See, e.g., MARTHA MINOW, BETWEEN VENGEANCE AND FORGIVENESS: FACING HISTORY AFTER GENOCIDE AND MASS VIOLENCE (1998); David Crocker, Reckoning with Past Wrongs: A Normative Framework, 13 ETHICS & INT'L AFF. 43 (1999); TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE AND THE RULE OF LAW (A. James McAdams ed., 1997); Juan E. Méndez,Responsabilización Por Los Abusos del Pasado, 7/8 REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES 29 (1998).
Between Vengeance and Forgiveness: Facing History after Genocide and Mass Violence
Minow, M.1
Reckoning with Past Wrongs: A Normative Framework
See, e.g., MARTHA MINOW, BETWEEN VENGEANCE AND FORGIVENESS: FACING HISTORY AFTER GENOCIDE AND MASS VIOLENCE (1998); David Crocker, Reckoning with Past Wrongs: A Normative Framework, 13 ETHICS & INT'L AFF. 43 (1999); TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE AND THE RULE OF LAW (A. James McAdams ed., 1997); Juan E. Méndez,Responsabilización Por Los Abusos del Pasado, 7/8 REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES 29 (1998).
Ethics & Int'l Aff.
, vol.13
, pp. 43
Crocker, D.1
See, e.g., MARTHA MINOW, BETWEEN VENGEANCE AND FORGIVENESS: FACING HISTORY AFTER GENOCIDE AND MASS VIOLENCE (1998); David Crocker, Reckoning with Past Wrongs: A Normative Framework, 13 ETHICS & INT'L AFF. 43 (1999); TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE AND THE RULE OF LAW (A. James McAdams ed., 1997); Juan E. Méndez,Responsabilización Por Los Abusos del Pasado, 7/8 REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES 29 (1998).
Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law
McAdams, A.J.1
Responsabilización Por Los Abusos del Pasado
See, e.g., MARTHA MINOW, BETWEEN VENGEANCE AND FORGIVENESS: FACING HISTORY AFTER GENOCIDE AND MASS VIOLENCE (1998); David Crocker, Reckoning with Past Wrongs: A Normative Framework, 13 ETHICS & INT'L AFF. 43 (1999); TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE AND THE RULE OF LAW (A. James McAdams ed., 1997); Juan E. Méndez,Responsabilización Por Los Abusos del Pasado, 7/8 REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES 29 (1998).
Revista de Ciencias Sociales
, vol.7-8
, pp. 29
Méndez, J.E.1
JUDITH SHKIAR, LEGALISM: LAW, MORALS, AND POLITICAL TRIALS 155 (1964). See also the critical observations of Telford Taylor, who devoted much of his professional life to such prosecutions, in TELFORD TAYLOR, THE ANATOMY OF THE NURLMBERG TRIAL: A PERSONAL MEMOIR 571-640 (1992).
Legalism: Law, Morals, and Political Trials
, pp. 155
Shkiar, J.1
JUDITH SHKIAR, LEGALISM: LAW, MORALS, AND POLITICAL TRIALS 155 (1964). See also the critical observations of Telford Taylor, who devoted much of his professional life to such prosecutions, in TELFORD TAYLOR, THE ANATOMY OF THE NURLMBERG TRIAL: A PERSONAL MEMOIR 571-640 (1992).
The Anatomy of the Nurlmberg Trial: A Personal Memoir
, pp. 571-640
Taylor, T.1
Though my focus will be on laying out the case of the skeptics, the reader will find that I have not entirely resisted the temptation to refute it, in key places at least.
I therefore do not try to refute those who reject criminal prosecution because they deny, with respect to Germany or Argentina, that wrongful acts occurred. Neither do I seek to refute those who find punishment an inappropriate response to any crime. For a careful exposition of the latter view, see TED HONDERICH, PUNISHMENT: THE SUPPOSED JUSTIFICATIONS 26-34, 63-64, 89-93 (1969).
Punishment: The Supposed Justifications
, pp. 26-34
Honderich, T.1
I shall leave to others the examination of such national contingencies and their implications for the efficacy and defensibility of prosecution.
This article does not discuss what is perhaps the most frequently proffered objection to criminal prosecution: that it prevents the reconciliation among social antagonists, considered essential to the restoration of social solidarity. I devote considerable attention elsewhere to this concern, arguing that trials can help restore such solidarity. See MARK OSIEL, MASS ATROCITY, COLLECTIVE MEMORY AND THE LAW 36-56 (1997).
Mass Atrocity, Collective Memory and the Law
, pp. 36-56
Osiel, M.1
Mar. 10
Karl Jaspers, Der Spiegel, 10 Mar. 10 1965, at 7.
Der Spiegel
, vol.10
, pp. 7
Jaspers, K.1
SHKLAR, supra note 2, at 167
SHKLAR, supra note 2, at 167.
Lawyers and Revolution
Richard C. Wasserstrom, Lawyers and Revolution, 30 U. PITT. L. REV. 125, 129 (1968).
U. Pitt. L. Rev.
, vol.30
, pp. 125
Wasserstrom, R.C.1
SHKLAR, supra note 2, at 162
SHKLAR, supra note 2, at 162.
Should Crimes Against Humanity Replace War Crimes?
See generally William J. Fenrick, Should Crimes Against Humanity Replace War Crimes?, 37 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT'L. L. 767 (1999); Darryl Robinson, Defining "Crimes Against Humanity" at the Rome Conference, 93 AM. J. INT'L. L. 43 (1999); Leila Sadat Wexler, The Interpretation of the Nuremberg Principles by the French Court of Cassation: From Touvier to Barbie and Back Again, 32 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT'L. L. 289 (1994). Touvier was a leader of the Milice, political police for the Vichy regime. He was convicted in 1994 of murdering seven French Jews, at the instigation of Nazi occupation authorities. See generally ALAIN FINKIELKRAUT, REMEMBERING IN VAIN: THE KLAUS BARBIE TRIAL AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (1992).
Colum. J. Transnat'l. L.
, vol.37
, pp. 767
Fenrick, W.J.1
Defining "Crimes Against Humanity" at the Rome Conference
See generally William J. Fenrick, Should Crimes Against Humanity Replace War Crimes?, 37 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT'L. L. 767 (1999); Darryl Robinson, Defining "Crimes Against Humanity" at the Rome Conference, 93 AM. J. INT'L. L. 43 (1999); Leila Sadat Wexler, The Interpretation of the Nuremberg Principles by the French Court of Cassation: From Touvier to Barbie and Back Again, 32 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT'L. L. 289 (1994). Touvier was a leader of the Milice, political police for the Vichy regime. He was convicted in 1994 of murdering seven French Jews, at the instigation of Nazi occupation authorities. See generally ALAIN FINKIELKRAUT, REMEMBERING IN VAIN: THE KLAUS BARBIE TRIAL AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (1992).
Am. J. Int'l. L.
, vol.93
, pp. 43
Robinson, D.1
The Interpretation of the Nuremberg Principles by the French Court of Cassation: From Touvier to Barbie and Back Again
See generally William J. Fenrick, Should Crimes Against Humanity Replace War Crimes?, 37 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT'L. L. 767 (1999); Darryl Robinson, Defining "Crimes Against Humanity" at the Rome Conference, 93 AM. J. INT'L. L. 43 (1999); Leila Sadat Wexler, The Interpretation of the Nuremberg Principles by the French Court of Cassation: From Touvier to Barbie and Back Again, 32 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT'L. L. 289 (1994). Touvier was a leader of the Milice, political police for the Vichy regime. He was convicted in 1994 of murdering seven French Jews, at the instigation of Nazi occupation authorities. See generally ALAIN FINKIELKRAUT, REMEMBERING IN VAIN: THE KLAUS BARBIE TRIAL AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (1992).
Colum. J. Transnat'l. L.
, vol.32
, pp. 289
Wexler, L.S.1
See generally William J. Fenrick, Should Crimes Against Humanity Replace War Crimes?, 37 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT'L. L. 767 (1999); Darryl Robinson, Defining "Crimes Against Humanity" at the Rome Conference, 93 AM. J. INT'L. L. 43 (1999); Leila Sadat Wexler, The Interpretation of the Nuremberg Principles by the French Court of Cassation: From Touvier to Barbie and Back Again, 32 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT'L. L. 289 (1994). Touvier was a leader of the Milice, political police for the Vichy regime. He was convicted in 1994 of murdering seven French Jews, at the instigation of Nazi occupation authorities. See generally ALAIN FINKIELKRAUT, REMEMBERING IN VAIN: THE KLAUS BARBIE TRIAL AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (1992).
Remembering in Vain: The Klaus Barbie Trial and Crimes against Humanity
Finkielkraut, A.1
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted 9 Dec. 1948, 78 U.N.T.S. 277 (entered into force 12 Jan. 1951) (entered into force for U.S. 23 Feb. 1989).
visited 22 Nov.
See Prosecutor V. Akayesu, Case ICTR-96-4-T, available on 〈http//www.ictr.org/ english/casehist/akayesu.html〉 (visited 22 Nov. 1999).
The Making of Human Rights Policy in Argentina
The juntas were prosecuted, and most convicted, for their role in organizing and directing the "Dirty War," during which (from 1976 through 1980) members of Argentina's officer corps kidnapped and murdered between 11,000 and 15,000 people. For more information on this trial and its political context, see Mark Osiel, The Making of Human Rights Policy in Argentina, 18 J. LATIN AMER. STUD. 135 (1986).
J. Latin Amer. Stud.
, vol.18
, pp. 135
Osiel, M.1
25 Sept. (unpaginated) (statement delivered Sept. 11, 1985)
Julio Carlos Stressera, El Diarlo del Juicio, 25 Sept. 1985, (unpaginated) (statement delivered Sept. 11, 1985).
El Diarlo del Juicio
Stressera, J.C.1
"Disappearance" has recently been added to the acts that may constitute a crime against humanity. See Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, U.N. Diplomatic Conf. of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an Int'l Crim. Ct., art. 7(1)(i), U.N. Doc A/ CONF.183/9 (1998), reprinted in 37 I.L.M. 999, 1005 (1998)
See Wasserstrom, supra note 15, at 129
See Wasserstrom, supra note 15, at 129.
On Arendt's affinities with the Frankfurt School and related Marxist critiques of modern Western society, see her discussion of "mass society" in HANNAH ARENDT, THE ORIGINS OF TOTALITARIANISM 305-40 (1951).
The Origins of Totalitarianism
, pp. 305-340
Arendt, H.1
SHKIAR, supra note 2, at 167
SHKIAR, supra note 2, at 167.
See TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 635
See TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 635.
See id. at 630. Taylor's argument here adopted the standard reasoning of current German law on legal mistake, which is that no one may be punished who is inculpable and that a reasonable or "invincible" mistake of law strips the defendant of culpability. This rule applies to civilians no less than soldiers.
See id. at 509, 276-77
See id. at 509, 276-77.
See id. at 282-83
See id. at 282-83.
Rush to Closure: Lessons of the Tadić Judgment
See José E. Álvarez, Rush to Closure: Lessons of the Tadić Judgment, 96 MICH. L. REV. 2031, 2039-40 (1998).
Mich. L. Rev.
, vol.96
, pp. 2031
Álvarez, J.E.1
TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 553
TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 553.
See id. at 116-17
See id. at 116-17.
See ROBERT PAXTON, VICHY FRANCE: OLD GUARD AND NEW ORDER, 1940-1944, at 221-27 (1972); JOHN F. SWEETS, THE POLITICS OF RESISTANCE IN FRANCE, 1940-1944, at 200 (1976). In their generic demonization of all members of the Jewish people, the Nazis engaged in ascriptions of responsibility that were both collective and, of course, false.
Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, 1940-1944
, pp. 221-227
Paxton, R.1
See ROBERT PAXTON, VICHY FRANCE: OLD GUARD AND NEW ORDER, 1940-1944, at 221-27 (1972); JOHN F. SWEETS, THE POLITICS OF RESISTANCE IN FRANCE, 1940-1944, at 200 (1976). In their generic demonization of all members of the Jewish people, the Nazis engaged in ascriptions of responsibility that were both collective and, of course, false.
The Politics of Resistance in France, 1940-1944
, pp. 200
Sweets, J.F.1
Collective Responsibility
Larry May ed.
See H.D. Lewis, Collective Responsibility, in COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY 17, 31 (Larry May ed., 1991). Lewis's critique in this connection would extend to the conspiracy offense and to the US federal racketeering statute.
Collective Responsibility
, vol.17
, pp. 31
Lewis, H.D.1
See HAUSNER, supra note 22, at 399. I respond to this view in a forthcoming book, MARK J. OSIEL, LAWFUL ATROCITY, TORTURED LEGALITY (forthcoming 2000).
Lawful Atrocity, Tortured Legality
Osiel, M.J.1
The appearance of arbitrariness persists particularly in the minds of those who wish to see a greater number of defendants prosecuted than the executive is prepared to allow and who come to suspect that not moral, but more crudely "prudential," considerations are really at work.
Id. at 18
Id. at 18.
See, e.g., KARL JASPERS, THE QUESTION OF GERMAN GUILT (1947) (representing an early, influential attempt to address the issue by way of distinctions between different kinds of responsibility (legal, moral, political)). Under the influence of existentialism, however, Jaspers understood moral responsibility as largely a matter of personal choice. This permitted its easy disentanglement from questions of legal responsibility in ways that today strike most readers as unpersuasive.
The Question of German Guilt
Jaspers, K.1
I examine this issue at some length in OSIEL, supra note 8, at 79-141.
Argentine scholars long identified with the left now openly acknowledge this fact. See, e.g., GUILLERMO O'DONNELL, ¿Y A Mi, QUE ME IMPORTA?: NOTAS SOBRE SOCIABILIDAD Y POLÍTICA EN ARGENTINA Y BRASIL 23-24 (1984); Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, A Grammar of Terror: Psychocultural Responses to State Terrorism in Dirty War and Post-Dirty War Argentina, in THE PATHS TO DOMINATION, RESISTANCE, AND TERROR 231 (Carolyn Nordstrom & JoAnn Martin eds., 1993). See also Tulio Halperin-Donghi, El Presente Transforma el Pasado: el impacto del reciente terror en la imágen de la historia argentina, in FICCIÓN Y POLÍTICA: LA NARRATIVA ARGENTINA DURANTE EL PROCESO 78-79 (Rene Jara & Hernan Vidai eds., 1987).
¿Y a Mi, Que Me Importa?: Notas Sobre Sociabilidad y Política en Argentina y Brasil
, pp. 23-24
O'Donnell, G.1
A Grammar of Terror: Psychocultural Responses to State Terrorism in Dirty War and Post-Dirty War Argentina
Carolyn Nordstrom & JoAnn Martin eds.
Argentine scholars long identified with the left now openly acknowledge this fact. See, e.g., GUILLERMO O'DONNELL, ¿Y A Mi, QUE ME IMPORTA?: NOTAS SOBRE SOCIABILIDAD Y POLÍTICA EN ARGENTINA Y BRASIL 23-24 (1984); Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, A Grammar of Terror: Psychocultural Responses to State Terrorism in Dirty War and Post-Dirty War Argentina, in THE PATHS TO DOMINATION, RESISTANCE, AND TERROR 231 (Carolyn Nordstrom & JoAnn Martin eds., 1993). See also Tulio Halperin-Donghi, El Presente Transforma el Pasado: el impacto del reciente terror en la imágen de la historia argentina, in FICCIÓN Y POLÍTICA: LA NARRATIVA ARGENTINA DURANTE EL PROCESO 78-79 (Rene Jara & Hernan Vidai eds., 1987).
The Paths to Domination, Resistance, and Terror
, pp. 231
Suarez-Orozco, M.1
El Presente Transforma el Pasado: El impacto del reciente terror en la imágen de la historia argentina
Rene Jara & Hernan Vidai eds.
Argentine scholars long identified with the left now openly acknowledge this fact. See, e.g., GUILLERMO O'DONNELL, ¿Y A Mi, QUE ME IMPORTA?: NOTAS SOBRE SOCIABILIDAD Y POLÍTICA EN ARGENTINA Y BRASIL 23-24 (1984); Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, A Grammar of Terror: Psychocultural Responses to State Terrorism in Dirty War and Post-Dirty War Argentina, in THE PATHS TO DOMINATION, RESISTANCE, AND TERROR 231 (Carolyn Nordstrom & JoAnn Martin eds., 1993). See also Tulio Halperin-Donghi, El Presente Transforma el Pasado: el impacto del reciente terror en la imágen de la historia argentina, in FICCIÓN Y POLÍTICA: LA NARRATIVA ARGENTINA DURANTE EL PROCESO 78-79 (Rene Jara & Hernan Vidai eds., 1987).
Ficción y Política: La Narrativa Argentina Durante el Proceso
, pp. 78-79
Halperin-Donghi, T.1
Interviews with confidential sources, Buenos Aires (Summers 1985 & 1987).
See Jaspers, supra note 10, at 31-37
See Jaspers, supra note 10, at 31-37.
Cura Posterior: Eichmann in Jerusalem
Elisabeth Young-Bruehl ed.
HANNAH ARENDT, Cura Posterior: Eichmann in Jerusalem, in HANNAH ARENDT: FOR LOVE OF THE WORLD 328, 373 (Elisabeth Young-Bruehl ed., 1982). Arendt repeated this charge in many writings.
Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World
, pp. 328
Arendt, H.1
Lotte Kohler & Hans Saner eds., Robert Kimber & Rita Kimber trans.
HANNAH ARENDT/KARL JASPERS: CORRESPONDENCE, 1926-1969, at 54 (Lotte Kohler & Hans Saner eds., Robert Kimber & Rita Kimber trans., 1992).
Correspondence, 1926-1969
, pp. 54
Arendt, H.1
Jaspers, K.2
Social Science Techniques and the Study of Concentration Camps
Jherome Kohn ed.
See HANNAH ARENDT, Social Science Techniques and the Study of Concentration Camps, in ESSAYS IN UNDERSTANDING, 1930-1954, at 232, 243 (Jherome Kohn ed., 1994) [hereinafter ESSAYS IN UNDERSTANDING].
Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954
, pp. 232
Arendt, H.1
See HANNAH ARENDT, Social Science Techniques and the Study of Concentration Camps, in ESSAYS IN UNDERSTANDING, 1930-1954, at 232, 243 (Jherome Kohn ed., 1994) [hereinafter ESSAYS IN UNDERSTANDING].
Essays in Understanding
The Israeli Supreme Court, however, did not share Arendt's view of Eichmann as a "minor cog." See YORAM DINSTEIN, THE DEFENSE OF "OBEDIENCE TO SUPERIOR ORDERS" IN INTERNATIONAL LAW 213 (1965). But despite his considerable authority over Jewish "relocation" issues, Eichmann never passed beyond the rank of lieutenant colonel.
The Defense of "Obedience to Superior Orders" in International Law
, pp. 213
Dinstein, Y.1
I examine Arendt's argument here in detail in OSIEL, supra note 36.
Id. at 211-12
Id. at 211-12.
Id. See also TOM SEGEV, SOLDIERS OF EVIL 214 (1979) (noting of Arendt's notorious subtitle that "these words were a sort of magic formula, an expression of a very pessimistic (and very fashionable) understanding of the nature of man - 'We are all Eichmann's.'")
Soldiers of Evil
, pp. 214
Segev, T.1
See, e.g., LARRY MAY, SHARING RESPONSIBILITY 101-03 (1993); HERBERT C. KELMAN & V. LEE HAMILTON, CRIMES OF OBEDIENCE: TOWARD A SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY 15, 318(1989) (comparing Eichmann's sense of duty and personal loyalty to his leader with that of the Watergate and Iran-Contra defendants); STANLEY MILGRAM, OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY: AN EXPERIMENTAL VIEW 5-6 (1974) ("After witnessing hundreds of ordinary people submit to the authority in our own experiments, I must conclude that Arendt's conception of the banality of evil comes closer to the truth than one might dare imagine.").
Sharing Responsibility
, pp. 101-103
May, L.1
See, e.g., LARRY MAY, SHARING RESPONSIBILITY 101-03 (1993); HERBERT C. KELMAN & V. LEE HAMILTON, CRIMES OF OBEDIENCE: TOWARD A SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY 15, 318(1989) (comparing Eichmann's sense of duty and personal loyalty to his leader with that of the Watergate and Iran-Contra defendants); STANLEY MILGRAM, OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY: AN EXPERIMENTAL VIEW 5-6 (1974) ("After witnessing hundreds of ordinary people submit to the authority in our own experiments, I must conclude that Arendt's conception of the banality of evil comes closer to the truth than one might dare imagine.").
Crimes of Obedience: Toward a Social Psychology of Authority and Responsibility
, vol.15
, pp. 318
Kelman, H.C.1
Hamilton, V.L.2
See, e.g., LARRY MAY, SHARING RESPONSIBILITY 101-03 (1993); HERBERT C. KELMAN & V. LEE HAMILTON, CRIMES OF OBEDIENCE: TOWARD A SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY 15, 318(1989) (comparing Eichmann's sense of duty and personal loyalty to his leader with that of the Watergate and Iran-Contra defendants); STANLEY MILGRAM, OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY: AN EXPERIMENTAL VIEW 5-6 (1974) ("After witnessing hundreds of ordinary people submit to the authority in our own experiments, I must conclude that Arendt's conception of the banality of evil comes closer to the truth than one might dare imagine.").
Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View
, pp. 5-6
Milgram, S.1
See Alvarez, supra note 31, at 2031 (arguing this effect)
See Alvarez, supra note 31, at 2031 (arguing this effect).
TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 29 (citing unpublished memorandum)
TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 29 (citing unpublished memorandum).
See TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 34
See TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 34.
Id. at 31
Id. at 31.
Id. at 33
Id. at 33.
For a response to this position, see OSIEL, supra note 8, at 36-56, 293-300.
See TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 278-80, 287. Former Soviet Bloc countries faced similar questions and conflicts. See also TINA ROSENBERG, THE HAUNTED LAND: FACING EUROPE'S GHOSTS AFTER COMMUNISM 67-121 (1995); Andrzej Rzeplinski, A Lesser Evil?, 1 E. EUR. CONST. REV. 33 (1992); ARYEH NEIER, WAR CRIMES 56-74 (1998).
The Haunted Land: Facing Europe's Ghosts after Communism
, pp. 67-121
Rosenberg, T.1
A Lesser Evil?
See TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 278-80, 287. Former Soviet Bloc countries faced similar questions and conflicts. See also TINA ROSENBERG, THE HAUNTED LAND: FACING EUROPE'S GHOSTS AFTER COMMUNISM 67-121 (1995); Andrzej Rzeplinski, A Lesser Evil?, 1 E. EUR. CONST. REV. 33 (1992); ARYEH NEIER, WAR CRIMES 56-74 (1998).
E. Eur. Const. Rev.
, vol.1
, pp. 33
Rzeplinski, A.1
See TAYLOR, supra note 2, at 278-80, 287. Former Soviet Bloc countries faced similar questions and conflicts. See also TINA ROSENBERG, THE HAUNTED LAND: FACING EUROPE'S GHOSTS AFTER COMMUNISM 67-121 (1995); Andrzej Rzeplinski, A Lesser Evil?, 1 E. EUR. CONST. REV. 33 (1992); ARYEH NEIER, WAR CRIMES 56-74 (1998).
War Crimes
, pp. 56-74
Neier, A.1
SHKLAR, supra note 2, at 194
SHKLAR, supra note 2, at 194.
Interview with President Alfonsin, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Aug. 1985).
Crisis, Breakdown, and Reequilibration
Juan J. Linz & Alfred Stepan eds.
See Juan Linz, Crisis, Breakdown, and Reequilibration, in THE BREAKDOWN OF DEMOCRATIC REGIMES 45-46 (Juan J. Linz & Alfred Stepan eds., 1986).
The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes
, pp. 45-46
Linz, J.1
Coming to Terms with Past Injustices
See Ackerman, supra note 7, at 96. Offe's views, discussed there as well, ultimately appeared in Claus Offe, Coming to Terms with Past Injustices, 33 EUR. J. Soc:. 195 (1992). On the variety of approaches to this question recently adopted by several societies, see generally Herman Schwartz, Lustration in Eastern Europe, 1 PARKER SCH. J.E. EUR. L. 141 (1994).
Eur. J. Soc.
, vol.33
, pp. 195
Offe, C.1
Lustration in Eastern Europe
See Ackerman, supra note 7, at 96. Offe's views, discussed there as well, ultimately appeared in Claus Offe, Coming to Terms with Past Injustices, 33 EUR. J. Soc:. 195 (1992). On the variety of approaches to this question recently adopted by several societies, see generally Herman Schwartz, Lustration in Eastern Europe, 1 PARKER SCH. J.E. EUR. L. 141 (1994).
Parker Sch. J.E. Eur. L.
, vol.1
, pp. 141
Schwartz, H.1
Fifteen Truth Commissions - 1974-1994: A Comparative Study
See Priscilla B. Hayner, Fifteen Truth Commissions - 1974-1994: A Comparative Study, 16 HUM. RTS. Q. 597 (1994). See also Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Overview, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW AND PRACTICE 73, 79 (Naomi Roht-Arriaza ed., 1995) [hereinafter IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS]; Kathleen E. Smith, Destalinization in the Former Soviet Union, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 113, 124-25; Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Conclusion: Combating Impunity, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 281.
Hum. Rts. Q.
, vol.16
, pp. 597
Hayner, P.B.1
Naomi Roht-Arriaza ed.
See Priscilla B. Hayner, Fifteen Truth Commissions - 1974-1994: A Comparative Study, 16 HUM. RTS. Q. 597 (1994). See also Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Overview, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW AND PRACTICE 73, 79 (Naomi Roht-Arriaza ed., 1995) [hereinafter IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS]; Kathleen E. Smith, Destalinization in the Former Soviet Union, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 113, 124-25; Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Conclusion: Combating Impunity, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 281.
Impunity and Human Rights in International Law and Practice
, pp. 73
Roht-Arriaza, N.1
See Priscilla B. Hayner, Fifteen Truth Commissions - 1974-1994: A Comparative Study, 16 HUM. RTS. Q. 597 (1994). See also Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Overview, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW AND PRACTICE 73, 79 (Naomi Roht-Arriaza ed., 1995) [hereinafter IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS]; Kathleen E. Smith, Destalinization in the Former Soviet Union, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 113, 124-25; Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Conclusion: Combating Impunity, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 281.
Impunity and Human Rights
Destalinization in the Former Soviet Union
See Priscilla B. Hayner, Fifteen Truth Commissions - 1974-1994: A Comparative Study, 16 HUM. RTS. Q. 597 (1994). See also Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Overview, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW AND PRACTICE 73, 79 (Naomi Roht-Arriaza ed., 1995) [hereinafter IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS]; Kathleen E. Smith, Destalinization in the Former Soviet Union, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 113, 124-25; Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Conclusion: Combating Impunity, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 281.
Impunity and Human Rights
, pp. 113
Smith, K.E.1
Conclusion: Combating Impunity
See Priscilla B. Hayner, Fifteen Truth Commissions - 1974-1994: A Comparative Study, 16 HUM. RTS. Q. 597 (1994). See also Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Overview, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN INTERNATIONAL LAW AND PRACTICE 73, 79 (Naomi Roht-Arriaza ed., 1995) [hereinafter IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS]; Kathleen E. Smith, Destalinization in the Former Soviet Union, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 113, 124-25; Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Conclusion: Combating Impunity, in IMPUNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS, supra, at 281.
Impunity and Human Rights
, pp. 281
Roht-Arriaza, N.1
What Should Be Done about the Guilty?
1 Feb.
Aryeh Neier, What Should Be Done About the Guilty?, 37 N.Y. REV. BOOKS., 1 Feb. 1990, at 32, 34.
N.Y. Rev. Books.
, vol.37
, pp. 32
Neier, A.1
The unusual subpoena powers of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission make it a rare exception to this rule.
Interview with President Alfonsín, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Aug. 1985).
This irony is noted by ROSENBERC, supra note 65, at 315-55 (discussing the democratic transition in the former German Democratic Republic).
Personal Responsibility in Dictatorship
Arendt observed, for instance, that it was "the quintessence of moral confusion that during the post-war period in Germany those who personally were completely innocent assured each other and the world at large how guilty they felt, while few of the criminals were prepared to admit even the slightest remorse." Hannah Arendt, Personal Responsibility in Dictatorship, in THE LISTENER 185 (1969). She makes the same point in HANNAH ARENDT, The Aftermath of Nazi Rule: Report From Germany, in ESSAYS IN UNDERSTANDING, supra note 48, at 248, 259.
The Listener
, pp. 185
Arendt, H.1
The Aftermath of Nazi Rule: Report from Germany
supra note 48
Arendt observed, for instance, that it was "the quintessence of moral confusion that during the post-war period in Germany those who personally were completely innocent assured each other and the world at large how guilty they felt, while few of the criminals were prepared to admit even the slightest remorse." Hannah Arendt, Personal Responsibility in Dictatorship, in THE LISTENER 185 (1969). She makes the same point in HANNAH ARENDT, The Aftermath of Nazi Rule: Report From Germany, in ESSAYS IN UNDERSTANDING, supra note 48, at 248, 259.
Essays in Understanding
, pp. 248
Arendt, H.1
The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission differed from other truth commissions in possessing such powers.
Gag Rules or the Politics of Omission
Jon Elster & Rune Slagstad eds.
Cf. Stephen Holmes, Gag Rules or the Politics of Omission, in CONSTITUTIONALISM AND DEMOCRACY 19 (Jon Elster & Rune Slagstad eds., 1988) (noting the arguable necessity of such gag rules on certain issues in new democracies) [hereinafter CONSTITUTIONALISM AND DEMOCRACY].
Constitutionalism and Democracy
, pp. 19
Holmes, S.1
The best-known example of this in twentieth century US law is surely the qualification, in the Supreme Court's judgment in Brown v. Board of Educ., that public schools in Topeka be racially integrated - not immediately, but only "with all deliberate speed." Brown v. Board of Educ., 349 U.S. 294, 301 (1955).
The Necessity and Impossibility of Simultaneous Economic and Political Reform
supra note 80, Douglas Greenberg et al. eds.
See, e.g., Jon Elster, The Necessity and Impossibility of Simultaneous Economic and Political Reform, in CONSTITUTIONALISM AND DEMOCRACY, supra note 80, at 267, 272 (Douglas Greenberg et al. eds., 1993).
Constitutionalism and Democracy
, pp. 267
Elster, J.1
HUNTINGTON, supra note 82, at 214
HUNTINGTON, supra note 82, at 214.
Civil-Military Relations and Argentine Democracy: The Armed Forces under the Menem Government
See Paul Zagorski, Civil-Military Relations and Argentine Democracy: The Armed Forces Under the Menem Government, 20 ARMED FORCES & SOC'Y 423, 433-34 (1994).
Armed Forces & Soc'y
, vol.20
, pp. 423
Zagorski, P.1
See ACKERMAN, supra note 7, at 72-73
See ACKERMAN, supra note 7, at 72-73.
Among the more influential works in this regard, see TRANSITIONS FROM AUTHORITARIAN RULE: TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS ABOUT UNCERTAIN DEMOCRACIES (Guillermo O'Donnell et al. eds., 1986). See also GIUSEPPE DI PALMA, To CRAFT DEMOCRACIES: AN ESSAY ON DEMOCRATIC TRANSITIONS 6 (1990) (noting that "these issues do not appear to lend themselves to simple and parsimonious predictions.... Thus, the realm of the possible, the plausible, indeed, the probable, can be expanded.").
Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain Democracies
O'Donnell, G.1
Among the more influential works in this regard, see TRANSITIONS FROM AUTHORITARIAN RULE: TENTATIVE CONCLUSIONS ABOUT UNCERTAIN DEMOCRACIES (Guillermo O'Donnell et al. eds., 1986). See also GIUSEPPE DI PALMA, To CRAFT DEMOCRACIES: AN ESSAY ON DEMOCRATIC TRANSITIONS 6 (1990) (noting that "these issues do not appear to lend themselves to simple and parsimonious predictions.... Thus, the realm of the possible, the plausible, indeed, the probable, can be expanded.").
To Craft Democracies: An Essay on Democratic Transitions
, pp. 6
Di Palma, G.1
pre-publication manuscript
CARLOS SANTIAGO NINO, RADICAL EVIL ON TRIAL 92 (pre-publication manuscript, 1996).
Radical Evil on Trial
, pp. 92
Nino, C.S.1
The basis for such an analysis could certainly be sought in the work of Pierre Bourdieu. See, e.g., PIERRE BOURDIEU, OUTLINE OF A THEORY OF PRACTICE 171-83 (1977).
Outline of a Theory of Practice
, pp. 171-183
Bourdieu, P.1
Military Policy and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America
paper presented Madrid, July
Samuel Fitch & Andres Fontana, Military Policy and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America, paper presented to the XII World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, July 1990, at 19. Both authors are specialists on the Argentine armed forces. 93. For a good presentation of the constitutional arguments, see MARCEIO SANCISEHI, DERECHOS HUMANOS EN LA ARGENTINA POST-DICTATORIAL (1988).
XII World Congress of Sociology
, pp. 19
Fitch, S.1
Fontana, A.2
Samuel Fitch & Andres Fontana, Military Policy and Democratic Consolidation in Latin America, paper presented to the XII World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, July 1990, at 19. Both authors are specialists on the Argentine armed forces. 93. For a good presentation of the constitutional arguments, see MARCEIO SANCISEHI, DERECHOS HUMANOS EN LA ARGENTINA POST-DICTATORIAL (1988).
Derechos Humanos en la Argentina Post-Dictatorial
Sancisehi, M.1
La "Ley de Punto Final": Respuesta al Profesor Julio Maier
See Jaime Malamud-Goti & Ricardo Entelman, La "Ley de Punto Final": Respuesta al Profesor Julio Maier, 38 DOCTKINA PENAL 339 (1987). In this article, the authors defend presidentially-sponsored legislation (drafted by Malamud-Goti) aimed at sharply curtailing prosecutorial efforts. Their argument is that once democracy is firmly reestablished, theories of justice do not require more than a few exemplary prosecutions, against a small proportion of culpable officers.
Doctkina Penal
, vol.38
, pp. 339
Malamud-Goti, J.1
Entelman, R.2
This critique of the role of Alfonsín's philosophers is pressed most vigorously by SANCINETTI. suora note 93, at 149.
Id. The phrase means, "Enough with government by philosophers!"
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalarianism, cited in RAINER C. BAUM, THE HOLOCAUST AND THE GERMAN ELITE: GENOCIDE AND NATIONAL SUICIDE IN GERMANY, 1871-1945, at 12 (1990).
The Origins of Totalarianism
Arendt, H.1
To understand the scientific causes of serious birth defects, for instance, is not to reject the desirability of redressing, through corrective surgery, the "natural" hardship they cause.
Suarez-Orozco, supra note 43, at 221
Suarez-Orozco, supra note 43, at 221.
Id. at 222
Id. at 222.
The Obscenity of Understanding: An Evening with Claude Lanzmann
Claude Lanzmann, quoted in TZVETAN TODOROV, FACING THE EXTREME: MORAL LIFE IN THE CONCENTRATION CAMPS 277 (1996); Claude Lanzmann, The Obscenity of Understanding: An Evening With Claude Lanzmann, 48 AM. IMAGO 473 (1991).
Am. Imago
, vol.48
, pp. 473
Lanzmann, C.1
Their Speciality Was Murder
5 Oct.
Bruno Bettelheim, Their Speciality Was Murder, N.Y. TIMES, 5 Oct. 1986, at 62 (reviewing ROBERT J. LIFTON, THE NAZI DOCTORS (1986)).
N.Y. Times
, pp. 62
Bettelheim, B.1
Bruno Bettelheim, Their Speciality Was Murder, N.Y. TIMES, 5 Oct. 1986, at 62 (reviewing ROBERT J. LIFTON, THE NAZI DOCTORS (1986)).
The Nazi Doctors
Lifton, R.J.1
Hence the title of the Honduran truth commission's report. COMISIONADO NACIONAL DE PROTECCION DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS, Los HECHOS HABLAN FOR SI MISMOS (1994).
Los Hechos Hablan for Si Mismos
See OSIEL, supra note 9, at 71-90
See OSIEL, supra note 9, at 71-90.
On this problem, see id. passim
On this problem, see id. passim.
Causation and the Excuses
See Michael S. Moore, Causation and the Excuses, 73 CAL. L. REV. 1091 (1985).
Cal. L. Rev.
, vol.73
, pp. 1091
Moore, M.S.1
For defenses of compatibilism, see ALFRED J. AVER, PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS 271 (1954); John V. Canfield, The Compatibility of Free Will and Determinism, 71 PHIL. REV. 352 (July 1962); R. JAY WALLACE, RESPONSIBILITY AND THE MORAL SENTIMENTS 2-11, 96-103, 187-94 (1994).
Philosophical Essays
, pp. 271
Aver, A.J.1
The Compatibility of Free Will and Determinism
For defenses of compatibilism, see ALFRED J. AVER, PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS 271 (1954); John V. Canfield, The Compatibility of Free Will and Determinism, 71 PHIL. REV. 352 (July 1962); R. JAY WALLACE, RESPONSIBILITY AND THE MORAL SENTIMENTS 2-11, 96-103, 187-94 (1994).
Phil. Rev.
, vol.71
, pp. 352
Canfield, J.V.1
For defenses of compatibilism, see ALFRED J. AVER, PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS 271 (1954); John V. Canfield, The Compatibility of Free Will and Determinism, 71 PHIL. REV. 352 (July 1962); R. JAY WALLACE, RESPONSIBILITY AND THE MORAL SENTIMENTS 2-11, 96-103, 187-94 (1994).
Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments
, pp. 2-11
Wallace, R.J.1