Research of AIDS in Brazil was initiated through work as a consultant to the field office of the Ford Foundation in Rio de Janeiro in September 1991.
Chronicle for Higher Education
The controversy was treated in the, At the 1993 meetings of the American Anthropological Association, the panel co-organized by Paul Rabinow and myself on ‘AIDS and the Social Imaginary’ was disrupted by members of SOLGA, the Society for Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists, who were angered by the composition of the panel which did not include any publicly Gay members and by my willingness to take seriously the Cuban AIDS program.
Tempers Flare Over AIDS Session at Anthropologists' Annual Meeting
, vol.8 A
Caldeira T. City of Walls: Crime, Segregation andCitizenship in Sao Paulo. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, In Press.
Maria Andrea Loyola, anthropologist, Institute of Social Medicine, State University of Rio de Janeiro, reports from her survey of sexual culture and AIDS awareness among her large sample of working class residents of Rio de Janeiro that while all workers were aware of transmission of the virus through blood transfusion, they were much less certain of the role of semen and vaginal fluids in HIV transmission, (Personal communication, September 1991).
Also, Ver. Zahar, Rio de Janeiro
Para Ingles
From condom literacy to women's empowerment: AIDS and women in Brazil
, vol.9
, pp. 25-34
University of California, Berkeley, I explore the routinization of hunger, sickness, and premature death in the lives of Northeast Brazilian sugarcane cutters and their families, an experience I see as translatable to other contexts of everyday violence and death, such as one sees in parts of Africa and the United States were death from AIDS has overwhelmed the abilities of people to behave with appropriate outrage at the loss of each and every life.
Death Without Weeping: the Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil
AIDS, public health, and human rights in Cuba
This section expands and develops an argument made in
The Lancet
, vol.342
, Issue.8877
, pp. 965-967
It has been pointed out to me that while seropositivity is extremely low at present in Cuba, this cannot be taken as unequivocal evidence for the success of the program. Aside from problems of determining causation, the epidemic is at too early a stage to suggest that the AIDs tragedy has been averted once and for all. Quantitative prediction of future trends has been found to be fraught with difficulties. Cuban medical officers themselves worry about the ability of the current AIDS program to stem the possible wave of new cases that will almost surely result from the increase in tourism to Cuba, some of which has generated a new trade in prostitution which the government is attempting to regulate.
One critic of an earlier draft of this article pointed out that the Cuban program contravenes World Medical Association Declarations. The fundamental principle behind the Hippocratic Oath and the Declaration of Geneva (1948, 1968, 1983) is the commitment to patient-centered ethics, in which the physician is enjoined to produce benefit for the patient, and to do him no harm. The Declaration of Helsinki (WMA, 1964, 1975) states that “Concern for the interests of the subject must always prevail over the interests of science and society.” However, these principles are meant to apply to biomedical research on human subjects. Were they broadly applied to public health they would make the practice of social medicine quite obsolete if not altogether impossible.
Hard evidence that reinfection poses a risk to an already HIV infected individual is lacking, however.
“Beyond Outcast”, La Casa Films, 165 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016
To be fair, social science literature has made some significant contributions to AIDS research. It has helped to determine appropriate methodologies for behavioral research; it has initiated philosophical reflections on the bioethical aspects of AIDS prevention and treatment; it has explored the powerful effect of the media images and other aspects of popular culture on lay peoples' perceptions of AIDS and of people with HIV/AIDS; finally, it has shown the importance of understanding the social and economic context of sexual behavior and sexual culture.