The question of contentious gatherings is explored fully in Charles Tilly
The question of contentious gatherings is explored fully in Charles Tilly, Popular Contention in Great Britain 1758-1834 (London, 1995). Tilly acknowledges that his data greatly underestimate the frequency of strikes and turnouts.
Popular Contention in Great Britain 1758-1834
Most studies focus on the period after 1870. See Cronin, Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain, pp. 197-205; idem, "Strikes 1870-1914", in Christopher Wrigley (ed.), A History of British Industrial Relations 1875-1914 (London, 1982), pp. 74-98; idem, "Strikes and Power in Britain 1870-1920", in L.H. Haimson and Charles Tilly (eds), Strikes, Wars and Revolutions in International Perspective (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 79-100; Michael Haynes, "Strikes", in John Benson (ed.), The Working Class in England 1875-1914 (London, 1985), pp. 89-132; Peter Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements", International Review of Social History, XIV (1974), pp. 1-27. Exceptions to this are Andrew Charlesworth et al., An Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain 1750-1990 (London, 1996); Lynn Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in English Industrial Towns, 1842-1901", in James Cronin and Jonathan Schneer (eds), Social Conflict and Political Order in Modern Britain (London, 1982), pp. 52-73.
Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain
, pp. 197-205
Strikes 1870-1914
Christopher Wrigley London
Most studies focus on the period after 1870. See Cronin, Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain, pp. 197-205; idem, "Strikes 1870-1914", in Christopher Wrigley (ed.), A History of British Industrial Relations 1875-1914 (London, 1982), pp. 74-98; idem, "Strikes and Power in Britain 1870-1920", in L.H. Haimson and Charles Tilly (eds), Strikes, Wars and Revolutions in International Perspective (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 79-100; Michael Haynes, "Strikes", in John Benson (ed.), The Working Class in England 1875-1914 (London, 1985), pp. 89-132; Peter Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements", International Review of Social History, XIV (1974), pp. 1-27. Exceptions to this are Andrew Charlesworth et al., An Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain 1750-1990 (London, 1996); Lynn Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in English Industrial Towns, 1842-1901", in James Cronin and Jonathan Schneer (eds), Social Conflict and Political Order in Modern Britain (London, 1982), pp. 52-73.
A History of British Industrial Relations 1875-1914
, pp. 74-98
Strikes and power in Britain 1870-1920
L.H. Haimson and Charles Tilly (eds), Cambridge
Most studies focus on the period after 1870. See Cronin, Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain, pp. 197-205; idem, "Strikes 1870-1914", in Christopher Wrigley (ed.), A History of British Industrial Relations 1875-1914 (London, 1982), pp. 74-98; idem, "Strikes and Power in Britain 1870-1920", in L.H. Haimson and Charles Tilly (eds), Strikes, Wars and Revolutions in International Perspective (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 79-100; Michael Haynes, "Strikes", in John Benson (ed.), The Working Class in England 1875-1914 (London, 1985), pp. 89-132; Peter Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements", International Review of Social History, XIV (1974), pp. 1-27. Exceptions to this are Andrew Charlesworth et al., An Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain 1750-1990 (London, 1996); Lynn Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in English Industrial Towns, 1842-1901", in James Cronin and Jonathan Schneer (eds), Social Conflict and Political Order in Modern Britain (London, 1982), pp. 52-73.
Strikes, Wars and Revolutions in International Perspective
, pp. 79-100
John Benson (ed.), London
Most studies focus on the period after 1870. See Cronin, Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain, pp. 197-205; idem, "Strikes 1870-1914", in Christopher Wrigley (ed.), A History of British Industrial Relations 1875-1914 (London, 1982), pp. 74-98; idem, "Strikes and Power in Britain 1870-1920", in L.H. Haimson and Charles Tilly (eds), Strikes, Wars and Revolutions in International Perspective (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 79-100; Michael Haynes, "Strikes", in John Benson (ed.), The Working Class in England 1875-1914 (London, 1985), pp. 89-132; Peter Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements", International Review of Social History, XIV (1974), pp. 1-27. Exceptions to this are Andrew Charlesworth et al., An Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain 1750-1990 (London, 1996); Lynn Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in English Industrial Towns, 1842-1901", in James Cronin and Jonathan Schneer (eds), Social Conflict and Political Order in Modern Britain (London, 1982), pp. 52-73.
The Working Class in England 1875-1914
, pp. 89-132
Haynes, M.1
Measuring the evolution of strike movements
Most studies focus on the period after 1870. See Cronin, Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain, pp. 197-205; idem, "Strikes 1870-1914", in Christopher Wrigley (ed.), A History of British Industrial Relations 1875-1914 (London, 1982), pp. 74-98; idem, "Strikes and Power in Britain 1870-1920", in L.H. Haimson and Charles Tilly (eds), Strikes, Wars and Revolutions in International Perspective (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 79-100; Michael Haynes, "Strikes", in John Benson (ed.), The Working Class in England 1875-1914 (London, 1985), pp. 89-132; Peter Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements", International Review of Social History, XIV (1974), pp. 1-27. Exceptions to this are Andrew Charlesworth et al., An Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain 1750-1990 (London, 1996); Lynn Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in English Industrial Towns, 1842-1901", in James Cronin and Jonathan Schneer (eds), Social Conflict and Political Order in Modern Britain (London, 1982), pp. 52-73.
International Review of Social History
, vol.14
, pp. 1-27
Stearns, P.1
Most studies focus on the period after 1870. See Cronin, Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain, pp. 197-205; idem, "Strikes 1870-1914", in Christopher Wrigley (ed.), A History of British Industrial Relations 1875-1914 (London, 1982), pp. 74-98; idem, "Strikes and Power in Britain 1870-1920", in L.H. Haimson and Charles Tilly (eds), Strikes, Wars and Revolutions in International Perspective (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 79-100; Michael Haynes, "Strikes", in John Benson (ed.), The Working Class in England 1875-1914 (London, 1985), pp. 89-132; Peter Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements", International Review of Social History, XIV (1974), pp. 1-27. Exceptions to this are Andrew Charlesworth et al., An Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain 1750-1990 (London, 1996); Lynn Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in English Industrial Towns, 1842-1901", in James Cronin and Jonathan Schneer (eds), Social Conflict and Political Order in Modern Britain (London, 1982), pp. 52-73.
An Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain 1750-1990
Charlesworth, A.1
Strikes and the urban hierarchy in english industrial towns, 1842-1901
James Cronin and Jonathan Schneer (eds), London
Most studies focus on the period after 1870. See Cronin, Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain, pp. 197-205; idem, "Strikes 1870-1914", in Christopher Wrigley (ed.), A History of British Industrial Relations 1875-1914 (London, 1982), pp. 74-98; idem, "Strikes and Power in Britain 1870-1920", in L.H. Haimson and Charles Tilly (eds), Strikes, Wars and Revolutions in International Perspective (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 79-100; Michael Haynes, "Strikes", in John Benson (ed.), The Working Class in England 1875-1914 (London, 1985), pp. 89-132; Peter Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements", International Review of Social History, XIV (1974), pp. 1-27. Exceptions to this are Andrew Charlesworth et al., An Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain 1750-1990 (London, 1996); Lynn Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in English Industrial Towns, 1842-1901", in James Cronin and Jonathan Schneer (eds), Social Conflict and Political Order in Modern Britain (London, 1982), pp. 52-73.
Social Conflict and Political Order in Modern Britain
, pp. 52-73
Lees, L.1
The origin of British strike statistics
See S.W. Creigh, "The Origin of British Strike Statistics", Business History, 24 (1982), pp. 95-106.
Business History
, vol.24
, pp. 95-106
Creigh, S.W.1
Technological change and the 1852 lockout in the British engineering industry
See, for example, Keith Burgess, "Technological Change and the 1852 Lockout in the British Engineering Industry", International Review of Social History, XIV (1969), pp. 215-236; Eric Hobsbawm, "Economic Fluctuations and Some Social Movements since 1800", in his Labouring Men (London, 1964), pp. 126-157; Eric Hopkins, "An Anatomy of Strikes in the Stourbridge Glass Industry 1850-1914", Midland History, 2 (1973), pp. 21-31; Michael Jenkins, The General Strike of 1842 (London, 1980); Terry Parssinen and Iorworth Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike of 1834 and the Collapse of the Grand National Consolidated Trades' Union: A Police Spy's Report", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 65-107; Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in Industrial Towns", pp. 52-72; Richard Price, Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830-1914 (Cambridge, 1980); B. Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis: Premises, Concepts and Measurement", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 7-34.
International Review of Social History
, vol.14
, pp. 215-236
Burgess, K.1
Economic fluctuations and some social movements since 1800
See, for example, Keith Burgess, "Technological Change and the 1852 Lockout in the British Engineering Industry", International Review of Social History, XIV (1969), pp. 215-236; Eric Hobsbawm, "Economic Fluctuations and Some Social Movements since 1800", in his Labouring Men (London, 1964), pp. 126-157; Eric Hopkins, "An Anatomy of Strikes in the Stourbridge Glass Industry 1850-1914", Midland History, 2 (1973), pp. 21-31; Michael Jenkins, The General Strike of 1842 (London, 1980); Terry Parssinen and Iorworth Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike of 1834 and the Collapse of the Grand National Consolidated Trades' Union: A Police Spy's Report", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 65-107; Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in Industrial Towns", pp. 52-72; Richard Price, Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830-1914 (Cambridge, 1980); B. Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis: Premises, Concepts and Measurement", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 7-34.
Labouring Men
, pp. 126-157
Hobsbawm, E.1
An anatomy of strikes in the stourbridge glass industry 1850-1914
See, for example, Keith Burgess, "Technological Change and the 1852 Lockout in the British Engineering Industry", International Review of Social History, XIV (1969), pp. 215-236; Eric Hobsbawm, "Economic Fluctuations and Some Social Movements since 1800", in his Labouring Men (London, 1964), pp. 126-157; Eric Hopkins, "An Anatomy of Strikes in the Stourbridge Glass Industry 1850-1914", Midland History, 2 (1973), pp. 21-31; Michael Jenkins, The General Strike of 1842 (London, 1980); Terry Parssinen and Iorworth Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike of 1834 and the Collapse of the Grand National Consolidated Trades' Union: A Police Spy's Report", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 65-107; Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in Industrial Towns", pp. 52-72; Richard Price, Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830-1914 (Cambridge, 1980); B. Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis: Premises, Concepts and Measurement", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 7-34.
Midland History
, vol.2
, pp. 21-31
Hopkins, E.1
See, for example, Keith Burgess, "Technological Change and the 1852 Lockout in the British Engineering Industry", International Review of Social History, XIV (1969), pp. 215-236; Eric Hobsbawm, "Economic Fluctuations and Some Social Movements since 1800", in his Labouring Men (London, 1964), pp. 126-157; Eric Hopkins, "An Anatomy of Strikes in the Stourbridge Glass Industry 1850-1914", Midland History, 2 (1973), pp. 21-31; Michael Jenkins, The General Strike of 1842 (London, 1980); Terry Parssinen and Iorworth Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike of 1834 and the Collapse of the Grand National Consolidated Trades' Union: A Police Spy's Report", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 65-107; Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in Industrial Towns", pp. 52-72; Richard Price, Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830-1914 (Cambridge, 1980); B. Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis: Premises, Concepts and Measurement", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 7-34.
The General Strike of 1842
Jenkins, M.1
The london tailors' strike of 1834 and the collapse of the grand national consolidated trades' union: A police spy's report
See, for example, Keith Burgess, "Technological Change and the 1852 Lockout in the British Engineering Industry", International Review of Social History, XIV (1969), pp. 215-236; Eric Hobsbawm, "Economic Fluctuations and Some Social Movements since 1800", in his Labouring Men (London, 1964), pp. 126-157; Eric Hopkins, "An Anatomy of Strikes in the Stourbridge Glass Industry 1850-1914", Midland History, 2 (1973), pp. 21-31; Michael Jenkins, The General Strike of 1842 (London, 1980); Terry Parssinen and Iorworth Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike of 1834 and the Collapse of the Grand National Consolidated Trades' Union: A Police Spy's Report", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 65-107; Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in Industrial Towns", pp. 52-72; Richard Price, Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830-1914 (Cambridge, 1980); B. Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis: Premises, Concepts and Measurement", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 7-34.
International Review of Social History
, vol.22
, pp. 65-107
Parssinen, T.1
Prothero, I.2
See, for example, Keith Burgess, "Technological Change and the 1852 Lockout in the British Engineering Industry", International Review of Social History, XIV (1969), pp. 215-236; Eric Hobsbawm, "Economic Fluctuations and Some Social Movements since 1800", in his Labouring Men (London, 1964), pp. 126-157; Eric Hopkins, "An Anatomy of Strikes in the Stourbridge Glass Industry 1850-1914", Midland History, 2 (1973), pp. 21-31; Michael Jenkins, The General Strike of 1842 (London, 1980); Terry Parssinen and Iorworth Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike of 1834 and the Collapse of the Grand National Consolidated Trades' Union: A Police Spy's Report", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 65-107; Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in Industrial Towns", pp. 52-72; Richard Price, Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830-1914 (Cambridge, 1980); B. Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis: Premises, Concepts and Measurement", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 7-34.
Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in Industrial Towns
, pp. 52-72
See, for example, Keith Burgess, "Technological Change and the 1852 Lockout in the British Engineering Industry", International Review of Social History, XIV (1969), pp. 215-236; Eric Hobsbawm, "Economic Fluctuations and Some Social Movements since 1800", in his Labouring Men (London, 1964), pp. 126-157; Eric Hopkins, "An Anatomy of Strikes in the Stourbridge Glass Industry 1850-1914", Midland History, 2 (1973), pp. 21-31; Michael Jenkins, The General Strike of 1842 (London, 1980); Terry Parssinen and Iorworth Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike of 1834 and the Collapse of the Grand National Consolidated Trades' Union: A Police Spy's Report", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 65-107; Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in Industrial Towns", pp. 52-72; Richard Price, Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830-1914 (Cambridge, 1980); B. Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis: Premises, Concepts and Measurement", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 7-34.
Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830-1914
Price, R.1
Labor unrest and world-systems analysis: Premises, concepts and measurement
See, for example, Keith Burgess, "Technological Change and the 1852 Lockout in the British Engineering Industry", International Review of Social History, XIV (1969), pp. 215-236; Eric Hobsbawm, "Economic Fluctuations and Some Social Movements since 1800", in his Labouring Men (London, 1964), pp. 126-157; Eric Hopkins, "An Anatomy of Strikes in the Stourbridge Glass Industry 1850-1914", Midland History, 2 (1973), pp. 21-31; Michael Jenkins, The General Strike of 1842 (London, 1980); Terry Parssinen and Iorworth Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike of 1834 and the Collapse of the Grand National Consolidated Trades' Union: A Police Spy's Report", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 65-107; Lees, "Strikes and the Urban Hierarchy in Industrial Towns", pp. 52-72; Richard Price, Masters, Unions and Men: Work Control in Building and the Rise of Labour 1830-1914 (Cambridge, 1980); B. Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis: Premises, Concepts and Measurement", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 7-34.
, vol.18
, pp. 7-34
Silver, B.1
See John Stevenson, Popular Disturbances in England 1700-1832 (London, 1992); Tilly, Popular Contention in Great Britain; C.R. Dobson, Masters and Journeymen (London, 1980).
Popular Contention in Great Britain
See John Stevenson, Popular Disturbances in England 1700-1832 (London, 1992); Tilly, Popular Contention in Great Britain; C.R. Dobson, Masters and Journeymen (London, 1980).
Masters and Journeymen
Dobson, C.R.1
Neither exceptional nor peculiar: Towards the comparative study of labor in advanced society
For a discussion of exceptionalism see James Cronin, "Neither Exceptional nor Peculiar: Towards the Comparative Study of Labor in Advanced Society", International Review of Social History, XXXVIII (1993), pp. 59-75.
International Review of Social History
, vol.38
, pp. 59-75
Cronin, J.1
Rehabilitating the industrial revolution
There is a growing literature on regional economic change during the Industrial Revolution. See Maxine Berg and Pat Hudson, "Rehabilitating the Industrial Revolution", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., XLV (1992), pp. 38-39; Pat Hudson, The Industrial Revolution (London, 1992), pp. 101-132; Edward Hunt, "Industrialisation and Regional Inequalities: Wages in Britain 1760-1914", Journal of Economic History, XLVI (1986), pp. 935-966; J. Langton, "The Industrial Revolution and the Regional Geography of England", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, new ser., 9 (1984), pp. 145-167.
Economic History Review, 2nd Ser.
, vol.45
, pp. 38-39
Berg, M.1
Hudson, P.2
There is a growing literature on regional economic change during the Industrial Revolution. See Maxine Berg and Pat Hudson, "Rehabilitating the Industrial Revolution", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., XLV (1992), pp. 38-39; Pat Hudson, The Industrial Revolution (London, 1992), pp. 101-132; Edward Hunt, "Industrialisation and Regional Inequalities: Wages in Britain 1760-1914", Journal of Economic History, XLVI (1986), pp. 935-966; J. Langton, "The Industrial Revolution and the Regional Geography of England", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, new ser., 9 (1984), pp. 145-167.
The Industrial Revolution
, pp. 101-132
Hudson, P.1
Industrialisation and regional inequalities: Wages in Britain 1760-1914
There is a growing literature on regional economic change during the Industrial Revolution. See Maxine Berg and Pat Hudson, "Rehabilitating the Industrial Revolution", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., XLV (1992), pp. 38-39; Pat Hudson, The Industrial Revolution (London, 1992), pp. 101-132; Edward Hunt, "Industrialisation and Regional Inequalities: Wages in Britain 1760-1914", Journal of Economic History, XLVI (1986), pp. 935-966; J. Langton, "The Industrial Revolution and the Regional Geography of England", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, new ser., 9 (1984), pp. 145-167.
Journal of Economic History
, vol.46
, pp. 935-966
Hunt, E.1
The industrial revolution and the regional geography of England
There is a growing literature on regional economic change during the Industrial Revolution. See Maxine Berg and Pat Hudson, "Rehabilitating the Industrial Revolution", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., XLV (1992), pp. 38-39; Pat Hudson, The Industrial Revolution (London, 1992), pp. 101-132; Edward Hunt, "Industrialisation and Regional Inequalities: Wages in Britain 1760-1914", Journal of Economic History, XLVI (1986), pp. 935-966; J. Langton, "The Industrial Revolution and the Regional Geography of England", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, new ser., 9 (1984), pp. 145-167.
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Ser.
, vol.9
, pp. 145-167
Langton, J.1
This is the message that comes through strongly from Patrick Joyce, Visions of the People (Cambridge, 1994), esp. pp. 279-304 and James Vernon, Politics and the People (Cambridge, 1993). See also Catharina Lis and Hugo Soly, "Neighbourhood Social Change in West European Cities", International Review of Social History, XXXVIII (1993), esp. pp. 25-30.
Visions of the People
, pp. 279-304
Joyce, P.1
This is the message that comes through strongly from Patrick Joyce, Visions of the People (Cambridge, 1994), esp. pp. 279-304 and James Vernon, Politics and the People (Cambridge, 1993). See also Catharina Lis and Hugo Soly, "Neighbourhood Social Change in West European Cities", International Review of Social History, XXXVIII (1993), esp. pp. 25-30.
Politics and the People
Vernon, J.1
Neighbourhood social change in West European cities
This is the message that comes through strongly from Patrick Joyce, Visions of the People (Cambridge, 1994), esp. pp. 279-304 and James Vernon, Politics and the People (Cambridge, 1993). See also Catharina Lis and Hugo Soly, "Neighbourhood Social Change in West European Cities", International Review of Social History, XXXVIII (1993), esp. pp. 25-30.
International Review of Social History
, vol.38
, pp. 25-30
Catharina, L.1
Soly, H.2
London is here taken to be the registration district used in the 1851 census which subsequently became the area controlled by the Metropolitan Board of Works and later administered by the London County Council.
See note 2 above. It is hoped to continue coverage of disputes up to 1888 when the Board of Trade commenced publication of information on strikes.
This definition is borrowed from the work of Richard Hyman, Strikes (London, 1984), p. 17.
, pp. 17
Hyman, R.1
Popular sunday newspapers and Mid-Victorian society
G. Boyce, J. Curran and P. Wingate (eds), London
The working-class press is here defined loosely to include those newspapers which explicitly referred to working-class interests in their title, subtitle or motto. Such papers were usually published weekly on a Sunday, the day on which workers had most time to read. The appendix lists the newspapers consulted. See Virginia Berridge, "Popular Sunday Newspapers and Mid-Victorian Society", in G. Boyce, J. Curran and P. Wingate (eds), Newspaper History from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day (London, 1978), pp. 247-264; idem, "Content Analysis and Historical Research on Newspapers", in A. Harris and A. Lee (eds), The Press in English Society from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries (London, 1986), pp. 201-218; David R. Green, "From Artisans to Paupers" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 1984), pp. 422-427; R.K. Webb, The British Working Class Reader (London, 1955), pp. 32-34. See also J. Dangler, "The Times (London) and the New York Times as Sources on World Labor Unrest", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 35-47.
Newspaper History from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day
, pp. 247-264
Berridge, V.1
Content analysis and historical research on newspapers
A. Harris and A. Lee (eds), London
The working-class press is here defined loosely to include those newspapers which explicitly referred to working-class interests in their title, subtitle or motto. Such papers were usually published weekly on a Sunday, the day on which workers had most time to read. The appendix lists the newspapers consulted. See Virginia Berridge, "Popular Sunday Newspapers and Mid-Victorian Society", in G. Boyce, J. Curran and P. Wingate (eds), Newspaper History from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day (London, 1978), pp. 247-264; idem, "Content Analysis and Historical Research on Newspapers", in A. Harris and A. Lee (eds), The Press in English Society from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries (London, 1986), pp. 201-218; David R. Green, "From Artisans to Paupers" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 1984), pp. 422-427; R.K. Webb, The British Working Class Reader (London, 1955), pp. 32-34. See also J. Dangler, "The Times (London) and the New York Times as Sources on World Labor Unrest", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 35-47.
The Press in English Society from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries
, pp. 201-218
Berridge, V.1
unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge
The working-class press is here defined loosely to include those newspapers which explicitly referred to working-class interests in their title, subtitle or motto. Such papers were usually published weekly on a Sunday, the day on which workers had most time to read. The appendix lists the newspapers consulted. See Virginia Berridge, "Popular Sunday Newspapers and Mid-Victorian Society", in G. Boyce, J. Curran and P. Wingate (eds), Newspaper History from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day (London, 1978), pp. 247-264; idem, "Content Analysis and Historical Research on Newspapers", in A. Harris and A. Lee (eds), The Press in English Society from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries (London, 1986), pp. 201-218; David R. Green, "From Artisans to Paupers" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 1984), pp. 422-427; R.K. Webb, The British Working Class Reader (London, 1955), pp. 32-34. See also J. Dangler, "The Times (London) and the New York Times as Sources on World Labor Unrest", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 35-47.
From Artisans to Paupers
, pp. 422-427
Green, D.R.1
The working-class press is here defined loosely to include those newspapers which explicitly referred to working-class interests in their title, subtitle or motto. Such papers were usually published weekly on a Sunday, the day on which workers had most time to read. The appendix lists the newspapers consulted. See Virginia Berridge, "Popular Sunday Newspapers and Mid-Victorian Society", in G. Boyce, J. Curran and P. Wingate (eds), Newspaper History from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day (London, 1978), pp. 247-264; idem, "Content Analysis and Historical Research on Newspapers", in A. Harris and A. Lee (eds), The Press in English Society from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries (London, 1986), pp. 201-218; David R. Green, "From Artisans to Paupers" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 1984), pp. 422-427; R.K. Webb, The British Working Class Reader (London, 1955), pp. 32-34. See also J. Dangler, "The Times (London) and the New York Times as Sources on World Labor Unrest", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 35-47.
The British Working Class Reader
, pp. 32-34
Webb, R.K.1
The times (london) and the new york times as sources on world labor unrest
The working-class press is here defined loosely to include those newspapers which explicitly referred to working-class interests in their title, subtitle or motto. Such papers were usually published weekly on a Sunday, the day on which workers had most time to read. The appendix lists the newspapers consulted. See Virginia Berridge, "Popular Sunday Newspapers and Mid-Victorian Society", in G. Boyce, J. Curran and P. Wingate (eds), Newspaper History from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day (London, 1978), pp. 247-264; idem, "Content Analysis and Historical Research on Newspapers", in A. Harris and A. Lee (eds), The Press in English Society from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Centuries (London, 1986), pp. 201-218; David R. Green, "From Artisans to Paupers" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 1984), pp. 422-427; R.K. Webb, The British Working Class Reader (London, 1955), pp. 32-34. See also J. Dangler, "The Times (London) and the New York Times as Sources on World Labor Unrest", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 35-47.
, vol.18
, pp. 35-47
Dangler, J.1
For the tortuous history of working-class papers in the 1820s, see Prothero, Artisans and Politics, pp. 183-209.
Artisans and Politics
, pp. 183-209
For the history of the unstamped press in the 1830s, see Patricia Hollis, The Pauper Press (London, 1970).
The Pauper Press
Hollis, P.1
Newspaper circulation 1800-1914
The number of stamps was usually an overestimate, but gives a rough guide to circulation: See A.P. Wadsworth, "Newspaper Circulation 1800-1914", Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society (1955), pp. 1-37. It must not be forgotten that readership was many times larger than the actual number of papers printed.
Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society
, pp. 1-37
Wadsworth, A.P.1
Conflict intensity, media sensitivity and the validity of newspaper data
For a discussion of the issues raised by the reporting of social conflicts, see D. Snyder and W. Kelly, "Conflict Intensity, Media Sensitivity and the Validity of Newspaper Data", American Sociological Review, 42 (1977), pp. 105-123; M.H. Danziger, "Validating Conflict Data", American Sociological Review, 40 (1975), pp. 570-584; Milne, "Strikes and Strike Breaking in North-East England 1815-44: The Attitude of the Local Press", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 226-240;
American Sociological Review
, vol.42
, pp. 105-123
Snyder, D.1
Kelly, W.2
Validating conflict data
For a discussion of the issues raised by the reporting of social conflicts, see D. Snyder and W. Kelly, "Conflict Intensity, Media Sensitivity and the Validity of Newspaper Data", American Sociological Review, 42 (1977), pp. 105-123; M.H. Danziger, "Validating Conflict Data", American Sociological Review, 40 (1975), pp. 570-584; Milne, "Strikes and Strike Breaking in North-East England 1815-44: The Attitude of the Local Press", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 226-240;
American Sociological Review
, vol.40
, pp. 570-584
Danziger, M.H.1
Strikes and strike breaking in North-East England 1815-44: The attitude of the local press
For a discussion of the issues raised by the reporting of social conflicts, see D. Snyder and W. Kelly, "Conflict Intensity, Media Sensitivity and the Validity of Newspaper Data", American Sociological Review, 42 (1977), pp. 105-123; M.H. Danziger, "Validating Conflict Data", American Sociological Review, 40 (1975), pp. 570-584; Milne, "Strikes and Strike Breaking in North-East England 1815-44: The Attitude of the Local Press", International Review of Social History, XXII (1977), pp. 226-240;
International Review of Social History
, vol.22
, pp. 226-240
Strikes and the press in the North-East 1815-44: A note
James Corrigan, "Strikes and the Press in the North-East 1815-44: A Note", International Review of Social History, XXIII (1978), pp. 376-381.
International Review of Social History
, vol.23
, pp. 376-381
Corrigan, J.1
this ed., London, 1973
The database of labour disputes was compiled from a systematic reading of the major working-class newspapers, such as the Northern Star and Reynolds Newspaper, together with a complete coverage of The Times based on Samuel Palmer's index. Palmer's index was searched for any reference to strikes, lock-outs, turnouts, combinations, trade unions, wages, prosecutions for conspiracy, or mention of individual trades. According to Engels, the Northern Star was "the only sheet which reports all the movements of the proletariat", cited in The Condition of the Working-Class in England (1892; this ed., London, 1973), p. 230. The full list of newspapers is provided in Appendix 1. Gaps in the coverage of working-class newspapers were filled by referring to The Times and other newspapers. Other contemporary sources, including Parliamentary Papers and the Francis Place Newspaper collection held at the British Library, were also consulted, as too was the Webb Trade Union collection held in the British Library of Political and Economic Science.
The Condition of the Working-class in England
, pp. 230
Data collection instructions
In their study of labour unrest in the world economy, Silver et al. distinguish between general strikes, strikes, riots, unemployed protests, protests or disputes, demonstrations, lock-outs and other actions. See B. Silver et al., "Data Collection Instructions", Review, 18 (1995), pp. 195-201. The classification adopted here is broadly comparable with that of Silver et al., particularly in the way in which strikes, riots and lock-outs are distinguished from other forms of disputes.
, vol.18
, pp. 195-201
Silver, B.1
Frequency is normally taken to be the number of strikes per 100,000 workers in the appropriate trade, size is measured by numbers of workers involved whilst duration is measured in terms of the number of man-days lost through stoppage. See Shorter and Tilly, Strikes in France, p. 51. Unfortunately, the fragmentary nature of the data meant that it was difficult to establish any quantitative comparisons with other studies.
Strikes in
, pp. 51
Tilly, S.1
The shape of strikes in France 1830-1960
For a discussion on the shape of disputes see Edward Shorter and Charles Tilly, "The Shape of Strikes in France 1830-1960", Comparative Studies in Society and History, 13 (1971), pp. 60-86; idem, Strikes in France, pp. 49-71. See also Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements" .
Comparative Studies in Society and History
, vol.13
, pp. 60-86
Shorter, E.1
Tilly, C.2
The shape of strikes in France 1830-1960
For a discussion on the shape of disputes see Edward Shorter and Charles Tilly, "The Shape of Strikes in France 1830-1960", Comparative Studies in Society and History, 13 (1971), pp. 60-86; idem, Strikes in France, pp. 49-71. See also Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements" .
Strikes in France
, vol.13
, pp. 49-71
Shorter, E.1
Tilly, C.2
For a discussion on the shape of disputes see Edward Shorter and Charles Tilly, "The Shape of Strikes in France 1830-1960", Comparative Studies in Society and History, 13 (1971), pp. 60-86; idem, Strikes in France, pp. 49-71. See also Stearns, "Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements" .
Measuring the Evolution of Strike Movements .
points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis
, pp. 8-9
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Strikes in the United States 1881-1974
, pp. 61-67
Edwards, P.1
Cycles of strikes
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
American Economic Review
, vol.11
, pp. 616-621
Hansen, A.1
Economic functions of strikes
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
, vol.2
, pp. 527-545
Jurkat, D.B.1
Prosperity versus strikes
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
, vol.6
, pp. 220-226
Levitt, T.1
Measures of U.S. Strike activity
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
, vol.24
, pp. 515-525
Skeels, J.1
Industrial conflict and business fluctuations
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Journal of Political Economy
, vol.60
, pp. 371-382
Rees, A.1
Prosperity versus strikes: An empirical approach
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
, vol.14
, pp. 231-238
Weintraub, A.1
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Long Waves of Capitalist Development
, pp. 37-61
Mandel, E.1
Stages, cycles and insurgencies: The economics of unrest
Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), London
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Processes of the World System
, pp. 101-118
Cronin, J.1
Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis" points out that a pro-cyclical relationship is more characteristic of western European countries than the USA. See ibid., pp. 8-9. See also P. Edwards, Strikes in the United States 1881-1974 (Oxford, 1981), pp. 61-67; A. Hansen, "Cycles of Strikes", American Economic Review, 11 (1921), pp. 616-621; E.H. and D.B. Jurkat, "Economic Functions of Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2 (1949), pp. 527-545; T. Levitt, "Prosperity Versus Strikes", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 6 (1953), pp. 220-226; Jack Skeels, "Measures of U.S. Strike Activity", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 24 (1971), pp. 515-525; A. Rees, "Industrial Conflict and Business Fluctuations", Journal of Political Economy, LX (1952), pp. 371-382; A. Weintraub, "Prosperity Versus Strikes: An Empirical Approach", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 14 (1966), pp. 231-238. Long wave theorists also posit a relationship between periods of labour militancy and social and economic restructuring. See Ernest Mandel, Long Waves of Capitalist Development (London, 1980), pp. 37-61; James Cronin, "Stages, Cycles and Insurgencies: The Economics of Unrest", in Terence Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds), Processes of the World System (London, 1980), pp. 101-118; Silver, "Labor Unrest and World-Systems Analysis", pp. 9-12.
Labor Unrest and World-systems Analysis
, pp. 9-12
In the context of Britain, Europe and the USA after 1850 Eric Hobsbawm first noted how industrial conflict and mass unionism coincided with economic upturn: see Hobsbawm, Labouring Men, p. 132, and also D. Sapsford, "A Time Series Analysis of U.K. Industrial Disputes", Industrial Relations, 14 (1975), pp. 242-249.
Labouring Men
, pp. 132
A time series analysis of U.K. Industrial disputes
In the context of Britain, Europe and the USA after 1850 Eric Hobsbawm first noted how industrial conflict and mass unionism coincided with economic upturn: see Hobsbawm, Labouring Men, p. 132, and also D. Sapsford, "A Time Series Analysis of U.K. Industrial Disputes", Industrial Relations, 14 (1975), pp. 242-249.
Industrial Relations
, vol.14
, pp. 242-249
Sapsford, D.1
Strikes and lockouts from the workmans' point of view
George Potter, "Strikes and Lockouts from the Workmans' Point of View", Contemporary Review, 15 (1870), pp. 35-37. Potter himself was the builders' leader during the nine hours campaign in 1859-1860. He was also President of the London Working Men's Association and later editor of the Beehive newspaper.
Contemporary Review
, vol.15
, pp. 35-37
Potter, G.1
See PP, 1812-1813, IV, Select Committee on the several petitions [. . .] respecting the apprentice las. Prosecutions of masters who evaded the apprenticeship laws were undertwaken on behalf of journeymen by William Chippendale, suggesting that the legal campaign was coordinated by a trades' committee. See TK. Derry, "The Repeal of the Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Apprentices", Economic History Review, 3 (1931-1932), pp. 67-87; David R. Green, From Artisans to Paupers (Aldershot, 1995), pp. 121-125; Prothero, Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century London, pp. 51-61.
Select Committee on the Several Petitions [. . .] Respecting the Apprentice Laws
, vol.4
The repeal of the apprenticeship clauses of the statute of apprentices
See PP, 1812-1813, IV, Select Committee on the several petitions [. . .] respecting the apprentice laws. Prosecutions of masters who evaded the apprenticeship laws were undertaken on behalf of journeymen by William Chippendale, suggesting that the legal campaign was coordinated by a trades' committee. See TK. Derry, "The Repeal of the Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Apprentices", Economic History Review, 3 (1931-1932), pp. 67-87; David R. Green, From Artisans to Paupers (Aldershot, 1995), pp. 121-125; Prothero, Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century London, pp. 51-61.
Economic History Review
, vol.3
, pp. 67-87
Derry, T.K.1
See PP, 1812-1813, IV, Select Committee on the several petitions [. . .] respecting the apprentice laws. Prosecutions of masters who evaded the apprenticeship laws were undertaken on behalf of journeymen by William Chippendale, suggesting that the legal campaign was coordinated by a trades' committee. See TK. Derry, "The Repeal of the Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Apprentices", Economic History Review, 3 (1931-1932), pp. 67-87; David R. Green, From Artisans to Paupers (Aldershot, 1995), pp. 121-125; Prothero, Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century London, pp. 51-61.
From Artisans to Paupers
, pp. 121-125
Green, D.R.1
See PP, 1812-1813, IV, Select Committee on the several petitions [. . .] respecting the apprentice laws. Prosecutions of masters who evaded the apprenticeship laws were undertaken on behalf of journeymen by William Chippendale, suggesting that the legal campaign was coordinated by a trades' committee. See TK. Derry, "The Repeal of the Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Apprentices", Economic History Review, 3 (1931-1932), pp. 67-87; David R. Green, From Artisans to Paupers (Aldershot, 1995), pp. 121-125; Prothero, Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century London, pp. 51-61.
Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-century London
, pp. 51-61
Technological change and the 1852 lockout
Charlesworth et al
For the 1852 engineering strike see Burgess, "Technological Change and the 1852 Lockout"; Charlesworth et al., Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain, pp. 72-73, 76.
Atlas of Industrial Protest in Britain
, pp. 72-73
London workers were not alone in striking in 1853. Elsewhere, for example, The Times, noted strikes by seamen, dock labourers, iron workers and cotton spinners.
See Green, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 32-42; G.S. Jones, Outcast London (Oxford, 1971), pp. 33-51; Leonard Schwarz, London in the Age of Industrialisation (Cambridge, 1992), pp. 103-124.
Artisans to Paupers
, pp. 32-42
See Green, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 32-42; G.S. Jones, Outcast London (Oxford, 1971), pp. 33-51; Leonard Schwarz, London in the Age of Industrialisation (Cambridge, 1992), pp. 103-124.
Outcast London
, pp. 33-51
Jones, G.S.1
See Green, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 32-42; G.S. Jones, Outcast London (Oxford, 1971), pp. 33-51; Leonard Schwarz, London in the Age of Industrialisation (Cambridge, 1992), pp. 103-124.
London in the Age of Industrialisation
, pp. 103-124
Schwarz, L.1
The significance of the workplace in understanding the pattern of militancy in the building trades is dealt with in Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 55-76.
Masters, Unions and Men
, pp. 55-76
The origins of the victorian master builders
E.W. Cooney, "The Origins of the Victorian Master Builders", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., VIII (1955), pp 167-176; Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 22-27.
Economic History Review, 2nd Ser.
, vol.8
Cooney, E.W.1
E.W. Cooney, "The Origins of the Victorian Master Builders", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., VIII (1955), pp 167-176; Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 22-27.
Masters, Unions and Men
, pp. 22-27
23 November
Reynolds Newspaper, 23 November 1856; PP 1867 XXXII, Royal Commission on Trade Unions, q. 2606; Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 38-53.
Reynolds Newspaper
PP, q. 2606
Reynolds Newspaper, 23 November 1856; PP 1867 XXXII, Royal Commission on Trade Unions, q. 2606; Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 38-53.
Royal Commission on Trade Unions
, vol.32
Reynolds Newspaper, 23 November 1856; PP 1867 XXXII, Royal Commission on Trade Unions, q. 2606; Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 38-53.
Masters, Unions and Men
, pp. 38-53
Account of the strike and lock-out in the building trades in London 1859-60
National Association for the Promotion of Social Science
G. Shaw Lefevre and T. Bennett, "Account of the Strike and Lock-out in the Building Trades in London 1859-60", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), pp. 52-76; Webb Trade Union Collection (hereafter Webb Coll.) E, series A, vol. 11, f. 145; Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 50-53.
Trades Societies and Strikes
, pp. 52-76
Lefevre, G.S.1
Bennett, T.2
G. Shaw Lefevre and T. Bennett, "Account of the Strike and Lock-out in the Building Trades in London 1859-60", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), pp. 52-76; Webb Trade Union Collection (hereafter Webb Coll.) E, series A, vol. 11, f. 145; Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 50-53.
Masters, Unions and Men
, pp. 50-53
Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 10, f. 108; ibid., vol. 13, f. 205-206.
Webb Coll. E, Series A
, vol.10
, pp. 108
Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 10, f. 108; ibid., vol. 13, f. 205-206.
Webb Coll. E, Series A
, vol.13
, pp. 205-206
PP appendix J
PP 1868-1869 XXXI, Royal Commission on Trade Unions, appendix J, pp. 659-660, 672.
Royal Commission on Trade Unions
, vol.31
, pp. 659-660
19, 26 August 17, 24, 31 August, 30 November, 14 December 1850, 4, 11 January
See, for example, Northern Star, 19, 26 August 1848, 17, 24, 31 August, 30 November, 14 December 1850, 4, 11 January 1851.
Northern Star
12 May
The Times, 12 May 1857; see also Anon, The Employer and the Employed (London, 1852).
The Times
8 December
Reynolds Newspaper, 8 December 1867; Beehive, 25 July, 29 August, 5, 12 September 1868.
Reynolds Newspaper
25 July, 29 August, 5, 12 September
Reynolds Newspaper, 8 December 1867; Beehive, 25 July, 29 August, 5, 12 September 1868.
Green, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 95-96, 128; I. Prothero, "London Chartism and the Trades", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., XXIX (1971), pp. 207-210.
Artisans to Paupers
, pp. 95-96
London chartism and the trades
Green, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 95-96, 128; I. Prothero, "London Chartism and the Trades", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., XXIX (1971), pp. 207-210.
Economic History Review, 2nd Ser.
, vol.29
, pp. 207-210
Prothero, I.1
The innovating entrepreneurs in the British ready-made clothing industry
See Sidney Chapman, "The Innovating Entrepreneurs in the British Ready-Made Clothing Industry", Textile History, 24 (1993), pp. 5-25;
Textile History
, vol.24
, pp. 5-25
Chapman, S.1
23 November
Red Republican, 23 November 1850; Parssinen and Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike", p. 70.
Red Republican
Parssinen and prothero
Red Republican, 23 November 1850; Parssinen and Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike", p. 70.
The London Tailors' Strike
, pp. 70
Houses of call were places, usually public houses, in which workers from a particular trade met at regular intervals for the purposes of conviviality and for discussing trade matters, including the organization of disputes. Such places also operated as informal labour exchanges and nodes of working-class organization. Members of a trade could register themselves available for employment and masters in need of workers could apply to a house of call for those next on the register. Trade union members from other parts of the country could also apply to a house of call belonging to their particular trade and receive board and lodging whilst in search of work. Representatives from separate houses of call were often linked together in a wider network of trade organization. As such houses of call also functioned as nodes of trade union activity and were frequently at the centre of labour disputes. They also had important social functions in conviviality and support for workers fallen on hard times. For fuller discussion of houses of call see R.A. Leeson, Travelling Brothers (London, 1979).
Travelling Brothers
Leeson, R.A.1
11, 25 September, 2 October
The two strikes that took place in 1853 both involved seamstresses in the slop trade, the first calling for higher wages and the second in protest at the introduction of sewing machines: see Reynolds Newspaper, 11, 25 September, 2 October 1853, The Times, 16, 23 September 1853. For later disputes see Reynolds Newspaper, 12 November, 24 December 1865, 1, 8 April 1866, 14, 28 April, 12 May 1867; Beehive, 13, 20, 27 April, 1, 8, 22, 29 June 1867 , The Times, 23, 27 April 1867.
Reynolds Newspaper
16, 23 September
The two strikes that took place in 1853 both involved seamstresses in the slop trade, the first calling for higher wages and the second in protest at the introduction of sewing machines: see Reynolds Newspaper, 11, 25 September, 2 October 1853, The Times, 16, 23 September 1853. For later disputes see Reynolds Newspaper, 12 November, 24 December 1865, 1, 8 April 1866, 14, 28 April, 12 May 1867; Beehive, 13, 20, 27 April, 1, 8, 22, 29 June 1867 , The Times, 23, 27 April 1867.
The Times
12 November, 24 December 1, 8 April 1866, 14, 28 April, 12 May
The two strikes that took place in 1853 both involved seamstresses in the slop trade, the first calling for higher wages and the second in protest at the introduction of sewing machines: see Reynolds Newspaper, 11, 25 September, 2 October 1853, The Times, 16, 23 September 1853. For later disputes see Reynolds Newspaper, 12 November, 24 December 1865, 1, 8 April 1866, 14, 28 April, 12 May 1867; Beehive, 13, 20, 27 April, 1, 8, 22, 29 June 1867 , The Times, 23, 27 April 1867.
Reynolds Newspaper
13, 20, 27 April, 1, 8, 22, 29 June
The two strikes that took place in 1853 both involved seamstresses in the slop trade, the first calling for higher wages and the second in protest at the introduction of sewing machines: see Reynolds Newspaper, 11, 25 September, 2 October 1853, The Times, 16, 23 September 1853. For later disputes see Reynolds Newspaper, 12 November, 24 December 1865, 1, 8 April 1866, 14, 28 April, 12 May 1867; Beehive, 13, 20, 27 April, 1, 8, 22, 29 June 1867 , The Times, 23, 27 April 1867.
23, 27 April
The two strikes that took place in 1853 both involved seamstresses in the slop trade, the first calling for higher wages and the second in protest at the introduction of sewing machines: see Reynolds Newspaper, 11, 25 September, 2 October 1853, The Times, 16, 23 September 1853. For later disputes see Reynolds Newspaper, 12 November, 24 December 1865, 1, 8 April 1866, 14, 28 April, 12 May 1867; Beehive, 13, 20, 27 April, 1, 8, 22, 29 June 1867 , The Times, 23, 27 April 1867.
The Times
J. Burn, A Glimpse at the Social Condition of the Working Classes during the Early Part of the Present Century (London, 1868), p. 42. A further sympathy strike took place in 1834 at Christy's, one of the foremost hatmaking firms in London and the provinces, when provincial masters refused to employ members of the hatmakers' union: see Reply of the Journeymen Stuff Hatters of London (London, 1834).
Reply of the Journeymen Stuff Hatters of London
The branches included mens' and ladies' shoes, together with coarser boots made in the "strong" trade.
1-3 November
St James Chronicle, 1-3 November 1804; A. Aspinall (ed.), The Early English Trade Unions (London, 1949), pp. 76-77.
St James Chronicle
PP 1824 V, Select Committee on Artizans, pp. 137-138, 145; J. O'Neill, "Fifty Years' Experience of an Irish Shoemaker in London", St Crispin, 1 (1869), p. 314; Henry Mayhew, The Morning Chronicle Survey (Firle, 1980), vol. 3, pp. 146-147.
Select Committee on Artizans
, vol.5
, pp. 137-138
Fifty years' experience of an irish shoemaker in London
PP 1824 V, Select Committee on Artizans, pp. 137-138, 145; J. O'Neill, "Fifty Years' Experience of an Irish Shoemaker in London", St Crispin, 1 (1869), p. 314; Henry Mayhew, The Morning Chronicle Survey (Firle, 1980), vol. 3, pp. 146-147.
St Crispin
, vol.1
, pp. 314
O'Neill, J.1
PP 1824 V, Select Committee on Artizans, pp. 137-138, 145; J. O'Neill, "Fifty Years' Experience of an Irish Shoemaker in London", St Crispin, 1 (1869), p. 314; Henry Mayhew, The Morning Chronicle Survey (Firle, 1980), vol. 3, pp. 146-147.
The Morning Chronicle Survey
, vol.3
, pp. 146-147
Mayhew, H.1
4, 18, 25 November, 9, 23 December 20 January
Operative, 4, 18, 25 November, 9, 23 December 1838, 20 January 1839.
London, Public Record Office HO 42/133
Memorial of Machinists and Engineers (London, 1813), Public Record Office HO 42/133; Anon, The Origin Object and Operation of the Apprentice Laws (London, 1814). See also Edward Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (London, 1968), pp. 271-273.
Memorial of Machinists and Engineers
Memorial of Machinists and Engineers (London, 1813), Public Record Office HO 42/133; Anon, The Origin Object and Operation of the Apprentice Laws (London, 1814). See also Edward Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (London, 1968), pp. 271-273.
The Origin Object and Operation of the Apprentice Laws
Memorial of Machinists and Engineers (London, 1813), Public Record Office HO 42/133; Anon, The Origin Object and Operation of the Apprentice Laws (London, 1814). See also Edward Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (London, 1968), pp. 271-273.
The Making of the English Working Class
, pp. 271-273
Thompson, E.1
Towards a geography of unionization: The spatial organization and distribution of the early British Trade Unions
For the subsequent history of engineering trade unionism see H. Southall, "Towards a Geography of Unionization: The Spatial Organization and Distribution of the Early British Trade Unions", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, new ser., 13 (1988), pp. 466-483. Further discussion of engineering workers in London can be found in Geoffrey Crossick, An Artisan Elite in Victorian Society (London, 1978).
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Ser.
, vol.13
, pp. 466-483
Southall, H.1
For the subsequent history of engineering trade unionism see H. Southall, "Towards a Geography of Unionization: The Spatial Organization and Distribution of the Early British Trade Unions", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, new ser., 13 (1988), pp. 466-483. Further discussion of engineering workers in London can be found in Geoffrey Crossick, An Artisan Elite in Victorian Society (London, 1978).
An Artisan Elite in Victorian Society
Crossick, G.1
21 July, 26 September, 9 November
The Times, 21 July, 26 September, 9 November 1810.
The Times
Report on printers' strikes and trades unions since January 1845
National Association for the Promotion of Social Science
See J.W. Crompton, "Report on Printers' Strikes and Trades Unions since January 1845", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), pp. 77-92; E. Howe and H. White, The London Society of Compositors (London, 1948); A.E. Musson, The Typographical Association (London, 1954), pp. 3-26, 76-85. Wage rates can be found in A. Bowley and G. Wood, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part V): Printers", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 62 (1899), pp. 708-715; idem, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part XII): Engineering and Shipbuilding", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 68 (1905), pp. 563-614.
Trades Societies and Strikes
, pp. 77-92
Crompton, J.W.1
See J.W. Crompton, "Report on Printers' Strikes and Trades Unions since January 1845", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), pp. 77-92; E. Howe and H. White, The London Society of Compositors (London, 1948); A.E. Musson, The Typographical Association (London, 1954), pp. 3-26, 76-85. Wage rates can be found in A. Bowley and G. Wood, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part V): Printers", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 62 (1899), pp. 708-715; idem, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part XII): Engineering and Shipbuilding", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 68 (1905), pp. 563-614.
The London Society of Compositors
Howe, E.1
White, H.2
See J.W. Crompton, "Report on Printers' Strikes and Trades Unions since January 1845", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), pp. 77-92; E. Howe and H. White, The London Society of Compositors (London, 1948); A.E. Musson, The Typographical Association (London, 1954), pp. 3-26, 76-85. Wage rates can be found in A. Bowley and G. Wood, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part V): Printers", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 62 (1899), pp. 708-715; idem, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part XII): Engineering and Shipbuilding", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 68 (1905), pp. 563-614.
The Typographical Association
, pp. 3-26
Musson, A.E.1
The statistics of wages in the United Kingdom during the last hundred years (part V): Printers
See J.W. Crompton, "Report on Printers' Strikes and Trades Unions since January 1845", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), pp. 77-92; E. Howe and H. White, The London Society of Compositors (London, 1948); A.E. Musson, The Typographical Association (London, 1954), pp. 3-26, 76-85. Wage rates can be found in A. Bowley and G. Wood, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part V): Printers", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 62 (1899), pp. 708-715; idem, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part XII): Engineering and Shipbuilding", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 68 (1905), pp. 563-614.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
, vol.62
, pp. 708-715
Bowley, A.1
Wood, G.2
The statistics of wages in the United Kingdom during the last hundred years (part XII): Engineering and shipbuilding
See J.W. Crompton, "Report on Printers' Strikes and Trades Unions since January 1845", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), pp. 77-92; E. Howe and H. White, The London Society of Compositors (London, 1948); A.E. Musson, The Typographical Association (London, 1954), pp. 3-26, 76-85. Wage rates can be found in A. Bowley and G. Wood, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part V): Printers", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 62 (1899), pp. 708-715; idem, "The Statistics of Wages in the United Kingdom During the Last Hundred Years (part XII): Engineering and Shipbuilding", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 68 (1905), pp. 563-614.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society
, vol.68
, pp. 563-614
Bowley, A.1
Wood, G.2
Coopers were notoriously independent: see R. Gilding, The Journeymen Coopers of East London (Oxford, 1971), pp. 49-82; A. Henderson and S. Palmer, "The Early Nineteenth-Century Port of London: Management and Labour in Three Dock Companies 1800-1825", Research in Maritime History, 6 (1994), pp. 43-44.
The Journeymen Coopers of East London
, pp. 49-82
Gilding, R.1
The early nineteenth-century port of London: Management and labour in three dock companies 1800-1825
Coopers were notoriously independent: see R. Gilding, The Journeymen Coopers of East London (Oxford, 1971), pp. 49-82; A. Henderson and S. Palmer, "The Early Nineteenth-Century Port of London: Management and Labour in Three Dock Companies 1800-1825", Research in Maritime History, 6 (1994), pp. 43-44.
Research in Maritime History
, vol.6
, pp. 43-44
Henderson, A.1
Palmer, S.2
The decline of shipbuilding on the thames
See Sidney Pollard, "The Decline of Shipbuilding on the Thames", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., 3 (1950), pp. 72-89; Prothero, Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century London, pp. 46-49, 163-171, 217.
Economic History Review, 2nd Ser.
, vol.3
, pp. 72-89
Pollard, S.1
See Sidney Pollard, "The Decline of Shipbuilding on the Thames", Economic History Review, 2nd ser., 3 (1950), pp. 72-89; Prothero, Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-Century London, pp. 46-49, 163-171, 217.
Artisans and Politics in Early Nineteenth-century London
, pp. 46-49
Our class of workmen: The cabinet makers revisited
J. Harrison and J. Zeitlin (eds), Brighton
See David Blankenhorn, "Our Class of Workmen: The Cabinet Makers Revisited", in J. Harrison and J. Zeitlin (eds), Divisions of Labour (Brighton, 1985), pp. 19-46.
Divisions of Labour
, pp. 19-46
Blankenhorn, D.1
A dispute that took place in 1837 concerning the London Cabinet Makers Union Book of Prices of 1811 suggests that it was still in use. The price book ran to over 600 pages and took nearly three years to complete, and consequently there was understandable reluctance to revise it: see London Mercury, 5 February 1837.
London Cabinet Makers Union Book of Prices
5 February
A dispute that took place in 1837 concerning the London Cabinet Makers Union Book of Prices of 1811 suggests that it was still in use. The price book ran to over 600 pages and took nearly three years to complete, and consequently there was understandable reluctance to revise it: see London Mercury, 5 February 1837.
London Mercury
E. Jones, Notes to the People (London, 1851-1852), vol. 1, p. 657. In 1850 the Friendly Society of Operative Cabinet Makers had a membership of 455, rising to 528 in 1860:
Notes to the People
, vol.1
, pp. 657
Jones, E.1
see H. Southall, D. Gilbert and C. Bryce, Nineteenth Century Trade Union Records, Historical Geography Research Series, 27 (1994), p. 83.
Nineteenth Century Trade Union Records, Historical Geography Research Series
, vol.27
, pp. 83
Southall, H.1
Gilbert, D.2
Bryce, C.3
Nominally, coal heavers had to be registered to be eligible for work. However, pressures on costs from the 1840s stemming from competition with the railways, as well as changes in hiring practices arising from an act of 1843, encouraged employers to lower wages and to use unregistered men, and these changes were the main reasons for the outbreak of strikes: see Mayhew, London Labour, vol. 3, pp. 243-260.
London Labour
, vol.3
, pp. 243-260
5 January
Statesman, 5 January 1820; Trades Newspaper, 1 April 1827; see also John Clapham, "The Spitalfields Act 1773-1824";, Economic Journal, 26 (1916), pp. 459-471; Dorothy George, London Life in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1966), pp. 188-196.
1 April
Statesman, 5 January 1820; Trades Newspaper, 1 April 1827; see also John Clapham, "The Spitalfields Act 1773-1824";, Economic Journal, 26 (1916), pp. 459-471; Dorothy George, London Life in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1966), pp. 188-196.
Trades Newspaper
The spitalfields act 1773-1824
Statesman, 5 January 1820; Trades Newspaper, 1 April 1827; see also John Clapham, "The Spitalfields Act 1773-1824";, Economic Journal, 26 (1916), pp. 459-471; Dorothy George, London Life in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1966), pp. 188-196.
Economic Journal
, vol.26
, pp. 459-471
Clapham, J.1
Statesman, 5 January 1820; Trades Newspaper, 1 April 1827; see also John Clapham, "The Spitalfields Act 1773-1824";, Economic Journal, 26 (1916), pp. 459-471; Dorothy George, London Life in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1966), pp. 188-196.
London Life in the Eighteenth Century
, pp. 188-196
George, D.1
PP q. 2255, 2269-2270
PP 1856 XIII, Select Committee on Masters and Operatives, q. 2255, 2269-2270; PP 1860 XXII, Select Committee on Masters and Operatives, q. 421-426, 430, 447.
Select Committee on Masters and Operatives
, vol.13
PP q. 421-426, 430, 447
PP 1856 XIII, Select Committee on Masters and Operatives, q. 2255, 2269-2270; PP 1860 XXII, Select Committee on Masters and Operatives, q. 421-426, 430, 447.
Select Committee on Masters and Operatives
, vol.22
12, 19 June
Journeymens and Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 12, 19 June 1825; Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 10, 24 July, 28 August 1825; Trades Newspaper, 17, 31 July 1825; Place Coll. Add. MS, 27803, f. 215; ibid., Add. MS 27805, ff. 365-372; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 10, f. 57.
Journeymens and Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle
10, 24 July, 28 August
Journeymens and Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 12, 19 June 1825; Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 10, 24 July, 28 August 1825; Trades Newspaper, 17, 31 July 1825; Place Coll. Add. MS, 27803, f. 215; ibid., Add. MS 27805, ff. 365-372; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 10, f. 57.
Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle
17, 31 July
Journeymens and Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 12, 19 June 1825; Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 10, 24 July, 28 August 1825; Trades Newspaper, 17, 31 July 1825; Place Coll. Add. MS, 27803, f. 215; ibid., Add. MS 27805, ff. 365-372; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 10, f. 57.
Trades Newspaper
Journeymens and Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 12, 19 June 1825; Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 10, 24 July, 28 August 1825; Trades Newspaper, 17, 31 July 1825; Place Coll. Add. MS, 27803, f. 215; ibid., Add. MS 27805, ff. 365-372; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 10, f. 57.
Place Coll. Add. MS, 27803
, pp. 215
Add. MS 27805
Journeymens and Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 12, 19 June 1825; Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 10, 24 July, 28 August 1825; Trades Newspaper, 17, 31 July 1825; Place Coll. Add. MS, 27803, f. 215; ibid., Add. MS 27805, ff. 365-372; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 10, f. 57.
Place Coll. Add. MS, 27803
, pp. 365-372
Journeymens and Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 12, 19 June 1825; Artizans London and Provincial Chronicle, 10, 24 July, 28 August 1825; Trades Newspaper, 17, 31 July 1825; Place Coll. Add. MS, 27803, f. 215; ibid., Add. MS 27805, ff. 365-372; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 10, f. 57.
Webb Coll. E, Series A
, vol.10
, pp. 57
8, 29 May, 12, 19 June, 10, 17, 24 July, 7, 14, 21 August, 4, 11, 18, 25 September
Reynolds Newspaper, 8, 29 May, 12, 19 June, 10, 17, 24 July, 7, 14, 21 August, 4, 11, 18, 25 September 1853; The Times, 27 July, 17 August, 9, 16, 23 September 1853.
Reynolds Newspaper
27 July, 17 August, 9, 16, 23 September
Reynolds Newspaper, 8, 29 May, 12, 19 June, 10, 17, 24 July, 7, 14, 21 August, 4, 11, 18, 25 September 1853; The Times, 27 July, 17 August, 9, 16, 23 September 1853.
The Times
28 July
The Times, 28 July 1853.
The Times
3, 10 May
Pioneer, 3, 10 May 1834; British Library Place Newspaper Collection, vol. 51, pp. 243-251. For a fuller account of the strike and the events leading up to it see Parssinen and Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike".
Pioneer, 3, 10 May 1834; British Library Place Newspaper Collection, vol. 51, pp. 243-251. For a fuller account of the strike and the events leading up to it see Parssinen and Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike".
British Library Place Newspaper Collection
, vol.51
, pp. 243-251
Pioneer, 3, 10 May 1834; British Library Place Newspaper Collection, vol. 51, pp. 243-251. For a fuller account of the strike and the events leading up to it see Parssinen and Prothero, "The London Tailors' Strike".
The London Tailors' Strike
15 July
The Times, 15 July 1861.
The Times
See Green, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 121-125, 128, 130; Hunt, British Labour History, pp. 71-93; Barbara Taylor, Eve and the New Jerusalem (London, 1983), pp. 101-117.
Artisans to Paupers
, pp. 121-125
See Green, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 121-125, 128, 130; Hunt, British Labour History, pp. 71-93; Barbara Taylor, Eve and the New Jerusalem (London, 1983), pp. 101-117.
British Labour History
, pp. 71-93
See Green, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 121-125, 128, 130; Hunt, British Labour History, pp. 71-93; Barbara Taylor, Eve and the New Jerusalem (London, 1983), pp. 101-117.
Eve and the New Jerusalem
, pp. 101-117
Taylor, B.1
10 January
The Times, 10 January 1839; Operative, 13, 20 January, 17 February, 31 March, 14, 28 April, 5 May, 2 June 1839; Northern Star, 18 May 1839; T.J. Dunning, "Some Account of the London Consolidated Society of Bookbinders", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), p. 101.
The Times
13, 20 January, 17 February, 31 March, 14, 28 April, 5 May, 2 June
The Times, 10 January 1839; Operative, 13, 20 January, 17 February, 31 March, 14, 28 April, 5 May, 2 June 1839; Northern Star, 18 May 1839; T.J. Dunning, "Some Account of the London Consolidated Society of Bookbinders", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), p. 101.
18 May
The Times, 10 January 1839; Operative, 13, 20 January, 17 February, 31 March, 14, 28 April, 5 May, 2 June 1839; Northern Star, 18 May 1839; T.J. Dunning, "Some Account of the London Consolidated Society of Bookbinders", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), p. 101.
Northern Star
Some account of the london consolidated society of bookbinders
National Association for the Promotion of Social Science
The Times, 10 January 1839; Operative, 13, 20 January, 17 February, 31 March, 14, 28 April, 5 May, 2 June 1839; Northern Star, 18 May 1839; T.J. Dunning, "Some Account of the London Consolidated Society of Bookbinders", in Trades Societies and Strikes, National Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1860), p. 101.
Trades Societies and Strikes
, pp. 101
Dunning, T.J.1
24 April
Northern Star, 24 April 1848.
Northern Star
27 May 10 March, 7 April, 12 May, 10 November 1849, 2, 9 March, 20 July
Ibid., 27 May 1848, 10 March, 7 April, 12 May, 10 November 1849, 2, 9 March, 20 July 1850.
Northern Star
25 October, 15 November
Ibid, 25 October, 15 November 1851; Builder, 1 November, 27 December 1851; PP 1867 XXXII, Royal Commission on the Trade Unions, q. 1422.
Northern Star
1 November, 27 December
Ibid, 25 October, 15 November 1851; Builder, 1 November, 27 December 1851; PP 1867 XXXII, Royal Commission on the Trade Unions, q. 1422.
PP q. 1422
Ibid, 25 October, 15 November 1851; Builder, 1 November, 27 December 1851; PP 1867 XXXII, Royal Commission on the Trade Unions, q. 1422.
Royal Commission on the Trade Unions
, vol.32
31 July, 7, 14 August 19 February
Ibid., 31 July, 7, 14 August 1859, 19 February 1860; Shaw Lefevre and Bennett, "Account of the Strike and Lock-out in the Building Trades", pp. 60-72; Samuel Smiles, Workmens' Earnings, Strikes and Savings (London, 1861), pp. 166-167; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 11, f. 145. This dispute is dealt with in detail by Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 45-53.
Reynolds Newspaper
Ibid., 31 July, 7, 14 August 1859, 19 February 1860; Shaw Lefevre and Bennett, "Account of the Strike and Lock-out in the Building Trades", pp. 60-72; Samuel Smiles, Workmens' Earnings, Strikes and Savings (London, 1861), pp. 166-167; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 11, f. 145. This dispute is dealt with in detail by Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 45-53.
Account of the Strike and Lock-out in the Building Trades
, pp. 60-72
Lefevre, S.1
Ibid., 31 July, 7, 14 August 1859, 19 February 1860; Shaw Lefevre and Bennett, "Account of the Strike and Lock-out in the Building Trades", pp. 60-72; Samuel Smiles, Workmens' Earnings, Strikes and Savings (London, 1861), pp. 166-167; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 11, f. 145. This dispute is dealt with in detail by Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 45-53.
Workmens' Earnings, Strikes and Savings
, pp. 166-167
Smiles, S.1
Ibid., 31 July, 7, 14 August 1859, 19 February 1860; Shaw Lefevre and Bennett, "Account of the Strike and Lock-out in the Building Trades", pp. 60-72; Samuel Smiles, Workmens' Earnings, Strikes and Savings (London, 1861), pp. 166-167; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 11, f. 145. This dispute is dealt with in detail by Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 45-53.
Webb Coll. E, Series A
, vol.11
, pp. 145
Ibid., 31 July, 7, 14 August 1859, 19 February 1860; Shaw Lefevre and Bennett, "Account of the Strike and Lock-out in the Building Trades", pp. 60-72; Samuel Smiles, Workmens' Earnings, Strikes and Savings (London, 1861), pp. 166-167; Webb Coll. E, series A, vol. 11, f. 145. This dispute is dealt with in detail by Price, Masters, Unions and Men, pp. 45-53.
Masters, Unions and Men
, pp. 45-53
26 August, 14 October 22, 29 October 1865, 30 September
Reynolds Newspaper, 26 August, 14 October 1860, 22, 29 October 1865, 30 September 1866.
Reynolds Newspaper
2 October
Ibid., 2 October 1853. Although much bookbinding was still done by hand, machines were used in some of the larger binderies: see George Dodd, Days at the Factory (London, 1843), pp. 363-384; Reply of the Journeymen Bookbinders (London, 1831).
Reynolds Newspaper
Ibid., 2 October 1853. Although much bookbinding was still done by hand, machines were used in some of the larger binderies: see George Dodd, Days at the Factory (London, 1843), pp. 363-384; Reply of the Journeymen Bookbinders (London, 1831).
Days at the Factory
, pp. 363-384
Dodd, G.1
Ibid., 2 October 1853. Although much bookbinding was still done by hand, machines were used in some of the larger binderies: see George Dodd, Days at the Factory (London, 1843), pp. 363-384; Reply of the Journeymen Bookbinders (London, 1831).
Reply of the Journeymen Bookbinders
23 July, 17 September 7, 28 January, 4 March
Trades Newspaper and Mechanics Weekly Journal, 23 July, 17 September 1826, 7, 28 January, 4 March 1827; Mayhew, Morning Chronicle Survey, vol. 5, pp. 74-78.
Trades Newspaper and Mechanics Weekly Journal
Trades Newspaper and Mechanics Weekly Journal, 23 July, 17 September 1826, 7, 28 January, 4 March 1827; Mayhew, Morning Chronicle Survey, vol. 5, pp. 74-78.
Morning Chronicle Survey
, vol.5
, pp. 74-78
Labour in the great city
Eric Hobsbawm, "Labour in the Great City", New Left Review, 166 (1987), pp. 41-42.
New Left Review
, vol.166
, pp. 41-42
Hobsbawm, E.1
This rate is based on the total number of strikes and lock-outs per decade divided by the estimated population at mid-decade.
The nineteenth-century metropolitan economy: A revisionist interpretation
For discussion of the role of large firms and labour market flexibility, see David R. Green, "The Nineteenth-Century Metropolitan Economy: A Revisionist Interpretation", London Journal, 21 (1996), pp. 9-26; Paul Johnson, "Economic Development and Industrial Dynamism in Victorian London", London Journal, 21 (1996), pp. 27-37.
London Journal
, vol.21
, pp. 9-26
Green, D.R.1
Economic development and industrial dynamism in Victorian London
For discussion of the role of large firms and labour market flexibility, see David R. Green, "The Nineteenth-Century Metropolitan Economy: A Revisionist Interpretation", London Journal, 21 (1996), pp. 9-26; Paul Johnson, "Economic Development and Industrial Dynamism in Victorian London", London Journal, 21 (1996), pp. 27-37.
London Journal
, vol.21
, pp. 27-37
Johnson, P.1
Distance to work in victorian london: A case study of henry poole, bespoke tailors
For discussions of working-class communities and residential mobility in London, see David R. Green, "Distance to Work in Victorian London: A Case Study of Henry Poole, Bespoke Tailors", Business History, XXX (1988), pp. 179-194; idem, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 91-94; David R. Green and Alan Parton, "Slums and Slum Life in Victorian England: London and Birmingham at Mid-Century", in Martin Gaskell (ed.), Slums (Leicester, 1990), pp. 76-82.
Business History
, vol.30
, pp. 179-194
Green, D.R.1
Distance to work in victorian london: A case study of henry poole, bespoke tailors
For discussions of working-class communities and residential mobility in London, see David R. Green, "Distance to Work in Victorian London: A Case Study of Henry Poole, Bespoke Tailors", Business History, XXX (1988), pp. 179-194; idem, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 91-94; David R. Green and Alan Parton, "Slums and Slum Life in Victorian England: London and Birmingham at Mid-Century", in Martin Gaskell (ed.), Slums (Leicester, 1990), pp. 76-82.
Artisans to Paupers
, pp. 91-94
Green, D.R.1
Slums and slum life in Victorian England: London and Birmingham at mid-century"
Martin Gaskell (ed.), Leicester
For discussions of working-class communities and residential mobility in London, see David R. Green, "Distance to Work in Victorian London: A Case Study of Henry Poole, Bespoke Tailors", Business History, XXX (1988), pp. 179-194; idem, Artisans to Paupers, pp. 91-94; David R. Green and Alan Parton, "Slums and Slum Life in Victorian England: London and Birmingham at Mid-Century", in Martin Gaskell (ed.), Slums (Leicester, 1990), pp. 76-82.
, pp. 76-82
Green, D.R.1
Parton, A.2
Class, place and the industrial revolution
Nigel Thrift and Peter Williams (eds), London
This theme is explored further by Craig Colhoun, "Class, Place and the Industrial Revolution", in Nigel Thrift and Peter Williams (eds), Class and Space (London, 1987), pp. 51-72; Michael Savage, The Dynamics of Working-Class Politics (Cambridge, 1987), p. 40.
Class and Space
, pp. 51-72
Colhoun, C.1
This theme is explored further by Craig Colhoun, "Class, Place and the Industrial Revolution", in Nigel Thrift and Peter Williams (eds), Class and Space (London, 1987), pp. 51-72; Michael Savage, The Dynamics of Working-Class Politics (Cambridge, 1987), p. 40.
The Dynamics of Working-class Politics
, pp. 40
Savage, M.1
The author is pleased to supply a printout of labour disputes on request.