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Volumn 28, Issue 3, 1998, Pages 217-229

'Silentes loquimur': 'Foibe' and border anxiety in post-war literature from Trieste

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EID: 0032162279     PISSN: 00472441     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1177/004724419802800301     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (5)

References (38)
  • 1
    • 0010182101 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 1943-1945. Foibe: La morte oscura
    • The name 'foiba' comes from the Latin 'fovea' = 'fossa', empty room, cave, ditch. For an informed and updated historical overview of 'foiba', see Raoul Pupo, '1943-1945. Foibe: La morte oscura', Storia e Dossier, n.116 (1997), 16-25. See also Fulvio Molinari, Istria contesa: La guerra, le foibe, l'esodo (Milan: Mursia, 1996); Claudia Cernigoi, Operazione foibe a Trieste (Udine: Quaderni del Picchio, 1997); Foibe: Il peso del passato-Venezia Giulia 1943-1945, ed. by Giampaolo Valdevit (Venice: Marsilio, 1997). If not otherwise stated, all translations are mine.
    • (1997) Storia e Dossier , vol.116 , pp. 16-25
    • Pupo, R.1
  • 2
    • 85033526009 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Milan: Mursia
    • The name 'foiba' comes from the Latin 'fovea' = 'fossa', empty room, cave, ditch. For an informed and updated historical overview of 'foiba', see Raoul Pupo, '1943-1945. Foibe: La morte oscura', Storia e Dossier, n.116 (1997), 16-25. See also Fulvio Molinari, Istria contesa: La guerra, le foibe, l'esodo (Milan: Mursia, 1996); Claudia Cernigoi, Operazione foibe a Trieste (Udine: Quaderni del Picchio, 1997); Foibe: Il peso del passato-Venezia Giulia 1943-1945, ed. by Giampaolo Valdevit (Venice: Marsilio, 1997). If not otherwise stated, all translations are mine.
    • (1996) Istria Contesa: La Guerra, le Foibe, l'Esodo
    • Molinari, F.1
  • 3
    • 77956593683 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Udine: Quaderni del Picchio
    • The name 'foiba' comes from the Latin 'fovea' = 'fossa', empty room, cave, ditch. For an informed and updated historical overview of 'foiba', see Raoul Pupo, '1943-1945. Foibe: La morte oscura', Storia e Dossier, n.116 (1997), 16-25. See also Fulvio Molinari, Istria contesa: La guerra, le foibe, l'esodo (Milan: Mursia, 1996); Claudia Cernigoi, Operazione foibe a Trieste (Udine: Quaderni del Picchio, 1997); Foibe: Il peso del passato-Venezia Giulia 1943-1945, ed. by Giampaolo Valdevit (Venice: Marsilio, 1997). If not otherwise stated, all translations are mine.
    • (1997) Operazione Foibe a Trieste
    • Cernigoi, C.1
  • 4
    • 0010085399 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Venice: Marsilio
    • The name 'foiba' comes from the Latin 'fovea' = 'fossa', empty room, cave, ditch. For an informed and updated historical overview of 'foiba', see Raoul Pupo, '1943-1945. Foibe: La morte oscura', Storia e Dossier, n.116 (1997), 16-25. See also Fulvio Molinari, Istria contesa: La guerra, le foibe, l'esodo (Milan: Mursia, 1996); Claudia Cernigoi, Operazione foibe a Trieste (Udine: Quaderni del Picchio, 1997); Foibe: Il peso del passato-Venezia Giulia 1943-1945, ed. by Giampaolo Valdevit (Venice: Marsilio, 1997). If not otherwise stated, all translations are mine.
    • (1997) Foibe: Il Peso del Passato-Venezia Giulia 1943-1945
    • Valdevit, G.1
  • 6
    • 85033539735 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Le stragi delle foibe: Francesco Cossiga a Basovizza
    • (Trieste: 'Comitato per le Onoranze ai Caduti delle Foibe', 1991) quoted in P. Ballinger, op. cit., [n.p.]
    • Marcello Lorenzini, Le stragi delle foibe: Francesco Cossiga a Basovizza (Trieste: 'Comitato per le Onoranze ai Caduti delle Foibe', 1991) quoted in P. Ballinger, 'The politics of submersion', op. cit., [n.p.]
    • The Politics of Submersion
    • Lorenzini, M.1
  • 7
    • 85033523911 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • For another example of this rhetoric, see the wide publicity given to the 'Foiba di Basovizza', one of the most renowned tourist and pilgrim destinations in the area.
  • 8
    • 0010142567 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Risiera di San Sabba: Fascism, anti-Fascism and Italian nationalism
    • For a discussion of the controversy relating to 'foibe' in the post-war period, see Glenda A. Sluga, 'The Risiera di San Sabba: Fascism, anti-Fascism and Italian nationalism', Journal of Modern Italian Studies, i(3), 401-12. Sluga suggests a symbolic equation between 'foibe' and the Italian concentration camp 'Risiera di San Sabba', the latter also located in the Triestine area.
    • Journal of Modern Italian Studies , vol.1 , Issue.3 , pp. 401-412
    • Sluga, G.A.1
  • 9
    • 85033532652 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • One of the largest 'foibe' is commonly known, in Friulian dialect, as 'il bus de la lum' = 'il buco della luce' ('the hole of light'). (The italicization is mine).
  • 10
    • 85033540422 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • P. Ballinger has described very aptly 'foibe' as 'Bachtinian chronotopes', op.cit. [n.p.]: 'the caves represent powerful sites of potential knowledge. [...] in their capacity as Bachtinian chronotopes - offering a "primary means for materializing time in space" ([...]) - the foibe reveal the organization and production of various group histories.' And below: 'the shifting status of the history of foibe reflects larger political alignments.'
  • 11
    • 60949704400 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • in preparation for publication, Chapter I
    • The contiguity of Mitteleuropean and Triestine writing ought to be questioned, or at least reassessed in a number of cases (cf. Katia Pizzi, A City in Search of an Author, in preparation for publication, Chapter I). The present paper therefore avoids references to Mitteleuropean authors, even in cases when the connection appears to be justified by the context, e.g. the influence of Franz Kafka's chillingly 'bureaucratic' horror on Enrico Morovich's writing.
    • A City in Search of an Author
    • Pizzi, K.1
  • 12
    • 85033512850 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • For further information see Map 2.
  • 13
    • 85033536512 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • n.p.
    • Like Ballinger, I am convinced that in border areas there is a 'need to devote greater attention to the psychosocial factors of identity formation.' (P. Ballinger, op.cit., [n.p.])
    • A City in Search of an Author
    • Ballinger, P.1
  • 14
    • 85033526984 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • This idea of a border neurosis is particularly interesting in that it also relates to the psycho-physical dimension of the border. Various authors from the area have concentrated their attention on the mutual exchangeability of body and border. They have described quite literally the border as a body scarred by a large number of 'foibe', an Inferno-like landscape punctuated with cuts, crevices, wounds. (See in particular Fulvio Tomizza, Carlo Sgorlon, Manlio Cecovini, Enzo Bettiza).
  • 15
    • 85033525891 scopus 로고
    • Milan: Rusconi
    • Morovich's characters consistently tend to shed human traits and assume angelic or demonic qualities. Cf. E. Morovich, Un italiano di Fiume (Milan: Rusconi, 1993), 25: 'Le fiabe non nascono sulla linea di confine. Esse vogliono germogliare o di qua o di là. [...] Ecco che perfino i fantasmi, gli spettri, gli spiriti vaganti, le anime in pena s'abituano a girare per quella campagna e per quei boschi, sia di giorno che di notte, evitando la rete di confine. La odiano. L'indifferenza delle guardie conferma ad essi, che facilmente se ne scordano, la loro condizione di spettri invisibili, di esseri dell'aldilà.' ('You cannot write stories on a borderline. They demand to blossom either on this or the other side. [...] Even ghosts, vagrant spirits and tormented souls become used to roaming these woods and this country, day and night, eschewing the wire fencing around the borderline. They loathe it. The indifference of border guards is a constant remainder of what they easily forget, namely that they are invisible and belong to the other world.')
    • (1993) Un Italiano di Fiume , pp. 25
    • Morovich, C.E.1
  • 16
    • 85033521829 scopus 로고
    • Milan: Mursia
    • See, for instance, an interview with Fulvio Tomizza (Epoca, 3 August 1969): 'Mi sentivo diviso fra un mondo e un altro, fra un'ideologia e un'altra. Per vari anni ero stato in collegio dai preti e ora tutt'a un tratto sentivo il fascino del verbo comunista ... Amavo mio padre, che nel suo cuore aveva sempre optato per l'Italia, e soffrivo nel vederlo perseguitato dagli jugoslavi ... Andavo a Trieste col lasciapassare e là venivo considerate slavo perché provenivo dall'interno, tornavo a Materada, e qui venivo considerate italiano. Era lo sbandamento, era il dramma della frontiera vissuto fino in fondo.' - cited in Marco Neirotti, Invito alla lettura di Fulvio Tomizza (Milan: Mursia, 1979), 25. ('I was split between one world and another, one ideology and another. I went to a Catholic boarding school and now, all of a sudden, I felt attracted by the Communist verbum ... I loved my father, who had always been on the side of Italy, and I suffered seeing him persecuted by the Yugoslavs. ... I went to Trieste with a frontier pass and was treated as Slav because I came from inland. I returned to Materada and here I was treated as Italian. I was confused. I was experiencing the anguish of the border to the full.')
    • (1979) Invito Alla Lettura di Fulvio Tomizza , pp. 25
    • Neirotti, M.1
  • 17
    • 85033505288 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The image of the ravine in itself acquired significance more widely in this period. See for instance the impression created by the executions of Jews and Communist partisans at the Babi Yar ravine in Nazi-occupied USSR in 1941 and at the 'Fosse Ardeatine' in Rome in 1944.
  • 18
    • 85033531202 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • The story is part of the collection Nuovi racconti (Milan: Treves-Treccani-Tumminelli, 1935).
  • 19
    • 85033529765 scopus 로고
    • Trieste: Società Artistico Letteraria
    • G. di Giovanni, La ragazza sul Carso (Trieste: Società Artistico Letteraria, 1969); F. Martin, Giulin: Dalle Miserie nel Friul alle Foibe Carsiche (Florence: 'L'Autore', 1991).
    • (1969) La Ragazza sul Carso
    • Di Giovanni, G.1
  • 21
    • 85033539383 scopus 로고
    • Milan: Mondadori
    • Sgorlon intensifies the blood-drenched, mythical imagery attached to 'foiba', see C. Sgorlon, La foiba grande (Milan: Mondadori, 1993), 315: 'la foiba faceva sempre pensare al sangue, all'ossario, alla macelleria, e nello stesso tempo anche alla favola e alla leggenda, perché nessuno, [...], aveva mai potuto vedere il camion della morte, i sequestri, il lancio dei vivi e dei morti nell'abisso.' ('foibe invariably brought to mind blood, ossuaries, slaughtering, and at the same time legend and fairy-tale since nobody had ever seen the death vans, the abductions, the hurling of living and dead into the abyss.')
    • (1993) La Foiba Grande , pp. 315
    • Sgorlon, C.1
  • 24
    • 85033526903 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Due poesie
    • and 'Trieste, el mar te cuca', in Triestine dialect
    • See Frediano Sessi in ibid. [n.p.] : 'riscrivere la Storia dalla parte delle vittime.' Recent poetic inflections of 'foibe' include Fabio Doplicher's 'La persuasione del canto', written in Italian, in F. Doplicher, 'Due Poesie', Forum Italicum, xvi (1), 242-3 and 'Trieste, el mar te cuca', in Triestine dialect.
    • Forum Italicum , vol.16 , Issue.1 , pp. 242-243
    • Doplicher, F.1
  • 25
    • 85033520962 scopus 로고
    • Padua: Rebellato
    • E. Morovich, Il baratro (Padua: Rebellato, 1964). I shall however quote throughout from a later paperback edition of the novel (Turin: Einaudi, 1990). Morovich was born in 1906 in Pecine, a village in the province of Fiume, now Rjieka in Croatia. He died in Lavagna in 1994 after living for various years in Pisa, Naples and Genova.
    • (1964) Il Baratro
    • Morovich, E.1
  • 26
    • 85033535624 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Morovich is traditionally regarded as a 'desengagé'. His favourite characters are angels and ghosts and his style is ironical and surreal. His narrative is associated with the fantastic of Italie magique (1946), Gianfranco Contini's anthology of magic and surreal stories including authors such as Tommaso Landolfi and Dino Buzzati.
  • 27
    • 85033521087 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Un italiano
    • See, for instance, E. Morovich, Un italiano, op.cit., 149-50: 'odio la piccola città di confine nella quale vivevo come una prigione e proprio non so partecipare al dolore degli esuli che la rimpiangono e che non sanno trovar pace nel loro esilio.' ('I loathe the border town where I lived like a prison and cannot sympathize at all with the nostalgia of the exiles who cannot find any solace away from it.')
    • Il Baratro , pp. 149-150
    • Morovich, E.1
  • 29
    • 85033519480 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Written in the late 1930s, the stories are set from 1915 onwards. First published by Parenti in Florence in 1938, the collection was republished with additions by Sellerio in Palermo in 1988 including L'osteria sul torrente (1936) and Ritratti nel bosco (1939) as well as the original collection Miracoli quotidiani. I have used the 1988 edition throughout.
  • 30
    • 85033518457 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • E. Morovich, Il baratro, op.cit., 102. 'The skinny bust and head of an old woman were lying [...] as if protruding from a wrecked parcel. He [Cipriano] had no recollection of her face. Then he saw the shattered body of a young woman, then the body of his friend Oscar. He contemplated everything as if he was delirious, while he thought he heard a voice encouraging him to toss these thoroughly disagreeable sights into the water.'
    • Il Baratro , pp. 102
    • Morovich, E.1
  • 31
    • 85033522763 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • passim
    • The juxtaposition between 'foiba' and 'ossuary' recurs both in official documents and in fictional accounts, such as, for instance, Sgorlon's La foiba grande, op.cit., passim.
    • Sgorlon's la Foiba Grande , pp. 102
  • 33
    • 0010174648 scopus 로고
    • I am not going to dwell on the conspicuous literature dealing with descents into Hell. I would however mention at least one volume which, for the similar use it makes of the dream structure in connection with the myth of the descent, may have been familiar to Morovich: Charles Nodier, Smarra - ou les Démons de la Nuit (1821), see in particular the second preface to the volume.
    • (1821) Smarra - Ou les Démons de la Nuit
    • Nodier, C.1
  • 34
    • 85033540674 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Il baratro
    • E. Morovich, Il baratro, op.cit., 142: 'The youths found the water described by Cipriano at the bottom of the chasm. They also found, shattered against a wall, the body of a young man whom they thought they had seen before. They lowered a stretcher into the pit and lifted the body with extreme care. This was all they found in the cave. Once they re-emerged, they sighed with relief and confessed candidly that they had been terribly frightened down there. They did not know why: the air down there suggested dismal thoughts, unknown fears, as if one's brain, said one of them, was out of control.'
    • Smarra - Ou les Démons de la Nuit , pp. 142
    • Morovich, E.1
  • 36
    • 85033520964 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 1943-1945, foibe: La morte oscura
    • Anon., quoted by R. Pupo in '1943-1945, Foibe: La morte oscura', op.cit., 23. 'We were being pushed towards the edge of the frightening, dark throat of a "foiba", [...] The cave was approximately 10 metres wide and 15 metres deep to the level of some stagnant water at its bottom. I fell into the water and, without touching the bottom, re-emerged and found shelter behind a rock. Immediately after me, I saw four of my friends fall into the abyss after being machine-gunned [...]. [...] Towards evening I managed to climb up the steep wall and reach the countryside. There I found a crevice where I was able to hide four days and four nights.' Cf. with E. Morovich, Il baratro, op.cit., in particular pp. 100-3.
    • Smarra - Ou les Démons de la Nuit , pp. 23
    • Pupo, R.1
  • 37
    • 85033539772 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Il baratro
    • Cf. in particular
    • Anon., quoted by R. Pupo in '1943-1945, Foibe: La morte oscura', op.cit., 23. 'We were being pushed towards the edge of the frightening, dark throat of a "foiba", [...] The cave was approximately 10 metres wide and 15 metres deep to the level of some stagnant water at its bottom. I fell into the water and, without touching the bottom, re-emerged and found shelter behind a rock. Immediately after me, I saw four of my friends fall into the abyss after being machine-gunned [...]. [...] Towards evening I managed to climb up the steep wall and reach the countryside. There I found a crevice where I was able to hide four days and four nights.' Cf. with E. Morovich, Il baratro, op.cit., in particular pp. 100-3.
    • Smarra - Ou les Démons de la Nuit , pp. 100-103
    • Morovich, E.1
  • 38
    • 85033540606 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Some large wooden crosses placed at the edge of 'foibe' bear plaques with the engraved motto 'silentes loquimur'. One of the committees currently researching on 'foibe' also names itself 'Silentes Loquimur'.

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