Sweden: The New Constitution (1974) and the Tradition of Consensual Politics
V. Bogdanor (ed.), Gower
1 O. Ruin, 'Sweden: the New Constitution (1974) and the Tradition of Consensual Politics' in V. Bogdanor (ed.), Constitutions in Democratic Politics, Gower, 1988.
Constitutions in Democratic Politics
Ruin, O.1
2 See H. Bergström, Rivstart? Från opposition till regering, Tidens förlag, 1987, p. 63 ff; cf. T. Möller, Borgerlig samling, Diskurs, 1986.
Borgerlig Samling
Möller, T.1
Flerpartisamarbete i regering och opposition
B. von Sydow, G. Wallin and B. Wittrock (eds), Tidens förlag. Interview with B. Westerberg, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs in the Bildt government
3 Sec H. Bergström, 'Flerpartisamarbete i regering och opposition' in B. von Sydow, G. Wallin and B. Wittrock (eds), Politikens väsen, Tidens förlag, 1993. Interview with B. Westerberg, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs in the Bildt government. Cf. C. Isaksson, 'Världens bästa regering' - Tusen dagar som förändrade Sverige, Norstedts, 1994.
Politikens Väsen
Bergström, H.1
3 Sec H. Bergström, 'Flerpartisamarbete i regering och opposition' in B. von Sydow, G. Wallin and B. Wittrock (eds), Politikens väsen, Tidens förlag, 1993. Interview with B. Westerberg, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs in the Bildt government. Cf. C. Isaksson, 'Världens bästa regering' - Tusen dagar som förändrade Sverige, Norstedts, 1994.
Världens Bästa Regering' - Tusen Dagar Som Förändrade Sverige
Isaksson, C.1
4 See K. Hammerich, Kompromissernas koalition. Person-och maktspelet kring regeringen Fälldin, Rabén & Sjögren, 1977; S.-E. Larsson, Regera i koalition, Bonniers, 1986.
Regera i Koalition
Larsson, S.-E.1
5 Interview with P. Egardt, Chairman of the coordinating state secretaries in the Bildt government.
The Duality of the Swedish Central Administration: Ministries and Central Agencies
A. Farazmand (ed.), Marcel Dekker
6 For a presentation in English of this system see O. Ruin, 'The Duality of the Swedish Central Administration: Ministries and Central Agencies' in A. Farazmand (ed.), Handbook of Comparative Development Public Administration, Marcel Dekker, 1991.
Handbook of Comparative Development Public Administration
Ruin, O.1
Three Swedish Prime Ministers: Tage Erlander, Olof Palme and Ingvar Carlsson
J.-E. Lane (ed.), Frank Cass
7 For a presentation of coordination in one-party Social Democratic governments see O. Ruin 'Three Swedish Prime Ministers: Tage Erlander, Olof Palme and Ingvar Carlsson' in J.-E. Lane (ed.), Understanding the Swedish Model, Frank Cass, 1991; and O. Ruin, Tage Erlander: Serving the Welfare State 1946-1969, Pittsburgh UP, 1990.
Understanding the Swedish Model
Ruin, O.1
Pittsburgh UP
7 For a presentation of coordination in one-party Social Democratic governments see O. Ruin 'Three Swedish Prime Ministers: Tage Erlander, Olof Palme and Ingvar Carlsson' in J.-E. Lane (ed.), Understanding the Swedish Model, Frank Cass, 1991; and O. Ruin, Tage Erlander: Serving the Welfare State 1946-1969, Pittsburgh UP, 1990.
Tage Erlander: Serving the Welfare State 1946-1969
Ruin, O.1
Samspelet mellan regering och riksdag
B. Rydén (ed.), SNS. Interview with P. Egardt
8 B. Molin, 'Samspelet mellan regering och riksdag' in B. Rydén (ed.), Makt och vanmakt. Lärdomar av sex borgerliga regeringsår,SNS, 1983. Interview with P. Egardt.
Makt Och Vanmakt. Lärdomar Av Sex Borgerliga Regeringsår
Molin, B.1