Cm McMillan, Jw Dundee, Wp Abram, Enhancement of the antiemetic action of ondansetron by transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the P6 antiemetic point, in patients having highly emetic cytotoxic drugs, Br J Cancer, (in press)).
Effect of stimulation of the P6 antiemetic point on postoperative nausea and vomiting
Improved control of cisplatin-induced emesis with high-dose metoclopramide and with combinations of metoclopramide, dexamethasone, and diphenhydramine. results of consecutive trials m 255 patients
Antiemetic control and prevention of side effects of anticancer therapy with lorazepam or diphenhydramine when used m combination with metoclopramide plus dexamethasone: a double-blind, randomized trial
Evaluation of combination antiemetic regimen including iv high-dose metoclopramide, dexamethasone, and ciphennydramine m cisplatin-base chemotherapy regimens
Protection from nausea and vomiting m cisplatin-treated patients, high-dose metoclopramide combined with methylprednisolone versus metoclopramide combined with dexamethasone and diphenhydramine: a study of the Italian Oncology Group for Clinical Research