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Volumn 20, Issue 5, 1999, Pages 995-1011

Regionalisation of migration policies and its limits: Europe and North America compared

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EID: 0033385067     PISSN: 01436597     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/01436599913451     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (11)

References (43)
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    • Henri Lefebvre has identified three interrelated ways in which space is occupied: physical, symbolic and imaginary. The physical occupation of space is the actual use of space for living, working and having social activities. The symbolic space, or space of representation, is the graphic use of space, as well as its codification for the purpose of its physical occupation. These two forms of occupation are thus complementary to each other. Finally, the imaginary occupation of space is the one that is represented in the minds of people, of collectivities. Lefebore La Production de l'Espace, Paris: Anthropos, 1974. Since collectivities have various ways of occupying space, various spatial imaginaries exist. The first two forms of occupation of space represent the limits of the possible, whereas the third represents the infinite possibilities of imagining space that can coexist in a specific context and timeframe. Within this continuum of infinite possibilities, however, some representations are more important than others as they rest on hegemonic sources of power.
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    • While this is happening, the concept of citizenship is progressively emptied of its political content in terms of constituting the foundations of popular sovereignty. Economic citizenship increasingly replaces political citizenship in a neoliberal context, and only rights to barter and trade are considered legitimate. In the European integration process, being 'European' means being 'linguistically, technically and culturally flexible'.
    • While this is happening, the concept of citizenship is progressively emptied of its political content in terms of constituting the foundations of popular sovereignty. Economic citizenship increasingly replaces political citizenship in a neoliberal context, and only rights to barter and trade are considered legitimate. In the European integration process, being 'European' means being 'linguistically, technically and culturally flexible'.
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    • See also H Werner, 'Regional economic integration and migration: the European case'. Annals AAPSS, 534, 1994, pp 147-164.
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    • This is the conclusion made by Huntoon when exploring the implications of immigration to Spain for a regional migration policy framework. See L Huntoon, 'Immigration to Spain: implications for a unified European Union immigration policy'.
    • This is the conclusion made by Huntoon when exploring the implications of immigration to Spain for a regional migration policy framework. See L Huntoon, 'Immigration to Spain: implications for a unified European Union immigration policy'.
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    • The IOM, has, in the postcold war era, been continuing, its policies of encouraging the free circulati people from the Eastern bloc. It is also involved as consultant in the development of regional integration schemes such as the one between North and Central America. The système d'observation permanente des migrations internationales (SOPEMI) has been created by the OECD as a clearing house for migration statistics and, more recently, for the migration policies and integration measures of OECD countries and beyond. Finally, the Trilateral Commission has produced a task force report on migration entitled International Migration. Challenges in a New Era,

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