These four lines Johnson added to Oliver Goldsmith's poem 'The Deserted Village'. See Hesketh Pearson, Johnson and Boswell (Cassell, London, 1987), p. 71.
The Deserted Village
Goldsmith's, O.1
Cassell, London
These four lines Johnson added to Oliver Goldsmith's poem 'The Deserted Village'. See Hesketh Pearson, Johnson and Boswell (Cassell, London, 1987), p. 71.
Johnson and Boswell
, pp. 71
Pearson, H.1
Princeton UP, Princeton
'The country trade and the profit from it are the soul of the Company which ist be looked after carefully because if the soul decays, the entire body would be destroyed.' Letter of the Gentlemen Seventeen to the Governor-General of the Indies (1648) cited in O. Prakash, The Dutch East India Company and the Economy of Bengal 1630-1720 (Princeton UP, Princeton, 1985), p. 118.
The Dutch East India Company and the Economy of Bengal 1630-1720
, pp. 118
Prakash, O.1
Univ. of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis
H. Furber, Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient, 1600-1800 (Univ. of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1976); F. S. Gaastra, De Geschiedenis van de VOC (Fibula, Haarlem, 1982); Kristof Glamann, Dutch-Asiatic Trade 1620-1740 (Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage, 1981).
Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient, 1600-1800
Furber, H.1
Fibula, Haarlem
H. Furber, Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient, 1600-1800 (Univ. of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1976); F. S. Gaastra, De Geschiedenis van de VOC (Fibula, Haarlem, 1982); Kristof Glamann, Dutch-Asiatic Trade 1620-1740 (Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage, 1981).
De Geschiedenis Van de VOC
Gaastra, F.S.1
Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage
H. Furber, Rival Empires of Trade in the Orient, 1600-1800 (Univ. of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1976); F. S. Gaastra, De Geschiedenis van de VOC (Fibula, Haarlem, 1982); Kristof Glamann, Dutch-Asiatic Trade 1620-1740 (Nijhoff, 's-Gravenhage, 1981).
Dutch-Asiatic Trade 1620-1740
Glamann, K.1
The Archives of the VOC are kept in the Algemeen Rijksarchief at The Hague. For an overall introduction see the special issue of Itinerario (1980), 4-2.
, pp. 4-12
The Run to the Coast; English and Dutch Expansion in Asia during the Ancien Régime
For a comparison between the performances of the Dutch and English East India companies see L. Blussé, 'The Run to the Coast; English and Dutch Expansion in Asia during the Ancien Régime' in Itinerario (1988), XII-1: 195-214.
, vol.12
, Issue.1
, pp. 195-214
Blussé, L.1
Cambridge UP, Cambridge
'But the main method was for the Company's Treasury at Canton to accept specie from Country merchants which their Indian produce yielded, in return for Bills on the Court of Directors in London, or on the Government of Bengal . . .'. Michael Greenberg, British Trade and the Opening of China 1800-42 (Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1951), p. 12.
British Trade and the Opening of China 1800-42
, pp. 12
Greenberg, M.1
5 vols, Reprint edition Ch'eng-Wen, Taipei
Hosea Ballou Morse, The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China 1635-1834 (5 vols, Reprint edition Ch'eng-Wen, Taipei, 1975); Louis Dermigny, La Chine et l'Occident, le commerce à Canton au XVIIIe siècle 1719-1833 (3 vols, SEVPEN, Paris, 1964); K. N. Chaudhuri, The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company 1660-1760 (Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1978).
The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China 1635-1834
Morse, H.B.1
3 vols, SEVPEN, Paris
Hosea Ballou Morse, The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China 1635-1834 (5 vols, Reprint edition Ch'eng-Wen, Taipei, 1975); Louis Dermigny, La Chine et l'Occident, le commerce à Canton au XVIIIe siècle 1719-1833 (3 vols, SEVPEN, Paris, 1964); K. N. Chaudhuri, The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company 1660-1760 (Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1978).
La Chine et L'Occident, Le Commerce à Canton Au XVIIIe Siècle 1719-1833
Dermigny, L.1
Cambridge UP, Cambridge
Hosea Ballou Morse, The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China 1635-1834 (5 vols, Reprint edition Ch'eng-Wen, Taipei, 1975); Louis Dermigny, La Chine et l'Occident, le commerce à Canton au XVIIIe siècle 1719-1833 (3 vols, SEVPEN, Paris, 1964); K. N. Chaudhuri, The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company 1660-1760 (Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1978).
The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company 1660-1760
Chaudhuri, K.N.1
Le "Modern World System" et l'Extrême Orient, palidoyer pour un seizième siècle négligé
See L. Blussé, 'Le "Modern World System" et l'Extrême Orient, palidoyer pour un seizième siècle négligé' in Itinerario (1980), 4-1: 93-103.
, vol.4
, Issue.1
, pp. 93-103
Blussé, L.1
Cambridge U. P., Cambridge
See Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China (Cambridge U. P., Cambridge, vol. IV-3, 1971), 481-90; Paul Pelliot, 'Les grands voyages martimes chinois au début du XVe siècle', in T'oung Pao (1933), XXX:237-452; 'Notes additionelles sur Tcheng Houo et ses voyages' in T'oung Pao (1933), XXXI:274-314; 'Encore à propos des voyages de Tcheng Houo' in T'oung Pao (1936), XXXII:210-22.
Science and Civilisation in China
, vol.4
, Issue.3
, pp. 481-490
Needham, J.1
Les grands voyages martimes chinois au début du XVe siècle
See Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China (Cambridge U. P., Cambridge, vol. IV-3, 1971), 481-90; Paul Pelliot, 'Les grands voyages martimes chinois au début du XVe siècle', in T'oung Pao (1933), XXX:237-452; 'Notes additionelles sur Tcheng Houo et ses voyages' in T'oung Pao (1933), XXXI:274-314; 'Encore à propos des voyages de Tcheng Houo' in T'oung Pao (1936), XXXII:210-22.
T'oung Pao
, vol.30
, pp. 237-452
Pelliot, P.1
Notes additionelles sur Tcheng Houo et ses voyages
See Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China (Cambridge U. P., Cambridge, vol. IV-3, 1971), 481-90; Paul Pelliot, 'Les grands voyages martimes chinois au début du XVe siècle', in T'oung Pao (1933), XXX:237-452; 'Notes additionelles sur Tcheng Houo et ses voyages' in T'oung Pao (1933), XXXI:274-314; 'Encore à propos des voyages de Tcheng Houo' in T'oung Pao (1936), XXXII:210-22.
T'oung Pao
, vol.31
, pp. 274-314
Encore à propos des voyages de Tcheng Houo
See Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China (Cambridge U. P., Cambridge, vol. IV-3, 1971), 481-90; Paul Pelliot, 'Les grands voyages martimes chinois au début du XVe siècle', in T'oung Pao (1933), XXX:237-452; 'Notes additionelles sur Tcheng Houo et ses voyages' in T'oung Pao (1933), XXXI:274-314; 'Encore à propos des voyages de Tcheng Houo' in T'oung Pao (1936), XXXII:210-22.
T'oung Pao
, vol.32
, pp. 210-222
Chinese Overseas Trade in the late Ming Period
The best succinct historical survey of the Tung Hsi Yang trade is without doubt Ts'ao Yungho, 'Chinese Overseas Trade in the late Ming Period', in Proceedings, International Association of Historians of Asia, Second Biennial Conference (Taipei, 1962), p. 429-57.
Proceedings, International Association of Historians of Asia, Second Biennial Conference
, pp. 429-457
Yungho, T.1
chüan 7
Chang Hsieh, Tung Hsi Yang k'ao, chüan 7, p. 133. The author and Dr Zhuane Guotu of Amoy are presently preparing an annotated English translation of the Tung Hsi Yang k'ao.
Tung Hsi Yang K'ao
, pp. 133
Hsieh, C.1
Dutton, New York
William Lytle Schurz, The Manila Galleon (Dutton, New York, 1939). Chuan Hansheng, 'The Inflow of American Silver into China from the Late Ming to the Mid-Ch'ing Period', in Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies of the Chinese University of Hongkong (JICS) 1969, II-1: 57-79; 'The Trade between China and the Philippines during the Late Ming Period', in (JICS) 1968, I: 27-50.
The Manila Galleon
Schurz, W.L.1
The Inflow of American Silver into China from the Late Ming to the Mid-Ch'ing Period
William Lytle Schurz, The Manila Galleon (Dutton, New York, 1939). Chuan Hansheng, 'The Inflow of American Silver into China from the Late Ming to the Mid-Ch'ing Period', in Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies of the Chinese University of Hongkong (JICS) 1969, II-1: 57-79; 'The Trade between China and the Philippines during the Late Ming Period', in (JICS) 1968, I: 27-50.
Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies of the Chinese University of Hongkong (JICS)
, vol.2
, Issue.1
, pp. 57-79
Hansheng, C.1
The Trade between China and the Philippines during the Late Ming Period
William Lytle Schurz, The Manila Galleon (Dutton, New York, 1939). Chuan Hansheng, 'The Inflow of American Silver into China from the Late Ming to the Mid-Ch'ing Period', in Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies of the Chinese University of Hongkong (JICS) 1969, II-1: 57-79; 'The Trade between China and the Philippines during the Late Ming Period', in (JICS) 1968, I: 27-50.
, vol.1
, pp. 27-50
Justus Schouten en de Japanse gijzeling
Verloren, Hilversum
L. Blussé, 'Justus Schouten en de Japanse gijzeling', in Nederlandse Historische Bronnen V (Verloren, Hilversum 1985), p. 69-110.
Nederlandse Historische Bronnen
, vol.5
, pp. 69-110
Blussé, L.1
These and the following figures were directly computed from all shipping figures from the Overgekomen Brieven en Papieren series and the Archief van de Nederlandse factorij in Japan 1609-1860 by research students during the seminar 'Markt en macht in het Chinese Zeegebied' under the direction of Prof. P. W. Klein and myself.
The Dutch East India Company's Trade in Japanese Copper 1645-1736
Kristof Glamann, 'The Dutch East India Company's Trade in Japanese Copper 1645-1736' in Scandinavian Economic History Review 1953), p. 45.
Scandinavian Economic History Review
, pp. 45
Glamann, K.1
Centre for S. E. Asian Studies, Special Report 16, Northern Illinois University
George Vinal Smith, The Dutch in Seventeenth-Century Thailand (Centre for S. E. Asian Studies, Special Report 16, Northern Illinois University, 1977), p. 62.
The Dutch in Seventeenth-Century Thailand
, pp. 62
Smith, G.V.1
De Tonkinees-Japanse zijdehandel van de Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie en het inter-Aziatische verkeer in de 17e eeuw
Album Amicorum aangeboden aan Prof, dr H. F. J. M. van den Eerenbeemt, Gianotten, Tilburg
P. W. Klein, 'De Tonkinees-Japanse zijdehandel van de Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie en het inter-Aziatische verkeer in de 17e eeuw' in Bewogen en bewegen. De historicus in het spanningsveld tussen Economie en Cultuur (Album Amicorum aangeboden aan Prof, dr H. F. J. M. van den Eerenbeemt, Gianotten, Tilburg, 1986), pp. 152-77.
Bewogen en Bewegen. de Historicus in Het Spanningsveld Tussen Economie en Cultuur
, pp. 152-177
Klein, P.W.1
Letter to G. G. and Council, d.d. 9-10-1657 in KITLV manuscript collection Leiden, H 45
Letter to G. G. and Council, d.d. 9-10-1657 in KITLV manuscript collection Leiden, H 45.
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen 16-4-1658 in KITLV, H 45
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen 16-4-1658 in KITLV, H 45.
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen 16-4-1660 in KITLV, H 45
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen 16-4-1660 in KITLV, H 45.
Letter 7-11-1665, ibidem
Letter 7-11-1665, ibidem.
Harvard U. P., Cambridge Mass.
John E. Wills, Pepper, Guns and Parleys, the Dutch East India Company and China, 1662-1681 (Harvard U. P., Cambridge Mass. 1974).
Pepper, Guns and Parleys, the Dutch East India Company and China, 1662-1681
Wills, J.E.1
KITLV, H 45.
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen 15-5-1671, KITLV, H 45
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen 15-5-1671, KITLV, H 45.
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen, d.d. 1-11-1678, KITLV, H 45
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen, d.d. 1-11-1678, KITLV, H 45.
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen, d.d. 21-10-1674, in KITLV, H 45
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen, d.d. 21-10-1674, in KITLV, H 45.
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen, 8-10-1685, KITLV, H 45
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen, 8-10-1685, KITLV, H 45.
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen, 30-9-1689
Letter Gentlemen Seventeen, 30-9-1689.