Report 1991 from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Common Fisheries Policy. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 18.12.91. SEC(91) 2288 fin
Report 1991 from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Common Fisheries Policy. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, 18.12.91. SEC(91) 2288 fin.
Report of an independent group of experts on guidelines for the preparation of the multiannual guidance programmes in relation to the fishing fleet for the period 1992-1996. Internal document, European Commission, Brussels, 19.11.90 (the "Gulland" report)
Report of an independent group of experts on guidelines for the preparation of the multiannual guidance programmes in relation to the fishing fleet for the period 1992-1996. Internal document, European Commission, Brussels, 19.11.90 (the "Gulland" report).
Report of the group of independent experts to advise the European Commission on the fourth generation of multi-annual guidance programmes, 26.4.96. XIV/298/96-EN (the "Lassen" report)
Report of the group of independent experts to advise the European Commission on the fourth generation of multi-annual guidance programmes, 26.4.96. XIV/298/96-EN (the "Lassen" report).
Annual Report to the Council and to the European Parliament on the results of the multi-annual guidance programmes for the fishing fleets at the end of 1996. Commission of the European Communities, 11.07.97. COM(97) 352 fin
Annual Report to the Council and to the European Parliament on the results of the multi-annual guidance programmes for the fishing fleets at the end of 1996. Commission of the European Communities, 11.07.97. COM(97) 352 fin.
European Court of Auditors. Special Report No 3/93 concerning the implementation of measures for the restructuring, modernisation and adaptation of the capacities of fishing fleets in the Community. Published in the Official Journal of the European Communities No C2, 4.1.94
European Court of Auditors. Special Report No 3/93 concerning the implementation of measures for the restructuring, modernisation and adaptation of the capacities of fishing fleets in the Community. Published in the Official Journal of the European Communities No C2, 4.1.94.
European Commission (staff working paper) Assessing the economic performance of the European Community fisheries industry, Brussels, 19.3.96. SEC(96) 521
European Commission (staff working paper). Assessing the economic performance of the European Community fisheries industry, Brussels, 19.3.96. SEC(96) 521.
European Commission. Guidelines for the examination of state aid to fisheries and aquaculture, 97/c 100/05. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels
European Commission. Guidelines for the examination of state aid to fisheries and aquaculture, 97/c 100/05. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels.