Ehlers, E. 1868. Die Borstenwürmer (Annelida Chaetopoda) nach Systematischen und Anatomischen Untersuchungen Dargestellt. Leipzig. Wilhelm Engelmann, xxiv + 748 pp., 24 pls (pp. 1-268, pls, 1-11 published in 1864).
1868. Die Borstenwürmer (Annelida Chaetopoda) Nach Systematischen und Anatomischen Untersuchungen Dargestellt. Leipzig. Wilhelm Engelmann, Xxiv + 748 Pp., 24 Pls Pp. 1-268, Pls, 1-11 Published in
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With A Key to the Nereid Genera Without Chitinous Paragnaths. Pp. 141-156 in D. J. Reish and K. Fauchald, Eds., Essays on Polychaetous Annelids in Memory of Dr. Olga Hartman, Eds, Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
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H. 1956. Some Polychaetous Worms of the Families Hesionidae, Syllidae, and Nereidae from the East Coast of North America, West Indies, and Gulf of Mexico. - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
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31.1-31.42 in J. M. Uebelacker & P. G. Johnson, eds., Taxonomic guide to the polychaetes of the northern Gulf of Mexico, Volume V. Barry A. Vittor and Associates. Inc., Mobile, Alabama.
Taylor, J. L. 1984. Nereidae Johnston, 1845. Pp. 31.1-31.42 in J. M. Uebelacker & P. G. Johnson, eds., Taxonomic guide to the polychaetes of the northern Gulf of Mexico, Volume V. Barry A. Vittor and Associates. Inc., Mobile, Alabama.
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S. Ruiping, & D. J. Yang. 1985. the Nereidae (Polychaetous Annelids) of the Chinese Coast. China Ocean Press, Beijing and Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Vi +
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