Anesthetic related morbidity and mortality in small animal
New Orleans
Dyson DH, Maxie G, Schnurr D. Anesthetic related morbidity and mortality in small animal (abstract). Proc Annual Mtg Am Coll Vet Anes, New Orleans, 1996: 38.
Evaluation of the arterial blood pressure of dogs by two noninvasive methods
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Comparison of direct and indirect blood pressure measurement in anesthetized dogs
Sawyer DC, Brown M, Striler EL, et al. Comparison of direct and indirect blood pressure measurement in anesthetized dogs. Lab Anim Sci 1991; 41. 134-138.
Comparison of direct and indirect blood pressure measurement in anesthetized dogs
Sawyer DC, Brown M, Striler EL, et al. Comparison of direct and indirect blood pressure measurement in anesthetized dogs (abstract). Proc Internat Cong Vet Anesth, Utretch. 1994: 89.
Comparison of direct and indirect blood pressure measurements in anesthetized dogs
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