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Volumn 9, Issue 1, 1997, Pages 5-25

The political-economy of Russian regionalism

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EID: 0030760628     PISSN: 13514393     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/14631379708427873     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (24)

References (18)
  • 2
    • 5344271251 scopus 로고
    • Leningrad, Progress
    • The growing understanding of this problem has been reflected in some research by both Russia and foreign authors (primarily economic geographers), who dealt with the problems of 'diagnostics of regional development'. See W. Izard, Metody regional'nogo analiza: vvedenie v nauku o regionakh (Leningrad, Progress, 1966); I. M. Maiergroiz, Metodika melkomas'shtabnykh ekonomiko-geograficheskikh issledovanii (Moscow, Moscow State University, 1981); Z. E. Dzenis, Metodologiya i metodika sotsial'no-ekonomgeograficheskih issledovanii (Riga, Znanie, 1980). Among domestic authors of the recent period, the most consistent approach to the solution of the problems was proposed by O. G. Dmitrieva. It consists in a system of methods which include both economico-statistical and sociological techniques (see O. G. Dmitrieva, Regional'naya ekonomicheskaya diagnostika (St Petersburg, 1992). However, all these works basically consider the problem as purely methodological; they only stress the necessity for supplementation of economic parameters by sociological surveys. As a result they are dominated by almost exclusively descriptive material, without sufficiently deep politico-economic analysis, or any consistent forecasts. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of publications on the topic are still written with an 'administrative planning' attitude. They basically contain recommendations which it is only possible to apply, if at all, in some different, non-crisis socio-economic situation.
    • (1966) Metody Regional'nogo Analiza: Vvedenie v Nauku o Regionakh
    • Izard, W.1
  • 3
    • 5344241261 scopus 로고
    • Moscow, Moscow State University
    • The growing understanding of this problem has been reflected in some research by both Russia and foreign authors (primarily economic geographers), who dealt with the problems of 'diagnostics of regional development'. See W. Izard, Metody regional'nogo analiza: vvedenie v nauku o regionakh (Leningrad, Progress, 1966); I. M. Maiergroiz, Metodika melkomas'shtabnykh ekonomiko-geograficheskikh issledovanii (Moscow, Moscow State University, 1981); Z. E. Dzenis, Metodologiya i metodika sotsial'no-ekonomgeograficheskih issledovanii (Riga, Znanie, 1980). Among domestic authors of the recent period, the most consistent approach to the solution of the problems was proposed by O. G. Dmitrieva. It consists in a system of methods which include both economico-statistical and sociological techniques (see O. G. Dmitrieva, Regional'naya ekonomicheskaya diagnostika (St Petersburg, 1992). However, all these works basically consider the problem as purely methodological; they only stress the necessity for supplementation of economic parameters by sociological surveys. As a result they are dominated by almost exclusively descriptive material, without sufficiently deep politico-economic analysis, or any consistent forecasts. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of publications on the topic are still written with an 'administrative planning' attitude. They basically contain recommendations which it is only possible to apply, if at all, in some different, non-crisis socio-economic situation.
    • (1981) Metodika Melkomas'shtabnykh Ekonomiko-geograficheskikh Issledovanii
    • Maiergroiz, I.M.1
  • 4
    • 5344266797 scopus 로고
    • Riga, Znanie
    • The growing understanding of this problem has been reflected in some research by both Russia and foreign authors (primarily economic geographers), who dealt with the problems of 'diagnostics of regional development'. See W. Izard, Metody regional'nogo analiza: vvedenie v nauku o regionakh (Leningrad, Progress, 1966); I. M. Maiergroiz, Metodika melkomas'shtabnykh ekonomiko-geograficheskikh issledovanii (Moscow, Moscow State University, 1981); Z. E. Dzenis, Metodologiya i metodika sotsial'no-ekonomgeograficheskih issledovanii (Riga, Znanie, 1980). Among domestic authors of the recent period, the most consistent approach to the solution of the problems was proposed by O. G. Dmitrieva. It consists in a system of methods which include both economico-statistical and sociological techniques (see O. G. Dmitrieva, Regional'naya ekonomicheskaya diagnostika (St Petersburg, 1992). However, all these works basically consider the problem as purely methodological; they only stress the necessity for supplementation of economic parameters by sociological surveys. As a result they are dominated by almost exclusively descriptive material, without sufficiently deep politico-economic analysis, or any consistent forecasts. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of publications on the topic are still written with an 'administrative planning' attitude. They basically contain recommendations which it is only possible to apply, if at all, in some different, non-crisis socio-economic situation.
    • (1980) Metodologiya i Metodika Sotsial'no-ekonomgeograficheskih Issledovanii
    • Dzenis, Z.E.1
  • 5
    • 0039798494 scopus 로고
    • St Petersburg
    • The growing understanding of this problem has been reflected in some research by both Russia and foreign authors (primarily economic geographers), who dealt with the problems of 'diagnostics of regional development'. See W. Izard, Metody regional'nogo analiza: vvedenie v nauku o regionakh (Leningrad, Progress, 1966); I. M. Maiergroiz, Metodika melkomas'shtabnykh ekonomiko-geograficheskikh issledovanii (Moscow, Moscow State University, 1981); Z. E. Dzenis, Metodologiya i metodika sotsial'no-ekonomgeograficheskih issledovanii (Riga, Znanie, 1980). Among domestic authors of the recent period, the most consistent approach to the solution of the problems was proposed by O. G. Dmitrieva. It consists in a system of methods which include both economico-statistical and sociological techniques (see O. G. Dmitrieva, Regional'naya ekonomicheskaya diagnostika (St Petersburg, 1992). However, all these works basically consider the problem as purely methodological; they only stress the necessity for supplementation of economic parameters by sociological surveys. As a result they are dominated by almost exclusively descriptive material, without sufficiently deep politico-economic analysis, or any consistent forecasts. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of publications on the topic are still written with an 'administrative planning' attitude. They basically contain recommendations which it is only possible to apply, if at all, in some different, non-crisis socio-economic situation.
    • (1992) Regional'naya Ekonomicheskaya Diagnostika
    • Dmitrieva, O.G.1
  • 6
    • 5344264482 scopus 로고
    • Moscow, Nauka
    • The problem of interests (in relation to both regions in particular and national socio-economic life in general) has only recently enjoyed more or less adequate interpretation by Russian researchers. One rather typical statement on the issue is that 'the complex of target installations of a region is formed on the basis of counter-movement and mutual overlaps of general public and specifically regional interests, in which the determining role indubitably belongs to the former .... The degree of coincidence between general economic and specifically regional interests in economic plans depends on the level of national economic development and on its most important goals for any given stage'. (Prognozirovanie sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya regiona: voprosy teorii i metodiki (Moscow, Nauka, 1981), pp. 37, 39.
    • (1981) Prognozirovanie Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo Razvitiya Regiona: Voprosy Teorii i Metodiki , pp. 37
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    • 85033165307 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • Talking about the dependence of administration policy on industrial profile, one may observe certain natural laws, which are not related to domination of particular industries but depend on whether a region has an agricultural or industrial orientation. Agrarian (or agro-industrial) regions are distinguished by the high degree of conservatism of their political orientations. At the same time their leaders are often more cautious and are less inclined to undertake crucial moves like the demonstratively contrary course pursued by Ulyanovsk.
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    • Budget practice in 1994 provided a new and clear confirmation of this statement. For the first time during recent years there was a growth in spending on the administration apparatus within state expenditure, and not only in nominal, but also in real terms and as a share of GDP. And this was true not only of the central apparatus, but also of local government bodies.
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    • Decrees of the President on cancellation of quotas and privileges - to the extent, however, that they are implemented.
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    • 'Certain small groups can provide themselves with collective goods without relying on coercion or any positive inducements apart from the collective good itself (Olson, p. 33).
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    • 'In short, the larger the group, the less it will further its common interests' (Olson, p. 36).
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    • Here is one example. The administration of Bryansk oblast' is in a rather unpleasant situation, because it has to stand heavy joint pressure of lobbyists from the agricultural-industrial and military-industrial sectors; and many enterprises in these two sectors in the oblast' are absolutely inefficient. Obviously, these two sectors must undergo deep reconstruction, including reorganisation, bankruptcy, restructuring and re-profiling. The budget, thanks to the support of the Federal Government, has certain resources. The most meaningful policy for the administration in this situation is trying to divide the joint front of these lobbyists, proceeding with the solution of their problems in sequence, not simultaneously. An analysis carried out at the special request of the Governor showed that it made sense to start restructuring in the region from agriculture through shrinking its size, supporting it exclusively on a social (not industrial) basis, concentrating freed resources on support of the military-industrial complex (or, more exactly, in support for workers employed in this sector).
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    • In Bryansk oblast' this policy enabled the administration to get more funds allocated by the Federal Government for dealing with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. This money became the object of special attention by every influential grouping in the region (including criminal ones).
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    • In the regions which were the object of particular attention by the authors they undertook a special analysis of these enterprises. Their selection required a preliminary study of a region. The analysis of the enterprises was conducted in two parts. First, in cooperation with the Russian State Committee for Statistics, the authors obtained regular data on the current situation at these enterprises. However, it seems too early to draw any conclusions about the particular situation in a region and its prospects on the basis of these data alone (the surveys were started only in the second half of 1994). Some more time is required for the construction of statistical series and development of this technique of assessment of the situation. Second, a special questionnaire for unformalised, in-depth interviews with top managers and employees at lower levels was developed. Only the questionnaire addressed to the top managers was tried in practice, at the enterprises in Rostov, Bryansk, Yaroslavl' and Tver' oblasti. These interviews gave very valuable and particular information about the situation at the enterprise and in the region as a whole, as well as about real processes of economic and political transformation, pressure groups, their interests and mechanisms of action. Strictly speaking, more complete analysis of the situation in a region in general and structurally crucial enterprises in particular requires more detailed sociological analysis, which should include not only interviews with directors but also questioning of middle-ranking managers and workers. However, research of such a scale would take huge amounts of time and money, and, to tell the truth, it is not always necessary. The data set used in the present work is frequently enough.
  • 17
    • 0003474267 scopus 로고
    • Chicago, London, University of Chicago Press
    • Probably the deepest consideration of this question may be found in the works of R. Dornbusch and articles under his editorship. See, for example R. Dornbusch & S. Edwards (eds), The Macroeconomics of Populism in Latin America (Chicago, London, University of Chicago Press, 1991).
    • (1991) The Macroeconomics of Populism in Latin America
    • Dornbusch, R.1    Edwards, S.2
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    • note
    • Different behaviour, i.e. actions contrary to or regardless of the balance of social forces and interest groups, was possible only during the rather short period when the crucial breakdown of the conventional Soviet-communist economic system occurred. It was a time of disintegration of traditional economic and political groups. The old ones were partly disoriented, partly destroyed. Overnight they lost their contacts in the institutions of power and were temporarily deprived of political influence. However, such a situation could not last for long. Those political actors who had not noticed the change of social climate and the formation and strengthening of new (and partly old) interest groups and continued to base their activities on exclusively ideological or doctrinal principles were soon compelled to concede authority to other leaders - either through direct elections of the heads of administration or as a result of pressure from interested forces on the federal level. It is essential to emphasise that the group which could not reorient itself in time included a significant number of democratically-oriented politicians, who actively supported the President in his efforts to destroy the communist system. Some of them appeared to be poorly prepared for the delicate political game of balancing between their own vision of prospects and the real balance of interests in a given territory. One of the most characteristic examples of such development occurred in Smolensk. Being a loyal and non-compromising follower of the reformist forces, the former governor of the oblast' confidently won election to the upper chamber of the Federal Assembly, shortly before losing the election for Governor to a more moderate candidate who was the representative of industrial-agrarian groups.

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