Technical Digest of Photonics in Switching '9G, vol.2, Post Deadline Paper, PThCl, pp.12-15, 1996.
S. Takahashi, T. Kato, H. Takesliita, S. Kitamura, and N. Henmi, "10Gbps/ch space-division optical cell switching with 8x8 gate type switch matrix employing gate turnon-delay compensator," Technical Digest of Photonics in Switching '9G, vol.2, Post Deadline Paper, PThCl, pp.12-15, 1996.
T. Kato, H. Takesliita, S. Kitamura, and N. Henmi, "10Gbps/ch Space-division Optical Cell Switching with 8x8 Gate Type Switch Matrix Employing Gate Turnon-delay Compensator,"
Takahashi, S.1
Proceedings of ECOC/IOOC '97, vol.3, WE4C-2, pp.335-338, 1997.
H. Takeshita, S. Takahashi, T. Kato, S. Kitamura, H. Harano, and N. Henmi, "A demonstration of an optical crossconnect system for a self-healing optical network," Proceedings of ECOC/IOOC '97, vol.3, WE4C-2, pp.335-338, 1997.
S. Takahashi, T. Kato, S. Kitamura, H. Harano, and N. Henmi, "A Demonstration of An Optical Crossconnect System for A Self-healing Optical Network,"
Takeshita, H.1
Proceedings of ECOC '94, vol.2, pp.533-536, 1994.
K. Sasayama, Y. Yamada, F. Frueh, K. Habara, K. Yukimatsu, S. Suzuki, and H. Ishii, "Demonstration of a photonic ATM switch using a frequency-routing-type time-division interconnection network (FRONTIERNET)," Proceedings of ECOC '94, vol.2, pp.533-536, 1994.
Y. Yamada, F. Frueh, K. Habara, K. Yukimatsu, S. Suzuki, and H. Ishii, "Demonstration of A Photonic ATM Switch Using A Frequency-routing-type Time-division Interconnection Network (FRONTIERNET),"
Sasayama, K.1
Proceedings of ECOC '95, vol.1, no.L.3.5, pp.115-119, 1995.
D. Chiaroni, D. De Bouard, P. Doussiere, C. Chauzat, and M. Sotom, "High performance semiconductor optical amplifier gate for fast WDM packet switching," Proceedings of ECOC '95, vol.1, no.L.3.5, pp.115-119, 1995.
D. de Bouard, P. Doussiere, C. Chauzat, and M. Sotom, "High Performance Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Gate for Fast WDM Packet Switching,"
Chiaroni, D.1
IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., vol.8, no.2, pp.284-286, 1996.
D.J. Blumenthal, P. Grancstrand, and L. Thylén, "BER floors due to heterodyne coherent crosstalk in space photonic switches for WDM networks," IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., vol.8, no.2, pp.284-286, 1996.
P. Grancstrand, and L. Thylén, "BER Floors Due to Heterodyne Coherent Crosstalk in Space Photonic Switches for WDM Networks,"
Blumenthal, D.J.1
Technical Digest of IEICE '96 Spring Conference, B-1106, 1996.
T. Kato, S. Takahashi, H. Takeshita, S. Kitamura, and N. Henmi, "High speed and low crosstalk switching characteristics of 2x2 gate type optical switch," Technical Digest of IEICE '96 Spring Conference, B-1106, 1996.
S. Takahashi, H. Takeshita, S. Kitamura, and N. Henmi, "High Speed and Low Crosstalk Switching Characteristics of 2x2 Gate Type Optical Switch,"
Kato, T.1
IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., vol.7, no.2, pp.147-148, 1995.
S. Kitamura, K. Komatsu, and M. Kitamura, "Very low power consumption semiconductor optical amplifier array," IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., vol.7, no.2, pp.147-148, 1995.
K. Komatsu, and M. Kitamura, "Very Low Power Consumption Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Array,"
Kitamura, S.1
IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technol., vol.10, no.3, pp.383-390, 1992.
Y. Yamada, H. Terui, Y. Ohmori, M. Yamada, A. Himeno, and M. Kobayashi, "Hybrid-integrated 4x4 optical gate matrix switch using silica-based optical waveguides and LD array chips," IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technol., vol.10, no.3, pp.383-390, 1992.
H. Terui, Y. Ohmori, M. Yamada, A. Himeno, and M. Kobayashi, "Hybrid-integrated 4x4 Optical Gate Matrix Switch Using Silica-based Optical Waveguides and LD Array Chips,"
Yamada, Y.1
Proceedings of LEOS '97, vol.1, ThBl, pp.297-298, 1997.
G.H. Henein, D.J. Muehlner, J. Shmulovich, L. Gomez, M.A. Capuzzo, E.J. Laskowski, R. Yang, and J.V. Gates, "Hybrid integration for low-cost OE packaging PLC transceiver," Proceedings of LEOS '97, vol.1, ThBl, pp.297-298, 1997.
D.J. Muehlner, J. Shmulovich, L. Gomez, M.A. Capuzzo, E.J. Laskowski, R. Yang, and J.V. Gates, "Hybrid Integration for Low-cost OE Packaging PLC Transceiver,"
Henein, G.H.1
Proceedings of CLEO/Pacific-Rim '97, Post Deadline Paper PD2.3, 1997.
I. Ogawa, T. Hashimoto, T. Ohyama, K. Shuto, M. Yanagisawa, Y. Yamada, Y. Akahori, A. Himeno, F. Ebisawa, K. Kato, Y. Tohmori, and O. Nakajima, "Hybrid integration of spot-size converted semiconductor amplifier on planar lightwave circuit platform using passive alignment technique," Proceedings of CLEO/Pacific-Rim '97, Post Deadline Paper PD2.3, 1997.
T. Hashimoto, T. Ohyama, K. Shuto, M. Yanagisawa, Y. Yamada, Y. Akahori, A. Himeno, F. Ebisawa, K. Kato, Y. Tohmori, and O. Nakajima, "Hybrid Integration of Spot-size Converted Semiconductor Amplifier on Planar Lightwave Circuit Platform Using Passive Alignment Technique,"
Ogawa, I.1
Proceedings of ECOC/IOOC '97, vol.5, Post Deadline Paper, TH3B-G, pp.53-56, 1997.
T. Ito, I. Ogawa, N. Yoshimoto, F. Ebisawa, K. Magari, K. Shuto, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Yanagisawa, O. Mitomi, F. Hanawa, Y. Tohmori, Y. Yamada, Y. Yoshikuni, and Y. Hasumi, "Ultra-wide-band high-speed wavelength selector using a hybrid integrated gate module: A 4-channel SS-SOA gate array on PLC platform," Proceedings of ECOC/IOOC '97, vol.5, Post Deadline Paper, TH3B-G, pp.53-56, 1997.
I. Ogawa, N. Yoshimoto, F. Ebisawa, K. Magari, K. Shuto, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Yanagisawa, O. Mitomi, F. Hanawa, Y. Tohmori, Y. Yamada, Y. Yoshikuni, and Y. Hasumi, "Ultra-wide-band High-speed Wavelength Selector Using A Hybrid Integrated Gate Module: A 4-channel SS-SOA Gate Array on PLC Platform,"
Ito, T.1
Technical Digest of OFC '98, Post Deadline Paper, PD3, 1998.
T. Kato, J. Sasaki, T. Shimoda, T. Tamanuki, H. Hatakeyama, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kitamura, and M. Itoh, "10 Gb/s photonic cell switching with hybrid 4x4 optical matrix switch module on planar waveguide platform," Technical Digest of OFC '98, Post Deadline Paper, PD3, 1998.
J. Sasaki, T. Shimoda, T. Tamanuki, H. Hatakeyama, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kitamura, and M. Itoh, "10 Gb/s Photonic Cell Switching with Hybrid 4x4 Optical Matrix Switch Module on Planar Waveguide Platform,"
Kato, T.1
Technical Digest of Integrated Photonics Research (IPR) '9G, IThB2-1, 1996.
N. Kitamura, S. Mizuta, T. Shimoda, and M. Kitamura, "Silica based optical waveguide devices, with novel fiber guide structure for alignment-free fiber coupling," Technical Digest of Integrated Photonics Research (IPR) '9G, IThB2-1, 1996.
S. Mizuta, T. Shimoda, and M. Kitamura, "Silica Based Optical Waveguide Devices, with Novel Fiber Guide Structure for Alignment-free Fiber Coupling,"
Kitamura, N.1
IEEE Trans, on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technol., vol.13, no.4, pp.780-786, 1990.
M.J. Wale and C. Edge, "Self-aligned flip-chip assembly of photonic devices with electrical and optical connections," IEEE Trans, on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technol., vol.13, no.4, pp.780-786, 1990.
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Proceedings of Integrated Microelectronics Conference (IMC) '90, pp.105-108, 1990.
K. Katsura, T. Hayashi, and F. Ohira, "A micro interconnection technique using solder bumps for high-speed optical devices," Proceedings of Integrated Microelectronics Conference (IMC) '90, pp.105-108, 1990.
T. Hayashi, and F. Ohira, "A Micro Interconnection Technique Using Solder Bumps for High-speed Optical Devices,"
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Proceedings of Electronic Components i: Technology Conference (ECTC) '96, pp. 1-7, 1996.
M. Itoh, J. Sasaki, A. Uda, I. Yoneda, H. Honmou, and K. Fukushima, "Use of solder bumps in three-dimensional passive aligned packaging of LD/PD arrays on Si optical benches," Proceedings of Electronic Components i: Technology Conference (ECTC) '96, pp. 1-7, 1996.
J. Sasaki, A. Uda, I. Yoneda, H. Honmou, and K. Fukushima, "Use of Solder Bumps in Three-dimensional Passive Aligned Packaging of LD/PD Arrays on Si Optical Benches,"
Itoh, M.1
Technical Digest of Integrated Photonics Research (IPR) '98, ITuC3-l, pp.210-211, 1998.
J. Sasaki, H. Hatakeyama, T. Tamanuki, M. Yamaguchi, N. Kitamura, T. Shimoda, M. Kitamura, T. Kato, and M. Itoh, "Hybrid 4x4 optical matrix switch module on silica based planar light wave circuit by self-align multiple chip bonding technique," Technical Digest of Integrated Photonics Research (IPR) '98, ITuC3-l, pp.210-211, 1998.
H. Hatakeyama, T. Tamanuki, M. Yamaguchi, N. Kitamura, T. Shimoda, M. Kitamura, T. Kato, and M. Itoh, "Hybrid 4x4 Optical Matrix Switch Module on Silica Based Planar Light Wave Circuit by Self-align Multiple Chip Bonding Technique,"
Sasaki, J.1
Proceedings of ECOC/IOOC '91, vol.2, \VcB7-l, pp.429-432, 1991.
T. Kato, S. Sasaki, N. Kida, K. Komatsu, and I. Mito, "Novel MQW DFB laser diode/modulator integrated light source using bandgap energy control epitaxial growth technique," Proceedings of ECOC/IOOC '91, vol.2, \VcB7-l, pp.429-432, 1991.
S. Sasaki, N. Kida, K. Komatsu, and I. Mito, "Novel MQW DFB Laser Diode/modulator Integrated Light Source Using Bandgap Energy Control Epitaxial Growth Technique,"
Kato, T.1
Electron. Lett., vol.27, pp.21382140, 1992.
M. Aoki, II. Sano, M. Suzuki, M. Takahashi, K. Uomi, and A. Takai, "Novel structure MQW elcctroabsorption modulator/DFB laser integrated device fabrication by selective area MOCVD growth," Electron. Lett., vol.27, pp.21382140, 1992.
II. Sano, M. Suzuki, M. Takahashi, K. Uomi, and A. Takai, "Novel Structure MQW Elcctroabsorption Modulator/DFB Laser Integrated Device Fabrication by Selective Area MOCVD Growth,"
Aoki, M.1
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.6, pp.1080-1081, Sept. 1994.
H. Kobayashi, M. Ekawa, N. Okazaki, O. Aoki, S. Ogita, and H. Soda, "Tapered thickness MQW waveguide BH MQW lasers," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.6, pp.1080-1081, Sept. 1994.
M. Ekawa, N. Okazaki, O. Aoki, S. Ogita, and H. Soda, "Tapered Thickness MQW Waveguide BH MQW Lasers,"
Kobayashi, H.1
Proceedings of CLEO/Europe-EQEC'98, CThO2, p.350, 1998.
T. Shimoda, J. Sasaki, T. Kato, H. Hatakeyama, T. Tamanuki, N. Kitamura, M. Yamaguchi, M. Itoh, M. Kitamura, and S. Kitamura, "Hybrid integrated 4x4 matrix optical switch module using silica based planar lightwave circuit," Proceedings of CLEO/Europe-EQEC'98, CThO2, p.350, 1998.
J. Sasaki, T. Kato, H. Hatakeyama, T. Tamanuki, N. Kitamura, M. Yamaguchi, M. Itoh, M. Kitamura, and S. Kitamura, "Hybrid Integrated 4x4 Matrix Optical Switch Module Using Silica Based Planar Lightwave Circuit,"
Shimoda, T.1
Proceedings of LEOS '95, vol.1, OPMR 2.3, pp.234-235, 1995.
J. Sasaki, H. Honmou, M. Itoh, A. Uda, and T. Torikai, "Self-aligned assembly technology for laser diode modules using stripe-type AuSn solder bump flip-chip bonding," Proceedings of LEOS '95, vol.1, OPMR 2.3, pp.234-235, 1995.
H. Honmou, M. Itoh, A. Uda, and T. Torikai, "Self-aligned Assembly Technology for Laser Diode Modules Using Stripe-type AuSn Solder Bump Flip-chip Bonding,"
Sasaki, J.1
Technical Digest of Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) '97, 9C3-2, 1997.
H. Hatakeyama, S. Kitamura, K. Hamamoto, M. Yamaguchi, and K. Komatsu, "Spot size converter integrated semiconductor optical amplifier gates with low power consumption," Technical Digest of Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) '97, 9C3-2, 1997.
S. Kitamura, K. Hamamoto, M. Yamaguchi, and K. Komatsu, "Spot Size Converter Integrated Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Gates with Low Power Consumption,"
Hatakeyama, H.1
IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., vol.10, no.1, pp.162-164, 1998.
A. Tajima, N. Kitamura, S. Takahashi, S. Kitamura, Y. Macno, Y. Suemura, and N. Hcnmi, "10-Gb/s/port gated divider passive combiner optical switch with single-modeto-multimode combiner," IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., vol.10, no.1, pp.162-164, 1998.
N. Kitamura, S. Takahashi, S. Kitamura, Y. Macno, Y. Suemura, and N. Hcnmi, "10-Gb/s/port Gated Divider Passive Combiner Optical Switch with Single-modeto-multimode Combiner,"
Tajima, A.1