pp. 43-47, 1993.
Anthony F. Jordan, "On the Brink: Fiber Optic LANs for Avionics and Space", Defense Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 43-47, 1993.
Jordan, "On the Brink: Fiber Optic LANs for Avionics and Space", Defense Electronics, Vol. 25, No. 11
Anthony, F.1
Vol. 2153, 1994.
Martin E. Fritz, Bert E. Daniels, Micheal de La Chapelle, Dan A. Cross, and Arthur W. Van Ausdal, "The STAR-FODB (Fiber-Optic Data Bus) Program," SPIE Proc. on Photonics for Space Environments II, Vol. 2153, 1994.
Fritz, Bert E. Daniels, Micheal de la Chapelle, Dan A. Cross, and Arthur W. Van Ausdal, "The STAR-FODB (Fiber-Optic Data Bus) Program," SPIE Proc. on Photonics for Space Environments II
Martin, E.1
pp. 395-397, 1993.
Michael de La Chapelle, Arthur W. Van Ausdal, and Martin E. Fritz, "The STAR-FODB (Fiber Optic Data Bus) Program", GOMAC 93 Conference Proc. , pp. 395-397, 1993.
Arthur W. Van Ausdal, and Martin E. Fritz, "The STAR-FODB (Fiber Optic Data Bus) Program", GOMAC 93 Conference Proc.
De La Chapelle, M.1
pp. 226-235, 1995.
Martin E. Fritz, Micheal de La Chapelle, Dan A. Cross, and Arthur W. Van Ausdal, "Boeing's STAR-FODB Test Results," SPIE Proc. on Photonics for Space Environments III, Vol. 2482, pp. 226-235, 1995.
Fritz, Micheal de la Chapelle, Dan A. Cross, and Arthur W. Van Ausdal, "Boeing's STAR-FODB Test Results," SPIE Proc. on Photonics for Space Environments III, Vol. 2482
Martin, E.1
pp. 266-271, 1993.
Paul Marshall, Cheryl Dale, and Ken LaBel, "Charged Particle Effects on Optoelectronic Devices and Bit Error Rate Measurements on 400 Mbps Fiber Based Data Links," Second European Conference: RADECS 1993 Proc. , pp. 266-271, 1993.
Cheryl Dale, and Ken LaBel, "Charged Particle Effects on Optoelectronic Devices and Bit Error Rate Measurements on 400 Mbps Fiber Based Data Links," Second European Conference: RADECS 1993 Proc.
Marshall, P.1
pp. 1958-1965, 1994.
P.W. Marshall, C.J. Dale, M. A. Carts, and K. A. LaBel, "Particle-Induced Bit Errors in High Performance Fiber Optic Data Links for Satellite Data Management," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-41, Vol. 6, pp. 1958-1965, 1994.
C.J. Dale, M. A. Carts, and K. A. LaBel, "Particle-Induced Bit Errors in High Performance Fiber Optic Data Links for Satellite Data Management," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-41, Vol. 6
Marshall, P.W.1
pp. 1638-1644, 1993.
Kenneth A. LaBel, Paul Marshall, Cheryl Dale, Christina M. Crabtree, E.G. Stassinopolous, Jay T. Miller and Michele M. Gates, "SEDS MIL-STD-1773 Fiber Optic Data Bus: Proton Irradiation Test Results and Spaceflight SEU Data," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-40, Vol. 6, pp. 1638-1644, 1993.
LaBel, Paul Marshall, Cheryl Dale, Christina M. Crabtree, E.G. Stassinopolous, Jay T. Miller and Michele M. Gates, "SEDS MIL-STD-1773 Fiber Optic Data Bus: Proton Irradiation Test Results and Spaceflight SEU Data," IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-40, Vol. 6
Kenneth, A.1
pp. 221-225, 1993.
K.A. LaBel, M. Flanegan, P. Marshall, C. Dale, and E.G. Stassinopoulos, "Space Flight Experience and Lessons Learned with NASA's First Fiber Optic Data Bus," Second European Conference: RADECS 1993 Proc. , pp. 221-225, 1993.
M. Flanegan, P. Marshall, C. Dale, and E.G. Stassinopoulos, "Space Flight Experience and Lessons Learned with NASA's First Fiber Optic Data Bus," Second European Conference: RADECS 1993 Proc.
Label, K.A.1
pp. 17-22, 1993.
C.J. Dale and P.W. Marshall, "Candidate NRL Space Experiments for the Microelectronics and Photonics Test Bed," SPIE Proc. on Photonics for Space Environments, Vol. 1953, pp. 17-22, 1993.
And P.W. Marshall, "Candidate NRL Space Experiments for the Microelectronics and Photonics Test Bed," SPIE Proc. on Photonics for Space Environments, Vol. 1953
Dale, C.J.1
pp. 285-293, 1995.
Cheryl J. Dale, Paul W. Marshall, Kenneth A. Clark, Micheal de La Chapelle, Martin E. Fritz, and Kenneth A. LaBel, "Fiber optic data bus space experiment on board the microelectronics and photonics testbed (MPTB)," SPIE Proc. on Photonics for Space Environments III, Vol. 2482, pp. 285-293, 1995.
Dale, Paul W. Marshall, Kenneth A. Clark, Micheal de la Chapelle, Martin E. Fritz, and Kenneth A. LaBel, "Fiber Optic Data Bus Space Experiment on Board the Microelectronics and Photonics Testbed (MPTB)," SPIE Proc. on Photonics for Space Environments III, Vol. 2482
Cheryl, J.1
pp. 27-44, 1993.
Kenneth A. LaBel, E.G. Stassinopoulos, Paul Marshall, Edward Petersen, Cheryl Dale, Christina Crabtree, and Craig Stauffer, "Proton Irradiation SEU Test Results for the SEDS MIL-STD-1773 Fiber Optic Data Bus: Integrated Optoelectronics," SPIE Proc. for Photonics for Space Environments, Vol. 1953, pp. 27-44, 1993.
LaBel, E.G. Stassinopoulos, Paul Marshall, Edward Petersen, Cheryl Dale, Christina Crabtree, and Craig Stauffer, "Proton Irradiation SEU Test Results for the SEDS MIL-STD-1773 Fiber Optic Data Bus: Integrated Optoelectronics," SPIE Proc. for Photonics for Space Environments, Vol. 1953
Kenneth, A.1
pp. 189-231, 1994.
Paul W. Marshall, Cheryl J. Dale, E. Joseph Friebele, and Kenneth A. LaBel, "Survivable Fiber-Based Data Links for Satellite Radiation," SPIE Critical Review CR-14, Fiber Optics Reliability and Testing, pp. 189-231, 1994.
Marshall, Cheryl J. Dale, E. Joseph Friebele, and Kenneth A. LaBel, "Survivable Fiber-Based Data Links for Satellite Radiation," SPIE Critical Review CR-14, Fiber Optics Reliability and Testing
Paul, W.1
July 1995.
K.A. Label, A.K. Moran, D. K. Hawkins, A. B. Sanders, E. G. Stassinopoulos, R. K. Barry, C. M. Seidlick, H. S. Kim, J. Forney, P. Marshall, and C. Dale, "Single-Event Effect Proton and Heavy-Ion Test Results in Support of Candidate NASA Programs," 1995 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop Record, pp. 16-32, July 1995.
A.K. Moran, D. K. Hawkins, A. B. Sanders, E. G. Stassinopoulos, R. K. Barry, C. M. Seidlick, H. S. Kim, J. Forney, P. Marshall, and C. Dale, "Single-Event Effect Proton and Heavy-Ion Test Results in Support of Candidate NASA Programs," 1995 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop Record, Pp. 16-32
Label, K.A.1