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Volumn 113, Issue 10, 2000, Pages 361-367

Contribution to the differentiation of cross-reacting antibodies in brucellosis serology - 1. Reactions with antigens of Brucella abortus and different Yersinia serotypes and estimation of antibody avidity;Beitrage zur differenzierung von kreuzreagierenden antikorpern in der brucellose-serologie - 1. Untersuchungen mit verschiedenen Yersinia serotypen und zur antikorper-aviditat

Author keywords

Brucella; Cross reactions; Differentiation between Brucella and Yersinia antibodies; ELISA; Serology; Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9

Indexed keywords


EID: 0034298007     PISSN: 00059366     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: None     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (7)

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