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Volumn 46, Issue 2, 1998, Pages 79-96

Economic interest groups in Finnish Foreign-trade policy decision-making in the early years of independence

(1)  Lamberg, Juha Antti a  


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EID: 0032453607     PISSN: 03585522     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/03585522.1998.10414741     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (2)

References (71)
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    • Gerber, Larry G., Corporatism in Comparative Perspective: The Impact of the First World War on American and British Labor Relations, Business History Review, vol. 62, 1988:1, 98; Holland, R. F., The Federation of British Industries and the International Economy, 1929-1939. The Economic History Review, vol. XXXIV, 1981:2, 287.
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    • State structure and variations in corporatism: The Swedish case
    • Rothstein, Bo, State Structure and Variations in Corporatism: The Swedish Case, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 14, 1991:2, 149-171; Rothstein, Bo, Explaining Swedish Corporatism: The Formative Moment, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 15, 1992:3, 173-191. On the German system, see, for instance, Gillingham, John, Industry and politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr coal, Hitler and Europe. London: Methuen 1985; Schröter, H. G., Aussenpolitik und Wirtschaftsinteresse: Skandinavien im aussenwirtschaftlichen Kalkül Deutschlands und Grossbritanniens 1938-1939, Europäische Hochschulschriften Bd. 195. Frankfurt am Main: Lang 1983; Schröter, Harm, Cartelization and Decartelization in Europe 1870-1995: Rise and Decline of an Economic Institution. The Journal of European Economic History, vol. 25, 1996:1, 129-153. On Finnish links to German cartel studies; see Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 493.
    • (1991) Scandinavian Political Studies , vol.14 , pp. 2
    • Rothstein, B.1
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    • 85015907367 scopus 로고
    • Explaining Swedish corporatism: The formative moment
    • Rothstein, Bo, State Structure and Variations in Corporatism: The Swedish Case, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 14, 1991:2, 149-171; Rothstein, Bo, Explaining Swedish Corporatism: The Formative Moment, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 15, 1992:3, 173-191. On the German system, see, for instance, Gillingham, John, Industry and politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr coal, Hitler and Europe. London: Methuen 1985; Schröter, H. G., Aussenpolitik und Wirtschaftsinteresse: Skandinavien im aussenwirtschaftlichen Kalkül Deutschlands und Grossbritanniens 1938-1939, Europäische Hochschulschriften Bd. 195. Frankfurt am Main: Lang 1983; Schröter, Harm, Cartelization and Decartelization in Europe 1870-1995: Rise and Decline of an Economic Institution. The Journal of European Economic History, vol. 25, 1996:1, 129-153. On Finnish links to German cartel studies; see Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 493.
    • (1992) Scandinavian Political Studies , vol.15 , pp. 3
    • Rothstein, B.1
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    • London: Methuen
    • Rothstein, Bo, State Structure and Variations in Corporatism: The Swedish Case, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 14, 1991:2, 149-171; Rothstein, Bo, Explaining Swedish Corporatism: The Formative Moment, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 15, 1992:3, 173-191. On the German system, see, for instance, Gillingham, John, Industry and politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr coal, Hitler and Europe. London: Methuen 1985; Schröter, H. G., Aussenpolitik und Wirtschaftsinteresse: Skandinavien im aussenwirtschaftlichen Kalkül Deutschlands und Grossbritanniens 1938-1939, Europäische Hochschulschriften Bd. 195. Frankfurt am Main: Lang 1983; Schröter, Harm, Cartelization and Decartelization in Europe 1870-1995: Rise and Decline of an Economic Institution. The Journal of European Economic History, vol. 25, 1996:1, 129-153. On Finnish links to German cartel studies; see Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 493.
    • (1985) Industry and Politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr Coal, Hitler and Europe
    • Gillingham, J.1
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    • Frankfurt am Main: Lang
    • Rothstein, Bo, State Structure and Variations in Corporatism: The Swedish Case, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 14, 1991:2, 149-171; Rothstein, Bo, Explaining Swedish Corporatism: The Formative Moment, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 15, 1992:3, 173-191. On the German system, see, for instance, Gillingham, John, Industry and politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr coal, Hitler and Europe. London: Methuen 1985; Schröter, H. G., Aussenpolitik und Wirtschaftsinteresse: Skandinavien im aussenwirtschaftlichen Kalkül Deutschlands und Grossbritanniens 1938-1939, Europäische Hochschulschriften Bd. 195. Frankfurt am Main: Lang 1983; Schröter, Harm, Cartelization and Decartelization in Europe 1870-1995: Rise and Decline of an Economic Institution. The Journal of European Economic History, vol. 25, 1996:1, 129-153. On Finnish links to German cartel studies; see Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 493.
    • (1983) Europäische Hochschulschriften , vol.195
    • Schröter, H.G.1
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    • 29144475924 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Cartelization and decartelization in Europe 1870-1995: Rise and decline of an economic institution
    • Rothstein, Bo, State Structure and Variations in Corporatism: The Swedish Case, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 14, 1991:2, 149-171; Rothstein, Bo, Explaining Swedish Corporatism: The Formative Moment, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 15, 1992:3, 173-191. On the German system, see, for instance, Gillingham, John, Industry and politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr coal, Hitler and Europe. London: Methuen 1985; Schröter, H. G., Aussenpolitik und Wirtschaftsinteresse: Skandinavien im aussenwirtschaftlichen Kalkül Deutschlands und Grossbritanniens 1938-1939, Europäische Hochschulschriften Bd. 195. Frankfurt am Main: Lang 1983; Schröter, Harm, Cartelization and Decartelization in Europe 1870-1995: Rise and Decline of an Economic Institution. The Journal of European Economic History, vol. 25, 1996:1, 129-153. On Finnish links to German cartel studies; see Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 493.
    • (1996) The Journal of European Economic History , vol.25 , pp. 1
    • Schröter, H.1
  • 20
    • 85038204653 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Rothstein, Bo, State Structure and Variations in Corporatism: The Swedish Case, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 14, 1991:2, 149-171; Rothstein, Bo, Explaining Swedish Corporatism: The Formative Moment, Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 15, 1992:3, 173-191. On the German system, see, for instance, Gillingham, John, Industry and politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr coal, Hitler and Europe. London: Methuen 1985; Schröter, H. G., Aussenpolitik und Wirtschaftsinteresse: Skandinavien im aussenwirtschaftlichen Kalkül Deutschlands und Grossbritanniens 1938-1939, Europäische Hochschulschriften Bd. 195. Frankfurt am Main: Lang 1983; Schröter, Harm, Cartelization and Decartelization in Europe 1870-1995: Rise and Decline of an Economic Institution. The Journal of European Economic History, vol. 25, 1996:1, 129-153. On Finnish links to German cartel studies; see Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 493.
    • Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations , pp. 493
    • Kuisma1
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    • Agriculture and controls in Denmark 1930-1950
    • Just Flemming, Agriculture and Controls in Denmark 1930-1950. Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. XLI, 1993:3, 269-285.
    • (1993) Scandinavian Economic History Review , vol.41 , pp. 3
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    • note
    • In addition to the three committees here mentioned, there were others with trade-political functions, for instance, the committee in charge of public purchases, established in the mid-1920s.
  • 23
    • 85038194744 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • There were also so-called intermediary level organisations (Valio, the Central Cooperative of Finnish Dairies; Sahanomistajayhdistys, the Association of Finnish Sawmill Owners; Finpap, the Association of Finnish Paper Mills; Fincell, the Association of Finnish Pulp Mills, etc.) In this study their activities are not separated from the top-level organisations.
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    • Pro memoria of Gustaf Aminoff, 25.2.1918, D7-32, Archives of the Engineering High Command (AE), Finnish Military Archives (FMA).
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    • A letter of the Central Chamber of Commerce to the Engineering High Command, written in April 1918, (HA2), Archives of the Trade and Industry Commission, Finnish National Archives (FNA)
    • A letter of the Central Chamber of Commerce to the Engineering High Command, written in April 1918, (HA2), Archives of the Trade and Industry Commission, Finnish National Archives (FNA).
  • 29
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    • Suomen Asetuskokoelma (Finnish Code of Statutes) 26/1918; Harmaja, Maailmansodan vaikutus Suomen taloudelliseen kehitykseen, 318; Kuusi, Kauppapolitiikka, 486-487, 516-517; Kuka kukin oli 1900-1960 (Who Was Who in Finland, 1900-1960). Helsinki: Otava 1961.
    • Suomen Asetuskokoelma (Finnish Code of Statutes) 26/1918
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    • Suomen Asetuskokoelma (Finnish Code of Statutes) 26/1918; Harmaja, Maailmansodan vaikutus Suomen taloudelliseen kehitykseen, 318; Kuusi, Kauppapolitiikka, 486-487, 516-517; Kuka kukin oli 1900-1960 (Who Was Who in Finland, 1900-1960). Helsinki: Otava 1961.
    • Maailmansodan Vaikutus Suomen Taloudelliseen Kehitykseen , pp. 318
    • Harmaja1
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    • Suomen Asetuskokoelma (Finnish Code of Statutes) 26/1918; Harmaja, Maailmansodan vaikutus Suomen taloudelliseen kehitykseen, 318; Kuusi, Kauppapolitiikka, 486-487, 516-517; Kuka kukin oli 1900-1960 (Who Was Who in Finland, 1900-1960). Helsinki: Otava 1961.
    • Kauppapolitiikka , pp. 486-487
    • Kuusi1
  • 32
    • 85038202568 scopus 로고
    • Helsinki: Otava
    • Suomen Asetuskokoelma (Finnish Code of Statutes) 26/1918; Harmaja, Maailmansodan vaikutus Suomen taloudelliseen kehitykseen, 318; Kuusi, Kauppapolitiikka, 486-487, 516-517; Kuka kukin oli 1900-1960 (Who Was Who in Finland, 1900-1960). Helsinki: Otava 1961.
    • (1961) Kuka Kukin Oli 1900-1960 (Who Was Who in Finland, 1900-1960)
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    • Finländska karteller
    • Pro memoria of the Trade and Industry Commission on the establishment of central cooperatives, July 1918, (HA3), Archives of the Trade and Industry Commission, FNA
    • Pro memoria of the Trade and Industry Commission on the establishment of central cooperatives, July 1918, (HA3), Archives of the Trade and Industry Commission, FNA; Alfthan, Ferdinand, Finländska karteller (Finnish Cartels), Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, vol. VII, 1920-1921, 287-291, 297-306; Feldman, Gerald D., Post-1918 penetration of German enterprises, Historical studies in international corporate business, Ed. Alice Teichova et al. Cambridge:Cambridge UP 1991, 88-89;
    • (1920) Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift , vol.7 , pp. 287-291
    • Alfthan, F.1
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    • Post-1918 penetration of German enterprises
    • Ed. Alice Teichova et al. Cambridge:Cambridge UP
    • Pro memoria of the Trade and Industry Commission on the establishment of central cooperatives, July 1918, (HA3), Archives of the Trade and Industry Commission, FNA; Alfthan, Ferdinand, Finländska karteller (Finnish Cartels), Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, vol. VII, 1920-1921, 287-291, 297-306; Feldman, Gerald D., Post-1918 penetration of German enterprises, Historical studies in international corporate business, Ed. Alice Teichova et al. Cambridge:Cambridge UP 1991, 88-89;
    • (1991) Historical Studies in International Corporate Business , pp. 88-89
    • Feldman, G.D.1
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    • 85038199342 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Pro memoria by the Trade and Industry Commission, September 1918, (HA2), Archives of the Trade and Industry Commission, FNA. That memorandum was probably written by Aleksander Lampen, Technical Director and Managing Director of Tornator Oy, 1909-32.
  • 40
    • 85038204942 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Suomen Asetuskokoelma (Finnish Code of Statutes) 123/1919; Harmaja, Maailmansodan vaikutus Suomen taloudelliseen kehitykseen, 330-340; Kuusi, Kauppapolitiikka, 522-523; some of the functions of the Commission were transferred to the National Board of Trade and Industry, a permanent central administrative board, which was founded in 1918 under the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
    • Suomen Asetuskokoelma (Finnish Code of Statutes) 123/1919
  • 41
    • 85038201876 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Suomen Asetuskokoelma (Finnish Code of Statutes) 123/1919; Harmaja, Maailmansodan vaikutus Suomen taloudelliseen kehitykseen, 330-340; Kuusi, Kauppapolitiikka, 522-523; some of the functions of the Commission were transferred to the National Board of Trade and Industry, a permanent central administrative board, which was founded in 1918 under the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
    • Maailmansodan Vaikutus Suomen Taloudelliseen Kehitykseen , pp. 330-340
    • Harmaja1
  • 42
    • 85038196375 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Suomen Asetuskokoelma (Finnish Code of Statutes) 123/1919; Harmaja, Maailmansodan vaikutus Suomen taloudelliseen kehitykseen, 330-340; Kuusi, Kauppapolitiikka, 522-523; some of the functions of the Commission were transferred to the National Board of Trade and Industry, a permanent central administrative board, which was founded in 1918 under the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
    • Kauppapolitiikka , pp. 522-523
    • Kuusi1
  • 43
    • 85038196375 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Report dated 24 May 1918 on a business sector meeting, convened by the Trade and Industry Commission, (HA2), Archives of the Trade and Industry Commission, FNA
    • Report dated 24 May 1918 on a business sector meeting, convened by the Trade and Industry Commission, (HA2), Archives of the Trade and Industry Commission, FNA; Kuusi, Kauppapolitiikka, 485-488.
    • Kauppapolitiikka , pp. 485-488
    • Kuusi1
  • 44
    • 85038201386 scopus 로고
    • Board minutes, 28 January
    • Annual report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industries; Board minutes, 28 January 1921, of the Association of Finnish Import Industry; Kananen, Ilkka, MTK ja Suomen maatalouspolitiikka: Elintarvikepulasta omavaraisuuteen 1917-1949 (CUAP and Finnish agricultural policy). Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä 1986, 21; Pesonen, Markku, Teollisuuden keskusliito ja sen edeltäjät 1921-1991 (The Confederation of Finnish Industry and its forerunners, 1921-1991). Helsinki: Teollisuuden Keskusliitto 1992, 10; Poukka, Pentti, Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto 1918-1968 (The Confederation of the Finnish Forest Industries, 1918-1968). Metsäteollisuus itsenäisessä Suomessa, Ed. Juha Laurila et al. Helsinki: Suomen paperi-ja puutavaralehti 1968, 21.
    • (1921) Annual Report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industries
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    • 0345266681 scopus 로고
    • Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä
    • Annual report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industries; Board minutes, 28 January 1921, of the Association of Finnish Import Industry; Kananen, Ilkka, MTK ja Suomen maatalouspolitiikka: Elintarvikepulasta omavaraisuuteen 1917-1949 (CUAP and Finnish agricultural policy). Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä 1986, 21; Pesonen, Markku, Teollisuuden keskusliito ja sen edeltäjät 1921-1991 (The Confederation of Finnish Industry and its forerunners, 1921-1991). Helsinki: Teollisuuden Keskusliitto 1992, 10; Poukka, Pentti, Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto 1918-1968 (The Confederation of the Finnish Forest Industries, 1918-1968). Metsäteollisuus itsenäisessä Suomessa, Ed. Juha Laurila et al. Helsinki: Suomen paperi-ja puutavaralehti 1968, 21.
    • (1986) MTK ja Suomen Maatalouspolitiikka: Elintarvikepulasta Omavaraisuuteen 1917-1949 (CUAP and Finnish Agricultural Policy) , pp. 21
    • Kananen, I.1
  • 46
    • 17744377657 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Helsinki: Teollisuuden Keskusliitto
    • Annual report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industries; Board minutes, 28 January 1921, of the Association of Finnish Import Industry; Kananen, Ilkka, MTK ja Suomen maatalouspolitiikka: Elintarvikepulasta omavaraisuuteen 1917-1949 (CUAP and Finnish agricultural policy). Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä 1986, 21; Pesonen, Markku, Teollisuuden keskusliito ja sen edeltäjät 1921-1991 (The Confederation of Finnish Industry and its forerunners, 1921-1991). Helsinki: Teollisuuden Keskusliitto 1992, 10; Poukka, Pentti, Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto 1918-1968 (The Confederation of the Finnish Forest Industries, 1918-1968). Metsäteollisuus itsenäisessä Suomessa, Ed. Juha Laurila et al. Helsinki: Suomen paperi-ja puutavaralehti 1968, 21.
    • (1992) Teollisuuden Keskusliito ja Sen Edeltäjät 1921-1991 (The Confederation of Finnish Industry and Its Forerunners, 1921-1991). , pp. 10
    • Pesonen, M.1
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    • Suomen puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto 1918-1968
    • Ed. Juha Laurila et al. Helsinki: Suomen paperi-ja puutavaralehti
    • Annual report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industries; Board minutes, 28 January 1921, of the Association of Finnish Import Industry; Kananen, Ilkka, MTK ja Suomen maatalouspolitiikka: Elintarvikepulasta omavaraisuuteen 1917-1949 (CUAP and Finnish agricultural policy). Helsinki: Kirjayhtymä 1986, 21; Pesonen, Markku, Teollisuuden keskusliito ja sen edeltäjät 1921-1991 (The Confederation of Finnish Industry and its forerunners, 1921-1991). Helsinki: Teollisuuden Keskusliitto 1992, 10; Poukka, Pentti, Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto 1918-1968 (The Confederation of the Finnish Forest Industries, 1918-1968). Metsäteollisuus itsenäisessä Suomessa, Ed. Juha Laurila et al. Helsinki: Suomen paperi-ja puutavaralehti 1968, 21.
    • (1968) Metsäteollisuus Itsenäisessä Suomessa , pp. 21
    • Poukka, P.1
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    • ACFI
    • Annual report of the Confederation of Finnish Industry 1922, ACFI; Ahvenainen, Jorma & Vartiainen, Henri, Itsenäisen Suomen talouspolitiikka, Suomen taloushistoria 2 (Economic policy of the independent Finland. Economic history of Finland 2), Eds. Jorma Ahvenainen, Erkki Pihkala and Viljo Rasila. Helsinki: Tammi 1982, 176-182; Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 521-536.
    • Annual Report of the Confederation of Finnish Industry 1922
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    • Annual report of the Confederation of Finnish Industry 1922, ACFI; Ahvenainen, Jorma & Vartiainen, Henri, Itsenäisen Suomen talouspolitiikka, Suomen taloushistoria 2 (Economic policy of the independent Finland. Economic history of Finland 2), Eds. Jorma Ahvenainen, Erkki Pihkala and Viljo Rasila. Helsinki: Tammi 1982, 176-182; Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 521-536.
    • Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations , pp. 521-536
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    • Några randanmarkningar till Finlands handelstraktatpolitik
    • Procope, Hjalmar, Några randanmarkningar till Finlands handelstraktatpolitik, Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift, vol. XXVIII, 1933, 5-6. Italics by the author.
    • (1933) Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift , vol.28 , pp. 5-6
    • Procope, H.1
  • 52
    • 0345266679 scopus 로고
    • Annual report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industry, 1919; Kananen, MTK ja Suomen maatalouspolitiikka, 18-33; Kuisma, Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry), 248-249; Pesonen, Teollisuuden keskusliitto ja sen edehäjät, 10; Poukka, Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto, 21 and 47.
    • (1919) Annual Report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industry
  • 53
    • 85038195872 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Annual report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industry, 1919; Kananen, MTK ja Suomen maatalouspolitiikka, 18-33; Kuisma, Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry), 248-249; Pesonen, Teollisuuden keskusliitto ja sen edehäjät, 10; Poukka, Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto, 21 and 47.
    • MTK ja Suomen Maatalouspolitiikka , pp. 18-33
    • Kananen1
  • 54
    • 4243605548 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Annual report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industry, 1919; Kananen, MTK ja Suomen maatalouspolitiikka, 18-33; Kuisma, Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry), 248-249; Pesonen, Teollisuuden keskusliitto ja sen edehäjät, 10; Poukka, Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto, 21 and 47.
    • Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry) , pp. 248-249
    • Kuisma1
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    • 17744377657 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Annual report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industry, 1919; Kananen, MTK ja Suomen maatalouspolitiikka, 18-33; Kuisma, Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry), 248-249; Pesonen, Teollisuuden keskusliitto ja sen edehäjät, 10; Poukka, Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto, 21 and 47.
    • Teollisuuden Keskusliitto ja Sen Edehäjät , pp. 10
    • Pesonen1
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    • 0344403700 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Annual report of the Federation of Finnish Forest Industry, 1919; Kananen, MTK ja Suomen maatalouspolitiikka, 18-33; Kuisma, Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry), 248-249; Pesonen, Teollisuuden keskusliitto ja sen edehäjät, 10; Poukka, Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden keskusliitto, 21 and 47.
    • Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden Keskusliitto , pp. 21
    • Poukka1
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    • Etujärjestöjen painostuspolitiikka suomessa 1945-1964
    • Porvoo: WSOY
    • Huuska, Väinö, Etujärjestöjen painostuspolitiikka Suomessa 1945-1964 (Pressure Politic in Finland, 1945-1964), Politiikan tutkimuksia 9. Porvoo: WSOY 1968, 21 and 78; Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 524; Kuisma, Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry), 249; Olson, Mancur, The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic growth, stagflation and social rigidities. New Haven: Yale UP 1982, 40-45.
    • (1968) Politiikan Tutkimuksia , vol.9 , pp. 21
    • Huuska, V.1
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    • Huuska, Väinö, Etujärjestöjen painostuspolitiikka Suomessa 1945-1964 (Pressure Politic in Finland, 1945-1964), Politiikan tutkimuksia 9. Porvoo: WSOY 1968, 21 and 78; Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 524; Kuisma, Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry), 249; Olson, Mancur, The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic growth, stagflation and social rigidities. New Haven: Yale UP 1982, 40-45.
    • Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations , pp. 524
    • Kuisma1
  • 59
    • 4243605548 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Huuska, Väinö, Etujärjestöjen painostuspolitiikka Suomessa 1945-1964 (Pressure Politic in Finland, 1945-1964), Politiikan tutkimuksia 9. Porvoo: WSOY 1968, 21 and 78; Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 524; Kuisma, Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry), 249; Olson, Mancur, The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic growth, stagflation and social rigidities. New Haven: Yale UP 1982, 40-45.
    • Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry) , pp. 249
    • Kuisma1
  • 60
    • 0003461404 scopus 로고
    • New Haven: Yale UP
    • Huuska, Väinö, Etujärjestöjen painostuspolitiikka Suomessa 1945-1964 (Pressure Politic in Finland, 1945-1964), Politiikan tutkimuksia 9. Porvoo: WSOY 1968, 21 and 78; Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations, 524; Kuisma, Metsäteollisuuden maa (Land of Forest Industry), 249; Olson, Mancur, The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic growth, stagflation and social rigidities. New Haven: Yale UP 1982, 40-45.
    • (1982) The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation and Social Rigidities , pp. 40-45
    • Olson, M.1
  • 61
    • 85038198115 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Kuka kukin oli 1900-1960 (Who Was Who in Finland, 1900-1960); Valtionkalenteri (Official Directory) 1919-1939; Lamberg, Juha-Antti, Vaalirahoituksen taloushistoria (Economic History of Campaign Funding). Uusi institutionaalinen taloushistoria: Johdanto tutkimukseen (New Institutional Economic History: An introduction). Jyväskylä: Atena Kustannus 1997, 150.
    • Kuka Kukin oli 1900-1960 (Who Was Who in Finland, 1900-1960)
  • 62
    • 85038197818 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Kuka kukin oli 1900-1960 (Who Was Who in Finland, 1900-1960); Valtionkalenteri (Official Directory) 1919-1939; Lamberg, Juha-Antti, Vaalirahoituksen taloushistoria (Economic History of Campaign Funding). Uusi institutionaalinen taloushistoria: Johdanto tutkimukseen (New Institutional Economic History: An introduction). Jyväskylä: Atena Kustannus 1997, 150.
    • Valtionkalenteri (Official Directory) 1919-1939
  • 64
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    • 11 December for instance, a letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to trade and industry organisations and certain ministries, of 9 October 1919, (58Da); pro.memoria by the Trade Agreement Committee to the Cabinet, 19 Septemer 1921, (58Da), Archives of the Ministery of Foreign Affairs (AMFA)
    • On the establishment of the Trade Agreement Committee, see Cabinet minutes, 11 December 1919; for instance, a letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to trade and industry organisations and certain ministries, of 9 October 1919, (58Da); pro.memoria by the Trade Agreement Committee to the Cabinet, 19 Septemer 1921, (58Da), Archives of the Ministery of Foreign Affairs (AMFA); Nevakivi, Ulkoasiainhallinnon historia (History of the Foreign Affairs Administration), 128.
    • (1919) Cabinet Minutes
  • 65
    • 85021156416 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the establishment of the Trade Agreement Committee, see Cabinet minutes, 11 December 1919; for instance, a letter of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to trade and industry organisations and certain ministries, of 9 October 1919, (58Da); pro.memoria by the Trade Agreement Committee to the Cabinet, 19 Septemer 1921, (58Da), Archives of the Ministery of Foreign Affairs (AMFA); Nevakivi, Ulkoasiainhallinnon historia (History of the Foreign Affairs Administration), 128.
    • Ulkoasiainhallinnon Historia (History of the Foreign Affairs Administration) , pp. 128
    • Nevakivi1
  • 66
    • 85038197598 scopus 로고
    • Pro memoria by the Trade Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Finnish foreign trade policy, 8 September 1921, (58Da), AMFA; Unpublished, Licentiate's thesis, Institute of History, University of Jyväskylä
    • Pro memoria by the Trade Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Finnish foreign trade policy, 8 September 1921, (58Da), AMFA; Lamberg, Juha-Antti, Suomen ja Espanjan kaupalliset suhteet 1918-1939 (Trade Relationships between Finland and Spain, 1918-1939). Unpublished, Licentiate's thesis, Institute of History, University of Jyväskylä 1995;
    • (1995) Suomen ja Espanjan Kaupalliset Suhteet 1918-1939 (Trade Relationships between Finland and Spain, 1918-1939)
    • Lamberg, J.-A.1
  • 68
    • 85038198196 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A cablegram from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Solitander, 1929, (58B1); cablegram sent by Solitander to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1929, (58B1); cablegram from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Wäinö Wuolijoki, 1929, (58B1), AMFA;
    • A cablegram from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Solitander, 1929, (58B1); cablegram sent by Solitander to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1929, (58B1); cablegram from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Ambassador Wäinö Wuolijoki, 1929, (58B1), AMFA; Lamberg, Suomen ja Espanjan kaupalliset suhteet.
    • Suomen ja Espanjan Kaupalliset Suhteet
    • Lamberg1
  • 69
    • 85038199551 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Gripenberg to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 28 October and 11 November 1932, (58B1); Pro memoria by Henrik Ramsay, 24 January 1933, (58B1); Finnish pro memoria addressed to Britain 24 January 1933, (58B1), AMFA; Gripenberg's diary, 22-25 January 1933, Gripenberg collections, FNA; as expected, Walter Runciman, the British representative of the Board of Trade, rejected the Finnish demands concerning tariff exemption for butter.
  • 70
    • 85038198584 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • British note to Finland, 24 January 1933, (58B1); the Trade Agreement Committee to the Finnish delegation, 13 May 1933, (58B1); Gripenberg to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 8 May 1933, (58B1), AFMA; Ramsay to Gripenberg, 3 July and 7 July 1933, Gripenberg collections, FNA; Board minutes of the Confederation of Finnish Industry, July 1933, ACFI.
  • 71
    • 85038196268 scopus 로고
    • The 1933 finnish-British trade agreement
    • Pro memoria by the Trade Agreement Delegation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 17 May 1933, (58Da), AMFA; Lammi, September
    • Pro memoria by the Trade Agreement Delegation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 17 May 1933, (58Da), AMFA; Lamberg, Juha-Antti, The 1933 Finnish-British Trade Agreement, unpublished paper presented at the Further Studies Seminar at Lammi, September 1995.
    • (1995) Further Studies Seminar
    • Lamberg, J.-A.1

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