Clinical protocol a pilot study of immunization with HLA-A2 matched allogeneic melanoma cells that secrete interleukin-2 in patients with metastatic melanoma
Commission of the European Communities. Council Directive 907 219/EEC of 23 April 1990 on the contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms (O.J. No L 117 of 8/5/90).
Commission Decision 91/448/EEC of 29 July 1991 concerning the guidelines for classification referred to in Article 4 of Directive 90/ 219/EEC (O.J. No L 239 of 28/8/91).
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Regulation of somatic-cell therapy and gene therapy by the Food and Drug Administration
Retroviral mediated transfer of the human multidrug resistance gene (MDR-1) into haematopoietic stem cells during autologous transplantation after intensive chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer
Rooney CM, Smith CA, Ng CYC, et al. Use of virus-specific gene modified T lymphocytes to control Epstein-Barr virus-related lymphoproliferation. Lancet, in press.
Selection of drug-resistant bone marrow cells in vivo after retroviral transfer of human MDR1
Sorrentino BP, McDonagn KT, Woods D, Orlic D. Expression of retroviral vectors containing the human MDR1 cDNA in haematopoietic cells of transplanted mice. Blood, in press.
Protection of bone marrow transplant recipients from lethal doses of methotrexate by the generation of methotrexate-resistant bone marrow