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Volumn 29, Issue 2, 1999, Pages 369-394

Ministerial Autonomy or Ministerial Accommodation? Contested Bases of Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies

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EID: 0033439443     PISSN: 00071234     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0007123499000162     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (35)

References (46)
  • 1
    • 34547851929 scopus 로고
    • General Conditions for Global Intransitivities in Formal Voting Models
    • Richard McKelvey, 'General Conditions for Global Intransitivities in Formal Voting Models', Econometrica, 47 (1976), 1085-111.
    • (1976) Econometrica , vol.47 , pp. 1085-1111
    • McKelvey, R.1
  • 3
    • 84971723023 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Coalitions and Cabinet Governments
    • The approach was introduced in Michael Laver and Kenneth Shepsle, 'Coalitions and Cabinet Governments', American Political Science Review, 84 (1990), 873-90, and elaborated much more fully in Michael Laver and Kenneth Shepsle, Making and Breaking Governments: Cabinets and Legislatures in Parliamentary Democracies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
    • (1990) American Political Science Review , vol.84 , pp. 873-890
    • Laver, M.1    Shepsle, K.2
  • 5
    • 0003579088 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The first assumption can be relaxed to allow a single ministry to have jurisdiction over more than one policy dimension; as far as is known at present, the freedom of ministers to impose their parties' policies in their ministries cannot (Laver and Shepsle, Making and Breaking Governments, pp. 235-45).
    • Making and Breaking Governments , pp. 235-245
    • Laver1    Shepsle2
  • 7
    • 0002515087 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the Division of the Question
    • Joseph Kadane, 'On the Division of the Question', Public Choice, 13 (1972), 47-54. Kadane's result assumes a continuous policy space, single-peaked voter preferences and separable dimensions. Laver and Shepsle (Making and Breaking Governments, p. 81) show that the theorem applies when alternatives are limited to those satisfying the portfolio allocation assumptions. That the dimensions are separable is embodied in their assumption that policy dimensions correspond with the jurisdictions of key ministries and that ministers are autonomous from one another.
    • (1972) Public Choice , vol.13 , pp. 47-54
    • Kadane, J.1
  • 8
    • 0002515087 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • show that the theorem applies when alternatives are limited to those satisfying the portfolio allocation assumptions. That the dimensions are separable is embodied in their assumption that policy dimensions correspond with the jurisdictions of key ministries and that ministers are autonomous from one another
    • Joseph Kadane, 'On the Division of the Question', Public Choice, 13 (1972), 47-54. Kadane's result assumes a continuous policy space, single-peaked voter preferences and separable dimensions. Laver and Shepsle (Making and Breaking Governments, p. 81) show that the theorem applies when alternatives are limited to those satisfying the portfolio allocation assumptions. That the dimensions are separable is embodied in their assumption that policy dimensions correspond with the jurisdictions of key ministries and that ministers are autonomous from one another.
    • Making and Breaking Governments , pp. 81
    • Laver1    Shepsle2
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    • 85034548342 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • An 'out-of-equilibrium' or 'non-equilibrium' government refers to a government that does not embody one of the equilibria of the portfolio allocation model; these governments may occupy equilibria that emanate from other theoretical perspectives.
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    • 85034563166 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Whether an MSP forms a government by itself or enters a coalition in its winset depends on whether it can credibly hold out for a single-party government. Either outcome, however, is in equilibrium. The argument that government stability may suffer because this credibility is likely to be highly variable would undercut the usefulness of the equilibrium concept and is not asserted by Laver and Shepsle.
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    • that equilibria based on strong parties are less robust to shocks than those based on empty-winset DDMs. Since VSPs occupy the dimension-by-dimension median, the consequence could be a spurious association between ideological compactness and robustness or longevity. I owe this latter observation to Laver and Shepsle. Note, however, that this reasoning cannot explain the link between majoritarianism and survival. Since Laver and Shepsle use VSP status to explain the formation of minority governments (pp. 262-6), we should expect minority governments to survive longer than majority governments, which is not the case
    • This is true both for equilibrium governments and between them and out-of-equilibrium governments. The latter implication derives from the fragility of out-of-equilibrium governments and the fact that there is no particular reason for them to be compact. The former implication is suggested by Laver and Shepsle's finding (Making and Breaking Governments, pp. 205-6) that equilibria based on strong parties are less robust to shocks than those based on empty-winset DDMs. Since VSPs occupy the dimension-by-dimension median, the consequence could be a spurious association between ideological compactness and robustness or longevity. I owe this latter observation to Laver and Shepsle. Note, however, that this reasoning cannot explain the link between majoritarianism and survival. Since Laver and Shepsle use VSP status to explain the formation of minority governments (pp. 262-6), we should expect minority governments to survive longer than majority governments, which is not the case.
    • Making and Breaking Governments , pp. 205-206
    • Laver1    Shepsle's2
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    • 0003679007 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press
    • The most recent study advancing the importance of majority status and ideological compactness for government survival is Paul V. Warwick, Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
    • (1994) Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies
    • Warwick, P.V.1
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    • 85034541119 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The systems are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and (West) Germany. Legislatures with majority parties were excluded because, although majority parties are also VSPs, these situations conform to PA theory in only a trivial sense - all theories expect such parties to form stable governments. The only other exclusions were legislatures containing sizeable parties that had disappeared by 1989 and consequently were not considered in the Laver and Hunt survey (see below); the Netherlands before the amalgamation of the three confessional parties into the Christian Democratic Appeal is a prominent example. The WINSET program is available for downloading at FTP.TCD.IE; the files are located in the directory /PUB/POLITICS.
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    • 85034561328 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • procedure was to pick the two highest rated portfolios for each system unless there was no statistically significant difference between the ratings allocated to the second and third portfolios, in which case all three were included
    • Laver and Shepsle's (Making and Breaking Governments, pp. 152-4) procedure was to pick the two highest rated portfolios for each system unless there was no statistically significant difference between the ratings allocated to the second and third portfolios, in which case all three were included.
    • Making and Breaking Governments , pp. 152-154
    • Laver1    Shepsle's2
  • 22
    • 0002036090 scopus 로고
    • Political Data 1945-1990: Party Government in 20 Democracies
    • Jaap Woldendorp, Hans Keman and Ian Budge, 'Political Data 1945-1990: Party Government in 20 Democracies', European Journal of Political Research, 24 (1993), 1-120; Keesing's Contemporary Archives (London: Keesing's Publications, 1945-90). In some instances, Woldendorp et al. list more than one minister for a given portfolio whenever two or more ministries partake of the same generic type. Thus, if a system has both a finance and a budget minister, Woldendorp et al. would list both under the 'Finance' category. The ranking of ministries in Laver and Hunt provided the means by which these issues could be resolved in most cases. One exception is Finland after 1982, where 'Finance' and 'Finance (Second)' ministers are listed. Maximum latitude has been granted the theory here: if either portfolio holder fits the prediction, it has been counted as a success for the theory.
    • (1993) European Journal of Political Research , vol.24 , pp. 1-120
    • Woldendorp, J.1    Keman, H.2    Budge, I.3
  • 23
    • 0004319438 scopus 로고
    • London: Keesing's Publications, In some instances, Woldendorp et al. list more than one minister for a given portfolio whenever two or more ministries partake of the same generic type. Thus, if a system has both a finance and a budget minister, Woldendorp et al. would list both under the 'Finance' category. The ranking of ministries in Laver and Hunt provided the means by which these issues could be resolved in most cases. One exception is Finland after 1982, where 'Finance' and 'Finance (Second)' ministers are listed. Maximum latitude has been granted the theory here: if either portfolio holder fits the prediction, it has been counted as a success for the theory
    • Jaap Woldendorp, Hans Keman and Ian Budge, 'Political Data 1945-1990: Party Government in 20 Democracies', European Journal of Political Research, 24 (1993), 1-120; Keesing's Contemporary Archives (London: Keesing's Publications, 1945-90). In some instances, Woldendorp et al. list more than one minister for a given portfolio whenever two or more ministries partake of the same generic type. Thus, if a system has both a finance and a budget minister, Woldendorp et al. would list both under the 'Finance' category. The ranking of ministries in Laver and Hunt provided the means by which these issues could be resolved in most cases. One exception is Finland after 1982, where 'Finance' and 'Finance (Second)' ministers are listed. Maximum latitude has been granted the theory here: if either portfolio holder fits the prediction, it has been counted as a success for the theory.
    • (1945) Keesing's Contemporary Archives
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    • 85034563182 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Few systems range over an entire twenty-point scale; in fact, the average range of party systems is 12.24 points. This means that the changes being simulated are somewhat larger as a proportion of the extant or 'realistic' range of party systems, as opposed to the maximum imaginable.
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    • 0003579088 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Note that this implies that out-of-equilibrium governments formed because no equilibrium government is possible in a given legislature should be considered as explanatory failures
    • Laver and Shepsle, Making and Breaking Governments, p. 196. Note that this implies that out-of-equilibrium governments formed because no equilibrium government is possible in a given legislature should be considered as explanatory failures.
    • Making and Breaking Governments , pp. 196
    • Laver1    Shepsle2
  • 27
    • 84959591648 scopus 로고
    • Evaluating Conflict of Interest Theory: Western European Cabinet Coalitions, 1945-80
    • We shall follow Warwick's precedent in counting all resignations, not just those that are accepted by the head of state, as marking the breakdown of a government. This nuance affects relatively few governments and does not substantively alter any of the results to be reported. The decision to count all elections, even those that a government survives, as terminal events is discussed below
    • This definition was first proposed by Eric C. Browne, Dennis W. Gleiber and Carolyn Mashoba, 'Evaluating Conflict of Interest Theory: Western European Cabinet Coalitions, 1945-80', British Journal of Political Science, 14 (1984), 1-32. We shall follow Warwick's precedent in counting all resignations, not just those that are accepted by the head of state, as marking the breakdown of a government. This nuance affects relatively few governments and does not substantively alter any of the results to be reported. The decision to count all elections, even those that a government survives, as terminal events is discussed below.
    • (1984) British Journal of Political Science , vol.14 , pp. 1-32
    • Browne, E.C.1    Gleiber, D.W.2    Mashoba, C.3
  • 28
    • 0000336139 scopus 로고
    • Regression Models and Life Tables
    • David Cox, 'Regression Models and Life Tables (with Discussion)', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B34 (1972), 187-220; and David Cox, 'Partial Likelihood', Biometrika, 62 (1975), 269-76. Two useful introductions to event history analysis are: Paul Allison, Event History Analysis: Regression for Longitudinal Event Data (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1984); and Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Alfred Hamerle and Karl Mayer, Event History Analysis (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1989).
    • (1972) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society , vol.B34 , pp. 187-220
    • Cox, D.1
  • 29
    • 0016794660 scopus 로고
    • Partial Likelihood
    • David Cox, 'Regression Models and Life Tables (with Discussion)', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B34 (1972), 187-220; and David Cox, 'Partial Likelihood', Biometrika, 62 (1975), 269-76. Two useful introductions to event history analysis are: Paul Allison, Event History Analysis: Regression for Longitudinal Event Data (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1984); and Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Alfred Hamerle and Karl Mayer, Event History Analysis (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1989).
    • (1975) Biometrika , vol.62 , pp. 269-276
    • Cox, D.1
  • 30
    • 0004050003 scopus 로고
    • Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage
    • David Cox, 'Regression Models and Life Tables (with Discussion)', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B34 (1972), 187-220; and David Cox, 'Partial Likelihood', Biometrika, 62 (1975), 269-76. Two useful introductions to event history analysis are: Paul Allison, Event History Analysis: Regression for Longitudinal Event Data (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1984); and Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Alfred Hamerle and Karl Mayer, Event History Analysis (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1989).
    • (1984) Event History Analysis: Regression for Longitudinal Event Data
    • Allison, P.1
  • 31
    • 0003522764 scopus 로고
    • Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
    • David Cox, 'Regression Models and Life Tables (with Discussion)', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B34 (1972), 187-220; and David Cox, 'Partial Likelihood', Biometrika, 62 (1975), 269-76. Two useful introductions to event history analysis are: Paul Allison, Event History Analysis: Regression for Longitudinal Event Data (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1984); and Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Alfred Hamerle and Karl Mayer, Event History Analysis (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1989).
    • (1989) Event History Analysis
    • Blossfeld, H.-P.1    Hamerle, A.2    Mayer, K.3
  • 32
    • 77956907070 scopus 로고
    • A Unified Model of Cabinet Dissolutions in Parliamentary Democracies
    • Gary King, James Alt, Nancy Burns and Michael Laver, 'A Unified Model of Cabinet Dissolutions in Parliamentary Democracies', American Journal of Political Science, 34 (1990), 846-75, and Warwick, Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies.
    • (1990) American Journal of Political Science , vol.34 , pp. 846-875
    • King, G.1    Alt, J.2    Burns, N.3    Laver, M.4
  • 33
    • 0003679007 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Gary King, James Alt, Nancy Burns and Michael Laver, 'A Unified Model of Cabinet Dissolutions in Parliamentary Democracies', American Journal of Political Science, 34 (1990), 846-75, and Warwick, Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies.
    • Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies
    • Warwick1
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    • 85034541341 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • It turns out that censoring these cases does not affect the patterns of results to be reported in any significant way.
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    • note
    • These rates do not depend on accurate measurement of party positions or dimensional saliences. In the simulations involving 1,000 sets of shocks to these parameters for each government formation situation, PA equilibrium governments could still be formed 91.8 per cent of the time, on average.
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    • note
    • An analysis of variance yields an F-ratio of 0.062 (p = 0.804).
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    • note
    • All dichotomous covariates used in this analysis are coded 1 for the possession of the trait in question and 0 otherwise.
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    • note
    • This is also true when the covariates are entered separately.
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    • 85034541622 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Since both Equilibrium Status and Equilibrium Robustness range from 0 to 1, the magnitudes of the coefficients can be directly compared. The robustness coefficient is approximately four times as large.
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    • 85034532497 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • A government that is highly diverse on one dimension but non-diverse on another, for example, could receive a total or average diversity score that is very like that received by a government with moderate diversity on both dimensions, even though it is arguably much more vulnerable. An obstacle to using range or diversity on each policy dimension separately is that the second and third dimensions do not always measure the same thing in each country. These dimensions can be unpacked so that the second dimension only measures attitudes towards the Soviet Union and the third dimension (where it exists) only measures interior affairs, but the consequence is that diversity on the dimensions turns out to be fairly highly correlated. For instance, the correlation between range as measured on the first and second (Soviet Union) dimensions is 0.747. This means that it would be inappropriate to try to assess independent effects for three separate measures of policy range.
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    • note
    • For any one shock specification, a stream of 1,000 simulations has to be performed on each of the 173 legislatures in the dataset. This undertaking would have to be repeated for every shock specification one wanted to try.
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    • Events, Equilibria and Government Survival
    • Laver and Shepsle, 'Events, Equilibria and Government Survival', American Journal of Political Science, 42 (1998), 28-54, pp. 44-5.
    • (1998) American Journal of Political Science , vol.42 , pp. 28-54
    • Laver1    Shepsle2
  • 45
    • 0004250287 scopus 로고
    • Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, The connection of government survival with the degree of clerical-secular and regime-support diversity was explored in Warwick, Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies
    • The coding of party positions on these dimensions is given in Lawrence C. Dodd, Coalitions in Parliamentary Government (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1976), pp. 246-55. The connection of government survival with the degree of clerical-secular and regime-support diversity was explored in Warwick, Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies.
    • (1976) Coalitions in Parliamentary Government , pp. 246-255
    • Dodd, L.C.1
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    • found that using differential dimension saliences did not alter their empirical results significantly; casual observation suggests the same conclusion here
    • As noted earlier, Laver and Shepsle (Making and Breaking Governments, p. 157) found that using differential dimension saliences did not alter their empirical results significantly; casual observation suggests the same conclusion here.
    • Making and Breaking Governments , pp. 157
    • Laver1    Shepsle2

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