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Volumn 14, Issue 2, 2000, Pages 246-266

The politics of memory: Constructing national identity in the Czech lands, 1945 to 1948

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EID: 0034414738     PISSN: 08883254     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1177/0888325400014002002     Document Type: Review
Times cited : (13)

References (70)
  • 2
    • 0002742731 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • History as social memory
    • Thomas Butler, ed., Oxford, U.K.: Basil Blackwell
    • Peter Burke, "History as Social Memory, "in Thomas Butler, ed., Memory: History, Culture and the Mind (Oxford, U.K.: Basil Blackwell, 1989), 108.
    • (1989) Memory: History, Culture and the Mind , pp. 108
    • Burke, P.1
  • 3
    • 0004192207 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, U.K.: Basil Blackwell
    • There was not just the loss to Nazi Germany of the German-dominated border lands in October 1938, but also the ceding of the Hungarian and Subcarpatho-Ruthenian regions, as well as the formation of the Slovak puppet state on 15 March 1939. On national memories in the modern period, see for example James Fentress and Chris Wickham, Social Memory (Oxford, U.K.: Basil Blackwell, 1992), 127-37.
    • (1992) Social Memory , pp. 127-137
    • Fentress, J.1    Wickham, C.2
  • 4
    • 0010767658 scopus 로고
    • On the concepts of the 'other' and the 'enemy, '
    • On "otherness" and the "enemy, "see Vilho Harle, "On the Concepts of the 'Other' and the 'Enemy, '" History of European Ideas 19:1-3 (1994): 27-34.
    • (1994) History of European Ideas , vol.19 , Issue.1-3 , pp. 27-34
    • Harle, V.1
  • 5
    • 85013343603 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • See Beneš's comments at a commemorative service in Lidice on 10 July 1945, in Archiv kanceláře presidenta republiky [hereafter AKPR], sign. D 8346/47 (Lidice), mv. č. 1488, č.j. D97/45 and Svobodné slovo, 12 June 1945, 1. Lidice is the village some ten miles north of Prague whose name became synonymous with Nazi barbarism when on 10 June 1942, the Nazis executed its entire adult male population and some of its women in retribution for the assassination of Reichsprotektor Reinhard Heydrich. See AKPR, sign. 503664/49 (Odsun Němců z ̌SR) for numerous anonymous letters about the expulsion, including the one cited, dated 6 April 1946; and Svobodné slovo, 29 May 1945, 2, quoting Winston Churchill.
  • 6
    • 0040042498 scopus 로고
    • New York: Random House
    • Maurice Halbwachs, Introduction to The Collective Memory (New York: Random House, 1980), 25. The literature on collective memory, which I think is instrumental to understanding the postwar creation of national communism in Czechoslovakia, has expanded exponentially during the past decade. Pierre Nora's multi-volume Les Lieux de mémoire [Realms of memory] (Paris: Editions Gallimard, 1984-1992), which draws upon the foundational works of Halbwachs and Frances Yates, is among the most ambitious projects on the topic. Recently, historians have begun attempting to construct a theoretical framework for collective memory, see for example Alon Confino, "Collective Memory and Cultural History: Problems of Memory, "American Historical Review 102: 5 (December 1997): 1386-1403; and Daniel J. Sherman, "Art, Commerce, and the Production of Memory in France after World War I, "in John R. Gillis, ed., Commemorations: The Politics on National Identity (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994), 186.
    • (1980) Introduction to The Collective Memory , pp. 25
    • Halbwachs, M.1
  • 7
    • 33750193683 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Collective memory and cultural history: Problems of memory
    • December
    • Maurice Halbwachs, Introduction to The Collective Memory (New York: Random House, 1980), 25. The literature on collective memory, which I think is instrumental to understanding the postwar creation of national communism in Czechoslovakia, has expanded exponentially during the past decade. Pierre Nora's multi-volume Les Lieux de mémoire [Realms of memory] (Paris: Editions Gallimard, 1984-1992), which draws upon the foundational works of Halbwachs and Frances Yates, is among the most ambitious projects on the topic. Recently, historians have begun attempting to construct a theoretical framework for collective memory, see for example Alon Confino, "Collective Memory and Cultural History: Problems of Memory, "American Historical Review 102: 5 (December 1997): 1386-1403; and Daniel J. Sherman, "Art, Commerce, and the Production of Memory in France after World War I, "in John R. Gillis, ed., Commemorations: The Politics on National Identity (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994), 186.
    • (1997) American Historical Review , vol.102 , Issue.5 , pp. 1386-1403
    • Confino, A.1
  • 8
    • 0006160465 scopus 로고
    • Art, commerce, and the production of memory in France after World War I
    • John R. Gillis, ed., Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
    • Maurice Halbwachs, Introduction to The Collective Memory (New York: Random House, 1980), 25. The literature on collective memory, which I think is instrumental to understanding the postwar creation of national communism in Czechoslovakia, has expanded exponentially during the past decade. Pierre Nora's multi-volume Les Lieux de mémoire [Realms of memory] (Paris: Editions Gallimard, 1984-1992), which draws upon the foundational works of Halbwachs and Frances Yates, is among the most ambitious projects on the topic. Recently, historians have begun attempting to construct a theoretical framework for collective memory, see for example Alon Confino, "Collective Memory and Cultural History: Problems of Memory, "American Historical Review 102: 5 (December 1997): 1386-1403; and Daniel J. Sherman, "Art, Commerce, and the Production of Memory in France after World War I, "in John R. Gillis, ed., Commemorations: The Politics on National Identity (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994), 186.
    • (1994) Commemorations: The Politics on National Identity , pp. 186
    • Sherman, D.J.1
  • 9
    • 0040635719 scopus 로고
    • 8 November
    • The Communists repeatedly made this claim to reinforce the memory of the Soviet Union's historic role in the liberation of Czechoslovakia; see Rudé právo, 8 November 1945, 1.
    • (1945) Rudé Právo , pp. 1
  • 10
    • 0040635714 scopus 로고
    • Národ vzdává čest národnímu hrdinovi
    • 10 November for an account of the state funeral held for Šverma in Prague
    • See for example the front-page articles in Pravda (Bratislava), the party newspaper of the Slovak Communists, beginning in late July and continuing throughout August, publicizing the upcoming commemoration of the SNP. See "Národ vzdává čest národnímu hrdinovi, "Rudé právo, 10 November 1945, 1, for an account of the state funeral held for Šverma in Prague.
    • (1945) Rudé Právo , pp. 1
  • 11
    • 0039450340 scopus 로고
    • Boulder, Col.: East European Monographs
    • On Masaryk's idea of Czechs and Slovaks as two branches of one Slavic nation, see Roman Szporluk, The Political Thought of Thomas G. Masaryk (Boulder, Col.: East European Monographs, 1981), 139. In National Conflict in Czechoslovakia: The Making and Remaking of a State, 1918-1987 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988), 154, Carol Skalnik Leff notes that two-thirds of the Czechs polled in a 1946 Gallup Survey considered the Czechs and Slovaks to be branches of the same nation.
    • (1981) The Political Thought of Thomas G. Masaryk , pp. 139
    • Szporluk, R.1
  • 12
    • 0038857577 scopus 로고
    • Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, Carol Skalnik Leff notes that two-thirds of the Czechs polled in a 1946 Gallup Survey considered the Czechs and Slovaks to be branches of the same nation
    • On Masaryk's idea of Czechs and Slovaks as two branches of one Slavic nation, see Roman Szporluk, The Political Thought of Thomas G. Masaryk (Boulder, Col.: East European Monographs, 1981), 139. In National Conflict in Czechoslovakia: The Making and Remaking of a State, 1918-1987 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988), 154, Carol Skalnik Leff notes that two-thirds of the Czechs polled in a 1946 Gallup Survey considered the Czechs and Slovaks to be branches of the same nation.
    • (1988) National Conflict in Czechoslovakia: The Making and Remaking of a State, 1918-1987 , pp. 154
  • 14
    • 0005082089 scopus 로고
    • Toronto: Slovak Research and Studies Centre
    • The text of the Košice Agreement appeared in Czech and Slovak newspapers in the spring of 1945. The section of the agreement addressing the future Czech-Slovak relationship has been published as Document 41 in the appendix of Jozef Lettrich, History of Modern Slovakia (Toronto: Slovak Research and Studies Centre, 1985), 317-18.
    • (1985) History of Modern Slovakia , pp. 317-318
    • Lettrich, J.1
  • 15
    • 0040042496 scopus 로고
    • 18 May
    • For David's comments, see Svobodné slovo, 18 May 1945, 1; for the others, ibid., 24 May, 1945, 1.
    • (1945) Svobodné Slovo , pp. 1
  • 16
    • 0040042496 scopus 로고
    • 24 May
    • For David's comments, see Svobodné slovo, 18 May 1945, 1; for the others, ibid., 24 May, 1945, 1.
    • (1945) Svobodné Slovo , pp. 1
  • 17
    • 0006110405 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Leff, National Conflict in Czechoslovakia, 212-20; Karel Kosík, introduction to The Crisis of Modernity: Essays and Observations from the 1968 Era, ed. by James H. Satterwhite (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1995), 4. In A History of Slovakia: The Struggle for Survival (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995), Stanislav J. Kirschbaum argues that Czech (and some Slovak) politicians followed a Prague-centered, "Czechoslovakist" agenda even after the downfall of communism.
    • National Conflict in Czechoslovakia , pp. 212-220
    • Leff1
  • 18
    • 26344465643 scopus 로고
    • introduction ed. by James H. Satterwhite Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield
    • See Leff, National Conflict in Czechoslovakia, 212-20; Karel Kosík, introduction to The Crisis of Modernity: Essays and Observations from the 1968 Era, ed. by James H. Satterwhite (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1995), 4. In A History of Slovakia: The Struggle for Survival (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995), Stanislav J. Kirschbaum argues that Czech (and some Slovak) politicians followed a Prague-centered, "Czechoslovakist" agenda even after the downfall of communism.
    • (1995) The Crisis of Modernity: Essays and Observations from the 1968 Era , pp. 4
    • Kosík, K.1
  • 19
    • 0003978190 scopus 로고
    • New York: St. Martin's Press, Stanislav J. Kirschbaum argues that Czech (and some Slovak) politicians followed a Prague-centered, "Czechoslovakist" agenda even after the downfall of communism
    • See Leff, National Conflict in Czechoslovakia, 212-20; Karel Kosík, introduction to The Crisis of Modernity: Essays and Observations from the 1968 Era, ed. by James H. Satterwhite (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1995), 4. In A History of Slovakia: The Struggle for Survival (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995), Stanislav J. Kirschbaum argues that Czech (and some Slovak) politicians followed a Prague-centered, "Czechoslovakist" agenda even after the downfall of communism.
    • (1995) A History of Slovakia: The Struggle for Survival
  • 20
    • 0040635715 scopus 로고
    • Boulder, Col.: East European Monographs
    • On the basis of a subsequent population transfer agreement between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, those Carpatho-Rusyns in the Prešov region, which was not annexed by the Soviets, were permitted to emigrate to the Ukraine in 1947-48, where they settled mainly in the lands abandoned by those Volhynian Czechs who went to the Czech borderlands to replace the recently expelled Germans. See Paul Robert Magosci, The Rusyns of Slovakia (Boulder, Col.: East European Monographs, 1993), 94-95.
    • (1993) The Rusyns of Slovakia , pp. 94-95
    • Magosci, P.R.1
  • 22
    • 0039450325 scopus 로고
    • Prague: Academia-Naše vojsko
    • Literature on the expulsion - both the unofficial, "wild" expulsion between May and November 1945, with its numerous cases of summary judgment and cruelty, and the official, "organized" transfer between January and November 1946 - of the Germans is legion. Among the best recent work in Czech is Tomáš Staněk, Odsun Němců z Československa, 1945-1947 [The expulsion of the Germans from Czechoslovakia, 1945-1947] (Prague: Academia-Naše vojsko, 1991). The most thoughtful new work on the topic in English is Eagle Glassheim's article, "National Mythologies and Ethnic Cleansing: The Expulsion of Czechoslovak Germans in 1945, "Central European History (forthcoming).
    • (1991) Odsun Němců Z Československa, 1945-1947 [the Expulsion of the Germans from Czechoslovakia, 1945-1947]
    • Staněk, T.1
  • 23
    • 85013291615 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • National mythologies and ethnic cleansing: The expulsion of czechoslovak germans in 1945
    • forthcoming
    • Literature on the expulsion - both the unofficial, "wild" expulsion between May and November 1945, with its numerous cases of summary judgment and cruelty, and the official, "organized" transfer between January and November 1946 - of the Germans is legion. Among the best recent work in Czech is Tomáš Staněk, Odsun Němců z Československa, 1945-1947 [The expulsion of the Germans from Czechoslovakia, 1945-1947] (Prague: Academia-Naše vojsko, 1991). The most thoughtful new work on the topic in English is Eagle Glassheim's article, "National Mythologies and Ethnic Cleansing: The Expulsion of Czechoslovak Germans in 1945, "Central European History (forthcoming).
    • Central European History
  • 24
    • 85013281607 scopus 로고
    • 11 August
    • Chebsko, 11 August 1945.
    • (1945) Chebsko
  • 25
    • 85013296748 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Foreign commentators remarked early on that the mass expulsion was not only an anti-Nazi measure but also a national one. See the numerous reports in foreign newspapers as well as newspaper clippings dating from 1946 in AKPR, sign. D10195/47 (Wenzel Jaksch). See also Okresni archiv Cheb, fond 314, kart. 89, inv. č. 518.
  • 26
    • 0038857581 scopus 로고
    • Bratislava: Signum for Slovak Society for Protection of Democracy and Humanity
    • Continuing Slovak sensitivity on the issue of its Hungarian minority is reflected in recent popular publications. See for example Ladislav Deák's pamphlets, Political Profile of János Esterházy and Trianon: ilúzie a skutečnost' [Trianon: illusion and reality] (Bratislava: Kubko Goral, 1995); and Augustín Marko and Pavol Martinický, Slovak-Magyar Relations: History and Present Day in Figures(Bratislava: Signum for Slovak Society for Protection of Democracy and Humanity, 1995).
    • (1995) Slovak-Magyar Relations: History and Present Day in Figures
    • Marko, A.1    Martinický, P.2
  • 27
    • 85013259674 scopus 로고
    • Census of the Czechslovak Republic of 1 December, Prague: Čechoslovakische Statistik
    • Volkszählung m der Čechoslovakischen Republik vom 1 Dezember 1930 [Census of the Czechslovak Republic of 1 December, 1930], vol. 98 (Prague: Čechoslovakische Statistik, 1934); Milan Kučera and Zdeněk Pavli'k, "Czech and Slovak Demography, "in The End of Czechoslovakia (Jiři Musil, ed. Budapest: Central European University, 1995), 31.
    • (1930) Volkszählung M der Čechoslovakischen Republik Vom 1 Dezember 1930 , vol.98
  • 28
    • 26344449028 scopus 로고
    • Czech and slovak demography
    • Jiři Musil, ed. Budapest: Central European University
    • Volkszählung m der Čechoslovakischen Republik vom 1 Dezember 1930 [Census of the Czechslovak Republic of 1 December, 1930], vol. 98 (Prague: Čechoslovakische Statistik, 1934); Milan Kučera and Zdeněk Pavli'k, "Czech and Slovak Demography, "in The End of Czechoslovakia (Jiři Musil, ed. Budapest: Central European University, 1995), 31.
    • (1995) The End of Czechoslovakia , pp. 31
    • Kučera, M.1    Pavli'k, Z.2
  • 29
    • 85013281606 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • See the government circulars from Ministerstvo zemědělství 23 March 1945 and Ministerstvo dopravě 22 December 1945, AKPR, sign. D 2981/1947 (Němci v ČSR).
  • 32
    • 43949083594 scopus 로고
    • New York: St. Martin's Press, have traditionally described the new settlers as the "lowest social strata" of Czechoslovak society
    • Czech and Slovak historians, including Karel Kaplan, The Short March: The Communist Takeover in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1948 (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987), 28, have traditionally described the new settlers as the "lowest social strata" of Czechoslovak society. Such a description fails to take into account the officials - railroad, school, and the like - who migrated to the border regions to replace the former German administrators. Jiří Slama, "Das Wahlverhalten der Neusiedler in der Parlamentswahl von 1946 in Böhmen" [The electoral behavior of the new settlers in the 1946 parliamentary vote in Bohemia], Bohemia 28:2 (1987): 370, identifies the new residents as landless agricultural workers who wanted German farms. One recent guide, "Teplice: Führer durch die Stadt und Ihre Geschichte" [Teplice: A guide to the city and its history] (n.d. 1992?), also comments on the expectations of the many new settlers of "easy enrichment." The local National Committees kept detailed records on both the expellees and the new settlers and these reflect a variety of ages and occupations among the new settlers. See for example Archiv města Ústí nad Labem [hereafter AMÚL], "Seznam nespolehlivých osob … "Okresní národní výbor, inv. ć. 1213, kar. 349.
    • (1987) The Short March: The Communist Takeover in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1948 , pp. 28
    • Kaplan, K.1
  • 33
    • 0039450324 scopus 로고
    • Das wahlverhalten der neusiedler in der parlamentswahl von 1946 in böhmen
    • identifies the new residents as landless agricultural workers who wanted German farms
    • Czech and Slovak historians, including Karel Kaplan, The Short March: The Communist Takeover in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1948 (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987), 28, have traditionally described the new settlers as the "lowest social strata" of Czechoslovak society. Such a description fails to take into account the officials - railroad, school, and the like - who migrated to the border regions to replace the former German administrators. Jiří Slama, "Das Wahlverhalten der Neusiedler in der Parlamentswahl von 1946 in Böhmen" [The electoral behavior of the new settlers in the 1946 parliamentary vote in Bohemia], Bohemia 28:2 (1987): 370, identifies the new residents as landless agricultural workers who wanted German farms. One recent guide, "Teplice: Führer durch die Stadt und Ihre Geschichte" [Teplice: A guide to the city and its history] (n.d. 1992?), also comments on the expectations of the many new settlers of "easy enrichment." The local National Committees kept detailed records on both the expellees and the new settlers and these reflect a variety of ages and occupations among the new settlers. See for example Archiv města Ústí nad Labem [hereafter AMÚL], "Seznam nespolehlivých osob … "Okresní národní výbor, inv. ć. 1213, kar. 349.
    • (1987) Bohemia , vol.28 , Issue.2 , pp. 370
    • Slama, J.1
  • 34
    • 0038857584 scopus 로고
    • National memory: The duty to remember, the need to forget
    • September/October, Ronald Koven discusses French adversaries who want "only a single, certified National Memory [of the Second World War] - their own, of course
    • In "National Memory: The Duty to Remember, the Need to Forget, "Society 32:6 (September/October 1995), Ronald Koven discusses French adversaries who want "only a single, certified National Memory [of the Second World War] - their own, of course." Historians of postwar Czechoslovakia helped in the propagation of a "new" history of the border regions by writing "Czech" rather than "Bohemian" history. See Jan Křen, Die Konfliktgemeinschaft: Tschechen und Deutsche, 1780-1918 (Munich: Old enbourg, 1996), 19. On the lack of historical continuity in border regions with overwhelmingly new populations, see Milan Augustin, "Sudetská zemé a mladá česka generace/Das Sudetenland und die junge tscheche Generation" [The Sudetenland and the young Czech generation] in Češi a Němci ztracené dějiny?/Tschechen und Deutsche verlorene Geschichte? [Czechs and Germans: lost history?] (Prague: Nadace Bernarda Bolzana/Ackermann Gemeinde, 1995), 294-98.
    • (1995) Society , vol.32 , Issue.6
  • 35
    • 4243287983 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Munich: Old enbourg
    • In "National Memory: The Duty to Remember, the Need to Forget, "Society 32:6 (September/October 1995), Ronald Koven discusses French adversaries who want "only a single, certified National Memory [of the Second World War] - their own, of course." Historians of postwar Czechoslovakia helped in the propagation of a "new" history of the border regions by writing "Czech" rather than "Bohemian" history. See Jan Křen, Die Konfliktgemeinschaft: Tschechen und Deutsche, 1780-1918 (Munich: Old enbourg, 1996), 19. On the lack of historical continuity in border regions with overwhelmingly new populations, see Milan Augustin, "Sudetská zemé a mladá česka generace/Das Sudetenland und die junge tscheche Generation" [The Sudetenland and the young Czech generation] in Češi a Němci ztracené dějiny?/Tschechen und Deutsche verlorene Geschichte? [Czechs and Germans: lost history?] (Prague: Nadace Bernarda Bolzana/Ackermann Gemeinde, 1995), 294-98.
    • (1996) Die Konfliktgemeinschaft: Tschechen und Deutsche, 1780-1918 , pp. 19
    • Křen, J.1
  • 36
    • 0039450331 scopus 로고
    • Sudetská zemé a mladá česka generace/das sudetenland und die junge tscheche generation
    • Prague: Nadace Bernarda Bolzana/Ackermann Gemeinde
    • In "National Memory: The Duty to Remember, the Need to Forget, "Society 32:6 (September/October 1995), Ronald Koven discusses French adversaries who want "only a single, certified National Memory [of the Second World War] - their own, of course." Historians of postwar Czechoslovakia helped in the propagation of a "new" history of the border regions by writing "Czech" rather than "Bohemian" history. See Jan Křen, Die Konfliktgemeinschaft: Tschechen und Deutsche, 1780-1918 (Munich: Old enbourg, 1996), 19. On the lack of historical continuity in border regions with overwhelmingly new populations, see Milan Augustin, "Sudetská zemé a mladá česka generace/Das Sudetenland und die junge tscheche Generation" [The Sudetenland and the young Czech generation] in Češi a Němci ztracené dějiny?/Tschechen und Deutsche verlorene Geschichte? [Czechs and Germans: lost history?] (Prague: Nadace Bernarda Bolzana/Ackermann Gemeinde, 1995), 294-98.
    • (1995) Češi a Němci Ztracené Dějiny?/Tschechen und Deutsche Verlorene Geschichte? [Czechs and Germans: Lost History?] , pp. 294-298
    • Augustin, M.1
  • 37
    • 85013277959 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Kundera on the Prague Spring and the phenomenon of socially organized forgetting: Book of Laughter, 7.
    • Book of Laughter , pp. 7
  • 38
    • 0040042496 scopus 로고
    • 23 May
    • Svobodné slovo, 23 May 1945, 1.
    • (1945) Svobodné Slovo , pp. 1
  • 39
    • 4243589445 scopus 로고
    • Prague: Academia
    • The literature on this topic is vast. See Bohumil Černý, et. al., Češi Němci odsun. Diskuse nezávislých historiků [Czechs, Germans, expulsion. Discussion of the independent historians] (Prague: Academia, 1990). Moreover, the decision of the Czech Constitutional Court in Brno on 9 March 1995 to let stand the decrees that served as the legal basis for both the postwar seizure of German and Magyar property and for the expulsion of the Germans and Magyars generated a wide-ranging discussion on the topic in both the Czech Republic and Germany. See articles, editorials, and letters to the editor in Lidové noviny, Rudé právo, and Süddeutsche Zeitung.
    • (1990) Češi Němci Odsun. Diskuse Nezávislých Historiků [Czechs, Germans, Expulsion. Discussion of the Independent Historians]
    • Černý, B.1
  • 42
    • 0039450334 scopus 로고
    • Ausf.-anw. Zur vo. Über die benennung von strassen, plätzen und brücken
    • Jahr 4/100 Berlin, 26 July
    • Nazi German place naming was governed by the "Ausf.-Anw. zur VO. über die Benennung von Strassen, Plätzen und Brücken, "Ministerial-Blatt des Reichs- und Preussischen Ministeriums des Innern [Ministerial paper of the imperial and Prussian ministry of the interior], Jahr 4/100 Nr. 30, Berlin, 26 July 1939, 152. Copy in AKPR, sign. T1170/21 (Praha-obec a magistrát), č.j. T30 1/39. In Prague, the slow changing of place names to bring them into conformity with the language ordinance was a source of irritation to the Reichsprotector. See other documents in T 1170/21, dating from 17 June and 27 September 1940. This naming and renaming of streets has been so pervasive in the history of Prague that some residents of the capital facetiously claim that one byway has been christened "Street of Political Error. "See also Kundera on the fate of Černokostelecká Avenue, Marshal Foch Avenue, Stalin Avenue, finally Vinohrady Avenue, all the same street, Book of Laughter, 158.
    • (1939) Ministerial-blatt des Reichs- und Preussischen Ministeriums des Innern [Ministerial Paper of the Imperial and Prussian Ministry of the Interior] , vol.30 , pp. 152
  • 43
    • 85013277959 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Nazi German place naming was governed by the "Ausf.-Anw. zur VO. über die Benennung von Strassen, Plätzen und Brücken, "Ministerial-Blatt des Reichs- und Preussischen Ministeriums des Innern [Ministerial paper of the imperial and Prussian ministry of the interior], Jahr 4/100 Nr. 30, Berlin, 26 July 1939, 152. Copy in AKPR, sign. T1170/21 (Praha-obec a magistrát), č.j. T30 1/39. In Prague, the slow changing of place names to bring them into conformity with the language ordinance was a source of irritation to the Reichsprotector. See other documents in T 1170/21, dating from 17 June and 27 September 1940. This naming and renaming of streets has been so pervasive in the history of Prague that some residents of the capital facetiously claim that one byway has been christened "Street of Political Error. "See also Kundera on the fate of Černokostelecká Avenue, Marshal Foch Avenue, Stalin Avenue, finally Vinohrady Avenue, all the same street, Book of Laughter, 158.
    • Book of Laughter , pp. 158
  • 44
    • 85013290206 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • One of the interesting aspects of the relative improvement of relations between the Czechs and the Germans they expelled is the Czech willingness to permit the Germans to maintain some of their former cemeteries in the border regions - for a fee.
  • 45
    • 85013327236 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • AKPR, sign. 128663/52 (Pomníky a památníky), memorandum from the Okresní akčni výbor NF spolu s výborem pro zřízení památníky RA a všemi složkami NF ve Výškově, 25 May 1952.
  • 46
    • 0002625612 scopus 로고
    • Artefacts, memory and a sense of the past
    • David Middleton and Derek Edwards, eds., London: Sage Publications
    • See Alan Radley, "Artefacts, Memory and a Sense of the Past, "in David Middleton and Derek Edwards, eds., Collective Remembering (London: Sage Publications, 1990), 57; and Avner Ben-Amos, "Monuments and Memory in French Nationalism, "History and Memory 5:2 (Fall/Winter 1993): 51.
    • (1990) Collective Remembering , pp. 57
    • Radley, A.1
  • 47
    • 0040635704 scopus 로고
    • Monuments and memory in french nationalism
    • Fall/Winter
    • See Alan Radley, "Artefacts, Memory and a Sense of the Past, "in David Middleton and Derek Edwards, eds., Collective Remembering (London: Sage Publications, 1990), 57; and Avner Ben-Amos, "Monuments and Memory in French Nationalism, "History and Memory 5:2 (Fall/Winter 1993): 51.
    • (1993) History and Memory , vol.5 , Issue.2 , pp. 51
    • Ben-Amos, A.1
  • 49
    • 0039450333 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • After T.G. Masaryk, who is known as the liberator-president (all his monuments without exception have been demolished).
    • Kundera speaks of "disappeared" statues of Masaryk, too: "After T.G. Masaryk, who is known as the liberator-president (all his monuments without exception have been demolished) …" (Book of Laughter, 158). On disappearing statues, including both those of Joseph Stalin and Masaryk, see also Vladimír Macura, Masarykové boty a jiné semi(o)fejotony [Masaryk's shoes] (Prague: n.p., 1993); and in general Zdeněk Hojda and Jiří Pokorný, Pomníky a zapomníky [Monuments and forgetting], 2nd ed. (Prague: Paseka, 1997).
    • Book of Laughter , pp. 158
  • 50
    • 4244030500 scopus 로고
    • Prague: n.p
    • Kundera speaks of "disappeared" statues of Masaryk, too: "After T.G. Masaryk, who is known as the liberator-president (all his monuments without exception have been demolished) …" (Book of Laughter, 158). On disappearing statues, including both those of Joseph Stalin and Masaryk, see also Vladimír Macura, Masarykové boty a jiné semi(o)fejotony [Masaryk's shoes] (Prague: n.p., 1993); and in general Zdeněk Hojda and Jiří Pokorný, Pomníky a zapomníky [Monuments and forgetting], 2nd ed. (Prague: Paseka, 1997).
    • (1993) Masarykové Boty a Jiné Semi(o)fejotony [Masaryk's Shoes]
    • Macura, V.1
  • 51
    • 26644473383 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Prague: Paseka
    • Kundera speaks of "disappeared" statues of Masaryk, too: "After T.G. Masaryk, who is known as the liberator-president (all his monuments without exception have been demolished) …" (Book of Laughter, 158). On disappearing statues, including both those of Joseph Stalin and Masaryk, see also Vladimír Macura, Masarykové boty a jiné semi(o)fejotony [Masaryk's shoes] (Prague: n.p., 1993); and in general Zdeněk Hojda and Jiří Pokorný, Pomníky a zapomníky [Monuments and forgetting], 2nd ed. (Prague: Paseka, 1997).
    • (1997) Pomníky a Zapomníky [monuments and Forgetting], 2nd Ed.
    • Hojda, Z.1    Pokorný, J.2
  • 52
    • 0038857585 scopus 로고
    • TV and R insert, 25 September
    • In 1945, the Czechs destroyed the statue of German composer Richard Wagner, erected on a pedestal in the square in 1930 to replace one of Habsburg emperor Joseph II which Czechs had toppled in autumn 1919. The pedestal then stood empty again until 1962, when a statue of the Czech national composer Bedřich Smetana was put up, only to be replaced in 1971 by a statue of Gottwald. The pedestal has again been empty since 19 January 1991, when following repeated defacement in the wake of the Velvet Revolution, Gottwald was unceremoniously carted off to the city dump. Lidové noviny, TV and R insert, 25 September 1993, 4.
    • (1993) Lidové Noviny , pp. 4
  • 53
    • 0040042494 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Monuments and memory
    • On the inscription, see Muzeum města Ústí nad Labem, negative collection; on how a monument can acquire various connotations, see Ben-Amos, "Monuments and Memory, "History and Memory, 51.
    • History and Memory , pp. 51
    • Ben-Amos1
  • 54
    • 85013259656 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • See AKPR, sign. 504840/49 (Pomníky a památníky), 105094/49, 509999/49 for a discussion of the reconstruction of the statue of the dead miner.
  • 55
    • 85013281395 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • This pedestal had originally been designed for a statue of Emperor Joseph II which stood there from 1913 to 1920. Since 1989, a second inscription, "To the Victims of Communism, "has been added to the pedestal-memorial.
  • 56
    • 85013350516 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Okresní archiv Karlových varech, měst NVKV, kart. 38, Okresní národní výbor v karlových varech, "Odstranění symbolů, pomniků, oznacění a podpřípomnajících dobu nesvobody."
  • 57
    • 85013290183 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Rumor has it that since 1989, many of the busts of Gottwald, formerly found in public buildings, have begun to grace Czech country cottages, a variety of postcommunist garden gnome.
  • 58
    • 85013281396 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • See "Přehled dosud realizovaných pomníků a památníků významným událostem (přehled všech plastik, majících politický charakter - mimo pomníky a památníky funkcionářům KSČ a MDH, busty a pamětní desky)" in AMÚL, Okresní Národní Výbor [hereafter ONV], 1945-1954, inv. č. 959, k. 255. In Prague, Soviet Tank 23 -which had long since ceased to remind residents of their liberation by the Russians in 1945, but rather served as a reminder of the Warsaw Pact invasion in August 1968 -has been removed. It became the focus of much public debate in late April 1991, after art student David Černý gave it a coat of pink paint, and was eventually relocated to the military museum, Lidové noviny (Prague) and Mladá fronta dnes (Prague), 28 April-18 May, 1990.
  • 59
    • 84887523503 scopus 로고
    • Social change and collective memory: The democratization of george washington
    • April
    • See Barry Schwartz, "Social Change and Collective Memory: The Democratization of George Washington, "American Sociological Review 56 (April 1991): 221-22.
    • (1991) American Sociological Review , vol.56 , pp. 221-222
    • Schwartz, B.1
  • 60
    • 85013327217 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • AKPR, sign. 310204/50 (Pomníky a památníky), inv. č. 2231.
  • 61
    • 84975977000 scopus 로고
    • Symbols of power: Statues in nineteenth-century provincial France
    • See William Cohen, "Symbols of Power: Statues in Nineteenth-Century Provincial France, "Comparative Study of Society and History 3 (1989): 495; and Eric T. Jennings, "Monuments to Frenchness? The Memory of the Great War and the Politics of Guadeloupe's Identity, 1914-1945, "French Historical Studies 21:4 (Fall 1998): 561-92. On ceremonies for the unveiling of statues, see the reports of various okresní akční výbory NF during the late 1940s and early 1950s in AKPR, sign. 128663/52 (Pomníky a památníky). On monuments, meaning, and the construction of state socialism, see Rubie S. Watson, "Memory, History, and Opposition: An Introduction, "in Rubie S. Watson, ed., Memory, History, and Opposition (Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press, 1995), 4; and Emil Brix and Hannes Stekl, ed., Der Kampf um das Gedächtnis: Öffentliche Gedenktage in Mitteleuropa [The struggle for memory: public commemoration days in Central Europe] (Vienna: Böhlau, 1997).
    • (1989) Comparative Study of Society and History , vol.3 , pp. 495
    • Cohen, W.1
  • 62
    • 0039450328 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Monuments to frenchness? The memory of the great war and the politics of guadeloupe's identity, 1914-1945
    • Fall
    • See William Cohen, "Symbols of Power: Statues in Nineteenth-Century Provincial France, "Comparative Study of Society and History 3 (1989): 495; and Eric T. Jennings, "Monuments to Frenchness? The Memory of the Great War and the Politics of Guadeloupe's Identity, 1914-1945, "French Historical Studies 21:4 (Fall 1998): 561-92. On ceremonies for the unveiling of statues, see the reports of various okresní akční výbory NF during the late 1940s and early 1950s in AKPR, sign. 128663/52 (Pomníky a památníky). On monuments, meaning, and the construction of state socialism, see Rubie S. Watson, "Memory, History, and Opposition: An Introduction, "in Rubie S. Watson, ed., Memory, History, and Opposition (Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press, 1995), 4; and Emil Brix and Hannes Stekl, ed., Der Kampf um das Gedächtnis: Öffentliche Gedenktage in Mitteleuropa [The struggle for memory: public commemoration days in Central Europe] (Vienna: Böhlau, 1997).
    • (1998) French Historical Studies , vol.21 , Issue.4 , pp. 561-592
    • Jennings, E.T.1
  • 63
    • 0003460006 scopus 로고
    • Memory, history, and opposition: An introduction
    • Rubie S. Watson, ed., Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press
    • See William Cohen, "Symbols of Power: Statues in Nineteenth-Century Provincial France, "Comparative Study of Society and History 3 (1989): 495; and Eric T. Jennings, "Monuments to Frenchness? The Memory of the Great War and the Politics of Guadeloupe's Identity, 1914-1945, "French Historical Studies 21:4 (Fall 1998): 561-92. On ceremonies for the unveiling of statues, see the reports of various okresní akční výbory NF during the late 1940s and early 1950s in AKPR, sign. 128663/52 (Pomníky a památníky). On monuments, meaning, and the construction of state socialism, see Rubie S. Watson, "Memory, History, and Opposition: An Introduction, "in Rubie S. Watson, ed., Memory, History, and Opposition (Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press, 1995), 4; and Emil Brix and Hannes Stekl, ed., Der Kampf um das Gedächtnis: Öffentliche Gedenktage in Mitteleuropa [The struggle for memory: public commemoration days in Central Europe] (Vienna: Böhlau, 1997).
    • (1995) Memory, History, and Opposition , pp. 4
    • Watson, R.S.1
  • 64
    • 0040042486 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Vienna: Böhlau
    • See William Cohen, "Symbols of Power: Statues in Nineteenth-Century Provincial France, "Comparative Study of Society and History 3 (1989): 495; and Eric T. Jennings, "Monuments to Frenchness? The Memory of the Great War and the Politics of Guadeloupe's Identity, 1914-1945, "French Historical Studies 21:4 (Fall 1998): 561-92. On ceremonies for the unveiling of statues, see the reports of various okresní akční výbory NF during the late 1940s and early 1950s in AKPR, sign. 128663/52 (Pomníky a památníky). On monuments, meaning, and the construction of state socialism, see Rubie S. Watson, "Memory, History, and Opposition: An Introduction, "in Rubie S. Watson, ed., Memory, History, and Opposition (Santa Fe, N.M.: School of American Research Press, 1995), 4; and Emil Brix and Hannes Stekl, ed., Der Kampf um das Gedächtnis: Öffentliche Gedenktage in Mitteleuropa [The struggle for memory: public commemoration days in Central Europe] (Vienna: Böhlau, 1997).
    • (1997) Der Kampf Um Das Gedächtnis: Öffentliche Gedenktage in Mitteleuropa [The Struggle for Memory: Public Commemoration Days in Central Europe]
    • Brix, E.1    Stekl, H.2
  • 67
    • 85013277922 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Masaryk's speech of 22 December 1918 has been widely reprinted. Havel made his remarks in a speech at the Karolinum of the Charles University in Prague on 17 Feb-ruary 1995.
  • 69
    • 0004029373 scopus 로고
    • London: Routledge
    • Ernest Renan's "Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?" [What is a nation?] (1882) has been republished in Homi Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration (London: Routledge, 1990).
    • (1990) Nation and Narration
    • Bhabha, H.1
  • 70
    • 0040042488 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The language of nationality and the nationality of language: Prague 1780-1920
    • November
    • See Derek Saver's account of how Franz Kafka and his lover-translator, Milena Jesenská, are commemorated today with Café Milena located above the Franz Kafka Center on Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí), "The Language of Nationality and the Nationality of Language: Prague 1780-1920, "Past and Present 153 (November 1996): 210.
    • (1996) Past and Present , vol.153 , pp. 210

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