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Volumn 13, Issue 1, 1999, Pages 190-227

War, memory, and education in a fragmented society: The case of Yugoslavia

(1)  Hoepken, Wolfgang a  


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EID: 0033449037     PISSN: 08883254     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1177/0888325499013001006     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (59)

References (125)
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    • Interpreting the past - Time perspective and social history
    • Joel M. Halpern, "Interpreting the Past - Time Perspective and Social History," Studia ethnologica 3 (1991): 85-99; Ivan Colovic, "Die Erneuerung des Vergangenen. Zeit und Raum in der zeitgenössischen politischen Mythologie," in Nenad Stefanov and Michael Werz, eds., Bosnien und Europa. Die Ethnisierung der Gesellschaft (Frankfurt: Fischer, 1994), 90-103; and Klaus Roth, "Zeit, Geschichtlichkeit und Volkskultur im post-sozialistischen Südosteuropa," Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 31:1 (1995): 31-45.
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    • Nenad Stefanov and Michael Werz, eds., Frankfurt: Fischer
    • Joel M. Halpern, "Interpreting the Past - Time Perspective and Social History," Studia ethnologica 3 (1991): 85-99; Ivan Colovic, "Die Erneuerung des Vergangenen. Zeit und Raum in der zeitgenössischen politischen Mythologie," in Nenad Stefanov and Michael Werz, eds., Bosnien und Europa. Die Ethnisierung der Gesellschaft (Frankfurt: Fischer, 1994), 90-103; and Klaus Roth, "Zeit, Geschichtlichkeit und Volkskultur im post-sozialistischen Südosteuropa," Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 31:1 (1995): 31-45.
    • (1994) Bosnien und Europa. Die Ethnisierung der Gesellschaft , pp. 90-103
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    • Joel M. Halpern, "Interpreting the Past - Time Perspective and Social History," Studia ethnologica 3 (1991): 85-99; Ivan Colovic, "Die Erneuerung des Vergangenen. Zeit und Raum in der zeitgenössischen politischen Mythologie," in Nenad Stefanov and Michael Werz, eds., Bosnien und Europa. Die Ethnisierung der Gesellschaft (Frankfurt: Fischer, 1994), 90-103; and Klaus Roth, "Zeit, Geschichtlichkeit und Volkskultur im post-sozialistischen Südosteuropa," Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 31:1 (1995): 31-45.
    • (1995) Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , vol.31 , Issue.1 , pp. 31-45
    • Roth, K.1
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    • note
    • While these anthropological approaches offer inspiring insights into the cultural dimensions of historical memory and may help to explain, for example, the prominent place of such historical events as the Battle of Kosovo in 1389 in today's historical culture and political conflicts in Serbia, in my view they still need more empirical evidence. If I am interpreting the literature correctly, we still have little knowledge of the impact of social change on the understanding of time in the Balkans. Remembering old wars within the framework of present political and social contexts and conflicts does not in itself seem to be specifically Balkan. As Peter Burke put it, there are societies with a long and a short social memory. Using Poland and Ireland as examples of societies that have a long memory, the borderline between those two types of societies obviously does not separate Central Europe from the traditional patriarchal Balkan. See Peter Burke, "History as Social Memory," in Thomas Butler, ed., Memory, History, Culture, and the Mind (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989), 97-113.
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    • 0041067908 scopus 로고
    • Učebnicite po bulgarska istorija (1879-1900) i vuzpitavaneto na nacionalni čuvstva i nacionalno suznanie
    • On the nineteenth-and early-twentieth-century textbooks and education in Bulgaria see Marija Radeva, "Učebnicite po bulgarska istorija (1879-1900) i vuzpitavaneto na nacionalni čuvstva i nacionalno suznanie," Godišnik na Sofijskija univerzitet 'Kliment Ochridskij'. Istoričeski fakultet 75 (1982): 88-123; for Greek textbooks, esp. Christina Koulouri, Dimensions idéologiques de l'historicité en Grece 1834-1914. Les manuels scolaires d'histoire et de géographie (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1991 ); Christina Koulouri, "Ethnika stereotipa ke Elliniki ethniki tantotita sto scholeio ton 19on eond, Afieroma ston panepistimiako dhasskalo "Vass. Vl. Efnroera" (Athens, 1992), 323-341; Constantin Angélopoulos and Christina Koulouri, "L'identité nationale grecque: Métamorphoses 1830-1995. Étude des manuels scolaires grecs d'histoire, de géographie et de lecture," Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research 18 (1996): 323-350. For Serbian textbooks, see Charles Jelavich, South Slav Nationalism: Textbooks and the Yugoslav Union Before 1914 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1990).
    • (1982) Godišnik Na Sofijskija Univerzitet 'kliment Ochridskij'. Istoričeski Fakultet , vol.75 , pp. 88-123
    • Radeva, M.1
  • 10
    • 61149536733 scopus 로고
    • Frankfurt: Peter Lang
    • On the nineteenth-and early-twentieth-century textbooks and education in Bulgaria see Marija Radeva, "Učebnicite po bulgarska istorija (1879-1900) i vuzpitavaneto na nacionalni čuvstva i nacionalno suznanie," Godišnik na Sofijskija univerzitet 'Kliment Ochridskij'. Istoričeski fakultet 75 (1982): 88-123; for Greek textbooks, esp. Christina Koulouri, Dimensions idéologiques de l'historicité en Grece 1834-1914. Les manuels scolaires d'histoire et de géographie (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1991 ); Christina Koulouri, "Ethnika stereotipa ke Elliniki ethniki tantotita sto scholeio ton 19on eond, Afieroma ston panepistimiako dhasskalo "Vass. Vl. Efnroera" (Athens, 1992), 323-341; Constantin Angélopoulos and Christina Koulouri, "L'identité nationale grecque: Métamorphoses 1830-1995. Étude des manuels scolaires grecs d'histoire, de géographie et de lecture," Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research 18 (1996): 323-350. For Serbian textbooks, see Charles Jelavich, South Slav Nationalism: Textbooks and the Yugoslav Union Before 1914 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1990).
    • (1991) Dimensions Idéologiques de L'historicité en Grece 1834-1914. Les Manuels Scolaires D'histoire et de Géographie
    • Koulouri, C.1
  • 11
    • 0039288928 scopus 로고
    • Ethnika stereotipa ke elliniki ethniki tantotita sto scholeio ton 19on eond
    • Athens
    • On the nineteenth-and early-twentieth-century textbooks and education in Bulgaria see Marija Radeva, "Učebnicite po bulgarska istorija (1879-1900) i vuzpitavaneto na nacionalni čuvstva i nacionalno suznanie," Godišnik na Sofijskija univerzitet 'Kliment Ochridskij'. Istoričeski fakultet 75 (1982): 88-123; for Greek textbooks, esp. Christina Koulouri, Dimensions idéologiques de l'historicité en Grece 1834-1914. Les manuels scolaires d'histoire et de géographie (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1991 ); Christina Koulouri, "Ethnika stereotipa ke Elliniki ethniki tantotita sto scholeio ton 19on eond, Afieroma ston panepistimiako dhasskalo "Vass. Vl. Efnroera" (Athens, 1992), 323-341; Constantin Angélopoulos and Christina Koulouri, "L'identité nationale grecque: Métamorphoses 1830-1995. Étude des manuels scolaires grecs d'histoire, de géographie et de lecture," Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research 18 (1996): 323-350. For Serbian textbooks, see Charles Jelavich, South Slav Nationalism: Textbooks and the Yugoslav Union Before 1914 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1990).
    • (1992) Afieroma Ston Panepistimiako Dhasskalo "Vass. Vl. Efnroera" , pp. 323-341
    • Koulouri, C.1
  • 12
    • 4243799940 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • L'identité nationale grecque: Métamorphoses 1830-1995. Étude des manuels scolaires grecs d'histoire, de géographie et de lecture
    • On the nineteenth-and early-twentieth-century textbooks and education in Bulgaria see Marija Radeva, "Učebnicite po bulgarska istorija (1879-1900) i vuzpitavaneto na nacionalni čuvstva i nacionalno suznanie," Godišnik na Sofijskija univerzitet 'Kliment Ochridskij'. Istoričeski fakultet 75 (1982): 88-123; for Greek textbooks, esp. Christina Koulouri, Dimensions idéologiques de l'historicité en Grece 1834-1914. Les manuels scolaires d'histoire et de géographie (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1991 ); Christina Koulouri, "Ethnika stereotipa ke Elliniki ethniki tantotita sto scholeio ton 19on eond, Afieroma ston panepistimiako dhasskalo "Vass. Vl. Efnroera" (Athens, 1992), 323-341; Constantin Angélopoulos and Christina Koulouri, "L'identité nationale grecque: Métamorphoses 1830-1995. Étude des manuels scolaires grecs d'histoire, de géographie et de lecture," Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research 18 (1996): 323-350. For Serbian textbooks, see Charles Jelavich, South Slav Nationalism: Textbooks and the Yugoslav Union Before 1914 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1990).
    • (1996) Internationale Schulbuchforschung-international Textbook Research , vol.18 , pp. 323-350
    • Angélopoulos, C.1    Koulouri, C.2
  • 13
    • 0039880810 scopus 로고
    • Columbus: Ohio State University Press
    • On the nineteenth-and early-twentieth-century textbooks and education in Bulgaria see Marija Radeva, "Učebnicite po bulgarska istorija (1879-1900) i vuzpitavaneto na nacionalni čuvstva i nacionalno suznanie," Godišnik na Sofijskija univerzitet 'Kliment Ochridskij'. Istoričeski fakultet 75 (1982): 88-123; for Greek textbooks, esp. Christina Koulouri, Dimensions idéologiques de l'historicité en Grece 1834-1914. Les manuels scolaires d'histoire et de géographie (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1991 ); Christina Koulouri, "Ethnika stereotipa ke Elliniki ethniki tantotita sto scholeio ton 19on eond, Afieroma ston panepistimiako dhasskalo "Vass. Vl. Efnroera" (Athens, 1992), 323-341; Constantin Angélopoulos and Christina Koulouri, "L'identité nationale grecque: Métamorphoses 1830-1995. Étude des manuels scolaires grecs d'histoire, de géographie et de lecture," Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research 18 (1996): 323-350. For Serbian textbooks, see Charles Jelavich, South Slav Nationalism: Textbooks and the Yugoslav Union Before 1914 (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1990).
    • (1990) South Slav Nationalism: Textbooks and the Yugoslav Union Before 1914
    • Jelavich, C.1
  • 14
    • 0039880812 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • As an example of the promotion of patriotism in popular literature in early-twentieth-century Serbia, see Biljana Trebješanin, Psihološki sadržaj i činioci patriotizma u savremenim uslovima (Belgrade: Ph.D. Filozofski fakultet-Institut za pshiologiju, 1995), manuscript, 82-86; and Olga Manojlović, "Koncentricni krugove pamćenja, sećnia tradicija i istorija," Tokovi istorije 1-2 (1996): 91-103.
  • 16
    • 0039880811 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • Dotation Carnegie pour la Paix Internationales, Direction des relations at l'éducation, Enquete sur les livres scolaires d'apres guerre, vol. 1 (Paris, 1923); for other Balkan countries; ibid., vol. 2 (Paris, 1925).
    • (1923) Enquete Sur Les Livres Scolaires D'apres Guerre , vol.1
  • 17
    • 0039288930 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • Dotation Carnegie pour la Paix Internationales, Direction des relations at l'éducation, Enquete sur les livres scolaires d'apres guerre, vol. 1 (Paris, 1923); for other Balkan countries; ibid., vol. 2 (Paris, 1925).
    • (1925) Enquete Sur Les Livres Scolaires D'apres Guerre , vol.2
  • 19
    • 0040473716 scopus 로고
    • Vuprosite na balkanskata istorija v kursa po obšta i bulgarska istorija na srednite učilišta
    • For Bulgaria, see Milčo Lalkov, "Vuprosite na balkanskata istorija v kursa po obšta i bulgarska istorija na srednite učilišta," Vekove 4 (1973): 68-71. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, John Georgeoff recognized a much more Soviet-centered than nation-centered quality in the Bulgarian textbooks. John Georgeoff, "Nationalism in the History Textbooks of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria," Comparative Education Review (October 1966): 442-50. For other Balkan countries, Wolfgang Höpken, ed., Oil on Fire - Öl ins Feuer? Textbooks, Ethnic Stereotypes and Violence in South-Eastern Europe - Schulbücher, ethnische Stereotypen und Gewalt in Südosteuropa (Hannover: Hahn, 1996).
    • (1973) Vekove , vol.4 , pp. 68-71
    • Lalkov, M.1
  • 20
    • 0040473718 scopus 로고
    • Nationalism in the history textbooks of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria
    • October
    • For Bulgaria, see Milčo Lalkov, "Vuprosite na balkanskata istorija v kursa po obšta i bulgarska istorija na srednite učilišta," Vekove 4 (1973): 68-71. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, John Georgeoff recognized a much more Soviet-centered than nation-centered quality in the Bulgarian textbooks. John Georgeoff, "Nationalism in the History Textbooks of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria," Comparative Education Review (October 1966): 442-50. For other Balkan countries, Wolfgang Höpken, ed., Oil on Fire - Öl ins Feuer? Textbooks, Ethnic Stereotypes and Violence in South-Eastern Europe - Schulbücher, ethnische Stereotypen und Gewalt in Südosteuropa (Hannover: Hahn, 1996).
    • (1966) Comparative Education Review , pp. 442-450
    • Georgeoff, J.1
  • 21
    • 26544453984 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hannover: Hahn
    • For Bulgaria, see Milčo Lalkov, "Vuprosite na balkanskata istorija v kursa po obšta i bulgarska istorija na srednite učilišta," Vekove 4 (1973): 68-71. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, John Georgeoff recognized a much more Soviet-centered than nation-centered quality in the Bulgarian textbooks. John Georgeoff, "Nationalism in the History Textbooks of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria," Comparative Education Review (October 1966): 442-50. For other Balkan countries, Wolfgang Höpken, ed., Oil on Fire - Öl ins Feuer? Textbooks, Ethnic Stereotypes and Violence in South-Eastern Europe -Schulbücher, ethnische Stereotypen und Gewalt in Südosteuropa (Hannover: Hahn, 1996).
    • (1996) Oil on Fire - Öl Ins Feuer? Textbooks, Ethnic Stereotypes and Violence in South-eastern Europe -schulbücher, Ethnische Stereotypen und Gewalt in Südosteuropa
    • Höpken, W.1
  • 22
    • 0342845118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • History textbooks in Greece and Turkey
    • Autumn
    • Herkules Millas, "History Textbooks in Greece and Turkey," History Workshop 31 (Autumn 1991), 21-33; Nikos Achlis, I ghitoniki mas wulghari ke turki sta scholika wiwlia istorias ghmnasiou ke likeiou (Thessaloniki, 1983); Ana Frangoudaki, I ta anaghnostika wiwlia tou dhimotikou scholeiou (Athens, 1979); Ana Frangoudaki and Thalia Dragonas, Greece, in Magne Angvik and Bodo von Boerries, eds., Youth and History:
    • (1991) History Workshop , vol.31 , pp. 21-33
    • Millas, H.1
  • 23
    • 0342845118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Thessaloniki
    • Herkules Millas, "History Textbooks in Greece and Turkey," History Workshop 31 (Autumn 1991), 21-33; Nikos Achlis, I ghitoniki mas wulghari ke turki sta scholika wiwlia istorias ghmnasiou ke likeiou (Thessaloniki, 1983); Ana Frangoudaki, I ta anaghnostika wiwlia tou dhimotikou scholeiou (Athens, 1979); Ana Frangoudaki and Thalia Dragonas, Greece, in Magne Angvik and Bodo von Boerries, eds., Youth and History:
    • (1983) I Ghitoniki Mas Wulghari ke Turki Sta Scholika Wiwlia Istorias Ghmnasiou ke Likeiou
    • Achlis, N.1
  • 24
    • 0342845118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Athens
    • Herkules Millas, "History Textbooks in Greece and Turkey," History Workshop 31 (Autumn 1991), 21-33; Nikos Achlis, I ghitoniki mas wulghari ke turki sta scholika wiwlia istorias ghmnasiou ke likeiou (Thessaloniki, 1983); Ana Frangoudaki, I ta anaghnostika wiwlia tou dhimotikou scholeiou (Athens, 1979); Ana Frangoudaki and Thalia Dragonas, Greece, in Magne Angvik and Bodo von Boerries, eds., Youth and History:
    • (1979) I ta Anaghnostika Wiwlia tou Dhimotikou Scholeiou
    • Frangoudaki, A.1
  • 25
    • 0342845118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Greece
    • Magne Angvik and Bodo von Boerries, eds.
    • Herkules Millas, "History Textbooks in Greece and Turkey," History Workshop 31 (Autumn 1991), 21-33; Nikos Achlis, I ghitoniki mas wulghari ke turki sta scholika wiwlia istorias ghmnasiou ke likeiou (Thessaloniki, 1983); Ana Frangoudaki, I ta anaghnostika wiwlia tou dhimotikou scholeiou (Athens, 1979); Ana Frangoudaki and Thalia Dragonas, Greece, in Magne Angvik and Bodo von Boerries, eds., Youth and History:
    • Youth and History
    • Frangoudaki, A.1    Dragonas, T.2
  • 26
    • 0040473709 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The presentation of wars in history textbooks in Greece
    • Wolfgang Höpken, ed.
    • Irene Lagani, "The Presentation of Wars in History Textbooks in Greece" in Wolfgang Höpken, ed., Oil on Fire - Öl ins Feuer? 231; Mark Mazower, "The Cold War and the Appropriation of Memory: Greece After Liberation," East European Politics and Societies 9:2 (1992): 272-94. For a study of how the memory of the civil war and also one of the anti-Ottoman wars still influences the social community, see Anna Collard, "Investigating 'Social Memory' in a Greek Context," in Elizabeth Tonkin, Maryon McDonald, and Malcolm Chapman, eds., History and Ethnicity (New York: 1989), 89-103.
    • Oil on Fire - Öl Ins Feuer? , pp. 231
    • Lagani, I.1
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    • The cold war and the appropriation of memory: Greece after liberation
    • Irene Lagani, "The Presentation of Wars in History Textbooks in Greece" in Wolfgang Höpken, ed., Oil on Fire - Öl ins Feuer? 231; Mark Mazower, "The Cold War and the Appropriation of Memory: Greece After Liberation," East European Politics and Societies 9:2 (1992): 272-94. For a study of how the memory of the civil war and also one of the anti-Ottoman wars still influences the social community, see Anna Collard, "Investigating 'Social Memory' in a Greek Context," in Elizabeth Tonkin, Maryon McDonald, and Malcolm Chapman, eds., History and Ethnicity (New York: 1989), 89-103.
    • (1992) East European Politics and Societies , vol.9 , Issue.2 , pp. 272-294
    • Mazower, M.1
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    • Investigating 'social memory' in a Greek context
    • Elizabeth Tonkin, Maryon McDonald, and Malcolm Chapman, eds., New York
    • Irene Lagani, "The Presentation of Wars in History Textbooks in Greece" in Wolfgang Höpken, ed., Oil on Fire - Öl ins Feuer? 231; Mark Mazower, "The Cold War and the Appropriation of Memory: Greece After Liberation," East European Politics and Societies 9:2 (1992): 272-94. For a study of how the memory of the civil war and also one of the anti-Ottoman wars still influences the social community, see Anna Collard, "Investigating 'Social Memory' in a Greek Context," in Elizabeth Tonkin, Maryon McDonald, and Malcolm Chapman, eds., History and Ethnicity (New York: 1989), 89-103.
    • (1989) History and Ethnicity , pp. 89-103
    • Collard, A.1
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    • A surfeit of memory
    • Charles S. Maier, "A Surfeit of Memory," History and Memory 5 (1993): 50.
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    • Was bedeuted aufarbeitung der vergangenheit?
    • Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Edition
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    • Adorno, T.W.1
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    • Historiography of the countries of Eastern Europe: Yugoslavia
    • Ivo Banac, "Historiography of the Countries of Eastern Europe: Yugoslavia," American Historical Review 97:4 (1992): 1083-1104; Wolfgang Höpken, "Von der Mythologisierung zur Stigmatisierung Krieg und Revolution," in Eva Schmidt-Hartmann, ed., Jugoslawien 1941-1948 im Spiegel von Geschichtswisenschaft und historischer Publizistik, in Kommunismus und Osteuropa. Konzepte, Perspektiven und Interpretationen im Wan del (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1994), 165-201. Critical on the development of Yugoslav war historiography, but in my view still overestimating its progress over time is Ljubodrad Dimić, "Od tvrdnje do znanja. Prilog istoriji istoriografije o Jugoslaviji u ratu 1941-1945," Vojnoistorijski Glasnik 1-2 (1996): 199-214; and Mile Bjelajac, "Pregled novije jugoslovenske istoriografije o pokretu Dragoljuba Mihajlovića i gradjanskom ratu," in Peter Radan, ed., Draza Mihajlovic (1893-1946): Fifty Years After His Death (Sydney: Serbian Studies Foundation, 1996), 79-94.
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    • Banac, I.1
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    • Eva Schmidt-Hartmann, ed., Munich: Oldenbourg
    • Ivo Banac, "Historiography of the Countries of Eastern Europe: Yugoslavia," American Historical Review 97:4 (1992): 1083-1104; Wolfgang Höpken, "Von der Mythologisierung zur Stigmatisierung Krieg und Revolution," in Eva Schmidt-Hartmann, ed., Jugoslawien 1941-1948 im Spiegel von Geschichtswisenschaft und historischer Publizistik, in Kommunismus und Osteuropa. Konzepte, Perspektiven und Interpretationen im Wan del (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1994), 165-201. Critical on the development of Yugoslav war historiography, but in my view still overestimating its progress over time is Ljubodrad Dimić, "Od tvrdnje do znanja. Prilog istoriji istoriografije o Jugoslaviji u ratu 1941-1945," Vojnoistorijski Glasnik 1-2 (1996): 199-214; and Mile Bjelajac, "Pregled novije jugoslovenske istoriografije o pokretu Dragoljuba Mihajlovića i gradjanskom ratu," in Peter Radan, ed., Draza Mihajlovic (1893-1946): Fifty Years After His Death (Sydney: Serbian Studies Foundation, 1996), 79-94.
    • (1994) Jugoslawien 1941-1948 Im Spiegel Von Geschichtswisenschaft und Historischer Publizistik, in Kommunismus und Osteuropa. Konzepte, Perspektiven und Interpretationen Im Wan del , pp. 165-201
    • Höpken, W.1
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    • Od tvrdnje do znanja. Prilog istoriji istoriografije o jugoslaviji u ratu 1941-1945
    • Ivo Banac, "Historiography of the Countries of Eastern Europe: Yugoslavia," American Historical Review 97:4 (1992): 1083-1104; Wolfgang Höpken, "Von der Mythologisierung zur Stigmatisierung Krieg und Revolution," in Eva Schmidt-Hartmann, ed., Jugoslawien 1941-1948 im Spiegel von Geschichtswisenschaft und historischer Publizistik, in Kommunismus und Osteuropa. Konzepte, Perspektiven und Interpretationen im Wan del (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1994), 165-201. Critical on the development of Yugoslav war historiography, but in my view still overestimating its progress over time is Ljubodrad Dimić, "Od tvrdnje do znanja. Prilog istoriji istoriografije o Jugoslaviji u ratu 1941-1945," Vojnoistorijski Glasnik 1-2 (1996): 199-214; and Mile Bjelajac, "Pregled novije jugoslovenske istoriografije o pokretu Dragoljuba Mihajlovića i gradjanskom ratu," in Peter Radan, ed., Draza Mihajlovic (1893-1946): Fifty Years After His Death (Sydney: Serbian Studies Foundation, 1996), 79-94.
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    • Dimić, L.1
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    • Pregled novije jugoslovenske istoriografije o pokretu dragoljuba mihajlovića i gradjanskom ratu
    • Peter Radan, ed., Sydney: Serbian Studies Foundation
    • Ivo Banac, "Historiography of the Countries of Eastern Europe: Yugoslavia," American Historical Review 97:4 (1992): 1083-1104; Wolfgang Höpken, "Von der Mythologisierung zur Stigmatisierung Krieg und Revolution," in Eva Schmidt-Hartmann, ed., Jugoslawien 1941-1948 im Spiegel von Geschichtswisenschaft und historischer Publizistik, in Kommunismus und Osteuropa. Konzepte, Perspektiven und Interpretationen im Wan del (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1994), 165-201. Critical on the development of Yugoslav war historiography, but in my view still overestimating its progress over time is Ljubodrad Dimić, "Od tvrdnje do znanja. Prilog istoriji istoriografije o Jugoslaviji u ratu 1941-1945," Vojnoistorijski Glasnik 1-2 (1996): 199-214; and Mile Bjelajac, "Pregled novije jugoslovenske istoriografije o pokretu Dragoljuba Mihajlovića i gradjanskom ratu," in Peter Radan, ed., Draza Mihajlovic (1893-1946): Fifty Years After His Death (Sydney: Serbian Studies Foundation, 1996), 79-94.
    • (1996) Draza Mihajlovic (1893-1946): Fifty Years After His Death , pp. 79-94
    • Bjelajac, M.1
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    • Beograd: Novinsko-izdavačka ustanova "Vojska,"
    • Branko Petranović, Istoričar i savremena epocha (Beograd: Novinsko-izdavačka ustanova "Vojska," 1994), 142.
    • (1994) Istoričar i Savremena Epocha , pp. 142
    • Petranović, B.1
  • 36
    • 0040473648 scopus 로고
    • Vrednosni sistem osnovnoškolskih dužbeniko
    • Diana Plut et al., "Vrednosni sistem osnovnoškolskih dužbeniko," Psiholoska istrazivanja 4 (1990): 141-204; and Ružica Rosandić and Vesna Pešić, eds., Ratništvo, patriotizam, patrijarhalnost (Beograd: Centar za antiratnu akciju, 1994) 39-54.
    • (1990) Psiholoska Istrazivanja , vol.4 , pp. 141-204
    • Plut, D.1
  • 37
    • 84903042567 scopus 로고
    • Beograd: Centar za antiratnu akciju
    • Diana Plut et al., "Vrednosni sistem osnovnoškolskih dužbeniko," Psiholoska istrazivanja 4 (1990): 141-204; and Ružica Rosandić and Vesna Pešić, eds., Ratništvo, patriotizam, patrijarhalnost (Beograd: Centar za antiratnu akciju, 1994) 39-54.
    • (1994) Ratništvo, Patriotizam, Patrijarhalnost , pp. 39-54
    • Rosandić, R.1    Pešić, V.2
  • 38
    • 84937313943 scopus 로고
    • Problems of persuasion: Communist agitation and propaganda in post-war Yugoslavia, 1944-1948
    • As Carol Lilly has shown, quarrels about textbooks appeared rather early between the republics and central state institutions, even during the period of strong centralism in the late 1940s. Carol Lilly, "Problems of Persuasion: Communist Agitation and Propaganda in Post-War Yugoslavia, 1944-1948," Slavic Review 53:2 (1994): 395-413. These debates were obviously conflicts over decision-making resources but had little impact on the patterns of description and interpretation which in most part remained uniform in their basic assumptions.
    • (1994) Slavic Review , vol.53 , Issue.2 , pp. 395-413
    • Lilly, C.1
  • 39
    • 4243904371 scopus 로고
    • Oslobodilački ili gradjanski rat
    • Miroljub Vašić, "Oslobodilački ili gradjanski rat," Tokovi istorije 1-2 (1993): 173.
    • (1993) Tokovi Istorije , vol.1-2 , pp. 173
    • Vašić, M.1
  • 40
    • 0041067900 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The following textbooks were used during the late '70s in Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia: Istorija najnovijeg doba za IV.razred gimnazije (Beograd, 1973); Istorija najnovijeg doba za IV.razred gimnazije (Beograd, 1976); Istorija za VIII. razred osnovne škole (Beograd, 1976); Istorija za. VIII. razred osnovne škole (Beograd, 1973); Povijest 2. Udžbenik za usmjereno obrazovanje, 3rd ed. (Zagreb, 1988); Zgodovina za osmi razred osnovnih šol (Ljubljana, 1969); and Zgodovina za osmi razred razred (Ljubljana, 1976). It is interesting, but no less significant, that it was the Slovenian textbooks that offered the most information on, for example, the Jasenovac concentration camp. The Croatian and the Serbian texts obviously wanted to avoid making this topic a matter for discussion in the two republics that were the most activity involved.
  • 41
    • 84981915786 scopus 로고
    • Dismembering Yugoslavia: Nationalist ideologies and the symbolic revival of genocide
    • Bette Denich, "Dismembering Yugoslavia: Nationalist Ideologies and the Symbolic Revival of Genocide," American Ethnologist 21:2 (1994): 367-90.
    • (1994) American Ethnologist , vol.21 , Issue.2 , pp. 367-390
    • Denich, B.1
  • 42
    • 0005384126 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Die vergegenwärtigung von vergangenem. Zum spannungsverhältinis von individueller erinnerung und öffentlichem gedenken
    • Peter Steinbach, "Die Vergegenwärtigung von Vergangenem. Zum Spannungsverhältinis von individueller Erinnerung und öffentlichem Gedenken," Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 3-4 (1997): 3-13.
    • (1997) Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte , vol.3-4 , pp. 3-13
    • Steinbach, P.1
  • 43
    • 4243779453 scopus 로고
    • Jedan ili više ratoya
    • Slobodan Inić, "Jedan ili više ratoya," Tokovi istorije 1-2 (1993): 137f.
    • (1993) Tokovi Istorije , vol.1-2
    • Inić, S.1
  • 44
    • 0040473714 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • D. Plut et al., "Vrednosni sistem," 198; R. Rosandić and V. Pešić, Ratnistvo, 55.
    • Vrednosni Sistem , pp. 198
    • Plut, D.1
  • 46
    • 0039288923 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • As an example of a mid-1970s history textbook that explicitly makes the "partisan morality the basis of our socialist morality," see Istorija najnovijeg doba za IV.razred gimnazije (Beograd, 1976), 117.
  • 47
    • 4243829676 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • B. Trebjesanin, Patriotzam, 86f; Zagorka Golubović, "Nekoliko teza o teorijskim pretpostavkama za slom Jugoslavije," Raspad Jugoslavije (Belgrade: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 1994), 36-38.
    • Patriotzam
    • Trebjesanin, B.1
  • 48
    • 0039288879 scopus 로고
    • Nekoliko teza o teorijskim pretpostavkama za slom jugoslavije
    • Belgrade: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju
    • B. Trebjesanin, Patriotzam, 86f; Zagorka Golubović, "Nekoliko teza o teorijskim pretpostavkama za slom Jugoslavije," Raspad Jugoslavije (Belgrade: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 1994), 36-38.
    • (1994) Raspad Jugoslavije , pp. 36-38
    • Golubović, Z.1
  • 49
    • 0039288925 scopus 로고
    • Kriegserinnerung und kriegbegeisterung
    • M. van der Linden, and G. Mergner, eds., Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
    • George L. Mosse, "Kriegserinnerung und Kriegbegeisterung," in M. van der Linden, and G. Mergner, eds., Kriegführung und mentale Kriegsvorbereitung (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1991), 28.
    • (1991) Kriegführung und Mentale Kriegsvorbereitung , pp. 28
    • Mosse, G.L.1
  • 50
    • 0041067847 scopus 로고
    • Nationalism as reflected in the textbooks of south slavs in the 19th century
    • Charles Jelavich, "Nationalism as Reflected in the Textbooks of South Slavs in the 19th Century," Canadian Review of Nationalism 16:1-2 (1989): 28.
    • (1989) Canadian Review of Nationalism , vol.16 , Issue.1-2 , pp. 28
    • Jelavich, C.1
  • 51
    • 0002823629 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Recounting the dead: The rediscovery of wartime massacres in late-and post-communist Yugoslavia
    • Rubie Watson, ed., Santa Fe: School of American Research
    • Robert Hayden, "Recounting the Dead: The Rediscovery of Wartime Massacres in Late-and Post-Communist Yugoslavia," in Rubie Watson, ed., Memory, History and Opposition Under State Socialism, (Santa Fe: School of American Research, 1993), 168-70.
    • (1993) Memory, History and Opposition Under State Socialism , pp. 168-170
    • Hayden, R.1
  • 52
    • 0041067904 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • the resolution by the intellectuals associated with the Serbian Academy of Science to "reexamine critically the historical role of Josip Broz Tito," Danas 16.8 (August 1988): 24.
  • 53
    • 0003304025 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The last ambassador
    • Warren Zimmerman, "The Last Ambassador," Foreign Affairs 74:2 (1995): 3.
    • (1995) Foreign Affairs , vol.74 , Issue.2 , pp. 3
    • Zimmerman, W.1
  • 55
    • 0040473705 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Mandate of history: Serbian national identity and ethnic conflict in the former yugoslavia
    • John S. Micgiel, ed., New York: Columbia University
    • On historical self-image, see Ivelin Sardamov, "Mandate of History: Serbian National Identity and Ethnic Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia," in John S. Micgiel, ed., State and Nation Building in East Central Europe: Contemporary Perspectives (New York: Columbia University, 1996), 17-37; Wolfgang Höpken, "Geschichte und Gewalt. Geschichtsbewußtsein im jugoslawischen Konflikt," Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research 15:1 (1993): 55-73; Nebojša Popov, Srpski populisam. Od marginalne do dominantne pojave (Beograd, 1993), A typical example of historical self-image is Veselin Djuretić, Razaranje Srpstva u XX.veku (Beograd, SANU, 1992).
    • (1996) State and Nation Building in East Central Europe: Contemporary Perspectives , pp. 17-37
    • Sardamov, I.1
  • 56
    • 64549152619 scopus 로고
    • Geschichte und gewalt. Geschichtsbewußtsein im jugoslawischen konflikt
    • On historical self-image, see Ivelin Sardamov, "Mandate of History: Serbian National Identity and Ethnic Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia," in John S. Micgiel, ed., State and Nation Building in East Central Europe: Contemporary Perspectives (New York: Columbia University, 1996), 17-37; Wolfgang Höpken, "Geschichte und Gewalt. Geschichtsbewußtsein im jugoslawischen Konflikt," Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research 15:1 (1993): 55-73; Nebojša Popov, Srpski populisam. Od marginalne do dominantne pojave (Beograd, 1993), A typical example of historical self-image is Veselin Djuretić, Razaranje Srpstva u XX.veku (Beograd, SANU, 1992).
    • (1993) Internationale Schulbuchforschung-international Textbook Research , vol.15 , Issue.1 , pp. 55-73
    • Höpken, W.1
  • 57
    • 0007014257 scopus 로고
    • Beograd
    • On historical self-image, see Ivelin Sardamov, "Mandate of History: Serbian National Identity and Ethnic Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia," in John S. Micgiel, ed., State and Nation Building in East Central Europe: Contemporary Perspectives (New York: Columbia University, 1996), 17-37; Wolfgang Höpken, "Geschichte und Gewalt. Geschichtsbewußtsein im jugoslawischen Konflikt," Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research 15:1 (1993): 55-73; Nebojša Popov, Srpski populisam. Od marginalne do dominantne pojave (Beograd, 1993), A typical example of historical self-image is Veselin Djuretić, Razaranje Srpstva u XX.veku (Beograd, SANU, 1992).
    • (1993) Srpski Populisam. Od Marginalne Do Dominantne Pojave
    • Popov, N.1
  • 58
    • 0040473706 scopus 로고
    • Beograd, SANU
    • On historical self-image, see Ivelin Sardamov, "Mandate of History: Serbian National Identity and Ethnic Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia," in John S. Micgiel, ed., State and Nation Building in East Central Europe: Contemporary Perspectives (New York: Columbia University, 1996), 17-37; Wolfgang Höpken, "Geschichte und Gewalt. Geschichtsbewußtsein im jugoslawischen Konflikt," Internationale Schulbuchforschung-International Textbook Research 15:1 (1993): 55-73; Nebojša Popov, Srpski populisam. Od marginalne do dominantne pojave (Beograd, 1993), A typical example of historical self-image is Veselin Djuretić, Razaranje Srpstva u XX.veku (Beograd, SANU, 1992).
    • (1992) Razaranje Srpstva u XX.veku
    • Djuretić, V.1
  • 60
    • 79955326248 scopus 로고
    • Belgrade: Politika
    • Numerous examples of this can be found in Dobrica Ćosić, Srpsko pitanje-demokratsko pitanje (Belgrade: Politika, 1992), 26, 32, 36, 39, 43, 148; Dobrica Ćosić, Promene (Novi Sad: Dnevnik, 1991), 221, 241
    • (1992) Srpsko Pitanje-demokratsko Pitanje , pp. 26
    • Ćosić, D.1
  • 61
    • 4243341829 scopus 로고
    • Novi Sad: Dnevnik
    • Numerous examples of this can be found in Dobrica Ćosić, Srpsko pitanje-demokratsko pitanje (Belgrade: Politika, 1992), 26, 32, 36, 39, 43, 148; Dobrica Ćosić, Promene (Novi Sad: Dnevnik, 1991), 221, 241
    • (1991) Promene , pp. 221
    • Ćosić, D.1
  • 62
    • 26544460507 scopus 로고
    • O istorijskoj sudbini srbo
    • Belgrade
    • Radovan Samardžić, "O istorijskoj sudbini Srbo," Zadužbina Miloša Crnjanskog: Serbia i komentari za 1990/91 (Belgrade, 1991), 165-84. For similar quotations from Samardžić's numerous interviews and statements during the late '80s and early '90s, see ibid., "Na rubu istorije" (Belgrade: Srpska Književna Zadruga, 1994), 191.
    • (1991) Zadužbina Miloša Crnjanskog: Serbia I Komentari Za 1990/91 , pp. 165-184
    • Samardžić, R.1
  • 63
    • 0039880806 scopus 로고
    • Belgrade: Srpska Književna Zadruga
    • Radovan Samardžić, "O istorijskoj sudbini Srbo," Zadužbina Miloša Crnjanskog: Serbia i komentari za 1990/91 (Belgrade, 1991), 165-84. For similar quotations from Samardžić's numerous interviews and statements during the late '80s and early '90s, see ibid., "Na rubu istorije" (Belgrade: Srpska Književna Zadruga, 1994), 191.
    • (1994) Na Rubu Istorije , pp. 191
  • 65
    • 26544454739 scopus 로고
    • Aristokratska vertikala u srpskoj istoriji
    • Beograd: SANU
    • Radovan Samardžić, "Aristokratska vertikala u srpskoj istoriji," Srbi u evropskoj civilizaciji (Beograd: SANU, 1993), 9-20; Aleksa Djilas, ed., "O istorijskoj karakter Srba," in Srpsko pitanje (Belgarde: Politika, 1991), 9-20; and Samardžić, Na rubu istorije, 147, 173, 212, 285.
    • (1993) Srbi u Evropskoj Civilizaciji , pp. 9-20
    • Samardžić, R.1
  • 66
    • 0039288920 scopus 로고
    • O istorijskoj karakter srba
    • Belgarde: Politika
    • Radovan Samardžić, "Aristokratska vertikala u srpskoj istoriji," Srbi u evropskoj civilizaciji (Beograd: SANU, 1993), 9-20; Aleksa Djilas, ed., "O istorijskoj karakter Srba," in Srpsko pitanje (Belgarde: Politika, 1991), 9-20; and Samardžić, Na rubu istorije, 147, 173, 212, 285.
    • (1991) Srpsko Pitanje , pp. 9-20
    • Djilas, A.1
  • 67
    • 4243308019 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Radovan Samardžić, "Aristokratska vertikala u srpskoj istoriji," Srbi u evropskoj civilizaciji (Beograd: SANU, 1993), 9-20; Aleksa Djilas, ed., "O istorijskoj karakter Srba," in Srpsko pitanje (Belgarde: Politika, 1991), 9-20; and Samardžić, Na rubu istorije, 147, 173, 212, 285.
    • Na Rubu Istorije , pp. 147
    • Samardžić1
  • 70
    • 4243308019 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Samardžić, Na rubu istorije, 258; the accusation that this topic had been taboo comes from the Croatian side, but from the perspective that it had always been used as a weapon to discredit Croats. See also Franjo Tudjman, Bespuća historjske zbilnosti, 2nd ed. (Zagreb: Matica Hrvatska, 1989), 114.
    • Na Rubu Istorije , pp. 258
    • Samardžić1
  • 71
    • 0039880767 scopus 로고
    • Zagreb: Matica Hrvatska
    • Samardžić, Na rubu istorije, 258; the accusation that this topic had been taboo comes from the Croatian side, but from the perspective that it had always been used as a weapon to discredit Croats. See also Franjo Tudjman, Bespuća historjske zbilnosti, 2nd ed. (Zagreb: Matica Hrvatska, 1989), 114.
    • (1989) Bespuća Historjske Zbilnosti, 2nd Ed. , pp. 114
    • Tudjman, F.1
  • 72
    • 0041067843 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Given the absolute number of victims by ethnic groups, there is some support for the Serbian position. In absolute terms, Serbs suffered most among the Yugoslav peoples, while in relative terms Muslims had an equal share of victims. The figures in Vladimir Žerjavić, Gubici stanovništva Jugoslavije u drugom svjetskom ratu (Zagreb, 1989).
  • 74
    • 0041067850 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • September 1986
    • Vasilije Krestić, "O genezi genocida nad Srbima u NDH," Književne novine, 716 (September 1986), dating back to the Croatian attempts at genocide in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; Nikola Samardžić, "Genocid nad Srbima 1941-1945," Zadužbina Miloša Crnjanskog, 231-49; and Peter Opačić, ed., Genocid nad Srbima u XX.veku (Belgarde: Grafopublik, 1992).
    • O Genezi Genocida Nad Srbima u NDH, Književne Novine , vol.716
    • Krestić, V.1
  • 75
    • 4243308018 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Genocid nad srbima 1941-1945
    • Vasilije Krestić, "O genezi genocida nad Srbima u NDH," Književne novine, 716 (September 1986), dating back to the Croatian attempts at genocide in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; Nikola Samardžić, "Genocid nad Srbima 1941-1945," Zadužbina Miloša Crnjanskog, 231-49; and Peter Opačić, ed., Genocid nad Srbima u XX.veku (Belgarde: Grafopublik, 1992).
    • Zadužbina Miloša Crnjanskog , pp. 231-249
    • Samardžić, N.1
  • 76
    • 26544471557 scopus 로고
    • Belgarde: Grafopublik
    • Vasilije Krestić, "O genezi genocida nad Srbima u NDH," Književne novine, 716 (September 1986), dating back to the Croatian attempts at genocide in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; Nikola Samardžić, "Genocid nad Srbima 1941-1945," Zadužbina Miloša Crnjanskog, 231-49; and Peter Opačić, ed., Genocid nad Srbima u XX.veku (Belgarde: Grafopublik, 1992).
    • (1992) Genocid Nad Srbima u XX.veku
    • Opačić, P.1
  • 77
    • 0039288869 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hayden, Recounting the Death, 172-79; Denitch, Dismembering Yugoslavia, 378.
    • Recounting the Death , pp. 172-179
  • 79
    • 0007012222 scopus 로고
    • Belgrade: Slovograf
    • Ivan Čolović, Bordel ratnika (Belgrade: Slovograf, 1993). For other examples, see also Milena Dragičević-Šesić, Neofolk kultura (Novi Sad: Izd.knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, 1994), 183-91; Milica Bakić Hayden, "Nesting Orientalism: The Case of the Former Yugoslavia," Slavic Review 54:4 (1995): 925.
    • (1993) Bordel Ratnika
    • Čolović, I.1
  • 80
    • 26544456040 scopus 로고
    • Novi Sad: Izd.knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića
    • Ivan Čolović, Bordel ratnika (Belgrade: Slovograf, 1993). For other examples, see also Milena Dragičević-Šesić, Neofolk kultura (Novi Sad: Izd.knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, 1994), 183-91; Milica Bakić Hayden, "Nesting Orientalism: The Case of the Former Yugoslavia," Slavic Review 54:4 (1995): 925.
    • (1994) Neofolk Kultura , pp. 183-191
    • Dragičević-Šesić, M.1
  • 81
    • 84937296939 scopus 로고
    • Nesting orientalism: The case of the former Yugoslavia
    • Ivan Čolović, Bordel ratnika (Belgrade: Slovograf, 1993). For other examples, see also Milena Dragičević-Šesić, Neofolk kultura (Novi Sad: Izd.knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, 1994), 183-91; Milica Bakić Hayden, "Nesting Orientalism: The Case of the Former Yugoslavia," Slavic Review 54:4 (1995): 925.
    • (1995) Slavic Review , vol.54 , Issue.4 , pp. 925
    • Hayden, M.B.1
  • 82
    • 0041067839 scopus 로고
    • Belgrade: Beogradski krug
    • On the question of language during the nationalist confrontation and the war in Yugoslavia, see Ranko Bugarski, Jezik ot rata do mira (Belgrade: Beogradski krug, 1994), esp. 79.
    • (1994) Jezik ot Rata do Mira , pp. 79
    • Bugarski, R.1
  • 84
    • 4243776985 scopus 로고
    • Ukupni demografski i neposredni ratni gubici u stanovništvu sfrj na dan 15.Iii. Godine zbog drugog svetskog rata
    • Bruno Bušić "Ukupni demografski i neposredni ratni gubici u stanovništvu SFRJ na dan 15.III. godine zbog Drugog Svetskog rata," Hrvatski Književni list 2:10 (1969). The question of the victims of Ustaša politics also became a matter for discussion during the so-called Croatian Spring in 1971 and was behind the conflicts Croatian president Tudjman encountered with the party as a historian from the late 1960s onward. See F. Tudjman, Bespuća, 10-76.
    • (1969) Hrvatski Književni List , vol.2 , Issue.10
    • Bušić, B.1
  • 85
    • 0039880761 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Bruno Bušić "Ukupni demografski i neposredni ratni gubici u stanovništvu SFRJ na dan 15.III. godine zbog Drugog Svetskog rata," Hrvatski Književni list 2:10 (1969). The question of the victims of Ustaša politics also became a matter for discussion during the so-called Croatian Spring in 1971 and was behind the conflicts Croatian president Tudjman encountered with the party as a historian from the late 1960s onward. See F. Tudjman, Bespuća, 10-76.
    • Bespuća , pp. 10-76
    • Tudjman, F.1
  • 86
    • 0039288864 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • For example, the way the question is treated by Fikreta Jelić-Butić who mentions the official figures but clearly wants to avoid confirming them. Ustaše i NDH, 2nd ed. (Zagreb: Liber 1978), 185-87.
  • 87
    • 0040473645 scopus 로고
    • Zašto je potrebno znati istinu o jasenovcu
    • Ljubo Boban, ed. Zagreb: Školska knjiga
    • Ljubo Boban, "Zašto je potrebno znati istinu o Jasenovcu." Ljubo Boban, ed. Kontroverze iz povijesti Jugoslavije 3 (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1990), 329; see also his debate with Robert Hayden in East European Politics and Societies 4:3 (1990): 580-92; ibid. 6:2 (1992): 207-17, and ibid. 7:3 (1993): 185-90.
    • (1990) Kontroverze iz Povijesti Jugoslavije , vol.3 , pp. 329
    • Boban, L.1
  • 88
    • 84930556386 scopus 로고
    • Ljubo Boban, "Zašto je potrebno znati istinu o Jasenovcu." Ljubo Boban, ed. Kontroverze iz povijesti Jugoslavije 3 (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1990), 329; see also his debate with Robert Hayden in East European Politics and Societies 4:3 (1990): 580-92; ibid. 6:2 (1992): 207-17, and ibid. 7:3 (1993): 185-90.
    • (1990) East European Politics and Societies , vol.4 , Issue.3 , pp. 580-592
    • Hayden, R.1
  • 89
    • 84976933273 scopus 로고
    • Ljubo Boban, "Zašto je potrebno znati istinu o Jasenovcu." Ljubo Boban, ed. Kontroverze iz povijesti Jugoslavije 3 (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1990), 329; see also his debate with Robert Hayden in East European Politics and Societies 4:3 (1990): 580-92; ibid. 6:2 (1992): 207-17, and ibid. 7:3 (1993): 185-90.
    • (1992) East European Politics and Societies , vol.6 , Issue.2 , pp. 207-217
  • 90
    • 84964055719 scopus 로고
    • Ljubo Boban, "Zašto je potrebno znati istinu o Jasenovcu." Ljubo Boban, ed. Kontroverze iz povijesti Jugoslavije 3 (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1990), 329; see also his debate with Robert Hayden in East European Politics and Societies 4:3 (1990): 580-92; ibid. 6:2 (1992): 207-17, and ibid. 7:3 (1993): 185-90.
    • (1993) East European Politics and Societies , vol.7 , Issue.3 , pp. 185-190
  • 93
    • 84900461279 scopus 로고
    • Beograd: Književne novine
    • Aleksa Djilas, Osporavana zemlja (Beograd: Književne novine, 1990), 175; Srdjan Bogoslavljević, "Nerasvetljeni genocia," Srpska strana rata, 159.
    • (1990) Osporavana Zemlja , pp. 175
    • Djilas, A.1
  • 94
    • 0041067837 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Nerasvetljeni genocia
    • Aleksa Djilas, Osporavana zemlja (Beograd: Književne novine, 1990), 175; Srdjan Bogoslavljević, "Nerasvetljeni genocia," Srpska strana rata, 159.
    • Srpska Strana Rata , pp. 159
    • Bogoslavljević, S.1
  • 97
    • 0039880749 scopus 로고
    • Wie denkt man kroatische geschichte? geschichtsschreibung als identitätsstiftung
    • Mirjana Gross, "Wie denkt man kroatische Geschichte? Geschichtsschreibung als Identitätsstiftung," Österreichische Osthefte 35:1 (1993): 94.
    • (1993) Österreichische Osthefte , vol.35 , Issue.1 , pp. 94
    • Gross, M.1
  • 98
    • 4243308016 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Skola i vlast
    • Zlatko Šešelj, "Skola i vlast," Erasmus. Casopis za kulturu democracije 15 (1996): 49-52; and Dubravka Ugrešić, Die Kultur der Lüge (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Edition 1995).
    • (1996) Erasmus. Casopis Za Kulturu Democracije , vol.15 , pp. 49-52
    • Šešelj, Z.1
  • 99
    • 4243341828 scopus 로고
    • Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Edition
    • Zlatko Šešelj, "Skola i vlast," Erasmus. Casopis za kulturu democracije 15 (1996): 49-52; and Dubravka Ugrešić, Die Kultur der Lüge (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Edition 1995).
    • (1995) Die Kultur der Lüge
    • Ugrešić, D.1
  • 100
    • 0041067832 scopus 로고
    • Zagreb: Naklada Starčević
    • Višnja Pavelić, ed., Ante Pavelić. 100 godina (Zagreb: Naklada Starčević, 1995); P. Požar, ed., Ustaša: dokumenti o ustaskom pokretu (Zagreb, 1995).
    • (1995) Ante Pavelić. 100 Godina
    • Pavelić, V.1
  • 102
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    • note
    • "Open letter," by Slavko Goldstein, the former chairman of the Jewish Community in Croatia, in Feral tribune (February 1996).
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    • note
    • The Second World War played only a minor role in the Serbo-Slovenian confrontation. It did, however, have a certain impact on politics in so far as addressing the question of partisan terror in public during the early 1980s was part of the demand for political change that led to the end of communist rule.
  • 106
    • 80054468537 scopus 로고
    • Geschichte und vergessen
    • Lucian Hölscher, "Geschichte und Vergessen," Historische Zeitschrift 249 (1989): 1-17.
    • (1989) Historische Zeitschrift , vol.249 , pp. 1-17
    • Hölscher, L.1
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    • note
    • See one of the most recent textbooks, Istorija za VIII.oddelenie (Skopje: 1996), 58-94. There are no substantial differences compared with earlier, post-1991 textbooks or with textbooks for other grades and types of schools. Even Greek critics, who have been furious about the post-1991 Macedonian textbooks, have made relatively few remarks on the description of the Second World War apart from the subject of dealing with Greek territories. They have made more complaints about the geography of Macedonian education and such topics as ancient history or the Balkan wars. See the highly polemic criticism by Evangelos Kofos, The Vision of Greater Macedonia: Remarks from FYROM's New School Textbooks (Thessaloniki, 1994); more restricted in tone but no less critical is Sofia Vouri, "I Balkaniki polemi sti Elawiki scholiki istoriografia," 299-326; and Vouri, "Wars in the Textbook of the Former Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)," 97-102.
  • 108
    • 0039288850 scopus 로고
    • O integracije i dezintegracije srpskognaroda
    • Krestić, ed., Belgrade: BIGZ
    • Vasilije Krestić, "O integracije i dezintegracije srpskognaroda," Krestić, ed., Iz istorije Srba i srpsko-hrvatskich odnosa. (Belgrade: BIGZ, 1994), 313.
    • (1994) Iz Istorije Srba i Srpsko-hrvatskich Odnosa , pp. 313
    • Krestić, V.1
  • 109
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    • Serbian textbooks as a mirror of the time
    • Höpken, ed.
    • Dubravka Stojanović, "Serbian Textbooks as a Mirror of the Time," in Höpken, ed., Oil on fire?, 115-38; Rosandić Pešić, Ratnistvo, 39-53.
    • Oil on Fire? , pp. 115-138
    • Stojanović, D.1
  • 110
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    • Dubravka Stojanović, "Serbian Textbooks as a Mirror of the Time," in Höpken, ed., Oil on fire?, 115-38; Rosandić Pešić, Ratnistvo, 39-53.
    • Ratnistvo , pp. 39-53
    • Pešić, R.1
  • 111
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    • note
    • For an example of a textbook, see Istorija za VIII razred osnovne škole (Belgrade, 1993).
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    • note
    • Even when they are dealing with the partisan war outside Serbia, as, for example, in Croatia, students hear only about Serbian partisans. As far as the reduction of the Yugoslav aspect of the war is concerned, already a superficial look at the people mentioned in the textbooks supports this view: While Tito, who was mentioned dozens of time in former textbooks, is mentioned in the chapter on the Second World War only 10 times (and is almost always referred to by his original name, Josip Broz, instead of by his well-known pseudonym), the name of the Serbian Chetnik leader, Draža Mihajlović, is mentioned 22 times.
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    • While the textbooks have not gone so far as to rehabilitate the Chetnik movement, as has been the case in parts of the academic historiography and the public media, the picture they now portray is clearly much more favorable than in the past. Textbooks are thus largely following the modest revision of the portrait of the Chetniks that, for example, was drawn by the late Serbian historian Branko Petranović in Revolucija i kontrarevolucija u Jugoslaviji (1941-1945) (Belgrade: Rad, 1983). For a much more radical rehabilitation of the Chetniks, one that frees them, more or less, from the accusation of collaboration and shows them as representatives of the Serbian national resistance as opposed to the Yugoslav and socio-revolutionary resistance of the Tito partisans, see Veselin Djuretić, Razaranje Srpstva, 17-260. As a criticism of the Croatian perspective, see Ljubo Roban, "Srpska ratna drama Veselina Djuretić," Kontroverze iz povijesti Jugoslavije 1 (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1989), 399-442.
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    • note
    • For example, Zlatko Šešelj, Škala i vlast, 49-52, criticizes the Tudjman government for creating a second totalitarianism in educational policy.
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    • This criticism was largely aimed at the textbook written by the widely respected historian Ivan Jelić, Povijesna čitanka 4 (Zagreb, 1992) and the textbook Moja domovina (Zagreb, 1991). See Večernji List (April 1992), Večernji List (June 1992), Vjesnik (March 1992), Danas (June 1992), and Glasnik (April 1991) for a description of the conflict about these books that ended with their withdrawal.
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    • note
    • "Besides many full-time and part-time jails, concentration camps were also established, and, by reputation, the most well-known of these was the one in Jasenovac. The Ustase (sic) committed terrible atrocities against Jews, Gypsies, and Serbs. The Ustase also committed atrocities against Croats who did not agree with the politics of terror, and against communists and antifascists as well." See Ivo Perić, Hrvatska i svijet u XX. stoljeću, 3rd. ed. (Zagreb, 1995), 136; see also Pregled povijesti hrvatskog naroda (od VI stoljeća do naših dana (Zagreb, 1994), 287. Both books are supplementary teaching materials; they were not designed for specific classes or types of schools.
  • 118
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    • Ithaca, Cornell University Press
    • Ivo Banac, With Stalin Against Tito: Cominform Splits in Yugoslav Communism (Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1988), 45-116; Jill Irvine, The Croat Question: Partisan Politics in the Formation of the Yugoslav Socialist State (Boulder: Westview, 1993).
    • (1988) With Stalin Against Tito: Cominform Splits in Yugoslav Communism , pp. 45-116
    • Banac, I.1
  • 122
    • 0039880747 scopus 로고
    • Predlog razgrajenega učnega nacrta zgodovine za gimnazije
    • "Predlog razgrajenega učnega nacrta zgodovine za gimnazije," Zgodovinski časopis 48:2 (1992), S. 258-69.
    • (1992) Zgodovinski Časopis , vol.48 , Issue.2 , pp. 258-269
  • 125
    • 0039288847 scopus 로고
    • Was bedeutet aufarbeitung der vergangenheit heute?
    • Leipzig: Reclam
    • Jürgen Habermas, "Was bedeutet Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit heute? Die Moderne-ein unvollendetes Projekt, 3rd ed. (Leipzig: Reclam, 1994), 243.
    • (1994) Die Moderne-ein Unvollendetes Projekt, 3rd Ed. , pp. 243
    • Habermas, J.1

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