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Volumn 29, Issue 2, 1996, Pages 273-292

The ideological development of the parties in Washington, 1947-1994

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EID: 0030527163     PISSN: 00323497     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.2307/3235303     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (20)

References (104)
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    • New York: Simon and Schuster
    • 1. E. J. Dionne, Jr., Why Americans Hate Politics (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991); Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "The Polarization of American Politics," Journal of Politics, 46 (November 1984): 1061-79.
    • (1991) Why Americans Hate Politics
    • Dionne E.J., Jr.1
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    • The polarization of American politics
    • November
    • 1. E. J. Dionne, Jr., Why Americans Hate Politics (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991); Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "The Polarization of American Politics," Journal of Politics, 46 (November 1984): 1061-79.
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    • New York: Macmillan Co.
    • 2. Alberto Alesina and Howard Rosenthal, Partisan Politics, Divided Government, and the Economy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 43-82; Morris P. Fiorina, Divided Government, 2nd ed. (New York: Macmillan Co., 1996), pp. 72-81.
    • (1996) Divided Government, 2nd Ed. , pp. 72-81
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    • 3. Daniel Ingberman and John Villani, "An Institutional Theory of Divided Government and Party Polarization," American Journal of Political Science, 37 (May 1993): 429-71.
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    • San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies Press
    • 5. A. Lawrence Chickering, Beyond Left and Right: Breaking the Political Stalemate (San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies Press, 1993); William S. Maddox and Stuart A. Lilie, Beyond Liberal and Conservative: Reassessing the Political Spectrum (Washington, DC: The Cato Institute, 1984).
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    • Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • 6. John H. Aldrich, Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995), pp. 194-240; John H. Aldrich and David W. Rohde, "Theories of the Party in the Legislature and the Transition to Republican Rule in the House" (paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, August 31-September 3, 1995); Gary W. Cox and Mathew D. McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993); David W. Rohde, Parties and Leaders in the Postreform House (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991). Party unity votes are those votes in Congress on which a majority of Democrats oppose a majority of Republicans.
    • (1995) Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America , pp. 194-240
    • Aldrich, J.H.1
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    • Theories of the party in the legislature and the transition to republican rule in the house
    • Chicago, IL, August 31-September 3
    • 6. John H. Aldrich, Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995), pp. 194-240; John H. Aldrich and David W. Rohde, "Theories of the Party in the Legislature and the Transition to Republican Rule in the House" (paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, August 31-September 3, 1995); Gary W. Cox and Mathew D. McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993); David W. Rohde, Parties and Leaders in the Postreform House (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991). Party unity votes are those votes in Congress on which a majority of Democrats oppose a majority of Republicans.
    • (1995) Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
    • Aldrich, J.H.1    Rohde, D.W.2
  • 11
    • 0004009780 scopus 로고
    • Berkeley: University of California Press
    • 6. John H. Aldrich, Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995), pp. 194-240; John H. Aldrich and David W. Rohde, "Theories of the Party in the Legislature and the Transition to Republican Rule in the House" (paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, August 31-September 3, 1995); Gary W. Cox and Mathew D. McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993); David W. Rohde, Parties and Leaders in the Postreform House (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991). Party unity votes are those votes in Congress on which a majority of Democrats oppose a majority of Republicans.
    • (1993) Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House
    • Cox, G.W.1    McCubbins, M.D.2
  • 12
    • 0003563598 scopus 로고
    • Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • 6. John H. Aldrich, Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995), pp. 194-240; John H. Aldrich and David W. Rohde, "Theories of the Party in the Legislature and the Transition to Republican Rule in the House" (paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, August 31-September 3, 1995); Gary W. Cox and Mathew D. McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan: Party Government in the House (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993); David W. Rohde, Parties and Leaders in the Postreform House (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991). Party unity votes are those votes in Congress on which a majority of Democrats oppose a majority of Republicans.
    • (1991) Parties and Leaders in the Postreform House
    • Rohde, D.W.1
  • 13
    • 84973964114 scopus 로고
    • Ideology, party, and voting in the U.S. Congress, 1959-1980
    • June
    • 7. Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "Ideology, Party, and Voting in the U.S. Congress, 1959-1980," American Political Science Review, 79 (June 1985): 373-99; Jerrold E. Schneider, Ideological Coalitions in Congress (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979); William R. Shaffer, Party and Ideology in the United States Congress (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1980); William R. Shaffer, "Party and Ideology in the United States House of Representatives," Western Political Quarterly, 35 (March 1982): 92-106.
    • (1985) American Political Science Review , vol.79 , pp. 373-399
    • Poole, K.T.1    Daniels, R.S.2
  • 14
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    • Westport, CT: Greenwood Press
    • 7. Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "Ideology, Party, and Voting in the U.S. Congress, 1959-1980," American Political Science Review, 79 (June 1985): 373-99; Jerrold E. Schneider, Ideological Coalitions in Congress (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979); William R. Shaffer, Party and Ideology in the United States Congress (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1980); William R. Shaffer, "Party and Ideology in the United States House of Representatives," Western Political Quarterly, 35 (March 1982): 92-106.
    • (1979) Ideological Coalitions in Congress
    • Schneider, J.E.1
  • 15
    • 84973964114 scopus 로고
    • Washington, DC: University Press of America
    • 7. Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "Ideology, Party, and Voting in the U.S. Congress, 1959-1980," American Political Science Review, 79 (June 1985): 373-99; Jerrold E. Schneider, Ideological Coalitions in Congress (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979); William R. Shaffer, Party and Ideology in the United States Congress (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1980); William R. Shaffer, "Party and Ideology in the United States House of Representatives," Western Political Quarterly, 35 (March 1982): 92-106.
    • (1980) Party and Ideology in the United States Congress
    • Shaffer, W.R.1
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    • Party and ideology in the United States House of Representatives
    • March
    • 7. Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "Ideology, Party, and Voting in the U.S. Congress, 1959-1980," American Political Science Review, 79 (June 1985): 373-99; Jerrold E. Schneider, Ideological Coalitions in Congress (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979); William R. Shaffer, Party and Ideology in the United States Congress (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1980); William R. Shaffer, "Party and Ideology in the United States House of Representatives," Western Political Quarterly, 35 (March 1982): 92-106.
    • (1982) Western Political Quarterly , vol.35 , pp. 92-106
    • Shaffer, W.R.1
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    • The crosswinds of change: Sources of change in the Democratic and Republican Parties
    • June
    • 8. Richard Herrera, "The Crosswinds of Change: Sources of Change in the Democratic and Republican Parties," Political Research Quarterly, 48 (June 1995): 291-312; Walter J. Stone, Ronald B. Rapoport, and Alan I. Abramowitz, "The Reagan Revolution and Party Polarization in the 1980s," in The Parties Respond: Changes in the American Party System, ed. L. Sandy Maisel (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990), pp. 67-93.
    • (1995) Political Research Quarterly , vol.48 , pp. 291-312
    • Herrera, R.1
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    • The Reagan revolution and party polarization in the 1980s
    • ed. L. Sandy Maisel Boulder, CO: Westview Press
    • 8. Richard Herrera, "The Crosswinds of Change: Sources of Change in the Democratic and Republican Parties," Political Research Quarterly, 48 (June 1995): 291-312; Walter J. Stone, Ronald B. Rapoport, and Alan I. Abramowitz, "The Reagan Revolution and Party Polarization in the 1980s," in The Parties Respond: Changes in the American Party System, ed. L. Sandy Maisel (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990), pp. 67-93.
    • (1990) The Parties Respond: Changes in the American Party System , pp. 67-93
    • Stone, W.J.1    Rapoport, R.B.2    Abramowitz, A.I.3
  • 19
    • 0003749134 scopus 로고
    • New York: Oxford University Press
    • 9. Studies that do discuss presidential ideology across time do so tangentially. See, for example, Sidney M. Milkis, The President and the Parties: The Transformation of the American Party System Since the New Deal (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993); Stephen Skowronek, The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to George Bush (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1993). Similarly, studies of ideology discuss presidents tangentially. See, for example, Charles W. Dunn and J. David Woodard, American Conservatism from Burke to Bush (Lanham, MD: Madison Books, 1991).
    • (1993) The President and the Parties: The Transformation of the American Party System Since the New Deal
    • Milkis, S.M.1
  • 20
    • 0003673312 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
    • 9. Studies that do discuss presidential ideology across time do so tangentially. See, for example, Sidney M. Milkis, The President and the Parties: The Transformation of the American Party System Since the New Deal (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993); Stephen Skowronek, The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to George Bush (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1993). Similarly, studies of ideology discuss presidents tangentially. See, for example, Charles W. Dunn and J. David Woodard, American Conservatism from Burke to Bush (Lanham, MD: Madison Books, 1991).
    • (1993) The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to George Bush
    • Skowronek, S.1
  • 21
    • 0011680574 scopus 로고
    • Lanham, MD: Madison Books
    • 9. Studies that do discuss presidential ideology across time do so tangentially. See, for example, Sidney M. Milkis, The President and the Parties: The Transformation of the American Party System Since the New Deal (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993); Stephen Skowronek, The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to George Bush (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1993). Similarly, studies of ideology discuss presidents tangentially. See, for example, Charles W. Dunn and J. David Woodard, American Conservatism from Burke to Bush (Lanham, MD: Madison Books, 1991).
    • (1991) American Conservatism from Burke to Bush
    • Dunn, C.W.1    Woodard, J.D.2
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    • New York: Praeger
    • 10. John Plamenetz, Ideology (New York: Praeger, 1970), p. 15.
    • (1970) Ideology , pp. 15
    • Plamenetz, J.1
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    • The apparent ideological behavior of legislators: Testing principal-agent slack in political institutions
    • April
    • 11. Joseph P. Kalt and Mark A. Zupan, "The Apparent Ideological Behavior of Legislators: Testing Principal-Agent Slack in Political Institutions," Journal of Law and Economics, 33 (April 1990): 103-31; James B. Kau and Paul H. Rubin, "Ideology, Voting, and Shirking," Public Choice, 76 (June 1993): 151-72; Krishna K. Ladha, "Coalitions in Congressional Voting," Public Choice, 78 (January 1994): 43-63; Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "A Spatial Model for Legislative Roll-Call Analysis," American Journal of Political Science, 29 (May 1985): 357-84; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "Patterns of Congressional Voting," American Journal of Political Science, 35 (February 1991): 228-78; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "On Dimensionalizing Roll-Call Votes in the U.S. Congress," American Political Science Review, 85 (September 1991): 955-75.
    • (1990) Journal of Law and Economics , vol.33 , pp. 103-131
    • Kalt, J.P.1    Zupan, M.A.2
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    • Ideology, voting, and shirking
    • June
    • 11. Joseph P. Kalt and Mark A. Zupan, "The Apparent Ideological Behavior of Legislators: Testing Principal-Agent Slack in Political Institutions," Journal of Law and Economics, 33 (April 1990): 103-31; James B. Kau and Paul H. Rubin, "Ideology, Voting, and Shirking," Public Choice, 76 (June 1993): 151-72; Krishna K. Ladha, "Coalitions in Congressional Voting," Public Choice, 78 (January 1994): 43-63; Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "A Spatial Model for Legislative Roll-Call Analysis," American Journal of Political Science, 29 (May 1985): 357-84; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "Patterns of Congressional Voting," American Journal of Political Science, 35 (February 1991): 228-78; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "On Dimensionalizing Roll-Call Votes in the U.S. Congress," American Political Science Review, 85 (September 1991): 955-75.
    • (1993) Public Choice , vol.76 , pp. 151-172
    • Kau, J.B.1    Rubin, P.H.2
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    • Coalitions in congressional voting
    • January
    • 11. Joseph P. Kalt and Mark A. Zupan, "The Apparent Ideological Behavior of Legislators: Testing Principal-Agent Slack in Political Institutions," Journal of Law and Economics, 33 (April 1990): 103-31; James B. Kau and Paul H. Rubin, "Ideology, Voting, and Shirking," Public Choice, 76 (June 1993): 151-72; Krishna K. Ladha, "Coalitions in Congressional Voting," Public Choice, 78 (January 1994): 43-63; Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "A Spatial Model for Legislative Roll-Call Analysis," American Journal of Political Science, 29 (May 1985): 357-84; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "Patterns of Congressional Voting," American Journal of Political Science, 35 (February 1991): 228-78; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "On Dimensionalizing Roll-Call Votes in the U.S. Congress," American Political Science Review, 85 (September 1991): 955-75.
    • (1994) Public Choice , vol.78 , pp. 43-63
    • Ladha, K.K.1
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    • A spatial model for legislative roll-call analysis
    • May
    • 11. Joseph P. Kalt and Mark A. Zupan, "The Apparent Ideological Behavior of Legislators: Testing Principal-Agent Slack in Political Institutions," Journal of Law and Economics, 33 (April 1990): 103-31; James B. Kau and Paul H. Rubin, "Ideology, Voting, and Shirking," Public Choice, 76 (June 1993): 151-72; Krishna K. Ladha, "Coalitions in Congressional Voting," Public Choice, 78 (January 1994): 43-63; Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "A Spatial Model for Legislative Roll-Call Analysis," American Journal of Political Science, 29 (May 1985): 357-84; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "Patterns of Congressional Voting," American Journal of Political Science, 35 (February 1991): 228-78; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "On Dimensionalizing Roll-Call Votes in the U.S. Congress," American Political Science Review, 85 (September 1991): 955-75.
    • (1985) American Journal of Political Science , vol.29 , pp. 357-384
    • Poole, K.T.1    Daniels, R.S.2
  • 27
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    • Patterns of congressional voting
    • February
    • 11. Joseph P. Kalt and Mark A. Zupan, "The Apparent Ideological Behavior of Legislators: Testing Principal-Agent Slack in Political Institutions," Journal of Law and Economics, 33 (April 1990): 103-31; James B. Kau and Paul H. Rubin, "Ideology, Voting, and Shirking," Public Choice, 76 (June 1993): 151-72; Krishna K. Ladha, "Coalitions in Congressional Voting," Public Choice, 78 (January 1994): 43-63; Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "A Spatial Model for Legislative Roll-Call Analysis," American Journal of Political Science, 29 (May 1985): 357-84; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "Patterns of Congressional Voting," American Journal of Political Science, 35 (February 1991): 228-78; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "On Dimensionalizing Roll-Call Votes in the U.S. Congress," American Political Science Review, 85 (September 1991): 955-75.
    • (1991) American Journal of Political Science , vol.35 , pp. 228-278
    • Poole, K.T.1    Rosenthal, H.2
  • 28
    • 84971705448 scopus 로고
    • On dimensionalizing roll-call votes in the U.S. Congress
    • September
    • 11. Joseph P. Kalt and Mark A. Zupan, "The Apparent Ideological Behavior of Legislators: Testing Principal-Agent Slack in Political Institutions," Journal of Law and Economics, 33 (April 1990): 103-31; James B. Kau and Paul H. Rubin, "Ideology, Voting, and Shirking," Public Choice, 76 (June 1993): 151-72; Krishna K. Ladha, "Coalitions in Congressional Voting," Public Choice, 78 (January 1994): 43-63; Keith T. Poole and R. Steven Daniels, "A Spatial Model for Legislative Roll-Call Analysis," American Journal of Political Science, 29 (May 1985): 357-84; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "Patterns of Congressional Voting," American Journal of Political Science, 35 (February 1991): 228-78; Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, "On Dimensionalizing Roll-Call Votes in the U.S. Congress," American Political Science Review, 85 (September 1991): 955-75.
    • (1991) American Political Science Review , vol.85 , pp. 955-975
    • Poole, K.T.1    Rosenthal, H.2
  • 30
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    • Dimensions in congressional voting
    • September
    • 13. Kenneth Koford, "Dimensions in Congressional Voting," American Political Science Review, 83 (September 1989): 949-62; Clyde Wilcox and Aage Clausen, "The Dimensionality of Roll-Call Voting Reconsidered," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 16 (August 1991): 393-406.
    • (1989) American Political Science Review , vol.83 , pp. 949-962
    • Koford, K.1
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    • The dimensionality of roll-call voting reconsidered
    • August
    • 13. Kenneth Koford, "Dimensions in Congressional Voting," American Political Science Review, 83 (September 1989): 949-62; Clyde Wilcox and Aage Clausen, "The Dimensionality of Roll-Call Voting Reconsidered," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 16 (August 1991): 393-406.
    • (1991) Legislative Studies Quarterly , vol.16 , pp. 393-406
    • Wilcox, C.1    Clausen, A.2
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    • 14. Cox and McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan, 78-81; D. Roderick Kiewiet and Langche Zeng, "An Analysis of Congressional Career Decisions, 1947-1986," American Political Science Review, 87 (December 1993): 928-41.
    • Legislative Leviathan , pp. 78-81
    • Cox1    McCubbins2
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    • An analysis of congressional career decisions, 1947-1986
    • December
    • 14. Cox and McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan, 78-81; D. Roderick Kiewiet and Langche Zeng, "An Analysis of Congressional Career Decisions, 1947-1986," American Political Science Review, 87 (December 1993): 928-41.
    • (1993) American Political Science Review , vol.87 , pp. 928-941
    • Kiewiet, D.R.1    Zeng, L.2
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    • How interest groups select issues for rating voting records of members of the U.S. Congress
    • August
    • 17. Linda L. Fowler, "How Interest Groups Select Issues for Rating Voting Records of Members of the U.S. Congress," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 7 (August 1982): 401-13; Richard Hall and Bernard Grofman, "The Committee Assignment Process and Conditional Nature of Committee Bias," American Political Science Review, 84 (December 1990): 1149-66; James M. Snyder, Jr., "Artificial Extremism in Interest Group Ratings," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 17 (August 1992): 319-45.
    • (1982) Legislative Studies Quarterly , vol.7 , pp. 401-413
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    • The committee assignment process and conditional nature of committee bias
    • December
    • 17. Linda L. Fowler, "How Interest Groups Select Issues for Rating Voting Records of Members of the U.S. Congress," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 7 (August 1982): 401-13; Richard Hall and Bernard Grofman, "The Committee Assignment Process and Conditional Nature of Committee Bias," American Political Science Review, 84 (December 1990): 1149-66; James M. Snyder, Jr., "Artificial Extremism in Interest Group Ratings," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 17 (August 1992): 319-45.
    • (1990) American Political Science Review , vol.84 , pp. 1149-1166
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    • Artificial extremism in interest group ratings
    • August
    • 17. Linda L. Fowler, "How Interest Groups Select Issues for Rating Voting Records of Members of the U.S. Congress," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 7 (August 1982): 401-13; Richard Hall and Bernard Grofman, "The Committee Assignment Process and Conditional Nature of Committee Bias," American Political Science Review, 84 (December 1990): 1149-66; James M. Snyder, Jr., "Artificial Extremism in Interest Group Ratings," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 17 (August 1992): 319-45.
    • (1992) Legislative Studies Quarterly , vol.17 , pp. 319-345
    • Snyder J.M., Jr.1
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    • A method of estimating the personal ideology of political representatives
    • March
    • 18. Richard T. Carson and Joe Oppenheimer, "A Method of Estimating the Personal Ideology of Political Representatives," American Political Science Review, 78 (March 1984): 163-78; John W. Kingdon, Congressmen's Voting Decisions, 3rd ed. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1989); Laura I. Langbein, "Shirking and Ideology: Defense in the Senate," Congress and the Presidency, 22 (Spring 1995): 35-55; Peter M. Van Doren, "Can We Learn the Causes of Congressional Decisions from Roll-Call Data?," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 15 (August 1990): 311-40.
    • (1984) American Political Science Review , vol.78 , pp. 163-178
    • Carson, R.T.1    Oppenheimer, J.2
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    • Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
    • 18. Richard T. Carson and Joe Oppenheimer, "A Method of Estimating the Personal Ideology of Political Representatives," American Political Science Review, 78 (March 1984): 163-78; John W. Kingdon, Congressmen's Voting Decisions, 3rd ed. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1989); Laura I. Langbein, "Shirking and Ideology: Defense in the Senate," Congress and the Presidency, 22 (Spring 1995): 35-55; Peter M. Van Doren, "Can We Learn the Causes of Congressional Decisions from Roll-Call Data?," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 15 (August 1990): 311-40.
    • (1989) Congressmen's Voting Decisions, 3rd Ed.
    • Kingdon, J.W.1
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    • Shirking and ideology: Defense in the senate
    • Spring
    • 18. Richard T. Carson and Joe Oppenheimer, "A Method of Estimating the Personal Ideology of Political Representatives," American Political Science Review, 78 (March 1984): 163-78; John W. Kingdon, Congressmen's Voting Decisions, 3rd ed. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1989); Laura I. Langbein, "Shirking and Ideology: Defense in the Senate," Congress and the Presidency, 22 (Spring 1995): 35-55; Peter M. Van Doren, "Can We Learn the Causes of Congressional Decisions from Roll-Call Data?," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 15 (August 1990): 311-40.
    • (1995) Congress and the Presidency , vol.22 , pp. 35-55
    • Langbein, L.I.1
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    • Can we learn the causes of congressional decisions from roll-call data?
    • August
    • 18. Richard T. Carson and Joe Oppenheimer, "A Method of Estimating the Personal Ideology of Political Representatives," American Political Science Review, 78 (March 1984): 163-78; John W. Kingdon, Congressmen's Voting Decisions, 3rd ed. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1989); Laura I. Langbein, "Shirking and Ideology: Defense in the Senate," Congress and the Presidency, 22 (Spring 1995): 35-55; Peter M. Van Doren, "Can We Learn the Causes of Congressional Decisions from Roll-Call Data?," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 15 (August 1990): 311-40.
    • (1990) Legislative Studies Quarterly , vol.15 , pp. 311-340
    • Van Doren, P.M.1
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    • Rehabilitating the raters: An assessment of interest group ratings of congress
    • Spring
    • 19. R. Steven Daniels, "Rehabilitating the Raters: An Assessment of Interest Group Ratings of Congress," Congress and the Presidency, 16 (Spring 1989): 23-36; Keith T. Poole, "Dimensions of Interest Group Evaluation of the U.S. Senate, 1969-1978," American Journal of Political Science, 25 (February 1981): 49-67; Poole and Daniels, "A Spatial Model"; William R. Shaffer, "Rating the Performance of the ADA in the U.S. Congress," Western Political Quarterly, 42 (March 1989): 33-51.
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    • 19. R. Steven Daniels, "Rehabilitating the Raters: An Assessment of Interest Group Ratings of Congress," Congress and the Presidency, 16 (Spring 1989): 23-36; Keith T. Poole, "Dimensions of Interest Group Evaluation of the U.S. Senate, 1969-1978," American Journal of Political Science, 25 (February 1981): 49-67; Poole and Daniels, "A Spatial Model"; William R. Shaffer, "Rating the Performance of the ADA in the U.S. Congress," Western Political Quarterly, 42 (March 1989): 33-51.
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    • 19. R. Steven Daniels, "Rehabilitating the Raters: An Assessment of Interest Group Ratings of Congress," Congress and the Presidency, 16 (Spring 1989): 23-36; Keith T. Poole, "Dimensions of Interest Group Evaluation of the U.S. Senate, 1969-1978," American Journal of Political Science, 25 (February 1981): 49-67; Poole and Daniels, "A Spatial Model"; William R. Shaffer, "Rating the Performance of the ADA in the U.S. Congress," Western Political Quarterly, 42 (March 1989): 33-51.
    • A Spatial Model
    • Poole1    Daniels2
  • 46
    • 0011602524 scopus 로고
    • Rating the performance of the ADA in the U.S. Congress
    • March
    • 19. R. Steven Daniels, "Rehabilitating the Raters: An Assessment of Interest Group Ratings of Congress," Congress and the Presidency, 16 (Spring 1989): 23-36; Keith T. Poole, "Dimensions of Interest Group Evaluation of the U.S. Senate, 1969-1978," American Journal of Political Science, 25 (February 1981): 49-67; Poole and Daniels, "A Spatial Model"; William R. Shaffer, "Rating the Performance of the ADA in the U.S. Congress," Western Political Quarterly, 42 (March 1989): 33-51.
    • (1989) Western Political Quarterly , vol.42 , pp. 33-51
    • Shaffer, W.R.1
  • 47
    • 0003593407 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 20. Cox and McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan, pp. 78-81, 206-13; John Londregan and James M. Snyder, Jr., "Comparing Committee and Floor Preferences," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 19 (May 1994): 233-66.
    • Legislative Leviathan , pp. 78-81
    • Cox1    McCubbins2
  • 48
    • 84937307058 scopus 로고
    • Comparing committee and floor preferences
    • May
    • 20. Cox and McCubbins, Legislative Leviathan, pp. 78-81, 206-13; John Londregan and James M. Snyder, Jr., "Comparing Committee and Floor Preferences," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 19 (May 1994): 233-66.
    • (1994) Legislative Studies Quarterly , vol.19 , pp. 233-266
    • Londregan, J.1    Snyder J.M., Jr.2
  • 49
    • 84971744504 scopus 로고
    • Are congressional committees composed of preference outliers?
    • March
    • 21. Keith Krehbiel, "Are Congressional Committees Composed of Preference Outliers?," American Political Science Review, 84 (March 1990): 152-53.
    • (1990) American Political Science Review , vol.84 , pp. 152-153
    • Krehbiel, K.1
  • 50
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    • The measurement characteristics of congressional roll-call indexes
    • May
    • 22. R. A. N. Smith, Richard Herrera, and Cheryl Herrera, "The Measurement Characteristics of Congressional Roll-Call Indexes," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 15 (May 1990): 283-95.
    • (1990) Legislative Studies Quarterly , vol.15 , pp. 283-295
    • Smith, R.A.N.1    Herrera, R.2    Herrera, C.3
  • 51
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    • Deference, extremism, and interest group ratings
    • February
    • 23. Keith Krehbiel, "Deference, Extremism, and Interest Group Ratings," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 19 (February 1994): 61-77.
    • (1994) Legislative Studies Quarterly , vol.19 , pp. 61-77
    • Krehbiel, K.1
  • 55
    • 85033641490 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • 27. This is the name given for the organization of all partisans in a chamber. The House Democrats call themselves a caucus, but I shall use the term conference in my discussion of all four congressional parties.
  • 56
    • 84928438010 scopus 로고
    • Is the senate more liberal than the house? Another look
    • May
    • 28. Bernard Grofman, Robert Griffin, and Amihai Glazer, "Is the Senate More Liberal Than the House? Another Look," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 16 (May 1991): 281-95; Samuel Kernell, "Is the Senate More Liberal Than the House?" Journal of Politics, 35 (May 1973): 332-66; Nicol C. Rae, The Decline and Fall of the Liberal Republicans, From 1952 to the Present (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), pp. 174-95.
    • (1991) Legislative Studies Quarterly , vol.16 , pp. 281-295
    • Grofman, B.1    Griffin, R.2    Glazer, A.3
  • 57
    • 84971847757 scopus 로고
    • Is the senate more liberal than the house?
    • May
    • 28. Bernard Grofman, Robert Griffin, and Amihai Glazer, "Is the Senate More Liberal Than the House? Another Look," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 16 (May 1991): 281-95; Samuel Kernell, "Is the Senate More Liberal Than the House?" Journal of Politics, 35 (May 1973): 332-66; Nicol C. Rae, The Decline and Fall of the Liberal Republicans, From 1952 to the Present (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), pp. 174-95.
    • (1973) Journal of Politics , vol.35 , pp. 332-366
    • Kernell, S.1
  • 58
    • 0003688220 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • New York: Oxford University Press
    • 28. Bernard Grofman, Robert Griffin, and Amihai Glazer, "Is the Senate More Liberal Than the House? Another Look," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 16 (May 1991): 281-95; Samuel Kernell, "Is the Senate More Liberal Than the House?" Journal of Politics, 35 (May 1973): 332-66; Nicol C. Rae, The Decline and Fall of the Liberal Republicans, From 1952 to the Present (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), pp. 174-95.
    • (1989) The Decline and Fall of the Liberal Republicans, From 1952 to the Present , pp. 174-195
    • Rae, N.C.1
  • 61
    • 0004069850 scopus 로고
    • New York: W.W. Norton
    • 31. It has been argued that since the late 1940s, southern members of Congress have been more conservative than their northern counterparts on economic as well as civil rights issues. See, for example, Everett Carll Ladd, Jr. with Charles D. Hadley, Transformations of the American Party System (New York: W.W. Norton, 1975), p. 168; Barbara Sinclair, Congressional Realignment, 1925-1978 (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982), pp. 73-81.
    • (1975) Transformations of the American Party System , pp. 168
    • Ladd E.C., Jr.1    Hadley, C.D.2
  • 62
    • 85033635280 scopus 로고
    • Austin: University of Texas Press
    • 31. It has been argued that since the late 1940s, southern members of Congress have been more conservative than their northern counterparts on economic as well as civil rights issues. See, for example, Everett Carll Ladd, Jr. with Charles D. Hadley, Transformations of the American Party System (New York: W.W. Norton, 1975), p. 168; Barbara Sinclair, Congressional Realignment, 1925-1978 (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982), pp. 73-81.
    • (1982) Congressional Realignment, 1925-1978 , pp. 73-81
    • Sinclair, B.1
  • 64
    • 0003249070 scopus 로고
    • Voters, candidates, and issues in congressional elections
    • ed. Lawrence C. Dodd and Bruce I. Oppenheimer (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press)
    • 33. Because of the dearth of survey data at the district level, much of this research examines the roll-call responses of individual legislators to election results. For a recent example of this approach, see Robert S. Erikson and Gerald C. Wright, "Voters, Candidates, and Issues in Congressional Elections," in Congress Reconsidered, 5th ed., ed. Lawrence C. Dodd and Bruce I. Oppenheimer (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1993), pp. 91-114.
    • (1993) Congress Reconsidered, 5th Ed. , pp. 91-114
    • Erikson, R.S.1    Wright, G.C.2
  • 67
    • 0003847109 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 36. Stimson standardizes scores by taking into account the fact that question wordings, issues important to commercial firms, and the sheer volume of survey data change dramatically during the 1956-to-1989 period. See Public Opinion in America, pp. 33-60.
    • Public Opinion in America , pp. 33-60
  • 68
    • 85033644581 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • 37. For the Senate models, the years 1981-1986 inclusive are coded as unified government.
  • 70
    • 84970242169 scopus 로고
    • The marginality hypothesis: Electoral insecurity, self-interest, and voting behavior
    • October
    • 39. R. V. Bartlett, "The Marginality Hypothesis: Electoral Insecurity, Self-interest, and Voting Behavior," American Politics Quarterly, 7 (October 1979): 498-508; W. Wayne Shannon, Party Constituency, and Congressional Voting: A Study of Legislative Behavior in the United States House of Representatives (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1968), pp. 157-70. Analysis of the "Watergate class" that significantly augmented the Democratic caucus in the House, for example, reveals these legislators to be more conservative than their more senior colleagues. Michael B. Berkman, The State Roots of National Politics: Congress and the Tax Agenda, 1978-1986 (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993), pp. 117-26; Thomas Byrne Edsall, The New Politics of Inequality (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1984), pp. 32-49.
    • (1979) American Politics Quarterly , vol.7 , pp. 498-508
    • Bartlett, R.V.1
  • 71
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    • Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press
    • 39. R. V. Bartlett, "The Marginality Hypothesis: Electoral Insecurity, Self-interest, and Voting Behavior," American Politics Quarterly, 7 (October 1979): 498-508; W. Wayne Shannon, Party Constituency, and Congressional Voting: A Study of Legislative Behavior in the United States House of Representatives (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1968), pp. 157-70. Analysis of the "Watergate class" that significantly augmented the Democratic caucus in the House, for example, reveals these legislators to be more conservative than their more senior colleagues. Michael B. Berkman, The State Roots of National Politics: Congress and the Tax Agenda, 1978-1986 (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993), pp. 117-26; Thomas Byrne Edsall, The New Politics of Inequality (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1984), pp. 32-49.
    • (1968) Party Constituency, and Congressional Voting: A Study of Legislative Behavior in the United States House of Representatives , pp. 157-170
    • Shannon, W.W.1
  • 72
    • 84970242169 scopus 로고
    • Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press
    • 39. R. V. Bartlett, "The Marginality Hypothesis: Electoral Insecurity, Self-interest, and Voting Behavior," American Politics Quarterly, 7 (October 1979): 498-508; W. Wayne Shannon, Party Constituency, and Congressional Voting: A Study of Legislative Behavior in the United States House of Representatives (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1968), pp. 157-70. Analysis of the "Watergate class" that significantly augmented the Democratic caucus in the House, for example, reveals these legislators to be more conservative than their more senior colleagues. Michael B. Berkman, The State Roots of National Politics: Congress and the Tax Agenda, 1978-1986 (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993), pp. 117-26; Thomas Byrne Edsall, The New Politics of Inequality (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1984), pp. 32-49.
    • (1993) The State Roots of National Politics: Congress and the Tax Agenda, 1978-1986 , pp. 117-126
    • Berkman, M.B.1
  • 73
    • 84970242169 scopus 로고
    • New York: W.W. Norton and Co.
    • 39. R. V. Bartlett, "The Marginality Hypothesis: Electoral Insecurity, Self-interest, and Voting Behavior," American Politics Quarterly, 7 (October 1979): 498-508; W. Wayne Shannon, Party Constituency, and Congressional Voting: A Study of Legislative Behavior in the United States House of Representatives (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1968), pp. 157-70. Analysis of the "Watergate class" that significantly augmented the Democratic caucus in the House, for example, reveals these legislators to be more conservative than their more senior colleagues. Michael B. Berkman, The State Roots of National Politics: Congress and the Tax Agenda, 1978-1986 (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993), pp. 117-26; Thomas Byrne Edsall, The New Politics of Inequality (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1984), pp. 32-49.
    • (1984) The New Politics of Inequality , pp. 32-49
    • Edsall, T.B.1
  • 75
    • 84971947348 scopus 로고
    • The new centralization on Capitol Hill
    • Summer
    • 41. See, for example, Roger H. Davidson, "The New Centralization on Capitol Hill," The Review of Politics, 50 (Summer 1988): 345-64; Daniel J. Palazzolo, "From Decentralization to Centralization: Members' Changing Expectations for House Leaders," in The Postreform Congress, ed. Roger H. Davidson (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992), pp. 112-26; Rohde, Parties and Leaders; Barbara Sinclair, "The Emergence of Strong Leadership in the 1980s House of Representatives," Journal of Politics, 54 (August 1992): 657-84.
    • (1988) The Review of Politics , vol.50 , pp. 345-364
    • Davidson, R.H.1
  • 76
    • 0011677326 scopus 로고
    • From decentralization to centralization: Members' changing expectations for house leaders
    • ed. Roger H. Davidson (New York: St. Martin's Press)
    • 41. See, for example, Roger H. Davidson, "The New Centralization on Capitol Hill," The Review of Politics, 50 (Summer 1988): 345-64; Daniel J. Palazzolo, "From Decentralization to Centralization: Members' Changing Expectations for House Leaders," in The Postreform Congress, ed. Roger H. Davidson (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992), pp. 112-26; Rohde, Parties and Leaders; Barbara Sinclair, "The Emergence of Strong Leadership in the 1980s House of Representatives," Journal of Politics, 54 (August 1992): 657-84.
    • (1992) The Postreform Congress , pp. 112-126
    • Palazzolo, D.J.1
  • 77
    • 0011548017 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 41. See, for example, Roger H. Davidson, "The New Centralization on Capitol Hill," The Review of Politics, 50 (Summer 1988): 345-64; Daniel J. Palazzolo, "From Decentralization to Centralization: Members' Changing Expectations for House Leaders," in The Postreform Congress, ed. Roger H. Davidson (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992), pp. 112-26; Rohde, Parties and Leaders; Barbara Sinclair, "The Emergence of Strong Leadership in the 1980s House of Representatives," Journal of Politics, 54 (August 1992): 657-84.
    • Parties and Leaders
    • Rohde1
  • 78
    • 84972487374 scopus 로고
    • The emergence of strong leadership in the 1980s House of Representatives
    • August
    • 41. See, for example, Roger H. Davidson, "The New Centralization on Capitol Hill," The Review of Politics, 50 (Summer 1988): 345-64; Daniel J. Palazzolo, "From Decentralization to Centralization: Members' Changing Expectations for House Leaders," in The Postreform Congress, ed. Roger H. Davidson (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992), pp. 112-26; Rohde, Parties and Leaders; Barbara Sinclair, "The Emergence of Strong Leadership in the 1980s House of Representatives," Journal of Politics, 54 (August 1992): 657-84.
    • (1992) Journal of Politics , vol.54 , pp. 657-684
    • Sinclair, B.1
  • 79
    • 0003699077 scopus 로고
    • Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press
    • 42. For more on why congressional reform has affected the House much more than the Senate, see Barbara Sinclair, The Transformation of the U.S. Senate (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989); Steven S. Smith, "The Senate in the Postreform Era," in The Postreform Congress, ed. Davidson, pp. 169-92.
    • (1989) The Transformation of the U.S. Senate
    • Sinclair, B.1
  • 80
    • 84916947122 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The senate in the postreform era
    • ed. Davidson
    • 42. For more on why congressional reform has affected the House much more than the Senate, see Barbara Sinclair, The Transformation of the U.S. Senate (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989); Steven S. Smith, "The Senate in the Postreform Era," in The Postreform Congress, ed. Davidson, pp. 169-92.
    • The Postreform Congress , pp. 169-192
    • Smith, S.S.1
  • 81
    • 84974050673 scopus 로고
    • Dynamic representation
    • September
    • 43. This corroborates the findings of a recent examination of the policy activity of Congress as an institution and public opinion. That study also found a relationship between changes in national public opinion and macro-level behavior in Congress. James A. Stimson, Michael B. MacKuen, and Robert S. Erikson, "Dynamic Representation," American Political Science Review, 89 (September 1995): 543-65.
    • (1995) American Political Science Review , vol.89 , pp. 543-565
    • Stimson, J.A.1    MacKuen, M.B.2    Erikson, R.S.3
  • 83
    • 84974410202 scopus 로고
    • Congressional voting and the mobilization of the black electorate in the south
    • August
    • 45. Charles S. Bullock III, "Congressional Voting and the Mobilization of the Black Electorate in the South," Journal of Politics, 43 (August 1981): 662-82; Richard J. Timpone, "Mass Mobilization or Government Intervention? The Growth of Black Registration in the South," Journal of Politics, 57 (May 1995): 425-42; Kenny J. Whitby, "Voting Behavior of Southern Congressmen: The Interaction of Race and Urbanization," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 10 (November 1985): 505-17.
    • (1981) Journal of Politics , vol.43 , pp. 662-682
    • Bullock C.S. III1
  • 84
    • 84974410202 scopus 로고
    • Mass mobilization or government intervention? The growth of black registration in the south
    • May
    • 45. Charles S. Bullock III, "Congressional Voting and the Mobilization of the Black Electorate in the South," Journal of Politics, 43 (August 1981): 662-82; Richard J. Timpone, "Mass Mobilization or Government Intervention? The Growth of Black Registration in the South," Journal of Politics, 57 (May 1995): 425-42; Kenny J. Whitby, "Voting Behavior of Southern Congressmen: The Interaction of Race and Urbanization," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 10 (November 1985): 505-17.
    • (1995) Journal of Politics , vol.57 , pp. 425-442
    • Timpone, R.J.1
  • 85
    • 84974410202 scopus 로고
    • Voting behavior of southern congressmen: The interaction of race and urbanization
    • November
    • 45. Charles S. Bullock III, "Congressional Voting and the Mobilization of the Black Electorate in the South," Journal of Politics, 43 (August 1981): 662-82; Richard J. Timpone, "Mass Mobilization or Government Intervention? The Growth of Black Registration in the South," Journal of Politics, 57 (May 1995): 425-42; Kenny J. Whitby, "Voting Behavior of Southern Congressmen: The Interaction of Race and Urbanization," Legislative Studies Quarterly, 10 (November 1985): 505-17.
    • (1985) Legislative Studies Quarterly , vol.10 , pp. 505-517
    • Whitby, K.J.1
  • 86
    • 84974410273 scopus 로고
    • Does the creation of majority black districts aid republicans? An analysis of the 1992 congressional elections in eight southern states
    • May
    • 46. Kevin A. Hill, "Does the Creation of Majority Black Districts Aid Republicans? An Analysis of the 1992 Congressional Elections in Eight Southern States," Journal of Politics, 57 (May 1995): 384-401.
    • (1995) Journal of Politics , vol.57 , pp. 384-401
    • Hill, K.A.1
  • 87
    • 0003163101 scopus 로고
    • Ideological realignment in the contemporary south: Where have all the conservatives gone?
    • ed. Robert P. Steed, Lawrence W. Moreland, and Tod A. Baker (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press)
    • 47. Edward G. Carmines and Harold W. Stanley, "Ideological Realignment in the Contemporary South: Where Have All the Conservatives Gone?," in The Disappearing South? Studies in Regional Change and Continuity, ed. Robert P. Steed, Lawrence W. Moreland, and Tod A. Baker (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1990), pp. 21-33; Richard Fleisher, "Explaining the Change in the Roll-Call Voting Behavior of Southern Democrats," Journal of Politics, 55 (May 1993): 327-41.
    • (1990) The Disappearing South? Studies in Regional Change and Continuity , pp. 21-33
    • Carmines, E.G.1    Stanley, H.W.2
  • 88
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    • Explaining the change in the roll-call voting behavior of southern democrats
    • May
    • 47. Edward G. Carmines and Harold W. Stanley, "Ideological Realignment in the Contemporary South: Where Have All the Conservatives Gone?," in The Disappearing South? Studies in Regional Change and Continuity, ed. Robert P. Steed, Lawrence W. Moreland, and Tod A. Baker (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1990), pp. 21-33; Richard Fleisher, "Explaining the Change in the Roll-Call Voting Behavior of Southern Democrats," Journal of Politics, 55 (May 1993): 327-41.
    • (1993) Journal of Politics , vol.55 , pp. 327-341
    • Fleisher, R.1
  • 89
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    • Southern democrats may score if fading alliance dissolves
    • December 19
    • 48. Quoted in Andrew Taylor, "Southern Democrats May Score if Fading Alliance Dissolves," Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, December 19, 1992, p. 3848.
    • (1992) Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report , pp. 3848
    • Taylor, A.1
  • 90
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    • Chicago: University of Chicago Press
    • 49. This method has been used by others. Jon R. Bond and Richard Fleisher, The President in the Legislative Arena (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990), pp. 164-65; Gary King and Lyn Ragsdale, The Elusive Executive: Discovering Statistical Patterns in the Presidency (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1988), pp. 56-57; Andrew J. Taylor, "The Ideological Development of the Modern Republican President," Presidential Studies Quarterly, 26 (Spring 1996) 374-79; Mark A. Zupan, "Measuring the Ideological Preferences of U.S. Presidents: A Proposed (Extremely Simple) Method," Public Choice, 73 (April 1992): 351-61.
    • (1990) The President in the Legislative Arena , pp. 164-165
    • Bond, J.R.1    Fleisher, R.2
  • 91
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    • Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press
    • 49. This method has been used by others. Jon R. Bond and Richard Fleisher, The President in the Legislative Arena (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990), pp. 164-65; Gary King and Lyn Ragsdale, The Elusive Executive: Discovering Statistical Patterns in the Presidency (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1988), pp. 56-57; Andrew J. Taylor, "The Ideological Development of the Modern Republican President," Presidential Studies Quarterly, 26 (Spring 1996) 374-79; Mark A. Zupan, "Measuring the Ideological Preferences of U.S. Presidents: A Proposed (Extremely Simple) Method," Public Choice, 73 (April 1992): 351-61.
    • (1988) The Elusive Executive: Discovering Statistical Patterns in the Presidency , pp. 56-57
    • King, G.1    Ragsdale, L.2
  • 92
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    • The ideological development of the modern republican president
    • Spring
    • 49. This method has been used by others. Jon R. Bond and Richard Fleisher, The President in the Legislative Arena (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990), pp. 164-65; Gary King and Lyn Ragsdale, The Elusive Executive: Discovering Statistical Patterns in the Presidency (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1988), pp. 56-57; Andrew J. Taylor, "The Ideological Development of the Modern Republican President," Presidential Studies Quarterly, 26 (Spring 1996) 374-79; Mark A. Zupan, "Measuring the Ideological Preferences of U.S. Presidents: A Proposed (Extremely Simple) Method," Public Choice, 73 (April 1992): 351-61.
    • (1996) Presidential Studies Quarterly , vol.26 , pp. 374-379
    • Taylor, A.J.1
  • 93
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    • Measuring the ideological preferences of U.S. Presidents: A proposed (extremely simple) method
    • April
    • 49. This method has been used by others. Jon R. Bond and Richard Fleisher, The President in the Legislative Arena (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990), pp. 164-65; Gary King and Lyn Ragsdale, The Elusive Executive: Discovering Statistical Patterns in the Presidency (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1988), pp. 56-57; Andrew J. Taylor, "The Ideological Development of the Modern Republican President," Presidential Studies Quarterly, 26 (Spring 1996) 374-79; Mark A. Zupan, "Measuring the Ideological Preferences of U.S. Presidents: A Proposed (Extremely Simple) Method," Public Choice, 73 (April 1992): 351-61.
    • (1992) Public Choice , vol.73 , pp. 351-361
    • Zupan, M.A.1
  • 94
    • 85033634858 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • 50. The second method obviously equates presidential silence with moderation. Although it is quite reasonable to believe that a president who bites his tongue on an issue is less of an ideologue than one who takes a stand, presidential silence may also indicate a weakness with using Congressional Quarterly data. By way of example, Congressional Quarterly did not recognize President Reagan to have taken stands on votes that concerned sanctions on South Africa, school prayer, abortion, and the exclusionary rule because he had not addressed his thoughts on these issues to the specific roll calls in question. The well-publicized thoughts of the president, however, suggested that he disagreed with the ADA on these issues.
  • 96
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    • Changing the rules changes the game: Party reform and the 1972 California delegation to the Democratic National Convention
    • March
    • 52. William Cavala, "Changing the Rules Changes the Game: Party Reform and the 1972 California Delegation to the Democratic National Convention," American Political Science Review, 68 (March 1974): 27-42; Thomas Byrne Edsall, The New Politics of Inequality; Jeane Kirkpatrick, The New Presidential Elite (New York: Russell Sage Foundation and the Twentieth Century Fund, 1976); Nelson W. Polsby, Consequences of Party Reform (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983).
    • (1974) American Political Science Review , vol.68 , pp. 27-42
    • Cavala, W.1
  • 97
    • 84936628933 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 52. William Cavala, "Changing the Rules Changes the Game: Party Reform and the 1972 California Delegation to the Democratic National Convention," American Political Science Review, 68 (March 1974): 27-42; Thomas Byrne Edsall, The New Politics of Inequality; Jeane Kirkpatrick, The New Presidential Elite (New York: Russell Sage Foundation and the Twentieth Century Fund, 1976); Nelson W. Polsby, Consequences of Party Reform (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983).
    • The New Politics of Inequality
    • Edsall, T.B.1
  • 98
    • 0003855508 scopus 로고
    • New York: Russell Sage Foundation and the Twentieth Century Fund
    • 52. William Cavala, "Changing the Rules Changes the Game: Party Reform and the 1972 California Delegation to the Democratic National Convention," American Political Science Review, 68 (March 1974): 27-42; Thomas Byrne Edsall, The New Politics of Inequality; Jeane Kirkpatrick, The New Presidential Elite (New York: Russell Sage Foundation and the Twentieth Century Fund, 1976); Nelson W. Polsby, Consequences of Party Reform (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983).
    • (1976) The New Presidential Elite
    • Kirkpatrick, J.1
  • 99
    • 0004226053 scopus 로고
    • New York: Oxford University Press
    • 52. William Cavala, "Changing the Rules Changes the Game: Party Reform and the 1972 California Delegation to the Democratic National Convention," American Political Science Review, 68 (March 1974): 27-42; Thomas Byrne Edsall, The New Politics of Inequality; Jeane Kirkpatrick, The New Presidential Elite (New York: Russell Sage Foundation and the Twentieth Century Fund, 1976); Nelson W. Polsby, Consequences of Party Reform (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983).
    • (1983) Consequences of Party Reform
    • Polsby, N.W.1
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    • Spatial strategies when candidates have policy preferences
    • ed. James M. Enlow and Melvin J. Hinich (New York: Cambridge University Press)
    • 53. Donald Wittman, "Spatial Strategies When Candidates Have Policy Preferences," in Advances in the Spatial Theory of Voting, ed. James M. Enlow and Melvin J. Hinich (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990), pp. 66-98.
    • (1990) Advances in the Spatial Theory of Voting , pp. 66-98
    • Wittman, D.1
  • 101
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    • Berkeley: University of California Press
    • 54. For an explanation of the delegate and trustee approach to representation, see Hanna Fenichel Pitkin, The Concept of Representation (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967), pp. 112-43.
    • (1967) The Concept of Representation , pp. 112-143
    • Pitkin, H.F.1
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    • Understanding Madison's curse: Divided government and domestic policy, 1955-1992
    • New York, NY, September 1-4
    • 56. Andrew J. Taylor, "Understanding Madison's Curse: Divided Government and Domestic Policy, 1955-1992" (paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York, NY, September 1-4, 1994); Andrew J. Taylor, "Divided Government, Domestic Policy, and Political Change, 1955-1992" (Ph.D. dis., University of Connecticut, 1995).
    • (1994) The Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association
    • Taylor, A.J.1
  • 104
    • 85033637072 scopus 로고
    • Ph.D. dis., University of Connecticut
    • 56. Andrew J. Taylor, "Understanding Madison's Curse: Divided Government and Domestic Policy, 1955-1992" (paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York, NY, September 1-4, 1994); Andrew J. Taylor, "Divided Government, Domestic Policy, and Political Change, 1955-1992" (Ph.D. dis., University of Connecticut, 1995).
    • (1995) Divided Government, Domestic Policy, and Political Change, 1955-1992
    • Taylor, A.J.1

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