mediating role of employee resistance
For a more comprehensive discussion of the theory underlying the use of self-managing work teams in a multinational context, see Bradley Kirkman and Debra Shapiro's article entitled, "The Impact of Cultural Values on Employee Resistance to Teams: Toward a Model of Globalized Self-Managing Work Team Effectiveness," in Academy of Management Review, 1997, July, pp. 730-757. For an empirical test of the propositions found in the above article, see their articles, "The Impact of Cultural Values on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Self-Managing Work Teams: The Mediating Role of Employee Resistance," in Academy of Management Journal, 2001, June, pp. 557-569; and "The Impact of Team Members' Cultural Values on Productivity, Cooperation, and Empowerment in Self-Managing Work Teams," in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2001, September, pp. 597-617
Academy of Management Journal
, pp. 557-569
The impact of team members' cultural values on productivity, cooperation, and empowerment in self-managing work teams
For a more comprehensive discussion of the theory underlying the use of self-managing work teams in a multinational context, see Bradley Kirkman and Debra Shapiro's article entitled, "The Impact of Cultural Values on Employee Resistance to Teams: Toward a Model of Globalized Self-Managing Work Team Effectiveness," in Academy of Management Review, 1997, July, pp. 730-757. For an empirical test of the propositions found in the above article, see their articles, "The Impact of Cultural Values on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Self-Managing Work Teams: The Mediating Role of Employee Resistance," in Academy of Management Journal, 2001, June, pp. 557-569; and "The Impact of Team Members' Cultural Values on Productivity, Cooperation, and Empowerment in Self-Managing Work Teams," in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2001, September, pp. 597-617
Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology
, pp. 597-617
Why do employees resist teams? Examining the 'resistance barrier' to work team effectiveness
For a more comprehensive discussion of the theory underlying the use of self-managing work teams in a multinational context, see Bradley Kirkman and Debra Shapiro's article entitled, "The Impact of Cultural Values on Employee Resistance to Teams: Toward a Model of Globalized Self-Managing Work Team Effectiveness," in Academy of Management Review, 1997, July, pp. 730-757. For an empirical test of the propositions found in the above article, see their articles, "The Impact of Cultural Values on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Self-Managing Work Teams: The Mediating Role of Employee Resistance," in Academy of Management Journal, 2001, June, pp. 557-569; and "The Impact of Team Members' Cultural Values on Productivity, Cooperation, and Empowerment in Self-Managing Work Teams," in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2001, September, pp. 597-617
The International Journal of Conflict Management
, vol.11
, Issue.1
, pp. 74-92
Jones, R.1
Employees' reaction to the change to work teams: The influence of 'anticipatory' injustice
For more information on employee resistance to teams in the U.S., see their article (with Robert Jones) entitled, "Why Do Employees Resist Teams? Examining the 'Resistance Barrier' to Work Team Effectiveness," in The International Journal of Conflict Management (2000,11(1), pp. 74-92); and their article entitled, "Employees' Reaction to the Change to Work Teams: The Influence of 'Anticipatory' Injustice," in the Journal of Organizational Change Management, 1999, Winter, pp. 51-66. For a specific examination of U.S. employee reactions to team-based rewards, see their article entitled, "Understanding Why Team Members Won't Share: An Examination of Factors Related to Employee Receptivity to Team-Based Rewards," in Small Group Research, 2000, April, pp. 175-209. To read the seminal study of self managing work teams from the coal mines of Great Britain, see Eric Trist and Ken Bamforth's article entitled, "Some Social and Psychological Consequences of Long-Wall Methods of Coal Getting," in Human Relations, 1951, April, pp. 3-38.
Journal of Organizational Change Management
, pp. 51-66
Understanding why team members won't share: An examination of factors related to employee receptivity to team-based rewards
For more information on employee resistance to teams in the U.S., see their article (with Robert Jones) entitled, "Why Do Employees Resist Teams? Examining the 'Resistance Barrier' to Work Team Effectiveness," in The International Journal of Conflict Management (2000,11(1), pp. 74-92); and their article entitled, "Employees' Reaction to the Change to Work Teams: The Influence of 'Anticipatory' Injustice," in the Journal of Organizational Change Management, 1999, Winter, pp. 51-66. For a specific examination of U.S. employee reactions to team-based rewards, see their article entitled, "Understanding Why Team Members Won't Share: An Examination of Factors Related to Employee Receptivity to Team-Based Rewards," in Small Group Research, 2000, April, pp. 175-209. To read the seminal study of self managing work teams from the coal mines of Great Britain, see Eric Trist and Ken Bamforth's article entitled, "Some Social and Psychological Consequences of Long-Wall Methods of Coal Getting," in Human Relations, 1951, April, pp. 3-38.
Small Group Research
, pp. 175-209
Some social and psychological consequences of long-wall methods of coal getting
For more information on employee resistance to teams in the U.S., see their article (with Robert Jones) entitled, "Why Do Employees Resist Teams? Examining the 'Resistance Barrier' to Work Team Effectiveness," in The International Journal of Conflict Management (2000,11(1), pp. 74-92); and their article entitled, "Employees' Reaction to the Change to Work Teams: The Influence of 'Anticipatory' Injustice," in the Journal of Organizational Change Management, 1999, Winter, pp. 51-66. For a specific examination of U.S. employee reactions to team-based rewards, see their article entitled, "Understanding Why Team Members Won't Share: An Examination of Factors Related to Employee Receptivity to Team-Based Rewards," in Small Group Research, 2000, April, pp. 175-209. To read the seminal study of self managing work teams from the coal mines of Great Britain, see Eric Trist and Ken Bamforth's article entitled, "Some Social and Psychological Consequences of Long-Wall Methods of Coal Getting," in Human Relations, 1951, April, pp. 3-38.
Human Relations
, pp. 3-38
Trist, E.1
Bamforth, K.2
They do what they believe they can? Group efficacy and group effectiveness across tasks and cultures
For more information on employee resistance to teams in the U.S., see their article (with Robert Jones) entitled, "Why Do Employees Resist Teams? Examining the 'Resistance Barrier' to Work Team Effectiveness," in The International Journal of Conflict Management (2000,11(1), pp. 74-92); and their article entitled, "Employees' Reaction to the Change to Work Teams: The Influence of 'Anticipatory' Injustice," in the Journal of Organizational Change Management, 1999, Winter, pp. 51-66. For a specific examination of U.S. employee reactions to team-based rewards, see their article entitled, "Understanding Why Team Members Won't Share: An Examination of Factors Related to Employee Receptivity to Team-Based Rewards," in Small Group Research, 2000, April, pp. 175-209. To read the seminal study of self managing work teams from the coal mines of Great Britain, see Eric Trist and Ken Bamforth's article entitled, "Some Social and Psychological Consequences of Long-Wall Methods of Coal Getting," in Human Relations, 1951, April, pp. 3-38.
Academy of Management Journal
, pp. 138-152
Gibson, C.1
Do you hear what i hear? A framework for reconciling intercultural communication difficulties arising from cognitive styles and cultural values
Miriam Erez and Christopher Earley's book entitled, Jossey-Bass
For an empirical examination of the role of collective efficacy in the performance of teams in both U.S. and Asian cultures, see Cristina Gibson's article entitled, "They Do What They Believe They Can? Group Efficacy and Group Effectiveness across Tasks and Cultures" in Academy of Management Journal, 1999, April, pp. 138-152. For a discussion of intercultural communication difficulties in teams, see her book chapter entitled, "Do You Hear What I Hear? A Framework for Reconciling Intercultural Communication Difficulties Arising from Cognitive Styles and Cultural Values," in Miriam Erez and Christopher Earley's book entitled, New Perspectives on International Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Jossey-Bass, 1996, pp. 335-362). For a review of the cultural value individualism-collectivism, see her article (with Christopher Earley) entitled, "Taking Stock in Our Progress: 100 Years of Solidarity and Community" in the Journal of Management, 1998, June, pp. 265-304. For an empirical examination of leadership across cultures, see her article entitled, "An Investigation of Gender Differences in Leadership across Four Countries" in Journal of International Business Studies, 1995, April, pp. 1-25.
New Perspectives on International Industrial/Organizational Psychology
, pp. 335-362
Taking stock in our progress: 100 years of solidarity and community
For an empirical examination of the role of collective efficacy in the performance of teams in both U.S. and Asian cultures, see Cristina Gibson's article entitled, "They Do What They Believe They Can? Group Efficacy and Group Effectiveness across Tasks and Cultures" in Academy of Management Journal, 1999, April, pp. 138-152. For a discussion of intercultural communication difficulties in teams, see her book chapter entitled, "Do You Hear What I Hear? A Framework for Reconciling Intercultural Communication Difficulties Arising from Cognitive Styles and Cultural Values," in Miriam Erez and Christopher Earley's book entitled, New Perspectives on International Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Jossey-Bass, 1996, pp. 335-362). For a review of the cultural value individualism-collectivism, see her article (with Christopher Earley) entitled, "Taking Stock in Our Progress: 100 Years of Solidarity and Community" in the Journal of Management, 1998, June, pp. 265-304. For an empirical examination of leadership across cultures, see her article entitled, "An Investigation of Gender Differences in Leadership across Four Countries" in Journal of International Business Studies, 1995, April, pp. 1-25.
Journal of Management
, pp. 265-304
Earley, C.1
An investigation of gender differences in leadership across four countries
For an empirical examination of the role of collective efficacy in the performance of teams in both U.S. and Asian cultures, see Cristina Gibson's article entitled, "They Do What They Believe They Can? Group Efficacy and Group Effectiveness across Tasks and Cultures" in Academy of Management Journal, 1999, April, pp. 138-152. For a discussion of intercultural communication difficulties in teams, see her book chapter entitled, "Do You Hear What I Hear? A Framework for Reconciling Intercultural Communication Difficulties Arising from Cognitive Styles and Cultural Values," in Miriam Erez and Christopher Earley's book entitled, New Perspectives on International Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Jossey-Bass, 1996, pp. 335-362). For a review of the cultural value individualism-collectivism, see her article (with Christopher Earley) entitled, "Taking Stock in Our Progress: 100 Years of Solidarity and Community" in the Journal of Management, 1998, June, pp. 265-304. For an empirical examination of leadership across cultures, see her article entitled, "An Investigation of Gender Differences in Leadership across Four Countries" in Journal of International Business Studies, 1995, April, pp. 1-25.
Journal of International Business Studies
, pp. 1-25
Facilitating work team effectiveness: Case studies from Central America
For an empirical examination of the role of collective efficacy in the performance of teams in both U.S. and Asian cultures, see Cristina Gibson's article entitled, "They Do What They Believe They Can? Group Efficacy and Group Effectiveness across Tasks and Cultures" in Academy of Management Journal, 1999, April, pp. 138-152. For a discussion of intercultural communication difficulties in teams, see her book chapter entitled, "Do You Hear What I Hear? A Framework for Reconciling Intercultural Communication Difficulties Arising from Cognitive Styles and Cultural Values," in Miriam Erez and Christopher Earley's book entitled, New Perspectives on International Industrial/Organizational Psychology (Jossey-Bass, 1996, pp. 335-362). For a review of the cultural value individualism-collectivism, see her article (with Christopher Earley) entitled, "Taking Stock in Our Progress: 100 Years of Solidarity and Community" in the Journal of Management, 1998, June, pp. 265-304. For an empirical examination of leadership across cultures, see her article entitled, "An Investigation of Gender Differences in Leadership across Four Countries" in Journal of International Business Studies, 1995, April, pp. 1-25.
Small Group Research
, pp. 108-129
Buzaglo, G.1
Wheelan, S.2
Teams and total quality management: An international application in Manz and Sims's book
For case studies devoted to the study of using teams in non-U.S. cultures, see Georges Buzaglo and Susan Wheelan's article entitled, "Facilitating Work Team Effectiveness: Case Studies from Central America" in Small Group Research (February, 1999, pp. 108-129); Alen Cheney, Henry Sims, Jr., and Charles Manz's chapter entitled, "Teams and Total Quality Management: An International Application" in Manz and Sims's book, Business Without Bosses (Wiley, 1993, pp. 151-170); and Mahmoud Salem and David Banner's article entitled, "Self-Managing Work Teams: An International Perspective" in Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 1992, 13(7), pp. 3-8.
Business Without Bosses
, pp. 151-170
Cheney, A.1
Henry S., Jr.2
Manz, C.3
Self-managing work teams: An international perspective
For case studies devoted to the study of using teams in non-U.S. cultures, see Georges Buzaglo and Susan Wheelan's article entitled, "Facilitating Work Team Effectiveness: Case Studies from Central America" in Small Group Research (February, 1999, pp. 108-129); Alen Cheney, Henry Sims, Jr., and Charles Manz's chapter entitled, "Teams and Total Quality Management: An International Application" in Manz and Sims's book, Business Without Bosses (Wiley, 1993, pp. 151-170); and Mahmoud Salem and David Banner's article entitled, "Self-Managing Work Teams: An International Perspective" in Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 1992, 13(7), pp. 3-8.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal
, vol.13
, Issue.7
, pp. 3-8
Salem, M.1
Banner, D.2
Taking self-managed teams to Mexico
For case studies devoted to the study of using teams in non-U.S. cultures, see Georges Buzaglo and Susan Wheelan's article entitled, "Facilitating Work Team Effectiveness: Case Studies from Central America" in Small Group Research (February, 1999, pp. 108-129); Alen Cheney, Henry Sims, Jr., and Charles Manz's chapter entitled, "Teams and Total Quality Management: An International Application" in Manz and Sims's book, Business Without Bosses (Wiley, 1993, pp. 151-170); and Mahmoud Salem and David Banner's article entitled, "Self-Managing Work Teams: An International Perspective" in Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 1992, 13(7), pp. 3-8.
Academy of Management Executive
, pp. 15-27
Nicholls, C.1
Lane, H.2
Brechu, M.3
Work motivation and productivity in voluntarily formed work teams: A field study in China
For specific information on implementing self-managing work teams in Mexico, see Chantell Nicholls, Henry Lane, and Mauricio Brechu's article entitled, "Taking Self-Managed Teams to Mexico," in Academy of Management Executive, 1999, August, pp. 15-27. For information on using teams in China, see Putai Jin's article entitled, "Work Motivation and Productivity in Voluntarily Formed Work Teams: A Field Study in China" in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1993, February, pp. 133-155. To find out more about the implementation of various motivation programs in Russia, see Dianne Welsh, Fred Luthans and Steven Summer's article entitled, "Managing Russian Factory Workers: The Impact of U.S.-Based Based Behavioral and Participative Techniques," in Academy of Management Journal, 1993, February, pp. 58-79.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
, pp. 133-155
Managing Russian factory workers: The impact of U.S.-based based behavioral and participative techniques
For specific information on implementing self-managing work teams in Mexico, see Chantell Nicholls, Henry Lane, and Mauricio Brechu's article entitled, "Taking Self-Managed Teams to Mexico," in Academy of Management Executive, 1999, August, pp. 15-27. For information on using teams in China, see Putai Jin's article entitled, "Work Motivation and Productivity in Voluntarily Formed Work Teams: A Field Study in China" in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1993, February, pp. 133-155. To find out more about the implementation of various motivation programs in Russia, see Dianne Welsh, Fred Luthans and Steven Summer's article entitled, "Managing Russian Factory Workers: The Impact of U.S.-Based Based Behavioral and Participative Techniques," in Academy of Management Journal, 1993, February, pp. 58-79.
Academy of Management Journal
, pp. 58-79
Welsh, D.1
Luthans, F.2
Summer, S.3
For specific information on implementing self-managing work teams in Mexico, see Chantell Nicholls, Henry Lane, and Mauricio Brechu's article entitled, "Taking Self-Managed Teams to Mexico," in Academy of Management Executive, 1999, August, pp. 15-27. For information on using teams in China, see Putai Jin's article entitled, "Work Motivation and Productivity in Voluntarily Formed Work Teams: A Field Study in China" in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 1993, February, pp. 133-155. To find out more about the implementation of various motivation programs in Russia, see Dianne Welsh, Fred Luthans and Steven Summer's article entitled, "Managing Russian Factory Workers: The Impact of U.S.-Based Based Behavioral and Participative Techniques," in Academy of Management Journal, 1993, February, pp. 58-79.
Culture's Consequences
Hofstede, G.1
Motivation, leadership, and organizations: Do American theories apply abroad?
nd Edition (Allyn & Bacon, 1999), and Miriam Erez and P. Christopher Earley's books entitled, Culture, Self-identity and Work (Oxford, 1993) and The Transplanted Executive (Oxford, 1997).
Organizational Dynamics
, pp. 42-63
Cultural constraints in management theories
nd Edition (Allyn & Bacon, 1999), and Miriam Erez and P. Christopher Earley's books entitled, Culture, Self-identity and Work (Oxford, 1993) and The Transplanted Executive (Oxford, 1997).
Academy of Management Executive
, pp. 81-94
nd Edition (Allyn & Bacon, 1999), and Miriam Erez and P. Christopher arley's books entitled, Culture, Self-identity and Work (Oxford, 1993) and The Transplanted Executive (Oxford, 1997).
Riding the Waves of Culture
Trompenaars, F.1
nd Edition (Allyn & Bacon, 1999), and Miriam Erez and P. Christopher Earley's books entitled, Culture, Self-identity and Work (Oxford, 1993) and The Transplanted Executive (Oxford, 1997).
th Edition
Adler, N.1
Allyn & Bacon
nd Edition (Allyn & Bacon, 1999), and Miriam Erez and P. Christopher Earley's books entitled, Culture, Self-identity and Work (Oxford, 1993) and The Transplanted Executive (Oxford, 1997).
nd Edition
Smith, P.1
Bond, M.2
nd Edition (Allyn & Bacon, 1999), and Miriam Erez and P. Christopher Earley's books entitled, Culture, Self-identity and Work (Oxford, 1993) and The Transplanted Executive (Oxford, 1997).
Culture, Self-identity and Work
Erez, M.1
Earley, P.C.2
nd Edition (Allyn & Bacon, 1999), and Miriam Erez and P. Christopher Earley's books entitled, Culture, Self-identity and Work (Oxford, 1993) and The Transplanted Executive (Oxford, 1997).
The Transplanted Executive