Pars.13 &46
A/51/761 Dec.
UN Secretary-General Report, Agenda for Democratization, A/51/761 (Dec. 1996), pars.13 &46.
Agenda for Democratization
'Rethinking Civil Society: Toward Democratic Consolidation'
See also: A.B. Seligman, Tlie Idea of Civil Society (New York: Free Press, 1992); J. L. Cohen and A. Arato, Civil Society and Political Tlieory (Cambridce, MA: MIT Press, 1992); and J. Keane, Democracy and Civil Society (London: Verso, 1988)
L. Diamond, 'Rethinking Civil Society: Toward Democratic Consolidation', Journal of Democracy, Vol.5, No.3 (1994), pp.4-17. See also: A.B. Seligman, Tlie Idea of Civil Society (New York: Free Press, 1992); J. L. Cohen and A. Arato, Civil Society and Political Tlieory (Cambridce, MA: MIT Press, 1992); and J. Keane, Democracy and Civil Society (London: Verso, 1988).
Journal of Democracy
, vol.5
, Issue.3
, pp. 4-17
Diamond, L.1
A/48/935 May par.107.
UN Secretary-General Report, Agenda for Development, A/48/935 (May 1994), par.107.
Agenda for Development
'Democratization in the Balkans: Challenges and Prospects'
K.S. Fine, 'Fragile Stability and Change: Understanding Conflict during the Transitions in East Central Europe', in A. Chayes and A.H. Chayes (eds.), Preventing Conflict in the Post-Communist World (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1996), pp.541-81; P. Sztompka, 'Looking Back: The Year 1989 as a Cultural and Civilizational Break', Communist and Post-Communist Studies Vol.29, No.2 (1996), pp.115-29; Z. Rau (ed.), Tlie Reemergence of Civil Society in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (Oxford: Westview Press, 1991); and E. Gellner, Conditions of Liberty: Civil Society and its Rivals (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1994)
See, for example, T. Gallagher, 'Democratization in the Balkans: Challenges and Prospects', Democratizalion, Vol.2, No.3 (1995), pp.337-61; K.S. Fine, 'Fragile Stability and Change: Understanding Conflict during the Transitions in East Central Europe', in A. Chayes and A.H. Chayes (eds.), Preventing Conflict in the Post-Communist World (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1996), pp.541-81; P. Sztompka, 'Looking Back: The Year 1989 as a Cultural and Civilizational Break', Communist and Post-Communist Studies Vol.29, No.2 (1996), pp.115-29; Z. Rau (ed.), Tlie Reemergence of Civil Society in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (Oxford: Westview Press, 1991); and E. Gellner, Conditions of Liberty: Civil Society and its Rivals (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1994).
, vol.2
, Issue.3
, pp. 337-361
Gallagher, T.1
'Bosnia Herzegovina: A Case of Failed Democratization', in K. Dawisha and B. Parrot
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, B. Denitch, Ethnic Nationalism: The Tragic Death of Yugoslavia (revised edition, London: University of Minnesota Press, 1998); P. Ferdinand, 'Nationalism, Community and Democratic Transition in Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia', in D. Potter et al. (eds.), Democratization (Cambridge: Open University, 1997), pp.466-89; Unfinished Peace: Report of the International Commission on the Balkans (Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace/Aspen Institute Berlin, 1996); and S.L. Woodward, Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution After the Cold War (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1995), Ch.5
For example, S.L. Burg, 'Bosnia Herzegovina: a Case of Failed Democratization', in K. Dawisha and B. Parrot (eds.), Politics, Power, and the Struggle for Democracy in Soulh-East Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 122-45; B. Denitch, Ethnic Nationalism: The Tragic Death of Yugoslavia (revised edition, London: University of Minnesota Press, 199 P. Ferdinand, 'Nationalism, Community and Democratic Transition in Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia', in D. Potter et al. (eds.), Democratization (Cambridge: Open University, 1997), pp.466-89; Unfinished Peace: Report of the International Commission on the Balkans (Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace/Aspen Institute Berlin, 1996); and S.L. Woodward, Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution After the Cold War (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1995), Ch.5.
Politics, Power, and the Struggle for Democracy in Soulh-East Europe
, pp. 122-145
Burg, S.L.1
'International Actors and Social Policy Development in BosniaHerzegovina: Globalism and the "New Feudalism'", article forthcoming in
G. Kenney, '"New Imperialism" of Bosnia Mission', The Times (20 Dec. 1997: Letters)
B. Deacon and P. Stubbs, 'International Actors and Social Policy Development in BosniaHerzegovina: Globalism and the "New Feudalism'", article forthcoming in Journal of European Social Policy (1998); G. Kenney, '"New Imperialism" of Bosnia Mission', The Times (20 Dec. 1997: Letters).
Journal of European Social Policy
Deacon, B.1
Stubbs, P.2
'A Culture of Fatalism towards the Balkans: Long-Term Western Attitudes and Approaches'
S. Woodward, 'Implementing Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Post-Dayton Primer and Memorandum of Warning', Brookings Discussion Papers (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution), 1996, p.35; and M. Kaplan, 'Was Democracy Just a Moment?', Atlantic Monthly (Dec. 1997), p.5 8
See, for example, Denitch, op. cit., p.210; T. Gallagher, 'A Culture of Fatalism Towards the Balkans: Long-Term Western Attitudes and Approaches', paper presented at the British International Studies Association, 22nd Annual Conference, Leeds, 15-17 Dec. 1997; S. Woodward, 'Implementing Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Post-Dayton Primer and Memorandum of Warning', Brookings Discussion Papers (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution), 1996, p.35; and M. Kaplan, 'Was Democracy Just a Moment?', Atlantic Monthly (Dec. 1997), p.5 8.
British International Studies Association, 22nd Annual Conference, Leeds, 15-17 Dec.
Gallagher, T.1
Dialogue Development
Copenhagen: Dialogue Development, Annex 1, p.l.
Dialogue Development, Survey of Bosnian Civil Society Organizations: Mapping, Characteristics, and Strategy (Copenhagen: Dialogue Development, 1997), Annex 1, p.l.
Survey of Bosnian Civil Society Organizations: Mapping, Characteristics, and Strategy
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report, 1 (Feb. 1997), p.3.
Monthly Report
, vol.1
, pp. 3
In the mid-1970s a third of all secondary school graduates entered 'higher schools', comparable to US community colleges, figures from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for the same period place Yugoslavia highest among East European states for student enrolment in higher education and in university institutions, see R.E. Heath, 'Education', in S. Fischer-Galati (ed.), Eastern Europe in the 1980s (London: Croom Helm, 1981), pp.225-55. On inter-ethnic tolerance, see for example: G.K. Bertsch , 'The Revival of Nationalisms', Problems of Communism, Vol. XXII, No.6 (1973), pp. 1-15; and X. Bougarel, 'Bosnia and Herzegovina - State and Communitarianism', in D.A. Dyker and I. Vejvoda (eds.), Yugoslavia and After: A Study in Fragmentation, Despair and Rebirth (London: Longman, 1996), pp.87-115. On political participation, see B. McFarlane, Yugoslavia: Politics, Economics and Society (London: Pinter, 1988), pp.45-54; J. Seroka, 'The Interdependence of Institutional Revitalization and Intra-Party Reform in Yugoslavia', Soviet Studies, VoI.XL, No.l (1988), pp.84-99; and J. Seroka 'Economic Stabilization and Communal Politics in Yugoslavia', Journal of Communist Studies, Vol.5, No.2(1989), pp.12547.
General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, available from: 〈
General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, available from: 〈http://\vww.state.gov/www/current/bosnia/dayton〉.
Interview by the author with Jasna Malkoc, the Senior Co-ordinator for Democratization/ NGO Development, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997
Interview by the author with Jasna Malkoc, the Senior Co-ordinator for Democratization/ NGO Development, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997.
Interview by the author with Sabine Freizer, OSCE Democratization Branch Reporting Officer, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997
Interview by the author with Sabine Freizer, OSCE Democratization Branch Reporting Officer, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997.
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report, 1, p.5.
Monthly Report
, vol.1
, pp. 5
OSCE Democratization Branch, 'Regional Centre Tuzla Priority and Strategy Paper: Summary, Planned Activities, Head Office Suggestions', unpublished paper (1997), p.4
OSCE Democratization Branch, 'Regional Centre Tuzla Priority and Strategy Paper: Summary, Planned Activities, Head Office Suggestions', unpublished paper (1997), p.4.
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report, 3 (April 1997), p.6.
Monthly Report
, vol.3
, pp. 6
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report, 1, p.4.
Monthly Report
, vol.1
, pp. 4
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report, 2 (March 1997), p.4.
Monthly Report
, vol.2
, pp. 4
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report, l.p.5.
Monthly Report
, vol.50
, pp. 5
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report, 2, p.3.
Monthly Report
, vol.2
, pp. 3
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Regional Centre Sokolac, p.3.
Regional Centre Sokolac
, pp. 3
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report, 3, p.6.
Monthly Report
, vol.3
, pp. 6
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report, 1, p.6.
Monthly Report
, vol.1
, pp. 6
Office of the High Representative Bulletin, 8 (23 June 1996), available from: 〈http://www.ohr.int/bulletins/b960623.htm〉
Office of the High Representative Bulletin, 8 (23 June 1996), available from: 〈http://www.ohr.int/bulletins/b960623.htm〉.
Office of the High Representative Bulletin, 40 (13 March 1997), available from: 〈http://\vww.ohr.int/bulletins/b970313.htm〉; Office of the High Representative Bulletin, 49 (28 May 1997), available from: 〈http://www.ohr.int/bulletins/b970528.htm〉
Office of the High Representative Bulletin, 40 (13 March 1997), available from: 〈http://\vww.ohr.int/bulletins/b970313.htm〉; Office of the High Representative Bulletin, 49 (28 May 1997), available from: 〈http://www.ohr.int/bulletins/b970528.htm〉.
Interview by the author with Sabine Freizer, OSCE Democratization Branch Reporting Officer, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997
Interview by the author with Sabine Freizer, OSCE Democratization Branch Reporting Officer, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997.
Interview by the author with Adrien Marti, OSCE Co-ordinator for Political Party Development, Sarajevo, 14 June 1997
Interview by the author with Adrien Marti, OSCE Co-ordinator for Political Party Development, Sarajevo, 14 June 1997.
Pluralism or Fragmentation?'
J.S. Sorenson, 'Pluralism or Fragmentation?' War Report (May 1997), p.35.
War Report
, pp. 35
Sorenson, J.S.1
Interview by the author with Zoran Jorgakieski, OSCE Democratization Branch Coordinator for Dialogue and Reconciliation, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997
Interview by the author with Zoran Jorgakieski, OSCE Democratization Branch Coordinator for Dialogue and Reconciliation, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997.
Interview by the author with Adrien Marti, OSCE Co-ordinator for Political Party Development, Sarajevo, 14 June 1997
Interview by the author with Adrien Marti, OSCE Co-ordinator for Political Party Development, Sarajevo, 14 June 1997.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1996, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labour (30 Jan. 1997), US Department of State, s.2d, available from: 〈www.state.gov/www/issues/ human_rights/1996_hrp_ eport/ bosniahe.html〉
Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1996, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labour (30 Jan. 1997), US Department of State, s.2d, available from: 〈www.state.gov/www/issues/ human_rights/1996_hrp_ eport/ bosniahe.html〉.
Confidential interview with the author, Sarajevo, 14 June 1997
Confidential interview with the author, Sarajevo, 14 June 1997.
Interview by the author with Rannveig Rajendram, OSCE Demoralization Branch Youth and Education Co-ordinator. Sarajevo, 14 June 1997
Interview by the author with Rannveig Rajendram, OSCE Demoralization Branch Youth and Education Co-ordinator. Sarajevo, 14 June 1997.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1997, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labour (30 Jan. 1998), US Department of State, s.2d, available from: 〈www.state.gov/www/global/ human_rights/1997_hrp_report/ bosniahe.html〉
Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1997, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labour (30 Jan. 1998), US Department of State, s.2d, available from: 〈www.state.gov/www/global/ human_rights/1997_hrp_report/ bosniahe.html〉.
Bosnia -Tlie International Community's Responsibility to Ensure Human Rights, Amnesty International Report, 1996, s.V.A, available from: 〈http://www.io.org/amnesty/ailib/aipub/ 1996/EUR/46301496.htm〉 ICG, Going Nowhere Eäst, p.13
Bosnia -Tlie International Community's Responsibility to Ensure Human Rights, Amnesty International Report, 1996, s.V.A, available from: 〈http://www.io.org/amnesty/ailib/aipub/ 1996/EUR/46301496.htm〉 ICG, Going Nowhere Eäst, p.13.
Sorensen, op. cit., p.35
Sorensen, op. cit., p.35.
For example, Smillie, op. cit., p.10
For example, Smillie, op. cit., p.10.
'Current Developments: The Protection of Human Rights through the Dayton/Paris Peace Agreement on Bosnia'
P. Szasz, 'Current Developments: The Protection of Human Rights Through the Dayton/Paris Peace Agreement on Bosnia', American Journal of International Law, Vol. 90 (1996), p.304.
American Journal of International Law
, vol.90
, pp. 304
Szasz, P.1
'A New Look at the Democratization Process: The Case Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina Post-Dayton'
in Z. Sevic and G. Wright (eds.), Belgrade: Yugoslav Association of Sasakawa Fellows
General Framework Agreement', see also D. Chandler, 'A New Look at the Democratization Process: The Case Study of Bosnia-Herzegovina Post-Dayton', in Z. Sevic and G. Wright (eds.), Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, Vol.2 (Belgrade: Yugoslav Association of Sasakawa Fellows, 1997), pp.217-41.
Transition in Central and Eastern Europe
, vol.2
, pp. 217-241
Chandler, D.1
Aid and Accountability: Dayton Implementation. ICG Bosnia Report No. 17, Sarajevo: International Crisis Group (1996), p. 17
Aid and Accountability: Dayton Implementation. ICG Bosnia Report No. 17, Sarajevo: International Crisis Group (1996), p. 17.
Rule of Law Analysis Report (Feb. 1997), OSCE Democratization Branch, p.3; Rule of Law Analysis Report (Marc'h 1997), OSCE Democratization Branch, p.2
Rule of Law Analysis Report (Feb. 1997), OSCE Democratization Branch, p.3; Rule of Law Analysis Report (Marc'h 1997), OSCE Democratization Branch, p.2.
Prior to the November 1997 RS Assembly elections NATO troops seized four Republika Srpska TV transmitters, this ended the system of shared broadcast control between Pale and Banja Luka, and gave control to the pro-Dayton opposition party led by RS President Biljana Plavsic, see Office of the High Representative Bulletin, Vol.61, No.l (1 Oct. 1997), available from: 〈http://www.ohr.int/bulletins /b971001.htm〉. There were prolonged negotiations to form a new government. The deadlock was broken after a parliamentary session was adjourned and many delegates had gone home, UN Deputy High Representative Jacques Klein asked NATO troops to intercept an opposition deputy to return him to parliament to give the opposition coalition a majority. A new government was elected which excluded the SDS which had obtained the most seats. See: M. Kelly, 'Step by Step, Preventing the Destruction of Bosnia', International Herald Tribune (22 Jan. 1998); M. O'Connor, 'West sees Payoff from Backing Flexible Leaders in Bosnia', New York Times (24 Jan. 1998); and see Table 1 : TABLE 1 PARTY COMPOSITION OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF REPUBLIKA SRPSKA (NOVEMBER 1997) Party Seats % Serb Democratic Party (SDS) 24 28.8 SDA-led Coalition 16 19.2 Serb Radical Party 15 18.0 Serb People's Alliance (SNS) 15 18.0 RS branch of Milosevic's Socialists 9 10.8 Independent Social Democrats 2. 2.4 Bosnian Social Democratic Party 2 2.4 Source: OSCE Bosnia Mission, '1997 Election Results National Assembly of Republika Srpska', available from web site 〈http://www.oscebih.org/RSresults.htm〉.
During 1996 many international officials were still referring to the establishment of joint institutions with the elections as the birth of Bosnian democracy. See, for example: 'Statement by Secretary of State Warren Christopher on the Bosnian Elections', released by the Office of the Spokesman 18 Sept. 1996, US Department of State, available from: 〈www.state.gov/www/regions/eur/bosnia/1996_bosnia_speeches.html〉; and 'Chairman's Conclusions of the Peace Implementation Council. Florence, 13-14 June, 1996', Office of the High Representative, par.27, available from: 〈http://www.onr.int/ docu/d960613a.htm〉
During 1996 many international officials were still referring to the establishment of joint institutions with the elections as the birth of Bosnian democracy. See, for example: 'Statement by Secretary of State Warren Christopher on the Bosnian Elections', released by the Office of the Spokesman 18 Sept. 1996, US Department of State, available from: 〈www.state.gov/www/regions/eur/bosnia/1996_bosnia_speeches.html〉; and 'Chairman's Conclusions of the Peace Implementation Council. Florence, 13-14 June, 1996', Office of the High Representative, par.27, available from: 〈http://www.onr.int/ docu/d960613a.htm〉.
OSCE Democratization Branch, unfilled information document (26 Feb. 1997), p.I
OSCE Democratization Branch, unfilled information document (26 Feb. 1997), p.I.
Despite the large number of parties and large turn-out, the election results gave a substantial popular mandate to the three main pre-war nationalist parties, the Muslim Party of Democratic Action (SDA), the Serbian Democratic Party (SDS) and the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ). The three main nationalist parties won about 86 per cent of the seats and, including the Muslim Party for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbian Party for Peace and Progress, the ethnic political blocks accounted for about 95 percent of the seats. See M. Kasapovic, '1996 Parliamentary Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina', Electoral Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1 (1997), p. 120, and see Table 2. TABLE 2 PARTY COMPOSITION OF THE BOSNIAN PARLIAMENT (SEPTEMBER 1996) Party Seats % Party of Democratic Action (SDA) 19 45.2 Serb Democratic Party (SDS) 9 21.4 Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) 8 19.0 Party for Bosnia and Herzegqvina 2 4.8 Joint List 2 4.8 Party for Peace and Progress 2 4.8 Source: Mirajana Kaspovic, '1996 Parliamentary Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina", Electoral Studies, Vol.16, No.l (1997), p. 119.
'Clearing the Bosnian Air'
'Clearing the Bosnian Air', Washington Post (6 Oct. 1997: Editorial).
Washington Post
, vol.6
Interview by the author with Christian Ahlund, OSCE Director General for Human Rights, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997
Interview by the author with Christian Ahlund, OSCE Director General for Human Rights, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997.
Interview by the author with Jasna Malkoc, OSCE Senior Co-ordinator for Democratization/NGO Development, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997
Interview by the author with Jasna Malkoc, OSCE Senior Co-ordinator for Democratization/NGO Development, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997.
Interview by the author with Mirjana Malic, HCA, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997
Interview by the author with Mirjana Malic, HCA, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997.
Interview by the author with Jasna Malkoc, OSCE Senior Co-ordinator for Democratization/NGO Development, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997
Interview by the author with Jasna Malkoc, OSCE Senior Co-ordinator for Democratization/NGO Development, Sarajevo, 16 June 1997.
'Ethnically Mixed Marriages from the Perspective of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights'
in I. Agger (ed.), European Community Humanitarian Office
J. Mimica, 'Ethnically Mixed Marriages from the Perspective of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights', in I. Agger (ed.), Mixed Marriages: Voices from a Psycho-Social Workshop held in Zagreb, Croatia (European Community Humanitarian Office, 1995), p.22.
Mixed Marriages: Voices from a Psycho-Social Workshop Held in Zagreb, Croatia
, pp. 22
Mimica, J.1
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Monthly Report 1, pp.7-8.
Monthly Report
, vol.1
, pp. 7-8
OSCE Democratization Branch
OSCE Democratization Branch, Semi-Annual Report (1997), p. 15.
Semi-Annual Report
, pp. 15
Interviews by the author with OSCE Democratization Branch Officers, Sarajevo, June 1997
Interviews by the author with OSCE Democratization Branch Officers, Sarajevo, June 1997.
SRT Banja Litka Nen-s Summary, 10 Dec. 1997. Office of the High Representative, e-mail list available from: 〈LISTSERV@CC 1 .KULEUVEN.AC. BE〉
SRT Banja Litka Nen-s Summary, 10 Dec. 1997. Office of the High Representative, e-mail list available from: 〈LISTSERV@CC 1 .KULEUVEN.AC. BE〉.
'Sceptic Serbs Doubt the Plavsic Revolution'
22 Nov.
K. Coleman, 'Sceptic Serbs Doubt the Plavsic Revolution', The Guardian (22 Nov. 1997).
The Guardian
Coleman, K.1
Office of the High Representative Bulletin, No.50 (4 June 1997), available from: 〈http://mvw.ohr.int/bulletins/b970604.htm〉;lnternational Crisis Group Project, Changing the Logic of Bosnian Politics: ICG Discussion Paper on Electoral Reform (Sarajevo: International Crisis Group, 1998), p.2
Office of the High Representative Bulletin, No.50 (4 June 1997), available from: 〈http://mvw.ohr.int/bulletins/b970604.htm〉;lnternational Crisis Group Project, Changing the Logic of Bosnian Politics: ICG Discussion Paper on Electoral Reform (Sarajevo: International Crisis Group, 1998), p.2.
For further views of the possibility of civil society emerging once this uncertainty is removed see: Woodward, 'Implementing Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina', p.83; and C.G. Boyd, 'Making Bosnia Work', Foreign Affairs, Vol.77, No.l (1998), pp.42-55
For further views of the possibility of civil society emerging once this uncertainty is removed see: Woodward, 'Implementing Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina', p.83; and C.G. Boyd, 'Making Bosnia Work', Foreign Affairs, Vol.77, No.l (1998), pp.42-55.
Interview by the author with Siri Rustad, OSCE Deputy to Head of Mission for Democratization, Sarajevo, 14 June 1997
Interview by the author with Siri Rustad, OSCE Deputy to Head of Mission for Democratization, Sarajevo, 14 June 1997.