Statistix® for Windows
Tallahassee, FL. 333 p.
User's Manual
National hierarchical framework of ecological units
L.H. Foley (comp). Silviculture: From the Cradle of Forestry to Ecosystem Management. Proc. National Silviculture Workshop. 1-4 November 1993, Hendersonville, NC. USDA For. Serv., Southeast. For. Exp. Stn., Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-88. 258 p.
, pp. 48-61
Avers, P.E.1
Cleland, D.T.2
McNab, W.H.3
A survey of the harvesting histories of some poorly regenerated aspen stands in northern Minnesota
R.D. Adams (ed.). Aspen Symposium '89, Proc. 25-27 July 1989, Duluth, MN. USDA For. Serv., North Central For. Exp. Stn., Gen Tech. Rep. NC-140. 348 p.
, pp. 221-230
Bates, P.C.1
Blinn, C.R.2
Alm, A.A.3
Regeneration challenges
st century. Proc. Symp., 20-21 November 1990, Edmonton AB. For. Can., Northwest Reg., North. For. Cent. and Poplar Counc. Can., Edmonton, AB. 172 p.
, pp. 15-27
Navratil, S.1
Sustaining site productivity in North American forests: Problems and prospects
S.P. Gessel,D.S. Lacate,G.F. Weetman and R.F. Powers (eds.) Sustained productivity of forest soils. Proc. 7th North Amer. For. Soils Conf., 23-29 July 1988, Vancouver, BC. University of British Columbia, Faculty of Forestry Publication. 525 p.
, pp. 49-79
Powers, R.F.1
Alban, D.H.2
Miller, R.E.3
Tiarks, A.E.4
Wells, C.G.5
Avers, P.E.6
Cline, R.G.7
Fitzgerald, R.O.8
Loftus N.S., Jr.9
A decision tree to evaluate silvicultural alternatives for mature aspen in the northern Lake States
North. J. Appl. For.
, vol.14
, Issue.2
, pp. 95-98
Stone, D.M.1
Monitoring the mighty duck timber sale: A national forest - Conservation organization - Research partnership
Communicating the Role of Silviculture in Managing the National Forests: Proc. National Silviculture Workshop, 19-22 May 1997, Warren, PA. USDA For. Serv., Northeastern For. Exp. Stn., Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-238. 205 p.
Stone, D.M.1
Strand, J.C.2
Are we maintaining aspen productivity on sand soils?
B. ZumBahlen and A.R. Ek (comps.). Improving Forest Productivity For Timber - A Key to Sustainability. Proc. Conf. 1-3 December 1998, Duluth, MN. Dept. For. Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. 360 p.
, pp. 177-184
Stone, D.M.1
Gates, J.A.2
Elioff, J.D.3
USFS Long-term soil productivity national research project: A USFS cooperative research program
J.M. Kimble (ed.). Utilization of Soil Survey Information for Sustainable Land Use. Proc. 8th International Soil Management Workshop, May 1993, Lincoln, NE. USDA Soil Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center
, pp. 236-241
Tiarks, A.E.1
Powers, R.F.2
Alban, D.H.3
Ruark, G.A.4
Page-Dumroese, D.S.5