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Volumn 44, Issue 6, 1996, Pages 1208-1211

Prenylcoumarins from Murraya paniculata var. omphalocarpa (Rutaceae): The absolute configuration of sibiricin, mexoticin and omphamurin

Author keywords

13C NMR assignment; absolute configuration; Murraya paniculata var. amphalocarpa; prenylcoumarin; Rutaceae

Indexed keywords


EID: 0030040044     PISSN: 00092363     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1248/cpb.44.1208     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (27)

References (14)
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    • ed. by Reuther W., Batchelor L. D., Webber H. J., University of California, Berkeley
    • Swingle W. T., Reecc C. R., "The Citrus Industry," ed. by Reuther W., Batchelor L. D., Webber H. J., University of California, Berkeley, 1967, pp. 190-430.
    • (1967) The Citrus Industry , pp. 190-430
    • Swingle, W.T.1    Reecc, C.R.2
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    • Imai F., Itoh K., Kishibuchi N., Kinoshita T., Sankawa U., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 37, 119-123 (1989). The optical rotation for mexoticin (5a) obtained from M. paniculata root bark of Indonesian origin was described as dextrorotatory (+ 50°) in this reference. However, when the optical rotation of the same sample was remeasured, it was found to be laevorotatory. Thus, the optical rotatory value for mexoticin (5a) obtained from Indonesian M. paniculata should be revised to -50°.
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    • Imai, F.1    Itoh, K.2    Kishibuchi, N.3    Kinoshita, T.4    Sankawa, U.5

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