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Volumn 39, Issue 4, 1998, Pages 671-698

Jean-Antoine Chaptal and the cultural roots of French industrialization

(2)  Horn, Jeff a   Jacob, Margaret C a  


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EID: 0032251507     PISSN: 0040165X     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1353/tech.1998.0096     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (26)

References (162)
  • 1
    • 0003730197 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New York
    • This final point is developed in greater detail in Margaret C. Jacob, Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West (New York, 1997). For Chaptal's anticlericalism, see Jean-Antoine Chaptal, speech to the Montpellier revolutionary club, 16 July 1790, Archives départmentales (hereafter cited as AD) Hérault, L 5498.
    • (1997) Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West
    • Jacob, M.C.1
  • 2
    • 85033876247 scopus 로고
    • speech to the Montpellier revolutionary club, 16 July Archives départmentales (hereafter cited as AD) Hérault, L 5498
    • This final point is developed in greater detail in Margaret C. Jacob, Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West (New York, 1997). For Chaptal's anticlericalism, see Jean-Antoine Chaptal, speech to the Montpellier revolutionary club, 16 July 1790, Archives départmentales (hereafter cited as AD) Hérault, L 5498.
    • (1790)
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 3
    • 0039725931 scopus 로고
    • Revolutionary France, Cradle of Free Enterprise
    • Jean-Pierre Hirsch, "Revolutionary France, Cradle of Free Enterprise," American Historical Review 94 (1989): 1281-89. See Jean-François De Tolozan, Memoire sur le commerce de la France et de ses colonies (Paris, 1789), Bibliothèque Nationale (hereafter cited as BN) microfiche V.17731, pp. 24-25, on the lack of competitiveness. As late as 1820, entrepreneurs in search of a government subsidy felt compelled to say that they had learned their practices in England; see Archives nationales, Paris (hereafter cited as AN), F12 2200, March 1820, report to the Minister of the Interior.
    • (1989) American Historical Review , vol.94 , pp. 1281-1289
    • Hirsch, J.-P.1
  • 4
    • 0040317809 scopus 로고
    • Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale (hereafter cited as BN) microfiche V.17731
    • Jean-Pierre Hirsch, "Revolutionary France, Cradle of Free Enterprise," American Historical Review 94 (1989): 1281-89. See Jean-François De Tolozan, Memoire sur le commerce de la France et de ses colonies (Paris, 1789), Bibliothèque Nationale (hereafter cited as BN) microfiche V.17731, pp. 24-25, on the lack of competitiveness. As late as 1820, entrepreneurs in search of a government subsidy felt compelled to say that they had learned their practices in England; see Archives nationales, Paris (hereafter cited as AN), F12 2200, March 1820, report to the Minister of the Interior.
    • (1789) Memoire sur Le Commerce de la France et de ses Colonies , pp. 24-25
    • De Tolozan, J.-F.1
  • 5
    • 85033871631 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Archives nationales, Paris (hereafter cited as AN), F12 2200, March 1820, report to the Minister of the Interior
    • Jean-Pierre Hirsch, "Revolutionary France, Cradle of Free Enterprise," American Historical Review 94 (1989): 1281-89. See Jean-François De Tolozan, Memoire sur le commerce de la France et de ses colonies (Paris, 1789), Bibliothèque Nationale (hereafter cited as BN) microfiche V.17731, pp. 24-25, on the lack of competitiveness. As late as 1820, entrepreneurs in search of a government subsidy felt compelled to say that they had learned their practices in England; see Archives nationales, Paris (hereafter cited as AN), F12 2200, March 1820, report to the Minister of the Interior.
  • 6
    • 85033885015 scopus 로고
    • pamplet housed in the Sidney Edelstein collection, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem
    • For the darker side of Chaptal's reforms as recounted by his enemies, see J. Seneaux, Oppression et abus de pouvoir exercés par M. Chaptal . . . (1808; pamplet housed in the Sidney Edelstein collection, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem), pp. 6-8 on democratic excess. For the pattern established, see Terry Shinn, "Science, Tocqueville, and the State: The Organization of Knowledge in Modern France," in The Politics of Western Science, 1640-1990, ed. Margaret C. Jacob (Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1994).
    • (1808) Oppression et Abus de Pouvoir Exercés par M. Chaptal , pp. 6-8
    • Seneaux, J.1
  • 7
    • 0040317822 scopus 로고
    • Science, Tocqueville, and the State: The Organization of Knowledge in Modern France
    • ed. Margaret C. Jacob Atlantic Highlands, N.J.
    • For the darker side of Chaptal's reforms as recounted by his enemies, see J. Seneaux, Oppression et abus de pouvoir exercés par M. Chaptal . . . (1808; pamplet housed in the Sidney Edelstein collection, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem), pp. 6-8 on democratic excess. For the pattern established, see Terry Shinn, "Science, Tocqueville, and the State: The Organization of Knowledge in Modern France," in The Politics of Western Science, 1640-1990, ed. Margaret C. Jacob (Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1994).
    • (1994) The Politics of Western Science, 1640-1990
    • Shinn, T.1
  • 8
    • 0039725940 scopus 로고
    • See the entire issue of History and Technology 12 (1995), with articles devoted to the impact of the French model on Belgium, Germany, Russia, and others.
    • (1995) History and Technology , vol.12
  • 10
    • 0040317813 scopus 로고
    • Paris, chap. 8
    • See Nicole Dhombres and Jean Dhombres, Naissance d'un pouvoir: sciences et savants en France, 1793-1824 (Paris, 1989), 560; Dominique Julia, Les trois couleurs du tableau noir: La Révolution (Paris, 1981), chap. 8, on engineers.
    • (1981) Les Trois Couleurs du Tableau Noir: La Révolution
    • Julia, D.1
  • 12
    • 85033899472 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • École nationale des ponts et chaussées, Paris, box
    • A. Picon, French Architects and Engineers in the Age of Enlightenment (Cambridge, 1992), 51; for the self-perception of state engineers, see École nationale des ponts et chaussées, Paris, box "Concours de Style, 1789-1803."
    • Concours de Style, 1789-1803
  • 14
    • 0039725806 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge
    • On Comte, see Mary Pickering, Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge, 1993), 1:158-91. We are grateful to Dr. Pickering for calling the similarities to our attention. See also Lièvin Bauwens, memoir of 15 March 1808, AN, F12 533, on how he stole the workers and the machines from England and his negotiations with the revolutionary ministry of the interior. See AN, F12 2195, item no. 8 (1800), on the role of the government in furthering the French cotton manufacturing industry along the British model. See AN, F12 2208, item no. 5 (1810), on the government's distribution of a pamphlet to help people learn corderie.
    • (1993) Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography , vol.1 , pp. 158-191
    • Pickering, M.1
  • 15
    • 85033883813 scopus 로고
    • memoir of 15 March AN, F12 533
    • On Comte, see Mary Pickering, Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge, 1993), 1:158-91. We are grateful to Dr. Pickering for calling the similarities to our attention. See also Lièvin Bauwens, memoir of 15 March 1808, AN, F12 533, on how he stole the workers and the machines from England and his negotiations with the revolutionary ministry of the interior. See AN, F12 2195, item no. 8 (1800), on the role of the government in furthering the French cotton manufacturing industry along the British model. See AN, F12 2208, item no. 5 (1810), on the government's distribution of a pamphlet to help people learn corderie.
    • (1808)
    • Bauwens, L.1
  • 16
    • 85033900151 scopus 로고
    • AN, F12 2195, item no. 8
    • On Comte, see Mary Pickering, Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge, 1993), 1:158-91. We are grateful to Dr. Pickering for calling the similarities to our attention. See also Lièvin Bauwens, memoir of 15 March 1808, AN, F12 533, on how he stole the workers and the machines from England and his negotiations with the revolutionary ministry of the interior. See AN, F12 2195, item no. 8 (1800), on the role of the government in furthering the French cotton manufacturing industry along the British model. See AN, F12 2208, item no. 5 (1810), on the government's distribution of a pamphlet to help people learn corderie.
    • (1800)
  • 17
    • 85033883791 scopus 로고
    • AN, F12 2208, item no. 5
    • On Comte, see Mary Pickering, Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge, 1993), 1:158-91. We are grateful to Dr. Pickering for calling the similarities to our attention. See also Lièvin Bauwens, memoir of 15 March 1808, AN, F12 533, on how he stole the workers and the machines from England and his negotiations with the revolutionary ministry of the interior. See AN, F12 2195, item no. 8 (1800), on the role of the government in furthering the French cotton manufacturing industry along the British model. See AN, F12 2208, item no. 5 (1810), on the government's distribution of a pamphlet to help people learn corderie.
    • (1810)
  • 18
    • 85033900518 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • For this repackaging, see François Bardel, manufacturer and member of the Conseil des arts et manufactures, to Minister of the Interior, AN, F12 2195, 6 Ventôse, year V [24 February 1797]: "Je vais établier une manufacture de mousselines, d'organdis et de toiles de coton propres a L'impression des Indiennes. J'ai déjà pris en Angleterre des notions exactes sur la main d'oeuvre et les apprêti de ces articles, qui son peu Connus en France." Among the skills he had acquired were better construction of machines; the economy of combustion used in bleaching; the renewing of surfaces of different substances under the action of steam; the accurate determination of the degree of pressure to give to the steam, and so on.
  • 19
    • 85033902831 scopus 로고
    • Un chimiste en politique: J. A. Chaptal à Montpellier, 1788-1794
    • Paris
    • For a general survey of changes after 1789, see Michel Péronnet, "Un chimiste en politique: J. A. Chaptal à Montpellier, 1788-1794," in Actes du 114e Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Scientifiques et sociétés pendant la révolution et l'empire (Paris, 1990), 145-60. Ken Alder has argued that the ability to mass-produce munitions testifies to French industrial strength. But the musket is a relatively simple device, which does not call for the same level of the technical skill required for steam, or even for what Bardel was trying to do. Ken Alder, Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815 (Princeton, 1997). For a different analysis of the relationship between the Revolution and thought, see Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997). When Gregory Watt saw the arms manufactory at Versailles, it made no particular impression, although he found the steam business of the Perrier noteworthy (Gregory Watt, record of travels in France, C2/1, 1801, James Watt Papers [hereafter JWP], Birmingham Public Library [hereafter BPL], Birmingham, England). Even the furnaces used by Boulton and Watt were seen to be innovative and to be guarded from French eyes (Aimé Argand to James Watt, 16 April 1786, JWP, 4/14/, BPL); Argand to Watt, 14 October 1785, on the departure of James Jr. from Paris and the excellence of his French, JWP, 4/14/, BPL. See BN, Paris, R 4627 (1), proceedings of the Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale, vol. 2, for Chaptal's speech before the society in 1804: "Messieurs, les arts sont aujourd'hui trop éclairés, leur progrès sont trop rapides pour qu'on puisse refuser à la science la part active qu'elle a dans leur prosperité, et personne n'est plus tenté de révoquer en doute l'avantage inappréciable de la réunion et de l'application des sciences à la pratique des arts." See AN, F12 2201 (1783) for praise of Vaucauson precisely because he can combine economy and mechanics.
    • (1990) Actes du 114e Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Scientifiques et Sociétés Pendant la Révolution et l'Empire , pp. 145-160
    • Péronnet, M.1
  • 20
    • 0003571377 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Princeton
    • For a general survey of changes after 1789, see Michel Péronnet, "Un chimiste en politique: J. A. Chaptal à Montpellier, 1788-1794," in Actes du 114e Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Scientifiques et sociétés pendant la révolution et l'empire (Paris, 1990), 145-60. Ken Alder has argued that the ability to mass-produce munitions testifies to French industrial strength. But the musket is a relatively simple device, which does not call for the same level of the technical skill required for steam, or even for what Bardel was trying to do. Ken Alder, Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815 (Princeton, 1997). For a different analysis of the relationship between the Revolution and thought, see Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997). When Gregory Watt saw the arms manufactory at Versailles, it made no particular impression, although he found the steam business of the Perrier noteworthy (Gregory Watt, record of travels in France, C2/1, 1801, James Watt Papers [hereafter JWP], Birmingham Public Library [hereafter BPL], Birmingham, England). Even the furnaces used by Boulton and Watt were seen to be innovative and to be guarded from French eyes (Aimé Argand to James Watt, 16 April 1786, JWP, 4/14/, BPL); Argand to Watt, 14 October 1785, on the departure of James Jr. from Paris and the excellence of his French, JWP, 4/14/, BPL. See BN, Paris, R 4627 (1), proceedings of the Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale, vol. 2, for Chaptal's speech before the society in 1804: "Messieurs, les arts sont aujourd'hui trop éclairés, leur progrès sont trop rapides pour qu'on puisse refuser à la science la part active qu'elle a dans leur prosperité, et personne n'est plus tenté de révoquer en doute l'avantage inappréciable de la réunion et de l'application des sciences à la pratique des arts." See AN, F12 2201 (1783) for praise of Vaucauson precisely because he can combine economy and mechanics.
    • (1997) Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815
    • Alder, K.1
  • 21
    • 0013668244 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Toronto
    • For a general survey of changes after 1789, see Michel Péronnet, "Un chimiste en politique: J. A. Chaptal à Montpellier, 1788-1794," in Actes du 114e Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Scientifiques et sociétés pendant la révolution et l'empire (Paris, 1990), 145-60. Ken Alder has argued that the ability to mass-produce munitions testifies to French industrial strength. But the musket is a relatively simple device, which does not call for the same level of the technical skill required for steam, or even for what Bardel was trying to do. Ken Alder, Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815 (Princeton, 1997). For a different analysis of the relationship between the Revolution and thought, see Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997). When Gregory Watt saw the arms manufactory at Versailles, it made no particular impression, although he found the steam business of the Perrier noteworthy (Gregory Watt, record of travels in France, C2/1, 1801, James Watt Papers [hereafter JWP], Birmingham Public Library [hereafter BPL], Birmingham, England). Even the furnaces used by Boulton and Watt were seen to be innovative and to be guarded from French eyes (Aimé Argand to James Watt, 16 April 1786, JWP, 4/14/, BPL); Argand to Watt, 14 October 1785, on the departure of James Jr. from Paris and the excellence of his French, JWP, 4/14/, BPL. See BN, Paris, R 4627 (1), proceedings of the Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale, vol. 2, for Chaptal's speech before the society in 1804: "Messieurs, les arts sont aujourd'hui trop éclairés, leur progrès sont trop rapides pour qu'on puisse refuser à la science la part active qu'elle a dans leur prosperité, et personne n'est plus tenté de révoquer en doute l'avantage inappréciable de la réunion et de l'application des sciences à la pratique des arts." See AN, F12 2201 (1783) for praise of Vaucauson precisely because he can combine economy and mechanics.
    • (1997) Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution
    • Staum, M.1
  • 22
    • 85033884688 scopus 로고
    • Gregory Watt, record of travels in France, C2/1, James Watt Papers [hereafter JWP], Birmingham Public Library [hereafter BPL], Birmingham, England
    • For a general survey of changes after 1789, see Michel Péronnet, "Un chimiste en politique: J. A. Chaptal à Montpellier, 1788-1794," in Actes du 114e Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Scientifiques et sociétés pendant la révolution et l'empire (Paris, 1990), 145-60. Ken Alder has argued that the ability to mass-produce munitions testifies to French industrial strength. But the musket is a relatively simple device, which does not call for the same level of the technical skill required for steam, or even for what Bardel was trying to do. Ken Alder, Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815 (Princeton, 1997). For a different analysis of the relationship between the Revolution and thought, see Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997). When Gregory Watt saw the arms manufactory at Versailles, it made no particular impression, although he found the steam business of the Perrier noteworthy (Gregory Watt, record of travels in France, C2/1, 1801, James Watt Papers [hereafter JWP], Birmingham Public Library [hereafter BPL], Birmingham, England). Even the furnaces used by Boulton and Watt were seen to be innovative and to be guarded from French eyes (Aimé Argand to James Watt, 16 April 1786, JWP, 4/14/, BPL); Argand to Watt, 14 October 1785, on the departure of James Jr. from Paris and the excellence of his French, JWP, 4/14/, BPL. See BN, Paris, R 4627 (1), proceedings of the Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale, vol. 2, for Chaptal's speech before the society in 1804: "Messieurs, les arts sont aujourd'hui trop éclairés, leur progrès sont trop rapides pour qu'on puisse refuser à la science la part active qu'elle a dans leur prosperité, et personne n'est plus tenté de révoquer en doute l'avantage inappréciable de la réunion et de l'application des sciences à la pratique des arts." See AN, F12 2201 (1783) for praise of Vaucauson precisely because he can combine economy and mechanics.
    • (1801)
  • 23
    • 85033893860 scopus 로고
    • Aimé Argand to James Watt, 16 April JWP, 4/14/, BPL; Argand to Watt, 14 October 1785, on the departure of James Jr. from Paris and the excellence of his French, JWP, 4/14/, BPL
    • For a general survey of changes after 1789, see Michel Péronnet, "Un chimiste en politique: J. A. Chaptal à Montpellier, 1788-1794," in Actes du 114e Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Scientifiques et sociétés pendant la révolution et l'empire (Paris, 1990), 145-60. Ken Alder has argued that the ability to mass-produce munitions testifies to French industrial strength. But the musket is a relatively simple device, which does not call for the same level of the technical skill required for steam, or even for what Bardel was trying to do. Ken Alder, Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815 (Princeton, 1997). For a different analysis of the relationship between the Revolution and thought, see Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997). When Gregory Watt saw the arms manufactory at Versailles, it made no particular impression, although he found the steam business of the Perrier noteworthy (Gregory Watt, record of travels in France, C2/1, 1801, James Watt Papers [hereafter JWP], Birmingham Public Library [hereafter BPL], Birmingham, England). Even the furnaces used by Boulton and Watt were seen to be innovative and to be guarded from French eyes (Aimé Argand to James Watt, 16 April 1786, JWP, 4/14/, BPL); Argand to Watt, 14 October 1785, on the departure of James Jr. from Paris and the excellence of his French, JWP, 4/14/, BPL. See BN, Paris, R 4627 (1), proceedings of the Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale, vol. 2, for Chaptal's speech before the society in 1804: "Messieurs, les arts sont aujourd'hui trop éclairés, leur progrès sont trop rapides pour qu'on puisse refuser à la science la part active qu'elle a dans leur prosperité, et personne n'est plus tenté de révoquer en doute l'avantage inappréciable de la réunion et de l'application des sciences à la pratique des arts." See AN, F12 2201 (1783) for praise of Vaucauson precisely because he can combine economy and mechanics.
    • (1786)
  • 24
    • 85033883996 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • BN, Paris, R 4627 (1)
    • For a general survey of changes after 1789, see Michel Péronnet, "Un chimiste en politique: J. A. Chaptal à Montpellier, 1788-1794," in Actes du 114e Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Scientifiques et sociétés pendant la révolution et l'empire (Paris, 1990), 145-60. Ken Alder has argued that the ability to mass-produce munitions testifies to French industrial strength. But the musket is a relatively simple device, which does not call for the same level of the technical skill required for steam, or even for what Bardel was trying to do. Ken Alder, Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815 (Princeton, 1997). For a different analysis of the relationship between the Revolution and thought, see Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997). When Gregory Watt saw the arms manufactory at Versailles, it made no particular impression, although he found the steam business of the Perrier noteworthy (Gregory Watt, record of travels in France, C2/1, 1801, James Watt Papers [hereafter JWP], Birmingham Public Library [hereafter BPL], Birmingham, England). Even the furnaces used by Boulton and Watt were seen to be innovative and to be guarded from French eyes (Aimé Argand to James Watt, 16 April 1786, JWP, 4/14/, BPL); Argand to Watt, 14 October 1785, on the departure of James Jr. from Paris and the excellence of his French, JWP, 4/14/, BPL. See BN, Paris, R 4627 (1), proceedings of the Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale, vol. 2, for Chaptal's speech before the society in 1804: "Messieurs, les arts sont aujourd'hui trop éclairés, leur progrès sont trop rapides pour qu'on puisse refuser à la science la part active qu'elle a dans leur prosperité, et personne n'est plus tenté de révoquer en doute l'avantage inappréciable de la réunion et de l'application des sciences à la pratique des arts." See AN, F12 2201 (1783) for praise of Vaucauson precisely because he can combine economy and mechanics.
    • Proceedings of the Société d'Encouragement Pour l'iNdustrie Nationale , vol.2
  • 25
    • 85033877988 scopus 로고
    • AN, F12 2201
    • For a general survey of changes after 1789, see Michel Péronnet, "Un chimiste en politique: J. A. Chaptal à Montpellier, 1788-1794," in Actes du 114e Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Scientifiques et sociétés pendant la révolution et l'empire (Paris, 1990), 145-60. Ken Alder has argued that the ability to mass-produce munitions testifies to French industrial strength. But the musket is a relatively simple device, which does not call for the same level of the technical skill required for steam, or even for what Bardel was trying to do. Ken Alder, Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France, 1763-1815 (Princeton, 1997). For a different analysis of the relationship between the Revolution and thought, see Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997). When Gregory Watt saw the arms manufactory at Versailles, it made no particular impression, although he found the steam business of the Perrier noteworthy (Gregory Watt, record of travels in France, C2/1, 1801, James Watt Papers [hereafter JWP], Birmingham Public Library [hereafter BPL], Birmingham, England). Even the furnaces used by Boulton and Watt were seen to be innovative and to be guarded from French eyes (Aimé Argand to James Watt, 16 April 1786, JWP, 4/14/, BPL); Argand to Watt, 14 October 1785, on the departure of James Jr. from Paris and the excellence of his French, JWP, 4/14/, BPL. See BN, Paris, R 4627 (1), proceedings of the Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale, vol. 2, for Chaptal's speech before the society in 1804: "Messieurs, les arts sont aujourd'hui trop éclairés, leur progrès sont trop rapides pour qu'on puisse refuser à la science la part active qu'elle a dans leur prosperité, et personne n'est plus tenté de révoquer en doute l'avantage inappréciable de la réunion et de l'application des sciences à la pratique des arts." See AN, F12 2201 (1783) for praise of Vaucauson precisely because he can combine economy and mechanics.
    • (1783)
  • 26
    • 0009257557 scopus 로고
    • Construing 'Technology' as 'Applied Science': Public Rhetoric of Scientists and Engineers in the United States, 1880-1945
    • For a very helpful discussion of the different meanings of all these items, see Ronald Kline, "Construing 'Technology' as 'Applied Science': Public Rhetoric of Scientists and Engineers in the United States, 1880-1945," Isis 86 (1995): 194-204.
    • (1995) Isis , vol.86 , pp. 194-204
    • Kline, R.1
  • 27
    • 84974409644 scopus 로고
    • AD Hérault D 186, fols. 215-28; Paris, introduction;
    • For Chaptal's Newtonianism and his application of mathematics to the study of the human body, see AD Hérault D 186, fols. 215-28; Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Élémens de Chymie, 3rd ed. (Paris, 1796), introduction; and Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Mes souvenirs de Napoléon (Paris, 1893), 19. On Watt, see Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 6; and Boulton and Watt MSS, MIV/14/1, BPL, a notebook on mechanics inherited by James Watt. On Dalton, see Jacob, "The Truth of Heroic Science and the Truth of Newton's Science," in Constructing the Canon, ed. Margaret J. Osler (forthcoming). Dalton's manuscripts are at the John Rylands Library, Manchester. For British scientific culture, see also John Gascoigne, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge and Polite Culture (New York, 1994), 211-12; and, of course, the classic A. E. Musson and Eric Robinson, Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution (Manchester, 1969).
    • (1796) Élémens de Chymie, 3rd Ed.
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 28
    • 0039044192 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For Chaptal's Newtonianism and his application of mathematics to the study of the human body, see AD Hérault D 186, fols. 215-28; Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Élémens de Chymie, 3rd ed. (Paris, 1796), introduction; and Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Mes souvenirs de Napoléon (Paris, 1893), 19. On Watt, see Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 6; and Boulton and Watt MSS, MIV/14/1, BPL, a notebook on mechanics inherited by James Watt. On Dalton, see Jacob, "The Truth of Heroic Science and the Truth of Newton's Science," in Constructing the Canon, ed. Margaret J. Osler (forthcoming). Dalton's manuscripts are at the John Rylands Library, Manchester. For British scientific culture, see also John Gascoigne, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge and Polite Culture (New York, 1994), 211-12; and, of course, the classic A. E. Musson and Eric Robinson, Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution (Manchester, 1969).
    • (1893) Mes Souvenirs de Napoléon , pp. 19
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 29
    • 0040911920 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (n. 1 above), chap. 6
    • For Chaptal's Newtonianism and his application of mathematics to the study of the human body, see AD Hérault D 186, fols. 215-28; Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Élémens de Chymie, 3rd ed. (Paris, 1796), introduction; and Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Mes souvenirs de Napoléon (Paris, 1893), 19. On Watt, see Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 6; and Boulton and Watt MSS, MIV/14/1, BPL, a notebook on mechanics inherited by James Watt. On Dalton, see Jacob, "The Truth of Heroic Science and the Truth of Newton's Science," in Constructing the Canon, ed. Margaret J. Osler (forthcoming). Dalton's manuscripts are at the John Rylands Library, Manchester. For British scientific culture, see also John Gascoigne, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge and Polite Culture (New York, 1994), 211-12; and, of course, the classic A. E. Musson and Eric Robinson, Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution (Manchester, 1969).
    • Scientific Culture
    • Jacob1
  • 30
    • 85033882731 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Truth of Heroic Science and the Truth of Newton's Science
    • ed. Margaret J. Osler (forthcoming)
    • For Chaptal's Newtonianism and his application of mathematics to the study of the human body, see AD Hérault D 186, fols. 215-28; Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Élémens de Chymie, 3rd ed. (Paris, 1796), introduction; and Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Mes souvenirs de Napoléon (Paris, 1893), 19. On Watt, see Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 6; and Boulton and Watt MSS, MIV/14/1, BPL, a notebook on mechanics inherited by James Watt. On Dalton, see Jacob, "The Truth of Heroic Science and the Truth of Newton's Science," in Constructing the Canon, ed. Margaret J. Osler (forthcoming). Dalton's manuscripts are at the John Rylands Library, Manchester. For British scientific culture, see also John Gascoigne, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge and Polite Culture (New York, 1994), 211-12; and, of course, the classic A. E. Musson and Eric Robinson, Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution (Manchester, 1969).
    • Constructing the Canon
    • Jacob1
  • 31
    • 0003459455 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • For Chaptal's Newtonianism and his application of mathematics to the study of the human body, see AD Hérault D 186, fols. 215-28; Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Élémens de Chymie, 3rd ed. (Paris, 1796), introduction; and Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Mes souvenirs de Napoléon (Paris, 1893), 19. On Watt, see Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 6; and Boulton and Watt MSS, MIV/14/1, BPL, a notebook on mechanics inherited by James Watt. On Dalton, see Jacob, "The Truth of Heroic Science and the Truth of Newton's Science," in Constructing the Canon, ed. Margaret J. Osler (forthcoming). Dalton's manuscripts are at the John Rylands Library, Manchester. For British scientific culture, see also John Gascoigne, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge and Polite Culture (New York, 1994), 211-12; and, of course, the classic A. E. Musson and Eric Robinson, Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution (Manchester, 1969).
    • (1994) Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge and Polite Culture , pp. 211-212
    • Gascoigne, J.1
  • 32
    • 0003992523 scopus 로고
    • Manchester
    • For Chaptal's Newtonianism and his application of mathematics to the study of the human body, see AD Hérault D 186, fols. 215-28; Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Élémens de Chymie, 3rd ed. (Paris, 1796), introduction; and Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Mes souvenirs de Napoléon (Paris, 1893), 19. On Watt, see Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 6; and Boulton and Watt MSS, MIV/14/1, BPL, a notebook on mechanics inherited by James Watt. On Dalton, see Jacob, "The Truth of Heroic Science and the Truth of Newton's Science," in Constructing the Canon, ed. Margaret J. Osler (forthcoming). Dalton's manuscripts are at the John Rylands Library, Manchester. For British scientific culture, see also John Gascoigne, Joseph Banks and the English Enlightenment: Useful Knowledge and Polite Culture (New York, 1994), 211-12; and, of course, the classic A. E. Musson and Eric Robinson, Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution (Manchester, 1969).
    • (1969) Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution
    • Musson, A.E.1    Robinson, E.2
  • 35
    • 0039011267 scopus 로고
    • Oxford
    • La Société d'encouragement pour l'industrie nationale had an entirely industrial and mechanical focus. See AN, F12 502, for the founding documentation and the debt to Chaptal. For the application of similar ideas to the coal industry, see Gwynne Lewis, The Advent of Modern Capitalism in France, 1770-1840: The Contribution of Pierre-François Tubeuf (Oxford, 1993), 215. For the similar policies of Chaptal's predecessor, see Nicolas-Louis François de Neufchâteau, Recueil de lettres, circulaires, instructions, programmes, discours, et autres actes publics, émanés du Citoyen François (de Neufchâteau), pendant ses exercices du Ministre de l'Intérieur (Paris, years VII-VIII [1799-1800]), 1:xxx, 102-3, 155.
    • (1993) The Advent of Modern Capitalism in France, 1770-1840: The Contribution of Pierre-François Tubeuf , pp. 215
    • Lewis, G.1
  • 37
    • 85033886848 scopus 로고
    • Les études de Chaptal et le vitalisme montpelliérain
    • ed. Michel Péronnet Paris
    • Thierry Lavabre-Bertrand and André Mandin, "Les Études de Chaptal et le vitalisme montpelliérain," in Chaptal, ed. Michel Péronnet (Paris, 1989), 5-20. See also Hubert Bonnet, "Jean-Antoine Chaptal, 1756-1832," in La faculté de médecine de Montpellier: Huit siècles d'histoire et d'éclats (Montpellier, 1992), 348-56. These recent commentators have accepted as both useful and reliable Jean Pigieire, La Vie et l'oeuvre de Chaptal (Ph.D. diss., University of Paris, 1931). On Chaptal's Newtonianism, see his Conspectus physiologicus de Fontibus and Élèmens de Chymie, the introduction. On Chaptal and the application of chemistry to industry, see John Graham Smith, The Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France, (Oxford, 1979), 20-24.
    • (1989) Chaptal , pp. 5-20
    • Lavabre-Bertrand, T.1    Mandin, A.2
  • 38
    • 85033896504 scopus 로고
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, 1756-1832
    • Montpellier
    • Thierry Lavabre-Bertrand and André Mandin, "Les Études de Chaptal et le vitalisme montpelliérain," in Chaptal, ed. Michel Péronnet (Paris, 1989), 5-20. See also Hubert Bonnet, "Jean-Antoine Chaptal, 1756-1832," in La faculté de médecine de Montpellier: Huit siècles d'histoire et d'éclats (Montpellier, 1992), 348-56. These recent commentators have accepted as both useful and reliable Jean Pigieire, La Vie et l'oeuvre de Chaptal (Ph.D. diss., University of Paris, 1931). On Chaptal's Newtonianism, see his Conspectus physiologicus de Fontibus and Élèmens de Chymie, the introduction. On Chaptal and the application of chemistry to industry, see John Graham Smith, The Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France, (Oxford, 1979), 20-24.
    • (1992) La Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier: Huit Siècles d'Histoire et d'Éclats , pp. 348-356
    • Bonnet, H.1
  • 39
    • 0040317801 scopus 로고
    • Ph.D. diss., University of Paris
    • Thierry Lavabre-Bertrand and André Mandin, "Les Études de Chaptal et le vitalisme montpelliérain," in Chaptal, ed. Michel Péronnet (Paris, 1989), 5-20. See also Hubert Bonnet, "Jean-Antoine Chaptal, 1756-1832," in La faculté de médecine de Montpellier: Huit siècles d'histoire et d'éclats (Montpellier, 1992), 348-56. These recent commentators have accepted as both useful and reliable Jean Pigieire, La Vie et l'oeuvre de Chaptal (Ph.D. diss., University of Paris, 1931). On Chaptal's Newtonianism, see his Conspectus physiologicus de Fontibus and Élèmens de Chymie, the introduction. On Chaptal and the application of chemistry to industry, see John Graham Smith, The Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France, (Oxford, 1979), 20-24.
    • (1931) La Vie et l'Oeuvre de Chaptal
    • Pigieire, J.1
  • 40
    • 85033902791 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Thierry Lavabre-Bertrand and André Mandin, "Les Études de Chaptal et le vitalisme montpelliérain," in Chaptal, ed. Michel Péronnet (Paris, 1989), 5-20. See also Hubert Bonnet, "Jean-Antoine Chaptal, 1756-1832," in La faculté de médecine de Montpellier: Huit siècles d'histoire et d'éclats (Montpellier, 1992), 348-56. These recent commentators have accepted as both useful and reliable Jean Pigieire, La Vie et l'oeuvre de Chaptal (Ph.D. diss., University of Paris, 1931). On Chaptal's Newtonianism, see his Conspectus physiologicus de Fontibus and Élèmens de Chymie, the introduction. On Chaptal and the application of chemistry to industry, see John Graham Smith, The Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France, (Oxford, 1979), 20-24.
    • Conspectus Physiologicus de Fontibus and Élèmens de Chymie
    • Chaptal1
  • 41
    • 0011341568 scopus 로고
    • Oxford
    • Thierry Lavabre-Bertrand and André Mandin, "Les Études de Chaptal et le vitalisme montpelliérain," in Chaptal, ed. Michel Péronnet (Paris, 1989), 5-20. See also Hubert Bonnet, "Jean-Antoine Chaptal, 1756-1832," in La faculté de médecine de Montpellier: Huit siècles d'histoire et d'éclats (Montpellier, 1992), 348-56. These recent commentators have accepted as both useful and reliable Jean Pigieire, La Vie et l'oeuvre de Chaptal (Ph.D. diss., University of Paris, 1931). On Chaptal's Newtonianism, see his Conspectus physiologicus de Fontibus and Élèmens de Chymie, the introduction. On Chaptal and the application of chemistry to industry, see John Graham Smith, The Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France, (Oxford, 1979), 20-24.
    • (1979) The Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France , pp. 20-24
    • Smith, J.G.1
  • 43
    • 85033889704 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AD Hérault L 5787, dated 21 7 bre 1793
    • AD Hérault L 5787, dated 21 7 bre 1793.
  • 45
    • 0040911828 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • See, for example, A. Defontenay, Quelques notices sur le traité de commerce de 1786, sur les Manufactures d'Angleterre et de France; sur les Causes de la prosperité de cellelà, et de la Décadence de celle-ci (Paris, year X [1802]), BN 4-V, doc. 4364. Christopher Johnson, The Life and Death of Industrial Languedoc, 1700-1920 (New York, 1995), 9-24, chronicles this same transformation.
    • (1995) The Life and Death of Industrial Languedoc, 1700-1920 , pp. 9-24
    • Johnson, C.1
  • 48
    • 85033902849 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Bibliothèque Municipale, Montpellier, Recueil Poitevin, submitted to the Société royale des sciences, 1777, contains references to Paul-Joseph Barthez, fols. 137-38
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, "Mémoire sur le Mecanisme de la respiration," Bibliothèque Municipale, Montpellier, Recueil Poitevin, submitted to the Société royale des sciences, 1777, contains references to Paul-Joseph Barthez, fols. 137-38. Note also "la nature morte a été consultée dans la plus part de leurs experiences . . . l'homme cadavre est un être passif . . . telle est la marche de la plus part des phisiologistes dans la physique du corps humain; telle est la source de la varieté et de l'incohoerence de leurs systemes. . . ." On Chaptal's vitalism and Newtonianism, with passing reference to its resonance with Masonic ideas, see Lavabre-Bertrand and Mandin, "Les Études de Chaptal et le vitalisme montpelliérain" (n. 16 above).
    • Mémoire sur Le Mecanisme de la Respiration
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 49
    • 85033900594 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, "Mémoire sur le Mecanisme de la respiration," Bibliothèque Municipale, Montpellier, Recueil Poitevin, submitted to the Société royale des sciences, 1777, contains references to Paul-Joseph Barthez, fols. 137-38. Note also "la nature morte a été consultée dans la plus part de leurs experiences . . . l'homme cadavre est un être passif . . . telle est la marche de la plus part des phisiologistes dans la physique du corps humain; telle est la source de la varieté et de l'incohoerence de leurs systemes. . . ." On Chaptal's vitalism and Newtonianism, with passing reference to its resonance with Masonic ideas, see Lavabre-Bertrand and Mandin, "Les Études de Chaptal et le vitalisme montpelliérain" (n. 16 above).
    • Les Études de Chaptal et Le Vitalisme Montpelliérain
    • Lavabre-Bertrand1    Mandin2
  • 51
    • 0039044192 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For the application of mathematics to the study of the human body and the attack on hypotheses, see Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Mes souvenirs de Napoléon (Paris, 1893), 19. See Jean-Antoine Chaptal, memoir written to the Academy of Science in Montpellier, 28 June 1781, AD Hérault, D 155, fols. 56-59v: "c'est que d'un effet bien connu il n'est pas toujours possible de remonter à la connoissance de la cause, ici je connois la nature de l'emanation aeriforme, j'ai pu en calculer les propriétés mais je suis obligé de . . . ne me permettre que quelques conjectures sur leur origine. . . . Attendons des circonstances plus favorables c'est allées pour le prépare que d'être éclairés sur l'effet." Chaptal mentions the work of Priestley and various other English natural philosophers; in AD Hérault, D 186, fols. 215-42, a report written by Chaptal and about nine others reference is made (fol. 218) "to the principles of the steam engine." The relationship between improved machinery and labor saving is also clearly articulated (fols. 226-28), 1781.
    • (1893) Mes Souvenirs de Napoléon , pp. 19
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 52
    • 85033899816 scopus 로고
    • memoir written to the Academy of Science in Montpellier, 28 June
    • For the application of mathematics to the study of the human body and the attack on hypotheses, see Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Mes souvenirs de Napoléon (Paris, 1893), 19. See Jean-Antoine Chaptal, memoir written to the Academy of Science in Montpellier, 28 June 1781, AD Hérault, D 155, fols. 56-59v: "c'est que d'un effet bien connu il n'est pas toujours possible de remonter à la connoissance de la cause, ici je connois la nature de l'emanation aeriforme, j'ai pu en calculer les propriétés mais je suis obligé de . . . ne me permettre que quelques conjectures sur leur origine. . . . Attendons des circonstances plus favorables c'est allées pour le prépare que d'être éclairés sur l'effet." Chaptal mentions the work of Priestley and various other English natural philosophers; in AD Hérault, D 186, fols. 215-42, a report written by Chaptal and about nine others reference is made (fol. 218) "to the principles of the steam engine." The relationship between improved machinery and labor saving is also clearly articulated (fols. 226-28), 1781.
    • (1781)
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 54
    • 0012314176 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • Paul-Joseph Barthez, Nouveaux Élemens de la science de l'homme, 2d ed. (Paris, 1806), dedication to Chaptal. Cf. R. Bernier, "La notion de principe vitale de Barthez," in Archives de philosophie 35 (1975): 432-37. For our discussion of Barthez, we thank Dale Bowling, who is working on an in-depth study of the vitalist movement.
    • (1806) Nouveaux Élemens de la Science de l'Homme, 2d Ed.
    • Barthez, P.-J.1
  • 55
    • 0040317795 scopus 로고
    • La notion de principe vitale de Barthez
    • Paul-Joseph Barthez, Nouveaux Élemens de la science de l'homme, 2d ed. (Paris, 1806), dedication to Chaptal. Cf. R. Bernier, "La notion de principe vitale de Barthez," in Archives de philosophie 35 (1975): 432-37. For our discussion of Barthez, we thank Dale Bowling, who is working on an in-depth study of the vitalist movement.
    • (1975) Archives de Philosophie , vol.35 , pp. 432-437
    • Bernier, R.1
  • 56
    • 85033878355 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 17 above
    • Chaptal, Catéchisme (n. 17 above), 41, 58-59.
    • Catéchisme , pp. 41
    • Chaptal1
  • 57
    • 0040911898 scopus 로고
    • ed. Martha Fletcher Montpellier
    • Théophile de Bordeu, Correspondance, ed. Martha Fletcher (Montpellier, 1993), 3:271-72.
    • (1993) Correspondance , vol.3 , pp. 271-272
    • De Bordeu, T.1
  • 58
    • 85033885505 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • On Chaptal's Freemasonry, see Péronnet, Chaptal (n. 16 above), p. 41, in which he is described as "un franc-maçon exemplaire." For Chaptal's deep involvement in contentious Masonic affairs, see letter of 3 December 1787, BN, FM1 13; letters of 21 December 1778 and 17 May 1779, BN, FM 1 87.
    • Chaptal , pp. 41
    • Péronnet1
  • 59
    • 85033881349 scopus 로고
    • Discours du fr. Le Normand
    • oration to the Masonic lodge, 24 June BN, MS FM2 309
    • See the manuscript "Discours du fr. Le Normand," oration to the Masonic lodge, Ami reunies dans la bonne foy, 24 June 1782, BN, MS FM2 309.
    • (1782) Ami Reunies Dans la Bonne Foy
  • 64
    • 85033880415 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • For the practical application of his scientific interests during the 1780s, see AD Hérault, D 187, fols. 19-19v; fols. 39, 139; D 155, fols. 56-59v; D 186, fols. 215-42. On how his procedures required fewer workers, see AD Hérault, D 186, fols. 226-28.
  • 65
    • 85033883107 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • Smith (n. 16 above), 20-24.
    • Smith1
  • 66
    • 85033890827 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Berthollet's correspondence with James Watt is part of the James Watt Papers at the BPL. See, for example, Guyot to Watt, 5 November 1788, on an accident in Berthollet's laboratory, JWP, 4/67; letters of Berthollet, 30 July 1787, 22 May 1787, and 25 March 1787, 4/14. Note also Le Turc, recollections, AN, F12 2204, no. 24-28, 1788[?] to 1795, on the machines he brought over from England, his contact with government ministers, the interference of academicians, and so on.
  • 67
    • 85033892012 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • AD Hérault, D 187, fols. 39, 226-28. On Chaptal's reading of English periodicals, see Pigieire (n. 16 above), 281.
    • Pigieire1
  • 68
    • 0040317786 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Law, Espionage, and the Transfer of Technology from Eighteenth Century Britain
    • ed. Robert Fox London
    • For such darker aspects of this international conversation, see John Harris, "Law, Espionage, and the Transfer of Technology from Eighteenth Century Britain," in Technological Change: Methods and Themes in the History of Technology, ed. Robert Fox (London, 1996), 123-36. See also AN, F12 2195, 2 February 1789, on the government's intention to acquire knowledge from England and Scotland. Note also the travels of Jan van Liender, who was the importer of Watt's engine in the Netherlands and in 1790 resided in Paris, where he was active in scientific circles (familie de Monchy no. 51, manuscript of the travel diary of Professor Salomon de Monchy, Gemeente Archief, Rotterdam).
    • (1996) Technological Change: Methods and Themes in the History of Technology , pp. 123-136
    • Harris, J.1
  • 69
    • 0039725906 scopus 로고
    • petition to the ministry, 4 September AN, F12 677C; and F12 2204
    • For examples of some of the more perceptive of these reports see Le Turc, petition to the ministry, 4 September 1786, AN, F12 677C; and F12 2204. For the reports collected by François de Neufchâteau, see AN, MC 27 AP 3; in the 1770s, he had travelers' reports from England and Holland. On spy reports, see Margaret Bradley, "Engineers as Military Spies? French Engineers Come to Britain, 1780-1790," Annals of Science 49 (1992): 137-61. On the interaction with British radicals, see David V. Erdman, Commerce des Lumières: John Oswald and the British in Paris, 1790-1793 (Columbia, Mo., 1986). On wanting to interrogate English prisoners for "Communication de plusiers procédés de fabrique, nécessaires et inconnus en France," see AN, F12 2195.
    • (1786)
    • Le Turc1
  • 70
    • 0039725906 scopus 로고
    • AN, MC 27 AP 3
    • For examples of some of the more perceptive of these reports see Le Turc, petition to the ministry, 4 September 1786, AN, F12 677C; and F12 2204. For the reports collected by François de Neufchâteau, see AN, MC 27 AP 3; in the 1770s, he had travelers' reports from England and Holland. On spy reports, see Margaret Bradley, "Engineers as Military Spies? French Engineers Come to Britain, 1780-1790," Annals of Science 49 (1992): 137-61. On the interaction with British radicals, see David V. Erdman, Commerce des Lumières: John Oswald and the British in Paris, 1790-1793 (Columbia, Mo., 1986). On wanting to interrogate English prisoners for "Communication de plusiers procédés de fabrique, nécessaires et inconnus en France," see AN, F12 2195.
    • (1770)
    • De Neufchâteau, F.1
  • 71
    • 0039725906 scopus 로고
    • Engineers as Military Spies? French Engineers Come to Britain, 1780-1790
    • For examples of some of the more perceptive of these reports see Le Turc, petition to the ministry, 4 September 1786, AN, F12 677C; and F12 2204. For the reports collected by François de Neufchâteau, see AN, MC 27 AP 3; in the 1770s, he had travelers' reports from England and Holland. On spy reports, see Margaret Bradley, "Engineers as Military Spies? French Engineers Come to Britain, 1780-1790," Annals of Science 49 (1992): 137-61. On the interaction with British radicals, see David V. Erdman, Commerce des Lumières: John Oswald and the British in Paris, 1790-1793 (Columbia, Mo., 1986). On wanting to interrogate English prisoners for "Communication de plusiers procédés de fabrique, nécessaires et inconnus en France," see AN, F12 2195.
    • (1992) Annals of Science , vol.49 , pp. 137-161
    • Bradley, M.1
  • 72
    • 0039725906 scopus 로고
    • Columbia, Mo.
    • For examples of some of the more perceptive of these reports see Le Turc, petition to the ministry, 4 September 1786, AN, F12 677C; and F12 2204. For the reports collected by François de Neufchâteau, see AN, MC 27 AP 3; in the 1770s, he had travelers' reports from England and Holland. On spy reports, see Margaret Bradley, "Engineers as Military Spies? French Engineers Come to Britain, 1780-1790," Annals of Science 49 (1992): 137-61. On the interaction with British radicals, see David V. Erdman, Commerce des Lumières: John Oswald and the British in Paris, 1790-1793 (Columbia, Mo., 1986). On wanting to interrogate English prisoners for "Communication de plusiers procédés de fabrique, nécessaires et inconnus en France," see AN, F12 2195.
    • (1986) Commerce des Lumières: John Oswald and the British in Paris, 1790-1793
    • Erdman, D.V.1
  • 73
    • 17444440639 scopus 로고
    • Un projet régional de chimie appliquée à la fin du XVIIIe siècle: Montpellier et son influence sur l'École de Barcelone: Jean-Antoine Chaptal et Francesco Carbonell
    • Agusti Nieto-Galan, "Un projet régional de chimie appliquée à la fin du XVIIIe siècle: Montpellier et son influence sur l'École de Barcelone: Jean-Antoine Chaptal et Francesco Carbonell," Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences 44 (1994): 38-62.
    • (1994) Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences , vol.44 , pp. 38-62
    • Nieto-Galan, A.1
  • 74
    • 85033877729 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • AD Hérault, L 2182, year II [1793], "Registre des séances de la commission nommé par le Département" and L 5498, 9 May 1790. See AD Hérault, L 3829 no. 5, requesting payment from the "citizen administrators for the district" for the lectures and courses.
  • 75
    • 0040317789 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • For Chaptal's industrial thinking, see Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Essai sur le perfectionnement des arts chimiques en France (Paris, 1800), 50. See also his immensely knowledgeable Programme des Prix proposés par le Ministre de l'Intérieur pour le perfectionnement des Machines à ouvrir, peigner, carder et filer la laine (Messidor 22, year IX [12 July 1801]), AN, F12 2208, with extensive information about English practices. See Chaptal, Lettre au citoyen Roustan, 21 December 1802, AN, F12 2195, on the necessary instruction for the construction and use of machines for spinning cotton. Note also the minute detail with which Chaptal described the division of labor of the workers using chemical techniques in his own unmechanized factory in Jean-Antoine Chaptal, L'Art de la teinture du coton en rouge (Paris, 1807), especially chap. 4.
    • (1800) Essai sur le Perfectionnement des Arts Chimiques en France , pp. 50
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 76
    • 85033899330 scopus 로고
    • Messidor 22, year IX 12 July AN, F12 2208
    • For Chaptal's industrial thinking, see Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Essai sur le perfectionnement des arts chimiques en France (Paris, 1800), 50. See also his immensely knowledgeable Programme des Prix proposés par le Ministre de l'Intérieur pour le perfectionnement des Machines à ouvrir, peigner, carder et filer la laine (Messidor 22, year IX [12 July 1801]), AN, F12 2208, with extensive information about English practices. See Chaptal, Lettre au citoyen Roustan, 21 December 1802, AN, F12 2195, on the necessary instruction for the construction and use of machines for spinning cotton. Note also the minute detail with which Chaptal described the division of labor of the workers using chemical techniques in his own unmechanized factory in Jean-Antoine Chaptal, L'Art de la teinture du coton en rouge (Paris, 1807), especially chap. 4.
    • (1801) Programme des Prix Proposés par le Ministre de l'Intérieur pour Le Perfectionnement des Machines à Ouvrir, Peigner, Carder et Filer la Laine
  • 77
    • 85033891654 scopus 로고
    • 21 December AN, F12 2195
    • For Chaptal's industrial thinking, see Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Essai sur le perfectionnement des arts chimiques en France (Paris, 1800), 50. See also his immensely knowledgeable Programme des Prix proposés par le Ministre de l'Intérieur pour le perfectionnement des Machines à ouvrir, peigner, carder et filer la laine (Messidor 22, year IX [12 July 1801]), AN, F12 2208, with extensive information about English practices. See Chaptal, Lettre au citoyen Roustan, 21 December 1802, AN, F12 2195, on the necessary instruction for the construction and use of machines for spinning cotton. Note also the minute detail with which Chaptal described the division of labor of the workers using chemical techniques in his own unmechanized factory in Jean-Antoine Chaptal, L'Art de la teinture du coton en rouge (Paris, 1807), especially chap. 4.
    • (1802) Lettre au Citoyen Roustan
    • Chaptal1
  • 78
    • 0040317715 scopus 로고
    • Paris, especially chap. 4
    • For Chaptal's industrial thinking, see Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Essai sur le perfectionnement des arts chimiques en France (Paris, 1800), 50. See also his immensely knowledgeable Programme des Prix proposés par le Ministre de l'Intérieur pour le perfectionnement des Machines à ouvrir, peigner, carder et filer la laine (Messidor 22, year IX [12 July 1801]), AN, F12 2208, with extensive information about English practices. See Chaptal, Lettre au citoyen Roustan, 21 December 1802, AN, F12 2195, on the necessary instruction for the construction and use of machines for spinning cotton. Note also the minute detail with which Chaptal described the division of labor of the workers using chemical techniques in his own unmechanized factory in Jean-Antoine Chaptal, L'Art de la teinture du coton en rouge (Paris, 1807), especially chap. 4.
    • (1807) L'Art de la Teinture du Coton en Rouge
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 79
    • 85033878355 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 17 above
    • Chaptal, Catéchisme (n. 17 above), 70-71.
    • Catéchisme , pp. 70-71
    • Chaptal1
  • 83
    • 85033878355 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Chaptal, Catéchisme, 67-69. He saw physics and mathematics as primarily for boys. See also Bruno Belhoste, ''Les caractères généraux de l'enseignement secondaire scientifique de la fin de l'Ancien Regime àla Première Guerre mondiale," Histoire de l'éducation 41 (1989): 1-45; and the entire issue of Histoire de l'education 42 (1989), devoted to education during the Revolution. Cf. Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997).
    • Catéchisme , pp. 67-69
    • Chaptal1
  • 84
    • 60950320954 scopus 로고
    • Les caractères généraux de l'enseignement secondaire scientifique de la fin de l'ancien regime àla première guerre mondiale
    • Chaptal, Catéchisme, 67-69. He saw physics and mathematics as primarily for boys. See also Bruno Belhoste, ''Les caractères généraux de l'enseignement secondaire scientifique de la fin de l'Ancien Regime àla Première Guerre mondiale," Histoire de l'éducation 41 (1989): 1-45; and the entire issue of Histoire de l'education 42 (1989), devoted to education during the Revolution. Cf. Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997).
    • (1989) Histoire de l'Éducation , vol.41 , pp. 1-45
    • Belhoste, B.1
  • 85
    • 0039133488 scopus 로고
    • Chaptal, Catéchisme, 67-69. He saw physics and mathematics as primarily for boys. See also Bruno Belhoste, ''Les caractères généraux de l'enseignement secondaire scientifique de la fin de l'Ancien Regime àla Première Guerre mondiale," Histoire de l'éducation 41 (1989): 1-45; and the entire issue of Histoire de l'education 42 (1989), devoted to education during the Revolution. Cf. Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997).
    • (1989) Histoire de l'Education , vol.42
  • 86
    • 0013668244 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Toronto
    • Chaptal, Catéchisme, 67-69. He saw physics and mathematics as primarily for boys. See also Bruno Belhoste, ''Les caractères généraux de l'enseignement secondaire scientifique de la fin de l'Ancien Regime àla Première Guerre mondiale," Histoire de l'éducation 41 (1989): 1-45; and the entire issue of Histoire de l'education 42 (1989), devoted to education during the Revolution. Cf. Martin Staum, Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution (Toronto, 1997).
    • (1997) Minerva's Message: Stabilizing the French Revolution
    • Staum, M.1
  • 87
    • 85033879249 scopus 로고
    • AD Hérault, L 5787 (not L 748), 31 October
    • He was arrested in 1793. There was some difficulty locating Chaptal's arrest records, and we are very grateful to David K. Smith for having persevered. See AD Hérault, L 5787 (not L 748), which contains the letter written by Chaptal, 31 October 1793. See also Pigieire (n. 16 above), 187-92.
    • (1793)
    • Chaptal1
  • 88
    • 85033887571 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • He was arrested in 1793. There was some difficulty locating Chaptal's arrest records, and we are very grateful to David K. Smith for having persevered. See AD Hérault, L 5787 (not L 748), which contains the letter written by Chaptal, 31 October 1793. See also Pigieire (n. 16 above), 187-92.
    • Pigieire1
  • 92
    • 85033895346 scopus 로고
    • 4 Nivôse, year XII 27 December AD Somme, M 80001
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Circulaire (4 Nivôse, year XII [27 December 1803]), AD Somme, M 80001.
    • (1803) Circulaire
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 94
    • 85033878355 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 17 above
    • Chaptal, Catéchisme (n. 17 above), 12-13.
    • Catéchisme , pp. 12-13
    • Chaptal1
  • 95
    • 85033892697 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 7 above
    • Ricommard (n. 7 above); André Colomès, Les Ouvriers du Textile dans la Champagne Troyenne, 1730-1852 (Paris, 1943), 98-114; and André Beury, Troyes de 1789 à nos jours (Troyes, 1983-84), 2:38-42.
    • Ricommard1
  • 97
    • 85033880241 scopus 로고
    • Troyes
    • Ricommard (n. 7 above); André Colomès, Les Ouvriers du Textile dans la Champagne Troyenne, 1730-1852 (Paris, 1943), 98-114; and
    • (1983) Troyes de 1789 à nos Jours , vol.2 , pp. 38-42
    • Beury, A.1
  • 98
    • 84898580093 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • MS 772, fol. 29
    • Many of these reports are in the AN, F17 1344/1, fols. 31-55; and, in the same box, Prof. Derrien reporting from Finistère; for the teaching of the philosophes in these schools, see F17 1342. See also the Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris, MS 772, fol. 29, for a consortium of Parisians (including some former deputies to the National Assembly) who attempted to start a lycée and to acquire a "cabinet of physics." See R. R. Palmer, The Improvement of Humanity: Education and the French Revolution (Princeton, 1985), 226, 243, 247. For earlier advances in Britain, see Richard S. Tompson, "The English Grammar School Curriculum in the Eighteenth Century: A Reappraisal," British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (1971): 32-39. For other relevant French documents about educational reform, see Bronislaw Baczko, ed., Education pour la démocratie (Paris, 1982). Note the French urgency in wanting to get English machines out of Brussels in 1795 (AN, F12 2195). The ministry's debt to François de Neufchâteau is acknowledged in AN, F12 533, 1808.
    • Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris
  • 99
    • 0010856666 scopus 로고
    • Princeton
    • Many of these reports are in the AN, F17 1344/1, fols. 31-55; and, in the same box, Prof. Derrien reporting from Finistère; for the teaching of the philosophes in these schools, see F17 1342. See also the Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris, MS 772, fol. 29, for a consortium of Parisians (including some former deputies to the National Assembly) who attempted to start a lycée and to acquire a "cabinet of physics." See R. R. Palmer, The Improvement of Humanity: Education and the French Revolution (Princeton, 1985), 226, 243, 247. For earlier advances in Britain, see Richard S. Tompson, "The English Grammar School Curriculum in the Eighteenth Century: A Reappraisal," British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (1971): 32-39. For other relevant French documents about educational reform, see Bronislaw Baczko, ed., Education pour la démocratie (Paris, 1982). Note the French urgency in wanting to get English machines out of Brussels in 1795 (AN, F12 2195). The ministry's debt to François de Neufchâteau is acknowledged in AN, F12 533, 1808.
    • (1985) The Improvement of Humanity: Education and the French Revolution , pp. 226
    • Palmer, R.R.1
  • 100
    • 84972990251 scopus 로고
    • The English Grammar School Curriculum in the Eighteenth Century: A Reappraisal
    • Many of these reports are in the AN, F17 1344/1, fols. 31-55; and, in the same box, Prof. Derrien reporting from Finistère; for the teaching of the philosophes in these schools, see F17 1342. See also the Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris, MS 772, fol. 29, for a consortium of Parisians (including some former deputies to the National Assembly) who attempted to start a lycée and to acquire a "cabinet of physics." See R. R. Palmer, The Improvement of Humanity: Education and the French Revolution (Princeton, 1985), 226, 243, 247. For earlier advances in Britain, see Richard S. Tompson, "The English Grammar School Curriculum in the Eighteenth Century: A Reappraisal," British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (1971): 32-39. For other relevant French documents about educational reform, see Bronislaw Baczko, ed., Education pour la démocratie (Paris, 1982). Note the French urgency in wanting to get English machines out of Brussels in 1795 (AN, F12 2195). The ministry's debt to François de Neufchâteau is acknowledged in AN, F12 533, 1808.
    • (1971) British Journal of Educational Studies , vol.19 , pp. 32-39
    • Tompson, R.S.1
  • 101
    • 36248954220 scopus 로고
    • Paris
    • Many of these reports are in the AN, F17 1344/1, fols. 31-55; and, in the same box, Prof. Derrien reporting from Finistère; for the teaching of the philosophes in these schools, see F17 1342. See also the Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris, MS 772, fol. 29, for a consortium of Parisians (including some former deputies to the National Assembly) who attempted to start a lycée and to acquire a "cabinet of physics." See R. R. Palmer, The Improvement of Humanity: Education and the French Revolution (Princeton, 1985), 226, 243, 247. For earlier advances in Britain, see Richard S. Tompson, "The English Grammar School Curriculum in the Eighteenth Century: A Reappraisal," British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (1971): 32-39. For other relevant French documents about educational reform, see Bronislaw Baczko, ed., Education pour la démocratie (Paris, 1982). Note the French urgency in wanting to get English machines out of Brussels in 1795 (AN, F12 2195). The ministry's debt to François de Neufchâteau is acknowledged in AN, F12 533, 1808.
    • (1982) Education pour la Démocratie
    • Baczko, B.1
  • 103
    • 85033885505 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Principes de l'instruction publique, quoted in Péronnet, Chaptal (n. 16 above), 139.
    • Chaptal , pp. 139
    • Péronnet1
  • 104
    • 85033891642 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Péronnet, Chaptal, 120, 139-49, 202.
    • Chaptal , vol.120 , pp. 139-149
    • Péronnet1
  • 105
    • 85033898773 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • Pigieire (n. 16 above), 275.
    • Pigieire1
  • 107
    • 85033901712 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The British schools sought to extend mechanical knowledge and work discipline more deeply into the artisanal population; Chaptal's trade schools would have done the same.
  • 108
    • 85033887478 scopus 로고
    • Paris, year IX
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Rapport et project de loi sur l'instruction publique (Paris, year IX [1801]), 92-93. By the year VII (1798-99), professors in the new central schools were asking for machines to demonstrate physical and mechanical principles; see AN, F17 1344/1, for a series of reports.
    • (1801) Rapport et Project de loi sur l'Instruction Publique , pp. 92-93
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 110
    • 0040317796 scopus 로고
    • Lexington, Ky.
    • Shelby T. McCloy, French Inventions of the Eighteenth Century (Lexington, Ky., 1952), 101, 178. See also Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, Inventions et Inventeurs en France et en Angleterre au XVIIIème siècle (Lille, 1994), 4 vols. See also dossier of Le Turc, a spy, AN, F12 677C and F12 2204; and James Watt to Josiah Wedgewood, 16 February 1784, JWP, BPL: "We have had these two days past a visit of no less than six French engineers and iron masters who have come over in hopes we would teach them to make fire engines . . . but took care to show them nothing but what they knew before. . . ." As late as 1817, French commentators were complaining about their own country's backwardness in steam engines; see AN, F12 2200, 8 April 1817.
    • (1952) French Inventions of the Eighteenth Century , pp. 101
    • McCloy, S.T.1
  • 111
    • 4243856878 scopus 로고
    • Lille, 4 vols
    • Shelby T. McCloy, French Inventions of the Eighteenth Century (Lexington, Ky., 1952), 101, 178. See also Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, Inventions et Inventeurs en France et en Angleterre au XVIIIème siècle (Lille, 1994), 4 vols. See also dossier of Le Turc, a spy, AN, F12 677C and F12 2204; and James Watt to Josiah Wedgewood, 16 February 1784, JWP, BPL: "We have had these two days past a visit of no less than six French engineers and iron masters who have come over in hopes we would teach them to make fire engines . . . but took care to show them nothing but what they knew before. . . ." As late as 1817, French commentators were complaining about their own country's backwardness in steam engines; see AN, F12 2200, 8 April 1817.
    • (1994) Inventions et Inventeurs en France et en Angleterre au XVIIIème Siècle
    • Hilaire-Pérez, L.1
  • 112
    • 85033900097 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For French attempts to imitate the British culture of science, see McCloy, 181; and especially Gillispie, 74-99, 335-37, 389
    • For French attempts to imitate the British culture of science, see McCloy, 181; and especially Gillispie, 74-99, 335-37, 389.
  • 114
    • 0040911920 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (n. 1 above), chap. 8
    • See Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 8; see also B. Belhoste, A. Picon, and J. Sakarovitch, "Les exercices dans les Écoles d'ingénieurs sous l'ancien régime et la révolution," Histoire de l'education 46 (1990): 62-81.
    • Scientific Culture
    • Jacob1
  • 115
    • 85033878895 scopus 로고
    • Les exercices dans les Écoles d'ingénieurs sous l'ancien régime et la révolution
    • See Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 8; see also B. Belhoste, A. Picon, and J. Sakarovitch, "Les exercices dans les Écoles d'ingénieurs sous l'ancien régime et la révolution," Histoire de l'education 46 (1990): 62-81.
    • (1990) Histoire de l'Education , vol.46 , pp. 62-81
    • Belhoste, B.1    Picon, A.2    Sakarovitch, J.3
  • 117
    • 85033892106 scopus 로고
    • ed. Claude Gevel reprint, Geneva
    • See Achille de Colmont, Histoire des Expositions des produits de l'industrie française (Paris, 1855), 16; and Charles Ballot, L'Introduction du machinisme dans l'industrie française, ed. Claude Gevel (1923; reprint, Geneva, 1978), 15-17.
    • (1923) L'Introduction du Machinisme dans l'Industrie Française , pp. 15-17
    • Ballot, C.1
  • 118
    • 85033880606 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • Pigieire (n. 16 above), 133.
    • Pigieire1
  • 119
    • 0011421750 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca, N.Y., chap. 3
    • The ability to handweave superb silk did not add up to what was needed. For the British side of this story, see Isaac Kramnick, Republicanism and Bourgeois Radicalism (Ithaca, N.Y., 1990), chap. 3; Ian Inkster, Science and Technology in History: An Approach to Industrial Development (New Brunswick, N.J., 1991), chaps. 2 and 3.
    • (1990) Republicanism and Bourgeois Radicalism
    • Kramnick, I.1
  • 120
    • 0004111877 scopus 로고
    • New Brunswick, N.J., chaps. 2 and 3
    • The ability to handweave superb silk did not add up to what was needed. For the British side of this story, see Isaac Kramnick, Republicanism and Bourgeois Radicalism (Ithaca, N.Y., 1990), chap. 3; Ian Inkster, Science and Technology in History: An Approach to Industrial Development (New Brunswick, N.J., 1991), chaps. 2 and 3.
    • (1991) Science and Technology in History: An Approach to Industrial Development
    • Inkster, I.1
  • 121
    • 84963065074 scopus 로고
    • L'hôtel de Mortagne après la mort de Vaucanson (1782-1837)
    • See André Doyon and Lucien Liaigre, "L'hôtel de Mortagne après la mort de Vaucanson (1782-1837)," Histoire des entreprises 11 (1963): 5-23.
    • (1963) Histoire des Entreprises , vol.11 , pp. 5-23
    • Doyon, A.1    Liaigre, L.2
  • 122
    • 85033900988 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ibid.; and McCloy (n. 65 above), 175-176. Cf. AN, F12 2207, 1805, recounting by James Douglas of Chaptal's earlier request that he put an assortment of his machines in the conservatoire; and in the same box, item 11, a list of machines valued at 17,300 francs. In 1806 Jacquart put examples of his machines in the same place (AN, F12 2199, item 2).
    • Histoire des Entreprises , pp. 5-23
  • 123
    • 85033896661 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 65 above
    • Ibid.; and McCloy (n. 65 above), 175-176. Cf. AN, F12 2207, 1805, recounting by James Douglas of Chaptal's earlier request that he put an assortment of his machines in the conservatoire; and in the same box, item 11, a list of machines valued at 17,300 francs. In 1806 Jacquart put examples of his machines in the same place (AN, F12 2199, item 2).
    • McCloy1
  • 124
    • 85033878119 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Colmont, 50
    • Colmont, 50.
  • 125
    • 84973224822 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Pigieire, 262
    • Pigieire, 262. The French version of merit remained more narrowly construed than the Anglo-American; see Eda Kranakis, "Social Determinants of Engineering Practice: A Comparative View of France and America in the Nineteenth Century," Social Studies of Science 19 (1989): 5-70.
  • 126
    • 84973224822 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Social Determinants of Engineering Practice: A Comparative View of France and America in the Nineteenth Century
    • Pigieire, 262. The French version of merit remained more narrowly construed than the Anglo-American; see Eda Kranakis, "Social Determinants of Engineering Practice: A Comparative View of France and America in the Nineteenth Century," Social Studies of Science 19 (1989): 5-70.
    • (1989) Social Studies of Science , vol.19 , pp. 5-70
    • Kranakis, E.1
  • 127
    • 85033897747 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 15 above
    • Neufchâteau, Recueil (n. 15 above), 2:243. For evidence of the beginning of this process, see MS 100, fols. 24ff., École nationale ponts et chaussées, Paris, on a steam engine, for public works.
    • Recueil , vol.2 , pp. 243
    • Neufchâteau1
  • 128
  • 130
    • 85033897781 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • Until the 1780s, when the royal engineers consulted with the local magistrates through commissions set up by the estates of Languedoc they were never consulted on manufacturing or industrial matters. See AD Gard, C310-353 for the years 1697-1757; AD Hérault C7530, C7572, C7556, C7590 for 1762, 1768, 1773, 1777. Chaptal was consulted by the estates of Languedoc in the 1780s. See Smith (n. 16 above), 22-23.
    • Smith1
  • 132
    • 85033872835 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • Pigieire (n. 16 above), 424-25.
    • Pigieire1
  • 133
    • 85033880491 scopus 로고
    • De Zorg voor kunsten en wetenschappen onder Lodewijk Napoléon
    • The Hague
    • AN, F17 1098, 1276, 1344, 1428 on provincial schools. Cf. L. Bummel, "De Zorg voor kunsten en wetenschappen onder Lodewijk Napoléon," Genootschap voor Napoleontische Studien (The Hague, 1951), 62-64. See also Jacques Piou (an engineer employed in Belgium to build a canal between Mons and Brussels), letter to his wife, 15 Prairial, year XIII (4 June 1805), Jacques Piou papers, AN, MS AP/147, on the education in science now available in Mons.
    • (1951) Genootschap voor Napoleontische Studien , pp. 62-64
    • Bummel, L.1
  • 134
    • 85033890451 scopus 로고
    • letter to his wife, 15 Prairial, year XIII 4 June Jacques Piou papers, AN, MS AP/147
    • AN, F17 1098, 1276, 1344, 1428 on provincial schools. Cf. L. Bummel, "De Zorg voor kunsten en wetenschappen onder Lodewijk Napoléon," Genootschap voor Napoleontische Studien (The Hague, 1951), 62-64. See also Jacques Piou (an engineer employed in Belgium to build a canal between Mons and Brussels), letter to his wife, 15 Prairial, year XIII (4 June 1805), Jacques Piou papers, AN, MS AP/147, on the education in science now available in Mons.
    • (1805)
    • Piou, J.1
  • 136
    • 85033902715 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Pigieire, 397
    • Pigieire, 397.
  • 138
    • 85033898912 scopus 로고
    • 29 Thermidor, year XIII 17 August AD Somme, M 80028
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Circulaire aux Préfets des départements (29 Thermidor, year XIII [17 August 1805]), AD Somme, M 80028. See also the Arrêté portant organisation d'une École d'arts et métiers à Compiègne, in the Bulletin des Lois 7: 220-62, 3rd series (year XI [1802]), 484-94. Also Le Brun, Notice sur les Écoles impériales d'Arts et Métiers, 1863, AN, F17 14317; and Pigieire, 270-75, 350-54.
    • (1805) Circulaire aux Préfets des Départements
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 139
    • 85033900279 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Arrêté portant organisation d'une École d'arts et métiers à Compiègne
    • 3rd series (year XI [1802]), 484-94
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Circulaire aux Préfets des départements (29 Thermidor, year XIII [17 August 1805]), AD Somme, M 80028. See also the Arrêté portant organisation d'une École d'arts et métiers à Compiègne, in the Bulletin des Lois 7: 220-62, 3rd series (year XI [1802]), 484-94. Also Le Brun, Notice sur les Écoles impériales d'Arts et Métiers, 1863, AN, F17 14317; and Pigieire, 270-75, 350-54.
    • Bulletin des Lois , vol.7 , pp. 220-262
  • 140
    • 85033872504 scopus 로고
    • AN, F17 14317; and Pigieire, 270-75, 350-54
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, Circulaire aux Préfets des départements (29 Thermidor, year XIII [17 August 1805]), AD Somme, M 80028. See also the Arrêté portant organisation d'une École d'arts et métiers à Compiègne, in the Bulletin des Lois 7: 220-62, 3rd series (year XI [1802]), 484-94. Also Le Brun, Notice sur les Écoles impériales d'Arts et Métiers, 1863, AN, F17 14317; and Pigieire, 270-75, 350-54.
    • (1863) Notice sur les Écoles Impériales d'Arts et Métiers
    • Le Brun1
  • 141
    • 85033877775 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 69 above
    • The original school moved to Châlons in 1806, and the second one was located at Beaupréau. See Ballot (n. 69 above), 32-33. See also Charles R. Day, Education for the Industrial World: The Ecoles d Arts et Métiers and the Rise of French Industrial Engineering (Cambridge, Mass., 1987), 70-76.
    • Ballot1
  • 144
    • 85033885505 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • See Péronnet, Chaptal (n. 16 above), 244.
    • Chaptal , pp. 244
    • Péronnet1
  • 146
    • 85033885505 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Discours prononcé par le Citoyen Degerando, de l'Institut National et Membre du Conseil-général d'Agriculture, Arts et Commerce du ministre de l'Intérieure, à la Séance d'ouverature (9 Brumaire, year X [31 October 1801]), AD Somme, M 80028. He was probably the one who came up with the idea for this institution, although Chaptal claimed the credit in his memoirs. Péronnet, Chaptal, 191.
    • Chaptal , pp. 191
    • Péronnet1
  • 147
    • 85033877629 scopus 로고
    • Thermidor, year IX July
    • See, for example, the Annales des Arts et manufactures 6 (Thermidor, year IX [July 1801]): 182.
    • (1801) Annales des Arts et Manufactures , vol.6 , pp. 182
  • 149
    • 85033873217 scopus 로고
    • Amiens
    • État des fabriques de tissus de coton pur ou mélangé établis dans le Département de la Somme (Amiens, 1806); and the Lettre de Nicolas Quinette au Ministre de l'Intérieur (24 April 1806), both in AD Somme, M 80003. For one extremely incomplete count of the growing number of machines involved in mechanized cotton-spinning, see the government surveys in AN, F12 1562-1564. In 1806 the government allocated 160,000 francs for machines for "la fabrication des draps" (AN, F12 2207). In 1819 the government was still attempting to count the number of machines à double pression imported from England during the previous three years. There were supposedly twenty-eight; see AN, F12 2200, which also explains that six Watt-style engines had gone to the conservatoire in the period.
    • (1806) État des Fabriques de Tissus de Coton pur ou Mélangé Établis dans Le Département de la Somme
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    • 24 April AD Somme, M 80003
    • État des fabriques de tissus de coton pur ou mélangé établis dans le Département de la Somme (Amiens, 1806); and the Lettre de Nicolas Quinette au Ministre de l'Intérieur (24 April 1806), both in AD Somme, M 80003. For one extremely incomplete count of the growing number of machines involved in mechanized cotton-spinning, see the government surveys in AN, F12 1562-1564. In 1806 the government allocated 160,000 francs for machines for "la fabrication des draps" (AN, F12 2207). In 1819 the government was still attempting to count the number of machines à double pression imported from England during the previous three years. There were supposedly twenty-eight; see AN, F12 2200, which also explains that six Watt-style engines had gone to the conservatoire in the period.
    • (1806) Lettre de Nicolas Quinette au Ministre de l'Intérieur
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    • n.d. AN, F12 985
    • Procès-verbal des opérations du Jury nommé par le Ministre de l'intérieur pour examiner les Produits de l'Industrie française mis à l'Exposition des jours complémentaires de la neuvième année de la République (Vendémiaire, year X [September 1801]), Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris, 8-950288; and Notices relatives à tous ceux qui en 1806, ou dans les années précédantes, ont obtenu une médaille d'or, n.d. [1806], AN, F12 985.
    • (1806) Notices Relatives à Tous Ceux qui en 1806, ou dans les Années Précédantes, ont Obtenu Une Médaille d'or
  • 154
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    • n. 16 above
    • Chaptal was also an influential agricultural entrepreneur and innovator. He applied science to agricultural problems with as much or more success as he gave his efforts in industry. See Pigieire (n. 16 above), 236-38, 449-51, 456-57; and Péronnet, Chaptal (n. 16 above), 243-44, 247.
    • Pigieire1
  • 155
    • 85033885505 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n. 16 above
    • Chaptal was also an influential agricultural entrepreneur and innovator. He applied science to agricultural problems with as much or more success as he gave his efforts in industry. See Pigieire (n. 16 above), 236-38, 449-51, 456-57; and Péronnet, Chaptal (n. 16 above), 243-44, 247.
    • Chaptal , pp. 243-244
    • Péronnet1
  • 157
    • 85033872040 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Pigieire, 443-45, 467
    • Pigieire, 443-45, 467.
  • 158
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    • Paris
    • Jean-Antoine Chaptal, De l'Industrie française (Paris, 1819), 2:32. Other influential industrialists had a similar perspective. See L. M. Lomuller, Guillaume Ternaux, 1763-1833: Créateur de la premiere integration industrielle française (Paris, 1977), 124.
    • (1819) De l'Industrie Française , vol.2 , pp. 32
    • Chaptal, J.-A.1
  • 160
    • 0040911920 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (n. 1 above), chap. 8
    • For a detailed discussion of this point, see Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 8. For the British side of this story, see Thomas Barnes, "The Affinity subsisting and extending Manufactures, by encouraging those Arts on which Manufactures principally depend," in Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester (Warrington, 1785), 1:72-80.
    • Scientific Culture
    • Jacob1
  • 161
    • 0040911822 scopus 로고
    • The Affinity subsisting and extending Manufactures, by encouraging those Arts on which Manufactures principally depend
    • Warrington
    • For a detailed discussion of this point, see Jacob, Scientific Culture (n. 1 above), chap. 8. For the British side of this story, see Thomas Barnes, "The Affinity subsisting and extending Manufactures, by encouraging those Arts on which Manufactures principally depend," in Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester (Warrington, 1785), 1:72-80.
    • (1785) Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester , vol.1 , pp. 72-80
    • Barnes, T.1
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    • n. 56 above
    • The worker Joseph-August Delarothière provides a perfect example of the time lag. He took mathematics classes sponsored by the municipality of Troyes and emerged as one of the most important French inventors of the first half of the century. Beginning in 1829, he constructed the first of a series of machines that permitted the tricot industry to flourish in and around Troyes, and he became an entrepreneur. Nor was he alone in his entrepreneurship or his inventiveness. Between 1828 and 1838, other Troyens discovered important technical improvements in many branches of the textile industry, which laid the foundation for the long-term prosperity of the city and the region. See Beury (n. 56 above), 2:38-41.
    • , vol.2 , pp. 38-41
    • Beury1

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