Combined spinal epidural analgesia with ability to walk throughout labour
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Randomised comparison of combined spinal epidural and standard epidural analgesia in labour
Collis RE, Davies DW, Aveling W. Randomised comparison of combined spinal epidural and standard epidural analgesia in labour. The Lancet 1995; 345: 1413-16.
Combined spinal epidural (CSE) analgesia: Technique, management, and outcome of 300 mothers
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Complications of labour analgesia: Epidural versus combined spinal epidural techniques
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Meningitis after combined spinal extradural anaesthesia in obstetrics
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Single space combined spinal-extradural technique for analgesia in labour
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Blood pressure changes during labour and whilst ambulating with combined spinal epidural analgesia
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Subarachnoid morphine and fentanyl for labour analgesia: Efficacy and adverse effects
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