Dissociation between conditioned taste aversion and radial maze learning following seizure-induced multifocal brain damage: Quantitative tests of serial vs. parallel circuit models of memory
Reversible inactivation of the insular cortex by tetrodotoxin produces retrograde and anterograde amnesia for inhibitory avoidance and spatial learning.
Bureau, Y. R. J.; Peredery, O.; Persinger, M. A. Concordance of quantitative damage within the diencephalon and telencephalon following systemic pilocarpine (380 mg/kg) or lithium (3 mEq/kg)/pilocarpine (30 mg/kg) induced seizures. Brain Res. (in press).
The neural pathways and informational flow mediating a conditioned autonomic response
Double dissociations of the effects of amygdala and insular cortex lesions on conditioned taste aversion, passive avoidance and neophobia in the rat using the excitotoxin ibotenic acid
Progressive accumulation of large aggregates of calcium-containing polysaccharides and basophilic debris within specific thalamic nuclei after lithium/pilocarpine-induced seizures
Peredery, O.; Persinger, M. A.; Mastrosov, L.; Parker, G. Semiquantitative patterns of lithium/pilocarpine seizure-induced damage in the rat. (submitted).
Handling factors not body marking influences thalamic mast cell numbers in the preweaned albino rat
Personality changes following brain injury as a grief response to the loss of sense of self: Phenomenological themes as indices of local lability and neurocognitive structuring as psychotherapy