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Volumn 20, Issue 2, 1999, Pages 68-86

"What the future will bring i do not know": Mothering children with disabilities in Russia and the politics of exclusion

(1)  Iarskaia Smirnova, Elena a  


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EID: 0033473774     PISSN: 01609009     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.2307/3347014     Document Type: Review
Times cited : (17)

References (36)
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    • Sozialno-psihologitcheskie osobennosti vzaimootnoshenii invalidov i zdorovyh
    • See Tatiana A. Dobrovolskaja, Natalya B. Shabalina, "Sozialno-psihologitcheskie Osobennosti Vzaimootnoshenii Invalidov i Zdorovyh" ["Socio-psychological Pecularities of Relationships Between the Handicapped and the Healthy"], Sociologitcheskije Issledovanija, no. 1 (1993): 62-66; and Sergei A. Zavrazhin, "Podrostkovaja Delinkventnost: Transkulturalnaja Perspectiva" ["Adolescence Delinquency: Transcultural Perspective"], Sociologitcheskie Issledovanija, no. 2 (1995): 125-31. Dobrovolskaja and Shabalina describe a 1991 survey of 1,320 adults of different levels of handicap and socioeconomic status who lived in Moscow, Tsheljabinsk, Vologda, and Ufa, in both urban and rural areas. In addition, 120 people were interviewed who were representatives of the "intelligencia," high school graduates, orthodox charity school students ("sisters"), and professionals from the field of social protection (scientists and administrators). The distribution of the opinions about the disabled among the "healthy" people in that survey breaks down as follows: Table Presented Zavrazhin's 1994 report of 135 Russian and 98 U.S., Canadian, Austrian, and German respondents comprised of university students, teachers, and administrators about the differences in attitudes between the groups of the respondents. Attitude toward adolescent deviants and delinquents (%)
    • (1993) Sociologitcheskije Issledovanija , vol.1 , pp. 62-66
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    • Podrostkovaja delinkventnost: Transkulturalnaja perspectiva
    • See Tatiana A. Dobrovolskaja, Natalya B. Shabalina, "Sozialno-psihologitcheskie Osobennosti Vzaimootnoshenii Invalidov i Zdorovyh" ["Socio-psychological Pecularities of Relationships Between the Handicapped and the Healthy"], Sociologitcheskije Issledovanija, no. 1 (1993): 62-66; and Sergei A. Zavrazhin, "Podrostkovaja Delinkventnost: Transkulturalnaja Perspectiva" ["Adolescence Delinquency: Transcultural Perspective"], Sociologitcheskie Issledovanija, no. 2 (1995): 125-31. Dobrovolskaja and Shabalina describe a 1991 survey of 1,320 adults of different levels of handicap and socioeconomic status who lived in Moscow, Tsheljabinsk, Vologda, and Ufa, in both urban and rural areas. In addition, 120 people were interviewed who were representatives of the "intelligencia," high school graduates, orthodox charity school students ("sisters"), and professionals from the field of social protection (scientists and administrators). The distribution of the opinions about the disabled among the "healthy" people in that survey breaks down as follows: Table Presented Zavrazhin's 1994 report of 135 Russian and 98 U.S., Canadian, Austrian, and German respondents comprised of university students, teachers, and administrators about the differences in attitudes between the groups of the respondents. Attitude toward adolescent deviants and delinquents (%)
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    • Zavrazhin, S.A.1
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    • note
    • For example, the social pension for children with handicaps is as large as the minimum pension at retirement, supplemented with another two-thirds of the minimum pension and some other additional benefits. However, pensions do not offset the financial burden. Children with handicaps are allowed free public transportation, but the adults who accompany them must pay for their own tickets. Children with handicaps are provided with places n kindergarten at no charge but have to wait for years to get a place. This is partly because the general economic decline influences not only the family budget but also forces decreases in public expenditure on child care, health care, education, and the family support social network.
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    • Backward chidren in the USSR: An unfamiliar approach to a familiar problem
    • Jenny Brine, Maureen Perrie, and Andrew Sutton, eds., Boston: Allen and Unwin
    • For the theoretical background, achievements, and pecularities of these educational programs, see Andrew Sutton, "Backward Chidren in the USSR: An Unfamiliar Approach to a Familiar Problem," in Jenny Brine, Maureen Perrie, and Andrew Sutton, eds., Home, School, and Leisure in the Soviet Union (Boston: Allen and Unwin, 1980), 160-91. For background on work and everyday problems, see Stephen P. Dunn and Ethel Dunn, "Everyday Life of the Disabled in the USSR," in McCagg and Siegelbaum, The Disabled in the Soviet Union, 199-234; and Bernice W. Madison, "Programs for the Disabled in the USSR," in McCagg and Siegelbaum, The Disabled in the Soviet Union, 167-98. 24. Number of children with disabilities in Volga cities and total in Russian Federation
    • (1980) Home, School, and Leisure in the Soviet Union , pp. 160-191
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    • Everyday life of the disabled in the USSR
    • McCagg and Siegelbaum
    • For the theoretical background, achievements, and pecularities of these educational programs, see Andrew Sutton, "Backward Chidren in the USSR: An Unfamiliar Approach to a Familiar Problem," in Jenny Brine, Maureen Perrie, and Andrew Sutton, eds., Home, School, and Leisure in the Soviet Union (Boston: Allen and Unwin, 1980), 160-91. For background on work and everyday problems, see Stephen P. Dunn and Ethel Dunn, "Everyday Life of the Disabled in the USSR," in McCagg and Siegelbaum, The Disabled in the Soviet Union, 199-234; and Bernice W. Madison, "Programs for the Disabled in the USSR," in McCagg and Siegelbaum, The Disabled in the Soviet Union, 167-98.
    • The Disabled in the Soviet Union , pp. 199-234
    • Dunn, S.P.1    Dunn, E.2
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    • Programs for the disabled in the USSR
    • McCagg and Siegelbaum
    • For the theoretical background, achievements, and pecularities of these educational programs, see Andrew Sutton, "Backward Chidren in the USSR: An Unfamiliar Approach to a Familiar Problem," in Jenny Brine, Maureen Perrie, and Andrew Sutton, eds., Home, School, and Leisure in the Soviet Union (Boston: Allen and Unwin, 1980), 160-91. For background on work and everyday problems, see Stephen P. Dunn and Ethel Dunn, "Everyday Life of the Disabled in the USSR," in McCagg and Siegelbaum, The Disabled in the Soviet Union, 199-234; and Bernice W. Madison, "Programs for the Disabled in the USSR," in McCagg and Siegelbaum, The Disabled in the Soviet Union, 167-98.
    • The Disabled in the Soviet Union , pp. 167-198
    • Madison, B.W.1
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    • Number of children with disabilities in Volga cities and total in Russian Federation
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    • Social work in Russia: Professional identity, culture, and the state
    • ed. Bogdan Lesnik Brighton, England: Pavilion Publishing
    • For a discussion on the professionalization of social work in Russia in the 1990s, see Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova, "Social Work in Russia: Professional Identity, Culture, and the State," in International Perspectives of Social Work: Social Work and the State, ed. Bogdan Lesnik (Brighton, England: Pavilion Publishing, 1999), 331-44. See also Mary A. Burke, Child Institutionalization and Child Protection in Central and Eastern Europe, Innocenti Occasional Papers, Economic Policy Series, No.52 (Florence, Italy: UNICEF International Child Development Centre, 1993).
    • (1999) International Perspectives of Social Work: Social Work and the State , pp. 331-344
    • Iarskaia-Smirnova, E.1
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    • Innocenti Occasional Papers, Economic Policy Series, No.52 Florence, Italy: UNICEF International Child Development Centre
    • For a discussion on the professionalization of social work in Russia in the 1990s, see Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova, "Social Work in Russia: Professional Identity, Culture, and the State," in International Perspectives of Social Work: Social Work and the State, ed. Bogdan Lesnik (Brighton, England: Pavilion Publishing, 1999), 331-44. See also Mary A. Burke, Child Institutionalization and Child Protection in Central and Eastern Europe, Innocenti Occasional Papers, Economic Policy Series, No.52 (Florence, Italy: UNICEF International Child Development Centre, 1993).
    • (1993) Child Institutionalization and Child Protection in Central and Eastern Europe
    • Burke, M.A.1
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    • Adriaan Peperzak, West Lafayette, Indiana.: Purdue University Press
    • Emmanuel Levinas, "Philosophy and the Idea of Infinite," in Adriaan Peperzak, To the Other: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas (West Lafayette, Indiana.: Purdue University Press, 1993), 39-72.
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    • R. J. Estes, "Education for Social Development: Curricular Issues and Models," Social Development Issues 16:3 (1994): 68-90.
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    • note
    • For instance, social work education in Saratov has existed since 1991 at the Department of Social Work at Saratov State Technic University (SSTU). The following programs are offered in the department: Bachelors of Social Work, Masters of Social Work, Graduate Diploma in Social Work (a five-year program), Candidate of Sociology, Doctor of Sociology, and Graduate Diploma in Social Anthropology (a five-year program). The research interests of the faculty are focused on social inequality and social policy, in particular on gender and disability issues. The Department of Social Work collaborates with Saratov social services, rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities, and NGOs, including women's organizations and associations of people with disabilities.

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