See, for instance, William Issel and Robert W. Cherny, San Francisco, 1865-1932: Politics, Power, and Urban Development (Berkeley, 1986); Robert M. Fogelson, The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles, 1850-1930 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967); E. Kimbark MacColl, Merchants, Money, and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913 (Portland, Ore., 1988); Stephen J. Leonard and Thomas J. Noel, Denver: Mining Camp to Metropolis (Niwot, Colo., 1990); Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons & Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, Colo., 1984); Mel Scott, The San Francisco Bay Area: A Metropolis in Perspective (Berkeley, 1959); John Reps, Cities of the American West: A History of Frontier Urban Planning (Princeton, N.J., 1979).
San Francisco, 1865-1932: Politics, Power, and Urban Development
Issel, W.1
Cherny, R.W.2
Cambridge, Mass.
See, for instance, William Issel and Robert W. Cherny, San Francisco, 1865-1932: Politics, Power, and Urban Development (Berkeley, 1986); Robert M. Fogelson, The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles, 1850-1930 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967); E. Kimbark MacColl, Merchants, Money, and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913 (Portland, Ore., 1988); Stephen J. Leonard and Thomas J. Noel, Denver: Mining Camp to Metropolis (Niwot, Colo., 1990); Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons & Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, Colo., 1984); Mel Scott, The San Francisco Bay Area: A Metropolis in Perspective (Berkeley, 1959); John Reps, Cities of the American West: A History of Frontier Urban Planning (Princeton, N.J., 1979).
The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles, 1850-1930
Fogelson, R.M.1
Portland, Ore.
See, for instance, William Issel and Robert W. Cherny, San Francisco, 1865-1932: Politics, Power, and Urban Development (Berkeley, 1986); Robert M. Fogelson, The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles, 1850-1930 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967); E. Kimbark MacColl, Merchants, Money, and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913 (Portland, Ore., 1988); Stephen J. Leonard and Thomas J. Noel, Denver: Mining Camp to Metropolis (Niwot, Colo., 1990); Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons & Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, Colo., 1984); Mel Scott, The San Francisco Bay Area: A Metropolis in Perspective (Berkeley, 1959); John Reps, Cities of the American West: A History of Frontier Urban Planning (Princeton, N.J., 1979).
Merchants, Money, and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913
Kimbark MacColl, E.1
Niwot, Colo.
See, for instance, William Issel and Robert W. Cherny, San Francisco, 1865-1932: Politics, Power, and Urban Development (Berkeley, 1986); Robert M. Fogelson, The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles, 1850-1930 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967); E. Kimbark MacColl, Merchants, Money, and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913 (Portland, Ore., 1988); Stephen J. Leonard and Thomas J. Noel, Denver: Mining Camp to Metropolis (Niwot, Colo., 1990); Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons & Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, Colo., 1984); Mel Scott, The San Francisco Bay Area: A Metropolis in Perspective (Berkeley, 1959); John Reps, Cities of the American West: A History of Frontier Urban Planning (Princeton, N.J., 1979).
Denver: Mining Camp to Metropolis
Leonard, S.J.1
Noel, T.J.2
Boulder, Colo.
See, for instance, William Issel and Robert W. Cherny, San Francisco, 1865-1932: Politics, Power, and Urban Development (Berkeley, 1986); Robert M. Fogelson, The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles, 1850-1930 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967); E. Kimbark MacColl, Merchants, Money, and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913 (Portland, Ore., 1988); Stephen J. Leonard and Thomas J. Noel, Denver: Mining Camp to Metropolis (Niwot, Colo., 1990); Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons & Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, Colo., 1984); Mel Scott, The San Francisco Bay Area: A Metropolis in Perspective (Berkeley, 1959); John Reps, Cities of the American West: A History of Frontier Urban Planning (Princeton, N.J., 1979).
Mormons & Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City
Alexander, T.G.1
Allen, J.B.2
See, for instance, William Issel and Robert W. Cherny, San Francisco, 1865-1932: Politics, Power, and Urban Development (Berkeley, 1986); Robert M. Fogelson, The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles, 1850-1930 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967); E. Kimbark MacColl, Merchants, Money, and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913 (Portland, Ore., 1988); Stephen J. Leonard and Thomas J. Noel, Denver: Mining Camp to Metropolis (Niwot, Colo., 1990); Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons & Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, Colo., 1984); Mel Scott, The San Francisco Bay Area: A Metropolis in Perspective (Berkeley, 1959); John Reps, Cities of the American West: A History of Frontier Urban Planning (Princeton, N.J., 1979).
The San Francisco Bay Area: A Metropolis in Perspective
Scott, M.1
Princeton, N.J.
See, for instance, William Issel and Robert W. Cherny, San Francisco, 1865-1932: Politics, Power, and Urban Development (Berkeley, 1986); Robert M. Fogelson, The Fragmented Metropolis: Los Angeles, 1850-1930 (Cambridge, Mass., 1967); E. Kimbark MacColl, Merchants, Money, and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843-1913 (Portland, Ore., 1988); Stephen J. Leonard and Thomas J. Noel, Denver: Mining Camp to Metropolis (Niwot, Colo., 1990); Thomas G. Alexander and James B. Allen, Mormons & Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City (Boulder, Colo., 1984); Mel Scott, The San Francisco Bay Area: A Metropolis in Perspective (Berkeley, 1959); John Reps, Cities of the American West: A History of Frontier Urban Planning (Princeton, N.J., 1979).
Cities of the American West: A History of Frontier Urban Planning
Reps, J.1
Cronon, Nature's Metropolis, xiii; William G. Robbins, Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West (Lawrence, Kan., 1994), 166, 169; for references to capitalism and Native Americans, see 31, 35, 47, 49, 64.
Nature's Metropolis
Lawrence, Kan.
Cronon, Nature's Metropolis, xiii; William G. Robbins, Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West (Lawrence, Kan., 1994), 166, 169; for references to capitalism and Native Americans, see 31, 35, 47, 49, 64.
Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West
, pp. 166
Robbins, W.G.1
New York
Dean L. May, Three Frontiers: Family, Land, and Society in the American West, 1850-1900 (New York, 1994), 85, 90-97.
Three Frontiers: Family, Land, and Society in the American West, 1850-1900
, pp. 85
May, D.L.1
Regional City and Network City: Portland and Seattle in the Twentieth Century
Carl Abbott, "Regional City and Network City: Portland and Seattle in the Twentieth Century," Western Historical Quarterly, XXIII (1992), 293-319, esp. 297, 302.
Western Historical Quarterly
, vol.23
, pp. 293-319
Abbott, C.1
New York
Earl Pomeroy, The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada (New York, 1965), 120-164.
The Pacific Slope: A History of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Nevada
, pp. 120-164
Pomeroy, E.1
New York
Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West (New York, 1987); Limerick, et al., Trails: Toward a New Western History (Lawrence, Kan., 1991); Richard White, "It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own": A New History of the American West (Norman, Okla., 1991). See also Richard White, The Roots of Dependency: Subsistence, Environment, and Social Change among the Choctaws, Pawnees, and Navajos (Lincoln, Neb., 1983), for a discussion of how metropolitan capitalist actions helped colonize native populations and establish chains of dependency. For an early discussion of how core and periphery relate to urban centers and the American West, see William Cronon, "Revisiting the Vanishing Frontier: The Legacy of Frederick Jackson Turner," Western Historical Quarterly, XVIII (1987), 174-175.
The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West
Limerick, P.N.1
Lawrence, Kan.
Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West (New York, 1987); Limerick, et al., Trails: Toward a New Western History (Lawrence, Kan., 1991); Richard White, "It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own": A New History of the American West (Norman, Okla., 1991). See also Richard White, The Roots of Dependency: Subsistence, Environment, and Social Change among the Choctaws, Pawnees, and Navajos (Lincoln, Neb., 1983), for a discussion of how metropolitan capitalist actions helped colonize native populations and establish chains of dependency. For an early discussion of how core and periphery relate to urban centers and the American West, see William Cronon, "Revisiting the Vanishing Frontier: The Legacy of Frederick Jackson Turner," Western Historical Quarterly, XVIII (1987), 174-175.
Trails: Toward a New Western History
Norman, Okla.
Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West (New York, 1987); Limerick, et al., Trails: Toward a New Western History (Lawrence, Kan., 1991); Richard White, "It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own": A New History of the American West (Norman, Okla., 1991). See also Richard White, The Roots of Dependency: Subsistence, Environment, and Social Change among the Choctaws, Pawnees, and Navajos (Lincoln, Neb., 1983), for a discussion of how metropolitan capitalist actions helped colonize native populations and establish chains of dependency. For an early discussion of how core and periphery relate to urban centers and the American West, see William Cronon, "Revisiting the Vanishing Frontier: The Legacy of Frederick Jackson Turner," Western Historical Quarterly, XVIII (1987), 174-175.
"It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own": A New History of the American West
White, R.1
Lincoln, Neb.
Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West (New York, 1987); Limerick, et al., Trails: Toward a New Western History (Lawrence, Kan., 1991); Richard White, "It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own": A New History of the American West (Norman, Okla., 1991). See also Richard White, The Roots of Dependency: Subsistence, Environment, and Social Change among the Choctaws, Pawnees, and Navajos (Lincoln, Neb., 1983), for a discussion of how metropolitan capitalist actions helped colonize native populations and establish chains of dependency. For an early discussion of how core and periphery relate to urban centers and the American West, see William Cronon, "Revisiting the Vanishing Frontier: The Legacy of Frederick Jackson Turner," Western Historical Quarterly, XVIII (1987), 174-175.
The Roots of Dependency: Subsistence, Environment, and Social Change among the Choctaws, Pawnees, and Navajos
White, R.1
Revisiting the Vanishing Frontier: The Legacy of Frederick Jackson Turner
Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West (New York, 1987); Limerick, et al., Trails: Toward a New Western History (Lawrence, Kan., 1991); Richard White, "It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own": A New History of the American West (Norman, Okla., 1991). See also Richard White, The Roots of Dependency: Subsistence, Environment, and Social Change among the Choctaws, Pawnees, and Navajos (Lincoln, Neb., 1983), for a discussion of how metropolitan capitalist actions helped colonize native populations and establish chains of dependency. For an early discussion of how core and periphery relate to urban centers and the American West, see William Cronon, "Revisiting the Vanishing Frontier: The Legacy of Frederick Jackson Turner," Western Historical Quarterly, XVIII (1987), 174-175.
Western Historical Quarterly
, vol.18
, pp. 174-175
Cronon, W.1
Oakland, Calif.
The most informative primary sources for tracing town founding and network formation are contemporary books, newspapers, and directories. For early coverage of settlements in western Nevada, see Myron Angel, ed., History of Nevada (Oakland, Calif., 1883), 31-75. Many of the chapters in this book were written by contemporaries who were often residents. See also Eliot Lord, Comstock Miners and Mining (1881; Berkeley, 1959), 56-60. For a modern overview of the Comstock, see Rodman M. Paul, Mining Frontiers of the Far West, 1848-1880 (New York, 1963), 56-86.
History of Nevada
, pp. 31-75
Angel, M.1
The most informative primary sources for tracing town founding and network formation are contemporary books, newspapers, and directories. For early coverage of settlements in western Nevada, see Myron Angel, ed., History of Nevada (Oakland, Calif., 1883), 31-75. Many of the chapters in this book were written by contemporaries who were often residents. See also Eliot Lord, Comstock Miners and Mining (1881; Berkeley, 1959), 56-60. For a modern overview of the Comstock, see Rodman M. Paul, Mining Frontiers of the Far West, 1848-1880 (New York, 1963), 56-86.
Comstock Miners and Mining
, pp. 56-60
Lord, E.1
New York
The most informative primary sources for tracing town founding and network formation are contemporary books, newspapers, and directories. For early coverage of settlements in western Nevada, see Myron Angel, ed., History of Nevada (Oakland, Calif., 1883), 31-75. Many of the chapters in this book were written by contemporaries who were often residents. See also Eliot Lord, Comstock Miners and Mining (1881; Berkeley, 1959), 56-60. For a modern overview of the Comstock, see Rodman M. Paul, Mining Frontiers of the Far West, 1848-1880 (New York, 1963), 56-86.
Mining Frontiers of the Far West, 1848-1880
, pp. 56-86
Paul, R.M.1
3 vols., Reno
Walter Van Tilburg Clark, ed., The Journals of Alfred Doten, 1849-1903 (3 vols., Reno, 1973), I, 716; Dan DeQuille, The Big Bonanza... (1876; Reno, 1974), 161.
The Journals of Alfred Doten, 1849-1903
Van Tilburg Clark, W.1
Walter Van Tilburg Clark, ed., The Journals of Alfred Doten, 1849-1903 (3 vols., Reno, 1973), I, 716; Dan DeQuille, The Big Bonanza... (1876; Reno, 1974), 161.
The Big Bonanza...
, pp. 161
DeQuille, D.1
New York
Wells Drury, An Editor on the Comstock (New York, 1936), 9; DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 100; Angel, History of Nevada, 578-579; Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps (Berkeley, 1970), 31.
An Editor on the Comstock
, pp. 9
Drury, W.1
Wells Drury, An Editor on the Comstock (New York, 1936), 9; DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 100; Angel, History of Nevada, 578-579; Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps (Berkeley, 1970), 31.
Big Bonanza
, pp. 100
Wells Drury, An Editor on the Comstock (New York, 1936), 9; DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 100; Angel, History of Nevada, 578-579; Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps (Berkeley, 1970), 31.
History of Nevada
, pp. 578-579
Wells Drury, An Editor on the Comstock (New York, 1936), 9; DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 100; Angel, History of Nevada, 578-579; Stanley W. Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps (Berkeley, 1970), 31.
Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps
, pp. 31
Paher, S.W.1
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps
, pp. 31
Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
Gold Hill Daily News
May 5
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
Gold Hill Daily News
Oct. 24
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
Daily Territorial Enterprise
Sept. 25
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
Gold Hill Daily News
April 30
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
Daily Territorial Enterprise
April 14
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
Daily Territorial Enterprise
Jan. 18
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
Gold Hill Daily News
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold
Michelson, M.1
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
, pp. 380
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31. From the toll road list prepared by David Beito and David Anderson as well as my own research, the following citations cover Comstock-era toll roads: for American Flat, Silver City, and Virginia City, see the Gold Hill Daily News, Feb. 1, March 5, June 11, July 6, 1864; for Devil's Gate, ibid., May 5, 1865; for Dayton and Virginia City, Daily Territorial Enterprise, Oct. 24, 1863; for Dayton to Como, Gold Hill Daily News, Sept. 25, 1865; for the Geiger Toll Road, Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; for Steamboat Springs to Virginia City, ibid., April 14, 1860; for the Washoe Turnpike, Gold Hill Daily News, Jan. 18, 1865. See also the map on the front inside-cover of Miriam Michelson, The Wonderlode of Silver and Gold (Boston, 1934); and Angel, Nevada, 380. Omnibus service is treated in DeQuille, Big Bonanza, 161.
Big Bonanza
, pp. 161
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31, 75; Lord, Comstock Miners, 33, 233-234; Angel, History of Nevada, 498, 502, 568.
Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps
, pp. 31
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31, 75; Lord, Comstock Miners, 33, 233-234; Angel, History of Nevada, 498, 502, 568.
Comstock Miners
, pp. 33
Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 31, 75; Lord, Comstock Miners, 33, 233-234; Angel, History of Nevada, 498, 502, 568.
History of Nevada
, pp. 498
John F. Ulhorn, The Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, Embracing a General Directory of Residents of Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City, Dayton, Carson, Franktown, Washoe City and Reno together with a Business Directory... (Sacramento, 1873), 395-415; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 16, 47; Angel, History of Nevada, 562.
The Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, Embracing a General Directory of Residents of Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City, Dayton, Carson, Franktown, Washoe City and Reno Together with a Business Directory...
, pp. 395-415
Ulhorn, J.F.1
John F. Ulhorn, The Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, Embracing a General Directory of Residents of Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City, Dayton, Carson, Franktown, Washoe City and Reno together with a Business Directory... (Sacramento, 1873), 395-415; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 16, 47; Angel, History of Nevada, 562.
Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps
, pp. 16
John F. Ulhorn, The Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, Embracing a General Directory of Residents of Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City, Dayton, Carson, Franktown, Washoe City and Reno together with a Business Directory... (Sacramento, 1873), 395-415; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 16, 47; Angel, History of Nevada, 562.
History of Nevada
, pp. 562
Lord, Comstock Miners, 122; Hummel, General History, 8-10.
Comstock Miners
, pp. 122
Hummel, General History, 9; Angel, History of Nevada, 380-382; Lord, Comstock Miners, 258-259.
General History
, pp. 9
Hummel, General History, 9; Angel, History of Nevada, 380-382; Lord, Comstock Miners, 258-259.
History of Nevada
, pp. 380-382
Hummel, General History, 9; Angel, History of Nevada, 380-382; Lord, Comstock Miners, 258-259.
Comstock Miners
, pp. 258-259
Angel, History of Nevada, 31, 382; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 55-59, 81, 86.
History of Nevada
, pp. 31
Ibid., 11, 12, 14, 17-18; Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; Angel, History of Nevada, 634-636; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40. The growth of farming in contiguous valleys can be gauged by the number of farms and production levels in each county. See U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on the Productions of Agriculture as Returned at the Ninth Census (Washington, D.C., 1870), III, 202-203; U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on Productions of Agriculture as Returned by the Tenth Census (Washington, D.C., 1880), III, 126.
General History
, pp. 11
April 30
Ibid., 11, 12, 14, 17-18; Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; Angel, History of Nevada, 634-636; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40. The growth of farming in contiguous valleys can be gauged by the number of farms and production levels in each county. See U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on the Productions of Agriculture as Returned at the Ninth Census (Washington, D.C., 1870), III, 202-203; U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on Productions of Agriculture as Returned by the Tenth Census (Washington, D.C., 1880), III, 126.
Daily Territorial Enterprise
Ibid., 11, 12, 14, 17-18; Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; Angel, History of Nevada, 634-636; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40. The growth of farming in contiguous valleys can be gauged by the number of farms and production levels in each county. See U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on the Productions of Agriculture as Returned at the Ninth Census (Washington, D.C., 1870), III, 202-203; U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on Productions of Agriculture as Returned by the Tenth Census (Washington, D.C., 1880), III, 126.
History of Nevada
, pp. 634-636
Ibid., 11, 12, 14, 17-18; Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; Angel, History of Nevada, 634-636; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40. The growth of farming in contiguous valleys can be gauged by the number of farms and production levels in each county. See U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on the Productions of Agriculture as Returned at the Ninth Census (Washington, D.C., 1870), III, 202-203; U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on Productions of Agriculture as Returned by the Tenth Census (Washington, D.C., 1880), III, 126.
Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps
, pp. 30
Washington, D.C.
Ibid., 11, 12, 14, 17-18; Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; Angel, History of Nevada, 634-636; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40. The growth of farming in contiguous valleys can be gauged by the number of farms and production levels in each county. See U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on the Productions of Agriculture as Returned at the Ninth Census (Washington, D.C., 1870), III, 202-203; U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on Productions of Agriculture as Returned by the Tenth Census (Washington, D.C., 1880), III, 126.
Report on the Productions of Agriculture as Returned at the Ninth Census
Washington, D.C.
Ibid., 11, 12, 14, 17-18; Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 30, 1864; Angel, History of Nevada, 634-636; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40. The growth of farming in contiguous valleys can be gauged by the number of farms and production levels in each county. See U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on the Productions of Agriculture as Returned at the Ninth Census (Washington, D.C., 1870), III, 202-203; U.S. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Report on Productions of Agriculture as Returned by the Tenth Census (Washington, D.C., 1880), III, 126.
Report on Productions of Agriculture as Returned by the Tenth Census
Oct. 20, 22
Gold Hill Daily News, Oct. 20, 22, 1863; Lord, Comstock Miners, 85-86; Angel, History of Nevada, 499; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 35, 39, 71, 77; Hummel, General History, 17, passim.
Gold Hill Daily News
Gold Hill Daily News, Oct. 20, 22, 1863; Lord, Comstock Miners, 85-86; Angel, History of Nevada, 499; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 35, 39, 71, 77; Hummel, General History, 17, passim.
Comstock Miners
, pp. 85-86
Gold Hill Daily News, Oct. 20, 22, 1863; Lord, Comstock Miners, 85-86; Angel, History of Nevada, 499; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 35, 39, 71, 77; Hummel, General History, 17, passim.
History of Nevada
, pp. 499
Gold Hill Daily News, Oct. 20, 22, 1863; Lord, Comstock Miners, 85-86; Angel, History of Nevada, 499; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 35, 39, 71, 77; Hummel, General History, 17, passim.
Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps
, pp. 35
Gold Hill Daily News, Oct. 20, 22, 1863; Lord, Comstock Miners, 85-86; Angel, History of Nevada, 499; Paher, Nevada Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, 35, 39, 71, 77; Hummel, General History, 17, passim.
General History
, pp. 17
Angel, History of Nevada, 550-551; Guy Louis Rocha, "The Forgotten Paternity of Carson City" (1994), 2-9, Nevada State Library and Archives, Reno.
History of Nevada
, pp. 550-551
Nevada State Library and Archives, Reno
Angel, History of Nevada, 550-551; Guy Louis Rocha, "The Forgotten Paternity of Carson City" (1994), 2-9, Nevada State Library and Archives, Reno.
The Forgotten Paternity of Carson City
, pp. 2-9
Rocha, G.L.1
Woodland Hills, Calif.
William D. Rowley, Reno: Hub of the Washoe Country (Woodland Hills, Calif., 1984), 22-25; Ulhorn, Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 395-415; Sanborn Map Company, Nevada Maps: Cities & Towns, 1885-1906 (San Pablo, Calif., 1979), Jan. 1885, pp. 1-5, April 1890, pp. 1-10, April 1899, pp. 1-18; Myrick, Railroads, 13.
Reno: Hub of the Washoe Country
, pp. 22-25
Rowley, W.D.1
William D. Rowley, Reno: Hub of the Washoe Country (Woodland Hills, Calif., 1984), 22-25; Ulhorn, Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 395-415; Sanborn Map Company, Nevada Maps: Cities & Towns, 1885-1906 (San Pablo, Calif., 1979), Jan. 1885, pp. 1-5, April 1890, pp. 1-10, April 1899, pp. 1-18; Myrick, Railroads, 13.
Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory
, pp. 395-415
San Pablo, Calif., Jan. 1885, April 1890, April
William D. Rowley, Reno: Hub of the Washoe Country (Woodland Hills, Calif., 1984), 22-25; Ulhorn, Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 395-415; Sanborn Map Company, Nevada Maps: Cities & Towns, 1885-1906 (San Pablo, Calif., 1979), Jan. 1885, pp. 1-5, April 1890, pp. 1-10, April 1899, pp. 1-18; Myrick, Railroads, 13.
Nevada Maps: Cities & Towns, 1885-1906
, pp. 1-5
William D. Rowley, Reno: Hub of the Washoe Country (Woodland Hills, Calif., 1984), 22-25; Ulhorn, Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 395-415; Sanborn Map Company, Nevada Maps: Cities & Towns, 1885-1906 (San Pablo, Calif., 1979), Jan. 1885, pp. 1-5, April 1890, pp. 1-10, April 1899, pp. 1-18; Myrick, Railroads, 13.
, pp. 13
Russell R. Elliott, Nevada's Twentieth-Century Mining Boom: Tonopah, Goldfield, Ely (Reno, 1966), 7, 30.
Nevada's Twentieth-Century Mining Boom: Tonopah, Goldfield, Ely
, pp. 7
Elliott, R.R.1
San Francisco
For information on the extent and configuration of California urban networks west of the Comstock and for the Comstock network itself, see Sterling Holdredge, State, Territorial and Ocean Guide Book of the Pacific... (San Francisco, 1865), especially the stage line maps throughout and the map between pp. 52 and 53 for California; for stage line service schedules within the Comstock network, see 107-112. For an explanation of central place theory, see Leslie J. King, Central Place Theory (Beverly Hills, Calif., 1984), 20-46. For a listing of goods and services in Comstock towns, see Ulhorn, Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 395-415. As with all directories for substantial urban areas, this source lacks a complete listing, especially for Chinese-owned businesses.
State, Territorial and Ocean Guide Book of the Pacific...
, pp. 52
Holdredge, S.1
Beverly Hills, Calif.
For information on the extent and configuration of California urban networks west of the Comstock and for the Comstock network itself, see Sterling Holdredge, State, Territorial and Ocean Guide Book of the Pacific... (San Francisco, 1865), especially the stage line maps throughout and the map between pp. 52 and 53 for California; for stage line service schedules within the Comstock network, see 107-112. For an explanation of central place theory, see Leslie J. King, Central Place Theory (Beverly Hills, Calif., 1984), 20-46. For a listing of goods and services in Comstock towns, see Ulhorn, Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 395-415. As with all directories for substantial urban areas, this source lacks a complete listing, especially for Chinese-owned businesses.
Central Place Theory
, pp. 20-46
King, L.J.1
For information on the extent and configuration of California urban networks west of the Comstock and for the Comstock network itself, see Sterling Holdredge, State, Territorial and Ocean Guide Book of the Pacific... (San Francisco, 1865), especially the stage line maps throughout and the map between pp. 52 and 53 for California; for stage line service schedules within the Comstock network, see 107-112. For an explanation of central place theory, see Leslie J. King, Central Place Theory (Beverly Hills, Calif., 1984), 20-46. For a listing of goods and services in Comstock towns, see Ulhorn, Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 395-415. As with all directories for substantial urban areas, this source lacks a complete listing, especially for Chinese-owned businesses.
Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory
, pp. 395-415
San Francisco
A helpful contemporary guide to the size and importance of early California towns is John S. Hittell, The Resources of California Comprising Agriculture, Mining, Geography, Climate, Commerce, Etc. and the Past and Future Development of the State (San Francisco, 1863), 397-420; John H. Carmany, A Review of the Year 1866, Containing an Elaborate Resume of the Mining Operations of the Entire Pacific Slope... Compiled from the "Mercantile Gazette and Prices Current" (San Francisco, 1867), 5.
The Resources of California Comprising Agriculture, Mining, Geography, Climate, Commerce, Etc. and the Past and Future Development of the State
, pp. 397-420
Hittell, J.S.1
San Francisco
A helpful contemporary guide to the size and importance of early California towns is John S. Hittell, The Resources of California Comprising Agriculture, Mining, Geography, Climate, Commerce, Etc. and the Past and Future Development of the State (San Francisco, 1863), 397-420; John H. Carmany, A Review of the Year 1866, Containing an Elaborate Resume of the Mining Operations of the Entire Pacific Slope... Compiled from the "Mercantile Gazette and Prices Current" (San Francisco, 1867), 5.
A Review of the Year 1866, Containing an Elaborate Resume of the Mining Operations of the Entire Pacific Slope... Compiled from the "Mercantile Gazette and Prices Current"
, pp. 5
Carmany, J.H.1
When discussing conquest and urban places, New Western Historians have emphasized conflict and exploitation within towns; see, for instance, Limerick, Legacy of Conquest, 103-107; White, "It's Your Misfortune," 298-328. The literature documenting the inferior treatment accorded minorities in the Comstock towns is considerable. A recent example is Ronald W. James, et al., "Competition and Coexistence in the Laundry: A View of the Comstock," Western Historical Quarterly, XXV (1994), 165-184.
Legacy of Conquest
, pp. 103-107
When discussing conquest and urban places, New Western Historians have emphasized conflict and exploitation within towns; see, for instance, Limerick, Legacy of Conquest, 103-107; White, "It's Your Misfortune," 298-328. The literature documenting the inferior treatment accorded minorities in the Comstock towns is considerable. A recent example is Ronald W. James, et al., "Competition and Coexistence in the Laundry: A View of the Comstock," Western Historical Quarterly, XXV (1994), 165-184.
It's Your Misfortune
, pp. 298-328
Competition and Coexistence in the Laundry: A View of the Comstock
When discussing conquest and urban places, New Western Historians have emphasized conflict and exploitation within towns; see, for instance, Limerick, Legacy of Conquest, 103-107; White, "It's Your Misfortune," 298-328. The literature documenting the inferior treatment accorded minorities in the Comstock towns is considerable. A recent example is Ronald W. James, et al., "Competition and Coexistence in the Laundry: A View of the Comstock," Western Historical Quarterly, XXV (1994), 165-184.
Western Historical Quarterly
, vol.25
, pp. 165-184
James, R.W.1
June 21
See the reminiscence in Daily Territorial Enterprise, June 21, 1872; Angel, History of Nevada, 158.
Daily Territorial Enterprise
See the reminiscence in Daily Territorial Enterprise, June 21, 1872; Angel, History of Nevada, 158.
History of Nevada
, pp. 158
Hummel, General History, 14; Elbert B. Edwards, 200 Years in Nevada (Salt Lake City, 1978), 216.
General History
, pp. 14
Salt Lake City
Hummel, General History, 14; Elbert B. Edwards, 200 Years in Nevada (Salt Lake City, 1978), 216.
200 Years in Nevada
, pp. 216
Edwards, E.B.1
Mack, Nevada, 305; Daily Territorial Enterprise, April 9, 1865.
, pp. 305
Cambridge, Mass.
Richard C. Wade, The Urban Frontier: Pioneer Life in Early Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Lexington, Louisville, and St. Louis (Cambridge, Mass., 1959), 1.
The Urban Frontier: Pioneer Life in Early Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Lexington, Louisville, and St. Louis
, pp. 1
Wade, R.C.1
Paul, Mining Frontiers, 75; Gazlay, ed., California Mercantile Journal, 136; see also Gold Hill Daily News, Nov. 5, 1863; Hittell, Resources of California, 343.
Mining Frontiers
, pp. 75
Paul, Mining Frontiers, 75; Gazlay, ed., California Mercantile Journal, 136; see also Gold Hill Daily News, Nov. 5, 1863; Hittell, Resources of California, 343.
California Mercantile Journal
, pp. 136
Nov. 5
Paul, Mining Frontiers, 75; Gazlay, ed., California Mercantile Journal, 136; see also Gold Hill Daily News, Nov. 5, 1863; Hittell, Resources of California, 343.
Gold Hill Daily News
Paul, Mining Frontiers, 75; Gazlay, ed., California Mercantile Journal, 136; see also Gold Hill Daily News, Nov. 5, 1863; Hittell, Resources of California, 343.
Resources of California
, pp. 343
Gazlay, ed., California Mercantile Journal, 136. For a sense of how San Francisco investors saw the entire Pacific Slope as their investment zone, see Carmany, A Review of the Year 1866, 6-41.
California Mercantile Journal
, pp. 136
Gazlay, ed., California Mercantile Journal, 136. For a sense of how San Francisco investors saw the entire Pacific Slope as their investment zone, see Carmany, A Review of the Year 1866, 6-41.
A Review of the Year 1866
, pp. 6-41