W.D. Bolin and C.C. Kumin, "480 volt corner grounded delta-Friend or foe," presented at the 1988 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Dallas, TX, Sept. 1988, Paper PCIC-88-31
And C.C. Kumin, "480 Volt Corner Grounded Delta-Friend or Foe," Presented at the 1988 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Dallas, TX, Sept. 1988, Paper
Bolin, W.D.1
JanVFeb. 1983
B. Bridger, Jr., "High resistance grounding," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. IA-19, pp. 15-21, JanVFeb. 1983
Jr., "High Resistance Grounding," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., Vol. IA-19, Pp. 15-21
Bridger, B.1
pp. 111-129
D. Dalasta, B.G. Bailey, and N. Peach, "Ground fault protection," in Proc. IEEE Industry and General Applications Group, Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Conf., Detroit, MI, May 7, 1971, pp. 111-129
B.G. Bailey, and N. Peach, "Ground Fault Protection," in Proc. IEEE Industry and General Applications Group, Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Conf., Detroit, MI, May 7, 1971
Dalasta, D.1
J.R. Dunki-Jacobs, "The escalating arcing ground fault phenomenon," presented at the 1985 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Dallas, TX, Sept. 1985, Paper PCIC-85-3
"The Escalating Arcing Ground Fault Phenomenon," Presented at the 1985 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Dallas, TX, Sept. 1985, Paper
Dunki-Jacobs, J.R.1
"The reality of high-resistance grounding," presented at the 1976 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Philadelphia, PA, Aug./Sept. 1976, Paper PCIC-76-6
Reality of High-resistance Grounding," Presented at the 1976 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Philadelphia, PA, Aug./Sept. 1976, Paper
S. Jamil, R.A. Jones, and L.B. McClung, "Arc and flash burn hazard at various levels of an electrical system," presented at the 1995 IEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Denver, CO, Sept 1995, Paper PCIC-95-34
R.A. Jones, and L.B. McClung, "Arc and Flash Burn Hazard at Various Levels of An Electrical System," Presented at the 1995 IEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Denver, CO, Sept 1995, Paper
Jamil, S.1
Sept./Oct. 1974.
L.B. McClung and B.W. Whittington, "Ground fault tests on a high resistance grounded 13.8 kV electrical distribution system of a modern large chemical plant-Part II," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. IA-10, pp. 581-600, Sept./Oct. 1974.
And B.W. Whittington, "Ground Fault Tests on a High Resistance Grounded 13.8 KV Electrical Distribution System of a Modern Large Chemical Plant-Part II," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., Vol. IA-10, Pp. 581-600
McClung, L.B.1
pp. 105-110
"Industrial plant protection with high resistance grounding," in Proc. IEEE Industry and General Applications Group, Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Conf., Detroit, MI, May 6, 1971, pp. 105-110
Plant Protection with High Resistance Grounding," in Proc. IEEE Industry and General Applications Group, Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Conf., Detroit, MI, May 6, 1971
Nov./Dec. 1973
L.J. Powell, Jr., "Influence of third harmonic circulating currents in selecting neutral grounding devices," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. IA-9, pp. 672-679, Nov./Dec. 1973
Jr., "Influence of Third Harmonic Circulating Currents in Selecting Neutral Grounding Devices," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., Vol. IA-9, Pp. 672-679
Powell, L.J.1
G.N. Wang et al., "High resistance grounding and selective ground fault protection for a major industrial facility," presented at the 1983 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Denver, CO, Sept. 1983, Paper PCIC-83-12
Et Al., "High Resistance Grounding and Selective Ground Fault Protection for a Major Industrial Facility," Presented at the 1983 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., Denver, CO, Sept. 1983, Paper
Wang, G.N.1
Jan. 1978
System Neutral Grounding and Ground Fault Protection, Westinghouse Industrial and Commercial Power System Application Series, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Newark, NJ, Jan. 1978
Grounding and Ground Fault Protection, Westinghouse Industrial and Commercial Power System Application Series, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Newark, NJ
Neutral, S.1
L. Yu and R.T. Beck, "Safe grounding practices and recommendations for industrial facilities," presented at the 1992 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., San Antonio, TX, Sept. 1992, Paper PCIC-92-52.
And R.T. Beck, "Safe Grounding Practices and Recommendations for Industrial Facilities," Presented at the 1992 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conf., San Antonio, TX, Sept. 1992, Paper
Yu, L.1