Immunocytochemical localization of catecholamine synthesizing enzymes and neuropeptides in area postrema and medial nucleus tractus solitarius of rat brain
Comparative study of aggressive behaviour after injection of cholinomimetics, anticholinesterases, nicotinic and muscarinic ganglionic stimulants into the cerebral ventricles of conscious cats: failure of nicotinic drugs to evoke aggression
Effects of 5-hydroxydopamine and reserpine on aggressive behavior induced by cholinomimetic and anticholinesterase injections into cerebral ventricles of conscious cats: dissociation of biting attack from snarling and hissing
Effects of parachlorophenylalanine and 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine on aggressive behaviour evoked by cholinomimetics and anticholinesterases injected into the cerebral ventricles of conscious cats
Effect of ablation of medullary emetic chemoreceptor trigger zone on vomiting responses to cerebral intraventricular injection of adrenaline apomorphine and pilocarpine in the cat
Evidence for existence of monoamine-containing neurones in the central nervous system. I. Demonstration of monoamines in the cell bodies of brain stem neurones
Depression of exploratory activity by clonidine in rats as a model for detection of relative pre- and postsynaptic central noradrenergic receptor selectivity of alpha-adrenolytic drugs
Negative feed-back regulation of noradrenaline release by. nerve stimulation in the perfused cat's spleen: differences in potency of phenoxybenzamine in blocking pre- and postsynaptic adrenergic receptors
Evidence for the existence of monoaminecontaining neruones in the central nervous system III Demonstration of monoamine-containing nerve terminals in the brain stem