Craig T. Van Degrift and Donald B. Utton, U.S. Patent No. 4,087
, vol.738
We performed these calculations using the PASCAL language and operating system (Univ. Calif., San Diego) on a North Star Horizon (Berkeley, California) microcomputer. Copies of our program are available.
See Addendum 2 of Ref. 30 above.
Even when [formula omitted] a nonzero value for [formula omitted] may be required to suppress parasitic oscillation of helical resonances in a multiturn inductor.
I-V One might naively believe that [formula omitted] should be the average of [formula omitted] over one cycle of the rf, rather than defined through the power by Eq. (18). Further thought, however, shows that power is a more fundamental quantity than resistance and that resistance is only a convenient shorthand notation for power loss (when positive) or power generation (when negative). This is similar to the definitions of capacitance and inductance being based on energy storage by electric charges and currents rather than the conventional geometric formulations. If one tries to use the average of [formula omitted] the divergences of [formula omitted] at the peak and valley points of the tunnel diode curve will be weighed too strongly.
Details of the analytic calculations may be obtained from the authors.
I-V After all of the calculations by TDO were completed, we found an error in the interpolation routine which calculated [formula omitted] from the measured curve data for the diode used in the experiment. Instead of performing the four point interpotation with two data points on each side of [formula omitted] the routine used one point on one side and three points from the other side. The error thus incurred was quite small and nearly lost in the uncertainty of the data points. Nevertheless, when making comparisons between the numerical simulation and numerical approximation methods, it was quite important to use the same function [formula omitted] We therefore intentionally used an identical erroneous interpolation when calculating [formula omitted] for the numerical approximation. A recalculation of the numerical simulation with this interpolation error corrected would be expensive and not change any results significantly.